XIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. . SATURDAY EVENING, i APRIL 10. 1810. 1 1 j.oi srs roil r.icxt 19 DO TOU WANT A IIOMKT .'',-. Let Your Money Earn It ( . - t per cent Interest paid on check ac , count, -!!. . 3 per cent interest paid on 10-day call certificates, - V pur cent Interest paid on 1 0-day ell certificated. 4 per Rent Interest paid on 90-day call ctrtuiuat. i Small , check accounts received. Si years' banking" experience in Porte land. . - ... We will help you buy a homo. , PORTLAND TRI78T COMPANY BANK Third and Oak Sts. WHEN you move you'll need new . fur niture. ' uuy judiciously ana your saving will exaeod moving expenses Our NO-RENT PRICKS made u one of the largest furniture houses la the city In less than two rears. Lookers shown same courtesy as buy era. MORGAN-ATCHLET FURNITURES CO, ulrand ave., cor. E. mark at East Ankeny end Russell-Shaver Car pees our ooor. horses, vehicles, jetc. ih WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 NOTICES. SO unDoro iHDnroo mn iaia the rag warkmh IIUIIOLOi limiltL.OO nitU lin I tihlp. notify, send Vhrm, wool, mohitlr, hereby Klv.-n that 1. V. Rommel he MOITHH. 845 1ST HT. J ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Nottca Is .GON FOR SALE 11.'. I - n u I mr i i ,i f., rAri. both larire and smiilr. also some good young mock from 4 to 10 years old. wt. 1100 to lliuO, 2 small farm wagons, 10 biiRKles. delivery wagons, 2 country hacks. 2 enrts. 3 sets double harness. one 4 ton furniture wagon, 2 canopy top surreys. Hawthorn fcuibl.-a, 420 Haw thorne ave. - FOU SALE Sound young 2&00 lb. team horsea snd harness; guod pullers and fast travelers. ISilK. 351 Mill St. A NUMlTKlt of flint dans horses weigh ing from 1100 to 1400; all guaranteed. JWn JWH Oil SOIL fur,. hides, pelts, old rubber, Largest nioiivcr denier or ( aacsr ('inmi 1 1 before tiH'tHlx, been appointed adiultt'strator of the ea rn berk, i lute of Charles A rmatroiiir. iloccaned. bv 5ET our price on your furniture, . as It will pay you. we want tha goods. Ravage and Fennoll. 851-1 1st at Main 80. PROMPT attention and highest prices paid for furniture. Hawthorns Fur. Co., ICS Uranrl aye., near Mor. K 8304. FINANCIAL 01 the county court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county, and all persons having claims airalnst said estate are hereby requested to-present the same with proper vouchers within six months COAL AND WOOD STEEL BRIDGE FUEL. CO.. Coal and wooa. iry wood. Diocawooa, siao wood, cordwood. Prompt delivery, Phone C-1773. E-414. COLLECTIONS CURRKNT and delinquent accounts col looted. Wells Mercantile Agency. 708 'LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 35 QUICK LOaWS On furniture and pianos (without removal), storage receipts, Ufa In etiranoe policies, livestock, real estate and nil klni of' securities. Room 12, Hamilton-1 bldg.. Ill 8d st. MRln runt. FURNISHED room house, mod ern conveniences, on nice sight ly lot, closo in, want -to rent to rood tenant for 1 year or more, 26 per month. Phone Bellwood 1623 or call 04 7th at. 8. W-W car. , , , , ,!., ; FOR RENT4 room modern house, near ' . the new Jefferaon high achool and in central Alblna; 12.60 per month. The ohaw-Fear Co., 245ft Stark; st. Wain 86, A-t00,----'- OAK furniture of 4 rooms, complete; DhonoKraoh. lawn -,. mower. hose. Cheap at. 1400. ..Close to- a good car lines. ., Rent . 15. ; All goes lor ,-9i4a. Phone Wooaiawu 1637;,-8-11 a. nt. . ' FOR .RENT 7 room modern, near the new Jefferson High school and ' in Central Albina: $20 per month. The Shaw-Fear Co.; 2454 ..Stark' at. ;Main 86. A-3500. ' . . FOR SALE Almost new furniture of a 4 room flat at a sacrifice; owner going east. Call 968 Borthwlck at., or phcrne Wootjlawn J615 Sunday or even- inga,- feEVKN roorri house, well E." Burnslde district, low rent eaav walking dis tance.! B. Wolverton, room A, Lumber exchange blag. COTTAGB of 6 rooms and bath, 233 Stout et. - Key 600 Salmon at , ; MOUSES FOB RENT, f v FUBNITURB FOB SALE) 82 SPLENDID, almost new furniture ' Of 7 room fiat, comfortable nome witn out expenses, 4 rooms 'pay; more than rent. 3024 Park. -. $16 RUNT House 6 rooms, pantry, hall, furniture for sale, leaving town. 703 Mississippi ave. . ' ' I'L'RNITURH of a 6 room flat for eale: Inquire-2054 N. 18th st. Phone Main 4441 FURNITURE' 8 room house rent $50; $500, $260jcaah have other , busineBS. 101 IWh St. - FLAT Newly furnished, papered and cleaned. 273 Montgomery. Ca.ll A-6389. FURNITURE of an 8 room house for sale and house' for rent. 243 $thv FURNISHED HOUSES 86 COTTAGES, well furnishfed, $17.80, $20; ' another unfurnished, $15; housekeep ing suites, furnished, $8 to $12 month. Apply 364 North 36th; W car from de pot, on 3d or Morrison to 5th,. block north. ' . VILL rent . 6 roon furnished bungalow , ' In exchange for owner's board. X-608, Journal. " ........ FOB KENT FLATS 13 f FOR RENT4 room modern- flat partly ' furnished. K Burnslde and Weal ave., ' Mt:' Tabor- Tabor 1871. -MEW modern 4 and S room flat on Williams ave. Phone E, 8805 .or call at 1!0 Fargo st. FRESH family now; gentle; good condl- LARGE 6 room cottage, $2300, terms to non; -win c.n-iuiiiKi lur ii oW 8ult- rine room notisa 3ltl0, 4tlU borwe. James Hazelwild. Mt. Hoott car. CBHhj gb6 Union ave. I'hona Woodlawn FOR SALE rA good Rentle cow; will 1 2720. be fresh in two week. Call Bellwood 636. - FOR SALE White Oriental geese eggs I for setting, ism Hona st.. cor. Slower. MONEY TO LOAN 27 WHITE Wyandotte cngs for batching. Mr. J. 11. Small, Lents, Or. Tabor 13s. MtSICAL INST1U3IUNTS 84 LET US HELP YOU w MONEY ADVANCED PRIVATELY On furniture. xlanos, horses, wagons. etc., and the property remain In your possession. W e also loan money to saj' from 'tue date hereof, to the underslgnAl nonrk ot Trade bldg 4th Tend Oak sta at 871 Commercial street, in Portland, ,yr1 of. r1a .P"1- th "a uregon. -..- - Dated Portland, Oregon, April 14, 1810. L. V. ROMMKL Administrator of the Estate of Charles Armstrong, Deceased. LOST AND FOUND Si CONTRACTORS AND tfUILDERS DAN B. HENSLEY Carnrnter. contractor; Dlans and est! mates free-; repairing solicited.- Phone H-2881. Residence 209 K. $7th St. I. LOST Between Perklna hotel , and WlLL draw your plan UI11U11 UVI'Ul, Ul,lllUIIUglBl watch fob, initials- O. S. C. Return to 67 6th st. and receive reward. LOST Child's gold band ring, set with . 4 small garnets, on east aide. Finder return to Journal office! reward. A KODAK on Tacolt train on morning of A pril 6, reward. ' Jtt-609. Journal. PERSONAL 22 PIANOS Brinr your . certificates or arled Deonle. checks '.to, the old reliable Rush & r PAY IISA LITTLH AT A TIME. Ijflnd 1'lano Co.. 3X0 Wnshlnaton St.. I . Deal with a rellaDle. established and and we will reditem them for k their I responsible concern; our large business real vaiuev ruur.iore win- ne open enables us to mam CHUAfiSK HAina nights until 10 o'clock for the balance ef I than ever before. , Every - transaction the month of April. PIANO CERTIFICATE I have a piano certificate, but also have a piano. Will dispose of certificate to some worthy person who wishes to use same. All It will cost you is the price of the ad vertisement. -di'b, journal. absolutely secret;. no bothering your em ployers witn uncomtortanie inquiries, 7 . . i ,i r-. r T- . y-v HUI I UN UKtUH UU, , - v ! - 612 DKKUM - BLD43. t ' ' - -, ."!. , ; Phone Main 286$, (- v ? .,' & V' Chas. E, York ' Band 'Instruments and Muslo Hons. Repairing, exchange. ,88)4 3d et. SQUARE Chlckering-piano, good condl- SiLAtiY "LoAns on pLaIn n6teS. $10- -io -S100 Land, tlon. $100: 430. . installments. I rkwiraT niTtra ttj PnT $10 repaid in installments of, ,....$ .45 $20 repaid In Installments of. ...... .90 &0 renald.ii. .nutiillnlnntl of...... S.OO Bellwood Larger amounts In proportion. All wa reouir is vour nersonal note: no miirtnn. no lndorser - or security: I fUH CjALlir ill, XWiUUliliai.a l verything etriotiy conrinenuau , ; - I ill, U'alMn. m w r - KNOX, the fastest stodt car In the I l,,r: J?, s m- t( f nu wad aJia world; Mollne the, best . car made for unui o u. in. - thA mniiov W alio hav a. nnmhor of I .. 'run! fri ir'Hr'ir.KrT TniN AfSlCNCY. four rvlinder cars, aliahtlv iiand. but in I ins T?hr-hld hldir.. corner 4th and flrat oJas condition, left hare for us to I VvkShington. , The recognised bank of sell at real bargain prices. r - . ..I the wage -earner. "A clera, nook Keeper. v WESTERN AUTO CO., 631 Alder t ' machinlat, engineer employe can on tain money oi us on nis now wiujvui Here Is ;?cur ty. . - r ; ; . ' i . 10 .return to us., , . . , m.vv m .wui.u $80 return to ui.k.....,.l $00 month monin SAY. you sleeDers. wake ud, ;uur tiio-ouw. 09 .it. yu w ub. vjru Inn . rr 1 c Mint - . . 1 cK 1 . i r. oimA j - .r 1 . . . -5. I tRA i-Atiirn tft Hi running ururr, owner oibu jinvn i J," .,i... 1n.itrtA $650. cost. $3100 new. Must be "sold gniJdfn,t'ai. 5 J "i2S,nLl22i itt at once. Automobile Brokerage s Co., BP60'81 ratc' on pianos. ..furniture., etc. 205 h. Morrison , Bt. : room 4. A-7707. 'J -:-.- - CHATTEL LOANB. Main 6478. , , V . I Installment loans on pUnoa. furniture, ALMOST new 7 passenger.js h.' p! ma- ?&La Vndllf'f inds f rtttoS chine, used six weeks and in fine eon- 1 P0."6? Jn55 V."""" ioT.., ),..,. .. .... i. ..in i.t muu" una loans irom v i. ; dition; have no use. for it and will let! , NRW vwa iiin mtcl CO. . ; rurirwr- ' ' - 4H Ablngton bldg. ' -' it go cheap. MAI GINNIS LAND & .INVESTMENT . . - - ; t:o., , , , V . 8 16-31T LewlsyBldg., 4th and Oak. V MONEY advanced salaried people, house- keepers and others upon tneir own ..,.-,.. rlfl)Ail. - MllHi J.V)A. TIABt. HtM. AUIOMOBILES. to-trade for real e-1 ..gloat Davraants: offices in 69 prlncl- tate, stocks. Bonds, mprtgagea, eqm- p(ll cjties; sav money by tettina; our ties. We have what vou want. Auto-1 rr.w.. it .iiim( Kvhanara. st. Room 4. A-7707. Main 6478. V.i ur V" "'.il .-"7.!Zr .TZZr ..ij.., "' i , ' 1 " ' 4 - mortgage? or seuer . equny in w"- ORIENT runabout foe sale on very easy tracts of sale on real estate in Oregon - terms or will trade for- real estate. I nr.v,rr.n u v. Mnhi. T.nmhar. V,n,4 -.V HO lilll Vb; UlCiUIL WW v'lnien S DlUg. mime Mam itu. MONEY TO LOAN. We have quick money to loan on any ;unty. t , LINCOLN TRUST CO. h u . .' FOB SALEMISCELLANEOUS 19 rO0V.ecurity PLEASURH LAUNCH FOR SALE. ' ' ' 214-216 Lewis bldg. i va loot nuiij narawooa aecas, a n. d.. cynnaer, cvcie maimer engine, i - speed 10 miles. Complete equipment, t. la'.V 4h wma r A. ti Including chairs, life preservers, tools m?t?m?? Jf$ Co.- or u kinda, chain blocks, HghW. etc. 1 ; ... rr- r . ", f ine noatnouse. - umnt invoices ito Will sell for 3576 cash. No trades con sldered. This Is an excellent buy -for someone "wanting, a pleasure boat for tne coming season Ar4s, journat TWO upper 6 room flats, moderns-no small children; 112. , 62B . Mill et. Main 6024. - " ' "MODERN 6 room flat, close In; gas range, linoleum on kitchen; free phone ' t2.60T East 217$.. ' FIVE room, modern lower flat, first class. ' ass cook ave...Appiy .(i. Hill, 698 wuiiama ave. PIANOS--Brlng, your certificates Of checks to the old reliable-. Rush A Lane Piano Co., 886 Washington St., and we will redeem them for . their real value. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jew elry at reasonable Interest for Ions or short time. A. es M. Delovage, jewelers. 269 Washington st. n ; - $190,000 on 'mortgages, city or farm peny, tiro iiiiiuiiuks. inun.euiiti at )erllnger bldg., and Alder, I MONEY to loan on city property;' build Dill Now "Is the time to attend to your furs. Remodeled, repaired and stored, free of charge, when work is ordered. Re-dyeing sealskin garments a specialty. Get. my, estimates.; . wave large assort, merit of fine -skins to, select from. La. dies placing orders now will get the assured. Adolph Reiner, practical fur rlef and expert fitter, 129 .Ilth St. Phones A-S653, M-8610. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. .'-..- Diseases of women' and children ex clusively; . Women are often saved sa ver surgical operations by consulting me. Nervous - diseases of children - a aneclaltv. Private hosDltal accommoda. tlons. - Conflnemests cared for. - Cor respondenoe solicited. ' No charge for consultation, phones. Main 89ZB,-a-oui Office rooms 10, Grand Theatre bldg, Washington and Park, - .- flen Cured Oulcklv . Modern electric treatment for diseases or the prostate, nervous debility, pues, eto: wT I. Howard, M. D., 104-$ Roth- child bldg., 4th and Washington. - ; filiCTuREeANBEHDuRED- We assist nature by retaining hernia at all times regardless of your occupa tion, "this we. guarantee." Examination or advice free; Cadonau ft Wilson, 66 6th. DR. .LEWIS. Physician .and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively; private hos pital accommodations; examinations free. Main 4047, A-2411. 606 Common wealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. . GERMAN books, magarlnes, novels, etc.. uerman, inngUBn, rrencn, - epauiai Swedish and Italian dictionaries: for elgn books of all kinds. Schmale ,Co 229 1st mi. - DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men. blood and, skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 ,1st. Port land. ..." i A MIDDLE aged widower, with nome means wishes to correspond with lady," object .matrimony, Address box . Independence, or. REDFERN, Warner's, Crosby front lac lnr corsets: . tney give ., satisiacuon. Wa fit you correctly, Marie U. iSietfuchs, aid Aider st. . - - - - - .- LOST viUlity restored ty Dr. Lorenxs Nerve Tonic Tablets, 2 to box, boxes $1.26. Stipe, Taylor Drug Ccs. 289 Mor rlson. Mall orders; promptly nueq. DR. ts J. PIERCE, Specialist Diseases of women; 11 Irregularities corrected! no exposure. . Call or write, $11 .Alisky bldg: SANDERSON . CO.8 . Savin and .Cot- ton Root Fills, sure remedy for, de layed periods, $2 per box or I boxes for $6. TV -J. Pierce. 811 Alisky bldg. ins loans BDecialty. - Stayton. 603 Ger- uur BiuiB win ira t Hum I iinaer uiur. ... nights until 10 o'clock for the baltwce f MONEY to loan, farge loans specialty. of the month of April. k.,IMI.. ln,ti.i lAvut ,,t..i -f - In. surance. w. ut. obck, sh raiuog. -y FOR RENT Flat of 8 rooms and bath, hot air furnace. 698V4 Salmon. Key 00 Salmon. ' . FLAT of 6 rooms, bath, hot air f ut - nace. 698 Salmon st Key 600 Salmon, MODERN S room,, downstairs flat with small yard. Apply at 804 Front st.- APARTMENTS iA, 43 JEFFERSONIAN Apartments, 18th and Jefferson Furnished 2 or' 9 room apartments, clean, modern, furnace heat. not and cold water; rent -' atia-j.'o STORES AND OFFICES 11 PART of Btore. ' 40$ Washington t., near 10th, modern, steam heat; very desirable; rent cneap.,- y. " FOR RENT A store 20x60 feet In new block at Front and Oibbs sts.. a new retail bualneas center; owner will place partitions and shelving; - rent reason ' able; -good location for small hardware . business. Apply at orug store, . corner - Front and Qibba sts. ;-, FIRST class outside efface rooms for rent in new -building; steam beat. vice. Nt B. .cor. 3d and Madison. - FOR RENT Small store In "new brick' building, suitable for barber shop or lunch counter, only $10 a month. 93. N. 3d st. "Inquire 29t Morrison st FOR RENT Two story factory, 60x100, close, In, reasonable rent or will build PIANO CERTIFICATE have a piano LOANS negotiated on good securities. rariunavc, vuiuwi iia.nw. I'" I ; GKAX-VUISXVlJNlilAX.-UAX, Suite 792-728 Electrin bids-. ft 45r JifS. !1 A SALARY L6ANS-Confldential. easy to it Will cost you 4S the price Of th, ad" 1 JZtmnA to tiav F A. Newton, bii vertfaement O-KO.t Journal " 1 B n?."? .5Q -?Vvt. ,"wwa fi.ii"Cwfa.112 t n- y amount, k to par iv ,liard tables, bought and sold- on easy I Xnt. Ooodnouch SeltaJ 211 Board for, immediate delivery. Addreas, the ?1 J , TTJ i i -r Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 46 6th. ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, firs miurantP. ca ji j$ici iw$i wiuj. t GeneXKectrtVSotors0 cycles. BUMS of $W00upward on real ..tat. rM. n. c. no volts, alternating eurrent- i Price $36 each; all In first class con- LOAN for the asking, salary or chat dltlon. Phone Main UIJ. or box H-414. tel. The Ln Co.7.414 Pekura bldg. Journal. -';; , - ; WILL loan $5000 or less, real estate. i uk CAi.i3i-rc.neap, cneca: on ' uraves i H arrington, 41s commercial uun piag, MUslO Co.. for $126. Must be Sold I TLn-ixrn-tr n .11 trinjl. oulck.-.-No reasonable offer refused. Ad- lty. w. Holl. room 9. Washington bid. dress Box 6, Woodburn. Oregon. - - I VirSien-v i. imrA u nA JiAKUAlis uompieu picture; - tneatroi farm' toroperty. 406 Henry Bid., outiit. rowers cameragrapn iso. a; qis- i TTT-,T. i ... . ' 5 w--l solver. Piano, fans and chairs, all nearly QW.CK loans on all purities,.. 8. W. 1 n, artrtraaa hnr SR ih7iin nr. King, 46 Washington bldg. Main 10. NOTICES 26 second hand. buy. sell. 'exchange, re pair. Agencies for Thor and Yale Motor- Tisr tua Wmhk rm. oa r L.u. ,MT uirvela Cn IDS 19th A.830S IN tns treUlt Court OI tne State OI Cycles. Apex Uicycie t-Q., 12 lttn. A-3B n.,.n. tnr Multnomah fnnntv . . TO EXCHANGE $126 check on Graves OHie,M.- Brigrs, plaintiff, . vs. Kate muniu wuipauj nj iig . i Hunsenger ana 'i nomas uimart. aeiend Lessons in water color painting; pre-1 ants. "' - ' ferred. Phone East 4992. ! To Kal unsenrer' and Thomas Oil. HAVE for sale or exchange. 812S check Ibert the above named defendants: . on Graves eiano store or Bush-Lane's I In the name of the state of Oregon. store. What Iiave-you-te-offer-R-608. jvou are Tiereby required to appear and Journal. . . I answer the complaint filed against you CABIN launch. 30 ft long. 64 ft. beam. J'f . 12 n. p., 4 cycle engine, new swell 1 "r -. i'"''f T"! ... - .v.i& lu HiiawBr. iur wain Liiereoi. mo uiain- """iL " "" I ,,f will ,nnl th. -nrt V, V-ll-e w-601. journal , - - rrv v . .'".ir" " . v". i j. : i.i u j , . i i prayea tor in piamtirr s complaint; tnat M Y $ i 5 check good on reliabU ovusio fa for a decree declaring the plaintiff store, for sal at a reduction. . Mrs. I m h ih. in tm .irtinU ar -n. Gray, phone C-1274. v ' . ' j utled to the possession and decreeing MEN When weak, nervous or despond ent ' use Sexold Pills as a bracer; re stores lost vigor; price $1 per box, ; $, boxes for $5. T. 'J. Pierce, 81 1" Allslty. M RS. SOPHIA B. SE1P MentaTTsDlrit uat teacher; meeting h Wednesday . t Allnkr "hid. .-" ?--- .... - ---.-. , wflMEM. use Femoids when others fail for sale by . the Ausplund Drug , Co, ivo in. otn it. mam aiuo, contractors and .. desianera. iiuui uni ree; Jobbing, J. H. BURTON, general contractor and du 1 1 n er. . n i t st. noun pnones ihiy. CONCRETE, brickwork, excavating, eto. Drop postal. J. Wempe, 187 E. D2d st UANCTNO ; WESTERN ACADEMY dancing depart ment, jfror. rtmgior, principal. iies. sons dally. 2d and Morrison. DECORATING KELLEY DECORATING CO. Painting. paper hanging, wan tinting; esti mates. - Phone East 366$. - . ELECTKOL rsiS MOLES, wrinkles, superflsous hair re- movea. Mrs. in. i. Hill,. 4Z8 f iieaner. ELECTRICAL SUFrLIES - MOTORS FOR RENT OR SALE Pacific Electrlo Enalneeerlns Co.. tit Second St. - . ( - . . ' ..r-' X - GASOLINB ENGINES s'V tsaSSsSSssisS, SSS,StaS,as1,at STATIONARY and marine; electrlo equipments; - launches, . accessories, Wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery' Co., 186 Morrison. HAT FACTORY THE Royal Hat Works solicits your hat cleaning, first class work guaranteed. Panamas bieacnea witnout acias or in jurious chemicals. 228 1st st ;. Main 8442. --v-....- ! LANDSCAPE GARDENER LAWNS, gardens,- private parksr first class worg. ; 1'hone f.ast i4uv. x waiter Klett - - i . : -. - :" '' . a ' LEATHER ft FINDINGS CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO., 74 Front Leather ' of every . description; tap maufacturers, findings. - ' MUSIC TEACHERS PIANOS Bring ' your certificates or checks to the old reliable Bush 4 Lane Piano Co., 88$ Washington st, and w will redeem them for their real value. Our . store will be open nights until 10 o'clock for the balance of the month of April. . . WEBBER Academy Music, violin, raan ' dolln. piano, guitar, banjo, 4894 Wash. E. THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk, 900-1 Marquam bldg. A-4160. PIANO, violin, cornet, mandolin. JProt EL A. Smith, Z9ZI2tH st. i r-,'- -- OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLHJ PATTERSON, spe- claiist : on nerves, acute ana cnronic diseases. 217 Fen ton bldg. ! Main 8961. V-.n ( f1V.Trt.TT ... A trl.b.Mlll. ..In : 1898: post grad. -1907,. 318 ; Swetland mag. F. J. BARR, A. & O.. 207, Mohawk Main zz. ' DR. bldg., 8d and Morrison. REAL ESTATE DIRECT0HY Baker, D. 14,; Oty fana Property.. ..... .... Corbelt Bids Hniag-stMle Con,paii.f..t,..,,.,,., ..,110 twend SI....... ... . - ... .... ....................... ....I.', n, iy,ii..rrtu -siepu.oana Compaur. lac... ea Lafajtti Hlu....Jib aud Wt. U.la x "fd Realty ft Investment Co.. ........ 1 10 Second St.. ,. .Marshall 1467. A-l.W took A Cn., B. ,...,.,.c tarbatl Hlus ....Mais W A .1 1 t bnpln i JJarlow ...... .......12 Chaoiber of Comm.ro Main 1" i riii.. D. T. jWoodatoekl Hoe brat. .nd luao S.I!txJ s I . liobart ft Msiabal, raroi, City rropMrty hm.ro T, SftOU Allr ..Mala ; t Hoars. Oaorir A, (OutoalaaUoo) Labb lilu .....Mnla 11 u,"1 T '''''... 1 Chambor i.f Comoisrca. ...Ula anil l-3'i'l W. H. taog Oo. ............................ .414 Ablnftoa bids i.... Hala V I OrnB Kva featat Co., Tb.... .....Oraud A. and ilultMOiah....rt 7. 0-ir.. S"i?- PIJS'. . .....a? at..;... .Mala wa a s Phleldi.. J. H, , . , . r, , .S OarllnK.r Bids........... Mlq !, I Thonipaoa M. B. 3o, .,. HmrT Ill.ls.. 4ta-0k ..Mais ftoe. A s I w,1r. S. T o4 Ourbatt Bide Mils Sft-. T Kldf. , "rULtl'MOSB A 44C2; it.in 7J"t ...... .Main aud A-l -l ,.,'lndanr H. lKtita. alata f BANKS T? H8T NATIONAL BANK. PortraBO. Or. I .v.. t 'Vr 'i. tUPIIAt. . AND tUBrLOU $1,600,000. Z . V - t 1 ..''''". i GERMAN-AMEBICAN BANK Par tin Dd. or. rorner Sixth Dd Wtablnftaa its. Trtosact s general banking bualueaa.; Drafta taauad avalUibla la all tb prlttrlpat . cltlea l : to United stata and Kurp. t oar pw ml liitwwt sale a savUst acieanta. tiott depoalt vaalta. - . - - . BONDS AND INVESTMENTS PT OBBIB BROTHERS, Csaabsr et Coamavca BtUldlng. v HA ij. - Mnniptp, gutiragj fni.lle -Wrlca Corporation Btnoa. DOWNINO-HOPKINa CO. ftock and Grain Brokers. Established 1893. '. Portland, i V; ;'-:.s Seattle. k: .'. .r,-.;'-;., Tacoma, - ... , .. .-. . Spokana, GBAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD; LKAVINO PORTLANDL Aahland PaaaeBcar I: SO au n. ttag Orev PasSBBgat, ............ 4:18 . BV I Shaata UJilted .................... 0:00 . and Rllvertoa Paaaeosar laulornla Bxprea ................. T: p. Ba. Ban rrioelace Einreas... ........... aiSO S- St. - WEST SIDbL -' ; : Corranit Paaaenanr T:90 a. at. (Jberldaa Pasnenger . v....... ....... 4:00 p.- fa, Forvat Grave rauensar. ......... 9:00 a. aa. rorem uaore raaaenger.,.,,v....... law p n, foraat Ctwra Paaaensar...... ....... :4Q p. a. .SO p. aVilhaata Umltitd ARRmifa pntiTLA!a SOUTHERN FACIFia Oresna Crnraaa .- Bllvartoa Paaaanger ................ : a. sw runioll riwnjw ........ ........ .jurtio p. BV. ...... .... m.ov p. aD4 0:aO p. B. ..... .11:110 a. ai Roaeborg Paaaangra.. i-uiw Mlna . . v . ' . - WIT ST SIM. . Corvallle patwDger ........i.... :S0 B. SI. Bharldaa Paaaen(er .,..10:80 a. B. Foraat Orove PaaaeBt. ...... ...... 9:00 a. tt foraat Gror Paaaen(r......,......lt:IUi a. BU IToreat grora Paaatmgar. . . .......... 4:40 aa. ' . CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. COMPANY ; So-flpoktn-Prrrtlnd 7:00 . Bl, 8o-"pokaoe-Portland ............... t0 a. ss. via Seattle, victoria at vaaooorar.. s:so p. am, 1 via vai vis soma .............. mam, Tinona ai atinw... n u. n. .... .11:10 a. sa. I Tla Snouts and Seittl 7:00 a. B. fc.u,Bjjiiyaoii Worth Coast Limited, via fmgut-:',f,"----'-i-i-- BVwod :.M:0 a. sa, North Coast Limited, via North : . Bank ..,...,.. . TAO p sx Atlantla . Kxprasa. via Psgst . Sjfaana ......... .mm. . ... ..n-.19:tll a. Sa. Atlantis fanraaa. via North Rank... S:0 a. no. TwIb City Expraas ia Pngot Bcand 8:90 p. bju Twin City Express, via North Bank 1:00 p. Ba. Eastern erpreaa, via raret Boni,a.,.iz:ia a. -.turn ttr,fHi via Worth flank.... 0:00 a. SB. Mlaaonrl KlTersupreaa vis ngt , - Sosnd ,i,,v.M-..".w.'.,.......loiO a. as Mtaaonri River Expreet. via North J""k- Portland, Tacoma ft Seattle Bl-' . ;,. preas. Oray Kartior, oiyanpia 1 . . snd Sooth Bend branch".. ...... T:00 . . Portland-Fanonrer Hpeptal.......i-..iO:00 a. aa. PniTBt gonnd Limited. Gray Ha. Dor and Bonth Bend braactia. .... 8:90 p. . Taeolt Paaaenrer V ... 4:00 p. aa. tc... 4.,, ARRirmO PORTLAND. - ' norm voaai llmira. vis Hoc IB Bank ..... .. ...,., S:M a. Aa North Coast Limited, i Pngat -, - ' ' ' . Bound 7:80 a. a Nertbera Padfte Kxpraas, Via ' " North Sank ..........y.... ...... 9:09 a. Northers Pacific Kxpraas. via Pa- , i gt Bonne' 0:99 Bw St. Pari fie Fipma, via North Bank.,- :1S p. B. Padflo Express, via Paget gonnd... 7:90 a. a. Weatara Rxprcaa, via North Bank.. 8:1S p. aa. Veatern Exprea. via Pnget Sound. .10:80 P- S Mlssonrl River Expreas, via North Bank ..... ..,,.,. .. 9:00 S SB If laaoarl Bits Express, via Paget , , . Bonnd 49 B. Sa. Portland, Taroma A Seattle it' .. '-.- Kim, and from Olympla. Sooth " nd and Gray Harbor. .... ...... 4:SS p. as. Pnget Bound Limited. .............. 8:99 p. Bw Vaneonver-Portlandr Spaeiil .......10:!W p. an. Taeolt Passenger ; H a. Bi, OREOON RAILROAD' NAVIGATION COMPANT. TJEAVINU PORTLAND. Pendiatea Local ,, f :40 a. m. Hoo-Snoksne-Portland . T:00 a. m. Oragon-Washlngton Limited -.,., ,..10K)0 a, m. The Dalles Local .................. 4:00 p. m. Oregon-Waablnrton Exnr ........ SKW p. so. ARRIVINa PtlHTTltn. So-Snokan-Portlan4 , . ............ a. Th Dalles lxeal ..................10:19 a.,m. Portland Limited .................. J:0 9- m- Pendleton Pasaenger .............. O'JJ - " Oreson-WasiilnrtoB Exvrea ....... .10:30 . . LKAV1NO PORTLAND. . I ARRIVING PORTLAND. SetalA Repress ' ................... '''! a. Sa. I Portland ft Rainier Paaaengr....itn:In s. , Hainler paaaengsr ................. :n p. sa, 1 r.-i;na r.iiirr 'i ''' e. Astoria Express ................... : p. as. I Portland A Rainier Paaaangar....... 6:20 p. as. alnlrr fsseenger ...... ........... B. aa. a-prwann r.pr g. pi. v&ivvht OREGON AND WA8HINOTON RAILROAD COMPANY. - LEATH PORTLAND..,,....:'---. -n-j-. I t.i'i,:. i:-:'V--if'.4iS'i.:- ARBIVINO. PORTLANII Reattls Psatiengl,,...j....'i;.i:....V. s St. I Owl l,.V...., ....,..... ...' T:18 a. at, Bbssta limited ............8:00 J?"? Lim'teo JJ P. m. Owl .......................... ..,..'.11:48 p. m.'Portland Paaaenger p. Spokane, Portland Seattle Railway MUST be sold for storage charges im mediately, 28 sacks finest Burbank seed potatoes. 84S 1st st. ' . .. "INDIA CORN PAINT" never fails. only 15c. Bridge Pharmacy 188 Mor rison st, summer nrlces. lumbia st B. Finley, 249 Co OCCULT NEW thought Liberal, sclen tlflo books. Jones -Boojt Store, $84 Oak st. - - - " v ' . , ' A . ' " L " 1 " 1 BALM or I. as, remedy tor enseases or women. Sim xaimonr st. oast ztps. ;BUSINESSDIRECTORY A6SATER8 WeTT.T.H ft PROEBSTEL. aasavers. ana. . iytlcal chemists. 204 Wash. M. 7808. PORTLAND analytical laboratory. 2! Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. M. 8980. MONTANA assay offioe, laboratory and ore testing worn. 1st MorriBon. FOR RENT Store In new brick build- ttl Mill St. :- ' - . - ' . ing, 89 N. Sd st" rent only $CS a tllck en oravea Piano House, for rnenth. Inquire t91 Morrison st tent and oarnp gtove, or $20 - cosh. FEW nice -offices n the Couch ana Phone A-6579. ' - '' Chambers bldgs. $C1 Couch bldg. WILL sell $125 piano certificate good DESK room for rent, furnisiied or un- at Oraves Muslo Co. for $6. Call 8S0 furnished, with nhone. Mnha11 1449. Alder. - .-. ' - - CfS'C and desk room. In well furnlsht-d SAFitTS New and aecond hand. All of fifes, cheap.-.419 Henry bldg. sizes. - Cheap foci cash. Easy tertna. t ' 1 . r Vault doors. Portland Safe Co 87 tth. . , FOR RENT -HALLS 30 B. B. MOTORCYCLE, "America a Beat4 - -uw.. , . - Kacycle bicycles; motorcycles and bi- 1TALLS for rent. 168 td st . Drew bldg. cycles repaired. Rydman Bros.. 18H Oak. . n ivTin -r, titv- Z FOR 8 ALE $1 Zi check for any piano WANTLI TO. RENT 7 i Graves Muslo Store. Phone be-; a- -. -ri.-. - ii tween 4 end p. m.. A-4419. WANTED lrfllshjd flat of f of 4 r;Ull0 rheck, ood on Graves Music . rooms, rent IH. or larger unftiralshed .gtors. w, ,eii cheip; make offer, same rentr west 10 mlm.tps from post- .Woo,Hswn 19. - , cffl-e. Addrera P. O. 2fi4. -, tr - - . . 'l ONE large, utifurnielied mora - small ones for ono person. Journal. ' WILL sell my ISO check-good on a I whatever lalm you-may have to be void. piano, at a reduction, - jl. J. woore, ana enjoining tou ana eacn oi you irom Oen. Del. Interfering wtth or asserting any claim T..O lui piano, check, on Grave. Musio ths following dscrlbe real property state of Oregon, to-wlt: IxitlJ, in block I. and lots t and 6, in block 8, all in Juno addition, in Glenhaven Park; and for the costs and disburtements pf .This notice Is published by virtue of n - oraer or tne nonoranie-Korert u. Morrow, presiding judge of the above en titled court, made and entered . on the ISth day of March, 1910. - The date of .aa flrat -nrihllcatton - nt l true notice is March i, iio. JAY H- UPTON. Attorney for Plaintiff, W-500. Graves Miif Cot fa ea h. Thone Main BIOS. I BOAT Hl'LU J6 keel. 4 $ beam, new, i Un Fh.rrtt, Pllwood. nntil 10- o'clock a, m June 2, 1910, for the following, described scnoot - lands. to-wlt: All o All 0 and 4. g. 16. T. -32 8, R- 13 W. . au or section it, t. s R. n w. The Nfe of 8H and lots 1,1,1 and 4 of section 1$. T. 29 B., R. W. t section 36, T. 81 8.. R. J W. ()l:Slt I.llIfl.J i . ITP. talrtm SALE li:S che. k on Grave I Of S. 14. T. 41 &.. R. 11 W. si usir i a, rnr t - u iin sr. 1 iiienw "4 oi n " , B. f anrj j BIO SALES AT. SMALL PROFTTk iFoR-riALE. cheap, rssollne englrw and I ,or.5? ?r 8-.1!' T',i;', .2i,4?-.. tlrag mv. 7' r Tth st , Portland, Or. I X ."r ,7 . U 7,' 93 7 VA. BAB VI a. Ouaranteed. well known hnrrlee. altl i tr tops, red or Mack color, for li.5 9. Th aieeonl largest stork of btirglea, harness, farm wagons. Imr!e mot fn the etty to select f roav The Store Of Mg barralia. . l L. A CCX. I C n f.irr'rn st Tlii-. i.nnt pn in ton; 4 )-rs fi l. and Bound; weight 474 p-Mirels; tnarle for a gpriti drlvjrg bnrse; no 6i-a lt f. J 'tH st w,.v. -! fiat worm nt G;UI.- j n 1:.:rTg iw.ii traie for tea m r f fcnra; ! I r-ay 'froa op to $lf0. (ior lickeit. ',H -r'r, (r, f"-i-.? K S i4 1 tf for rrt 6a r, eg ad rnitivr Bpeial -rav-i ht- -,. boua-. tlh and lita t noma. 14. T. 9 R..A. n r. r---. : Mii1c Ftore. Thome Tshor U74. I tnta 1 l'l ! 1 Ik. tU nf fU $:s Drop head Whit im, machine, I E ft er wvswy or isw4 and W V rort'r'ele. tall J Y.. Jitnrrlson st i OI b W COF.NLR l'-t Uur ih'itl; .-iir,o; fifta ft hante. r-l, jmirnsl. licl i.r tr-es for saie cheap. f-V 114 H'rt st i rr ; . - i r a - i r r p v - '. f ': f at f . - a-- -t r .' r.-r, lat - g at a U A.NLIMISCXLLlNrOi S 5 WANTED Peij 1 ef Portland to know trt ,va t'v h'tht raah prle for Br.r,3 friael nl.hA,4 rwea. bar A itni, 1t l a ist ! t". - , g t mf.r T"--r '.---.ir r.r.l rar l f ii"-T I y ng if to rn'1 At." "1 "jS'l 'st ' 1 '1, A-J44S. til l t-.' I - : 1 ", '-lC fr n " ii tire rr J. Ll, !H -r-.' at. Vs'- 6ff Of S. 34. T. 19 8.. R. 11 E. ll btda mnst be aceomranled by a regularly executed application to , par- rhaee and et least one fifth of tne imiunl offered. No bids f ea than 47.10 per acre wi'l be T-oneidered. Tb right is reserved ts reject say nd all bids. - Arrllrttini and blda should be ad- drsaed to tl. O. IsrOBn. rlerk state land board. SaJem Or and marked "April- ratios and bid to purrhse stata lands.- . . - - - it. t. riKtjn p4. Clerk Eat Land Board. ! Vir J4. li. ATTORNEYS CHRI8TOPHERSON ft MATTHEWS. General practice. 411-11 Buchanan bid. CliAliOFODLST&r CHIROPODY, manicuring. Mrs. Duntosv . 949 Washington at. Marenau izb, CHIROPODY. AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill 429 Flledner bidg. BUSINESS CARDS HOWE. PA VIS COMPANY. 109 Id St Blank books -m'f'gs agta. fr Jones Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-81S3. Main 18$. WARRE N CONST&UCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross- Ings. 817 Beck, bldg. TIN-roofing, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. LoH, 31$ Jeffer son et- Main 1424. . . ' -''- THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, Portland office, 404 Worcester bldg. I JAS. Mci. WOOD ft CU, all kinds of In sure n ce1suretyDontlsMcl CARPET W EATING NORTHWEST- Rug Works Rugs from old carpets colonial rag rugs, silk nnrtlera list T'nlon near TSL Morrison. WE WEAVE rag carpets, also bed and! PAINT, - OIL AND GLASS rasmiisAen a CO.. "Hleh Standard' paint ne. cor. 2d ft Taylor. M. A-177L PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR best work, prices right call P. A. - uoane, .ltr union, tsotn pnones. PATENT ATTORNEYS , HANDBOOKS for inventors free; tells how to obtain and value of patents, trademarks registered. Beeler ft Robb, 177-181 Mcwiu Diag.. wasnington, p.. u. R. r.. WRIGHT. It. 8. and foreign pat ents; infringement cases. ut jjeKum. PRINTTNO WATSON PRrttTING C0. DESIGNERS OF FINBJ PRINTING. : LOWEST PRICES' BEST Or WUKK MAIN t73. OOODNOUOH BLDG IM53 "Doers or clever tnings witn type ana Ink on paper.' - 141 H lt THH , KArtLE PRINTING CO.. - not in trust; -close figures, good work. $0$ Goodnough bldg. Phone Main 4I3L BVBBEB STAMPS AND SEALS - STENCILS and office stationery. Cun nlngnara Co.. Z3l tstara. Mam not SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co. 108 2d it Safes at factory pricest repairs, lockouts opened: -bargains m second nsnq sares. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of' every description; bank, bar ana store iixtures n.ae to order. The uuiae nig. v o. - Wim JAMES L MARSHALL MFG. CO. new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures, zss uonen. M. 3703 feUUN AND BUOW CAKIIS YiSTEH ft KLEISEiR. signs: the larar est sign mixcri in to nonnweai; Bin nt Everett sts. roone fnv. ll ta. Home A-lit. - . - ' 6ION3 THAT ATTRACT" Portlao Sign CO.. T BtarK. ' racme 1694. bathroom ru as. - 151$ Phone Woodlawn 288S. Patton ave. IXXAL AND WOOD K0TICEpi?rALNSLABW0CD GREEN 4STIORT WOOD, per load.. II 04 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per ord..$t.28 INSIDE TRY FHORT, per load ....M 90 BLOCK WOOD, per load 88.90 SAWDUST, for fuel, and bedding. The Pcrtlainl Slatwccd Ca Main 3119. A-.001. " '" PACirU- SLAB WOOD CO. - Dry Inside wood, per loat. Pmaii e Planer Hi kar fhnnes Main jit's, A-i?a. SLRVEVORS WALTER M. OBER, platting, subdivid ing ana loponrapnicai maps a spe Clktty. 140 E. 2th st N. - B-8049. TBANSFIOt ASU ATOKAOU Oregon Transfer Co, Established 1879. - - I ' Transfer and forwartiing agents,. Storage, free trackage,. Office. 819 Hoyt at, bet th and (tav . Phones: Main 49. A-l 149. Inside wood, per loat..... 8 3 If ill dry Inside wood, per load. ..tl. SO ner trlmmlnga. per load ft 09 tkwood. $4; elabwood ...$1.S9 rl iiw,i , l-.l- I ' : d aft I r a.1 f r a i i.r,d .- (in t i fr rt-r.T rr-ri-rl I'"' n '- t th K ' N i ! - 1 -i 1 t-.f l I - i. . ' T-l. l"tl " ' 6 A I.E. At Wrrti'. it. en A rrU f a. The rrfv ta'r g-waer r' ; ,e sd vici"-''? -,l ! f ( highest BidJer S;' f -ea st 4 ? p. m. We reserve r.r-t to r'-f s-y s-d all ; H I ' aV'i'V, r. QarccaJ " PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Main 1747. . Foot of Curry st Weed ff. O. PICK Transfer A Storaa Co of- ftoe and rommodioua 4 story brick wareheue. separate Iroa roomt .and fireproof vaults for valuables; north west corner Id and Pine sta Planoe and furniture moved and packed for ahip irant Main 494. A-l 994. 60VTH It iRTLA KD JUB'tVOOD CO, Main 21S3, A-J'4t try Inaid wood. 5 ree a slabwood. clean sawdust for bed Irg. eot fuel; rorjaiwl. TAMA TO Wood ft tfl Co. All kinds of f'r wood ani nif re,i tr Back or ton. rhooes E. tit. li-lttj. L. tin aod Main 'a. Wcod.Coal and Dry Slab Wf M KKi( LtJ. OKI'. I. JtT K Mr'i-n. r 11. P-1SV4 hff.R fl'lK. daiere la ail a.nos ot f.r ol bard we-rKi: f rorr rt delivery. t"i Water Bt. Xa 414. A-44T. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER Ca General transfer and aiorage, safes, planoe and furniture moved, packed and shlrpedl 9 Oak BtMstn 647, A-1I4T. IS T EF T N f K N" T Baggaga Transf-r Co. Storage. $14 Starlt, Mala 497. A-4149. iK)"X -V-t:r':v PJLEVENTH ANB : BOTT, ST LEA VINO PORTLANL." ,'.- fntanA Vmnb. Bvuraaa StOO . SB Por Chleago. St. Panl. Ornaha. Kanss City, St. liottis. Wall WaDs, - Pasea. Roosevelt rsnddaries. Ooldendnle, WMte Salmon, Btevaa son. Vaneoover and intermediate atatlona. , North Bank Limited TK pts. Per Chics go. Bt Tsnt Omaha Kanaa City. St., Lools. Spoksn. Sprsgtta, Blrrvlll Llnd. Pasco, Roosevelt. OranddaUe. , White Sahnoa. Steveraon snd TsaeoMter. -. . . :-, " -'l---Commhls Rivet Local for aneoover sad Cs- WhH." 'ktiZi: LHi."'tBdaaJkU: CilfftTaBd all lotermeillat ststlon. '- - ' ;p'ff ARBIVINO PORTLAND.' --'';! '''' Prom Cbleaco, St Panl. Omaha. Kansas tr, St. Lonts, Walls Walla,- Paaee, Bootevolt, .arsnrtdallei, ' White Salmon. Stevaejaoaj, t Taos eonver snd Intermediate stations. , North Bank Limited ............ D-o) a. mi. Prom Chicago. St. Pant Omaha. Kansas Cltv, St. Loafs. Spokane. Sprsgtie. Rrhrrttla. Llnd. Pssco, Roosevelt. Orsnddallas. White Salatna. Stevenson, Vaneonver. i Inland Emrdr tCTpreas. ........... . d-JS p. si. Prom Cllrfa. - OranddaTTaa. flnMendale T 5e White Salmon. Camas. Vancouver and ah lata Bedlate stations. ColnmM River Loe1.......7.....T.19:f9 tx ts. Jefferson St reel Depot .V''!:.;-.;'?'-'-; '"T'"'.:-; ; .I....... .......:! a. i 'land n -" nsllas. e:aw p- uaiiaa to r-orr:nna, ... ..... e:oo m. Pertland-Oswego SobtirbaB Leaving Portland a. m.. 5:30. 9:80, t;40. 0:80, 10:23: snd p. m.. 19:80. l:o. :u. e:. b:su i:ao. i:iq, u:ay-..'r - . Porttsna1! ;lsnse.:;,;s Portinnd t-" nsnas. ..;.. ...f r:w a. w. irmnmm to mnniw ., .-'- " ;'-' -, Portland Ry Utrht A Power Co. Ticket offlea tad waiting room Hist sad Al der streets. - -. .'-j --' All SBpornsa trsins exesp "TT I S a.V uiu. aoS Water streets, lostoad ef first sad Alder strts s fymerly. MRO buia avw , Ore (OB aty 4:00. :30 a. at. d evenr SO mCtfrt aid inelndlns t p. , ... l6:0O, 11:00 ft. m.! NA-tdalght, arcsbam ana lnias-nwowi 7!"". :;t? 8:48. mM. MM a. ss.1 18:46, $:48, V4:4S ' raadarB snd Intermadlate potnta :SS. 4:48, 10-4 sVm.: J8'45. t:4S. 4:48. 9:49 p. ta. Pslrvlaw and Traotdare :ns, T:4B, g:4S, t:4K, I0:S a. sa.. .13:44. 3:43, 9:40, 40, 4:45. :i a. aa. -.- ... . POR TANCOtTVBR. Ticket offlea and watting room Second and navuiiiawn atraatia. A. M. -:6.. 9:1 00. T:2ft. a.-OA. 9:8V S:14V IO. OA Tl.fUV 1 . . '. ' i. P. M. 19:90. 1:10, I:Bft t:8n, ttlft. - tO. 4:80, B:10, 8:o0, S:S0, I:uS. 7:40. fcUt'-Biia, 10:80. 11:4B. ' Ob third Monday la erary montb last ess lea ea at 78 p. as. Pally except Snnday. Dally nee fit Mondr. Oregon Electrlo Railway Com par. jr , PIPOT PROST AB lErrERSON. ' LBATINfl) PORTLAND. Salem lat Sta. loeal........r..... a. ta. nui.knro.Vnrat Orov local.. ....... Trto a. st. Salem lnt Sta. local............... T.BO a. at. H!llaboro-ror Ores local......... 8:90 a. an. SaJem-Taslstrs only. Bpiltwd.. ! a. m. fimanoro-Koraat OroVS keal.... 10 . is. Salem Int. Sta. Joeal., ............. 110 a. aa. Hlllsboro-Porest tlrov loeal........ .11:10 p. aa. Salem lnt taa. loe... J " P. m. Blllaboea-Porest Orov k"l 9:10 p, ts. uui.iw.t-arehi;rov local. ........ I SO p. aa. Salem lnt Sta. Jfeal-,.: :J WilaoBVlll lnt Staa., local......... :! p. . BlllaSora-rtireat Orov local. ........ S:J0 p. Bl. Salem Int. Sta. local. "; - : p. m. Ulllabom-rorest Orov locrl. ........ S:SS p.. aa. . . , .n, . . meal. ...... o:v at aa. RiuUiPTireat O va lorsl fSat only )1 1:80 p. m. I Blllaboro-Poreat 6'v local (Sat onb7)llKW p. VaCrcm. Fall City ft Weatara Railway poioU vU aatom : a. . av. S p. as. dally areetit Knndayt 11 sa. a. aa. r-wi? v ARRIVIltd PORTLAND. Wnsonvtlte Int. fltaa. local.. 4:49 and T:83 a. at, Rlllsboro-fomt Grove local......... 8:00 a. m, Salem lnt 8tsa. local.. 8:40 a. m Rlllahoro-Porest Orov local......... :M a. an, Salem Int. Staa. local ... ..........11 Ka) a. aa. Hlliaboro-Poreat Orav loeaL ........11:40 a. sa. Salem Int. Staa local.............. 1:13 p. aa. Hlllanoro-Poreat Orov local. ........ 1:M p. n. Rlllabara-roreat Grov local.. ....... 1:59 p. aw Salemlnt. Sta. local. ...,, .......40 cm. RIIlaboro-Foreat O'v local (Saa ealy) 4:40 p. as. Snlem-Tnalatla only, limited........ 4:50 p. m.- nillsboro-rorect Grove local... ...... 8:90 p. aa. Snkm Int. Staa local 4:00 p. m. Hlllaboro-Pereat Orov local......... 8:19 p. a. Salem lnt Staa. local.. ............ 8:0 p. m. ale:B lnt Staa local 10:0 p. ta. Blllaboro-Poreat C n local (Sat enlrlllKM p. m. u.' awtlaMt roe Rnrllngtok and Inter. mediate station-. :1S. 7:16. 8:18. 0:18. 10:18, 11 18 A. M. 1:18. 1:15. :. :i r. " Llnnton snd Intermediate stations. 8:18.' 9:18 t w arM T.tnnton aid 1 Intermediate sta. rlona. Satnrdsy and Sunday only. 8:10. 10:00, 11:48 r. M. - Time Card United Railways Co. Arriving Portland frsm Bnrllngtoa and Tn- tar mediate atatlona, 7:50. p:CO. 10:00, ll-i A. M ; 12:U Boon-.' 2:00. 3:00, 4 00, :00, t"O0 p. M. Prom Llnnton and Intermedia station, dafiy except Snnday, 7:0O A. M. Fmm Llnnton snd Intermediate stations. St. irrdxT and Snndav onlr. T:io. 8:80. 11:98 P. it. TOWEL BPPLX- m.vxN towela dally, comb, brush, soep. $1 per month. Portland Laundry ft Towel Supply Co 9th and Couch sts.. Phone Main tie, a-ssiq. WHOLESALE JOUBEBS WAI'HAMB ft CO, wholesale grocara. manufacturers snd euiiee ruasiers. tin nd Oak sta . - EVERDING ft FARRELL, produce and eoramls!3n inerchanta ite rrooi su Portland. Or.- Phone Main lit. TRANSPORTATION ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS NFVr TOR K, L0VDCW AWD 0LA96OW, ET X0B.X AliO NAf LS LlaECT. j Maala rH4 tr.j tteaeta Beieei Nea Tari aa4 tXrteb. Vagtte. Irlh a ad til Brltx-t sal enartiaentsl pnlats at attrartlr rate. V-t4 (hr eoa at tar. Sapariaar aoeammodatraa. icaUaart eaiataa. Sfply froanptiy for aatia- factory reaarvetMa. .tor tlrketa r general In- Vvaiatto apply -ai g-"t or irt arbor Ms r ro uixribW-i ukus . uw l gta . fcrv III. TYPEWRITERS AU. make rented, r-ps'red. v!d Cns SlsghamCo. t!l fctsrh. M. I4t7. ACTI M CLEANING ;:' '7 I.'K . '.. I Mr. Carl late ef tp. X-1 uf st- aa k.'d to aM r-v !.-th. j l-g 11 t' I j---..""! hL him T. t-mii A. H Liie.'n. the fuel n an Cn-ef C'otw. merr-e, eei.a srnerartteanl eaeifl : aiaO rear-r g-TI-1 Cffl Bed A'r wd. I I i - Tsrd foot ef . E. (tars TiNr i 177. AITO VACffM Ct.F.AVINM CV.f dust while otert ' " r . c-arr-et flwrei ess the fl'Vr, urr'-terd f iri it're, rur. drarwries, ef, cleaned thoro'r-ti-ly; no rmT-i fre-ri p- . r,aon. iM rates, Fl-ion F-ast II Estimate flT,t-e tLTt-lU.AIUAN Lit A. G.fMITSl. V. B, t. R i W' . . 144 F: tnt. kiamtUt Re. , a livL SAN FRANCISCO ANT LOS ANGELES DIRECT North Peetfie S. S. Co.'a gtesmsMps oroh snd r.lier sail aiterrat.v vrv TneaoBV st 8 P. M. 8. S. .-anta Clara sslis for Eureka and Fa a rr Cisco 1iTh T4, Apnl 9. 23; yv 7. 11, Bt 4 P. frn Martin a rtu, k. f-,t f 17th t Phene M 1314 A-1211 Ticket office. 131 Third at. IL lour.g, g"5 1 . "SAN-FRANCISCO rOHTI.AND 8TEAMSHIP CXIMPAM" yVrn lh t T- t - 1 a 4 r 9 9. CTTV. A PU "T, t 1 j-Y' ta. xADSAS c;ii, iiv j, , y i y-T.-.rl ; -., r - (- n t , . . . , t ys f - TT r - - ' t r V SL St . E t ,T . A r ... ' . J 1 1 i. J v 1 A !. - - - ' - - t-'.t 1 ' ! " . . - WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A.' OTJNST ft CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGAR3. -.PORTLAND. OR. ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCERIES. TRANSPORTATION OPEN niVER TRANS POH TATION CO. Oak St. Docile ? "' Phoaes YTsIs $900. A-3527 STEAMER J. N. TEAL Leaves Portland T a. m. Tue-a. ThurIay and Saturdays for Falmoa, Hood River. L nderwfKxI. "s a Iwllea. Big Eddy and all way r-oinsa. Iassengef. far between PorLanJ a I Tb I.iea. li t?. STEA;iERIMARDE"Pir.n roawli at Ce:"i wHi ? T 1 f - r 1 - - r . t !'..: - r a r - r- : I ' Is .-., . V r-.-J tr'--.-. -A '. r . "i-'r " - t-r r f - i i L5AV U