The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 16, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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EVENING, APRIL .16,. 1910.
Snake River Gateway Scene of
Bitter Fight A gainst, Hilf.
' . . Lines.1 1
,.. r - - Tl ' I -r- r jj
tSoeeUl Dbpntck Tk ioorl. -v
Boise, Idaho, April 1 .-Tlavlng effec
tually bottled up the Snake river, valley
ojiJ Immediate tributary territory the
JIarrunan system Is determined to fight
overy Inch of ground with tho Invading
transcontinental, tho Gllmore A Pitta
bur, and ts formulating a campaign
which i said to mean active railroad
construction-carrying the war Into tha
JllU territory ' V. .''"'; V r" ''
Tlio first movement 'cotna In th I-ew
iRton country,1 where for; 20 years the
Ilarrlmaii people , have rested on t their
oar, not having to worry about1 their
holding. ''.The steady ' march ' of ,;. the
Gllmore & Pittsburg toward this 'sec
tion of the state, a well as toi the
south, meaning the entering; of this line
into southern Jdalto. -which tne nort
I.lno has. considered was its birthright,
has. It Is claimed by local railroad men.
-. h.ei Instrumental In stirring the warrl
rnan Interests to push' Into the north and
bring the fight . to the Hill people..-
; Meeting- KM JioUTtty. ' , "i'
when private Capital In the' hands of
energetic promoters'', was offered to
build electric lines In the Irrigated sec
tion, the, Short" lAno announced plans
for extensions. '" When It' was rumored
that the Gllmore Pittsburg : might
build Into Boise the Short Line rushed
surveyors Into, tha field nd they were
reporjea to oe running a rignt or, way
from a point near , Orchard ' through
Boise hack farther north onto the' main
line to give. Boise preference,, and later
filed articles of Incorporation at, Salt
l jik for a central Idaho line .which in-
' ciuacs" B0lo5t-tTla'fllrnT"ot"
. Holdlngf Oregon Trad. ';'J YJ.
It became known as a fact to 'the
Harriman Interests that .Hill proposed
to build from a point In eastern Oregon
west through the Interior of the web
foptcd state and the. Short ;XIne'' then
started an extension, claim 1 railroad
men; out of Vale, Or.; in the Snake river
.valley; toward tha interior of the state.
Iater the HU1 'people announced ' their,
road would be .known ' as the Boise '&
Western. The. plans of James . J, Hill
provided for tha construction of a, road
through Oregon and' California to Son
.Francisco and the Harriman system 1m
mediately' took steps to buy up subsidy
larv lines and . propose ' extension, lit
northern California territory. These
facta railroad men say are very signifi
cant . ' .-. '
, Watching Lewlston Oateway.
It comes from an authoritative source
that ' the Oregon Railway & , Navigation
Co., part of the Harriman system. Is
to become active in and about Lewlston
with the purpose, of meeting the Hill
'line to come down - the Salmon . river.
Kailroad men. generally recognise ., the
fact that Lewlston holds' a powerful
position In the northwest railroad world,
., located as It Is at the junction of the
Clearwater and- the -Snake, ; as well as
being the largest city on- the right of
way of the Gllmore Pittsburg be
tween Salmon. City and .. the, ' western
boundary line of, this state. ' ' ;-;s -
J. . V. Morrow; general . right of ."way
egent of the Oregon Railway A JJavlga
tion Co., Is at Lewlston and In the upH
per Idaho country mapping out . the
moves to be made for the system In-its
invasion. .He Is known to o a man of
marked executive ' ability1 and ' Stands
close to the head of the director of this
syst-.nn. In view of this, fact there Is
believed to be some truth' to the rumor
that tmV'oilmore & Pittsburg might ap
propriate ' theC survey of the Oregon
'Xaviffaiian , company down . the Snakft
river., on the south bank:between Irew-
istn and Riparia,. every effort will- be
made by the latter to block the attempt,
The interest of the railroad world In
the west; is centered: on this particular
"Section- to follow the mioves to be made
by tho Harriman people. '
Spendinjg a Million to Bridge the Columbia- ;
' , 4 , ' 'i t 1 ' ' ' ' ' ,
' .' ..... ' ' ' '
IT' ' " V v ' ,V ' " TS'
I. "J 1 ;iaiwi-'"-'-"',.:':Cr. a.tfcf'i.S tiii:::' i '- f: 'K-f-X-'j''-"''."...- ': vi'.-l 'v I '
lit". .y Knrth Cnant rnllrnnrf hrlrlvo nnHlnr rnnaimrtlnn ,. Nina pftnr-reia nlora flnlchad - ; . , . v , i : I
Northern Pacific Establishes
Farms to Reduce Cost of j
Diner Service.: , '
,, jt.V i. : -v.'' '"'' ' . vt
f "' - '..',' .I.'.-
.- (8dm1I DlatMtcb to Th Jou'rnil.) . f.
Seattle, Wash., . April II. To over.
come the high cost of meats and farm
products of every kind, including gar
den truck, eggs and milk and cream, the
Northern Pacific Railway company has
purchased and improved 270 ' acres of
rich bottom - land near Kent. ' in this
county, and has ' established ' a dairy
with a herd of 00 thoroughbred milch
cows and 1800 Whits Leghorn hens. Tha
?mpany has! also planted 400 acres of
corn and garden struck at Paradise,
Mont., Products of ; these Institutions
are )o be consumed entirely by the din
ing car 'department of the; railroad.- -Hasen
J. Titus, superintendent of the
dining car service forthe company; ha
completed a month's inspection of
Northern, Pacific commissary-', houses
and dining cars in the. west and told of
the railroad Company's . new departure
M VnparUl Plipt(.'h to Th Journtl.) -
. J Bend, Or.. April I.-Wlth ' ths 4
price of eggs soaring and ths ', 4
problem of the Increasing cost
of living staring every one in
the face even more fiercely" than
how to dodge the census man,
a hen In the neighboring town
of Tumulo yesterday took it Into
, her head to break all records f or '
Ttlg eggs. Her production In this
line had the astounding dlmen-
Slons . of 8 ' inches and H ;
' Inches around, in long and short 4
routes, and weighed four ounces. '
4 ', It Is reported that the proprietor
of the prlxe Jowl has been of-.
-. fered enough, money for hr to v
' buy a': lot in; Bend, but prefers '
V to keep ; the famous egg-maker i
4 .believing that she1 will make a 4
;. rich' man ,of, him. -''Bay a hen
" and become independent," Is said 4
, to be the motto adopted by. the 4
,i central Oregon hen owner. ' .
.', , '
- Paris . surgeons recently, removed .
bullet -from a soldier's .heart, the op
eration being so successful that he was
able to return, to duty in a short time.
7 l
, ' .J " v - -
(TutaWlnhea 1S7
Aa lahalatloa for
WhocpI.Tj-Courb, Croupf
iironcnltls, CouQiiSf
DSpht'ierla, Catarrh.
Cresolene Is Boen to Asthmatloa.
Pom It nnt Mam mora iroctiTH to breath In
nawdf for dlaeuea of tli brMtthing oryu tbu
to Uk the nmmlj into ths tiumauhl
u-esalene cure bcna tli air. rnara
tranxly nnopHo, i carried ovr th dlMued
urfac wllh vry broath, iiln prolonged ud
oonntnt tnaatmpnt. . 16 Is lirraluabl to mothor
with amftii cbildrsn.
ThoM t i Cnnm
snmptlvs Tendency
will 11 nd lmnMdUl rUef
from CousliC'or innmed
Condition of tha throat.
: HnL tmtl for d.
crlptlT Booklet. .
Vapo-Cresolrne Co
iau j-uiton mron.
, Vkw Vorh.
North Coast railroad bridge under construction. -.Nine concrete piers
Fifteen Thousand Acres Being
Developed in Gooding
" District. ':
. -.'; .' ' 'VX't.'i m.i., i i. n.y.i;; .;,--.:
. flirlal T)lFnat(h to Th. Jonrnil.l
Salem, Dr.. April 1. The Salem Bank
& Trust company will commence bust
ness June 1. The bank has been- in
corporated for $60,000 with the follow,
ing incorporators: - Wi Q. .-. East, 3,1
Ahlers, I .L, East and prominent-local
business-men are Interested. : The of
ficers will be elected in the near fu
ture. W. O. East comes from the Kan
Mas State Bank 'association. He has
been in the banking business for many
years in Kansas and promises to open
a strong institution In-this ctty .
' - tSoeeUi DilDitch to Tbo'Iaorail.1 '
Baker City.. Or.. April 16. Farmers
and fruitmen of ; Eagle valley hare let
a contract to Portland 'people to con
(struct a - cannery on the townalte of
New Bridge, the contract price betng
1 7750. The cannery is to be complete
und ready for.- operation In time to
handle this year's vegetables and fruit.
; ' Reservoir Foil of Water. : -
"' (FperUl tnrteh to The JoamaL) '
Oooding. Idaho, April 1. Water has
been turned into ths canal of tho Idaho
Irrigation company. Ths reservoir is
full and a bountiful supply of . water
for Irrigation f all the lands possible
of cultivation this season Is assured -
(SBOctal Dispatch to Tho Joorsatl ' '
v, Gooding, Idaho. "April 16.-Over 80,-
000 yruit trees havs been received at
the railroad station in Oooding and are
being planted, iThe acreage being set
to commercial apple orchards this spring
win aggregate fully 1000 acres in tho
vicinity of Gooding. i; Oolllns Brothers
are setting out" 40 acres, Bert Pink 120
acres, Brubacher . & Sweetser 410 acres,
Mr.- Nevltt 60 acres, the Commercial Or
chard company ' 80 seres, the Orchard
Homo company, a considerable tract, and
Miss Cora B. MUler has the-work of
planting upwards of 100 acres well in
hand. .
The amount of ; development on the
land Is .to be; governed this -year only
by the work' possible of ,( accomplish
ment , by available men and teams.
Clearing, plowing, and seeding is in pro
gress ' iw every sreuon or- the- country
hereabouts, and- the prevtoua. estimate
of 16,000 acres to fee brought under cuU
tivatlon this season seems now to hare
Much land has' changed hands about
Gooding this spring and prices paid, by
purchasers have been at material "ad
vances over those ruling during 1909.
Tho farmer with previous experience on
irrigated lands has been greatly in the
majority among recent purchasers, and
the prices, ruling from 160 to 175 per
acre - including perpetual water right.
nave maae sales easy to accomplish by
the real estate fraternity. ' 4 - '
, The original apeoulatlve element,
ever prominent at all land openings js
being very rapidly ; eliminated in the
Oooding district, as Is-manifest by act
ual -development under, way, and Jn Its
stead is coming the farmerthe man
who looks for and expects his profits
from products of the soil. ; ? ' ' ' r '
County Court Plans Campaign
' for Permanent Highways
' ' This Year., ' '
' (Special Plptrh to Tho Journal.)
s Lakevlew, Or., April 16. The Lake
side Orchard company has 1(0 acres of
land broken and seeded to rye, prepar
atory to setting out a large orchard this
rail. The company - has -ordered ,8000
trees for early fall delivery. , - ' ..,..
The fact that: this Is the first at-
tempt to set out; an orchard 6n a com
mercial scale is centering considerable
interest on the proposition.
But two varieties were selected, the
famous 'Winter Banana and the snlen
did Newtown Pippin, 4000 trees of each
variety, v mere were planted last year
10 acres in urooiced Creek valley bv 8.
B. Chandler, 80. acres by George C.
Turner and 0 wrei bjr J, B. Hughes,
Doin or .surprise vauey, ana 55 acres
by the Lauer Bros., near ''Alturas. .
-y. : i v
: Imprwlnjr City Parks. ,
Gooding. Idaho. April i .Kx -Gover
nor P. R. Gooding is planting shade and
forest, trees on all the streets laid out
by the Gooding Townsite company, over
4000 trees in alU He has also volun
teered to lay out and Improve tho nark
located bteween Eighth and-Tenth ave
nues. Idaho., and Nevada-afreets. The
townsite company ' has donated another
full block to-4h. city for park purposes.
which, is to be improved under-the aus
pices of the Commercial club,- ,, ,
- (Speelil Dispatch t Tb JooraiL) k ,
Coquille, Or., April 16. Coos county
roads are to be Improved. The work is
to be done thoroughly and as Quickly
as possible. To aid him 1n arriving at
a more satisfactory conclusfon . on tho
subject,, Judge Hall sent a cricular let
ter to each .Of the county judges of the
state asking for views on the matter of
appointing a -master road builder, the
method now in vogue In' the , various
counties, and the general success, which
crowns their efforts toward securing
good wagon ' roads. , ' - - . t . -, ,-
In many counties of the state the plan
has already been tried. In' some it was
successful while in others it was a fail
ure,' the it allure being principally, due
to the fact that the right man was not
secured. - Anong those Who favor the
plan the - greater number not . favor
tno appointment oi a. civil engineer to
the positfon for the reason that tho sal
ary' he- would demand would t in mosj
cases bo too large.
f - i"W bavo not arrived at - a . definite
decision regarding tho subject" said
Judge Hall, "but will , take the' matter
undef further advisement at our meeting
next week and determine upon some def
inite : pian ror ? the work of -s the yar
Whatever .the decision, the road are' to
receive -a.- great ; deal of attention and
wont ouring tne present year, , and we
hope to have the majority of the high
wavs of the county jn fairly good shape
neiore tne Beginning of the rainy- sea
son next fall." - , ;
To all knowing sufferers, of rheuma
tism, whether muscular or of tho joints,
sciatica, lumbasos. backache. Dalns In
tho kidneys or -neuralgia pains, to write
to tier ror a noma treatment which has
repeatedly 'cured all of these tortures.
8he feels it her duty , to send it to ail
sufferers fHEE.- You cure yourself a
home as thousands will testify no
i change of climate being necessary. This
simple discovery banishes uric ' acid
from the blood, loosens the utlffened
joints, parities the blood, and brightens
the eyes, giving elasticity and tone to
the whole system. , If the above Inter-
: ests you, for : proof ' address Mrs. M.
Eummers. Box R. isotro iame. Ind. :
VVill Store Enough Water to Ir
rigate' 20,000 Acres in j,
" UmatillaV ; '-
$30,000 BRICK BLOCK -V
. (Special Ptipatcb to Th Joarnnl 1 '
.' Albany, Or, April 16 A. C. Schmltt,
vice-president of the First National
bajik, will erect a substantial two-storv
block, to be built of white pressed brick.
on too property located at Third, and
Broadaibin streets.; Ths structure will
cover a ground surface of 100x100 feet
with full cement basement. It will cost
approximately 130,000 and will be the
handsomest architecturally of any block
in 'tne city. - :
The main floor, will contain two com-
uiuuiuus Btorerooms. .fart or the sec
ond story will be fitted ud for offices.
and there will probably be a large hall
in the rear that will be used for lodge
fBiwetal Dispatch to Th Jooraal.) '
Pendleton, Or.. April 16.J-Ths pro
jected dam across the Umatilla river at
Cos for the purpose of conserving flood
waters of winter to be used in reclaim
ing 80,000 acres contained in the Furn-Ish-Coe
project west of Vendleton, is to
be constructed this summer. -The con
tract has been signed and- bonds given
for commencement of work- within, SO
days and completion by October 1. The
Eschbach-Bruce company of Seattle has
been awarded the contract. . ; - v
Although1 the dam was projected sev
eral months ago and though concrete
cores had ' been- "constructed from bed'
rock to the- surface of tho ground, no
work has been done for several months
and many were of th opinion that tho
project had been abandoned, . -i
Tha . original, plans . of tho Furnish-
Coa , project were for reclaiming land
principally- by winter., SRrlng and early
fall, Irrigation.. Thr dry. seasons in
succession convinced the,., promoters
that it : would - be well to . provide for
emergencies, , and the dam plan - was
adopted. The dam will be 80 feet high,
1170 feet long, 270 feet wide at base,
and 20 fe'et wide at top, and will cost
1110,000. It will form a reservoir cov
ering 240 acresand containing a supply
sufficient to, Irrigate the entire project
for 60 days. . , , -
NOwlng to the large, number Of other
reclamation projects. ... it will be neces
sary to arrange for . normal flow of
ths river at ' all : seasons , of . the year.
Ths spillway will ' also be , canahl nt
handling the "largest floods and will
havs a capacity of 80,000 second feet, or
twice as much .water as has over passed
uuwij tne river. , , , - ,
' - urn iAi, a rniMiue ib ri enaniCBf .
- M viwrvvniwn vn nmniiwit v
- , Cst tho s
Original Genuine
"Ot AeM ate JmUaticn&
L':t in cny L:iI.V Trust
ryhuUt on MnoRUcrsr
. Taks a pMkai heysns ,
Chamberlain's Stomach and Uver Tab
lets are safe, sure and reliable, and havs
been , praised by u thousands of women
whs have . been?- restored i . to ... health
through their gentle ' aid and curative
properties. - )t V
J. ; PHONE : serves not only as; a salesman,
but. also as ,a 'purchasing" agent. " , ..;.. 'J
When a merchant' finds that he; is going to run out;
"of a line of. goods he' calls up the wholesaler Of factory
an.d not only orders a new stock, but - comes to an agree
ment' on the price and the time of delivery. 5 , 'y
The unexpected needs of his customers can be met ,"J
' with the least possible delay. l v -. ' . -
If the merchaniucannot find what he wants in town
. the. Long Distance Service of -the i Bell "System -brings v
him mto immediate communication with other cities' and ;
'.other markets..' ;v -'.. ; f.
Xrory Boll Tolophoao Is the Cantor of
. - , lbs System.
r;- (Special Dlntch to The Jonrnil.l f
iageneld. Wash., April 1. For the
purpose of exploiting Ridgefleld straw-I
Dernes ana securing a market the Berry
Growers' asociatlon of i Ridgefleld has
been organized. Later on It Is expected
me scope- or tne organisation will be
enlarged to include all kinds, of fruit
and that it will become a general fruit
growers-; association!. v- -..;,; .y
- une acreage, or, strawberries In the
Ridgefleld country, this year is about
double that of last, and this doubling
lii uveas is expectea
r m' ou wmuii
: .Work on State Kod.
tSDCCTKt DUaatrtl to Th I -.
- Kelso,; Wash., Aprll 16. Bids for the
grading, brldgmg and graveling of state
road No. 15, known as the Lewis river
roaa, extending rrom Woodland several
miles toward Mount St. Helens, have
oeen cauea ror by the- state hlrhwav
commissioner. The bids will be opened
May iv. ino oate set ror the comple-
nun vi,vu wym im AUUH Ji. v.
y!' . Bunding Rises.; :
' Kelso, Wash., April Work on tho
dray A Cross building advances ranldlv
despite the varying weather. The first
rioor or ino structure is laid and the
wmus ars being prepared for ths. hrlck.
A .carload of face brick has arrived for
tno rroat walla of the structure.
will speak for Itself of tho mrtt nr
Ridgefleld soil. -,
o c
C 'a "
! j ; i.
fi :W;
The Finest Ealing Chocolate in the World
A delightful combination of the highest
'grade- cocoa,pureL sugar and vanilla
If you do not find it at your grocer's, we will send a
1a lb. package by mail, prepaid, on. receipt of 1 0 cents
stamps or money. ' ;
T'- tSpeelnl DUpatcb to Tho learaal.t '
urangevllle, - Idaho, April 18 One
steer ror on the hoof Is ' ths
record for beef established here. Ed
Knorr,.' who shipped - two cars to th
union btocxyaras company at Portland,
paid cents a pound for a 1710 pound
-yoar-oia, tne nignesi pries ever nold
lur stngio animal in me region, -i'
, ; .; Priving 80OO Piles, ,
' ' r tsoeetsl DliMtet to Ht JooroaLI
Astoria, Or- April - II. Ferru.nn A
Monston. - contractors, renort ' that
another -three weeks will see the com
pletion of their, big contract with- tho
Whllney Logging company on its 'now
railway up Blind Slough. When-the
work is finished, they -will havs drives
something over 1009 piles on this log-
S1Ds " " -- -.. . :
1 . . r
A. . , - J
'Jf". --I---'.' '.
imi I ;
mm I ;$ nn n tm tLttm. yj 1
ACUTE or a:?vC.'ic II Ma !
II AUK II iliil I
III DLABDlznllillil
ii . w ii in
I II A - .M . . .11 HI'S
i ii KnniMUMi, uravej, II III 3(1
I l CysUtU (InfUmmatlon of ! fl
. BletbodJstg to Build. - -
JIoo River, Or.. April It. The As.
riiKMjJsi episcopal . cnurch ' or
ganisation has plans to erect a new
latxmo edlficoL : The- prosont building
wm o removea xo rne rear of the lot
for use until the proposed building caa I
oe iinienea. . ,
aiTkwi tm n ton slcomc
acute 0Raic::ic
Bkckache. Lumbr, .J
Rheumatism. draveL - .
Cystitis (InfUmrruttlon of
ths BladderT. Nervous
, Exhaustion and Irreru
i . . ,.. . BJ. .
, wiuti resulting in
Brljhfs DIscslm and
kit Miikrui-;
Cjteo . .
raix cotgcnoNt dwdb ,
raiTAAco c4o.T rr -
Hi u
.":- $100,000 will secure 50 feet on First
! street by 100 feet on Alder street. '
The Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company offers to investors that '
desirable property on 'the northeast cor-4'
Jher .of First, and Alder streets, the ter-'
minal of the Oregon Water Power lines, ,
at ,the reasonable price of $100,000. -
Terms of payment " and further' par-
ticulars may be learned from the Land "
Department of the Company, Room 623
Electric " Building, corner Seventh and
Alder streets.,-'? V';-V J '
There is a 3 story brick building on
the corner which can be" made to pro-
duce 8 per cent on the investment.
Rssyesd Fso-Slmlla
tM.ibuirto: -Y DORCHESTER, MASS.
lVrrlop L-ojrgrd Off IL
tp1ml DlMxrrk to Jiaml 1 -
nooa rjrer. ur- April i. a num
ber of Portland capitalists har takon
Ian optica on aboot 166 cr of logged
off lans of tho danler-SmltA Lfimner
companr on the west sl4o of tho valley.
It Is tho Intention of this group of uvea
to sell eff and develop tho ettecslve
tract . I - .
Will cure an v case of Kid-
T aa V wswwf Aannal lla-aa CKas I
Ukeweod. n. April i.-Ppectacn- nev or Bladder disease that
lar hurdle iumplng. ken driving com-!.
petitlona. an admirable display of horoe 1 13 COt bCVOnd the reach CI
freoh mrA as T3tpoorfng cf eottrr f , . . ' , . .
oi rjet were the features of tholmedicinc No rncdicine Cisn
Lifhth annual hort ehow at the Lako- raCUiClnC'. A'CKCUlCinC
Country dus tnAnw. An ntrt JA
ttrtton wm jk rrmfc erf a larguw'
1 TM
rnrbr rf T?ritfh arwt ir)rn pot
r '' ond t; e:r fx r.- ( tat bn
t b r
, i " "r r't
tn ,"T-rT,(ir-'l
r-r. j
tlciiacro trig Co- 111 TtUi St