-1 -v.. . . : -..'"v.--: . : 7 '.. ''; . , THE OREGON DAILY i JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. AFK1L IB, 1910. UKI ELECTRIC: raw GETS FIWIIISE ill MHttlE COIITEiVFOR ' '. ' ' ' I ' ' I ' CHARGING TOC Cond Filed by Company as a Five Cent Fare to Unnton Wins Guarantee to Complete Road Another Victory In the Cir cuit Court This Morning ' ; Appeal to the Supreme Court n Two Years Surveying '. Crews Now at Work. ' : ' vJ: ---r-' - ' " ' ' X?f s i- :.( , , . . ,. iHnacliil Manatr re The Journal.) , xtou Inn villa. ,Or. April 16.- At Hi iliaurned meetlnsr last evening' Of the city council business of Importance wa transacted,-notably the granting of 25-year franchise to . the Oregon liec- Another victory for .nl ftr ! tween i Portland and. Unnton u woa this morning In ths circuit court, when Presiding Judge Morrow handed down an opinion holding General Manager L. B.,Wlckersham of the United Railways trie Railroad company to construct lines I tn contempt of court for charging a 10 entering the city along- B street.' also! cent fare, and assessing a fine of 135. on uncoin street ior wiicnin iuti. une next . move or the , United Rail noses.' .The .company was represented I ways will be to ask the suDreme court by 11 r. Allen, attowiey and George Mo-l0f the" state to stay -the operation f poweD, right-or-way agent i-furing ion judge Morrow's mandate, while the meeting; Mr. McDowell gave, a- very in- I case- la on appeal' to that' eourt This Uresttnar talk retrardln the alms and I line of brocedure was Indicate a. objects of "the proposed road, explaining I Emmons attorney for the railway, as in detail the oenents. etc, oema .rum i goon aa tne court had Imposed the fine the enterprise, The surveying rews are- now located at Rex and working to ward McMlnnville tinder the direction of Mr, Richardson. , A bond waa filed, by the company for $10,000 with the National Surety com- pany ,to have -the road completed and in operation within w years. on wicsersnam. unless.' the supreme court Interferes, the people will have to pay only cents, while the appeal la ruKMllnfl, I .; I. . u J-. ' j The question decided today arose on a citation Issued upon. complaint , of John Newton, a Unnton man who was put off .car atr Whltwood Court be- As to terminal station and yards lseB,iM t,a wnnM ni.M, in not definitely known as yet. but should j Accompanied by his Wife, he was forced tne parties owning the proposed site en-1 to walk over a mile after midnight to otavor 9 noia me .jirjcw nu wu ," nu noma. . The company's attorneys ton: pony will build at a point farther contended the filing of a bond for ooats noiih wi B' street,-" ' ACOMA OFFICERS GO FOR VEZLER Deputy Sheriff and Chief of De tectives Depart With Requl- sition. Papers. on appeal stayed the operation of the peremptory mandate issued by Judge Morrow r.-v... ' .'J " v. v-.... The amended answer of the company! aamiuea ine service oi tne mandate on Wickaraham "before the appeal bond was filed, Judie Morrow euld he had read many authorttUs,, but fw of them seemed" to touch the 'exact -point -In volved.,' He waa convinced ? that the weight of . court ' rulings has been against the company's contention, how ever, j . . , ,..- 1 '-....i 1 1- i.-.' ?.v ' v As fills ease evas 'si' test. Intended to determine the legal rights of the people and the1 company, Judge ' Morrow said he did not wtHh to Impose an oppressive tine, out Deuevea some; penalty vnouia be attached. He was -.convinced thaj Mr. : Wlckereham, acting under the ad vice of his attorneys, did nofact with any spirit of defiance of the court s PASTOR SPE D miui Investigates Seaside "Saloons at Night and Is Arrested , , tor vagrancy. , K fflMHil DfoMtrk Tt JoaraaLa Seaside. Or., ; April The . facts which Her. J,, J. patton has been reveal ing regarding the lawlessness of the sa loons, have ma aroused the eltliens of fleoelde as to cause them to want to tn Vestlgate for themselves. -;, -' It chanced that three of them were abroad Thursday night for the purpose of ascertaining for themselves hoi many of the saloons were complying with- the night closing ordinance. It also happened that Mr. Patton was out on a similar expedition, -and while the four were returning' home together they were overtaken by Night Marshal Williams, who stopped them and de manded of Mr. Patton to explain why he was abroad at. that hour; not being satisfied with the reply the pastor was arrested for vagrancy, without arresting or yen questioning the other men. That the arrest was a personal affront to the minister is further evident from, the faot that another cltisen" an hour later, hearing of what had .been' done, made a similar tour of investigation i- without molestation. . .,.' Thd marshal put : Mc Patton In jail : POM RAISE wmm t V. Men Who Fought In Oregon In dian Wars Rapidly IJecreas- ing; Chamberlain's Bills Are ie Oregon ' BT JOHlf S. LATHS (Special Correspondence of sally journal.) Washington. April 16 Conditions are not favorable for, the enactment of leg islation, to further relieve veterans or the Oregon Indian wars, . This due to the attitude of the pension colfinilt- tee, ! which appears to hate resolved to aonflne 1ta largess this year to arans of Ahe Civil war. : Senator We Cumber of North Dakota is chain of that, committee, .i,'. ,-, - ' ; - The attitude of the committee la In large part, to- the demand by Presl dent Taft that the government's outgo be curtailed.. .:;!'.'-;!'':', " Chamberlain's Bills Pending'.- , Two bills Introduced ' by Senator Chamberlain now are. pending S. tit, introduced. March 25, 1009, to Increase the pensions of Indian war veteran from It to 118: and B.;Ut to extend iter relieving him of his knife, purse j the provisions of the bounty land law ana private papers, ana wnat loose I oi marcn a. map to a later aaie. 1,0 BIRDS FOR IIOOFIIiG CEII Elephant Hunter Scorns Wood , cock, Even on Royal Pre- ' serves; Sightseeing.. 1 United Praaa beancd w'lre,) 1 " Vienna, April IS. Pleading his al ready1 filled program,: Theodore Roose velt f today declined, gently, an Invita tion to shoot woodcock on .the royal game preserves. It is believed the sport appeared a little tame . to tne Amcan hunter, ' who had 'Just "returned from charging elephants. SMRECTf DEACIIIIJISIIAIIDS FULL OF TROUBLE '-, , . SW.IIJI I I III ISIBISMSBSISSBIIIIHSI OEIIIESFIiOPERiy Ol'iSIHiEi , t , .. .....ii ypoHiiiRUi While Work Not Running Very F. A Seufcrt, of Jha Dalles, . .Smooth at Start He is sat- - ; laies , txccption to State- ,i; isfied With Conditions That v ment That Land Owners Are C Exist, v Senator S. C Beach, the census man, Is almost too busy to eat Yesterday he But without the shooting, Roosevelt's started 114. mea and IS women out on day was well filled. The imperial auto their rounds to count the noses of the mobile took him to the famous Kreuaen-i people of Portland. By the end of the stein castle this morning. Later he at-1 day he was swamped with calls over the tended a luncheon given by Ambassa-1 telephone, with reports from his enu- dor Richard Kerens. ' V '"' I mora tors. ;', ' ; ' During the afternoon he visited the I As was to be expected, the work of International Bportlng exhibition which I the i.rst day caused a good deal of con-J never fought any land of the state of is Deinaj neia nere. v , v . fusion. Tfte men ana women wno went Washington, only the shore la"nd which 4uninub nwaavoii wm vm uuncu i oui SO coun ?ae people were new 91 uio The Dalles, Or., April 13. To the Ed itor of The Journal Tour paper of the; 12th Inst has quite a long statement' that the Oregon Trunk line la held up by the greed of land, owners and I am pictured as one of "these by your In formant, and that I had bought my land of the state of "Washington. I rStweial Plawitcb U Tb JonmalV Tacoma, Wash., AprJI is. Deputy order. Sheriff II. J, Doten returned from Olymt ; George F. Martin and H; C. Nelson, pla this morning with requisition a- representing ths people of Unnton, re Twin rV,r fhnrles JT. Wecler. charted with newed 1 their 'offer to do all in. their 1 . - . . k I.nAweiv tA ' annaA the''.ennAal tne' murder or Mrs.-' jreaencir ecnnis. Deputy Sheriff Doten and Chief of De-1 power to speed the'- appeal in .the supreme cot-rt and obtain a decision on the merits from the higher court as lecuves jonu iizgeraiQ uepaneu w..- fc possible. Attorney Emmons said afternoon for San Francisco to bring . ,n,;,.nM v. T,.d Morrow's mandate by proceedings In ths supreme court at Salem. . , . I. Veler to this city, for trial. AELE SPEAKERS AT , ... ; SALVATION ARMY IDDAHnClP CPflDCC UIIHUULI0 0UUIIL0 I POIHT FOR GLAVIS N - y J - Mrs. Commissioner (EstllL ' Mrs. 'Colonel French and Brigadier Ttr Dubbin will conduct a special-meet-lag In the Army iisil,' 2t5 Davis, street . tuntgnt at 8 p.-m. ; ;.t,. .vv',:i'-v - Sunday morning ; at . ll ' a. , m., Mrs. Commissioner Kstlll . of Chicago, will reak, , Mrs. Kstlll Is in charge of nil the rescue homes ' of . the army In the western states, and is a splendid .speaker.-. Everybody Is cordially invited to-these meetings. .' ' - , : v - The commissioners have been exten sive travelers, having been In charge of Salvation Army operations both In Holland. South Africa. New Zealand and Japan. They were also officers tn Eng land for a- number of years, being some JO years In the ranks. -,-. - -r , PENDLETON CANINE ? - - . 'POI50NER NOT CAUGHT ' f tH.t r1Mtr f Tat Joanal ' "fnoleton. Or., April 1. Despite fhe. - reward, offered and other means n to .apprehend athe. criminal, . the sture who has for Ihe past few Ks been, eet tin out poison foe dors tl 's clt)-. In undlerovered and Is still I nrrvrng- on Is dastardly work. - Dating T-ii nrpt two days or frits week twe for valuable canines were added to Ms ! r list of vlr.tlma. one ef whb-h tflonajerf to State Senator C J. Smith. u a reauit, that gentleman has added ti te the-reward offered, and tf the t int!ty of the culprit is discovered It I vera- avmhahle that ha will Ke airan a term In the penitentiary, as that Is : th penalty preacrlhed by law. , -, In the majority of eaaee it has bees; t' tluM do of the city whtrh tiers, t rrn roiaoned, hlle the mongrel. "urs J re rr?nittayl to roam the afreets as j w retofore. Ilom-ewr, Tom Hart tbej ffnoa catrher. 1. aa arrived tojj vn the MTiJIrenad r 11 nine. SBd' ttn fa ctmn!et-'l Ms work; Fn- Forces Witness to Admit Ball: inger Did Not Disclose Case ; Fully to Taft. . . (Vnlted Frns tVaawd Wire.) "Washington, April 1. E. C. Finney, an assistant to Secretary of. the Inferior Balllnger, testified - today before the congressional ' investigation' committee that Balllnger had never written a eon- tract in the Truckee reclamation project Balllnger had been criticised for his at tltude In the matter, because it was al leged that the government - would have surrendered valuable water rights. Fin ney declared that Balllnger had nothing to do with contracts affecting the Ta hoe (Navada-Callfovnla) project He said the reclamation service had sought to acquire additional water for the Truckee-Carson : project The forest service protested s gainst the terms of ths contract And the matter since then bad been taken snder advisement by de partment officials, .'v:,,...;- , The witness then described. ths prep aration of the Interior department s de cision which terminated the plan ef Sec retary Garfield for a cooperative certlfl cate plan in connection with the recla mation projects, permitting settlers to work out part Of their indebtedness. Finney declared that after the attor ney general had declared : the plan to be Illegal, Director Newell of the recla mation ' service protested and the in rterlor department again submitted ths decision . to ths attorney general, t who reaffirmed his-former decision - Attorney Brandela is believed to have made a strong point today when he forced flnniv ta admit that certain avl- dence waV withheld from Taft when Bal llnger reported the Cunningham claims. Finney said that 'When Ballln ger filed tils answer there were letters in the files showing that. Olavls was taking up the Cunalnghsnii cases with the 'Seattle district' attorney. '.These letters were not given to Taft, the wit ness admitted. -, . . - v. t ' Brandets ' aaked whether the .letters would disprove Attorney General Wick ershara's finding that Glavls 7iabitually procrastinated" id the work on ths Cunningham-case. ' - - - . - ' . Finney replied that he did not knew. He added that this , evidence probably was not sent to the attorney general. - change hs had . in- bis pockets, leaving him to the mercy of the weather without a fire, which is a privilege accorded the common drunks. The night was one of the coldest for the past two months. The news spread like wildfire and by daylight many gathered at the Jail to secure Mr, Patton s release. 'A messen ger ' was dispatched for Police Judge Koiston who; after, bearing the condi tlons of the arrest, ordered the prison er's- 4-eleaae... This the jnarahal xef used to do and "was promptly fined $20 for contempt of court The prisoner was released to appear , for trial ,on Monday ....... i The crusade which Mr. Pattorf has in augurated has already resulted In clos Ing one of the saloons in Seaside, and others -may ..follow BQon. n, HYDE CASE MAY BE . DELAYED TWO WEEKS; The secretary . of ; the- interior . says that - there . are - now ' 1529 persons on the pension rolls - as Indian war vete ran at 18 a month: and that these are decreasing -- through deaths " bw, 160 a year. . . : w, w ' iia' a lain am " mmj . wv aw. w U...1VU. , The bills will be pressed with 'all possible- energy,) but It seems ; to be probable that they will go over to tne session beginning In December, 1910, A peculiar phase of the Indian war pension claims Is that some widows of veterans are receiving more than some veterans, , ana mere has been demand by ? the latter that this be equalised, The. pending bills would . accomplish mat ena. Ill DOES II (United Prem I-aaaed Wlra.l Kansas City, Mo.. April 15. That the Hyde case may be delayed at least two! weeks, as a result of the decision of I UKE TAFT PLAH TlVwymfn'forapenX It as Letting Inter ior. . rwyman is one or the important of witnesses , for the 'state and it is be lieved the prosecution will ask a post ponement until Twyman is able to at tend the sessions of the trial.' Twyman attended typhoid cases In the Swops household and was the Swope physician except - during the time that the oases were In the hands of Dr. Hyde. . He Is expected to tell about oc currences in the ' sick room. - He will also probably 'testify as an expert re garding the typhoid cases and his tes ests Do All Things Not Ex pressly Forbidden. STEEL BUILDING T(T ' BE TWELVE STORIES' V HIGH ON SIXTH STREET I at Plana for a IS story bnUdlng Of steel construction, to oot la the neighborhood f Hoe. 09, were filed In the city building Inspector's of fir, this morning by Deyle Patterson, arebttepts for Ben Selling. The building w1'J be erected at the southwest ranter of Sixth and Alder streets. Its ground floor dimension art ?xm feet ' , (United Praia Uaaed Wlr. - Berkeley,' Cat, April Hi The declara tion of President David Starr, Jordan of Stanford university before ths '"Uni tarian, club - that "'the Taft idea Is to allow the moneyed Interests' to gain tlmony, it is said. - will probably be the everything unless there is a, specific law most Important that, the state will in-1 to forbid": has aroused considerable -dls-troduce. (-' 1 i ' - Icusslon herei ,. u . . ' . Dr. Twyman has. been taken suddenly I Dr. Jordan further advocated- tHat ill and-his disease is diagnosed as ap-1 scientlflo experts tie employed In every pendlcltis. 1,. His physicians have decided i possible line, instead of , putting . into that an operation at once is essential, the government men - only , politically It is expected that if the - operation is interested In the spaces they hold, successful and , Dr. Twyman" recovers I "Our politics Is and has been in the as rapidly as Is hoped he will be able past sordid," Dr. Jordon declared. ? "It to leave the hospital in a couple of is the duty of the present age to lift weeks. Whether or not he will be colltics from ths 1 slouch ' of corporate strong enough then to ta)te the stand greed.' It is the -proper attitude of Is problematical. Should he still be so 1 ths government to be doing something weaic tnat tne prooaoimy or ms oeingiall the time, to be solving some prob- aoie o isn ma siana seems sngni, it 1 lent - Is llkeljf a, further delay in the hearing. or tne case may- result. On being Informed of Dr. Twyman's condition today the court granted a con tinuance of the Hyde case -to Monday. Washington Postmasters. count xne oeomu were new i iuc 1 . , n. v...- , at , a court, - dinner . given ' In ; his game, and- the machinery did not work J "t T.nd ifontlns- on the river honor ny ths emperor at tb.Schoen- S smoothly as it will in a short time, 'ann brun palace. UNBOAT ARRIVES v AT CHANG SHA BUT LA . PekUi gunboif- rv, . .,Tr . v.. .kl when he says my lands are vacant, school last night at tes 1 In the Tn , not .vacant -and never have Lumber Exchange buUdmg At this time been tlno j owned, them, " There may be rock and and on then) and they. i all of the enumerators gathered and told their experiences of the day. - One wo- DOES NOT GO TO DOCK terpreter into the Jewish quarter of the City ana oruugnv wiay aiv uouica. ii (United ""Treat Leastd WlrsA was found, however, that she had been n, April 18. one or tner uritisni over wis district' several-. nines Deiore s arrived at Chang- Sha today land had become acquainted wit a it and may seem worthless to some smart peo ple, but to no not so smart they seem quite valuable. ' And when my previous owners asked me their price -I paid-it and conaidered .'; them very . cheap, . so ; never tried to get them any : pheaper than what I was asked for them. tri.'-ymx..aiv tand. . . ' ", , The . Oregon Trunk line is parading , In the papers that they cannot get lands for what they - think them to be worth, but owirig to the number or rioters in 1 its people, , w.-;-.-, the city) did not attempt to dock. It is I Wqrlc has not been commenced on the anchoreol in midstream, where it Is wait- Chinese' and Italian districts, but it is ing for una three other gunboats now! believed that the educational work car- nn rViAle Vvav lin the: river. .- I ricA nn for Mma lima Yinst will onen the Wires twit: -of Chang -Sha have been Uoors to the enumerators without the w s1 tnera mna to cross tne river cut and refiprts today are meager. The expected trouble. . " a just wnat tney ininn worm ana news, that as come out of the city. -r expected some confusion," said Sen- will agree not to move their -surveyed however, is disquieting. Rioting is still ator Beach this morning, "and X had it, line 600 feet east or west frpm ths lino going on, an , property is ' being de- but throughout the enumerators have that they want to buy, and I will maks etroved.j -It- ffi . reported . that, demands I haan eolnar errentlonallv well. I am them a deed for same in both states. are being madV against the foreigners Wholly satisfied with the work thafhas 1 TbeyTcsm-aeths-prieff-mratiytWiig over in tns city, ann um ne ouuauun ibeen done in Portland. I have not Heard ior x wm maisi on receivn vn grave. R00SEVELT ACCEPTS (United Paris, April tndav telesrraDhed proffer of memberfhip . in the French academy. : He wire- The honor was tjnexpectea ana 1 gladly accept" I Papal Nnnclo Calls on Roosevelt. ; (United Prens Oeaeod Wire.) Vienna, April l6.-VMonsignor Pigna telll. the Tapal nuncAo here, called to day on former : President Roosevelt at his apartments in tre Both ther nuncio and to discuss the subjec sation. but it is belle the Vatican incident as yet from ths ' outside 1 counties - or each side so as te make the deed legal, cities." 1 ' . - " have accommodated the O. R. & y ; Five census Inspectors were appointed I the - United, States government,; canal. yesterday. Their duties will be to over- state or uregon portage, ana xne rig'iie ui exponas.: to some- Roosevelt cate those people not found at their oi tnera in ajregon- unwi i. jave oareiy ; acceptance of a homes or offices. . ; ' . U , ' . Jons : "ver ' or my.: , I yUllUiiiBB dllU WaUI, VCIU4 . iia IXITT3 1 T m A la a-M . a a 4 a a m 1 A I :t I lr- M I HI IIMI IKN see the work being done by the enumer- urrat, douuiwh .reuwa aim, r)wr.--. . , M.w.. th covering their dla- way at practically a trifle of I - 1 1 1 . 1 , m . 1. - . . . A- 1 . I rt iflma anf) naavufnia at all tm , n-. 1 LrifMB 1 11 1 1 v. hiiii niaAB an aiLeuiui iv aw- 1 .. r . - rimB ajvmwu. n na. . ' r . - . . . . . v . 16.-t-Theodore Hotel Bristol. Roosevelt refused of their conver- ed It concerned I l W III ATTEND EXERCISES TRACK TEAM RUNiS - -17 MILES Ifl 2 HOURS of these arenow on rights of way of these different companies' option "to re move at any time they 'may see fit be tween- November 1 and March 1 of any year.,.'vv;;:j:vs. irZ V-'i ; raus xo jceep yTonuae. , I also gave lhe S. P. & S. on . the Washington side of the river, lands for ,' right of way which, they promised to -fence as soon , as they had, their road built , They, have declined to do so up to date, not, have thej put .in; proper j cattle guards so that-could fence my lands at my Cjwn expense. :- ; ' . "The rallroar builders are public ben- efactors whie they are- getting rights of wayi They 'are people that are al ways held up during the short time of eonfitrnotlon. tha ar.' frtr: tha. voml nr. T. M. Saxon, the eastern Oregon mem-1 tha DUbH(S and ' all our laws have been ' Member of Board of Control 'v Jojhs in Honoring Wil- v . 'riams Memory. Black Hand Seeks Roosevelt? . , ' (United Prtaa LcaaoJ Wlra. "London, April If A member of, the American branch of the so-called Black Hand society, was arrested today near the Italian-Swiss border, en . route to Washington. April 16. -The . senate I Geneva, according to a dispatch received has confirmed the appointment of Wil- here today It is believed by tbs au- 11am F. Cavanaugh to be postmaster at thoritles at Venlce.'whither the man was Olympla, Wash., and of Daniel Crowley bound, that he had planned : te, attack to be postmaster at Vancouver, Wash. Theodore Roosevelt . . . . .'. . . :' (Rnarlal DUnateh to The) Joarnsl. I,. .u. vD.j 'i.-. ...,:.. .v., .. . : The Dalles April 16.- iTour members , uiub i uica auumcjn , auiiunauuna in int.. n.ii. i,i.h na.nrii Vrair .a m fortuna visitor, naving come , aown 1 maae u easier, 10 acquire rignis ei-way performed a long run Wednesday that from Baker City t attend the exercises under the disguise of public benefit -was a severe test of endurince, running in honor-of the late Judge George H. I J-UJ 1''Jen1' ''. '''' P?8?6111" !!I .' from here to Dufur, by y of Boyd, t Williams,- held under the auspices or ''"""" ""J x" i J ' "VL- . .'i.-?:i-'-M 1,, ta . n.,i I v.i ,1,1. mrJoubllo fcr damned 'Pay what we aslt3 two hours. The. boys rte in training ing. - ' ' or keep off. for the track meet between the high Mr.' Saxon has taken, up 10 of the Wevsr Tried to Sell. ; ' ' school of The Dalles, Goldfndale," Wasco streams In his district and has made - "The Oregon - Trurtk' line" has never ' and Moro, which is to - be) held on the a xeport on five of them, these reports been asked by myself to occupy my :. now Being filed witn tne secretary or lands; I nave never tried to sen tnem state ahd awaiting publication. The lands. They do not need, my lands -to - stats board of control is Invested with get into Portland, for odr ; state laws - the power, under the irrigation law of compel " railroads to ' carry traffic for ., the state, to - make an examination on connecting Jines. - They can . ''connect - each stream in the State and determine with the O. R. & N. company to Port- ' the water rights Of every settler along land and can savs ruining my property its banks! ' In the eastern and southern with a bridge at Cellk or they .can part of ; the state v there - is hardly a bridge at the 'mouth of. the Deschutes ',! high school grounds Jiera n April 29. LONELY MAN LEAPiS -v' FROM WINDOWj KILLED day jumped from the second dow of the Beaufort hotel here and was killed. , He was 45 years of was formerly connected with ery. Ward A Co. of Chicago na naa charge , of the .catalogue .department Merrill has a wealthy brotrter at Los Angeles. His mother also 1 NOBLEMAN WHO IS NOT AFRAID TO WORK ."a ai l he e;-rot a dolee city. Tot CVavl 8eaaoo I Wl(rsu , 5,'.-t p - . , f 1 --- ,L . 'Jr. t',l i Jksaater Firt 11 1'. V a;: atr Ms rrtnrned f-.rn (Mr. aha ona erraat :-t'- ar--ffaT f.-r a4at'A-1fthe 1 a a r, ', a r4 fj t- atae -4 c-f f T r-p ara rS af r 1 t r i a r ' ,r rr in t) n e k. a tf'y r i . ---) fri . a- t- I'i'ri-T e 5 - -4 1 l fv- - i r-t - - i , ' ; , Var 1. - !M V ia ail 1 '- r-, m - 5 1. ,a a-ra'i . 1 - 1 , ( -. k-, 1 , " !'-S''- t ESPEE CLASS RATES ' TQ BE INVESTIGATED (aWaa Bara. af ! araall I Ralatn, l-r AprU 1 The raUroed etrinlalni la )n r-e,rt today of copy ef th rr-aKlunoQ aJrrd by the Open RIr So4 f"ratrht Fates otvttn , M al A.nary tr.H we-, tn tb effert t t aafS roar.fnar-wal rtub Sw1 rmerl of trale l ua v l,lar--ti . valley shall f at leaat one rf wnUUra yraaar t t the hearlne te ta bald Tburaday. a:ni , at f-.-m. ' t inTeat'r.'a the 1 :mm ra vrfnrri tf It rVu'H- t. r . rr-rr far j. -r.'-r ,-:.-5"; "K;.JiiiwMbaiiinii.inn iu iivi ri uniiy w iiuiiiv .--,-.. . ' .--'rJ. :',.' - v :.,.; -w- , t "t , - ' fJJk.:9.imlM - " 1 mm wuaMJiUMllWM , 1 " '":' ?. ' ' V"" I' ll : l , ; : : . :f.i, Hi,-' ; j; ' " -r ' ? Minneapolis, ilinn., April 16. Lonely since his wife went to Chicako, April S, for a short visit ardJUerrill ' j stream which: is not the subject of Htl- and save three miles of track coming v - . 1 aatlAn haeaiina nf oonritrtln pIa ma fnr I Arun AnM mm a rria m w . - "v. - . the waters desired for irrigation. It is "Why do they - want to build three the duty of the state board of control miles of unnecessaryr track, come down to examine into the merits of all claims and annoy me and' my business with and decide' the water rights of the peo- the construction of 'a bridge? Simply pie along the streams. , This report is then filed with the secretary of state, and 7 shouKJ - it , be "questioned' will be passed upon by the supreme court '- " Mr. " Saxon Is much . pleased with -the work that has been done .and feels' con- age. He Montgom- j ves there. because they can build a bridge across ths river on my. lands without getting their feet wet and without being re- Quired to use any large ,span- ... '. .lVess Tbaa Cost.- " , "' I - have asked them less' than . ths fident that there will, be 11 tUe appeal ao.t of . oler foundation that ths S. rrom - its nnaings. lie neiieves tnattc - a -on, k..m within a very short time the water litl- St . chtlc noulon. in the IrrigVt'ed 5?. !".r'f the Columbia and the Willamette rivers. sections. will be a thing, of ths past, a- of way artist, who knows no other use for rock and sand than . to get. it for nothing for a railroad company. At ths I same time my rocks and sand are so I ,h hav Mn,tni,t thra mlla TAKE MANY HONORS of railroad extra, build a tunnel at, the cose 01 no less man ai.uu.uuu 10 1 reacn PENDLETON DEBATERS - SpeHal piapateb ta Thi JnaraaM Pendleton, Or., ..April 16. Unprece dented in the state has been the success of ths Psndleton High school in ths field of forenslcs. - During the past two years the local teams have participated In nine debates with other high schools of ths state and enly once have experienced de feat That occasion was at ths univer sity of Oregon last May, when Pendle ton and Grants Pass contested for the tnterscholastio - championship of 1 the stats. . 80 far this year four debates have been won, the last frost La Grande this week, clinching . ths championship of eastern Oregon. Ths next contest this valueless - sand and rockplle. If this bunch of artists will explain their' troubles, to the courts, the Judge, will decide what the lands are worth and I will accept the same with pleasure and -bow to the law., '. ' cr :':';',.,. "c;: "," ,'. "I will say to these right of way ar tists that when they treat aland owners In the way they would like to- be treat-' ed they would get along better. . I have asked these sharks for a profile and maps of their surveys so 1 could tell' what they are trying to take. These they refuaed to give me. ; . . . , " j Wants Fair Fiajr.-.C They also waited until ths February. win.be tbe champion of the Columbia term of . court In Wasco county COBtit Mirhsel Mourtk D Peatiffrt..l!!i t-r11 who Is ths daug-!itr" cf H. If. Kl!tsrnn: the CLc neo rnsnu fctorT. aod "Bob. the brljp's rrlf In J fiof. ' al) ef whera are Try rtirh In tb rvlllc ej In Chl rago jml not becaua the count within a few dsvs wfll diwsrd his fCk feat arid rt aJ tvtTti tronaara to don orera'.'s and Jtrnpr. so as to b In the rtgtt trim to work as an OTdirBrr fcftr-aT Is ths ftfrl jr.ttls ft t't fsther-la-liw: lie Is to gt 12! 9 a day. I!Te In a lahorrr's rttc r ? frrer'g ti b rV,r-l "M'k-" Paufprt. An ericaa f ut ! c ILat a tl'f HS !1 this t rn U tr4 a'r'J lo w!a a be n3 at the rurr.e tire ;e to C river district and the winner of that debate will meet the champion of south ern snd western Oregon at 'the univer sity for the claim, for state supremacy. ' - Xew Corporations. , ((Ulan Boraae ef Tbe Saamiat.) Salem, cu- April 18. Articles of In corporation have been f lied In the office of the secretary of state as follows: IwlRhurg Mutual Telephone com pany-; principal ornce, wariesy; capital stock, I117J; Incorporators, Ernest Bowan, G. II. Thompson and W. J. Uab erly. , ' The Don Alvar Cigar company; prin cipal office, Astoria; capital stork. 65006; Incorporators, -J. Straus, r.. M. Hanlin ahd Mrs, R. Strauss. Bend Townsll company; principal of fice. Bend; rspitai stock. 1250.000; in corporator. Frank Kobe rt son. . - Jw Baed and Harrlaon Alien. Davis Crefk Orchards company; prin- rlpal office. Ikevlew; capital stock. 150.000; Incorporator. John OAelH, I E. earr and C, R. Seager. Fir Lumbar compeny; principal eff!. Cottaea Grove; tapilal atork taO.OJA; Inoorporatora. J. L Chambers, A. Ii. Wood e-rnl J. B. rmdman. Hub Clothlrg- A Fhoa corrrny; prln- r'rl offlo. Mrhf!!3; ca,-Ual :o-lc. UO.f")?; inorprato'-, A. J. Mendel, (rle Fripir an1 F. A. t-elea. K!a.r-afh Falta TirrVr A Ict!-g rTftrw; rr'inai r-rnca. Mimath rr 'l at'-, k. 61 .f-n;. In'orrore Imv R. R II 'l. i. J-rn and A..1L 1, !;:,',!n ( rompana-; pHn- rl;! r-f -, T ":' r fl - eritl twa. $?a - . 't - ! -.-a. pvv..-r1 Ferri, I. was past and. now that tbe Columbia river Is high, they are very busy to get trials set in May or June, during high -water, so that J could not make a survey my self, or show ths injury tbey . will do me In what they are attempting . to take, and why they are spending over . 6100,000 to. reach my lands instead of a direct straight line across. ths river. - i"t have asked them fo nothing only what was fair. - They say. I am not damaged If that is so let . then file a bond In this city to pay ms whst I am damaged, on demand, or leave my lands alone, I do not want to buy any lawv suits with the Oregon Trunk line, nor do I wsnt their money either, but If . they want my lands, want to put large rock piers on It they should he wllJtmr. to carry tbe risk-that If their piers de stroy aiy rights of property 'and pay for what they destroy. - , "And if they think that I am not In jured, let them appoint three business men of the city of Portland, send them over the line between my cannery and my different wheels along the river and See If eonatructlon ef audi projects In jures or ber'flts a business ef perl a h ablaa. mich as flah. by the uae of my lands by contractors. F. A. FF7UFERT. t - - - i r - .1 a 1. 1 e tea c. ... a Xerry Flrchn at fcarramento. T-'t P I- i Wlra fdtnmiiii Oal.. rrU It. A mj-ata-rions firabtie and burslar eairly tMs mnrnl'.f f.re-i three hoaaae and rohr-ed e-ie du-lre the excitement The riaHrc f the man ia ahown ty f- f-t t-al arban he Nf I ra. . In;e! Flint oa-nrr rf one of the hmiaaa, plajlre nn th t!ta wif fjMan ho le a.s'.k'M n to r1 aa!4: I ana h'p yo.j - fia f ii frr the he f - -n -vl K-rrl a. V an, -' ? .j,-. -ri a- J .-.i a - I r - t a r 1 ; .-- ? 1 u : ,1 1