IS THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, TORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 3, 1310. FOR SALE FARMS EJJ8E;T0 HILL ffii CM mm i NMD J FRUIT JLANTa 45 iws FiiiiiiE Every acre can be cultivated. Good well water;. R. F. D. end .telephone line:. 1 block to school.. This la fine farm bargain. - , 88000 The Chehalem Valley 'Oreehard company ham planted tha larraat ; single tract of apples at one time In Oregon. One solid orchard of 1 600 acres of Yellow Newtown ' and Spitsenberga. Byery -tree .'. personally - examined by ' George T. Bargent. President ' W., - K. Newell of tha State - Board of 1 horticulture, ' after having- er- ' amlned . the land, pronounoed lt absolutely perfect for apples. ties hla report In our of flea . We ' , ran ' not possibly explain to 'you the merits of this orchard, but . "seeing la believing." . . This orchard la located 23 mllea aouth ' of Portland, and 4 mllea from ., Newberg in Yamhill county. Or. ' : Sold In 6 and 10 acre tracts. Easy-,:' payments. If you ' want to ,go rj.inj. .n r 'int. . - CHEHALEM VALLEY ORCHARD8C0, ,43a Chamber or Commerce blag. ' Part cash, balance lour time at 9 per cente i , ' STBTMBT & ZIRLBEL" " ' 604-606 Lewis Rldg., 4th and Oak. ' , S10 PER ACRE 120 acres dalnr and grazing land. Itt miles from Norton, at railroad town -in Unco In county, (Jr., convenient cream route and county road; half in open pasture; plenty young ttmoer -tor larm lire; abundance of pure spring; water; Mil and bench land, all very rich soil, no rocks, no gravel, all grow . heavy grass, bench !and grows fruit, berries), irrains and roots; stock pastures the year round: excellent for dairy and sheep; no Improvements; bear in mind that dairy lnnda ao close to Portland and railroad will soon bring fancy prices; would take half in Peninsula lota or Vancouver suburban lots, or would take "as good a new" automobile at its cash value if not more than 11600; balance on or be fore 4 years; owning this farm, you would always be Independent, good time or bad times. ' , FRANCIS I, M'KENNA - 17 Commercial block. Portland. Or. : OREGON CITY.' . ' Good firms for sale. , 85 acres, 80 acres In cultivation, house. narn and ail crop, lor only i?tuo; 4j cash, balance easy term. . "v SO acres, 30 acre In cultivation, good house, barn, crop, living water, good lo cation;. 16000, 14000 cash, : balance ' 6 year. Wo have a large list of large and mall tracts for bargains. Call on or write to us. , Near 8. P. Depot, Oregon City, 6regon. mm 48 acres, fine soil. 4 mile of Beaver- ton: iiuu per acre; m miles from rail road station; 10 acres cleared. IS acres slashed, easily . cleared living . water; one-fifth cash, balance long time, :. 14 acres, 10 miles west of city $100 per acre; 2 miles south of Reedville; 6 room house, barn and outbuildings; 6 acres fruit and berries; 60 acres choice apple land; , 16 acres garden soil, equal to beaverdam; . terms Werner Wrenn, SIS Lewis bldg. 15 acres, S3 acres in cultivation, bal ance open pasture with some timber, all fenced, land all lays good, fine - soil, fair buildings : and the best of spring water at house; family orchard. R, F. D., cream route, phone; also near school and good road: miles from-town and . R. K.; only , 1$ miles -' from Portland, Price $4000;; terms $1100. balance 6 years at 8 per cent For full oartlcu Jars see owner at room 804-306. .Oer linger bldg., 2d and Alder sts.. Portland, .'.' SPITZENBERG. ficannoosa orchard tracts of 10. 30 and 30 acres have been advertised since December t. "Thin tract comprised 1800 acres of land. adapted for fruit- rais ing.! 1000 acres have been aold In small tracts, v Among those who have bought are ' Hood River ; orchard - men, of .20 years' experience, who pronounce the soil, elevation, location, eta., second, to no high-priced orchard tracts in tne pa cific northwestEnough has been said I Call on us for further Information and arrange to go and look over tha remaining tracts. Bring the best . fruit expert of the northwest witn you. Low prices, easy terms; 120 to 150 per acre. '.-! ..: .-Ai. ,,;,-, MFARt.iANT) INV. CO. ' ' $10 Corbett Bldg., 6th A Morrison St. c Merrltt, Hales Agent.. f ' MIXING STOCKS . 58 v: vFOR SALE AND EXCHANGE ' Before BtJYlNO or SELLING! any MIN ING. . OIL, W1RKLK83 or 1NDUB- TRIAL stock, get our prices. Davidson A Co., I.ewla bldg. Phone Marshall 778. mrsiMSS CHANCES SO MINING, and! industrial stocks; tele phone and other -bond bought ana old. C. B. Fletcher, lis Abington bldgv j'NITED WIKELKSS preferred, trans- ier.Di. douk ii ana aoia. write me. A. O. Anderson. Peterson, Iowa. ROOMING HOUSES FOU BALE 03 A HIGH CLASS rooming and boarding house, close to Olda. Wormian & Ring's mew store. Full of roomers and boarders and makinar 1176 ner month. Thia Is a fine location and no trouble to double this but the lady is sick and cannot attend to it and must sell, Por particular see J. W. Doane, J Lewi Duildlng. . A CHANCES FOB YOU. Some of the best annla and near land In the famous Rorue river vallev for saie on easy term. .... . t.- ' ' . This tract lies on each side of B. P. R. R with station of Wolf Creek In middle of tract. I have sold 86 pieces In last three weeks. Now Is the time to act, ! Call, or address - - ,11. I CHAPIN REALTT CO,"; - 203 Corbett Bldg. ROOUE RIVER VALLEY. ORCHARD .. - '-; .' .. '. TRACT8 . - - Por -sale on easy' terms. ' Would 'like to nave a man to clear, cultivate and plant trees In exchange for land. Would pay pan or wages in casn. : ' It U CHAPIN REALTY CO., 203 Corbett Hldg. TEN town lots given away. 8ee page 7. IRRIGATED LANDS 42 SPECULATORS FARMERS lift a u .11 . ini.v.1. onn a -v.. - 4m vV wv.a, 1.1 1 .ill rnj, VWV h.tio - ,11 grain, miles to railroad; under Klicki tat irrigation project; chance to double your money: act auiiK. izo oer acre, f. A. Worthington. William Kennedy. 203 Wells Fargo bldg. WANTED- FARMS 88 WANTED Timber, farms and city realty, rrora owner. J. is. urungatad. za& Worcester biag. - HOMESTEADS f f 47 ''", HOMESTEADS ."i '. We can locate - you on 320 acres of rich srovernment land in southeastern Oregon ; In the section about to be opened up by the Jlill and Harriman lines, and affording the best opportun- itr leit m tne unite states to get .: a homestead. Our agent has been living in tlie neighborhood of these claims for the past four years, and is well tiosted - on conditions and knows tha country-well. - For further particular cau at our ornce, Tne Hart Land Co 146 Second St. 75 acres fine rich ' fruit land, with 60 acres in cultivation; the land -all slopes gently to the northeast, there is no rock or gravel, has a nice living spring and- good well, 8 acres of- fine timoer, on good road, good orchard and fences, fair buildings and only 3 mile from Oregon , City; close to school; Im plements and crop, everything goes for 5DUU. terms. R. E. WOODWARD Box 46, Over Bank of Oregon' City, Ore- gon i liy, or. FRUIT IANnS r.HEAP Broadmead offers an unparalleled op portunity to the man who want to iubs7hs nimseir or a never railing in come. We are selling this matchless fruit land at' from $100 to J150 per acre oh lerms. ve are planting tracts to good commercial varieties of apples and caring for them for a term of years ai cost, i nis is your chance. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade bid. FARM 10 miles west of Portland; 107 hi acres on .uregon jsiectric railroad, jniaway- Detween i.lmenlc nd Qoat ama Stations, also on cnnniv maA creek, orchard, house, barn: thfa limit Is good for any kind of farming, dairy ing or iruns; una ior suhdlvldlng; stock, implements and everything on the place; 1175 per acre: terms; no genx. wiwohen, Route 2. Beaverton. FOR SALE 160 acres finest apple land In White DiumoB vaiiey; close to new town, null eta; railroad going within 2 miles ol Place: 8.000.000 ft- of timber! C .,n. cleared and improvements: only S6 per isu, unng i-orxiana property , in uuia, vt acreage. . Aaaress the owner. hi. kick. Laurel. Wash 100 ACRES excelled dairy land, on . enast slope; 40 acres cleared: farm implernents, household goods and crops go with place at 340 per acre. r HYLAND. JONES ft CO- -W . , t 40 Gerlinger Bldg- , - 2d and Alder. ' ;- I - - 10 CITY ACRES. rar to -"- ""j acres insiae tne city nlU, near the Country club, for 81000 ri5J- -Lot raluea adjoining are 3400 COLUMBIA i TRUST COMPANY, i'On SALE 280,aorea. all under eultit ration; mail . n .... a. a . . . . Jnd; 1 mile from railroad station. Price f-'J' r. Write wl C ... inu la Da n I tr ... r rm i iA V K a aroorf 1 1 1 ! . tool. COWa fnrnltnro . - T rheap for caeh or trade for Portland HOMESTEADS IN ALBERTA. . Intending homesteaders and nurehas- ers of Alberta lands should communi cate with me ior .: desirable locations. Can locate vou on 820 acres of choice lands 'for 3150. including R. HL fare. Partv leaving about May 8. For Infor mation call or write H. Moores, cars White A Nichols, Newberg, Or. CENTRAL OREGON lit AUTOS. 820 acrei free homesteads for men and women, married or single, also choice government lands at ii.zs ; per acre. Special excursion Wednesday, April . 27. tjeautuui vaiiey, plenty wooa ana wa ter stores, schools and railroads.' Cen tral Oregon Development Co, box 614, room 228, Abington bldg. - - 31 00 BEST VET $100, " Nob ' Hill district: 8- eleaant' 'rooms. worth 1800, only 1260.' rent 330, 3100 down. ; 310 rsonthly: - beautiful lawn. shade and cherry trees, block .opposite .Taenia sanitarium, id minutes to t v.; take Depot and Morrison car to 20th- at. to see is to puy. 105 zotn. . BJGH CLASS ROOMING HOUSE 16 rooms, furniture comDlete for all rooms and in A-l condition; lease good for 3 years; rent 3110 per month, loca tion Is close In on west side, in select district. For sale at a bargain. Call at 418 Board of Trade bldg' Tttrt rnap , . u East Morrison st, close In, 22 room, new building, chock full,1 clearing 3100, leaving city, must sell. 11800, half cash. Phone Woodlawn 808. ROOMING houses. See my list. Mra Koonts. 282 )i Washington st - Mar shall 1194. BUSINESS CHANCES -20 HAVE YOU ordinary business tact? Are you sober and IndustrlouaT If bo, and' you really want to get Into a genuinely good -business that will pay you guaranteed over i&uu a year net, you can buy a half Interest for 31000 cash. For proof and particular ad dress Postofflce Box 366. '. Give -your inn name ana aanress. Delicatessen.' restaurant and Ice cream parlor combined;, good location; creap rent: 4tu. - a J, CULLIBON REAL ESTATE CO zoai Morrison Hi. WE have a gilt edge Investment that . wiu pay a ior 1. A piacung proposi tion. Bee ua at once about this. ' ;v LINCOLN TRUST CO, , ; zi4-zio uwu mag.,-.-' - u- f 10 CITY ACRES. Tou can bur 10 anrea Inalda tha rltv iimiia, near tne (jountry ciud. ior- xiooo per acre. values adjoining are. 9100 COLUMBIA , TRUST COMPANT, . - Board of Trade bide. WE HAVE 11 niee lots in Portsmouth with 8 good houses, all rented. . We orrer this property for 11000 .less than Its actual value.- Some terms. INTERURBAN" INVESTMENT CO. - 208 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 166. DO you really want to engage In busi ness? Here? Is your , ' opportunity ciuro ana .. iwo ioib ior suxiuu. size of store 22x50; entire line of gro cery stock. 13260,486 Patton ave. Take L. car. v.- A FINS opportunity for some one to go in a well established cheese, deli catessen and Rrocerv - business flons- 1 7l 4. . I. . ., . , . at 247 .Harrison st, between' 10 a. m. ana x p. m. SAWMILL "Second band, as rood as new. 10.000 capacity; edger, cutoff, slab carrier, SO horse Russell skid engine. Take Oregon Hiiecirio to uonaia station. A. JB U'eller. WSNAP LAND IN OREGON Is every one's talk bv dav and' dream by plght. v Tha capitalist.: the Investor, the merchant, the mechanic, and even me- tiny lahorer working for wages. iaiaa, areamg ana Delieves in LAND IN OREGON Everybody knows that there ia safer , investment on earth than earth Itself,, and every one la convinced that iana prices will double and triple in me next Inree years IN OREWN. There Is an Immense profit in Ore gon land for the next three years. Don't wait until eastern capitalists take away from you the profits, while you are dreaming. WAKE UP AND TAKJ5 YOUR SHAita It Ii nut a Question or now targe or small are your means. You can take your share in It. We Want to Form a Syndicate To buy. 15.000 acres W the best select ed f"Ut and "'heat huids In the state of Oregon. No hills, no rocks,, : no waste land, every acre -tillable, located in lamnin, snerman, uiiuam ana mor row Counties, from 2 to 10 miles from towns and railroad station, on excellent county roads, .with running creeks and springs on the land, 20 per cent of this tract in crop. 66 per cent cleared and under cultivation; 6 per cent in fir, oak ana asn timoor, wnion will cut i cora wood per acre. . : We can buy this land for an average price or id per acre ana resell insias of two years in small farms and fruit orcnaras ior rrpm 13U to 1&0 per: acre. AVe offer ,, In this syndicate to rich and poor, to men 'and women,, unit at 120 per ituiit, you can Duy j, 0. , , or as many units as you want. Your money will be secured byv first "mort gage - on tne land, wnicn win pear s per . cent Interest, beside r the. profits, which . we will . pay you according to sales every nix months. wake up, oregonians, aon't give away an mo . proms to ' eastern capitansta They have already -made millions and millions of dollars on Oregon land. Come at once, we will show you that we can sell land and make money, for yOU.'.s I"'.;...'-- .'-',; '.'.',: " . Our books concerning sales of these lands will always be open for Inspec tion to members of this syndicate. Don't - wait .. . pome at once. Here Is your chance. ' Foreign-' pepartment. HELP WANTED MA MS IIW-MK Ml 236' Stark St.- cor.. Second. : 1 Union Bank Trust Company, : . 336 SUrk St, ' i " Portland, Oregon.- , ' ' : flentlemen: . 2 .. .VnrlnRBd find 1 for units : in your Union Land Syndicate and 1 ; Request you to man me ceruzicate. WANTKD 1M linrlln man fnr tha IT. S. marina corps, between the sues of It and 86. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay 315 to Additional comimiiHation nosnlble. Fix'd, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free. After 30 vears' service can retire with 76 ner rent of nnv and allowances. Service on board ship and anhore in all parte of the world. Ap ply at the Ureeden bldg., cor. 3d and Washington sts Portland, Or. iiVERY young man aeklng employ ment or dealrlng to better hla condi tion should tuka advantaa-a of the Sds- clal Employment Membership and get In quick touch with tha Adwlaory and Em ployment, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A.; strangers' our specialty; good fellow- f uu, WANTED Men uulck to leain: no ex Dense for Instruction: learn a trade in months Instead of yws; automobiles, electricity, . plumbing. - bricklaying. actual contract work: 200 students lust year. ; Catalogue feu. United Trade School Contractlri g Co., Los Angeles. WANTED Salesman; many make 3100 to 3160 ner month: soma even mores took clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards,- cash advance week ly: choice of territory. Address Wash ington Nurserv Co.. Toppenish. Wash. WANTED Binder's apprentice who uC demands cuttlnar stock, nower cutter: good wages, steady, transportation fur nished, i. Tribune. Medford. i Or. Call American Type Founders Co. v ' ; - WANTER Salesmen. In every locality r - In tha northwest: monev advanced weekly; many make over 1100 monthly; choice "of territory.' i Yakima .Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. , WANTED Reliable and experienced 1 cylinder Dress feeder: good - waxes. steady work, transportation furnished. Tribune. Medford. Or. Call American SALESMEN , WANTED. Men of ability and character, apply to ti. rike. Mgr., between ana ll s, m. Benson Land Cov 401-403 Wells Fargo WANTED Thoroughly ,- reliable and capable printer, good -wages, steady Work, transportation furnished. Tri- Dune, Medford, or. .can American -.type f ounders t:o. - i ' .,' WANTED AGENTS. SAM SIMPSON'S POKMS. Agents wanted in every town in Ore gon, Washington and Idaho Write W, T. Burney, 618 Hoard of Trade bldg., I'ortlnnd. . r -, ....' .i rsr SITUATIONS MALE . . , MUNICIPAt ' 170 MADISON, BET. 3D AND 4T1L . MALE AND FEMALE HELP. NO C11ARGH TO EMPLOYER OR , T EMPLOXE. , MAIN 3666. A-8824..; .; STRANGER, single, 80, of good ap pearance, wants work-at anything; handy with tools and also with ranch work; good - home preferred to nign wages. References and security given ir. required.' E-b)3, journal. ASSISTANT bookkeeper wishes position where there, is a chance of advance ment; can furnish best of references. or will keen any books. E. L-722. Jour nal. ATTENTION Carpenter work neatly done; also all kinds of general Job hlmr. OftK Mjillnrv ave. Phnrua tl.1781. or East 6827. I WILL do your carpenter work Jay the day or contract, Al : work. H. A. Guetzkow, 809 1st st. S. Phone M. 4828. VANTED Job as janitor in an office DUUC Jersey ing by 1556.- . llOUSEKKEri.VO IIOO.MJ 8 - WEST SIDE 1 KUITE housekeeping room, every thing new. pretty at.; located in south Portland; sunny porches and lawn; lmth, electric Hunts; terms rea sonable; i sleeping room; 2 blocks from car Jlne t. ; K41 Front. ."UN I Ji iN' rA" H.nrti7ienta. 187 17th near Yamhill. (Take W car at dopot). i'. 3 and 4 room furnlshnd suites. Hot and cold. Phones and baths free, I JO per month. 6 per week and up.. Mala 4H97. A-47,19. . . " . . CHOICE 6 or 3 furnished rooms for llKlit housekeeping; bath, hot and cold water, gas and wood i-ooklnsr. With private .family. I'hune E. 1500 , 1WO or 3 completely furnished housed keeping rooms; gu, bath, basement, 10 minute walk; no children. (26 Kear ney . . . SlOUSElCt.EPINl suites; good, clean; reaHonahle. Water and ga in rooms. Bear aonlh. 647 First st. 3 NICE houaekecping rooms, furnlshod or uniurnisneu, . cheap. . 416 Clifton, corner Tenth. CHEAP Iioiigfkvnplng rooms; single and double, 82 per -wetlt up. Free phone,, bath. 808 13th at. . . . 184 Sherman, South Portland- 31.50 pef Week UP, large, clean, f urnlnhed house keeping rooms; parlor, laundry, bath. CAMBRIDGE bldg., 3d and Morrison Furnished housekeeping rooms. Apply room 3d. - '' y,..- ' - - -. " WANTED Everyone examine our $10, 815.. 220. 226 and 330 new and second hand bicycles; they are beauties. Hum mer Bicycle Co., 13 lotn st. -fnon M. 7068. ' WANTED All round blacksmith, no shoeing, $3.60 per day, will give more for the right man. W, P. Scrlver, Hepp- ner. Or - -: - -,- - WANTED-rSeveral good boys. 14S page St., tower Atoms. Apply BOYS WANTED Modem Confectlon- ery,- 18th and Hoyt.; " - HELP WANTED FEMALE 'Z I Name Address , , r Woodworking Plant Cheap Present owners not able to fill orders and bavins' fallen heir to an estate are going to part with this plant cheap. rertile harms Uheap From 4 to 400 acre farms in the rich- I est sections of the Willamette valley i prices 176 per acre and up, come or writ u.' w. ijivKHAit, woodpurn, or.- . FRUIT LANDS CHEAP. Broadmead offer an unparalleled Op portunity - to the man who want to posses himself of a., never fallinr In coma - We are selling this matchless fruit land at from $100 to $160 per acre on easy terms. We are planting tracts to good commercial varieties of apples GIRLS over 16 to wofk In -bag factory. AoDly Ames. Harris. Neville. 6 th and Davis. . CARPENTER and builder, new or reT pair work, day or contract. . Phone Woodlawn 1236. 48 Falllnar St.- ' FOR excavating, tawn grading; lot clean nor. lawn 8467. plowing, eta. phone Wood- FIRST CLASS carpenter wants employ ment by day, contract, repairing. . 264 fags et. . u.' Hansen, iuast saot. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper'.wlehes, po- sltlon. E-403. Journal. VOUNG man, baker, 3 years' experience. wisnes employment. , j-oia, journal. FOR building- or painting at summer resorts add rasa M-612, Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE , EXPERIENCED woman desjres position as housekeeper In a small rooming house, exchange for two -housekeeping rooms. u-oii.- journal. WANTE. Curtains to laundry 26c and up; will call for and deliver: all work guaranteed.- Mrs. K. StOltz, 887 Ganten bein ave. ; Phone Woodlawn 2684. ' A RELIABLE woman wishes- to board and care for a small Child. For par ticulars, ij-o is, journal. FIRST .class laundress would like - to get line ladies', unen to pot up. fnone C-312. A. Hoffman, 891 Halght. LADY wants position as working house- Keeper ror rooming house or small no- , , rr e,A 1 i . COSY housekeeping sultoa, MO and up. urea ugnt ana oatn. i ciay at. Main 648.. - V- ' -" ?WO front housekeeping rooms, clean', finely furnished, cheap"' to reliable parties. 853 12th st. Main 8848. FOR baching, 2 basement rooms, com. , . fortable, convenient; close In; sleeps jng room $1.60 Week. 202 10th., "' - 818 14th. oor.' Clay One , and 3 . rooui convenient hojiBekeapIng; suites. . -. - IfOR , RENT Furnished housekeeping flat of 6 rooms. 847 Upshur st. 442 Jefferson; nice , large, ' furnished ' housekeeping : room, bath and phone. SUITE of housekeeping rooms in modern flat. Call 434 College. HOUSEKEEPINO XlOOaiS .. EAST SIDE . :v;1 48 LADY wishes to take care of child 2 to 5 years of age. . Q-512, Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS . WEST SIDE ' EXPERIENCED girl in all of our do- i. . 1 I .! alU-a A WAaalv anri ern t. them fnr . ,lr t I ' . V- luwiuo, uiiijr rou...B w ZlZ-m oV nCt. -Ti..,r " I steady need appiy. . ji you nave no ex- l&Sj&&l&SrfiS?- perience bttt.arewilUng to learn, wj COLUMBIA TRUST : COMPANY, JBoarq or xraae bldg. we will teach you. Yale Laundry Co., E. J 0th and E. Morrison. - -- v TOR SALE CHEAT ra.u. Hjo,nA avuf housework. 8 In ramlly: good wagei -513iTT JSJVJ. with Increase later. . Apply 48 Haa- WANTED Girl to assist In general housework. 8 m ranuiy; good wages On account of sickness, rroeerr stnra and rler: Owner Kick, tmist sell at onca: T".n ": :2Fv; dolDg big business. Home B-2Z89. FOR homesteads call 819 Allsky bldg. TIMBER as Undeveloped Water, Power; 90,000 H. P. , - 80.000,000 feet Best fir timber. ' " - ? . 400 acres finest soil. . , This goes at a bargain.- -til Allsky bldg.. Cor. 3d Morrison. FOR SALE 160 acres yellow pine;- lo- , cation, east or nortseast and east of southeast M of section 28. town ship 14 south. ' range 10 east. Crook county; z.uuo.uuo teet or timDer; on good level ground, and on good road. 2 miles irom tne village or oisiera w-du, Journal. - :- FOR SALE Timber land, 8.000,000 feet . of timber In Douglas county, within miles or railroad; price ibuoo OPPORTUNITY means some kind of business in new buslaass block Just completed at Front and Glbbs sts. Take "Sr. or "F" car. , See drug gist at corner. JLnnlv t ' - . $ '. i t x-none u aoor 9. at -once, oiu wiumms ave. . .. I l iT-,TTa . , r ' .i ' !' ibou will taKe nail interest in first OR.rrlh feathers and willow JNITY A man with small class restaurant, certrally located. In- i1imM from tha African Plume Co. and will find a good opening for quire Wm. O. Mast, room 55 Labbe big. K!jme?n n ltSm B06r 828 . (Washington. 1 HELP WANTED SIALH NEAT, clean stock of groceries, up-to-date fixtures, " doing $2000 business monthly; invoices about 84000; will dls- GIRLS wanted Portland Paper Box Co. IF you are not making $200 a month i n 208 oaK st. and you have any ability as a sales man, call at 219 Commercial Club bide.. I WANTED First .. class sewers, also TZi XOtYg'iUi corner of 6th and. Oak sts. girls to "Pangle and bead work Call for AlHn- WrltA U n XT V.nnA.... I WANT von to ltnnw th(- vnn run mk I 10 a m. 488 MOTflSOn. St. v AlBO Cleanef Wash., 1014 20th St - v . mnnay hy.hnvlna- Raa fHty lota with and house girls. . - Itota Mil 4...,. I Cement walks In and naki. at 2660. on I WANTED ExDerlenced girl for sen- YSZtT 'iAS V"' terms. ; Phone East 1892. ' - i oral houwwork. ,. One InfainUy, Phone for lease at-a very attracttv rental' 1 WANTED Men to buy 32 same la h.ta IB-2185. 'v-' 7 -. .-' , .- -, Premise ready, for Immediate oceu? 1 " now at $1.60. Low rent In basement Is I BETTTER hats, lower prices: coloring. pancy. lana Agent f. it. JU & p.. Co., tne reason. Hats cleaned and reoiocKea, I remodeling gooas, eta wasti A cleaning and dyeing establishment J GOVERNMENT employes wanted -WANTED A housekeeper for widower's win pay lis per week to one or two l ' write ior rortiano examination scnea- i family. Call after 6 p. to., or bunday, rusumg soiicitora une season it sow uie. xrcparaiion iree. f-ranaiin jnsu-t64l Thurman St. open and -a rustier can easily make "ept. in. Kocnesrer, . x. .- wxNTFD nnnaekeepar in widower' s.,vn,. .jp. . - . y ijJJ ueuaoie men wno can aeui family; must be good to children. 1U08 ON acount or ouier ousmess, will sell I irecs ior mm-ai nursery in mo west. Malloy ave. can arier p. m. at a sacrifice one of the best navlna.l For further particulars address Oregon saloons. In Vancouver; call at 808 Wash-1 Nursery Company, Orenco, Or, I " V?tK- Address 836 Halser mZ Apply C. W. Tebault. Albany, Or. cash. WE are headquarters tor timber and lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kln- nv Jk RtsmnhitF. . nil .3 1 jimhtf f. 9. change Piog. ; - - FOR homesteads call 81? Allsky bldg. : V -1 MINING STOCKS v,' 58 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE FRUIT L.VNDS tPlTTKS BZKG Scappooae orchard Unds In 18. 2 and 36 acre tracts are Belling to many level headed buyers who know m mod I thing when shewn. Only 26 ml. fmrn Portiitnd.- on railroad. Price 1300 $500 per tract BETTER HURRY srd go with us by appointment. Ca.i or write for fall particular. Lib eral tertn a. HrKARUVD IV"rr.STVT-VT CO - 3i-lll Corbett- bldg, Portland. Or hTTi At paltrier. Salea Agenta. " t AOr.i.', ii cleared. , reat eeoend rrefh fir and a : hnM and bam . ute4 1 mile fror- railroad; price tit jr acre. Aleo 6 afvl It are tracts of fruit land. ejerd ard ready to plant; $76 per -r. in r f":u r-'t iiYi .i. Junes a co, !) 'i A - " ' Ii i I A - , .- f,rt ;m rvit land, t-r-t v mT. --.od I nritfrrjf r(t, ir- ' i -? a"re li ru.tia:'"T Uitnn, r s. ?' - i; n m ,'.(r i,r- ( " mo, . Prli-e ! 3. W ouid ln,ru O'ttr. i -x i oa i ; (From Northern Idaho News.) SAYS SWASTIKA MINE IS PROPERTY , OF INTEREST J. B. SOUTHMAYD, WITH MONTANA JdTNTNG MEN. VISIT PROP. . ERTT LOOKS GOOD, ; a I. B. Southmavd. accompanied by C H. Anderson and F. C. Martin, both well known Montana mining men. and old friends of Mr. Kouthmayd s, made a trip to Laaevtew last week ror tne pur pone of looking over the mining possl bill ties of that district, and on their trip made a thorough Inspection of the much-heralded Swastika "mine that is being operated under the sooer vision of Jaa W. Ferguson. ' They were very much pleased witn the district in general and the Swastika In particular. , The Swastika mine ha been devel oped hy two crosscut tunnels, both cut- ling tne ore Bodies at different depths. They are now driving No. 8 tunnel. which win be ZOOO feet long and will tan the -lead at a deoth of 1800 feat. here the vein Is encountered with tun nel No. 2 they have a remarkable allow ing ot eulDlUde and Chloride ores, aaaav. ing man in silver snn roiu. . . , "I have been In the mining business ior tne past is years, remarked Mr. South mard. "and 1 have, never seen anything that looked better with so Ut ile development. It Is surely a great strike and should create a great deal of interest as wen as a great deal of pros pecting la that district. . Laevtew la destined to become a great mining district, a district that wlil rival that of the famous Coeur d'Alenea. The formation or country mck la identical with that of the Coeur d Alna country. It la asy ground to wnrk and tb Swasitka coropaay ere driving their tunnel at a very small ev rerae, ectlng a best $3 6 per foot They are In about 3 26 fat wit a tunnel No. 2 and are making ahnut 6 feet very day It is aa Meal lcx-atlo for a mine, being only ftv n'.iee fro-n lakevtew, and a srlendld road, wfh very little grade, it would worth irvntit'i ti;re. wtio la ltiteret-i In rr.itiin to mfcka a trip up there jt a tl.ia rub e!e.e. tni yoa wl, iv ncrteo':ely received and treated ror- ai t. Jira aaj a there are no lo, km. aal trat ary na is weicorce la go thrones v roil there and - take -all t a-'. ll-r V,) " If ington St., or on Steward & Thompson, Lobby 8t. Elmo, hotel, Vancouver, Wash. ,j . SAiiUUM. .- .... ... .Beat location on Washington st lease. Will sell, whole or half Interest Ca old WE aid our members to secure em-1 Phone C-2260. ployment. Constant demand for young icat vnlln7 e-iri rr liiht hniinwnrfe E?nvrm"VllJ SSfr aW i inquire 144 'E.58th.. between Hoyt and " - .... V. Irlftnff M TUIfl V. "i S,r ".u ln2peB,t- MONTH Telegraphy taught In miv' hats a.t the Milllnarv finhnni- ,11 Mr., Holmea, 210 Board of Trade pract form. MDay , and .vening BV0thTmttlnly"li ..... PorVland. in'Ssil 2 , ' i , BOARDING house doing fine business, - iurnisnea very moaern. b-oub, jour nal. ... -C';- -',',- ?-,.i..- FOR. RENT Hotel Ontario, Just re fitted throughout (42 rooms) .for rent, S year leas given; only persons able to furnish it need apply. Lees & Black- any. Ontario. MARKET, handling fruit, vegetables, meat and canned goods for sale: fine Af8' " It ,oc"t'on: Wlu for corner 6th and Oak eta. I WW a CMriIOVlt3 f VI UBXLIt;UIairi I. a . . m. address L-612. JournaL - . I A spienoia opportunity ior INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND - ENCE SCHOOL.- :i ' 207 Marquam bldg. . Main 1026. :: Open J evenings until a:au. . - International Correspondence Sehool. '. : . H. V. Kicrcu, ; 808 McKay Bldg. Marshall 697. Office open Wed, and Sat, nights. WANTED Men who have had exoer- . ience In Industrial life Insurance. Call t 219 and 220 Commercial Clufc bldg., WANTED Ladies, we bleacu, dye and remodel nats, piumes, at fr prion. Model Millinery. 5i tamniii. GOOD eirl for housework, steady posl- tion. au conveniences. -. rnona laoor 828. Take 8. S. car to 918 K. Salmon st. WANTED A woman te do housework. 2 In the family. Apply at 1070 Union ave. north. MIDDLE aged lady to assist lnboard- tng house, b-zsob. Wanted a party Wi- yaw piace you in paying business; ness. Little money required, before ' buying be sure and see na in u,,oh.n Tm,t iHr - - SrA& HI- .-.l-uinber J WANTED Man to reat J '-00n?' charge a vnnnal aining room. man to get Into the automobile busi-1 WANTED Waist and skirt .hand for to take Call Main 2061. Room I dreasmaklng. 46 N. 8th st and 2d sta refit ' reasonable, with lease; a money maker at 8400 cash. G- 815, Journal, ' . WANTED Chambermalda housekeeper Imperial hotel. Apply Kiitf fti-enltiif-a. 4 laai than V 1 4 I i: 1' i . , . i . . - " ' RESTAURANT, downtown, between 1st costT leivlnV city, "rent r$.;- ea?t -Id: Wt Tia4.t5PW--- MOt?nr' . r. I B Bmw. n.,a I ... WANTED First class furnace -man to Install air furnacea. J. C. Buyer Fur nace CO., Z04 Market. GROCERY $1100 invoice; one of the best locations in Portland, and doing I . ... : . ' ' '. 1 m . j -I drei a fine business; 6 modem ifvlng rooms Jr-?Z ZalJkllWnS morning. GIRL wanted for general housework. first class wages. 440 m. itn st. M, WANTED Young girl apprentice, hair oonnected with stora Phone Main 1481. dressing. 428 E.. 9th. South. -8A,5TLrOC!!;j 1Uo WANTED youiig man -vv-a iiwu. voa streri , a rum I . . l : a tZT . . a, . . . school, clean stock, living rooms, cheap U-.hiton 417 ,'f" rent. 31 E. 7th st Phone K. 6256. "Washington, room 417. WANTlU At once men to learn to TED Experienced overalls, also learners. operators , on 76 1st st Quick; must beCMPETENT cook for small family. roon AnnAr,.iMiH ... iw start reataurant; manufacturing die-1 . 1, "lv";.u " ' trict. Pbon -Main 799, or take B-car VB" w. .. w to 416 N. 19th St.: cheao rent TELEGRAPHY Uught by an ex ner 1- r.BfirrnTr..), , .' '.iir: enced operator. Northwest Tele-1 HELP WANTED MALE AND ,-".;-t FE31ALE ' !, .. 29 clc bu1nM for two; mutt b by igTch,?oli-2!0,8rd tlTti the 1st ; Call or address 620 Washing ton et ' ... ....... SiORTING goods and bicycle store, in j a gooa uve- town; win invoice. 14000; 111 atand full Investigation. Address zi4 aar.ington et WANTED A partner in good eatab- liahed dyeing and cleaning bustneaa: all latest machinery.' Call at t.l First after p. m. idfe fcL'VS tre Tttvires end . furni ture and stock. Kent 810. ns.r atei rar. ;i tti at. MOTION picture " operators earn fjj weeaiy. jvny lnaio b o u rs. Lesson cheap. WANTED An experienced buahelman and pteseer. in noma Cleaning Works. 161 N. 17th st CARPENTER wanted to buy shop doing good business; la good location. 310 Fure.i!de. 1 CHEF headquarters and helpera Call - fomla Wine Depot 26 Yamhill, next to' journal. - , . ERRAND boy for after school and Sat- urdays in real estate office. Box 18.000 POSITIONS For gradustes laat year; men end wo men learn barber trade in 8 weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn , tools ye tern nd. islde work Short I to $26 weekly; expert instructor Call W.h tT9i write for catalog. Moler 6y " T ? j of Colleges, 35 N. 4th St.. Portlan ' THE PORTLAND ROOM - REGISTER y nas, opened Jis -oiiioea, 1 ous - i,gncn bldg., for the convenience of person renting : furnished . and unfurnished rooms and those in search' of same. By an expensive system of advertis ing, cataloguing and listing, we are able to supply you with Just what "you . de sire, no matter how exacting your re quirements, you tell us what you want, we show you where you will find It. - In the meantime we invite everyone having turnisned rooms ior rent, not already listed with us, to address The Portland Room Register, or- phone Marshall 1683, and we will call, explain the advantages of our system and list your rooms if de sired. . Our plan - of uniting desirable tenants; and desirable apartment ha proven highly satisfactory in eastern cities ana me iee tor tins service is nothing in comparison to other, meth ods of renting rooms. BEAUTIFUL light, airy rooms In Nob - Aim district; refined surroundings; lawn,-' shade and" cherry trees; block opposite Pacific ' Sanatorium: 10 min to P. O.J 3 carllnes. Take Depot and Morrison : to zutn. wov iua 20th, st TWO housekeeping room, furnished, young couple or middle aged couple. no children, 440 E. 26th. N., near Til U- - mooK. proaaway car. , FOR RENT Four lower rooms In pri vate house, furnished or unfurnished, at 900 E. Grant, near 30th at Sellwood 406. : -- ' , - , THREE clean neatly furnished rooms, 1- modern conveniences, - 16 minutes walk; reasonable. 422. East Couch, block from Grand ave. " ' $1.26 to $2.00 week, clean furnished : housekeeping rooms; laundry, bathj heat 406 Vancouver ave, . Phone a 6089. ' ' - " - FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with . bath, phone, fuel, hot and cold wa ter. 316 Russell. ' arate entrance, nicely furnished. 491 E. Pine, j ' .- - ----- . HOTELS 84 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only; 63. 6 nay. BELVEDERE, European. 4th and Alder. HOUSES FOB RENT 13 LIST TOUR HOUSEl'wltli1!! for rent,. furnished or. unfurnisned,' we're hustlers. -Have mors application than , can fill. ' . JOHN B, BUUDAKO t'U., ' 615 Board of Trade Bldg. , Main 4657. . ONE or -two furnished rooms, light and airy; beautiful surroundings, bath, par lor,, piano,- both phones,, private family, close in, on east side: references. Phone B-2666 or East 1869. .5 .... ... THE GARLAND? ' ' ; 621 Washington St ' ' Nice, sunny -housekeeping suites, also three unfurnished rooms, some single rooms. Free phone, baths, steam heat NICELY furnished suits of 2 rooms, suitable for 2 to 4 Dersons. at 17 weekly; hot and cold water, steam heat, bath, brick , building. 422. Washing ton St., cor. llth. . . LjMICELY t f urnisBed double and single rooms,- moaern, running - water; rea sonable rent: two -doors from Waahing ton st .80 N. 17th st- Phone M. 2061. PLEASANT large front rooms f ur- nlshed, first .or ..second floor, reason- aoie - prise. . .aey walking distance. 63 Ella St., Phone A-6066. " . - NICELY furnished 'Outside room with not and cold water, svaara heat, bath; suitable forl or- 2, 5 weekly, 422 ft Washington st., cor. llth. -,mv..v. WHEN you move you'll need new fur v niture. Buy Judiciously and your savings will exceed moving expenses, , OUr NO-RENT PRICES made ua one of the largest furniture houses In the city In less than two years. ' Lookers shown same courtesy aa buy ers. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FUR NITURE. CO - Grand ave., cor. E. Stark st Bast; Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Car pass- our door. FOR ' RENT-A modern 7 room house on Kerby st., , near two carllnes,- close to public school and public high school; , nice yard; place for garden; rent $20 per month, can bd ivy st SNAP 7 room cottage,. $16 month.. In-: ouir at 1128 Francis ave. W.-W. car. get off 38th, go one block .north. Ber ries and line parpen. 1 - MODERN 7 room house, In best resl Hont district, nice lawn, roses : very desirable: 1 block from carllne. - Inquire 1 Fast 6846. t'ORRENT Good 6 room oottage. 49th st. -1 block north or tsection ijine, $12.60:' 1 block from car. Cowperthwait ' & Chrlstensen, 49th and Hawthorne ave. THE ANGELES APARTMENTS " 272 6th and Jefferson, nicely furnish. ed rooms. By day or week. $2.60 to per ween. TWO newly furnished front- rooms with or wunoui ooaro. inquire at 467 ivtn st. FOR RENT $16, 4 room nearly new modern flat large porch, beautiful lo- cation. ' Tabor 1523. . - ' ; "ROOMS suitable for boarding or room ing house. 4 4th and Thurman. v In. r quire 828 Irving st . THE KING. 309 Jefferson Nicely fur nlahed rooms, modern convanfenoea close to business center; rates, Includ- TRAVELING men can find pleasant homelike rooms, dav or week. Ill isth. 7 "blocks from postofflce.- Free phone and bath. Main 7764. 247 H 6th st. rooms 1.60 up per BURNISHED rooms la private family. WELL furnished room, sellable, for 2 1 1, , 1 Jt 1 . ... n . . i;irniiini biiu uiiuirr. AlHin 20Y1, 812 1 ROOM lower flat, newly tinted. corner Fargo and Rodney ave. Phone East 313; no Children. MODERN 6 room house and garden, ac commodations - for m, chickens, $16. Woodlawn 41. t'NFURNISHED 6 room cottage, electrlo lights, hot water.. Phone B-2998. 290 E. th et. ' - ' " HOUSES FOR RETCT, FURNITURE FOR SALE 83 FOR SALE Furniture (room cottage. . clean, aood condition, cottage rent clty garden all planted, splendid view, ' plenty of sun, 8 rooms furnished for housekeeping which pays rent ..It's snan: tlSO.buvs if taken at once; cause - of selling am going east .Telephone -East 6449. ' - ' . - - FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE i ; B2 461 East Morrison st rooms, 62 per week. Nicely furnished Young men. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 TO rent unfurnished, 6 pleasant rooms, $12.60 Including gas. phone. bath. uuie jurniiurt; lur Dtr - nresser, cup board, etc. , Phone E. 6969. 683 Rod- ney ave. - - - UNFWRMSHED 3 rooms for small family; $6 per month. Electric rhts. bath and water. Woodlawn 2633. - " or 2 nice large unfurnished rooms; close In; private home.. nd Morrison. 148 E. 16th WANTED STRAWBERRY PICKERS Families preferred. Fine Patch, rood camp grounds. -Write to T. R. Coon. i3 le v sn. WEAVERS and shirt wanted. Orearon City Oregon City. factory help Woolen - Mills CMAK store,. Iaj1n over 2ft per ma. invesiieat tnja rtnr. Call at Ktk rd Wh Irftmi eta. Main CHAIR barber shop, cheap rent good leaaa. fine buaineaa: leavlna- tltv a R Hitter, 226 Lumber Fxrharge Bldg. IcARFKN'TERl.NiJ in exchange for dental work. 1 r some raati. 402 Buchaa- in Hid.. viapnirton st WANTED AT ONCKYouDf man to learn te drive and repair automobllea Poattiotia vtl-l'-y Appl y 60-61 H: 7th. UaS or ar om n fifty collars to make 14 to $4 dally. Sute 606 Oood- nir bl.lg UaSik: loung hb with 1:09 cash as partner to anew jroperty ui work lfwil bua a 60 ft. corner store 10xl 2 -Story. Goods, fixtures and tunil ure. Owner. Mo'rar. 11 4th at. fI7( for 6('0 buaineaa cards; allTTnTs cr rnnura price. Rose Cltr 111. , , . . - , - - Pnn'ery, I d. rer Taylor. TWO dn.g store tor aa!e; will trade for real estate on tertma ruh t i mj ai,!) t fcvr er .! rni,K, recks. cai Farcea. tit oak. m M iiINK shop ad foundry fr f . j on ior firtKTira, I I'.Mf ii.i) reataararl for renL in,:. 1 J Hi"''l at " ' fn eff til fh a. WANUii rxxl f rm emintry WAS hi' J-rr.a I 17 Jee,.n . neral biarliamiih loeatKn: married rr..n EMPLO YMENT AGEXCltS 63 C. B. HANSEN & CO., - GENERAL EMPLOTMKNT AGENCTt Main off lea. 14 N. d at l-jort lm nrl Laaiea' department Tth and Waao. sia, cratalrs. Port Sand. ' 424 Front ., Ptokana. $7-4 4th at.. Ran iVanciaco. Ftab!lhedl 17 4. HASLET A TAFLEY KX rtoniFA'T ROOMS AND BOARD 18 LARGE sunny furnished room with board; all convenience; home cook ing; reasonable. 107 16th st, near n andera. Mai n till. HOARD In private family, gentlemen preferred; good home cooking. 464 Jefferson Phony Matt' WANT 2 young ladies to room and tird In private family, very reasonable. lift Belm on t. - LaKoK sunny room. ujt.-it,: for two; modern, rholoe tahl ii S. 14th at. K(.'OM and h-iard in fttftifir; na'kirf distance; bath, phone, tit S. l&th su CO head-juartera H N Jl it for ,it - R. work. WANTED AG ENTS bov X-r ikm work. AGKNTS -an -led. Ores-in and Waahlnr ton. to sell af-rHnt inaura je; c.d 1 rorr,tT!T, t-et ofitraf-ta, rneal rom- r iMjOTi. it, aiarquam ciag, "ori.and. ( -r Hi rvr A-l r ri.r tar,4; wt I Jf ( I I K l.TK." M H'th and at v;r tot faftor, !an a' m - n 'ar.ied at t ree . I ;fih ard FuR booieattad e;l lit Ai.aay J i.anT; ;-! r, tg.' Alf.y 131 U t" w ' : t it. near Wi e t f . Hirjuo. ALf -w - 0:- ;t MN riied to lake pi;r )! rr?o:--a tuTsery a to. a. Carltal City Nur-ry Co, IN private famiiv; reaannabie; wa le s H -Ftane. J'Vir M'n 7e14 e I H N . .-1 i r I ) roma uh rr Wilbout Ooard 441 Jefftr,ri. FURNITURE and all furnishings of a' 6 room f at complete, 6S76. isew. modern, flat furnace, fire plaoe; rent $26. Good location.- No. 61 E. 16th st, corner Bast Oak. Take Ankeny or East Morrison car. Phone Fast 6978. OAK furniture of 4 rooms, complete; -phonograph, lawn mower, bose. Cheap at $400. Close to 2 good car lines. Rent : $5. All goes for $226. Phone Wood lawn 1637: 9-11 a m. 7-9 p. m. $125 worth Of good furniture for $80, and 4 room flat to rent, 639 Commer cial Court. (2795. - for . 66$ FURNITURE of 6 room cottage aale, house for rent or ror sale. Mail st. Take Pel I wood car.' FIVE room cottage for rent furniture for sale; a bargain; going east Phone Main 6816. $700 worth new oak furniture, only 6376 thliv week only. 7 room house 31 . Phone Tabor 12. FCRN1TURK of 4 room fiat for !; can rent 3 rcoma. 2 H IRth at.. JV. Fl'R.VITl'RE for aale. very ebeep.. Flense rail at fO E. !Sth St., N. FUl.M'f I HE of 6 rooms for aale for II : SO. Fla t fT rent 821 Mill. FLKMTURK 4 room fiat lor rbejv lfllTli Union are. . LA T for rent firt itura for aale. enarv N- 4 T'rlcn it . pott). IXJH RE.rT FLATS 13 iioisrHFuriva koojis WEST 6IDE TAVO f jrrlthed houaekeepr g ror""; waiVita distance; tnor.f l.t:,ts, tiala. 44? irrt at f-ea. r i-i. rw eou-n eff-r. I' .irir-o,,- f,1'ti et'.'io, t m.uor.a eUa biOr, 6'.h acd Ar.atr 7 ;a 1 . ) e i lit 4 1 1 :e-i liC-j; t Dir. nTTvr h !- V. ITCH7'. i.L lot A- F Ii 1 r t.otlX a toorr.a . ; i -1 r 4 . t a - 1 1 -, les'.t S. ' IT.riT LANDS CHKAT. Broadmead offera an unparalleled Op- port inlty to tha man who wants te ioee-a T-1rr.elf of a never .fatitns In- ir,. e ate urirr matrkieaa fruit land at from l- to II Si per arre on raav lerma. We are r;ntirg trarta to go.! cr.merc ll vaJ--!ia of arplea and canr.g tor f ena ftr a trro ef year" at r --t. T- !a vir riii"4, COLI'V f i Th'"T O MPA.M. 1 f1 c T-aJ lv I i T V A. t. : - . . Tii ran t t ja ara t- i-iia v r'ty i:rt t rU'"Pi K n a r t 1 e intrr r 1 : h f r,r 4 ". L t va,u-a !j-i.r;r g krc t: TF.T-?-r r T r; ' rovr.tNT, r ard - : w a . - - a t jtr. l-i. i; -. Ml i IliM fi.