The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 16, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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Opening Day
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for the Southeast BE16GE8 86 " Sag
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t:::'.;-:s'-v-v--' r.i - situated in the e.b.davidson, ,
IN SEC.36 T.I N-R.I E. AND SEC;3LT.INa2E.W.M', :
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With the platting of this Southeast Quarter, the entire 444 acres, V(
.which comprise Laurelhurst, are now on the market. When we.
lake into consideration the fact that this tract is one mile long
and three-quarters of, a mile;wide, and think of it as a, whole, :
entirely imoroved on one comprehensive plan, it is easV to realize I :
. that there can be no place more delightful to its Presidents in this : -; A
, 1 r xL.i it. i a- -J TU
or any oxner city, ana jor max reason u is ju&ny tcnucu
, Addition With Character.' This is one of the great reasons for
our enormous sales of over one and one-half million dollars since
last October; . . . . .
Money invested in Laurelhurst lots will yield very large and quick
-returns, because these lots are now being sold at just about one
" half the prices asked for similar property in other parts of," the
city. It is safe to say that the lots now selling from $1000 to
$1500 each will sell at niore than $2000 each .within two years, and .
these values, will continue to .grow with the growth of the city.
, There will be 26 miles of asphalt streets in this tract, 26 miles of
4-inch gas, 8-inch water and 10-inch sewer mains. There will be .
f . 52 miles of cement walks, 52 miles of 9-foot parking strips, shade
trees and handsome cluster lights. , This means 52 miles of hand-.
some homes, built according to a building restriction .which limits
the use of the property to single, detached dwelling houses, cost
ing from $2500 to $5000 each, and which compels all Jniildings to "
; be set back at least 21 feet from the sidewalks This will insure ,
a uniform, standard of improvements, with fine lawns and gar-1
dens and which will make Laurelhurst the most attractive resi-;
dence spot in Portland. '
, i t ' 'i"' f"" ' tJl I , i X ,, ' ' if . - ' v "
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' In. planning the improvements for Laurelhurst, the streets and "
boulevards have been laid out to conform as nearly as possible to '
1 the natural contours of the land. Four of the main boulevards'
are 80 feet wide and all of the rest are 60 feet wide. . , -.'..'
Not the least among the attractions of Laurelhurst is the beauti
ful wooded tract of. 31 acres which has been purchased by" the
city for park purposes. Ladd Park is to be-improved and will
have a natural lake and extensive botanical gardens. . : All of the
streets of Laurelhurst have been laid out to conform to the drive-:
ways now planned for the park. - ; . ,
1l ' - ' v -- 44 ; ' ' r '" , A '.. . '- c
A residence district, protected as Laurelhurst is, by building
restrictions and with all of its natural beauties and advantages,
will naturally be occupied by cultured and refined people people-,
who have the home-loving spirit and everyone within the whole -:
area will be assured good neighbors. This is a matter of great1
importance, especially to. those who have families. of growings
children because nothing, contributes so much to their peace of ;
mind as the knowledge that they are living in an atmosphere of
refinement, and that their associations will always be, desirable.,
See Laurelhurst Now!
Make your plans for a visit '
to the property Sunday.
Take Mohtavilla or Rose ;
City Park cars direct to
Laurelhurst or call at
our office and we will show
you the :; property in lour
automobiles. Office
open Saturday evening to
9 o'clock and all day Sunday
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ITT.4 WltU 10MPT,
522-525 Corbctt BIdg. ;
Phones Main 1503, A-1515
Cut out this plat for reference bring It to Laurelhurst with ydu
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