The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 16, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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' ftaker. .Dilla in ,'"fh Man From Mexico"
'Portland..,.. "Around the Town''
Orphaum ............ . .... . Vaudeville
Gi and Vaudevilla
I'a-iilaKea Vaudeville
Star. ..Moving picturea
t Whit Tempi atervioes -At the White
Temple Sunday morning;, 12 of ' tne
. prominent laymen of -the - church - will
have charge Of the aervlces in the In
terest of : the Laymen'i . Missionary
movement.' Addresses will be made by
,v A. JU veajiie,. w. R. Lltzenberg, 11. 1 W.
' Btone and others.. At the evening aerv
' Ice, Rev. Albert Ehrgott. the new pas
tor of the Central church, will preaoh
. for the temple congregatlontaklng aa hia
topic. "A Man who was Found Out"
Mr.-Ehrgott ia a strong speaker and a
, bright and Interesting- man and la great'
: ly appreciated by . his congregation in
.the Central church, the pulpit of which
was recently made-vacant by the ree
lgnation of Rov. W. T. Jordan.
Woman of Woodcraft The Women of
. Woodcraft, Astra Circle, 152, held a big
: Initiation ln their hall last Thursday
.'i night. ' The circles from Vancouver and
- Mllwaukle were present. Twelve can
'dldates were initiated, After the meet
ing the members and gueata were es
corted to the banquet room, where an
. elaborate supper' waa served. " The tables
were decorated in green and Ted, the
, .colors of the order. The ; supper was
enjoyed, owing to the presence of Pros
pect CamprV, O. W. t
Resigns to Marry The school board
yesterday afternoon accepted the res
.. lgnation of Mine Mabel Sherman, teach
.i'tr of the second grade In Irvlngton
- .: aohool. The resignation becomes . ef
fective at the end of the present month.
- Mies Sherman is to be. married. . The
.' board granted a leave of absence- to
s Misa Wuest, superintendent of the art
department , of the publio ' schools. In
, order that she may i attend the publio
ohoo4 art Institute. -to be
- neapolia from May to May 27.r
'Cornerstone Laying- The1 cornerstone
v of the MX.- TabOr Presbyterian church
'Belmont and East Fifty-fifth streets.
. will be laid Sunday, April 17, at 3 p. m,
Bev. W. S. Holt, IX D., and Rev. Thomas
Holmes Walker will deliver' the ad
dresses. Dr. W. H. Foulkes, Henry Mar-
.- cott vand other: pastors of the city
will participate in the exercises:
Auto Strikes Boy. Arthur Carlson,
- employed by the City Messenger com
- pany, was struck ' by en - automobile
t yesterday -afternoon at Second and Co-
lumbl. streets. - R." F.' Prael, of Prael,
Hegley & Co., was driving the machine.
The driver stopped and arranged to pay
for all damages and Injuries to the lad
and his bicycle. ' . v , '
1 Violated Ordlnanca O. Ruedy, auto
mobile liveryman at 181 Sixth street,
- waa ' fined $60 In the municipal court
'this morning for violating the traffic
t ordinance. - He was accused of running
upon a team belonging to the Electric
Carpet Cleaning company, and knocking
down one of the horses. .-i,
Bobbed of t7S.--BenJamln Henshaw, a
laborer, reported to the ponce last night
that ha was set upon by two men and
- robbed of J75. He had been drinking
' with the men in the Boss saloon.; Front
and Everett streets,, earlier In the night.
.-TheJr could not be found,- i o t.
- r , ) - .i , v '
- $fo Harbor Service Patrolman A, 3.
'Small,' member of the first night police
'-relief. Jjas been assigned to duty on toe
.harbor service. Ha takes up the new
. work, tonight The place waa formerly
; 1 taken by John Maloney, who has been
; ' transferred to the detective bureau, as
--secretary to Captain Moore, . ...
' Burglars Steal Whiskey. Entrance to
the Seven Corners" saloon. East Twenty
, firsthand Division streets, waa forced
last night by burglars.' Three boxes of
,elgars and six bottles of whiskey were
".-. stolen: ' The prowlers, searched , ,. the
place for money, but none had been left
-in the saloon,- k- . ;-
" Both Xfs Broken "While hoisting a
; v heavy load- with a derrick yesterday
afternoon at Oak Point, Wash.,' N. , C.
a- X.ow bad both legs broken. Th wire
, rope to the hoist broke and struck the
'.- mon on tha legs. He was brought to
. the Good Samaritan hospital.
Missionary Bally There will be s
missionary rally at -the Swedish M. XL
church. Beech and Borthwlck atreeta,
. tomorrow (Sunday), at t o'clock p. m.
Missionaries will apeak, Chinese, will
sing and the orchestra will -play. Ev
ary body Invited ; to attend. . , , '
, ' "Aoaoliing atoraentnm" will be Dr.
. CudllPD'a subject ; at Grace . Methodist
, church Sunday evening. . . Dr. . Hollings-
head preaches In tha morning. Quartet
c morning and evening. Large mala chorus
- In evening. Professor Wilder, organist
. and cholrmaater. ; , , "
' Throws rrom Car. While alighting
from a moving car last night at East
Forty-first street and Hawthorn ave
nue, . Rupert Lea, SB . yeara . old, waa
pitched headlong to th street His in
juries war alight. . , v . . , ' .
' Br. : - Benjlmaa Toung . will preach
'morning and evening at Taylor street
. Methodist church, corner Third and
Taylor. Morning subject, "Faith aa a
Factor in Life." Evening topio, fScar
erowa." Welcome to alL V . 1 -
. . Falsns Waata Divorce Suit for di
vorce . on tha ground of desertion baa
been begun In th circuit court by W.
B. Palmar against Sarah C Palmer,
thry were, married In JerseyvlU, HL.
In August. 188. '
Mr. Brown, rjease Tlpaa .
"Mrs, Brown," who wrote t The Jour
nal concerning Information ' in her pos
session. Is requested to communicate
with th cfty editor by telephone.
Address on raU SOrses -Tonight's
meeting of the Oregon State Academy
.of Sciences, I p. m. at th city hall,
will be addresaed by J. B. Wlnetanley
tucii uitc tcp m n
inr winii ii i ri i
Twelfth and Taylor Streets
f -
. IQ-20 A. U.
73 P. M.
.. . . arrei or Rnf)er Arrea, Inplui- 1?)
I !Tl'T'" rlr, " fenr!rg and - v
Rev. Albert Ehrgotti HSrrH &
t A
The new Central Church r-itor, wi:.' i
preach at the erenirg service
Central Labor Council Indorses
Recent Action of East Side
" ; Improvement Ass'n.
The Central Labor council, at Ha meet
inr last night, fell in behind the Kas;
Side Improvement association nd voted
unanimously to work witn tne associa-
tion In a possible recall or the mayor
and councilman who favor the vacation
of east side streets ror tne use ana
benent of tne, u. it. at x
The East Side Improvement assocla-
tlnn anme tim aarn held 'a meetlne at
hlch It took a decided atand against
the action of the mayor ' and council in
favoring tne vacation or east siae streets
for tire use or tne u. K. xs. it inreai.
ened to start, the machinery In motion
for a recall of the mayor and those
counoilmen who voted for the . vacn-
tion of these streets on the ground that
tnev WOUia nv tnai. XOKen oe wuminn
tor the Interests of the O. R. A N. and
not for the Interests of-the i people nd
taxpayers of the city whd elected there.
At Its meeting last night tne central
ratinea tne action or ui rjant oiu x
nrovement association and pledged it
self to , work with the association , In
bringing ; the recall to bear upon the
mayoiran members of the council who
voted to vacate the;"treets desired by
the O. R.& N. Tha resolutions as passed
were as follows: -"f?'.J'"r rrf. ,.--
f'Whereas. On Monday . the lltn in
stant, the East , Side Improvement association,-
in. organization of business
.. T. n a f Dn,t.
men nnn nruueriy- vwiic, b i.v
lanri mot in the Carnenters' hall on the!
East Bide and passed a resolution ask -
lug the mayor ana city council to pooi
nnnn further action in regard- to the
vacation of 12 streets on the. East Side
rXrTh benefit of the O. R. & N. com-
l. t,'MHTii of Tnrf.
land had an opportunity to vote on the
matter, and,1
"Whereas. Said meeting was adjourned
th Mil of ihe chairman.
..t mtinv n H ftpr the mavor and
city council had taken action on saio
question of . vacating said streets, said
meeting to ba for tha purposa of in-
voking the recall on the' mayor and each
mmw nf the eitv council that usoa
his office for the benefit of the O. R, &
N. company, therefore b It
"Reaotved. By tha .VCentrai Labor
rmincii of Portland and vicinity that wJ
heartily Indorse the action of the East
Side Improvement association ana
der them our hearty support, and be it
further ? " ' - ; , ' !.'.:.
"Resolved. That a opy of these reso-
lutions be sent, to - tne mayor ana. eaco
member of the city council." - .
rOlieDCfT TUinn llIAM .. '
vWvii uwi .ninik iimn ,
IN IflPiiNFSF CRIME clt3r WOUI1 lve thB club lf Proper In
- I IV JMrMlitOt uniiviu fluence wTtl br0Ught to. bear. O. A.
Tnat K. MUraaami. ine jnuaiietso nuicu
Wednesday evening at 271 Everett
atreet came to his-death by a gunshot I
wwuu wj . k-. " -"
was tha opinion' of the coroner's Jury
yesterday afternoon. XSKuramu, who
was also wounded In the TIght, Is report-
ed improving ai tne woa oroo.r.i
nospuai. ana u nw iituumn.
live. . 1 ' 1
Three Japanese who have been arrest-1
JI 1- l. Va.r. -.uri -.ladoll llA
eu us w i ixifjBBwa,. , w , v..
ball of ifiOO each. - cnuramu nas statea
that two or tne men were in tne room i
when -the pistol fight took place. : De- j
tectives ; carpenter ana rrico mo im i
rklnr nn th rase and exnect to find I
. mn . in th ahnntlnsr. I
on tne -jjeveiopmenv - oi tne . rvsou i
Horse." r All. ara cordially Invited. v.-v;
, , , - " ' I
Current ' Events epartmnt The
current events aepartmeni oi tne run- i
land Woman'tfclub meets Monday at X I
m..- in Women of. Woodcraft. halL - ;
Steamer. Jessie Sarklas, i for Camaa,
Washouaal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at p. m.
W. A. Wis and associates, painless
dentists, Third and . Washington,
Jack King's Turkish Baths, Imperial
hotel annex. ; '
Tc Bayaes, optloiaa. Marquara btdg.
The Casino
Dancing every night except Sunday.
Excellent floor, -unexcelled music. Wel
come -everybody. Casino bldg., Fourth
and TamhllL.
A Healthful Hint -
A bottle of the Hood Brewing com
pany's famous bock beer to ward off
that tired feeling. . Phone East 119,
B-1119. - '
x in easrPTn HiNioonin coud
A tr ia altuated the cherry or-
i chard of the VVebb Hlatera,
f which la In many respects the
i ,i;imrf.l vk vfiv din an
the world, and Just now, when
It la in full bloom, it la a sia-ht
worth aoo In a-. Kvry visitor
from the enat should be shown
thia remarkable orchard, and
aa you show It, make this
slatpment: "There are pro
duced aa fin cherries aa ever
raw in the world, and there is
tne most profitable rruit or
chard, acre for acre. In th
northweat." Then you mlcht
po a. little farther and show
that the cherry belt Is very
limited compared with the ap
ple, -pear, peaen ana rrun
belt, and the ' Webb flMer'
on hard la In th very l rt
of thla district. Just beyond
the Webb orchard will be
found Fanner Acres. The nam
eon. urn. rneral condition. -ut
arvwl for cherrlee aa
the ebb land, and on. croo
from on acre of th Webb or
chard will year tn and yr
ot, par rr more tr.aa rn
F.D. llc!!;roo!( Co. 0';
a '
" Frank A. Lawrence. Weed, Cal. It
certainly aeetna good to get away from
the almost perpetual winter In the Sis
kiyou. It aeema to me that the enow
lnye longer down ' there' every year. I
think I aliall dispose of my lumber in
terests at Weed and come t the Wil
lamette valley, . where the aim' ahinea
and the rose bloom In winter time. ,
D. O. Baker, F,ort Colllna, Colo. The
sugar beet raiser of northern Colorado
- 1 have been offered much better prices
I for their-crops for 1910 than ever be
I fore and doubtless fnaay hundred more
acres win be planted. . yet the people
I generally are not particularly enthust
I antic because nlne-tentha of the growers
are Russians and they have the faculty
of sending their money away and spend
I kig as little in this country as possible.
I . . . , ' . '
S. A. D. Rlggs. DavenDOrt . Iowa.
1 1 made about 120,000 on less than 120
jiy system is simple and it is not copy
rlehted. . l rented a farm, worked it.
accumulated a few' hundred dollars and
bought a farm, paying a little down
giving a mortgage.. Soon I was able
to Bell at a good figure in advance of
I niirchum nrtn Than' T mn.
other farm and aold It at a profit and
on, All you have to do la lay aside
.entmcnt about ne :oii nome ,,iaceN
an(1 ... ,t whe . ood .,,,,-,, ,.
mm nedeo
i -.. , . , . .
An- enthusiastic meeting of the Wood-
l - tock Improvement club- was, held list
evenfng In the Weal hall. Rev. Father
I M ..
" , ,"rVV. . ,
Po service -central committee, vad
1 aressea tne ciu t-lengtn.-o the pur,
P"e ot the public service commission.
He tfald that ' such a commission was
absolutely necessary to curb the arro-
I gance ana greed, of th publio service
corporations, and compel them to give
w . n5 Vuvnu, io
Baid. that the public service committee,
which is now, preparing initiative peti-
Hons, was under great expense, and that
from $600 to 1800 would hav to be
raised among public spirited citizens to
I ngn tne campaign w victorious con-
rwusion. C:,':' : r,;. :;.). .v; - -;:
I A letter from tha public service ceft.
Ural committee was read asking for a
ten-icontriounon.vMjn motion or Q. A. John
1 son, on behalf of the club, the Wood
I stock Improvement club donated 110
I toward the defraying of th expense of
I tne committee. v;---;.--.-.j.
- The fire committee reported that It
had Interviewed Chief Campbell and
Mayor Simon, and were on the track of
fir apparatus, which It felt that the
. u v., i. TO..i,
. k.
spection in a few days. . . , v
, Fine made a spirited talk In
favor of lssurhg a pamphlet advertising
the v beauties of Woodatocfe and aur-
POUnding; . country. It was decided to
publish such a booklet. XJ. A, Johnson,
Tl V Vina nnA Rn R.lalmiil .n-
nnfntAft -an. a .wmm1t.tAA .tA Iiava r.hnvtra
. ......... - .f J f.V,"
ox cms wora-
, t. -,Ti.
olCCPIflQ ts3rS tO I 3C0m2 3110
,;i ; p.nui.
' UCaillC.
The aleeping car service ' between
rut nana aim icomi ana oeattie is one
of the BDecldltlM of tha nmri Jk
Washington railroad. The "Owl" train
leaves Portland at 11:45 p. m. and
reaches Tacoma "8:80 and Seattle, 7:11
the next morning. Sleenina eara rendv
j0r passengers , any ; time after 8
n m. - -' - '
Summer Excursions
Low rates to eastern points will be in
effect by the Canadian Pacific during
! the Bumrher i aeason.
May 2d will be
i the first sale date.
Ten Town Lots
Each 100x100
Feet In
Phones: M 8304, A 7473 . ' Office Open All Day and Evening frcm 7:C0 io 0
Dr. Smith Gets Strong Suppor
From Institute at Gresham;
Discusses Advantages. . '
3ood roada oame in for hearty en
dorsement by the farmera. Institute at
Gresham yesterday i afternoon. The
dosing number on the program waa an
addrese by Pr. A. C Smith; president
of f the Oregon Good Roada association
Former Judge Webster had been ex
pected to be - the speaker of the day,
but other engagements prevented his
reaching Oresham in time for the meet
lng.. and Dr. Smith filled the engage
ment.'.' i . ' '. v -., ',. , ' .
Dr. Smith discussed at length tha ad
vantages of good highways and showed
the many savings to stock and machin
ery, that improved roada alwavs bring.
The. cost of the Improvements'! heavy
at first,, he said, but the annual saving
soon pays the entire outlay. ' The profit
on Increased values of land la left as
"velvet.". - '
y-Horticulture waa the subject of i
lively discussion, led by I. A. "Mason of
Hood Riven. Mr. Mason spoke on the
practical side -of the problems In fruit
growing. . Questions . were asked by a
number Of farmers, who ' are making
Millions of
Lives Lost
An Awftfl Toll Collected by
Consumption. - Many - un
r - necessary - Deaths- from
- - - - j
, This Disease.
If people could only understand that
systemic catarrh t Is - all internal dis
ease that externa) 'applications cannot
cure, thoy would not need to be warned
in AftAn nhnnt this mjtlndv. whlnh. vhun
neglected, paves the way oftentimes for
consumption, at the cost of millions of
lives every year. Tet catarrh may be
cured, ' If tha right treatment ia em
ployed. , f
Catarrh la caused by a. general dis
eased state of tha system, which leads
commonly to annoying and perhaps seri
ous local conditions, wnicn -may prove
a fertile breeding ground for germs 'of
consumption. Kxternal ' remedies - give
but temporary ase.
The only way to successfully treat
catarrh Is by. employing a medicine
which is absorbed and . carried by the
blood to all parts of ' the system, so
that the mucous membrane or Internal
lining of the body is i toned up and
made capable of resisting the infection
of consumption and other diseases. - v
We have - a remedy , prepared from
the prescription of a physician who for
thirty years studied -and mad catarrh a
specialty, and whose' record was a pa
tient restored to health in every -case
where his treatment was followed as
prescribed.' -That j remedy .-ia Rexall
Mucu-Tone.. We are so positive that it
will completely overcome catarrh In all
its "various " forms, ; whether acute or
chronic,, that we promise to return every
penny, paid us for the medicine la every
case wnere it rails or for any reason
aoes not satisiy tne user.'
i W want you to ; try Rexall Mucu
Tone on our recommendation ,and guar
antee, we are ngnt nere where you
live, and you do not contract any Obli
gation" or risk when you try Rexall
Mucu-Tone on" our guarantee. f We have
Rexall Mucu-Tone In two sizes, SO cents
and Ifl.vO, Very often the taking of one
BO-cent bottle is sufficient to make a
markted Impression Upon th case. " Of
course in chronic cases a longer treat
ment Is necessary. The average in such
Instances Is three 11.00 bottles. Re
member you can obtain Rexall 'Remedies
in Portland only at our storeThe Rex
all Store. - Tha Owl Drug Co., Inc., cor.
7th and Washington sta. - A ; ,
Will Be Given Away to
I . . . ji . : ffi
Already Planted ; : '-f
- I v II Iin
Free Excursion and Dinner on Sunday, April 17
Phone or Call for Particulars- - Send for Onr Art Fol-cr
a study of horticulture while develop
ing orchards on their farms.
MIhs Harriet A Woods, a librarian,
oame from Chicago to address the Insti
tute this morning. Mlsa Woods tells
in a convincing manner of the needs
among farmers for deeper . and more
thorough reading. She : shows clearly
how dollara may be gained by using the
Information gained. Misa Wooda ia to
remain in Oregon for sometime, work
ing among the granges in the Interest
of permanent library- work. ',
Thia afternoon Prof. K. D. Ressler,
of the agricultural college, apeaka on
"Agriculture in th Publio Schools."
Prof J. H. Aokerman' apeaka on "Trend
of -Educational Thought in Oregon."
Prof. R. F. Robinson will lead a dls-
' "Jf CotiBtrvatlvm Custodian"
4 Per Cenl.
For the convenience of
its customers on Satur
day evenings from 6 to 8 .
AU Second St
Cor. Washington, ; Port
land, Oregon.
- Oeo. Zh Baker. . aSanafar. , . . v
.-. aat Time Tonight,
' Portland'e Favorite Comedian ' '
In -.the Famous William Collier Farce
One of the greatest comedies ever writ
ten, evening prices ZBc, too, 75o. Sat
urday mat., 25c too. Next week, start
ing tomorrow matinee.
DftDTI IKin THC1TDC Phones
I . UUtl IVA. Main 441
wasnington-ana ittn ' Streets.
WTTastr-T T. A. Tnvv vr- .
Week of April 10, feyery Night Mat
-'. ineee weanesaay ana csaturaay. -
And His Musical Comedy Company
-in tthat Riot of Mirth and Melody
wights, boo, aoo, 400, soi aiata, aso.
KAnr e. A-loao
APS. 11
ner'S Bun." MATT HEJSSOW. Headllners
The Eminent Comedian ,
Ms, BAX.FH cmsuziroa .
Arnaut Brothers, Dale & Carreg, Charles
Huches and ' his Slnaln
Oiri. The
Charles Leicester Quartet. The Stelner
Trio. Mat, daily, curtain 2:30. 7:80, 9.
Cr RAND-,WEBlt 'Ann ti.
,v CO. r - .
Xn "Taola Charles
of Oharleaton."
William B. Whittle.
To and Ward.
Wit, Badje, ,
Prank Whitman.
Bay W. Snow.
Oranflasoope. -
Matinee every day, 1:10: any seat, 16c;
evening performances,. 7:10, 9:16; bal
cony, 16o; lower fir., 26o: box seats, 60c.
the Next Ten Purchasers
saWalal aLaalBl aais"eateaslk ftfaaatlBt
ousslon relating to th publio school
work. ... i
This evening tha Institute will close
with . a lecture by Pr. James Wythe
combe of the agricultural - college on
"Some Problems In Agriculture." The
lecture will be illustrated by a number
of etereoptlcon views, . ,' -:.'
; Journal Want Ads. bring results.
' Ont ot Mont
i cmn .v. their plnie
and bridaework flu
lihej la sue U
i w. will tin yta i r4
tm tali f Mraeln
iorwiW 13. 3
Iloltf CrawM 6.C I
22klrMnTil3. )
nasal ruihi 1.1
SlhwHIBnis. .6
lelay Filling ' 2.6
pitM 5.C3
Btit He4 Rub r
kwriatM 7.CJ
&W.llnttraKraMaaa ,
Mm riria .63
it im awim nmm
telnlM. mrk itmii uvaham. All viwk fullT mM.
emtMd. lednltnoqiupmMi, rimt muoaa
iHinDw.H.8T. ronm-skNu, vKtugri
tfyiUBeoMi AB, Mf v.. aaaaan,atei.
Here We Are Again
When you build that new home, ae
us for estimates on electrio wiring, gas
and electric fixtures, etc . , ,
S. C. Jagger. ' J. E. Maxon.
891 Bast Morrison St. Both- Phones,
Xh Best Dental Work at
- Law Frices. . .
Paialeu Extraotioa. . . . 60
- BllTW Filliat Mo
6ol4 TillfnM. ..... . ...Tft
. Cntmel Fillings. .76
St K. Gold Crowns. mi. i. 13
'Porcelain Crowns. ...... .93
... - Holar- oold CrwTi......M
It pars to Bridf Work 8 X. Gold. IS
g-d r 1 1 s by Inlay FilU, Pur. Gold. 18.00
glTl a f ; these Vory aio Rubbor Fktt 4
very low prior. Beat' on Earth ......,.7
Don't thr. w ,r monT away. A dollar
ard I two dollara Mrned, Onr original re
liable Modem Palnleaa Method, and oar per
fected office cn,uipmnt a time and rour
noM. The best dentt.t at tba Boat roaaon
able prices la the reputation w. ar bound to
have. BOSTOB DEMTI8IB, Flf th-Morrlmw.
Entr.noa 2tm Morrlnon, oppoaii poatoftloe.
and Meier A Frank. Eai.ahll.bH In Portland 10
rear. Opea Tnln nnm a aaa sooaartaotu
13:20, for people who wort. .
United States and FomIbtb Frocnred,
? Dofendod And wvia.
- ino Buwiion, vat.
ww-eVT fx RT sr. Just orr howri soh gr.
v aw
1 i
the Woodburn
Acre Tracls
. of a Five or Ten-Acre
Alrccdy Planted
' For the benefit of those who do r.d
under stand the wonderful on ree boo i
made In your city, thia explanation .
'lnna few wordsHaturopathy is th
praetloal application of funtlamani 1
aatara forcaa which are aa ol.t aa tin-
Itself. It comprises the uae of tne
simplest, every day principles of nature
science. There is nothing new about
It except the STatnropath's discovery of
the means to combine these lorcea n.l
apply them for the benefit of suffrin
humanity. St 1 th ' modern jnlre
In fact the wonderful cure otM iuu)
years ago ware simply the mlracies of
Katuropathy. If you are interested Pr.
Fulton will gladly explain in detail n l
will welcome all thora who ar unlit' -and
hav- been seeking relief in vm.
Br. rnlton has lived and practiced 13
Portland for-a great many years and
her nam is a household word in our
City, when she has made snob, wondu
fnl cores that her files, ar full of
thankful testimonials from your own
friends and neighbors.
This space does not permit a satisfactory-explanation
of details, hut if
yoa ar in need of help, hav given
up In despair and hav doped yourseie
worse with so-called medicine, come ami
find out what Nature has provided for
you. One more word; Do you know
that man is the only animal that haa
neglected the wonderful cures Natur
ha provided? Only man ha ao ut
terly, lost those natural inatlncta tbt
were put in the breasts of every llvir,
creature. Tha Naturopath simply sfcotvd
hint th way I
Dr. - Fulton makes a specialty of nil
nervoua diseases, asthma being one of
the worst: also stomach, bowel and kid
ney trouble; paralyai and rheumatism
of all forma.
If you are tired, languid, generally
run down, or addicted to the use of
liquor, drugs s or any habit which i
reducing your vitality, call 'during of
fice hours or write or telephone an 1
the Doctor will gladly furnish further
Information and testimonials - of th
wonderful cures sh has made In Port
land, -v-v-. .
v. -'.-.OTrxca bo uxs 1
TO 18 AJtTB 1 TO 1
?-. . . Other hours by appointment. -
Office Cor.I2tli4ClaySts., WcstSIi;
Diagonally : Across Prom Old Office
Midway Bet weon 13 th St aiid Ml
Tabor Carlines. ; ,
We make them.
The kind. that
are out of the
ordinary the business bringing kind.
Send or call for samples. ' Catalogs and
Booklets neatly printed. Main 2ZZ2,
lDEPEKDEW POTl"G CO.. 243 A;h . t
Medloines that aid nature ar always
most successfuL Chamberlain' a Cough
Remedy acta on this plan. It loosens
the cough; relieves tha lungs, opens the
secretions and aids natur in restoring
th system to a healthy condition.
1 1 77T
R - ' 1.
A ' fr i
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