THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1910. JT vv. 7 y 13 a-tmn' Y.ANIltf CHEAP. Tlrnsrtmeud offers an unparalleled op portunity to tlie man wno wiinis u hlmanK d( utvar failing In noniK. We are Belling thla matchless fruit land at from $100 to 160 per aor on easy terms. Wa ara planting tracts to good commercial varletlea of apples and caring for them for a term of years at t out. This la your chance, ' COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Hoard of Trade bids. r-Airn room, modern, lower flat, cabin kitchen, walla tinted, path, furnace. Inqulra Bhlelds, 881 18th. cor. Madlaon, I to 6. FURNISHED HOUSES 8(1 Coins to Alaska will rent mv room house at a bar- rain, with furniture. Coma out and see meat 1413 K. 16th at. B.J taka Bellwood car. . - GF.UKGR PITTNBiK, ModernTHot Water Heat ' T room furnished, lease ona year or 6 months, fit par mouth, can uuu Kodndv ave. FOR RENT1 I room furnished houaa for summer; I will lease ror two Addraaa : 787 years. Phons A-7066. Northrup at 4 OH A nlc clean furnished rooms and basement: nica flowers, lawn, fruit and garden. ' cheap; no small children. fVWt ln-PNiTITiirniiiho houaa. I roomi bath, gas. eleotrlclty, piano: $38 par rnontn; close in. pnona A-uax - , ' FURNISHED FLATS 60 TmvTHirn eea flat. losa In! re a sonabla rant Call before 7 p. nt, 400 Va Clay at. ' , ' APARTMENTS 43 a-i- 1ft VKl T.TT.A8H. ' A " avail . atrlctlv tin to data apart ment house. Just being Tsompleted. west aide: about 12000 oash. Coma to 820 Board of Trade and talk It over. iriMM.fn APiBTMUNl d 14 th an Clay sts : ths finest In Portland: these beautiful S and room apartments will be rotdy Tor occupancy may i. .APARTMENTB, 16th and Jerrerson-'- urmsneg a or a reym ron keaT--flat i apartments, clean and modern! rant fao fi or tao. ;- - r -' ' . - r-: , ' DEL MAR. 408 ft E. Burnside i room modern furnished apartment. ateam " heat, hot: water: walking .distance . . adults. . . . ;. .' ''.;. ,. t. urmMTRHlKn a room corner apartment. Janitor t.,th Marlborough, Slat- ana Fianaere. - - - y , ... . WANTED TO RENT v 1 , BUSINESS man,' wife and daughter, de sires furnished house; must .be com- ; nintu il aldo. .rood neighborhood. Address with particulars: can furnish references. 7,-625. Journal." GOOD homes ara scarce. .JJP'you have - auch place we nave tne tenant. s HARTMAN THOMPSON, . , Rent Department. , . '. i v rhnmhr of CnmmroM. WANTED 3 or 4 room house within 1 or S blocks o car. 604 E. 30th St. STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT A ators 80x0 feet In new t,liulr at lTronl and Oibbs StS.. a new retail bualness center: owner will place partitions and shelving: rent reason able good location for small hardware business. Apply at drug tors, corner yront and O'bbs sts. FIRST .class utsde office rooms for rem in new uuiiuuik; p"""" leotrlo and as light with janitor ser vice. N. E. cor. Bel ana Maaison, J EW nice offices in . the Couch .and Chambers bldgs. 6C1 Couch biog. v , HORSES, VEIlICXiES, ETC. 18 Notice to Horse Buyers " The following described horses will .be offered for sale at 60$ Washington st, until -the last aay w tne roruana pain at which time theV Will be sold if . nor disposed of beforer No. 1, Blaze or Uioryr nanasoms oay coo, wmca hm won blue ribbons from coast to coast. city broke and safe tor a laay to arive; No. 2. Silver Heels, ches. cob. age 6. weight 1150 Jbs.v a perfect family or business "horee, must lie seen to be. ap preciated; No. 8, Early Dawn, black gelding, age 5, can step a : 20 rait. hS is sired by- Midnight, I:lK; No. -4, Princess Wilkes, bay mare, age ; -6, weighs J100 lbs.; an all-around 4 marev - suitable for family, business orfpleas ure; any one who - wishes to purchase one of these horses can get; a written guarantee and trial allowed, until they go to Tne auction, sua wasmngiun u $250 Buys Complete ; , ' FARM OUTFIT. Consisting of 2400 lb. team of chunky built horses, age 6 and 8, true and re liable, -single or double set of sewed - trsce harness aa good as new and I Inch farm wagon, G-uaranteed and trial allowed. 606 Washington st. Ask for Bob Fletcher's team. - ' ' HOR6E3 AND CATTLEi AT AUCTION Annual sprinr sal of 17S fine horses win be neia April s i. zs. k at r-ortiana fair grounds; standard preds, Morgans, : saddlers and a lot of grade Percherons will be sold: the Imported Belgian stal lion, Zepherln and the Imported Spanish Jack Zobroro will be : sold; shorthorn ale April 26 at Union stockyards. Hol tslns sold April 2 . at Portland fair rroundt: cataloarues on application buyers can get what they want at this PORTLAND HORSE BALK CO 7 Tamhlll st. Portland,- Or, 20 or more eastern Oregon horses. broken and unbroken, will be sold to the , highest bidder ror cash or approved se curity. Two blocks north of car barn. MllwauKle. Bunday May i,.at i:3(f p. m. EHETLAiND pony, ' harness and buggy, gentle for children to drive and han dle. Will sell cheap. Call U. . Sta bles, 148 front. HORSES and buggies for rent by day, week and month: special rates to . business houses. , tth and Hawthorne. East It. - - " . . - . yOB. SALE lady's astride and side saddles, good single buggy harnesa, cheap. ML Scott car, Stewart station, t Powell St. Phone Tabor 1886. ; A GOOD work team, -1160 each, mare and horse, good for any kind of work; a snap at the- price. Come and see thm. 666 E. Main. East 6395. WANTED To hire teams -and dump wagons; highest pries paid. Call at jit Falling blilg.. or phone Main 691. WANTED -One horse farm wagon, top buggy or road wagon; state price. feandstone. Hillsdale, Or. - ' MATCHED driving team at a special bargain; low price of $150, if taken t once. $08 Board of Trade bMg. TEAM heavy work horses, new harness snd new t 'A east Oregon farm wagon. Inquire 127S E. 44th and Yamhill sts. TEAM weighing 2100 with epres wagon, capacity 1H tons; 1260. C jt. Brgntrom. 242 Alder, or Arbor Lodre. BUT Keller's Ouaranla Harneaa. 4 NORTH CIXTH BT. FOR BALD Good driving mare, har ness and burpy. Ht Failing. LIVESTOCK AND FOCLTKT 85 BLACK Minorca and Whits Leghorn eggs II setting balance of April: some fine Plymouth Rocks and Black Minor ca for sale: also other breeds. Have you anr fancv chickens fnr sale? R. Green. MontvinL Phone Tabor FF.K1N' duckiines lurt hatched, I(c ch, S we-ka oll oucxnng 2 be S4 40! each. 1 hone Mn PurrelU East a;. r B-Ji2i. lUR 6-Al.E Jersey cow, tmh In June. 1 N. Main st. Laurelwood, ML Scott erf. ; 2 I". H S.ALi; at once 10 good miich cows. TiT 1. PeuKen, Or. TWO cub t-trt for I tnU.e o.l V 1 f I T jTVyr.(1 te rcit for bfcH-. ' J T. F -1. Of Tor 14 fUvorTirKock he-" V r e:- 14U UarX.cld ava, cor. V,ooi;wa sL AUCT10H:8ALE-0 ptlSICAL INSTRUMENTS 81 Chas, E. York Band Instruments Repnlrlns;, exehsnne. and Musld House. - hj I) j St.-.; FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 41 KNOX, the 1 sstest stock ; tar n tfis world; Molina, the best ear made for the money. We also have a number of four cylinder cars, slightly used, but in first clas condition, left her for us to Sell st real barln prioea. WESTERN AUTO X, 681 Aider t The' best car built for the money! can make Immediate deliveries of all models. Call and have a demonstration before buying-. - , , W. C. GREEN, ; 68-90 K. 6th St. Main 7022. ' VE have what you want in'second hand! automobiles, either for sale or trade; prices ranging from 1100 to 14000. - PORTLAND, AUTO COMMISSION , 60-51 N. 7th . st. A-44BK; Marshall 664, Oregon Automobile Exchange Has aome fine cars to - trade for real estate. Call A-6381, M. E8l. Room 417,, Merchants Trust biag. " 1 ' HERE. IS A BARGAIN." ' B pass, auto 6350 cash. Call at once if Interested. M. 6281, A-6381. , Room 417. 226 ' Washington st . IxjR SALE 1808 White Steamer, f passenger car. or will trade for some 6nl ood 6 passenger car. Inquire at Ited cigar stere, 4th and Washington. OLDSMOBILE, 1 cylinder; good shape; 2 passenger; cash $165. call room 417, 126 Washington; Main 6381. A-6asi. FOR SAIJB "-MISCELLANEOUS 19 4 ' ' NEW'- V - 35 H. P. - - High pressure firebox' boiler, fitted to burn oil, water bottom, water front A snap for some' one. Call 890 Van couver, ave. Phone East 261., FOR SALE. ' One combination crosscut and ripsaw, With boring and handsaw attachments; also a sanding machine with 18 in. drum and 4 ft. wideband 1 foot power Mortiscr for sale eheap Just the thing tor a Small shop. Add. 1338 .Union ave. , Phone Woodlawn 1804. FIS.HINO gasoline launch for sale, 25 TL long". 7 V4 f t. wide, 8 horse engine, low speed.' - Get off the Brooklyn car at south end of Grand ave., go down steps, then . south hi mile. Inqulra. W,- H, Nash, or address Launch, 314 Holla day ave. A bargain. . ESTABLISHED paper, paid circulation. no competition, running proiitaoiy many years, for sale. Terms If i taken at once. - Chance for right man. -. CslI bet ween 12 and 1 Wednesday, at 430 MOtiawK' bldg. I HAVE a lot of household goods that . I wish to dispose of. - Bedroom furni ture, carpets, sanitary couch, gas range, bath tub, wardrobe, linoleum, 40-quart Ice cream freeser. Call 885 & Alder St.. at once.-- ;- ; . C DAIRY lunch chairs, refrigerator, sec- ond . hand tent. - restaurant . range. restaurant tables, dishes, scale, large ice cream f reexer. counter. 10 stools. Vienna chairs. 385 E. Alder. - - ;; MOTORS FOR SAJUEB. S General Electric motors,- 60 cycles, U h. p.. 110 volts, alternating current Prioe 185 each: all in first- class con dition, phone Main 7178, or box H-414. Journal. - - ' - ' -" , OR SALE At a bargain, 5 ton Ice ma chine, consisting of - steam engine, fmmonla compressor," urine rpump, ' etc. noulre of Ths Dalles Iron Works, Ths Dalles, Or.' . - -; ' . NEW and second hand dooI and bll- Hard -tables -bought and sold on -easy terms. Bowling alleys.- refrigerators for immediate delivery. Address, the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 48 6th. HAVE a due liHl - on Graves Mui house Tor $125, acceptable as payment on a piano; goca ior oniy la aays, you can have Jt for $25. Call 888 Mor rison st MOTORCYCLES and ulcyoies. new and second band. buy. sell, exchange, re pair. -Agencies t or Thor and Yale Motor- cyciea. Apex tucycuua,, izv qztn. A-aavo CABIN launch. SO it long, 6 ft .beam. 12 h. p., 4 c'ycle engine, new swell Outfit; trade In desirable real estate. vv-601. journal. CABIN launch, 30 ft Ions, 6 Vk ft beam, n a. p.. cycle engine, new sweu outfit; trade in desirable real estate. W-liOl. journal. - & ln Music Co.. 15. or will trade for - Edison graphophono records. 418 lUnlon ave. N.- . - IfOR $10 A certificate for $125 on any piano at uraves- jausio store: gooa ltll Arrll 3D. Tel, Woodlawn 539. FOR! SALE -Launch, 25 ft long. 6 beam. A. .Kane,. 488 Loring sU I Alblns. v ' - R. a MOTQRCYCLBl, fAmerica's Best." Racycle bicycles; motorcycles and bl-4 cycles repaired. Rydman Bros.. 808 Oak. 20 FOOT launch, $ feet beam, fl h. p.. - 2 cycle eneino. r good condition, hall cabin; snar. Sellwood 1682. $10 for good Bllckensderfer typewriter, - alao new No. 7 cheao. Ross. Buchanan bldg. , ROOM tent house for sale, ready to move into,, $80, .juocated on 20th and Marshall sts. Calr642 Marshall St. WILL -exchange $125 check of Graves Music Co. Ior bicycle. Aaareas it B. Gllsan st. ' FOR SALE! Gasoline launch, 18 feet 1126. - ADDiy von oer .wertn woat Houee. R Morrison and E. Water sts. SLIGHTLY usedt typewriter for sale or exchange. What have you to of fer?. 416 Oregonlan bldg. M. 7064. JAPANESE lov spaniels for sale. . 128 K. 18th St. fnone M-lsi. SAVE I 120 by -buying my 1125 piano for $1 D-522, Journal. check 6 Whits sewing machine, with attach- ments. 883 bi. Morrison. MOTORCYCLE , for sale, - cheap, $60. F-62, Journal. $125 PIANO check . on Graves' Musis House for sale for $?B M-Bls. Journal WANED-OSCELXANEOUS S THE RAG WAREHOUSE, 145 18T ST. Shin, notify, send rags, wooL mohair. fur,- hides, pelts, old rubber, metals. Largest pioneer dealer of Casesra bark. Consult before selling-' Phone M. 4116. UK I -our once on i your furniture, as it will tay rou. we waat IM gooos. esvase and PennalL 811-t 1st sr. Mala 160. WANTED People of Portland to know that we t-ay Mgnest casn price ior second hand household goods. Beater Gutavson. 14S Russell. lsss. OLD rubber boots and shoes, TH per lb.: auto tlrea c per lb. J. Leva, 188 Columbia st Main 6198. WANTED To hire teams and dump w8rnrjPtr highest price paid. Jall at I Fantn-r Mdg c-r pclne yam BS WISF: g t more for your second band rurnnure rr senin g n te Ford Auction Co.. ril let Main f il A-8446. IfGiiEST prices paid for all second band cl"tri. Pon t-nst in SPOT cash rld for your rumlturej pr"mrt sttenlton aiwye riven- w. ivsi LOST AND FOUND 21 IOST WATHl ' 60 REWARD. T.nt CundiT aftarnonn. rmhablv oa Aloerta streetcar, between lfth and Al berta and 4'. a and Washington, a gen- ieman's gold walch: had run ting ctH .ml was fr graved "Prentei to Law rence feeanal-an by Ms friard lit J. J. O Brten ft Cca October 11, etc. Uti highly prliari a ke;ke A reward of l.'O fr !ts retorn to L- Khsn- hsn. 144-146 14 st-. between Aider and M"rriA,. . end i(c d')e bi:l Charitoa to. store. Pt 'r- t" f off'-' LIVT.'i a'i ifiie ;ir. wore c ;r. phnrt r apd r.rft tl. s-rs te e.. f King, rtfi Mala litft. , LOST AND FOUND CI i - - -l . T. -i ,-.i.n. i .in i. -i i-- - LOST A lady's gold watch Monday morning betweon oth and Yamhill and 8d aiur Oak; crystal was broken. A fb was attached. Initials oa watoh, It.-M. ll,-wm1. lVir0. Journal. b'XKAVED troin my plac. S fillies, i bright bay.- with small star on fore head; 2 years old, has bell on; 2 dark grays, 1 and t years old. Address A, Klknab, Rt" 2. Tabor 1868. EoIt Lady's 'gold watch, Elgin move ment and J. lioss case; monogram a.. D. R., on back of case; reward, 147 M iBslwslppI ave. FINANCIAL 81 ' QUICK LOANS On furniture and pianos, storage re ceipts, life insurance pollolea, live stock, real estats and all kinds of aamirittaa. . Ui S, Real Estate & Brokerage . ComDanv t Room 12, Hamilton bid.. Ill Id t- I Phone Main 2084. $ MONEY TO LOA. S7 f LET US HELP YOU ' - MONEY ADVANCED PRIVATELY ' On furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc and the "property remains In your possession, we also loan money to sat' arled people, . PATr iWA LITTLK AT A TIME). -Deal with a reliable, established and responsible concern; our large business enables us to make CHEAPER RATES than ever before. Every transaction absolutely secret; no bothering your em ployers with uncomfortable Inquiries. HUTT0N CREDIT CO. . --pi' vtli D1CKUM BLDO. i !?.rtv:.' --Pnons Main. 2361. , , BALARt LOaKs 6ri PLAIN $10: -lO 1100 ' LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND, " 110 repaid in installments ef. .45 $20 repaid In installments of...... .0 60 repaUs it, nstallments-of..... 1-00 Larger amounts in proportion. All ws require is your personal note; no mortgage, no indorser or security; everything strictly confidential.. . fiTATB SECURITY CO, ' ' .808 Failina; bldg. . ' Honrs: 8 a. m. to p. m. Wed'g and Bars until a p. m. THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY- 402 Rothohild bMg.. corner 4th. and Washington. ' Ths recognised bsnk or the wage earner. ; A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employ can ob tain money of us on bis not without security.' ' ,! ' $15 return to us...,..,..$ 4.00 Jnonth 30 return to us, , ,, , , , 00 a month 160 return to us., $18.86. month Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. Special i-ates on' pianosurnlture. etc $75,000 'Want to. loan this antount on pianos, furniture, horses, warehouse reoelpts, real estate, mortgages or any good col lateral. A special low rate In order to get this money out. We want your patronage snd are making a rate - to get It - ' ' THE KING LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. Room 610 Buchanan Bldg. - rHlTTEI. lilANH. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, Insurance policies, and all kinds of securities; real estate and loans from $3000 up. v NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO 41 Abington Diog. MONEY advanced salaried people, houae - keepers and others upon their own names without security cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 66 prlncl- ral cities; save money by getting our erms. - Tolman, 317 Lumber Exchange. MORTGAGE loans on Portland real es tate for borrower or lenoer. t" . w JOS C. GIBSON, Successor to " Gibson & Holllday, i x 804-6 Gerlinger Bldg. -WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jew elry at reasonable interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovage, Jewelers. 269 Washington st : 1 .. -: ;;: - I BUY for cash, .either first or second mortgages or seller equity In con tracts of sale on real estate in Oregon or Washington. H. E. Nobis.. Lumber men's bldg. : ' MONEY TO - LOAN. -' Ws have quick money to loan on any good security.- .- LINCOLN TRUST CO. ' - 214-215 Lewis bldg. YOUR CREDIT Is good' at the Employes' Loan Co., 821 . Abington. 106 1. 3d sL MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans: lowest rates; firs In surance. W. Q. Been, 81Z tailing. LOANS negotiated - on good securities. , GRAY -CUNNINGHAM-GRAY, t?ulte Kiectric piag. i aa ana on mortsragea. city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKenxle 4 Co., Gerlinger bldg., 2 . and Alder. r a t a ii v T ii VQ j'nnf llt-ntia. saa m v in get and easy, to pay. F. A. Newton. 6;i Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak. j MONEY to loan, any amount 6 to I per -cent, uowduuku es cwiia, it. oiwni or Traae, l9r.nn in loan in email amounts nts of $100 7 to 8500. Stayton. room 60S Gerlinger biag, $1000 to loan on any security. Private property, r.. oza. journal. ioiir WHITE, money to loan, firs insurance, ibi anenoct uiu. BUMS of $2000 upward on' real estats. uoqqarq er weiarica. . ouwa LOAN for the ask'.ng, salary or chat- tel. The Loan to., l i-m; ping. WILL loan $6000- or less, real estate. Farringtoiy 4is commercial viuo oiug. iv-ONET to loan on all kinds of oecur- ty. W. Hon, room . wasning.oTi diu. .iriTr-tr inana on all aecuritles. 8. W. King, 4 wssnington umg. win " 1 s. XOTICES 26 NOTICE OF BALE OF STATE LANDS. Notice is nereDy given tnat toe siaia lanrl hoard will . receive aealed bids until 10 o'clock a. m., June z, lsio, ror the following described school lands, to-wit: . - . All of section 1, T. b., k. w. All Of section 26, T. 81 S. R. 2 W. 1 atii iy mii tJ I." 1 . mr A .S and 4, 8. 16. T. 82 8- R, IS W. All of section IS, T. SS -B-, K. is w. The NH of Sa and lots 1,11 and 4 Of S. 16. T. 41 8.. R. 12 W. " , The nw hi or in w4, nb ana run, 4 of SE of 8. 16. TV 88 8.. R. 22 E. Lots U 2, 2 snd 4 and BE of SW, snd MM of EE is Of S. 1. T. 12 E. . Lots 1. I. l snd 4 snd tne wu or kh. E of W4. BWU of NWH and WJ4 Af ftWU of S. 1. T. II 8.. R. 11 E. All bids must be accompanied by a regularly executed -application to pur chase and at leaat one fifth ' of ths amount offered. No bids of less than $7.56 par acre) will be considered. The right is reserved ts reject anr and all bids. - . Applications snd bids should be ad dressed to O. O. Brown, elerk state land board. Balerra. Or, and marked Applt calloa and bid to purchase state lands." ,0.0. BROWN. Clerk State Land Board, Dated March 14. 11. "UUTtNOXH COUNTY COURT HOUSE, Sealed proposals will be received St the office of WhlddenJk Lewis, archi tects, 71 Corbelt bldg, Portland, Or, until noon. Friday. Kay 6, 1H. for metallic window frames and grUis and for such en her work as called for In specification, for the east- wing of a new courthouse to for the county of Muitnw-ah, state of Oregon. I'tam snd speclficstlnne may be ob talnej at tie office of the architect N proposal cr Md wlil be considered ucla accompsnled by a check parable te tre onier of the cornty court of. Multncmah county, cert ' f i-d by a re sponsible hink, lor sn amount equal to it r-er cert of the arrrtcate prorosal. to b forfeited as fi-d and liquidated osmagee In cwse the bidder r!e-te or refi-s in mr int ecitrsct sd pro T.le a sultahie r-nl t"T t-e faithful ffr( f sa id 't in tbe event tfe crira't SweriW-i to rim. 7 re nht t scy and aH Wit la bcrerr r-r"-- F. fa. i.t.LI'3. Ccucty Oerk. SO Q (.' ATI.-1 Ijl I -l a to. 1 1 v.. iA t ths U. up-to 18 o'clock noon, on Friday, M .' I ill A - .1 . . . - U ay , IVlVi IVr lrt irrvcuun hi. h'iivit :ow stock school building snd the Ints i , ...nil. . 1 . . . klJ. l.ltl V. .. scnuul uuilO'iiR- pnimraiB uiubw,i received aa follows: First -1'luuibl and drainage; second -glass and ut . . i . i .i , t. - i ... i ...... , . . . . . .. 1 Illy, iilim lll uainuvn Wfc vv be done under one contract Plans and specifications for the same can be seen at tne aroiuieci s o.nuo, cuy iibji. Wllluru . . n ..11 ,w ... v - amount Of bid must acoompany ea'h prupufitai. Jim fiuaru ui serves ths rl?ht to reject any and I Hill B. U. W...!, 11V 1 III1VV. WILL persona who Jiaw lady fall from car Friday evening . about 6 p. m., April 16, at the corner of Id and Yamhill,- - please communicate , with Mr, main sao or a-cu i , FE11SONAL S3 mi Now Js ths time to attend to your furs, Kemoqeled, repairea ana siorea, free of charge, when work . is ordered. Ke-dveinir sealskin garments a specialty. Get my estimates. Have large sssort ment of fine skins to select from. La dles placing orders now will get ths 'pick,' also save money. ' Satisfaction assured. Aaoipn jioiner, pnwuwi rler and expert fitter," 129 11th sr. Phones A-8Q&8, m-hoio "-Peonle afflicted with Cancer Lupus, Rodent Ulcers, Eoxema, Tuberculous Joints. Tumors or Glanda.vX-Ray Burns, Scar Tissue. Keloids. Nevhs. Port Wine Stains (Mother Marks) Moles of every kind. Warts, Stricture, Proaurtlo. Blad der and Rectal Troubles, Granulated Eyelids and many other diseases have been permanently oured with Radium Light I have ths only Radium on the Pacltlo coast. Address or call at 618 Rothchlld bldg.. Portland, ur. - jyr, ,v, E. Mallory, Radium Specialist.; f DR. ALICE A. URIFr. , - Dtsenaea of women and children SX eluslvely; Women are often eavedse vere surgical operations by consulting me. - Nervous diseases of children a specialty. - Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor respondence solicited. No, charge for consultation. Phones, Mam 882, A-esu. Office rooms 10, Grand Theatre bldg. Washington ana fern. - " " K-RTlT'f 1.AN11S ' CHEAP, . Broadmead offers an unparalleled op portunity to : the man who - wants 0 possess himself of a never falling in come. We ars selling , this matchleBS fruit lend at from 1100 to 1150 ner acre on eaay terms. Wi are planting tracts to good commercial varieties of apples and caring for them for a term of years st cost. - unis is your cnance. . COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, uyam wt i i-u THE PHOENIX Social club Invites you to Its ice cream social Tuesday even- tno-- alan ita nut cracking contest Thursday evening, 652. E. Morrison, southwest corner 18th. For ladies and ;entleroen; good program; strangers ouniy welcome. . L A V ti J. X wIBi , . .VU WUJf .VIC - " it.!, mb. ii. rAtint,v Aiiih fne 11000 per acre, - Lot values adjoining are $400 to fouv. ' , . . COLUMBIA" TRUST CJUMfAXN X,. . Men cured Ouicilv jnJSUCIU CI'CV' VA IU VA ' I.UIV1I V JLva. a--- of the prostate, nervous debility. Piles, eta. WT L Howard, M. D., 804-6 Roth- chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. RIIPT IRF HAN RFC RED TXrav araaltir Viw Mta.nlnif hAmift at all times regardless of your occupa- . j ml. i ... ..n ... .j. SV.mlnat HUH, 11110 WW i:. ...... ------ or advice free, caqonau at wimon, o DR. LEWIS, m.aii.,n ma aiirireriTi: treAtS wrmen and children exclusively; private hos pital accommoaations: eramiiuuo free. Main 4047. A-2411. 506 Common- waaltli hi do- fitri and An ken y. ' LADIES Ask your druggist for n.inh...ra pniB Hi. Tiisimnnil Brand For - 25 years known as best. : safest Always reiai.e- i ' -wn.o., Chlcheaters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by, druggists every waere GERMAN 1 books, magazines, novels, etc.. German, Uingnsn, rencn, opauinn. Swedish and Italian dicticnanes; ior eign books of all kinds. Scbmale Co.. 229 ist st DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures . HiBAASAa nf iriAn. hlood and akin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollei glands, kid ney, bladder ana pnes. -. ti m., -ori- iana. LnsT. vitality restored ty Dr. Lorensi Nerve xomc xaoieis, zoo oox, e iwiw $1.26. Stipe, Taylor Drug Co- 289 Mor- rison. -Mail oruers promptly uneu. REDFERN, Warner's, Crosby front lac ing corsets; nhey! give satisfaction. r . fit . ..A.. MAM-.1. ' U..I. TT -iM a t- I Ul-UD, OIW rtlUCI PV. Jl . , , 1 V '. . .. I.. ... . . ...... v. - - - ent use Sexoid Pills as a bracer; re stores lost vigor: price si per dox, boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce, 811 Allsky, SANDERSJN OO.'S Savin and Cot ton Root. Pills, surs remedy for de layed periods, $2 per box or 2 boxes for $ T. J. Pierce, sn Aiisxy oiag. WOMEN, use Femolds when others fail; I or vaie oy tne Aunyiunu ur. ivo is. etn st. aiaui oauv. DR. T. J. PIERCE. Specialist- -Diseases or women; ail irregularities correctea; no exposure, oaii or write an Aiisxy. liivmt rVIUKT PltNT" never fa 11 a" only 15c Bridge Pharmacy,, 186 Mor rison st. y- -v- . LADTeS' Improved Antiseptic SupposI- tories, $1 per box. ' Dr. C- W. Fault Ban rranctsco, v;ai. tr. j. dox sio OCCULT NEW thought Liberal, scien tiflo books. Jones Book Store. 2S4 BALM 'of f.'rs, remedy row errseaaes of women. 6 - slaiont st- East 2496. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, A8SATERS WELLS PROEBST EL, assayers, ana lytical cnemistaaui nun. m. MONTANA assay office, laboratoiy and re testing worn. ie aiomson. ATTOKNETB . CHRI3TOPHERSON MATTHEWS. General practice. n-i pucnanaq piq. -CU1MOPOD1ST8 CHIROPODY, manicuring. Mrs. Dnntoa, 649 Washington st Marshall 1229. , CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING lra M. L. mui. ; iieoner biu. titSINES CA1XD HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 Id St. Blank books rflTg; agta for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledger-, see ths new Eureka leaf. .A-9182. Main 181. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. HIIWI UHVIIll, lUf W 4SVAaV SMIV VS VWW- ma. in - - -. ' TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and Ings. 117 Beck bldg. 1I VI Bl uuuin.. - - n et Vain 1414. . on THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, PortJnd office. 404 Worcester bldg. 3AS. McL WOOD A CO., ail klnda of li- pun nee, rurriy wnn.. wi-iv.j pma. CAIU'LT WKATESa NORTirWEST Rog Worka Rugs from oi-1 carpets, colonial rag ruga Si AX yrtierw. 161 union near fe M orniop .VE WEAVE rsg carpets, bed. bath room run. 1611 Pat ton ave. Wood- Irnrn ! WE-vTEAVE rag carpets, alsobod aad bathroom rusa 1618 Pattoa ave. Phone Woodlawn 211. CO AL AND WOOD Qarccal PP.OWPTLT DELIVERED Wcsi Call V'. n fT7. Feot cf Curry sl TaIA TO Wood A CeeJ Co. Ail kln-is cf f r wood en l ai-e coal tr sack of ton. I hoia ilk. ll-lUl. L. tia aad ' t n a ( , ' A. H i,-l ,;. the fol tnas Ch. of Com-rri-, ; iniprirlti nl rtiiiwt: 'e cheaper grades ef coal and dry wex-ft. NOTICES COAL AND WOOD KOTICE1' SLAB WOOD ORKKN bIIORT WOOD, per load.. 1200 (IkkKN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. IH.2I INHll'lll DRY HI10RT, pr load .... $3.60 BLOCK ' WOOD, per load ....... ,$3.60 8AWDUSTx'or fuol and bidding. Tte Pcrtlaca Slabwccd Ca Mam 1119. A-7001. "CrKlCSLABVVOOD CO." Pry Inside wood, per lost. ........ .11. 60 tSmall dry Inside wood, per load... $3. 60 Planer trimmings, per load., ,.....$3.00 Bloukwood. $4; slabwood .....$2.60 Fhones wain ama, a-iboo Wood, Coal and Dry Slab ' WESTERN. FUEL COMPANY, ' IRT E. Morrison. East 226, B-1026. SOlSliFPORTLAND 8UBWOOU CO Main 2153. A-8842. Dry Inside wood, green slabwood, clean sawdust for bsd d In ft, cut fuel; cordwood. ' NEE It & FA RR, dealers In all kinds of fir and bard woods; prompt delivery. 106 Water st Main 4594. A-4547. ItEEL Bridge Fuel Co., wood and coal Phone C-177. K. 4Z4. BIIORT dry board wood, $3.60 per load. Phone IVTarshall 1906. COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 70S Bosrd of Trade bldg.. -ah and Oak sts. CONTltACXOllS AND I1UILDKKS ' . .. DAN B, HENSLEY ' : - Carpenter, "contractor; plans and esti mates free; repairing solicited. Phone B-2911. Residence 209 E. 87th St. ' 3. IL BURTON, general contractor and builder. 148 1st at. Both phones 1817. CONCRETE, brickwork, excavating, eta Drop. postal. J. Wempe. 187 K. 2d st; DANCTNO WESTERN ACADEMY dancing depart ment, Prof. Ringler, Prlnclpat , Les sons dally. 2d and Morrison. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluo hair re moved. Mrs. M. D. T-Illl. 42i Flledner. ELECT KICAL SUPPLIES rMOTORS FOR RENT OR 8 ALB Pacific Electrlo Engineoering Co.. tit Second st. - ' -.- GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and marine; electrlo . equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale snd jretsll; engine repairing. ReierBon Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. - LANDSCAPE GARDENER , LAWNS, gardens, private parksr first class work. Phoss East 1407. Waltel Klett. y ' : -- ' LEATUEli FINDINGS CHAS. T. MA8TICK A CO. i a a- ront lptlon; , tap Leather of every deaor maufacturers, findings. MUSIC TEAC1IEBS WEBBER Academy Music, vlolln,mafi- uitiiii, ymw, -,...-, -- . B, THIELHOR?!. violin teacher, pupil m .. a. . . , . . -. wi. A I flu SeVClK, 9VV-1 AAaAAUAH UAAlg. v . PIANO, violin, cornet,' mandolin. - Prof. A. emitn, sua mn . - OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTKREON. spe cialtst on nerves, acute snd chronic diseases. 217 Fenton bldg.- Main 8r-61. Uti. bMilll, graauave jviraaviAio, u., 1898: nost grad. 1907. 818 Swetland piag. vmi' ., . I, . I,, DR. F, J. BARR. A. 8. O, 207. Mohawk DIuff. q ana iviorripun. wtu s"' PAINT, OIL AND GLASS RASMUSSEN eV CO.. 'High Sttva&nra" paint. n cor, za ai tiyi-.-. :.-tJg. PAINTING AND PAPEHING FOR best work, prices right call P, A. Ijoane.-im umyii. -owm uno- PATENT ATTORN KITS HANDBOOKS tor inventors free; teLU I M A AA4Vn(M anrt. rtt1iiA rt t nn t ATI ttl. trademark regiBteretL Beeler & Robb, li t-iot m'uui w-m'9 T qpmii-i!.v v; R. (1( WRIGHT, X). B. an4 loreigrn pat- enis; jiri iiiBtgin, icb! vw " PIIINTINO WATSON PRINTING CO. . DESIGNERS OF FINE PRINTING. LOWEST PRICES . BEST OF WORK MAIN 7743. OOODNOTTGH BLDO, WELGH.PBISOTJ06C GOIKEMfiBY 'Doers of clever things with type and inn on paper.- - i i ft au . THE EAGLE PRINTING - CO.. not I" trust; close figures, good work. (02 Goodnou gh bldg. Phono Main 4121. BUBUEK STAMPS AND SEALS eTBiw-ttfl mwiA 'nffico Mtatinnerv. Cun ningiiam jo.. p-m .-.m. SAFKS A XX-Ci illUBirji a-raavj vw.f ww wv at factory prices; repaira, iuckuuw SHOWCASES AND FLXTURES SHOWCASES of every description ; bank, bar and store fixtures mads to . . rr-u A t ..iLtb VTfa- I rt f"HE JAMES L MARSHALL MFG. CO., and office fixtures. 289 Conch. M. 270S. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER KLEISER, signs; ths larg .f aia-n makers In the northwest: tth and Everett sts. Phone Prlv. Ex. 66, Home A-iiBS. llGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland (Sign V;0., 191 ClttlA. A-um Lit. - bLKVEVOAiS WALTER M. OBER, platUng. subdlvld lnc and topographloal . tnsps spe cialty. 140 E. 28th st N. B-2099. TKANStLK AND flTOKAGls Oregon Transfer Cd ., Established 1179. Transfer and forwarulng agenta, C-.AMCTA IPU'kfltA Office. 110 Hoy t -at, bet lib and tth. monra: aum vf. , , . O. flCK Transfer A Storage Co, of fice and commodious 4 story brick arehousa, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; north- . . A b-J PI.. BIB am avovi cvni.i . r - - - - -- furniture moved and packed tor- ahlp- '.hl mam - - - - - - - - - - 7Strt one TBiverrn r- rlanoe and fumlmre moved, packed and shipped. 209Osk st Main 147. A-1I47. InTiEPEXDENT Baggage A Trmnafer I H, I Bl l'-"1 ' - " 1 - - C-o. -storage. a buik. main . A-4149. TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented; repaired. soM. Can- . ..... -. . . Hnfnsin vo i r'irit xi ni'i. VACUUM CLEANING AUTO VACUUM CLEANING CO. No IU wr.IiB) operwiiTi. rarjTia oevneu on . the floor, upholstered fumiturai. ruga, drspeiiea, etc.. cleaned thorou hie ra w-a Poone Last 12 i. rjtlmales f-irnlaed. LIUl.AHIA.'i in A CI (M1TII V R IT. ft'FtAMeaL 41 Fisnt Mali41tl. Rea 11.1. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY NAUB Baker. D. af.. City fera Property..... 90S Cor lie it Bldg., A 4402; .Lin 71 flrui-8teele Cosr.iiany,, ,,.UD Steood St...,,,i Main au.1 A .v4 Urr.b.k.r BtimhIIcI ,.,..W M' Kay liidg. .... Wniiaur lieifbla. Mala (W K'atterwortb-Stepnfiiaaa Caniianr. loe..M Lafaetti. liltl... Jib unit W.-li Main s.'-.-t Card Realty A Investment Co.. . . .. . ...1 1 0 gecond st.. , ..Marshall 15C7. A-li7 took On., a av... Wis tornett Wg. ..-UaIb SC-V A i Chaplo A klarlow ...81 CbaoitMtt of Coainwrce. ......... ,. .Main Id i glna, D. Co. i Woortatoci). ................ .HtieliMl. --id .Tuk.ia ......... a'.. .tWIIwni-i fi,', llohart Ma.ttin, rarnN, City rreperQr Uow 1, 1510 Alder Mala SWI Huurk,. Gaorse A. tColoaAaaUua). .............. 4 l.abbe Bldg.. .......M..lo U. Knapp Macaty ...................a. Cb.mher f Coluairca.,..M.In anl A -.'ie W. u. Lang Ca .......4 Ablngtoa Bids-.. ......Mala SM-iJ OreavM. Cr. Th. - .....Or. 'd Arm. auj Multloluab . . . . Ka 7. M7i4 Schalk. C-rra D..T7... . Rhleldb. J. H.. 1 bompaoa If. W altar. 8. T. Tbompeos U. M. Co. ; M.. i ...... v, ... HANKS Va fRflT VATTAMAI. . , UC D..4 M. P v, . ' .- CAPITAL . AND IDBPLDH 1.00.000. r'-' G EBMAN-AMEKICAN BANK -Portia sd. or. - corner BUtlr sod Waablugtos BU. , , Trensteta a general baukliig bualtaaa. Drafta iaaued aaallabl la all tbe principal v eltlea of tbe U-iUtd Sutaa swl Vtirosa. tour M cent lutareat paid es alot at.onota. Haft deoiialt TaBlta. . ' ' - ' - : - liONUS AND ORB1S BBOTUXB8, , Owaabe ef Com mac aa Building. , K'i.AS"'?' ' ' ' Mnnldpai. gallroad anit f"Hg i.Tle CarporatlnB ' Bonds, ,; DOWNING-HOPKLNS CO. Ptock and Portland, . Seattle, - Private wires. 1 ! ' . - - - GRAND CEiNTHAL ST SOUTHERN tRATtNO POHTLAKB, Aalilanil I'lUnr,., .... 6:8 a. Oottaga Orrve Paaaenget... 4tlS p. Bhaa'.a U.nltad Sios r. eilTertoa Paaaaetaf ................ 6.90 p. California KxcruiM. ................. T:8 p. 8a a franclseo . Ejmjs. ajH'7 , OoraallU IHaaengar ............... f'-90 a. fbetidan Paasengar 40 p. foreat Orove Paaaenger.i. .......... a. rarest Oaove Pcawngar. 19 9V Foreat Prove Panaenger. ............ S:4Q p. CANADIAN PACIFIC KAstnSSu AViieoorei:: : K . Vie snoias ,. ............,. . w",.' NORTHERN MATH IHIRttANft Kortb Poaat Umltad, U Paget f , .' Bonnd , ....10-08 S. Kortb Coast Umlted, via North ; Bank ........i.A tH P . Anntle Kx proas, ., via ;i PnsetK- . Bound ,.,.;..,...... ll-i" Atlantis Binremi, VIS horih Bank... JKW a. . Twin City Kxnraas via Pogot Snd g:! p. m. Twin City Expreaa. via North Bank TiOJ p. m. Eastern Epreaa. via Paget 8nnr.d.l'J:19 a. s. I -stern Express via North Bank... a. s. Mlaaoiirl Blver Bxpreas vis isV.. llaaoiirl Blver Express, vU North Rank ..,...,........,...-.. '-00 Portland, Tscouis Seattle s- presa, Oroya Harbor. Olympla . - snd gooth Bend brsnrhss.. ...... TwS s. n. Portlann-VaorwiTet apeelal..,. 10:00 a. aa. Pnire Koand United. Grays Bf .--i- - hA. mA taAnth n.nil hrancnes...... S:3S S. aa. Taeolt Paaeetser 4:00 p- m, OREGON RAILROAD N i . . ,iv l , V. - . . . . . :' . B, v,vn . DT-f IVH lBii,ra iv. 1 .a - b Pendletna Loeal .............. .', I-JS ' 8oe-gpokane-Portlnd . ............ J-00 P- . Oregon-Washlnstos Limited ........10-00 a. B. The Dalles Ixwal .................. 40 J. B. Oregon-Waahlnarton Bxprs ........ 8:00 p. a. ASTORIA AND taitisn SilltTUND . ,ll'ATlWO rXIBTlVAND. imni Kxprean ............ ....... r-rr r . ... B-Bn m bl ... p. an. ... S:1S p. aa. Rainier Paaaensse fFAV. PORTLAND ghasts Umttea 11;4B P. m. Ktmirens. Portland MtvENTH AND BOTT S" m. aariMA Dn UTI. A NT. Inland Pimpliw Bpreas ;;-; J? For Chlesgo. St. pnl. Omaha. K1?"".? St - Lonla. Wall. Walls fsaJRwK ersnddalles. OoMendnle, r" Vm?S:n on. Vancouver and Intermedlnte stathms. Korth Bank Mmited....-...V..r4i'Js-"Tor Chleasn. St Panlr'-Omaha. f St. Lonla. Spokase. Strrn. ' WvHU. PaseiV Roosevelt Cwnovyaes. Wblte Balmon. Steve wa and vaseoover. . ' .v- i. CohTtnbl. Blver local for Tsneosver SSdcV wViu'sihVH." LrK 'dmiifciv.'tTbmi and all Intermelare waTiona .Jefferson Street Depot .. Portland te paTles... ....... al-ftO ti. m. Pf.rttan ' to nana. tnd Portland By., Ticket office snd waiting room First sad Al Jl -oo p. bv: last ear sildslght, h . . J tortfaVATS Orefron Electrlo PEPOT FBOSX .. BMOWTf .AND Salem Int; Btna. loeal..,........- 2:S ! m. ?'ii,bo,r,r srU. tc.7 tSS t m. Salem 1st otaav ei. H!ll.bor.Forei fve oeaL. ...... J.W a. ialem-Tualatln only. n"-"".fti5 !' -T Tr.i,TLl.c-niat drove loeal ,,10tfW a. aa. Bl taboArest Srove toesl.. ...... 0 P- m H Sborojrorvst Grove local......... J Sg S- J- Salem Int Stas. loeaL..... J;"? P- "" SRsj ijte'-inu: 5 r. S: H llabovo-rorea "". ' " a in b Salem Int. 'iViskt'oolrill M it EKr FalU cTtV vtiri Rallw.r iw Bateaa. a A.w Anlv eieei't Soeday ll:fS Time Cart) United Railway Co. tavlnc Portland frBnrMngtoa snd Inter. tti.7 Saturday aad Sunday ooly. 4:10. 10.00. 11:4B P. M. ' ' TOWEL SUPrLY CLEAN towel, daily, comb. Towef Bupply Co, 9th and- Couch sts. Phone Main 410. A-4410. WHOLESALE JOHHEKS BVERDING A FARRELL. produce and comml5-!n mercnanta 140 Front at, Portland. Or. Phone Main Ii9. M. A. GUN8T A CO, . , DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. rvniAiAiAi, "a- "ALLEN ALEWISGROCERl ES. . : TRANSPORTATION xHPFN RIVFI7 VS-V VSS.I1 sis as., a VXVvixVX m gs.irrir.ri TATION CO. Oak St. Dock- rkoaes MAla 9960. A-S7 . STEAMER J. fl TEAL Leaves Portland t a. m. Toea-tva Thnrwlays and Batardsys ror wrote Salmon. Hood River, Injtrwood. The laxlleaa. Big Eddy and all way point Paaeenger fere between. Portland aad Tbe DaUes. SL90. WTEaHERIMANOEJ'PIRE Connects at C!!1 wltH i -a- J-N Teal ftr urr-er lulu- "i t" : nrh!!-."g Ari-rstt-e. I it an i-a Kennewn k .tnd l:.ter ' 'e t--- n' A r a . y ' : L ; u h-ru-Italia S.J 1 t l.a. i-a. J - ADDRRBS 228 Stork 8t ...Mulo 3U2. A-2:-'t A" Uerllnxr Bldg............ . . M.lio H4 itt Hear Bulg., 4tb-Ua Mala 800A. A-a-'.T HJ UOrDCAI A7II1C- ............. aA. in wi..-. INVESTMENTS Orala Brokers. , EwUbllshcd 1998, . ' Tacoma, gpokane. ' '' - : - 201-2-2-4 CtiTch Bldg. ATIOi TIME CARD r PACDIC. i.- i , ABRITlKa PORTLA SB uregn i:xnreas ................... 1 s tSlltertOB Pamwngn ................ 9:f a. Portland Paaaengtr ............... .l':"0 P Sa. St. tibatiU Umltd . I'll" 9, Koaebarg I'KAaauccr. ............... 6'' p. PortUDd Cxpreaa ..H :0v a. west aiAa. - Comtlls Patsengev ' P. Bberidan Paaaenger .10:HO a. Foraat Gror. PaMnrer. ............ S:t0 s. Foreat Grove Paaweneer. ,,.H: s. roreai .roTa ....... 4:40 p. at. RAILWAY COMPANY. Vis V.rKver. Vletorl. Beat,,.. .... B . s:ns p. T:00 a. I ' .PACIFIC "'-' y'V-'??"'M'-:: - AHP.ivrva PonTT.!o. Nerth -Coast limited. , via North ; .- Bank Xorth Coast Limited, vtj Psga ' Soond T:SO Nertber Pad fie . Express, - vis . ? Kortb Bank .......-........;... S:OS Northern Paelfle Kxpress, vis PS- :? ,- ' - get Soimd ...,...,...........! Paef tKxnrM, vis North Bask. ,. r:IS Pacific Erpreas.' via Pnjtet Srmnd..i T:jn Weataro Expresa. via North Bank.S:19 X.oatern Expreaa. vta Pnsat B.snd..lO:B8 p. te. Ulaanarl Blrar Uxpraas, via Nurtk Bank '.........,,.........'.-.. MlMonrl Bmr Expreaa, vie Puget Bonnd ........ ..i, ...... Portland. Taroma A fieattla Vtv nreva, and from Olrmpla. Soots - Bend and Gray Hiirbor.. .,.".'. Paget Bound f.lmlted. ... ........ Panroover-Portland Speeiar ..... Yneiilt Paaaenger .... . . ... 8-OW a. oa. KS. Sa.- 4:"S , S: S5 Vttfi , :0O AVIGATION COMPANY anniviNO PORTt.ANB. Boo4poknne-Portland .. ,.......,- Tha Dalles Lneal ... ....... .......lO'o Portland Llnilted ................ '' Pendleton Paaaeneer - . . ........ Oregcm-WaaMnston PTpreaa n.. COLUMBIA RIVER I ARRIVING POltTLAHD. I Portland A Rainier S. r raniiua r nimar t iib tt ....... -- h- i i. . . . I Lilli I 5 . .. I rortlanJ grpreas ..10-on n. aa. .- . .ri.unBAu' i 1 11 .an i n enwn I MV - -v.:.-''-.-.f'-.i'--r'- riaTINbRTtANt.,.. 1 Portland Paaaenges. .,,..,........ tM p. B. Seattle Railway i . CT PAgSENOFR fTATTOIS. anuiinu mniLinv. - " rrntn nitcaxo. St, Panl. Omaha. Ksns Ctv. Hi. Lonla. . W'lia Walla. Paaee, - RooaevelV Iranilrtallea. White' Ralmon. Stevensoo. Vas--nnvae snd Intermediate stations. , Nortk Berk Umlted s. Sa. .; From tThleaso. St. Panl. Omaha, ftanaas rttr. St. Loots. Ppnkane. Snravn. B'tavllle. ttnd. s Paaeoi Hoowrelt. Oranddallea, White galmeaw SteTenann. Vanennver. . ' ' ' Inland Emnlre Bsrpreaa.. ........ .i. Sr18 p. fs. From Hlf fa, Oranddallea. Ooldendale. lyle. White Salmon. Camas, Vancouver and all Inter mediate stations. .!.-.,-,,,'., .t---'.;- rv folnmhla River Tioeat.1.. J..'?. ..'.Itrff) s. ...... .........."S a. es. B:BS p. an, f:90. :40, 8A0. IO:S3l 1 Dalla ti Port!nnft t .aUj, 1:80. Wch & Vomit Co. Fatrvtew and Troatdale :BB. 1i4S, 8SS, :4S, 10:48 a. as.: 19:49, 9:4a. 8:4i 4:48. 9:43, ; -m. r-- ... ' - FOB v A NCOuv ETB. ' - Tli-ket office and watting room Second 'and Washington a tracts. .-1--- : v : A. kf. drift. :50, 8:00, 9:85, 9:10. IO:301I:BO. .-v. ' P. M. 12:80. 1:10. t:9S, :10. 8:(. 4:80. 6-: 10. t-.SO, S:30, T.tiO. T:40. 9:14, 9:kS. 10::. 119. Os third Monday Is every swath last car leave, at 78 p. m. ' Dally exeept Sundae. Ttatlv eirept Monday. ' IUflway Com par y mu AMranaiiN, APTirvwn bavb, .a wvi - Wttannvtlle Int. Staa. local. .: ssd T:M a. SI a nill.uoro-Foreat Grove local.. ....... 8:O0 a. a, Salem Int. Staa. lal. .............. S:40 a. at. Hlllaboro-9'orp.t Grove loeal......... :tA a. aa, Salera Ist. Stas. fecal .............11:00 a m. Illlinboro-Foreat Grove local. ...... ..11:40 a. aa. Salem Int. Staa aoeal 1:19 p. as. Billannro-Foreet Orove Vx-al , 1:R0 p, an. Klllahoro-roreat Grove local. ........ 9:00 p. aa. Salam Int. Staa. local.. 4KJ p. SB. Hllleboro-Foreat G've loeal (Son only 4:40 p. m. Snlem-Tnalattn only, limited.. ...... 4:ft0 p. SA. Hlllaboro-Fomt Grove loeal.......... : P- - , Sal.m Ist. Staa local .......... S:00 p. m. HIllaboro-For-at Orova local......... 8:10 p. aa. Salem Int Staa loeal........ ...- ?:20 p. m. Sale:s lat. Staa. local.... ......iy:ow p Hillaboro-Foreat G va loeal (Sat eiy)ll0 p. polaU vU fiaWm : s. p. m. 4.1 - . - Sale s lat. Staa. local. ...... ...... ..10:0? . an. Sally . , !..,) B . Vha-IAnAviB Bad 1 termedlate .tatkma. T:o. o. JOKW, Il A. M ; 12:00 noon; 1 no. 3:00, 4:00. . Oft p. M. From Mnntos and Intermediate station., dally except Sunday. T:W A.. M. FmbW Llnnt and IntennedHte station. Sat t.v and Snndav milv. Trin. S:SO. 11 :S3 P. M. WHOLESALE JODDERS x WADHAMS ft C- wholesale grocere. manufacturers and coffee, roasters. 4th and Oik sts. ' " TRANSPOR1 ATION COOS BAY UIINE 1 TTw Bteamer Ramona leaves Portland Wednesday st 8 p. m, from Ainswortij dock for Horth Bend, Karsbtiald aad Coos ay polnta. Freisrbt received uii.l 6 p. m. on day of sailing. PasseHjter tare, flrstt claaa. 110; Becund cUas. . Including berth ard meala Inquire city ticket office. Third and Waih'.naton ats, r Alnsworth dock. Aboie M ' ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS VTm TCUK, LPTT0 AKTJ fJIAOW. VhTW Y OAK AMD NAPllS HilCT., Sliisle r r.Miud tr i Uf-keia hr' a Vw Tor a .ad lrb. FjvcI1. I't! l sil p""'1 ral otnlioemal fxMaU at afrat-llve rai-. f.v kin cf t.mra. Eaponor ei-r-oaar. 4a: i EaawAnt can in. , Appij mwti.j f-r at -factory renrtioa, ,tr t). .-' r-a-1 f.-satl. aHiJ t "P V-.l ar- i f I Aaeitor I t" e iHt-Niit .. 3t. a.iu , AC. Chuag. I'l- S1N FUAXClStO & Itir.TLAVU -STRiMSUIP COM PANT From Alna-wnrth t k. T' '-1 A C J. It ansa. City. April 3 14. . .A Bon C:ty, 7 T. Si. e ... Lm Ctv. Ar-i Pi. t ay 14. m . ct. i i- l. w. i..""i ' ' ' ' Alrtwertt M. i 1 ' r-rt.J'tJ'l'' v- six hum i1! ) an ' lss an'.' : ' - : North re- ' - .! 1 . . ,-.-- - t- ' ' " (..IT 1 ' t I I' t - t 4 A -