The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 24, 1910, Page 27, Image 27

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iLJJ-. - '
3 om
to acres, u in cuiuva
tlnrt, balance pasture; some
timber. 1 room house good
barn, close to school, 13600,
for home in the city.
' 174 acres fine farm' or
fruit land, 80 acres In crop.
-balance good timber: will
take part city property. ,
40 acres. Lane
partly improved,
a-nnri timber.
for email
bouse and lot, f 1(00.
T room modern house and
t room bungalow, for mall
improved farm, close to the ;: .
; city, value 45600. ' , '
If you don't eee what you
. want, call at, the office. Ve - 'J
pavs It. ,
, ESTATE CO..- ,
:oev Morrison St..
TO exchange. 10 acres, only lfc mil'"
from Hood River; 1 acre bearing tree"
7H acres set to trees, some of which
will come Into bearing this year, also
cherry and pear .trees and some small
fruit; one acre strawberries set between
trees;' 1H acres pasture ,th "nAn
water , inches of water for
This la extra good soil and has Urfect
drainage: small bam; cultlvatoplow.
to. Wtll trade for Portland property.
::" J, Q. SANDKRS. i ;,;'
X HAVE 10 gores rear Rvl"-
Improved; new house and barn, outbuildings,-
well located, near carllne.
very choice land, to exchange for- city
property. What ihave you? , .
. Also IB acre of" tha' best Tualatin
valley land. t exchange for home in
Portland, value oo.QoR . .
QUI V"" .
Phones M. 8368, A-577S,
WiLL exchange furniture ot '10 room
house, in fine toe", for "m ber
claim or homestead. The furniture is
first-class; two lots with house, i a 1
kinds of fruit. rt onIy$25f house will
net one 140 a month. Tabor, 1147. ,
a7th and Hawthorne ave.
LbOKHi2RE! Trade ua a good lot in
on a new, modern o room u.-."
and lot 17x100, splendid location, only
.$2676; terms. ': l''"';''!' a
Here is what you tt Acre and I 4
room house and Wrn, fruit
all cultivated, fenced, near 8o car, only
$1400; $800 cash, balance terms. .rfc
VlLL accept m?'",
tlflcate to amount ,not over 8"
first payment on fine lotr overlooking
Eastmoreland. balance can paWl
$10 per mo.; lot la IT mtn. rldefrom
Sleullson bridge; water -main"
treets graaeu. o-oiu . .t "-..
Marsnau djjo, c.rup
10 ACRlJ prune orchard, trees all i in
good condition and bearing, one half
' mile from station and boat landing, now
leased for better than 8 per cent net
6n $4000-valuation. For sale op ex-
.....ft une .....Iv.i.a t-1 HH3.
Change tor resiucnuw "t '"
410 TliiguildlnK.
nrs T7iTri?crr'iv."i-mart countv wheat
-"J)zuz'a ; dp t with
place; will trade for Portiaua proper .
19K nor acre. v-' 1 -
. r." b a wrtTSTHINQTON.- ' :
' ' WM. KENNEDY, , " -. .
- 204 Wells Fargo Rldg.
I HAVE a first clM'rul,urllar WTnXn
nierchandlse store.' carrying W0
stock that I wish to trade for Portland
Srwertv;"old established business In
ran? own. Address all letter, or
call 810-511 Kenton bldg.
EXCHANGE 4 room house on river op.
poslte Oaks. v$00 ; f on a- 3 00 lot
would be $1200) for a lot or two, Own-
... no. ..via. ..vfi 1 .'..,- v.. i. . .).' .. i.' "
f'liave 'a patented advertising appliance
that every retail merchant will wel
come. ., Business
attention, juaae ouw ui '"
iResldence, Tabor 12.69 or business. Main
"10 acres, "rich land, all lit crop, new
house and barn, near electric car line,
$500. Exchange 'for Portland property.
81$ Altsky. s ". " , ,
DESCHUTES Irrigated farm, B acres
neir Redmond, on river, good bulld
IngsTpart cultivated. $5000. ExchangJ
on good small ranch near Portland or
Vancouver, or farm land in northern
California. Box L. Cllne Falls, Or.
' 9V. aores,i small house and chicken
. . houses! all in cultivation and garden,
$900. for. Portland property. Owners,
room 26, 142tt 2d. .
llu.'NA 9 fin. tha
1 HA uJT2.r-u.T-i- nA
wlH exonange lor """e-i"" K
would pay some cash difference. Bee
M?. Bordersr 401-2-$ Board of Trade
bldg. r---;"!--:-'-'- :-,,;,;.:
tns ACRES farm and dairy "ranch, near
1 Servant?; $8000; will take $5000 In
trade Tnear 'Portland; principals only.
Address box w""v"' v
WILL sell or trade one 6r two mod
IZTl room house. In Waverly, 1 block
from car. for west or east side lot or
acreage Inquire 827 EliaworVh. Sell-
wood 70S.
outside jproperty or small farm. Owner.
Phone K.
FIVE room cotUge. -bath, electric snts,
nice corner lot, $2500. Take vacant
lot s part, balance easy, r Hatfield,
l5H 4th at. 1 : : L.
io ACRES with $.000,600 feet fine spruce
Umber, value, $3000; trade even for
house and lot n Portland. Owner. L-
$1, journal
!...'. in FMtt Side.
$16,000: will take gooa iarm '
lev : win Day o t iB UuBii.v.. - -Vc.
iHu East Ankeny.
r.HKl mm. - 1
UtlL take good building lot as part
: paylnint on'ne.r.y. new east .Id. res-
inenoe, in b"" -
TV8H. Journal. :
iJUST SELL, cheafc at once. S lots
In Tremont Place or will take g-ood
motorcycle m '" , " -
' I0 acre, only iOO .near coast or
.l. rijv. ' ii 1 ' -
St. Phone Ufuno, .
would irmuo i'"-.""-"-..-;
burban acreage, vua
WE buy. sell or trade for anything ol
.value. aT ,
I rao i am Boina east; will sell or
' trade my real estate office; A-l fur
tilt" and One of the best lists In the
.... m 101 ' Innrn.l.
TV- "
n'6 66 quarter block In Vancouver, busU
pp.1 licuuu, w. . r-- - - -
' L-41 i. Journal.
r J 11 I n nnm , f th HKt 1 1 T ll
offices in city. Both phones, $1 per
. month. M-411. Journal
tfu-n 'iSTATE property fur exchange.
fc VVbat havi youS $08 Board of Trade
tfikS IJ50 value, to traJe In part
A'ymsnt on lot or cottage. B-ell.
Journal. .
I HaVE room modern bungalow, near
cr- would esehasse for - cottaee at
rt lelaw. 05 Ccmmerclsl bide.
ITTm Ha acres In eealern Oregon for
rornlng hcase or grocery stovic. B-
'J. Joiirriai.
T WO rotm fcoutelxiaU ail furnlaiied. at
- MilwavHle, for erreags or lt Red
41 L-. J. jonmni.
Crt - 'L J-0 sere reiinulahment In Crook
Co rr . exchange for anything. 211
T-m r'Jr
y ou rt sell, bur or tj1e.
F-o-ier Irv CO- 517 Heury bldg
' n A-'4.
a nt.llli.'l In tr1a f-r
I ltr lit !.!, b't.
f. .
" n ' . '. f a -;(-
fib ran
WE own our own home and Hk ' K
very welt Indeed,, but contemplated
changes in business reoutre other changes
and as we do not care to rent It. wc
deem It wise to of fer U In exchange
for unimproved property.
It la located at 'University Park and
Is worth 14000 and there la a mortgage
on It of 41800 that has nearly two
years to run. It can he paid or not,
as may be -desired, There are 8 roomi,
modern' Improvements, Dutch kitchen,
white enambled bath. - Bull Run water,
I cent fare, good neighborhood, ground
86x110 feet, fruit trees 8 years old.
roHes, berries, lawn, etc.
Besides this' we own a lot on the
same block .worth $500 that wt will
add to the above if desired. -
No objection to a mortgage If the
property will Justify It. E-ol0. Journal.
I) WHO has a city or town residence S
8 or well Improved 6 acre tract with S
6 good house, not exceeding $4000 in 8
value and a little cash, to trade to- g
ward a fine dairy farm - of 180 8
S acres, completely stocked with cat- g
S tie, horses, hogs, poultry and a full 8
R enulnment of farming- tools. Lo- S
S oated 1H -Billeg from good town on S
R 110.000. "' j'i - S
a main line nr n. r. i. n. value a
8 20 acres on main graveled road 8
8 18 miles from Portland In Tua-, 8
a una vsIIav rmhM under eultiva- 8
8 tion, 2 acres timber, balance in 8
8 good pasture, good well, large barn, 8
Sschlckenhouse, etc school' at pUee. 8
8 Want residence property equal yal- 8
8 ue. Price $2250. - , " . - 8
8 Livery stable In a llvs town of 6
S 2000 population, on main line of S S
8 railroads, . doing ' gropd .business, B
8 good lease on barn at very low 8
8 rental, stock valued at $2500j own- 8
8 er wants well Improved farm up to B
8 88000 in value and will pay-dlf- 8
8 ference In eashK , &
" -r.'. 11 nn" AnnHiri Irii( . ; t .
8 . 305 Gerifnger Bldg. Main 8480.
I B 8 S B S 8 8 8 S 8 - 3
40 acres, good wild land, running wa
ter, 26 acres suitable r for faming, bal.
grasins; land, running water, 2 hi miles
from R. R. town, 1H' miles from store.
school and enurcn near, win iraae lor
lots, house and lot, or your . equity in
same, or-a good automobile. ,, y
85 h. p. boilef, good condition,' good
planer and some other sawmill machln
. nt1 half nrlre. have went throuKh
mall fire, not damaged,' will ftxehange
for otner property, wnat nave your
A fine unimproved tract of land, near
Kit a pfice of $20to $40 less than ad
joining land is neid at, owner is bicb
and must sell, or will trade it for good
Income property, wheat lafid. city prop
erty, let - us show you this place. It
can't be beat for the prloe asked.
D, S. Cameron Realty Co;
-" 810 Washington sU R'g Blue Sign.
, - Vancouver, Wash.
80 ACRES, 4 miles north' Vancouver.
cheap at $1J,0U. - A
84 feres in Tualatin bottom, all cul
tivated) a fine farm: $10,800.
Good i0 acre farm near Newport,
tRnn A anan . :..''.
160 acres on Alsea river, $2250. .Good
73 acres line rruit lana, ievm nu
well improved,, $8500; can't be beaten.
Best- S26 acr farm In Wlllamett
Valley, $60. :'.v'.'.- ':.:'' - 11
200 acres Medford fruit land, 88 acres
im nrrhnrii. 11 CO -er acre. Rare chance.
800 acres adjoining Broadmead, plat-
tin; proposition; sau.uou. - , . ;
Rertion rood timber near ; railroad,
$1650." Take trade Portland property
on above. . " ''.? '
. - Two fine- plee St Johns property
trade for good valley farm, $13,600. ...
$110 per month income on jij.000 In
vestment; $7000 cash, Can you beat
thatT Many bargains In real estate
and city property. s;, . ...
ROGERS. 428 Ablngton Building.
MODERN " T room house and lot. Hol-
laday JParK addition, $tuup. , -
Three lota Montavilla, ; central loca
tion, 6U. ' " .
'KleBaiit Wasco st house, with ouar-
ter block, J9000. , . , . c
""Ouarter section timber, land cruises
B.oDo.OOO, $3500. , ' , ,
The above property or any part - of
It to exchange for a farm or acreage,, ,
Ablngton Bldg.
VAMHILL county farm," 160 acres, 110
highly culUvated, smooth surface,
very rich soli, part excellent fruit land.
$ acres fine young bearing -orchard; 60
acre's rolling pasture land; wood, timber,
8 living springs and stream; well fenced,
?ood i story house, barn, outbuildings,
arm tools and machinery; school,
church and creamery near; R. F.' D tel
ephone; close to North Yamhill? jrood
buy at $5 per acre part cash,-or will
accept Portland residence up to $6000.
Kerrls-Mlng Realty Co, 808 Board of
Trade. , " -
Good Homes on the
' for Small Improved Acreage. .
A.w. baoleyTb. h. HABIGHORST,
407-408 Gerlinger bnlg.
Have" 8 fine Belle Crest lots, one a
corner, restricted district Improve
ments paid, want 1 weir buUt 6 room
Bungalow. New, modern, - 60 4 ft . lot
Come to Log Cabin, end Rose City car
line or address - - .: ;.;
Rose City Park, Portland, Or.
. TO EXCHANGE Fins T passena
v ger Stoddard-Dayto" ' autoroo"
bile for Portland ial estate. 1022
Board of Trade bldg.
WILL exchange 40 acres
1Q arrea o
A land I
miiaa from Troutdnte. oartlv clearea.
i re
good soli, splendid view of the Colum
bia river, for a residence In Portland on
the east slae. casn vaiue oi lanji aauvu.
Will assume some Indohtednesa,
802 Corbett bldg.
$ ACRES at Beavrton; J V beaverdam;
new houee. new bam and onion house;
other bulldlngi; 2 acres In onions; eloee
th&oa: take all or cart In Port
land propert". Owners only. . Don't
write, come out
CHAR. M. FRY, Raaverien-.
HA VK S good city lot. graced streets,
- Bull Run water, value MWO, $15 paid
on contract, will trade tbls equity for
something f equal value. H-810, Jour
nal. . -
40 ACRKS: l$ cleared; house, family or
" chard, and ereek on the place; -em
eount v reed: will tt-ade for houe and
lot. Voltf lnd Co.. 1H4 1t et.
EXCHANGE New robtr tire bumf
and harness for equity In reaiint
lot rr for brick mason services. Pbone
Wllmi 4.
tXriUNif-ll foot 4 h. i. iaunrh. Si
t"tnt houe. rwd coditlon. cmn nr
r;dence l"t Ihone Woodiawn B
Hi. Joiirrnl
m:F. acre In Califnrnia. Ili,..i; what
have yo'i to tr17 Standard In
a..n i'n, J5S Sin t
,... kir.; src-ry rd g-r.raj mn.
r hardie 'r and Seme ca1 In trayit
fnr rrvH f ffft A-7l J,;r-a?
- . lot
c; p.
in trvt-r'". Tauk.
1-4M. Jcrpal.
!vt t-e
We have customer for acreage nea
Portland, west Bide, wnat nave juui
? 251 Washington, -. ,
IF YC-V have farm lands, city proper-
ty or DUBinena ujiuiiu .nit. or rent, list It with us for quljfk
the 'Card Realty & lnv, Cp.
110 2d st Phones, Marshall 1667, Ai"6'
Beat and cheapest apartment site
south of Washlnston . street. - aii-wc..
flving price,, location suu iowu. .,
92. JournaL v
NOW Is the time to sell or trade your
farm or acrae: Thousands of liome
seekers are pouring into Vortland this
season. .Why do we make quicker sales
In farm realty than other f lrmsT . Here
three reasons; We keep in touch with
these buyers: We make a. P"'a,uf,
farms. We treat everybody right. Give
us a trial. Call and see us or send de
scription and price of your property. :
' , 419 Henry bldg.. Portland, Or. ' -j
niMn t a ma rTI RAP
Broadmead offers an unparallelea op
nnrtunltv to the man who wants .to
. t. it.. a. man
possess himself of a never falllna; in
come. We are selling this .matchless
fruit land at from iiuu to jioy vi
on as terms. , We are planting tracts
to good commercial varieties of apples
and caring for them for a term of
years at cost, This is your chance,
Hoara pf iraun
virAkTED A few- more 6 and 10 acre
tractaloie to Portland. ; Answer
thli at once, as w have buyers from
theeast, waiting. , '
rAic. ss
567 j Williams ave.
Phone East 8818,
MODERN house wanted, to buy on easy
.terms: must be full corner lot. on
wod T'rline: would trade In two Port,
fand lots and some cash as first pay
ment, or would trade 6 lots In suburb
Sf New York; send Particulars, room
Rift Merchants Trust bid. Main 6900.
WF. have cash1 buyera for close-in west
dS woperty We- also have several
parties iwanttng tO buy or ieaseaerr
ible warehouse and factory Bites wltti
trackaife If available? See us at once.
$10 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak ate.
You can buy 10 acres in8'ao,h ciH
Hoard oi j. '-
WE have cash buyersfor lots In Rose
Citv park district, not more than three
blocks Yrom carline. If your price Is
right we can get the money.. Cay-at
' ia t"-l. Bliir., 4th and Oak st. ,
Brssrrr7rrs Wi all kinds of prop-
and Dusmese .r""" .n? ell con
rwlI mrXAr' 417 "Board of
IraCtlS-: IWttlAv-. -vwaa-p- .
IF IT IS your desire to make oulck
".At e V.i esfttte. call upon S..L. N.
Oilman 1 2r2dTt7tVeei'Washlngton
Hon at at private
Lie r"..' -m - .--r---
Quick action.
or mam -
I " WANT a cheap. lot ; l build, on Jn I
- a .Pnrland.- Give lot and
Block ' number. . as Vn.r.t
No objection to agents but price must
k. ,i,M K-B1. Journal. . ,
e-g...-. 'fan ''..s
Will buy, sell or trade your property!
,T" "Wllms" ave. East' 8M8.
HAVE cash buyer for 6 acre iraui
within H rnlle station on Oregon City
line. Must be - good stuff and bottom
K-611; Journal.
or equities
in same
. a
LlHt with us.
WANTED From Owners, a few choice
residence lots; If you have any for
nFMENT VkpinER. Ui Madison st.
CASH for Property, any anywhere.
NoVVw;.te?n -
atiolls. , i ' i ' I'
jjVH some cash money to ln?est n
rflot or" smair house and. laTour
car line, equity preferred. t-6 2 7. Jour
. rooms wiin o-v --.
Sleyster t K.fnnau.
$400 aown, oni.' v
WANTED -Modern home, or r-s.
walKing uiswMvo - -
124 E. 14th.
ut-KT laave'city and will exchange ray
MLS V 1 nissenger automobile for
or Burman, for cash.t W. ljf'eer
vrld R. F. P. No. 1. Spokane. Wash.
WlLLAMETTEi Heights district not
"moVe than T room modern ' cottage r
lot; r-'"" "list Je right. Q-S17. Jur"f'
... . 'r-y. -a.Jt hargaln In Tanch Of 18
tAo mcr3-. thatB$1000 will handle.
A-610, journal. -
WANTED Two lots on good cornen
iot ovVl200 for cash, and not too
far out. -Dip.
WANTED For cash. lilOxlOO or more
mewhere west oi Mt Tabor; qulcte
deal - D W. Wolcott;jlMg-aXJU t".
LOT or equity' in lot Elmhurst addition,
-must b2 bargain. C-627, Journal,,.
SWAT- OOLOr . fij
I have a patented advertising PPn.c
tha? every retail merchant wlU wel
come. Business demands ,"1 m
rttention. Make Offer or will exchange,
ReMdenc-, Tabor 12 or bu.lnesa. Main
1I- '
PmTTTr lee cream ana conreciiom-i j.
ne bueTness.. low. rent, lease, living
room! what bave you? 2$ Russell at,
near Williams. -
TWO English Beagle hounds; two years
eld vseil or trade for rwid efot gun
nr,rfle It q Makellm. Ill Perm., et
. t?ua lot in
lot in Ber t'"
for mnorr.' i-, -
ytning u. u
IWX l"t
7. vi.- w handmade camel back .foa
Im for sale or excrangB iw,f wvt
naraa tall II' r""". a i w
WHAT have you to
aood ' typewriter?
bVr. M.
exchange for a
. 418 Oregonian
Exchange enuity ef
Int Kixtoe fnr rnotoreycle.
lnhrfii. Tile Lanrwiry
. BV
WTTXTtTade heavy Colt s revolver
- wbaal (iniiv
neur A Inert a.
. - rir.t ri,,a rehrd lanat
. ... m ire, fine errtre. Ti rr.
Z -- ..,-ilvai.l h-n riawrerL lratel
a mtir-a froi Hvl R'ver nr A!
,...r r r if aril wiihin t n
riA tit ter ar-re. Act o'llflt. A
1.1 arras
1 irrra rn,nlm.
aaa- t- rtr,-, l,1n) frr fy rvd Vara-
tat. e''' r'-nT- 5 rnrari -m an,;
rj.r,. "ov,'i. I rice $;,. Termi
,i.aT:r-. la c.i, W'HU. , 1
1 - II 1 1 Irr 1111111 vv
10 acres. 18 miles from Portland, near
electric line and on good road, t acres
cleared and In crop, other $ acres rme
green timber, fine 7 room house, barn
and 3 cWcken .parks, new woven wire
fences, fine Well water, rrice jvv.
terms. , . . A ; i ; ' ;
1 i miiaa frnm Portland, on
electrlo line and good county road. 6
room house, windmill, barn, -ton dry
er. 7 acres full bearing orchard,' 150
appre trees and a large family orchard
consisting- of walnut, almond, Peach,
pear, cnerry, quince anu pium
asuorted grape vines, small irmi on
this place brougnt m
prunes net $800, will Include one good
hnree. Wfl son. - DUhKT i:iiu:i
all farm Implements. Improvements
cost as much as we are hbhwib ,
the- place. Price $4000. . Jiasy terms,
4 per cent - . ,
Big sacrifice, 118 ;acres,- TO acres
cleared and in i crop, 15 acres green
timber and balance easily cleared, for
$12,000; good 8 room house, 2 barns
and other outbuildings, -farm Imple
ments ana cruy, uu m n..- "V. Vn .i
uiiinr far 1125 an acre to $180 . araW-
acre, 1 miles from R. R. station,
close to Bchool and on good road, only
13 miles from Portland; will: take
about .$7500 worth of rood City prop
erty as part payment. Look this up at
once and you'll make thf) . safest in
vestment on the market., pwner cant
live on the plaoe and must sell at once.
19 acres, all fenced and erossfenced,
8 acres In cultivation, balance easily
cleared, mostlkc to be slashed, assorted
berries, good 4 room house, small barn,
poultry house and other out buildings,
good well, 18 chickens, horse, wagon,
harness, farm Implements and some car
penter tools go with the place.; This
is fan Ideal place for a chicken ranch
ank a sightly home, miles from Van
couver. . Price $2150, $1360 cash, bal
ance easy terms. '
60$ Main - St.
Vancouver, Wash.
' 64 1-2 ACRES .
All In high stats of cultivation.
good 7 room house. nice large
. . n M nKn . f In.
harn 2 urei VO
. Kr KOUU V1VU.I V.. . .
od orchard, fine
lot of berries; land la;
ys fine, no
fine, no
rock or gravel: -1-S mile to.. good
tnwn nn H P and All milt tO
' "Balem Electric. . On good wide
. "county road; price $100 per acre,
terms. . xet . us show you this
-."MB Henry Bid.. Phone Marshall
' ' Five acres. Base Line road, good
house, barn and outbuildings, fruit, etc.
Best bargain near peruana.
261 Washington St. ,
i Irrigated Land Snap
180 acres of Irrigated lands for $8000
cash, or half cash and the balance In
a first mortgage, 80 acres In alfalf
right now! best thing In irrigated lands
on me mantel, in a proven .-uMuwt,
wi-v ih. aat., rlirht na in for.
Teepe eV Smith, 414 Henry bldg.. 14-8788.
r 20 ACRES :
All flrnt elaae soil, all level, all cultl
vated - fronts on carllne and county
road. Just a few rods from itttlon an-i
ahnrt distance from Portland. Will Sell
nn terms or exchange into Portland
property and pY cash difference.
811 Oerllnger bldg. ,
22 seres, all In cultivation. I seres
beaverdam. good house, big new barn,
chickenbouse, all farm machinery ana
heavy span of horses; place right on car
station, fine road from Portland, only
10 rnllea from counnoua, acn,
cash, balance 8 y gr cent.
818 Board of Trade bldg.
unn irM 1 miles from R. R. sta
tlon; finest of bottom and hill fruit
land; 40 seres under pkwr 400 acres
In limber, balance ope paatur; good
K..ii.i,n- ood fencing, running water.
fine farm to eut up. Price 858 per
cr: "in''lsTEELK 4tO . ' . '
Orpnd flor, Lew KHir. "
' liiiaa, mr-wm- le fins orchard.
. a t.Mm: 1 room house: grod
bam. fine well; gv4 achol only 4 mile
av-sv 4 miles of Vancouver; price only
$4000: terms can be arranged on part If
-n,tt" nvEROS REALTY CO.
til uuhlrr'nii u. Vancoever. Wash.
Pr I-'"e P r .
,.f the fnel Und la Clarke
rt-urytr, M ?-: I arras citairea. r-
' ......i.r ra-tlT ctri; family orchard
pfaaanrtM fmit: rwnnir-g tr OW pleoej
wm is
,y-ted a room rvre i irai; oniy m
Alnair-r i few rtvls fi- n i f " h. er-"!, ball, stere
waa-kn. ;,n4 a-neteffir.. rW N. W. TnVHRlFIin.D. ; " -
room rotiase: re feet: only
' aj w. tin
. -v-.) r, Wsh.
f t.' a beat farir.a la
I . t.tnn rourt-.. It i i r-r sere, .ail in
rnillvatinn. li. r-. ,.-'ar I ana
prt-nr, hnuaa fn e-dre of f, tfclS le a
f.r-t ' fa-
Ut'.r A. livLCK, "aih- tt
b mm
i 8 acres, beautifully located. Just the
.i"i.r.i... 4 i.,.a. fnr a COlin-
rw 1,0m, oiilv 10 ru ilea from 2d and.
Stark sts., on solid, mucadam. main eo
tlon line Toad, about 6 blocks from sta
tion on eleytrlo line. mile to railroad
station; right at four good slxed stores,
high sVhool and dltrlct school and
church 4 mile; the soil Is a heavy black
shot loam and all in fu bear ng Italian
prunes in perfect condition; last years
crop sold for $560; thls place is ele
gantly located in a thickly- settled com
munity; this place will be sold at ; a
sacrifice and to the first man who looks
at it: Just the thing for an .old couple,
price $1000 cash, , - ; ;" . - . .' ; : .
2 acres under cultivation, balance
stump pasture land, two good wells on
the place, which will pump water all
over the tract; plenty of mall fruit and
berries; 6 room, house, coat 8600; small
burn chicken houses and yard. - This
place is 8 miles from the ferry landing.
i mile from the electrlo line, H rnTle
from school; 15 chickens to go with
thTh5saCwlll make' an ideal .suburban
home for somebody. Now. who walits
It at a sacrifice price: $170. We can
make you terms on this place.
- . r 6 MES ' '
fin i rt miMr-M nrnduced a big
crop last year; is only 4 blocks f romthe
electrlo line and 80 minutes from Van
couver, on good macaaanuBea
lies in a valley, which contains thou
sands of acres pf fruit,, and the land
adjoining this place was oW''rJ,s!
per acre last week, out of this office
Ru.. hs Mini this nl ace needs
soma ready cash, nd will let it go at
toftn an nr... If sold this week. Who
wants this? Talk fast . ,
cres under cultivation, balance
land, 6 miles from Vancouver,
pasture 1
Columbia river and Portland; one of the
nn main eouniy . roau, utMiB,
most sightly places on the river, witn
the best of soil, all fenced, 70 fruit trees
assorted ror ramuv ue, js" , iTJil
I a-raan. cOBl 1800: 24x24
barn.'wlth a basement ,1 feet high and
122 feet long; good well and a gasoline
engine to pump water aU ifver the tract
latlon and boat landing. All, this for
the small sum of 83350. and we can sell
you this on easy terms,, ;
i .i .... i iiA, . uif ivatlnn. balance
a.A4 ornvrtv, timber and stumD land;
best of soil, adapted to fruit or produce
of any Klna; nice wrauj u,0,!..v:
fruit and berries, 5 room house painted
ni,ii in a-nnd condition: 16x24 barn
I', 10X4 uim,
mile to school
twA a nniihrv hnnne: M -mile to Si
and 2 miles from the railroad; one horse
and buggy' and all farming Implements,
Wouldn t you consiuur-nuo
$2500, Better lei ue , bhw v"
to you.
a anMa iitirla 1 1 1 V A.t iOH.
slashed and seeded-, balance stump and
timber land, smau' nouse n mo yiaw
It is only 4 miles from-Vancouver, on
the Main street road; owner lives in the
east, and does not know the value of
this place, but he wants some ready
cash, and hr willing to let it go for
$$750, and wiu un nan . "'"-
to run a long time at 1 per cent Inter
est i -, .
a .iw. iinimr (.uitivatlnn. balance
pasture land, and very easy to clear,
has about 106 cords of wood on. the
places well and two live creeks on the
.1... aim tha vajir roundi has an or
chard of apples, pears and cherries In
4x70 barn: 12x12 chicken House -. ana
, II ,.1 UC.III1. ...null...'." .
woodshed; 44 mile to school, M mile to
a country town and railroad station.
With this place we give, a norsee anu
harness, 2 cows and 8 calves, 11 sheep,
8 blooded Bogs, 84 chickens, 8 stands of
bees, 1 spring-tooth harrow, cultivator,
plow, drag, disc harrow, and all hay
tools, cream separator, 1 hack, 1 wagon,
6 hole range and some household f ur-
A losv kna t CI-ATlVilW and ' ti-
acre of strawberries, and 400 nllls of
rhubarb and all kinds of small berries.
- There .are. 2 acres of that famous
beaverdam land on this place, and you
know what that means; $1800 cash han
dles this placer balance, $4200, can .run
for years at 7per cent interest.
will that make you sit up and take no
For 6 acres of good deepA black loam, 15
miles irom -oruana, vn "' ".
close to, church and school. R. F. P. and
telephone line rung past place. Price In
cash or trade, $500. . - . '
. t Ask for Blair.
Cor. 4th and Oak Sts. ;
- ' Phones: Main 6084. A-8827. ' , '
v No. 81 -88 acres, 8 In cultivation,
fenced, good well, plenty ef good cord
faiuI house, eiot all finished.
cost $1200. arn 40x48, on R. P. p.. tele-
pnone route, i muii w n.-n, "laviuu
and boat landing, on the Columbia rlv
er, some crops In that go with' the place;
price $3600, $2000 cash.;, balance to suit
h,i,hls,p. --,-
No. $6 11 acres,' 4 room house, barn,
chicken house, wood hed, family or
chard, plenty of small fruit, all house
goods, and . hand tools, Jersey- cow.
chickens, 4 acres cleared, balance siaunuu
Price $13Utf, terras can ue iju. :
No. 40 i5 acres all Cleared, In crop,
a ,ith ailra ami nole., box house,
18x24. IH story high, 4 rooms, J wooJ-
sheds, plenty or wooa in wwu
fair barn 20x20, wagon shed, house and
Vna- varletv orchard, all H. H.
roods. Implements and hand tools. Price
1600; right at R. , R. . station, - 4 miles
from Vancouver. , :
a eina ana : of land, fcvs fine,
4 miles from La Center; price only
$1000 to $1200, terms can be bad on part
or all of this land, or- will sell wbolo
tract for $3600 cash. - .'
Bee us for we have a fine list of farms
In Clarke county, ua-mii, ouroi,
I can't very well do it, that's all
live on my farm and come to business
nPortlaS every day Its like ; pulling
teeth too, for my wifeVand children to
give up the happy farm Ufe they love
m ,w1S nar icm Soil
Is rtch valley loam and about 70ia?res
In cultivation; about t64 In - splendid
woods pasture: all thoroughly-fenced,
and a good 6 room residence, . with par
i .nd ffrenlace. There are on
the place about 75 bearing apple trees.l
I acrev oi prunti ......
fruit. AH within IS miles of Portland
and only 1 minutes' walk to station. In
the sale I will allow most of my furni
ture to go. Including piano. For fur
ther particulars I would refer you to
Mr gV T. Walker, office, 404 Corbetl
bldg.. Into whose hands I have placed
the sale, as I am too busy to look after
it wvyaeif. ,
produce the largest fields of any wheat
lands In America. These lands can be
bought on ten years' time for $12 tu
$1$ an acr and crops pay for the land
In two to five years. Pralrte land cov
ered with aheavy native grass and the
soil Is a black loam, clay subsoil. Fine
cilmate, good water, low taiea good
schools. TMs ' your opportunity t
secure the flneat wheat lnda on eas
terms, don't miss It. Write or csir at for Illustrated lltemfire givlni
full-description. LOW RATR. EXCUR
Colonisation Ar-n's Canadian Pacific
R'! v
4 . 2 4-27-2 Ll M BFRMENS PIXwl.
H A' tia. one l.alf mile from eler-trlc
road, between JOft and 4Ae fruit tre,
iu .ra ti-awlerTle: aleo ouantltv
.ma .1 fruit: the very t-rt onion and
ralarv land. ' room hneee and good
ralary land. room rtnese son gron , ,,t L( Jo.,, ,r ,. fcl r. . , , t , j. . r, i t
earn. This U a bargain at $$68 P" iblJ kl far li-i f-r it.. 40 .rri, .,., r f--r -acta.
- ! tii la hf- uie f-om electric J, '' at $i.
Ceoek cotiptr farms for gala. a:o
Vnm'-'''. krat1 gor.J BV n
the coiitv: rrvi wai-i and ir-.rl af':
on the R.R. S"rey: a lea etat U wt f -rilF
.. - t-artv,e rt w k - r-f"-,e inl
im'u i to u tfi 4:h st
Eastern Oregon Wheat Farms
' 155 acres In Morrow county,
"I? niHes from OwendoMn station, .
" 0n arrea Irr . winter wheat; 900
acres in cultivation; good -room
Jiouse. barn, all fenced with hog ,
wire fence. 4 wells, windmill.
Price $J5 per acre. One-third
cash,' balance six years at 1 per , ,
cent Interest. ;. . . - ' .;'
40 acres, with 880 acres n .
f, crop. 1$ miles from Owendolln
' station; house, barn, all 'e"c;
, priced $26 per acre. . One-third
' cash, balance 8 yearf atg per .
e?27 acres, 650 acres.' In cultl- ;
i vatlon, 400 acres In crop, 8- miles
from Owendolln station.' Good ,
house and barn, all fenced, with -..
good water, Prloe $26 per acre.
. One-third cash, balance on easy
teiTo' acres. 100 acres -under ' eul-V
tlvatlon. 70 acres In- crop; H of f
the crop goes with the land, de-:.
llvered to station. Price $20 p er ,
.-acre, $2000 cash, balance I years ,
S?eac 1800 sere; tniabW'
600 acres In crop, with all farm
!' Implements; - good house, good ,
barn; all fenced: running water
, through the landi 11 miles from .
Owendolln fctatlon. Price, Includ- ?
Ing crop and Implements, 828 per.
acre. . One-half cash, balance,-6 ,
. years at 8 per cent. 4 ' '.
r 840 acres. 870 acres under cul- ;,
tlvatlon, -600 acres in , crop, 19 -;
miles from Owendolln station: .
v fair house, barn, all fenced, good -,.
water, near school; with crop.
livestock and machinery, $80 per
acre. One-half caslf. . Terms ar-
"oocVes, 8 miles from Owen-'
dolln station. 260 acres in culti
vation; J70 acres in crop, 2 houses,
barn all fenoed. $2f per acre,
1 One-third cash, balance in two
payments. ' '
'; 1280 acres, 840 acres In cultiva
tion, 500 acres In crop, good new
house, two barns, all fenced, good ,
water, 10 miles from Owendolln ;
station. ' rPrice,v;includlng crop.
$20 per acre. . Without crop $15.
$10,000 cash, balance B years at
I per cent interest 1 ,
478 ecres. 440 acres i culUyj- ,.
tion, 160 acres In crop. Fries $
per acre. One-third cash, balance
three years at 8 per cent.
. 2840 acres, 1600 acres In eultl
, vatlon. 620 seres In crop, with ,
good house; 2 barns, ,
fenced, only 8 miles from lone,
running water through the land
- with- 44 Of crop delivered to sta..-.
tlon. TPrlce $25 per acre. , One
' third ash. balance 8 yearly pay
'lrtenta at 8 per cent interest.
2120 acres, 1800 acres In culti
vation. 1600 acwaln crop; house,
'barn, running water, all fenced
miles from town., and station..,;
"Price. Including crop, $30 per acre.,
without crop, $25 per acre. One
third cash, balance la arranged
with 8 per Cent interest. , !
Foreign Department. .
llnmn Rank & TflTSt Co.
: . - ainua ttvitj HAY.T!
. ."? nnlnendnle. Wash..
suitable for" fuit. gram and stock. 100
i ...i.c.ii ha aniMi brush and
ISIS TimKr "running water, splendid
soil; fine buv at $20 per acre; terms. ;
60 acres.' 15 miles from city, near
electrlo line; nearly all level andl"
?Uivation; 1( .room ..SarSM.
this fine m suourpau - '", Y ' Tib
urbs up to $4000 as first payment, bal
ance o or m ,
$0 acres fruit land. 20 miles north nf
...i. nn s P. railway, one-half I
level boftdm land; entire tract In cultl
vatinn adiolnlng town. y Price 8 66 per
Acre,, adjoining lands held at W.. ;
: ......ininina Mind town In Dour-
iLl" 2:;.ZtS?ii acres In prunes, also
nice family orchard; 12 acres In i hay 'and
farm implements' and fuMturi fnc.uded.
Z. . a a n. 4 am Ym ' ka Ian ish i Arm fl. ...i' I
Price ,-iouu, -ft
..... . enndon ' Or.. 8800
well wk eredT fenced and cross fenced
Into fields, with good 6 wire fence-
f"ne bunch grass land, a snap at $l8
This IS lino wumi io.m
r m tr -a, Ty r r au u u mm i nvi m I a if..
Hotel. ' 2d
i rr-, . ,
11 m.lerfromUpornaronWr,
line, line r
, .in tr n n ,r. inu iiii""r . - -
of fruit land.
. a inTiva it TTTAT.ATTN'
; a in mtrawberrles, 12 acres In
potatoes, right at station, terms.
For $4600 and the land Is all No. 1 fruit
land, creek runs through place, some
fine timber. room house, barn, 4 acres ,
cleared; a snap.
for rent or saie.
ror rem vi '. . . - !.
L. H. SMITH, Owner, , . '
1$ Hamilton bldg, 181 Third St
-r ?n ?i rrrrr
A KlfT Nar.r T CB : '
acres, miles from Oregon City,
16 re-in cumvation, gooi bouse barn
and outDUiiaing". 'r.".,
place to make 4000 cords wopd, land ad
joining this tract is selling tor $100 per
acre and we are asking only $55 per
acre, terms given.
.11 In h rh mta or CUIU-
vatlon 1 mile from Or. City good
4 room house, barn and outbuildings. 4
tone hay and farm machinery, all fine
level lafid; price $1800; half cash; this
will make a splendid home for some one.
Crescent neaity Oi
401 Bwfrtiana mag.
120 acres peach, apple and pear land.
4 miles out. 80 acres under cultl vaUon;
good 8' room house, barn, etc., an
fLA- aoring' water, piped to house;
700 young peach trees, 100 bearing ap
Pl. treesf plenty of water to Irrigate
in natch. Price, for a short time,
0nly jloElTRA; Lyle, Wash.
v Remember, Saved '
: -Tin .nn want a small farm get a
good one with good house and build
ings and located right, and don't pay
mnnh w have what you are look
ing for 2 acre. 64 acre farma. near
town. See these and yon wtll not re-
rret It. Oregon Adjustment v.o sift
tth St ;
uivi IE arrea. 12 miles from clt
rlr. .iilnmnhlle road right to th
.i.m mw 1 room house, wash bouse
, Kna mil Iraaa oil feneerl!
f.7.'i -kaVaaio t aflv wh want
K..V,..- a lan a few Imnlementa
m piunvi t - - - . . ' . r
ill for one price; 13300. B-M. journal.
Chamber of Commerce Hidg.
-. -i KIND
CMmlr of Orara-rr CMt.
TT acre ranch, less than .i mites from
Portland, with good horn, harn. etc..
le acres In cultivation. 6 miles from
' town and R. R, 7 acres bottom
r . -in ihia fnr tlO oar arre. U
.rr-ia on hatanf-e. A-S24, Jurref.
Chi mbr Of Cr'T- jr-a V ' V
t? 1 P.TM 4V
Yt. t, AN i a t
-1 b"'"- I
ore. A. j ;
In Sherman county. 2 54 miles fr"'n
railroad. 3no acres now In crop, -'
acres summer fallow, - a acres orcnara
and garden, imw hrd nnwtia
good large barn and other outbiilldlnKS.
onoo gallon reservoir wiin iiuj
tem to buildings. fries ij per acre.
. JJKJ nunuu
- in Ollllam county; 460 sere of plow ,
land, bnlance pasture, small famllv or
chard, first class buildings, and fence
Price fit per acre. ,;.....','. ,; .
600 ACRES " " V
In Gilliam county. $ milea from rail
road, 660 acres of plow land, 300 acrea
now In crop, fine large barn and new
bouse. Price 822.80 per acre.
, : 1275 ACRES
In Gilliam county. 8 miles from town;
1110 acres under plow, plenty of fine
water, complete set of buildings--. and
all .fenced. - Price $18,00 per acre,
l:400RES ' '
In the best part of Ollliam county.
800 acres now under the plow. Price
$20 per acre. ' '
' " 960 ACRES
Ollllam county, close to the railroad.
first class farm land. 860 acres in cul
tivation. - Price $20.00 per acre. ,
173t ACRES r: '
nilHsm ennntv: 1800 acres first CluM
wheat land, , good improvemenuj . fine
water, r Price $20.00 .per acre.
" .3600 ACRES
Klickitat county. 8 miles from rait-
road. 1200 acres In crop 1200 acres
summer fallow, about 820jacrs In all
can be cultlvated,v two sts of build
ings, fine Boring water, small family
oichard, under the proposed Irrigation
ditch. Price $18.00 per acre.
- Will exchange any of above for city
property or will give good terms to
purchasers. ,
. 421-422 Henry bldg.
28 acres, minutes walk to
R. R. station, 60 minutes to
Portland. 24 acres in high state
of cultivation. Running water
besides a fine spring on . place.
Buildings only fair. SOme young
fruit trees. Price $4000. hi cash.
. s v., ' " -
14 acres, 20 acres In high state
of cultivation. Good house, barn
and other outbuildings. Team
. and harness, two wagons, hack
and all farm tools, and Imple
ments. Two good cows, chick
ens. Incubators and , brooders,
and young , . orchard. " This
little farm j!s- ; only IV,
miles from - station on Oregon
Electric and 8 miles from center
of Portland on good wagon road.
1 ha price la 25600. $3000 cash,
balance easy terms.
120 acres,' 4 mile from R. R.
statioh and less than one hour
from Portland on steam road soon
to be electrified. 26 seres of this -farm
Is now In cultivation and
more Is easy to clear. Running
stream through place. This is
a farn on which you can make
' money farming it or lfjrou should
wish to sell a pngt of It, you
' could do so at a good advantage.
The price Is $125 per acre. , Terms
can be. had at this .price. ,
- 24 acres, 800 feet from station
on electric-line "now being built.
All In cultivation and 10 acres in
bearing f ruit 8 acres of straw
berries "and some other small
fruit. Good house, bsrn and out
buildings. On good wagon road,
near graded . and high school.
This place ,cnn be subdivided.
WU1 sell 14 acres with Improve
ments for $3000, 10 acres for
$2000, or 5 acrea for $1000. Terms
can be arranged. We have many
mors bargains on our list Try
. ,
"Jj0 U tffi
422 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
I DANDY FAKM LiV acres kuou null,
. M I 1
Inna t mA nan r a. sarnWla. nlendld s
huilrilnira 1 room house, barn 62X11U.
and other buildings; water piped to all
the buildings, 11 faucets.
1 acres cnoice rarouy grcnnra, i
head of cattle, 76 chickens, span of
horses, 10 horsepower traction engine
and separator outfit complete, feed cut
ter, root cutter, 2 wagons, cider mill,
stump puller, 2 harrows, 2 plows, culti
vators, potato digger, dlso harrow, mow
Mnt.iMA . u r.V. rnninflr . mill.
1 1 1 M mm-1 1 , .... , j -- . ; -
binder, cream separator, new harness
and many other things too numerous to
mention: everything about this place is.
good. The price Is 11.000, and. Includes
irood. The price is su.uvu, ana nitiuui-o
"fl the personal property. I believe this
J "' best bargaln.on the market;
A.Ma kaie .tih Kaila.nee S ner cent.
. n.;Hh Eitd: fine
120 acres very cnoi unmijiivr
land, g miles from EStacaaa;
atream of water, loU of cedar, $18.75
p.p. acre; snap.
I have a nice little farm near North
Tamhill that Is a good, bargain If you
are interested in that oirecuou.
n.r til d re field. Wash.: 28
acres cultivated; a snai $4Q0.
- Abr nitiv a. oAa.--Afc, ,
: fit Ablnirton bldg.. H
i.IvA iciOD OKE r---fl ' -
20 acres on uregon Klectrlc at
gewell staUon, this side of Hills
boro and near the larga nursery
at Orlnco; lays fine; 8 acres In
cultivation. 8 acres In green tim
ber; small house end good barn;
XV. x. a. . - , . - - . - - ' -
'tunity to get a home where trans la vnnd. and positively a
J Genuine sacrifice. Adjoining land
ust laid out selling from 82u0
to $260 per sere. This goes at
$160 per acre; 31iOO cash, bal
ance $500 per year.
Poruand, ur.
$ acre, farm In the Tualatin valley. IT
k miles from Portland, adjoining g"d
town of a P. R R-. electric nn r r-
I .u
I . tn .all tha whols
! or . 4
?."'. i:..TM than any otr t
I ll "j K Knua-ht for SO cluae to
l inn, v . . . - .
414 Arnn Mdc, 1"H T'H t
lsoa$ .
SO acres near tne best rMy en t a
narrlea end pe-h-a. A l ' 'rft . .
inning water on -tue pia. ,e '
f. . auhurlan home Tf rr-
, r.mi.ii .
fi - " '
.im.ta ab.Mjt 1 mi i'f
rtj.,. .11 .a iri-rfl
r.l r -
and "Prfei ' '
linn. 1'S
:i 1-
veved through the place; iano "
- good, fine crak. running '' r! "
y. XeVT.Urfinaa; nlace Is well storked with
lei., hnraaa and rattle, boa and chi -
lnd of farm mr-blner-; rroi