The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 26, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Peveloprnont bordering on the sensa
tional showed at the special meeting of
tha council sewer committee this morn
ing when letter sent y City Engineer
Morris last December ' to the city en
gineer of Kansaa City was read by At
torney '.John 'F. logan.: appearing; ip
the Interests of the only Portland cor
poration v manufacturing j terra .cotta
newer pipe. x,,x.i-'f.if" ,"-. '
t Tha reading of the letter Was the ex
plosion of i bomb that destroyed an
amendment to ihe plumbing .ordinance
permitting the ue of cement aewer pipe
in Portland.. The -committee voted to
postpone i tha ' proposed amendment In
definitely, a The surprising letter, the
Just to be read, was one of aertea of
epistles front engineers condemning ce
ment pipe for aewer par poses and was
- the strongest of them all 'In its denun
ciation of this kind of conduit - :
' I . Morris Changes Trent.
? City; Engineer Morris has . completely
changed front, however,; since ho sent
the Jotter to, n.ansae City last December.
JJe is. now one of tha. foremost advo
cates of cement -sewer pipe and Is "one
of tue leaders In the onslaught against
the so-called terra .cotta, pipe trust.
Councilman KHls and Attorney Ix-A. ,
McNary. who was present i before the
committee aa" the legal representative
of the Kenton : Cement Pipe company,
stated that the city 4 engineer. . had
changed his . mind because of tha fact
that he believes a new process for glaz
ing cement -will render; conduits made
from that material,': serviceable Tor
newer uses. Mr. Morris was 'not pres
ent at tha committee meeting."' - v!
Attorney McNary sought to mitigate
the damaging effect of the Morris letter
nn the chances of his amendment pass-
ing by saying that the letter had been
written by S. A. Cobb, deputy of tha
engineering department. He aald that
Mr. Cobb had slnoa been dismissed by
the city engineer. ,
Cobb Wrote tetter. 1
f "You are mistaken," said Councilman
; Rushlight to i the attorney. "Mr. Cobb
was not dismissed; he resigned."
J ! Deputy Cobb, who does not leave the
.employ of . the city until tomorrow, was
rolled before the committee. He was
.asked If he bad written tha letter
tinned by Mr. Morris.
f "Ves, I wrote the letter," , waa his
reply. - " ,
-ma Mr. Morris sign- Itr. ha waa
"He did and he at that time enter-
tatned the same views as I did. He told
me that cement was good for soma pur
poses, but that it had Its limitations.
;He read the letter over and approved It. '
"That ought to be conclusive enough
-evidence that City Engineer Morris did
,not favor .cement pipe last December
swhen that - letter was written." re-
jitiarked Attorney Logan. "It would be
ra, peculiar thing now for the engineer
'to blame a subordinate for his own act.
,'Jt Is a remarkable-fact that such' an
'eminent engineer should turn complete
ly around In sucb a short time. Walk
ing south a few months ago,, be la now.
J figuratively speaking, walking north."
f, ' Others Opposa Cement
t Besides the letters read by Attorney
Irfgan, there ,were a number of others
, irom an parts or tne country, in wnicn
-pnglneera of . recognized Ability oon-
domned the use of cement ' for sewet
pipe utilization.
i Attorney McNary aald he could show
(pome letters recommending cement pipe
, ;if he were given some time, but tbe
j committee did not give much considera-
:tion to the atatement. '
. Chairman Rushlight called for k mo-
ttlon on the proponed amendment
"My mind is made up." declared Coun-
cnman Concannon.; "I move that the
ordinance be not adopted and that It
.-be Indefinitely postponed." .
"In view of the documentary evidence
suomlttea to t"1 eommlttee, I second
itiie motion," said Councilman Kubli.
- I Chairman "Eushlight then called for
remarks and . there being none Volun.
i teered he said he would put the motion
"First, -; ' however." lie , observed. "1
would like to say that I am hot opposed
i to any good sewer pipe, bat I do not
j see -the sense of adopting cement pipe,
fwhen It is apparently the overwhelm
fing sentiment of experts that cement
fia not suitable for use aa aewer pipe."
.; r- - - tom to Table, s'v -I
- On the motion being put Councllmen
Coneannon, Dunning and Kubll -voted to
I table the ordinance indefinitely. . i. ,
if The remaining member 'of the com
jmittee. Councilman Ellla, did not vote,
j but he assured the attorney for the ce
;ment pipe company that he would e
pleased to Introduce the same ordinance
at tomorrow's council meeting.
, The letter written at the Instance of
the city engineer to Kansas' City waa
obtained by the company that manufao-
turee terra cotta pipes In this city; They I
Izetta Jewel Also Given Great
Ovation by Admirers; 'Show
V Fairly Interesting. ; v
Dr. Hyde's Treatment Counter
s acted In Niclc of Time by Dr. .
Tvyyman, Who Threw Away
Hyde's Medicines.'1, v
Fishermen Stop. Catching the!
Finny Tribe in Willamette
VRiyec Clackamas Co;
.It. Waa an enormous and brilliant
learned of It through, connections In theiM1,eB0 tht lathered at the Bungalow
utnm miitmnniii :Tii. unt tnr I last night to do homage td Otla Skin-
faosimdla of : tha onl.tla to tha iCanau I ner, one of our beat actors, and his new
City engineer, but that official refused ,(lln lady, Mlsa laetta . Jewel. lat
to arlve one without the eonaant of Mr. mgni a arrair waa in max nature or a
Morrla. r : t s-y -:;- I home-coming for Miss Jewel In-which .Kansaa City, Mo Aprtt: Clrcnm
J. M. Ambrose one of the officials f admirers took possession of the I stances, attendina- the illness of mem-
the terra cotta manufacturing eomDanv. I Httle playhouse aa their, own. , There bars
said today that Mr. Morris telegraphed was not an unoccupied seat in, the houeeUi tn.v h .(t... ...n k mi., t.ih.. i hZ-7.,lL - i V r -T! II
e Kansaa City engineer not to give and every patro. voiced hi. or her. en- TTZ 11"' . mVa ,i ZZZr?. 5
i.lan. rlvht rnvallv i'.' - '. - I uviuvu,. b , uu , u un uw - -- h lira
r xne witness said tnat Dr. Twyman.i v; I. TL 7'1 ' ',
,v,. mm.mM v-.-.fc-i.i. . . ' I No effort. was made to, get any fish
the aged family physician ., of the pu,t ua," , Cona table -Wagner elated.: to-
Dwopes, naa uestroyea an , meqicinos jdny, ,"At Oregon Cltjr the fishermen
prescglbed by Dr. Hyde, Just after Mar- aald: '' "What is the use taklna- salmon
hip them
The state today claims victonrJn the
salmon war. ' Fishermen at Oregon' City
are reported torhave given up taking
saimon , rrom tne Willamette' river un
til It is decided In the courts whether
they can ship their catch to the whole
sale markets of Portland.- Twenty tona
o,f salmon are said to be stored at Ore
gonocity,' these being the catch of the
last; three day,. 4-.,.v; :,:.: ,fV
Constable Iou Wagner and deputies,
.to the Kansaa City engineer
the .facsimile.
Pxodnoe Xetter.
rhnnn rnhAfihH
aT v r awa HBcaiiBBiiiB
l of nmm
;' '. :; ;'i f ' : '.''.' 1 v 'v,''Y "i-,1
" '-.'-', " " 1 i i i '.''.. ''-'''
Senator Clapp Assails ; Coerc- Meeting of .Oregon State Sun-
j ve Tactics of President in day School Ass'n. Opens To-
tlftrt Uiwii0a f ah I D I M.. . L- m in. j;. i
uuir i laioo iui i. n.v , udi iiturui; Manv Aiienn
f t .
(Unltod Pnm' 'ted',Wlre.i'
,,, ;'
j Washingt'on." April: 26. Charging the
V'r'i r ((, : ?V- '"$ r
Preparations ; are now complete for
the celebration of the twentyflfth an-
A conv hf the let fr hnwvr: w overworked pen of Booth' Tarklngton
secured and produced at this morning's Harry Leon Wllaon ' is woll-con-
committee meeting. t follows: . ,-: jstrueted. and, rainy jntereatmg , as a
v ."Portland. -Or.. December . 1909 Mr. 1 story, with Its scenes laid In actordom.
James. U DarnelL Cltv Engineer. Kan- The theme la an old one and the treat- caret Swops had been , attacked with from , --ivb. ir
saa City, Mo. Siri In answer to yours I met more ror less commonplace. Lafay- convulsions, after taking medicine given to Portlandr I consider the fish
of November 80 asking for an eitpre J e Towera, .Margaret Druce, hla ward, I her bytr. Hyde.-;-yi -u ;.;:i?V';:;;.;';'iV, I den;: winner 'inthia. 'fight'-ud'' to' d
sion 'Of my opinion on the merits of con- ana lock rrentice. a stage struca: youtn miss Gordon testlfTed that Margaret The '-hmHnM e . u..ik
Crete sewer pipe and our experience with (through love of Margnret, are three I waa ill with typhoid ..When Dr. Hyde Steve DuJInovlch; gill nettera, charged
. ntj ,u, iiivfiiifiiiviiv .uu i j ,ivw uj vii j net nio . in i?u ;in v. . ouufi .iirwBru i witu umawf ux xishtng are scheduled for
experience with ..this material do not I road are aummarily cut ahort by the she manifested symptoms similar to this , afternoon , before Justice Olson
lead me to look upon same at all fa-J deputy aheriff. : ; . those exhibited ' by Colonel Bwod. for I The - hMMi ..... .-'
" woum not agree us use i aaaoa XiOVS jaaxing. . wuosa rouruer ut. iiyae is on inai, ana i missed, due to the- omission In the
in this city, This pipe was , used here I rVinV i rha grin - f waa ltrir via renri bv Chriaman 8wodo. the colonel's
nj?!!1'!. about 20 years ago, who beg him to return home, but he reneP'le'': . ' . 1 had been posted according to law. They
ruses. : ,, xne- ino return to ,Kew,-Tora,i 4.rjriun kukvu. mummv .nor i win do neara on demurrer todays At i . .i .,. 1 Marnret'a first - ennvulslon- and nv tnm.v ink. v r ,
. . . .j , . . J .v. uvuiiuim , iwiiuiu mlw . " " : - - ' I ,V'"VJ wwm . uufio.,,. lur IUV 1 11311151
.iv uuiBiuii, uur i rein k hrwhy-h i i . , , . . . . . . n. an Bnt.i in -i m nation, wu,.v,Mn i . i .....
-.i- , . . . i Bu.ruin noun, wnere uiey una n,ou- " i men, iuitiiik ijuesiiuoea tu jurisaiction
Of reinforced concrete, but we m I , ... . , xcnt for a runnlncr .nr. nn' tha rm. I n ,v, ..i , . m ..., Il"
one ..m-T VL. . k ,lft . i0,000 th Towera is also in love with Mar-i where Dr. Hyde had made a hypodermic represented la the pleadings by Xsslst-
Ktto JmZ ?f "f j'J-mi-v1 'b,it iw'""" tromvtemng. er. tnJecOon. . - , v ant Attorney General I. II. Van Winkle
For service pipe and all lateral sew- , , , I Kuui rifr fo: inrll 1 M.-'Rnth I , .
n in.llu Ik.. I - - . I jubv;,.t . i. , , .,- I:.; . T ' -- , t - - - .-.-. ..
- - - iu.u v jRui n. l im oniniHi . n. . . . . ' . . ain-l in Ih. Irl, I rT I It- W I llvla
"ona EFT' r r Wl M- become tooTuch f ortreleTv! ged ih. murder" 'o'rThomaT H.
Hh,f finllh'i,nrieA V m,B- Ing Dick, and he retuma to the parental ?P maintaining Pplnoti
.-, .v .,VD,u.i uni cnnivu. ,. - uiur m ; MarHrM in Tnm,. j. lanni-n is Known mat urs. jttextoen
Kecord of Other Cities, r J in vAtidaviiu tnm of a m.rt .rf.i- and Ilalnes have a small place In Chica-.
The records, of other cities aa well I on Madison avenue, where Margaret I o-where frogs, rabblta and guinea pigs
aa our own, show very plainly the cor
rosive or destructive action of acid on
concrete, i Where cement Pipe has been
used' for house connections' it absorbs
the starches from sewaee . which atarta
. i-uiui eiuwiu inai-very seriously ar
fecU the flow of the sewage. If It does
not entirely close up the oioa " '.
"Concrete la all mora nr Im
in. sunacing ojc cement' pipe
mini, r--u cement ana -giasing same by
polishing seems to lessen the leaks ra
very considerably, I am- satisfied that
the benefit, from this practice are only
temporary, as the agenclea which attack
tne ordinary mixture will attack thla
surfacing. f- (
we , have, several pipe sewers that
have been built about 10 .avnara nA
they all show the corrosive and erosive
effects of the sewage. we also have
a 40 Inch concrete sewer built six van ra
ago In which there are pockets as much
as one-fourth Inch deep and ten Inches
long, the sewage seeming to eat out the
Objectionable Feature.
"Another matter which ' entera into
tne use at thla nina i
equation, In Us manufacture. From long
experience in the use. of concnetes In
public work I am Inclined to consider words cV Maude Sa'
meets Dick. ' Dick aa-aln declares his I re raisea. As soon as tne animaia
love, but the conscientious Margaret, to rrow to sufficient size they are polo
save him. from a Ufa fnr .vhirh i. oned. The toxics used ale crystals de-
not fitted, says that she loves Towera from t the contents .of Colonel
Towers is delighted until she tells himl8wP"'" tomach and of the ground up
that he really loves Dick, that the viscera. These crystal are used by
statement was merely a ruse. , putting tbe - subject materials Into a
Margaret gets a Broadway engage- praclpltate solutlom . Some of the so
men t and 'her afforta ara -nth lutlons ' contain i sulphuric acid. These
brilliant success. ; Her happiness Is re-boiled and then allowed to- stand,
supreme, until aha-learns that Towers With the crystals formed, the little an
nas signed for a part, with a road core- Imals have been inooulated.- Many of
pany, leaving New York the following them died. - Their deaths were accom
day., ,8he argues against such a course, panled by symptoms that Indicate the
auu . realizing tnat ner haDDlness Is I parucumr jiuibuh wmni aiucu iu.iu. -
not secure without him, nestles In his I Having been repeatedly refused , any
fTaft administration With attempting tO I nivarsarv of tha Oraron Rt.ta R..nrl.v
dictate legislation, Senator -Clapp. Rei School association ' at White Tmnle
publicani .of Minnesota; ; -today , vigor- Baptist church., beginning tonight and
T"1'0 -u?Vf lroaf reUIaHonL continuing -through Wmrday. ,
bill." ! ' I'v 'iSii'ii . X'ff-l. -i":.-':r-':n: J , . - ... ... .
j . .r,, ,1.;--',, i . :UUMUHI Ilu.r.BI (Wllinri 111 villa mWl
Roosevelt never sent such a bill as I Ing, as it is the silver anniversary, and
tnis ,to .congress," he, .declared. . "He r the motto will be "Vision, Vigor, yic
ver dictated. ' He stood or the con-, f tory." i One of the Important foattirea
carete sentiment bf the people and then J th convention will be the exhibits'
flourished tlft . big SticU In conformity -rorW aa wall aa nm nf tha vnrV .n.
Win American senument,- I In the Sunday schools. Reports -of the
ine speech was made, when the ratj-tf superintendents- of thos departments
road regulation bill, which party leaders
have, promised Taft would be brought
to! a vote this week, was brought up for
ouicusslon. '
' The1 blU has been attacked by the In
surgents ' In - the i senate vigorously on
several occasions. r J
''We have fallen uuon a trance times.
wucu noyuuiicans can no longer ais-
wtll . show the-work done in the past '
and lay plans' for the future according ;
to the nneds. ... The rrmnlo will hi In ,
charge of Stanley Raker of the Y. M.
; An Interesting feature of the-Wednes-day
afternoon session will be the his- -
torical hour given over to reminiscence
cuss .national Questions exeeut at tha I of the pioneerk who have5 been In.' the
banquet board." Clapp saidN "1 believe work slnjce Its organization, Rev. Josepli
the people would Justify us In staying j Hoberg. Professor Henry; Sheak and ,
here and performing our : duty' by per-1 Honorable - A. F.r Flegel. " "On of 1 the
fectlng this measure." S::'-':,r?'-'-.--:i I most Important reports of - the conven- i
, flAnnfiirxi.nn , ! ai -wi- I tion will be a-lvan hv ih-Ahapal Mpb 1
- -w. uv. , v lu un.1141 kuiq -, 7 - v r - - '
ttna to references t6 Roosevelt and his I tary and. field worker, Rev. Charles
method of forcing legislation upon con-l Phipps, who is really the moving spirit
New Ordinance Would Take
- pontrol of Licenses From .
- . - Breweries V
of the association. Among those who
will be present arer pr. Franklin Mc
Elfresh, International superintendent of '
training;-. Miss Memo Brockway, Sun
day, school specialist of Los Angeles:
Rev.-W. -Merritt, International field '
secretary, -Tacoma; Rev. William Par- ;
eona D. D., lecturer and preacher, re
cently from Pernisylvanla: Rev. ft J.
A; committee of , the Portland 'Fair & I Boppell. general secretary Inland Em-.
I Livestock association,' headed by H. Cj plre - Sunday School association; Hugh
grBs,-f;H praised Roosevelt aasthe man
who, next to Lincoln. ,waa. "nearer the i
people than , any other president.
arms. .v -. , . . . ..... .
Unner Good as Hero'
In' depicting the dashlnr. swanh.huolr.
ling. ; devil-may-care hero, Mr. Skinner
Is peculiarly, at home. Ha mni,i t
these parts as If by nature. His barn
storming, actor of "the present piece. Is
reminiscent of his Colonel Brldeau of
portion -of the viscera or stomach con
tents of Hyde's : alleged victims." so It
could .make counter analysis, the -de-
Campbell, meet this afternoon- at 1:10
In the Commercial club for the pumose
of electing new president to replace
M. C. Marls," who has-asked to be al
lowed to Veslgn on account of Pressure
of business duties. , J y t.
Tom Word, who' was-mentioned for
the new presidency-; declared this morn
An ordinance amending ' the llauor il? hA IT?"1?. "ot H?. Job un-
uuu,u mi vu"1--' , I lttwa of tha it imi nAmKini - . i uor- any -wuiiBiuBiaiiun. i ne memoera
n . .ru '; U!1fll.r nn. nmn. T".-..T- " """ 01 u" committee this morning, ex-
ture aviaence in aieproo 01 mat oj wei- - "-"--"-- : pressed themselves at sea aa to whom
wrt., would, probably elect to fill the
i ne pnysioiogicai testa oi tne aeiense i ; ; . vacancy.
. . .. .. . . I ta nf trim 1v i.ntinMl -rv .i I --"---
were raaae on dogs at tne nannemann i : : J - -uiwuaun
i onei urdMii ,. "- ""i- - ..-..---.-... , . . .
last season, and of a llka-mla in rh. mwicw college, - a numoer ui . aogs Mmtlin TrMlPn nnnn-rn
u . '!.wiii, uu uiBiiuiL: in tuimn nun i i rui.nrn .n n i n
make. Tower, a Zst a3mTraSfe type! test, supposed to parallel those of the A"1"?"" JF F IM HFfln Wll I niF
at once generous, tender, brave and tate.' Some of .the anlmala were given 'Th'.o! TM C .eUWon OtLr, lll htAUt WILL Ult
above all. loveabla. H.. tnt.a" strychnine, and cyanide of potaaslum. ,W.uncPal officials easier. V'i-'
i.. i.i...:, . ". . I-, v . ..... t.. . . , i Ammigmer Clauses in ihA.ii,., nKiL i .- ,s. ir,., i-. wi -
sim luiciisei numan and truthful at alllBO m ' ui - m jjomunn .-
iOmes. , . might be observed A number died of na. i"
1 Miss Jewel' has. charm, and In the this maltreatment - ouT,m hla
thla as one of the most ob1BCtlftnhi-tc7v." X- "uw Aa-am" Maggie -f . Tr"f " V. Tr. I breweries 'have been controlUna- k ir I Idaho stood before a mirror In a ,
... w. .'j : j ' diuiibi,';.- it woman, Baa that.' nnthlnv I ovy yiuiBai. Aiiuy wcin iuiu i , . . . -I -4 '..i.. -, t . . ... ..
a. i in tne- role of the gen-
Ind swept -nature Ma,nr.i
she gives a .nicely balanced demonstra-'
Among other clauses In the new ordl-1 , t)u!tpd Press Inland WlieJ.
one tnat requlrps the actual epojtane. Wash., April 28 Desoond
ucense to take tha Ueanaa ent-over a love arrair. Rose Edith Ram.
out m nig own name Heretofore tha oerger, a school teacher from Orof inn
1 v'Xcv
A model .
for every sfigure.
features connected with 11
' "In conclusion J will say that I feel
the question of sewer construction to ha
such a serious one both on the point of
preservation of health and the necessity
of making such Improvement permanent
ana consequently In luetics to myself I
am constrained to place tbe stamp of
disapproval on the use of concrete pipe
for sewer purposes.--"Trusting
this Information' will be of
assistance to you, I am, yours truly,
"J. W. MORRIS, City Engineer."
Geary Street, above Union Square
JuM aaaoaite Ratal 8. fraacu
' Eurr-peia Plaa $1.60 itj ng
Amerittn Plaa $3.00 da j up
y t4 tni 'i m Ima. Faraiai at
vrt al 2j0 Oi-S. Errry comfort m4 roa
iuanr. Vm carting iiaiial.inog a
-?- ( - v. . tr; a. r4 tn3fr.
ttH tot touat m ilk maa W &aa Fraacaxa)
(United Pre Leased Wire.)
New York. April f 6. The
Swift-Hurry wedding was not a
record breaking affair. It took
the minister quite as long to
make Miss Eliiabeth M. Hurry,
daughter of Mr. and Mra. Ran
dolph Hurry, the wife of Law
rence Swift, as If their names
had , been plain - Jones-Smith.
They were married by Rev. Wil
liam T. Crocker, the choice I of
tbe ' "paragrapheri' v ; union,"
Thomas Speed hiving been'
turned down by the contracting'
partlea - r .,,.....
Randolph Hurry, bride's father!
waa formerly a partner In the
brokerage firm of Hurry Gal
lup, but the contracting partlea '
became peevish when this waa
recalled. They became downright
angry when asked If the honey-
moon was to be spent at Tarry-
e . town, -..-) -v
tTJnttad Ptms teaard Wh.
BlRbee, Arlg., AprU 2C Charred arlth
mayhem because he bit olrf three of hi.
wife", finger.. Nick Lustlla
cell la the county jalL Lustlla foN
lowed the woman to a arocarr mtnrm
where she had gone for provisions. Ac
cording to her story he wanted to buy
liquor with the money she Intended to
spend for food. Lustlla attacked his
wife In the presence of a dosea custo
mers. : He choked her almost Into in
sensibility, and had chewed, her right i
nana mni. ii 11 was neceeaanr to amnntala
we lingers. -
c, i wovjijuttu. , : yi wvwv. , . hvj itpio IU1U . - - I . . . , . ... ' ; . r -
else matter." i the-role of th Van- the tests were necessary, to safeguard r r?""
tie. fFJuriiA nri wT;", " I 1 rr - Uvia'n iif hv nhftwir, th faiiapv 1 rcauw oeen tnat the man I lcIUtt' W1 Wf a Duuec turMigh Her
Oon of art and technlaue. The Dr. Hyde, confident of acquittal and ,,ZZ V Jvw '.: or
C Gibson, general secretary for south'
ern California; Rev. W. H. Selleck of
Salem. ' -
- The program , for tonight is aa fol-,
lows; ,''".,.-,., 1 ,?. , .
-.Tuesday evening, I:S0 Opening sonjf
service, conducted by .Stanley Baker of
Y. M. C A. Opening prayer, Rev. Johrt
Bentzien of White Temple church. '
8:00 Portland's Welcome Rev. : Lu
ther R. Dyott, D. D4 paato,r First Con
gregational church. '
8 : 1 8 Response, for the state, Rev. W,
H." Selleck. D. D.,' Salem.' Special mimic,
8:46 Address,. "The educational 'Val. .;
ue of the Sunday Schdol," Dr. Franklin'
McElfresh, Chtcago, International super- '
Intend ent teacher training. : Report of
committee 1 on arrangements. Benedlc
tlon. . - - J , -
: " :U
- Wheat nrostect is In
t'matllla countv.
of her voice, and the grace of her acting I undismayed In the slightest. If hi. con
ley, with whom she was In love , has
liquor In any way. he can, regardless I heen-taken - into- custody pending. Jn-
have not ehan n . Whi . V..i ..t .mil- .(. mms .r "l w" tne license la revoked "-e-u.!.irY.; .r-r..,:r.' ITv "C - -Cr: V:71 Pn" orewery, not the saloon man. is
pretty, way ' she has, and what
ciasp upon tne oramatlc art.
- A. G. Andrews played Isadore Blum, a
manager, with remarkable discernment.
His was a character accomnliahmant nf
splendid proportions. In the conception
and delineation of a gentlemanlv "Jag"
In the third ' act,, Edward Fielding as
Knolllngsworth Brean, was excellent.
a firm aaypreaK. puncnes a Dag ih nie home 1
gymnasium and then goes. Into his yard.
where he jumps -the rope lOOd times. 1
' . Aged Woodchopper Dies. 1
iSnedal Dupt-to to, Tba JoornaH -, ..."
, Pendleton, Or., April 26. The remains
of 'y John u Eddy, - an ; aged woodebopper,
were found near Meacham Sunday even
ing. . Kor the past 15 or 20 years, he 1
had led a hermit life In his log cabin in
tint n DRI I V rnn ri iairtr I lne - nean 01 tue nmnerea mountains,
rfULU nALLT FOR FUNDS MB0lated trom all human habitation and
t ... - .(with no .companionship save the wild.
To raise $2000 with which to nav- a creatures about him. 1 - ' ,. ,
mortgage agamnst their church the con- -Very little was known about him. He
gregatlon of . the - African xrthnriio I never received mail or newsnanera. and
Episcopal chutrch will hold a' rally, May only-eked -out a ; bare - subsistence by
8, at 3 o'clock. Rev. W. W. Matthewa, chopping a little wood. His body was
pastor. Is arranging for 1 rounin. mt found la Jbed bv a chance casserbv. and
ing at wnicn a - number of prominent from- its condition ' the aged man had
people . will be present J Special muslo I been dead for at least, a month. -
hurt. . "Under the proposed code saloon
men will own their ttwn licenses, and
will, therefore, be more careful not to
iue mem. ....: ' .
,V --Y-v?''-t" i1'-tr,'.---,;',; '-'iffr"- .,'v v-r--r-,'-
" - Not Properly Iiabeled. -
r Food Commissioner Bailey 'yesterday
entered a complaint against the Harry
wooa Marxet company, Second and Mor
nson streets, for putting pure lard la
bel, on lard of Uferior quality.
In accordance with the ruling pro
vlded '. by. the state food oommisslon.
pure hog fat shall only be sold as such
and all compounds or substitutes for
such must bear a label. The ruling also
states that all compounds or mixtures
must contain 1 at least 60 per cent pure
hog fat, , . , s
Ah met I saw a huge and loathsome sty.
wnerein a drove o: wsuiowmg swine
- were barred, ; ; --. , ,.. : i
Whose banquet shocked th nostril ana
. theeye; . . . 4
Then spoke a voice, '"Behold the aonref
of lard!" ,
I fled, and saw a field that teemed at first
One glistening mass of rosea pur and, 4
white, ' ' '
With dewy buds ftold dark green foliage
:".;'-' nursed; . . - "
And, as I lingered o'er the lovely sight
The summer breeze, that cooled that ,
' Southern scene, "
Whispered, Behold tha aowea of I l
Are yeu fre-jot!y h"raT Do yea
- -.. ..... . ui .i.rj in rwr
ti jvfraa jrnir reugh ajtney roa at
' ' . r J ya r!e eiitctii la the
IV y wart rfMr? If mn,
O.arr.r;! Cc-Vfh f.r,-',f a n't
t l-e i iA. 1
1 Ba Wlrm for Plvorc.
AllaglDg his wife ha a mada hla Ufa
ooraea oy telling har relatives and
the neighbors sbe believes him Insane.
John K. Stanton baa begun suit for di
vorce rmm teoerlna Jan Stanton In
the circuit court. Thar wara marT4arf
tbe first day ef last tfcremher. - Fred
a. Kplar is made a defendant la tha
ca 11 neinr allaged he holds title In
property la Kewharg of which Mra.
Stantoa la the equitable owner, aad In
which Stanton demands a sham
Vltoc Arland Is another applicant
for divorce.. He ear. Amaa r Arland
visits Miootta Ute at htrht aad haa en
tertaliiM thr maa without his oon-
aaaai i ana has an n-
go-arnahle tampar. Thay ware married
In t P,nl in March. 1T. and have a
child vlwai cuatady the botbaiul a
will be provided. The church la Innatarf
at Thirteenth and Main streets. The
organization Mas contended with a debt
left over from the expense of construc
tion, and naa agreed -co clear the hurrinn
at thla time. : It ts expected that the
money win oe pledged within an hour,
Nonsuit dn Rnffins Case.
Circuit Judge Gatens today rranted a
nonsuit in the -case of John . T. Rufflnr
asainsi 111a wma, ; Marina A. Ruffing,
mary. j. prison ana JoseDh A. strnw
oriaga : Kurring alleged a conspiracy
on tbe part of the defendant, to deprive
mm 01 nis snare in. a -rooming house at
233 First Street and asked 1535 dam
ages. - Judge Galena ruled that the case
snouia nave been filed .as a suit In
equity to otainthe relief sought.
, Deciding the dase ef Conrad Qreen as
adralniatrator of the Thomas estate
against B. Tanrger and others 'JiMo-a
3atens gave Judgment for the plaintiff
10 coueci a noteiror 404. He held the
defense of fraud In executing the note
was not proved. '
Judgment on "Mechanic's Hen In favor
of the plaintiff iwaa rendered In the
same court In thai case of P. H. Sarchat
against K. K. Bhoh & Co, '
R. F. Mansfield, a. mute, "has written
a letter to The Journal asking for aid
and - threatening to -cast . himself Into
the river unless he finds work la a
short time, a day or so.
Mansfield tells a pitiful story in his
letter. He says , that he waa born In
Manchestar. Kne-land ami a k-
'i years4 was left a deaf mute after an
attack -of scarlet fevers He. was edu
cated In the Manchester schools. - His
mother died when he was very young.- -Following
the recent death of his
father Mansfield says ' he ' waa left
81100 In money. , He took 'this and ac
companied by a young man came to
America in search of a sister, who had
At; Soda Fountains or Elsewhere
Iiook for "HORLICK'S" bn the bbttle.
New Discovery, Guaranteed in Every married a western business
Case, Produces Results in First
- ew Days.
'TJ-M-F" Is the name Of the new dls-
covery'for the positive cure of rheuma
tism, gout, lumbago and neuralgia..
t. ")
Saea O. R. l X. Road.
J. T. Raynolda bae brun autr la ,.
rtrre!t -ourt ara'nat the n n a. vr
for IUIT damagrs m iMenmti nt rt'.l
tie nd hr frrni Condon and Rhanllta'
ta Irtlan-l. Ha mln th. aalm.l.i
ware Injured end darrvciatad la ralue hy i
hajvI'ng and tkVMi cf de
livery. j
Poor health .can riMriv
always be traced to a dis
ordered,' stomach, weak
kidneys, sluggish liver or
constipated bou els. The
Bitters act directly on
thee orpins, m.-ikinc them
strong and healthy. Try it
man. Tha
young man deserted Mansfield r after
reaching America, , taking the greater
i" w ' money ana clothes,
ajanarieid says he la now destitute
iu uiwow 10 nut work. He Is edu
cated. - willing to work, and rinea no
care for the wages so much as for a
iiumo. ne is in want, and has stood his
condition as, long as n . possible-for'
him-to endure, he aava. and rin... .-
letter by saying unless he la able to
find employment Of some kind within a
uaj m ao mat me -river is deep." He
left no address but Intimated that he
would flail at The Journal nrrioa i.--
to aee If his aDDeal luui hmn,h hiU
lief. The letter waa vrittun m. .
' bead Of the Cottage hotel at Salem.
Original d Genuine
P-T rrri m n nra
LfU UJ inl ILU bh f2J
- -Th Food-Drink for All Ages.
RkH inJlmalted grsin, m powder fona. More healthful tfiao lea or coffee.
Ka-lsT mfanf rnv&larl arJ itriMAmta AlXa A -.1 .1 1 i-
TA AnfA nrnirA . . M I i vTrmguuiuj aTAcxs wun iqc weakest Co&ocxL'
TO CREAMERIES AT FAfR PurenutriliorupbuflgtwhcJeMy. Kerp a on your .dcboarcl tTUt
invigorates nursing mothers and tLe aged A quick hjnch Kcpved m a mhute,
SamrJe t tree. Address HORLICICS. R.cine,
.Take no substitute. Ask for HORUCK'S.
"D-af-P Is different from any other'
treatment add for rbeumrtlsm. One of I il,a - . .. " IBlr- ne atate
DaUent rr ... -"V." .lur" "ooamg lorward
Deputy Dairy and Food Commissioner
Paul V. Maris, at a meeting -with the
state board of agriculture at Salem yes
terday, arranged for prises to be award
ed at the-atate fair next September for
"ro1 exniDiuons by Individual eraam
erlee, In sdditlon to the UBual premluma
It was also planned at the meeting to
construct' a private stable for keeping
. w uunns we isir. . me state
Its amaxlng features Is that the patient
fee la the progress of the cure Is the
first few days by certain Well defined
symptoms. -
C . Watties of Warsaw, jr. T. aaVst
"1 warfare with terrible rnetuaatUm
for five years, all crtpplad sp for eaTI
at a time, X bagma taking "B-K-r and
fel aa lmprereaieat wlthta two aaya,
aad two kettle, eared me."
I-M-r" contains no eipiatas or dan
gerous drugs Whatever, and Is easily as-
poasiomry or having a model
uairy mm o illustrate sanitary and
convenient methods. h
M-8. Schrock, another deputy, retsrned
jrr.K-niaj- iron nis inspection ef all the!
Dairies acuin or the Clackamas river.
111a inspection covered a total of 421 1
dairies. The report ahows an average
"' 1 m oasia or ieo. Three of
the total number averaged below .
wtflle enly ene.went above There
wera i oeiween and and the rest
eimllated by the weakest stomach or J averaged between 1 and t
TStera. . I
"D-M-r s f Id at all drugatorea at a bottle, s bottles for tl.0. if!
after twing S bottles of T-M-F-. boucht
l ona pareniM you sre not
eor-d. your SSeo will be promptly re
funded, according to eur Certificate of
Ouarmtee wrapped with every bottle.
If your drugg!at cannot Surply ycu It
will be sent, together with guarantee, en
receipt cf trice by the I-M-F M-dlrlne
-. 2'f Lincoln Ave rkite 5J, Chl
ear. I!K . , .
lt-M-r is recommenced gcd
f 1 In rvrt.and ty Owl Irug Co,
-. Salt Over Coramlasioa.
iuii 1 or .u,oub mramintiiin on the
naie o iopo aiiarae or the Grew River
Timber company haa been be run In the
circuit coart by Harry Ii Cloyea and
jrna .rora against Anthon Bckem.
floyee became one of the yQrctaaera.
reing aaxoriateu , -arlth J. H. Johnaol
ani i Titua. The plaintiffs aileee
rrrrreT)utton, airing the -mr-nv
01a nn ffm-r, z" seres ef nd It
wa allered U own and d'd Bf offer tha
orportutitiee for logg'rg that
I rrrr.'se-i.
iGiR PIbarkn"
1 -w Aft DO m .
1 .... tm'mmsraiuaimmnaorMntjs, J
t UZ S .evi . jgf C'. j
t" PV- ' !
L...- - . ..v