..f f i-.x. ion . BAUE-F.UQ18 .,,.. IT $-per acre for 15 acres., on the Ore- - son JClectrlc. 1 mil. from burg station. 4 ' iaVi . beaverdain, runnlsg - water ail year around; the hhrgesl C"" V- this can b. jrrlgitrf; S750 cash, balance, ovu ::, :--'-m balance -8 yeara p Cnl. , 100080 acrea. J mile from boar Una . inn. 2H wiles from leotrio ; car. - about A, in cultivation. o- ' ...turt and timber; good family ' orchard. I horses and harness, ' tn hunt. 1 wood w Von J haVa, 1 mower. good house JnH aoma other outbuildings. terms, H down, balance J-J eara 111.000 Kor-l8 acres. 15 ml from - ' ' Portland. 80 acrea In uHlviiUon. 7 moatly bottom land, go0! Ji?. V lags, good family orchard . t good horses, yeara V,"w heifers, I bull. 3 dosen c hick- " waion. ack and all the crop. ' ' ' Terms $6000 cash. $5000 mort ' a v..n at I bar cent ones IK KhMIl DiUW. ' IIBI'""! SHOOS 160 acres near R. R.. steam- " boat landing on Columbia river. acrea under cultivation, fine v..: bottom tana, oai. large hoiiae and barn, with lac m trio iigms ireo iui ' - : - bead cattle, 4 horses, some hoga, ": i -5-i.i..irna u of the crop, V r nt machinery. Terma, 16000 - . cash bat 7 yeara. Pj"'.;": Portland W ill - Kicuinia i property, i for 160 t 1.000 for 160 acrea, muss ' ,www - - ...r' ... under plow. 75 acrea In crop. 15 acres mora can easily be cleared .80 v v acres In beaverdam, balance roll ; -Ing: balance la In paature and ,. aorea in timber; plenty pt nice ' spring water, enough to Irrigate , 40 to 80 acrea If needed, bear- ing orchard. 100 appla trees,. 100 prune trees, etc; good room Wise barn 60x80, hop- house, granary, "hds. mile to chpol., binder, mower, rake. - plow. " spring tooth seeder, spring tooth harrow, wagon, and other ijm ail tools; terms. 600 Th, btlanca Wa hv0alsa klnaa of city property for sale and for trade. We are headquarters for , ynlon ave. ' KsTeyour property with ' I 4.600 for a modern 7 room house, cioae to Union ave. and Kustjall t. " 11600 down, bal. 3 years.- 7 peact. STITES&PEPER ; B20 tTnlon aVe., north. l on n j muni.., ww - WITHIN 1 WItM OF PpRTLANn AND 1 MILK FROM ORCHARD, WASH. DKKP BLACK 6 WALK LAND; V ILL RAISE ONIONS, raA8PABAGT!H AND ALL KINPS OF OAROKN TRUCK; 60 ACRES UNDER . . HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION; RKMAIN DKR SWALE LAND EASILY CLEAR Kl LAR(JB ORCHARDr-FTNK ROOM HOUSE. AND OTHER BUILD TXT.iw i.iiun i.AVn RKAIITIFUL AND MUST BE SEEN TO BE ,APPRECI ATED: BORDERED ON .TWU-. SIDES HV i'OTTNTY-ROADV WILL SUBDI- vttm.;- wpii.f. WK . ABSOLUTELY fit! A R.ANTEE THIS -JARM -. TO BK iivw itv TH! RRST IN THAT COM MUNITY. OT1UER FARMS WITHIN i.. nr r oe-T.T.TMn mR tlSO TO 1175 rER ACRE. FOR A QUICK SALW MILL C1XDSEI.AT $125 P2RACRE: MAINDER. SEE 0VN 4J4-418 HENRY, BLDG. .TEL, ,M. ?6L - DAIRY- OR STOCK FARM " 160 ACRES In Yamhill county. 6 milea from rail 7 rod and good town. . This Is hill ranch, best of aoll. na rock. 8 acres oultlvatfd. 40 acres slashed and seeded; H of thla could easily be put In cul-, tivatlon; . balance; Is fir and cedar . tlmlwr ortifned at 6.500,000 feett Jolns a Lt 1odv or 10.000 acres timber owned by : i parties who will soon erect mill on ' premises;, also adjacent to thousands fi of acres f out' range; running water all the vear, gravity, sj'stem to house and barn; county road, runs througli - place; school i mile; telephone in t. house; good 8-room " house, pantry and ' closets; two-story woodshed; milk room and cellar; fin largabarn; granary; all outbuildings good. A fine young bear ing orchard; 13 acres In winter oats and vetch : cows, 2 , heifers., 1 bull. " brood sows. 1-boar, team young mares, , J00 chickens; all kind harness, wagon, hack, light buggy, new surrey, mower, rake, plows, harrows, cable and pulleys, fanning mill aeeder. Junior planter, 'cream separator, milk cans and - all small tools. It's a money maker and a bargain for soma one. Price Includ ing stock and Implement. $7000. Terms on part. Neal Brown. 709 Swjetland blrtg- 6th and Washington sts. ' -A Beautiful Farm" 145.7 acres In Yamhill county, US acre under the plow, 50 acres bottom land. 6 acrea itv ll-year-old orchard. 9 room house, barn 66x46. , chicken house, ware house And other outhulldlngs, mile to school and market, rail road station at the farm; price $116 per acre, very easy terms. Call at - 8S8 Chamber . of Com mere and see . O. W. GRIDLEY. 7- Main 8476. . ' WITEAT LANDS IN CENTRAL OREGON Wa have for sale 10,000 acrea in Madras country. Crook county; level, In cultiva tion.' and tributary to both Hill : andi Harrlman railroads now : building; 140 acre tracts or larg er; cheapest rood. wheat land in northwest. Call on or write: M'CAROAR, BATES & LIVELY. $16 Falling Bldg., Portland, , Or. ; HERE IS A FARM SNAP . '56"i acrea. leaa than i milea from bultiea center of Portland, ft mils frem Oregon Electric, about 2$ acres In cultivation, all arood soil and lies fine, ounty roaid through plax. some fruit, buildings poor not saother pieoe of land anv where hear this caa be bought 1T $206 per acra. This is offered at $1(5 per acre; H each, balance 7 per cnt; 1f you are looking; for a real snap e thla. Neal Prow a. 70 Hwetland t-Mg , 6th and Washington eta. -&o acres Irrlrsted land: water right he Inn rs to land; 16 monk modern bouse; ert thing g" with lanx-h: 1st, miles r.f rt R.. W ill sll or trad for Port- j.cd rr'Trtrty. a M.cT;narA.. C1 MeJ K y Mng KAP 4 acres, zi miiea to Portland. one mil ta elactrlo car. 10 acres r'r 9 eprtara water. !i fruit trees. I H O, terma. 7T, Br-ne. 346 Mor- t t t -w im yennf pnmru . is acrea r i v a lr.d; rail from "t bool ,.. rrtr. Apply ti W. Te i ... t'l'inf, ir - - . xALK iif frrrm. rnHing land, half Mow; tee Kriit r-ear tres. ; g wsier: ir!'i fruit land, or -. Prtc. tl pr atre. terma. j ; P I -1 S m'-. g -1 but: 1!r.. .l '-I r-p. 4 relies f rrm r'lrd; mi--, fr-'- rountry, 4t I.lrn -";jrtr. ! - r-r tt. Arr'r c. w, t-i -' 't ; r 4 r , . ,a from ri I i , H, -e .4 T-n-r rn. I i. 4 SNAP ' A '. r. r r.. 7 ' r.i i f A-'' Vrm. a;-. t jt.". 20 MILES. 1 FROM ' PORTLAND. 1 MILE .FROM RAILWAY STATION; ALL CLEARED ANb CROPS IN FOR THIS i. YEAR; , FENCED; J ' GOOD WBLLS: I GOOD HORSES. , 2 !cOW8. PIOS.; CHICKENS : ALL MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS GO. WITH PLACE. GOOD 7 ROOM HOME. " BARN" AND ALL OUTBtILDWqS. - THIS PTACE IS CHEAP AND FOR PARTICULARS SEE C8 AT ONCE. ' . , ' ' 604-605 LEWIS RLDG. i ... ir;i 20 In cultivation, all fenced, timber for wood, 6 room new house, barn 2Sx3 and all poed out buildings, good aprltig of living "if-F at the house; land Ilea nice; 6 arrea In fine onlun land, all Muds of. berries and fruit, wagon, mowing machine, cul tivators, harrows, plows, team, 3 cows, hack.' buggies, light wagon and evcr. thing complete and In nice shape, ony 7-miles from Oregon City and 15 miles from Portland; price $4000. tefms..' . . , WlIXlAM SMITH, ' . Box 45, Over- Bank of -Oregon City. Ore gon ,-.n.yr i ..... e rlnh land, with 75 acrea In cultivation, all fenced and lays nice; ttia land not cumvaieo. i .! shashlng anid is seeded to trfme grass; 45 acrea seeded to clover, 2 fine springs good buildings, place on good road 7 miles from R. R., close to sciiool and stores, etc.;hiB Is a fine location for fruit or dairy business; price $50 par acre." Easy terms. - ; v , TT- William smith,: Box 45, Over Bnnk of Oregon City, Ora goa City, Or. 10 acres with 35' In cultivation j: tha balance . slashed and seeded to tama grass, 8 acres of fine fir timber, school house , on the tract, road on two sides, flna living water, land all fertoed with woven wire, 3 miles from R. R.t close to good sawmill, no buildings; price $J6 per acre. R. E. WOODWARD. Box 45, Over Bank of Oregon City", Ore gon City, Or ' WE have.a nice little place ot 2H acrea joining city limits , of .Oregon City; all fine, level and In Cultivation; a good 4 room house and some, small -.outbuildings; all fenced; everything in good condition; for $1700; about $1100 cash. To see is to buy. And for a bigger proposition we nae 200 acrrs of the nicest-lying land you ever looked at. about 14 miles of Port land and at-oud on 3 aides; fihest In the land to out p. Call oil ' DURHAM & FREDENTHAL, . 27014 Washington St.. Room 1, ; j A SNAP $4000. Fine farm, 0 acres, : on Washington side of the Columbia river,' three miles from Butler on the North Bank railroad.' About 45 miles from Portland - Fifteen acres cleared, three acres in- full bearing fruit trees; 4 room house, hot and cold water, big barn, wagon shed. clUcken house, pig pen, two horses, two cows. wagon, buggy, harness, plenty of fruit Prop-eriv-all ready to atep into and oper ate. - Call or write K C. Meara, 1017 Board of Trade building. , 36 acres, 81 acres in cultivation. ' S acres grub oak, 3 acres of strawberries, balance-Jn crop: good buildings, living water, 1 span mares, 8 good cows, golf htnHr mower, drill., rake. -traction en gine and other tools; also a alio; less than 1H milea from two R. R.'a. about 9 miles gotttn-'oi Bra. 7 oipwt ur Co., 60S Chamber oi .commerce oiag 40ACR ESf $80O-$4U0 .CASH Farm land. Timber pays for place, 160 acre dairy ranch. $2000. 1 , ". 30 acrea part orchard. $4000. ' ' f 320 acres at $15 an acre. -47 acres of Yamhill orchard land. - Goetz & UQetn., ota nenry H)ng. FOR KALE 320 acres, - 4 iniles from railroad station., all In crops, good large house. 3 . barna. running water, piped Into the house; 3 acres of orchard 160 acres In crops go with farm. Price, $37.50 per acre. Apply C W. Tebault. Albany, ur. FOR SALE -Good wheat -. farm.' 1176 . ...--. 9 u. miles from deDOt. about J008 acrea now In wheat; "127 per acre. This yeara crop will nair pay ror rarm; would7 take city property or fruit land In exchange or .on crop payments. -- LAI PL AW. 605 Commercial blk. " SPECULATORS FARMERS ISO - acres, all liiiablo. 309 acres In grain. 4 milea to railroad; under Klicki tat irrigation project; chance to double youe motvey; act quick. $20 per acre. P. A. Worth Inn ton. William Kennedy, ' 303 Wells Pargo wag. win buy a choice dairy ranch on the Lewis A Clark river, Clatsop county, with all stock, farm Implements and small gasoline launch. 30 acrea ; diked; tldeland in nay ana pasture: w STlfMf -&-ZIRBE 7 V 604-S05 LEWIS BLDG. UK IT .TO fruit trees; , acre- oeocu isng.- va on Oregon Electric railroad. Pnsen a Co Astoria. mldwar between Elmenica and Quat- POR BALE 46 acre. 4 mllea Irom.imi Stations, also on county road; i d; rauroaa inwn. ui in . crvpa, ""' bittldlngs, running water year around; erellnt lana. aesiraoie location. Tice, $:.; half cafh, balance la years' j time. Apply C. W. Tebault. Albany. Or. j FORALE3aceBa"crea under-agent. 'iiltlvaiion. balanc In' naslure. and timber, about a.00 feet nf-saw tim ber. 600 or .00 yew poeta; amall. boaee, with good spring. Price. $10e cash. Apply C. W. Tebault Albany. Or. FOR SALE Jl avrea, well huproved, $ room house, I barna, 3 acre fruit, rhlcken house, smoke house. Price, half caaa. Apply C. W. Tebault. . 1 HAVE a HonA l U !e ranch, team. tools, cows, furniture, etc.; win sell cries a for cseh or trad for Portland property- H lfl". JnnmsL 1W ACRES. rnile from R. R.; 547 per acre, including Improvements; call Monday. W. R. TT. Anderson, 20 8 Ger ItnrT ftMa. 14 ACRE dlry rancit nir Toierlo, Or . ttu. Ao 10 acres frsitUnd r)r e,irrre. cheap. Sea Parkeri 6f I Cor- hM t r baI k l0 arre farm nr Trout- T--" ry r"1 of ee-'. !"r I i per acre. " v- r 1 " tvrtii'rn. i" ynn lon Ft v A 1 .1 yO VV 4 VALI.F.T IRRKiATKP LAM-a THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. , SUNDAY' MORNING. 0 APRIL 24, FOR SALE FAhMS 1 -17 J $500 CASH ' TAKES THIS ' ' : FINE LITTLE FARM - ALL CLEARED AND IN CROP.. H milos from the - town .pi Hlllsboro; the very finest kind of fruit, berry pr truck land; price. $2000; $600 cash, balance ii a month, 6 per Cnt interest; half the crop with place.. Thla la A anap for some one. , A. O. WELLS. W. H. UFVR. : . v j Marshall 68. ' '. . i t- 30J Chamber of Conjmrrca. FINE 10 ACRE A nlca 16 ,acra chicken ranch; . has I' room house, good large i ., barn. 8Vchlcken houses- and I ' broodor; nice family orchard of a i : fine variety; 4000 feet of lumber, v with place;,. 2. dosen White Leg- t ..horn liens. This ilttle place la .. nicely located and watered by a nloa well and one of the nicest k '' trout, streams ip " wregon .and C ' right on main county road, . mile to carllnaand station, 17 -. miles out; $176.0. Thla will stand ,:, Investigation. , . J " WELLS & DUFUR - '103 Chamber of Commerce. , . Marshall 689. , - The Finest Dairy Farm in Tillamook County . 1 1 . Consisting or 411 ' acres, an under fence; fine well water and stream; water piped to house and barn; 43 first class dairy cows, registered Jlolsteln- bull; all farm Implements and everything to make a complete dairy farm goes with this place. This la the best bargain in Tillamook county, and -we can give you terms. , -t . A. O. WELLS, . y - W. H. DUFUR. , 303 Chamber of Comiperce, ,t: Marshall 689. . Beautiful 40 Acre Farm- 40 acres, about 16 In cultiva tion, balance easily cleared, about 25 miles out, on electric line; $ room house, small orchard, Ilea on main county road, R. P. D. and telephone line, watered by 2 good springs. This- Will make beau-, tiful farm home for anyone. . The price of this la $3700, $1200 cash, balance terms. Call and aea ua for further particulars. , WELLS & DUFUR " $03. Chamber of Commerce. i -. Marshall 689. .; . . FINE-FARM . CAN v- -" BE HAD CHEAP ' 120 acrea, partly fenced, una In ' miltfvstlon. small 80 or- chard, fair buildings, watered by spring and atreanv lies on .main county road, R. F. D. and tele ; phone line. . Some of thla land would be excellent for peacnea; 2 mllcfi from good t town, ij miles lo electric line; all for $85 per acre. This Is worth your in vestigation. ''.;.;'": ' ' . A. O, WELLS, . W. 1 1. DUFUR. ' ' 303 Chamber' of Commerce. ' "7 . Marshall 689. $20 PER ACRE k WAROAIN FOR BOMEUftli. -' 480 acres, with two fine streams of water; an elegant piece for platting;' as fine fruit land as lava out doors. A fine view of Mt. Hood and the surrounding countrv. Two miles horth of Weicn V right 1 in a fine farming and fruit country; ' land easily cleared; Mt. Hood R. R. "urveV runs through one corner or this place; $3000 t cash," -balance on time at 6 per cen. , Here la your ' ha" WELLS-DUFUR " 303 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 689.,- 75 acres fine rich fruit land, -with 50 acrea In cultivation; the land . all , M , 1 .. i .,h. nnrMlMfit there la no rock or gravel, has a nice living spring and goodjlljl cres i of fine fences, fair, buildings and only 8 milea . . - nuv nlnA tn (nnnl lm. plements and crop, everything goes for R. E. WOODWARD Box 45, Over Bank of Oregon City, Ore ,. .' '.. gon City, Or. 200 acre farm, 100 acrea cleared and' fenced; 7 room house, barn 36x60: 10 acrea in hops; hophouse; 2 acre orchard and other buildings; water is piped in house from spring; also a good creek, but does not overflow; about $0 mllea from Portland; aU level and, easily Cleared H cash, STOWE REALTY COt. ' . . 608 Chamber of Commerce, y Main 6124. A-8789.'--- '- t : ' ,'$11.! 30 acrea adjoining city limits of Van couver, Wash., 'overlooking mountains, city pt Portland and both rlvera, a new bungalow and barn under way, less than H mile from R. R. atatlon and 2 miles from electric R, R. ; an ideal country . '508 Chamber -of Commerce. " - t Main 61J4. . A-3789. ' FRUIT LANDS CHEAP." "firoadmead offer an unparalleled op portvnity to th man who wants to possess himself of a never failing In come. We are selling thla matchless fruit land at from $100 to $160 per acre on easy terma. We are planting tracts to good commercial varieties or apples and - caring for them for a term .' of years at eot. This la your chance. COLUMEIA TRUST COMPANT. Board of T rade bl) g. - ; " FARM 16 miles west of Portland: 1074 . ams .creek, Is goo Ing o LcrMi. orrnara, nouw, oarn. inu una (food for any kind of farming, dairy- Or. Truil. line sur , luiwiviQini, stock. Implements and everything on the place:- tlTi per acre; terma; no WINGREN, Route I. Besverton. NOTHING BETTER OFFEREU 20 acres, 25 ' mllea - rortlaad. level, fenced. In 4i1gb atate of cultivation. U miles of railway station., well settled community; last year -netted $24 pr acre In hay; very best pf soil. Price $2:00; . only $60-cash, aalaooa long time at per cent INVESTMENT CORPORATION. LTD. 2 H Washln gton St. Room 812. FOR SALE. "ICO acrea on Kandy rier, overlooking the railey and Mount Hood; for acoaery,' nothing escele it; the soli ia of the fin est quality. For further Information, arnlr to James Wilson, 1401 Dirlaloa St. phAoe Tabor - CIRCl'MSTANCES forea the aalo ef a spleT1d 4 acrea, rartiy improved, near Koret Grove: pric 1144; snrne term. 730 Chamber of Commerce. Mala $UL i - 104 ACRK.S exr.iei dairy land, on coast slope: 44 acres cleared: farm Implement", otieehoi 1 ronda and rrops lth rlaee at l r-er acre . , sHTI-A.XO. JOVrJ CO. 17 ; .-$100 PER .ACRE ' Finest kind Of fruit and " ,7 dairy land In Oregon, f 76 acres In high' state of cultl-. ' vatlon, room hogae, new ; barn, 48x73, with -33 foot boxing and concrete founda v tlon. barn worth $1600, 8: creeks, 2 springs, family or 1 chard and all kinds .of ber- ::v rlea. From 16acres of hops . n 'i last year netted uuu; on milk route, nets , $200 per fit month,' 2 acres of onion ' land, H ' mile from graded achoot, 3 churches, aiore, 4 'miles from Hlllsboro, 16 ' miles from ' Portland by - Canyon road: 1 100 . per . acre," hair casn, Datunce years, 6 per cent, land ad- irs, 6 per cent, land ad- y. ulng aelling for $150 per I e; owner lost husband I wants to oome to Port- v join V . acre ' and tnnit. ' Ask for' Mr. Burns. . ;,-. Mt.-Hood Land Company, , 713 Rothohlld Bldg. , , " " Every acre can be cultivated. Good well water; R. F. D. and telephone line; 1 block to school. . Thla ia a fine farm bargain. : v v , : 7 Part cash, balance long tlma lit " $ per crtht. ;, w : - v'STEWAIHT&ZIRlEL'; 604-605 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak. : " FARMSI . FARMSI ' 354 acres of land; 160 acres in high atate of cultivation, 108 acrea of bottom land,, all good soil, several springs, of. water, . all' fenced, no rock. .Thla place - can b cut Into three farms, Fine ' 6 room houso, 2 large barna and all good outbuildings. Family or chard In bearing. The 160 acrea 'all In crop and goes with place. Phone in house, R- F. 1 D., near ; school on good road, only 7 mi ea , from good town and R. R. Price ' $60 per acre. Owner will taka somo city : property as part pay- -.mnt,'J0S. C; GIBSON : $04-5 Gerllnger bldg. .v. V, .geoond -and Alder, sta. ' , Portland, Or. Good farms for sale. 85 acres, 80 acres in cultivation, house, barn and all crop.-for only V$7B00;- cash, balance easy terms. 60 acres, 30 acres in cultivation, good house, bam, crop, living water, good lo cation: $6000. $4000 cash, balance 5 yeara,. ,. V?; --77 1 '7.y1,'' : we have a larae list of large and small tracts for bargains. Call on or write to us ' FREYTAd 8WAFFORD, Near 8. P. Depot, Oregon CI ty Oregon 4S acres, fine soil. 4 miles, of Beaver- tons $10 per acre.; 314 miles from rail road station; 10 acres cleared. 16 acres slashed, easily cleared;, living, -water; one-fifth cash, balanca long time, -. :149 acres.' lft mllea -west of city, $100 per acre; 2 miles south of Reedville; room house, barn and outbuildings; -6 acres fruit and berries; 60 acres choice apple land; 16 acres garden soil, equal to beaverdam;- terms. Werner Wrenn, 813 Lewla bldg. ' , 2 acres, only Shi miles from city. If you are- In tha market for an Ideal country home don't mlsa thla bargain; this place must be sold In the next few weeks; this place is just mile from electric-station, good county road, fine for automobile road. to city. 'This farm is ail -under cultivation, has good im provements, 8 room houae, barn, chick en house and etc., 6 acres of young trees. 4 of bearing fruit trees, berries of various varieties, 3 fine wells and a fine spring; this place can be bought for $7000 cash, balance to suit; I will con sider soma good Oncome property In Portland, B-612.' Journal. MY FARM 18 FOR BALE 4H acres , 23 acres In cultivation, bal anca open pasture with some timber, all lenceo, lana an lays gwra. line -sou, fair buildings and the best of spring water at ,house; family orchard, R. F. D.. cream route, phone; also near school and good road: mllea from town and R R.: only 15 miles from Portland. Price, 84P00; terma $1100. balance; rears a( a P' iii.' r y 1 iuu pim-u arm ace' owner at rooma 2 04-3 OS. Ger llnger bldg.. 2d and Alder sts., Portland. Or. . ' THIS la a flna acre tract, la .highly Improved, caa a nearly new room house, wood . housa, well of tha best water to be found anywhere. - Is. all cleared and mostly set to fruit, such aa apples, peaches, grapes, strawberries. etc.; thla place la rencea witn woven wire chicken proof. 7 miles from court house. 10 cent fare, wa can make terma of one-half to run 6 yeara at 4 per rent. For price app-y io toi-umnia Trust Co.. 14 4th at. Board -of 'Trade bldg., Portland.' Or. ' ' ' ' GOl -farnr A acres. H mllea from Vancouver, WaahlH anllea from railroad station, near new elect rlo line: (5 acres In cultivation, is acrea riret prOwth tlabrr. rolllrg and bottom land, e-ood farm n.iuao and new barn, out sheds, chiekea yard, orchard, farra Im olements and cron included; on a-rareled county mad. R. F. !.. telephone, cloee to market. IS!"1. Kn casn; eaav terma Owner, Dr. It M. Greene, 2 MeAlcal Hog - - A DAVDT FARM. Only ' mliea from l"rtLnd. 4 tnllee Trcra Olariatone. on ClacVarass river snd lltnuiim road: this p,a-e as Z acre's, t-l under cultivation, the soil Is a n1' loanr- and rich bottom land. stock and lmplement Included, $S0t; JCTTT"- 41 pn.ri) ef Trail r-My. ;- A' r.f s WITHIN THE 14 MILE CIRCLE. Of tre fiie farm sr.d t ' -r, -r t1 In tie att: 1T9 area rleareo. 4 e ft f 'ne IfT.her; r-t "'- '-r. t !ec. It -c enea a jrrrv1 !-; In I r- Va of jt-er ai1: fn mi rr r1; t.? Ji-a FOR BALK KA!IM PILULES'' CLOSE TO'HILLSBOIRO ' 11 COUMTY WMD-'' lii.sic. . :". : ' ' 81 kt2l$ WXU -;v' .: FOR SALE PAH.MS , 'MIEIEEK- WE ABE COnGeG TO OBFIFEIil WOJI ELSE 63AS -. EVER -" DEEM ADSLE TO OFIFEK - VOfll iAOBD mWU T JMVE8TIIEATE .THESE mm -mmmm -s sp SfflEIBE ME TIMES! PV IBS CLARKE C0 WAJSiiiflBflCTODfl We are ; the exclusive aelllng agents for that famous ONION . and . BEA VERDAM LAND that you all - have heard so , much about. ana for i- he next few days -.we are going to offer ' you somethings- that haa pever been hear .of befora - in thla part of the country: 10 acrea of thla soil, rich- and black as coal. ; with running water a over the'-tract, that can be uaerf for irrlsrstlna if necessary; ditches running on . each.- side' of - every tract, leaving tha land well drained; ona acre of this soil producod 400 sacks pf on ions last year, and are now aelllng at $1.60 per sack, netting $600 to the acre. Now, with this 10 acra tract wa will give to the first few purehasera a lot 60x100 In the townstto that has- been than for a number of yeara and has stores,, churches, schools and i homea that are established, and not a townsite that is to be; also a half acre tract for pasture , land which has enough cord wood atandin$r on It to last a number of years. ' . ' , " , For starter we are- going- to Bell this at $20fr per acre and make terms to suit your pocketbook, t not ours., Thla lanH -u onlv 9 miles from Vancouver on a good gravel road, only a. mile and I t , .. . . I 1 In. . , ... , Nnw. ,nmimhr. there - is a limited number of these tracts, so you, will have- to' speak fast. ' 4i'.W ,;!i'r AWl6o : " , ti - a'cma 'under cultivation, balance stump pasture land, 1 good wells on the rlace whloh will pump water all over he tract, plenty of small fruit and- ber ries, 5 room house, , cost $600; small barn, chicken house and - yard. ; Thla place la 8 miles from tha ferry landing, 4 miles from the electric llne. mile from school; 15 chickens to go with tha plaoe.This will make an idejU' subur ban home for somebody., Now, - who wants it at a sacrifice price, $1750. We can make, you terms on this place., : - , a Av;wi -All in .fruit "which Droduced a big crop last year, i-ia, only 4 blocks from the electric line and 30 minutes from Vanconver- on food macadamised 'road: all this lies In av valley which contains thousands or -acres or - iruit, ana me land adjoining this pleco was sold for isoo per' acre last weeK -oui or tins oi- fice. The party who owns this place needs some- ready cash and will let It go at $250 an acre if sold this week Who wauts this?-r-talk fast. , 6t4 acres under cultivation, balanca pasture 'land, 5 miles from Vancouver" on maln conrity -road, overlooking . the Columbia river and 'Portland. : One of the most sightly - places on . the riven with the best of soil, all fenced,; 70 ifruit trees, assorted for rami ly use, good t room ; house. . painted green' cost $800; 24x14 barn, with a basement 7 feet highland 23 feet-long: -good well and a. gasoline engine to pump water all over the tract; mil .to school, 4 mile to railroad station and boat landing, all this, for the small sum - of .$3260,- and we can sell you this on easy terms. ;j J-i) ACRl'-4.., , - :.7 ' , ' 4 acres under cultivation, balance sec ond growth -timber and stump land, best of soil, adapted to .fruUr-or produce of; any kind, nice -family .orchard .of 'fruit ! and berries, t room. ; house, - painted white, in good condition; 18x24 barn and a poultry house; Vt mile to school aid z miles from the railroad; -1 horse and buggy and - all ' farm Implements. Wouldn't you consider this a snap at 52500. isettor let . us show, this place to you. , ',,).,)'. - 23 ACRES ' 1 - 8 acres under cultivation, 10 ' seres slashed and seeded, balance stump and limner lanaT smau nouse on tnis place, It Is only 4 miles from Vancouver on the main street road. Owner lives' In the east and does not know the value of this nlace. but hai wants some ready cash, and is willing to let It go, for I37bv. ana win taice ft cash, balance to run a lung- unw at i per. cent interest r, 39 - ACRES 1 -, ,. ,, !0 acres - under - cultivation, balance raeturo jana ana . very easy to clear bas about.: 100 cords ef -wood on : the place, welt and two live wrecks on the place run the -year .round:, haa an or chard 'of apple, pears, and cherries In gooa pearing condition; 7 - room nouae, 44x70 barn. 12x12 chicken house and woodshed; mile to school, mHe to a - country town and - railroad station. With thin place we give 3 horses and narness, z cowa ana 3 calves, ll sheep, 3 blooded hogs, 34 chickens, 3 stands of bees. 1 spring tooth harrow, cultiva tor, plow, -drag, -disc harrow, and all hay tools, cream separator. . 1 hack. 1 wagon,- 8 hole range and some household rurniture. - Aisns has 10 rranevines and 4 acre of strawberries, and 400 hills of rhubarb and an kinds or small berries There is acres of that famous beav erdam land on this place, and you know wnat mat. means; iuo .casn- Handles thla place, balance $4200 can run for 5 yeara at 7 . per cent interest. Now. will that make you sit up and take notice. 40 ACRES , " 12 acres ' under cultivation, balance rood sasture land and atumn land, with about 500 cords of wood bn the place: 1. . , A MTI. ,M,H ...I. - ,C, ,,ev - n i,i". niuuj uiuiiuu ui 94 ircci in gooa condition: a room house, nnlnt ed white, cost $500; 86x3$ barn, and all needed outbuildings, tt mile from school and railroad station. - Land sell lna- In thla vie nit v rleht now at 120ft per acre, but we can deliver this to you at $100 an acre. This la sure to go to tne rirst one tnat sees this ad, so you will have to- hurry. .-,.' MB ge your own terms, r; - .. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO.. -, Phone M. 733. 310 Main St, - Vsnconver. Wash. ':M mm-. - (! ' - . . - - , --' Half tinder high state of -J Cultivation. 6 room house, bam. cowshed, well, spring . creek, personal property. 5 7 cows, two horses, wagon, ... plow ' and harness: milk-' route by door; nets $75 ma, -R. F. D.. 1 mile to school, 7 cbureh and atora rash, balance r per -. 1 -ent yeara.'- . . ,- MT, H00DkUNDRCOMPANY4 . 712 ROTCH1LD BLTX3. - I WANT Tv SELL -50 acre: about 25 In cultivation: all fenced and rroea-.enced: good orchard; , -.ilea and two barna, with water ptred to them from larsa p- Jg; beet of soil; mile t ehool: phone; ( miles to town: will slao sell machinery, borses and stork, oreapk Kmrlr b'.ird. Iherefire alah to sen. Mr price ia only $, and will give terma ' n ft rAVis. ... ,' VHiieal. ah. a'l ln.f red. fv--d bni d m r: - clnee 10 Beaerforr; t, ii. rrop and Ifr r, M-rr.eet: a fine p-jh,irhin J-omr; come ert and t at lift-, lalf cash. "H( tt FRY, far- i.i r at hat .It r. U' r' t at e t'"ni. .eart rf K "i'ia'm- -i v !-v. JJ r-' '-n cf Pitrif; an ly rv f mUB- aorer Co, ? J 1 -2 1 2 Ii a ti'f 1910. I'On BALE FAUMS - z .illlHIBll in aorta - an acres under clow, and all lrt growing crop; it has some pf the choicest bottom land; there is a good 6 room houae with water connection, 2 barns, 200 tons hay capacity: good or chard, with varletiea of fruita; the place la well watered; personal property: span Of mares, worth $500, three sets of har ness, x mux COW, l " . of bees, S buggies, 1 wagon, all necessary implements; tne piaco u umj i71 ,.. from county - seat with .the , jallroad facilities, and It takes about 7. hours to make the trip from Portland- Torms $5000 cash, balance In 9 yearr g( $ per cent. .. . T v r-rs -'' OTTO HAKIHun v.v., , . . , 133 ,Flrst :SW,.:.y'v??, 241 ACRES of best land -In Wil lamette valley, 1. miles from Woodburn. 4 mile from Gervals, - u mile from station on Oregon ' Kleotrlo, aU cleared except sbout 2 acres, all fenced; thla land haa . been examined by an expert who advised planting of aame to wal- - nuts, applea, cherrlea, etc.. stating ;i...'.if-,0ii .a anitable for rais ing of fruits and nuts as any in s Oregon, jxius is a BPlr""fu.,YVT ting proposition, now platled Into , 20 acre tracts; will sell half or aU . 7 for $126 per acre, one half cash. . . r 7 .$15 per acre for one of best cat tle, sheep or goat ranches In ore- . gon. 1500 acrea, 10 mllea east of Koseburg, about BOO acres tillable ' land, balance hill pasture, about 160 acrea cleared, several springs , ' and running streams, fair house, x old barn and other outbuildings,) ,7340 pacre Ifor' 100 J mies from V North Tamhlll; 15 acris in cultivation, 35 acres more practically clear; not a fool of , waste land on placs;,8 - J0"1 ' house, old barn- and other build Ings; good family, orchard; above .. price includes all stock, Imple ments and some household goods. 200 acres. miles from Vancou- ver. Wash., In Clarke county, 2 H miles from Columbia river and N. P. R., R.J near, proposed electric : line; best rich soil, no gravel, run ning water; $60 per acre, or will , trado part or all for Improved property- ' ' - . Tlie Washington and Oregon . ..Realty company ' 808-809 Merchants Trust Bldg., Portland. . 6th and Washington. , Phono Main 2404. and 800 4laln St. Vancouver, Wash. FOUR acres, Oregon Electric at Green-v,..- ....lAn- hla nronnsition Is Cheap and chances are you vwlll buy if yov see It; all under cultivation, 70, young fruit trees, acre rturi .co, . berries, currants, ' blackberries,- etc.; I excellent chicken houses, cost ' $150. hm.M cost 2800 and-is new; excellent land and view property;-see this Mon day. $3000. easy termev-i J ": .' c-i-v. li.. nm the heart of Port land, 15 acres, at electric station, Salem line; all in cultivation, good house, Urge new barn.;, large hay shetf. tool barn.-aU crop, chickens, norsen, iiuiiwiuiuw, at $8250; if in the market for a farm see this at once. For a practicable home place look at this: 21 acres 14 miles from Port land, on electric line, near station, price $5600, and wen worm u; pieuiy u va ries, fruit and orchard; large bouse nd barn, all under cultivation. . . Portland forging to the southwest, 80 acres 1 mile south of city limits and 1 mile from Multnomah station on Ore- -ttwtrii heantlfnl TlieCS Of land TBI $266 per acre; no land around or near It as cne&p, awe up, bhiw yv .-, Will IIOT .Wft.i- 'i1!-..' Here is the farm If you want; some thing cheap, a beautiful Country home. Sacrifice sale because of sickness, look at this ir, you want a. no, i unw "u th cifv -with country advantages acres high state of cultivation, .straw berries, raspberries, 1000, feet frontage, on Taylor , Ferry road, 5 room house; large barn, cnicaen nouoo ra ia, fenced and cross fenced; tsows. chickens and all implements go with place; 5 cent carfare. Oregon Electric; $6500. easy terms and a snap; will be pleased to show you this propertv. , COLUMBIA TRT'ST CO, Foard of Trade bldg. - ' : LARGErr:ARMV - 807-acres of good land;: 180 In., cultivation. balance oak- grubs, having been goated for years, , some good oak timber, no waste ' - land " and no rock., ' All fenced ' and crosa fenced- Fine spring ' water, also-good well. -Family . 4 orchard, old bulldmga.: Pert of land allghtly roUlng. , All cultl- . vated land now , In crop. Only . three mllea - from a good ; town ; and R. R. f and ,60' miles f from , . , Portland. Price $62 per a,cre, will exchange for vacant lots or house and lota In Portland to the amount of $3600. Must have . aome cash, with 6 years on bal- - JOS. C'GIBSON 'V- : v : 804-6 Gerllnger bldg. " Second and Alder sts.. . ' -. Portland, Or. -..- ' . , esraraf ime -v' i 111 a ree; 30 acrea In high state Of cultivation. 46 in paature. bal- ; anoe fine timber; "90 acres the ; beat tillable Mand; good 6 room' bouse, painted white; milk, wood. . chicken and hog houses: large -barnr apples, pears, cherries for family use,' gooseberries, logan-, berrtea and 1H acres straw be r rles beat variety; running stream. ; well at bouse, good team of , mares, harness, wagon, 2 seated hack, mower, hay rake, plow and all farming tools; new cream sep-. ; arator. young cows and 2 da. . rotekens go with the place. Price j: $46 per acre, sale or trade. . i WZZZilx EBX ESTATE S. ily-li Aninai"" oiui, . Portland, Or. O.N K acre tracts, cloaa to cariltie. tne beat Were 18 on tne maran. ni-imrn. payments or your own terma; It win pay von to par one or 1 v, a, .-r-w auu let them advance In price, a good In vestment fvr T"if hoy. i 1 1 Hnry tls. " 'chT7jvF7n ran -it-is acrea: 1 mile frem town: flrta roafl; rood 4 rom hoae; water piped In; naw f.arn. 2 rhl'-lin hmiies; atraaberry oatch: r.r-e f-,it trea: a 'Ib, Va'ftirl 11 nu ai K'fi. 3 T"-j can br 14 "M tl-e rif rnnr(lff5i rrXAfRlfIn .OFFERE JIT. IE llrrMa ear t-, roimtrr ci'ih. for 1 1 -r . Ix-t va.: a..J-" ir.g are $m Ci.Lr,fT:T4 TP.rT --V'PANT. ( I-, . .a r 4 ft Tr t 1 't- 1 VOll S A LBFA RMS S S N W 8, S 8 S 8 S H M Hiftfi .. S A genuine bargain 111 tho famous S 8 Tualullii vailoy, 45 acres under the g o niiiiieMi state or cuitivsno", ' " , 8 now in crop, 15 acres' in good paa- 8 8 turo ewnlly cleared; no bftter soli S 8 In the vulu-y, new small houao, some B , 8 outbulluliigs, alHO 2 horsea, poul- a 8 try, waitoit, hack, plow, dink and all 8 , H fanning tools aud household fur a , 8 nlture; tho location only IS miles fj S from Portland, 4 miles from rail- S 8 road town ami. close to the'survey 8' 8 of new electrlo line. Prloe $5500, 8 8 terms reasonable. - S 8 A splendid home, 105 acrea, 1214 8 S miles from Portland in Washington S 8 Co., 70 acres In a high state of cul- S S tivatlon. 25 acres fine green tlm- S 8 ber; very best of soil, no rock or 8 8 gravel; all fenced with woven wire 8 '. Sand cross fenced; fine creek, good 8 8 family orchard, all kinds of small 8 S fruit; good 2 story 5 room plant- 0 S ered house,' fine new large frame 8 8 farm and other outbuildings; lo- 8 a ...Un I, n ,n.,l. ..... ., A 1 .- a ' S mile frem high school. mile from 8 7' cnurcn, nas . u. ana puone, it a ri 11 tiv.vvv. ...... o 8 180 ere dairy farm In Cowllts 8 7 8 Co.. Wash.,. 25 - acrea , perfectly 8 S cleared, - balance mostly in pasture S ,' 8 and easily cleared, land lays near- H , 8 ly level, black loam soil, good well, S 8 spring nd creok, all fenced, 1 200 B 7 S fruit, trees 'and small fruits, new S S house and some Outbuildings, um- S 7 ,' S ber, for new bam, also 3 horses, 8 S 7 8 cows, 6 young cattle and all necea- 8 . 8 sary farming Implements, location S V ' 8 Is In thickly Settled neighborhood, 3 ; ; S on fine gravel roads, .4 miles from S i , S good town, 1 miles from church, H ,q: 8 114 miles from school, has phone,: 8 77. S R.F. D. and creamery route. 8 ?'; S price $7000, terms cash. , . . 8 ' 7 H. A good . home S miles' -from 8 8 Salem electric, 2 miles from boat 8 8 landing, 22 acres cleared and now 8 7 -, S in. crop, 22 acreai-pasture and eas- 8 m 8 11 v cleared. 12 acres fine Diling tlm- S ,' S ber, land Just rolling enough - for 8 j gooa drainage. - DiacK 40am son, a -8 ramtir orchard. rood well and 8;V'" 8 never falling spring, 8 room houBe, 8 7 S large new barn, hog house, 4 chick- 8 S enhouses also 2-horses, i cow, 60 8 7 ; S chickens, 3 sets harness,' 2 wagons, 8 . -B hack, bugjry, mower,, rake, cvlltl- H . S vator. plows, stump puller, sawing 3 -' S machine, household furniture 'and 8 ' 8 all small tools on the place. Price 8 '-', 8 26000, terms $2600 cash, balance 4 S 8 years at 6 per cent 8-7 8 A fine little fruit farm on fine S -8 gravel roads in- Clarke Co., Wash, 8 1 8, One mile from town: H mile fjom H . 8 school, 1 on - It F. , phone and 8 ' ' S creamery routes, 15 acres, gravelly 8 8 loam soli, 1000 prune trees .In full 8 1 S bearing, also cherry, apple, quince 8 Gland pear trees, -2 acres in clover. H i v 8 1 acre In potatoes f room 3 story 81 8 house, ; barn, j prune dryer, cement 8 S fruit house, etc.; all Implements 8 , 8 necessary . to operate place, also S 8 household goods. Me - better, little 8 -8 fruit farm In the country. Price 8 S $6800, terms $1800 cash. 8 h ;so acres, 15 mucs rrom rortiano, s , 8 10 minutes -walk from electric - R. 8 I H W 1 ' Btatlnn -3 . aerea v ptdoriul tt A' 8 which i acre is fine onion land, 8 8 5 acres umber, best or soli, just 8 8 slope ' enough J'or good drainage, 8 " 8 good roads,, Price, $3500, good 8 8 --terms. ;;;';- ' '. ' - -. a 8 10 acres-at Estacada, " 4 blocks 8 8 from Estacada hotel, all level land, 8 S fine view, ' 800 , 'cords of N wood on 8 S property. Price $1600,, terms about 8 8 cash. ,'-" 8. 10 acre farms -I have - several 8 8 within mllea of Portland, '1 V 8 8 miles of railroad, best of soil, no 8, 8 rock or gravel at $100 to $126 per 8 ' 8 acre on your own terms.- . 8 S I personally examlno all proner- 8 S ties before advertising them, know 8 ' b tnem to be good buys and guaran- ti 8 tee them aa advertised.-' Soe nie bo- 8 ; S fore buying. . v . . . .. . S ' J.'Dlt. SHIELDS' v rlingor Bldg., aa and Alder. 8 205 Gerlingor Bliia.. 2d and Alder. 8 8 Office, Main 8430; Residence Wood- S 8. , lawn 216D. r 8 8 - , ' 8 8-8 B B S '8'' Si S' H'tt'B 8. S 55 ACRES MIL Half - wnder cultivation; M l , 6 acres heavy timber, bal ;. : anoe good pasture and eas lly cleared; room .white ' house,' barn, shed, 2 wells'' and creek, family orchard, , -. all-kinds of berries, person . si property; 4 cows, 2 year- lings, i , 8 horses, plow. -: wagon., buggy, 2 sets of i i harness and harrow; 1 mile from school, church, store; R. F. O.s ; 16 miles from , Portland , by Canyon road, . and 4 milea from Hlllsboro,. ' on milk route, nets $76 per ' -. i, month. . - . s- : . , ASK FOR MR. BURNS. ' ' Mt. Hood Land ' Company ' - Rothchild Bldg. ( Orab this marvellous baraaln befora- land in the Willamette valley, 35 acres level, 25 acres gently- sloping, deep rich soil; no gravel or white land; cool, pure ' water; creek and several good springs; ' 1600 cords of .first class wood for which . there Is ready market at all times; over ' 10 acres In cultivation: nice family or chard, bearing; amall house and barn. Thla place. Is right on the public road snd only 8 miles from a hustling rail-, road town of over 3000 people. Now juat tninn, an mis ror omy -tizuo, ana we absolutely guarantee everything just as represented here. See us at once, Sun days, offices open from ! to 2:30 p, m.- ' 41 Henry Building. All tillable land. J 5 seres ready for the plow. 3 mllea frem Kleotrlc line. Close to school, no bwlldinga Price, before May 1. $26 per acre; cash, bai. I years, per cent. A. V ESTER, - . 20t Oregonian bldg. - - - " Homeseekers Attention' " Want a farm In the famous--Wtllanette valley of Oregon? Of . coarse you do. Call and get One of eir lista i containing descrip tions and pricea of over 80 farms la that fertile section. A,C, FOSTER : 10i$ Board of Trade bldg. 7tABSE FASIJ -' South of Portland, on S. P. R. It, T acres in full bearing prnnoi, mfr- amlir orchard; Ik acres In oata; team of horses; Jersey cow and 1 doa-n chlra-. n: necessary tools and household tur-- filture; enouih wood to pav for rsri lose to narliet: only 440U1), part csh. balance t,-n'. RT')E r.tt.ll.Tl nu M4 i'harcNer of 1'nmnifr' - , y m,i : Main f 1 A-IT 0 of fine Jand. only about I rri-e from te court anuae eni I mile eef pf the Orpn City car-j-ne; shonT Si e-re of -!a ia Cl-ar. balance f'ne -Her. The laid ! erlr 11 Vel with 2 aprlrr. Trt-e only lii r-r ' r . K. I fiwrer A Co . room a, M ; ,key bids. H cl. r ti mm mm SFLUEWD D-BUY f ,e hj? -"a. 1 T ; 9 T ' 4ft ier!!-r Bida, Tl AW) PIM.TT A: !W. CO. . f 1.R -u!"OOe ..! 311 A,.k tidg. I Zd and Airer. , 1 ll Id it- I 1 or.f JU UT. A-l:'7. P.. c-r rcre '!'.