THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 10. 1810. "SSI FULFILLS DESIRE Sailor . f hows Water, on Joco and Forgets It Monkeys Lay for Him and Disturb the Peace Shamefully. It does nnt pay to "monky" with innnkey, a a one of the sailors on the fortland A Asiatic lined ttolja. Captain IJV found to his sorrow when be threw a pH of water on one of the Altaians which came over from the orient on the steamer. The animal . had his revenge, and the fourth officer, who threw the ; water, came out of the fracas minus several patches of akin and - large amount of hair. ' , While in Hongkong the SeIJa shipped it Indian monkeys, -which different ; members of the Chinese . crew had bought, and when she arrived at Yoko hama : on the homeward voyage two woebegone Americana made their ap- , pea ranee aboard the packet and asked to jbe allowed to ship for Honolulu, , a they had no money with which to pay "passage .on 'a regular liner. 1 They ex plained that they, had ailed from San Francisco on a German steamer for the Hawaiian islands, but on their arrival st Honolulu they were' not allowed to land, having sailed from this country In a foreign ship. ' ' '.'..' Live Witn monkeys. ; -They were finally shipped, one as fourth officer and tne other as fourth engineer, and they were given ham mocks and quarters in the poop. The monkeys also had their quarters in the poop, and the two men and the mon ,keyr lived 1 perfect harmony until one day the fourth officer became peeved at one of the monkeys, and the iroucue opgan , wnen ne inadvisedly threw a bucket 'of cold water on the Htndn ape; . ' (ti. H. HEWITT I r' ' f BAD DAY Fl DR DEALERS Nl ADULTERA JED MILK IS N AflHWaKIRESS THAT AM QVU A3TD Come td Me WEAX, XEIh " nvm , now - J Pay C. Stump of the California dairy, and Mua D9 CUTCU I'etry & Mueller, proprietor of the Mt. Scott dairy, each pleaded guilty this morning in the municipal court to sell ing watered milk. They were fined 126. t E. D. Smith, city milk inspector, took ; VV nCll 1 and dfon1 th ""Ilk to bs far. below UfQ y QfJ C. Palmer, located at Hillsdale, was fined $35 yesterday becauaa his milk was below standard.. A test of his milk showed tt had beett watered and colored. XT. Gabriel, proprietor of the Shorthorn dairy at Hillsdale, waa also fined $25 for Ma milk being below standard. A test of the herd showed the cow to be in gooa shape, but a test of the milk on tho wagons showed the product to ba below standard. , . v i i i Si c ?3 G22 DOCTOR tftf 0. OIB WO IS DA1XT JEMOTSTBAT . ITI HIS ABIUTX TO CUBS TEI VAJUOUS AJXMEIITS THAT COMB o arm xou teeatmiwt. NEW TODAY y JIiillll!ai!i.lLi THJ3 THAT : , H. H. Hewitt. s ' (Special DiiDatrh to The Journal.. Albany, Or., April It. The commit tee on permanent organisation of the Willamette Valley Open River conven tion yesterday elected Judge H. H. Hewitt of Albany president, and J. W WOMAN ACCUSES MAN OF ASSAULT F, A, Wondofer. connected with the Angeles Trust company. m4 . Wash ington attest, was arrested yesterday evening upon complaint of Alice M. Scruggs, 1039 East Twenty-second street, a or in. in which she charged as sault an battery. The woman had a stove In her possession, which Won dofer took from the place.. She says ha struck her when she attempted to keep the stove in the room. ' He will ba given a hearing this afternoon In nm juHiiue court.. -.Sh,'' ;;:.-;' Xw-V.SS'M ?;';!' ''f'V'!: o pay the as yoa -et the benefit of ay treatment. . MrO A CUM Is lower than any specialist In the olty, half that others charge you, and no exorbitant charge vv saivuicinosj. . I am an expert specialist Have had ,r yaarr practice In tlie treatment of dlseaoa of men. My off lent are the best equipped In PorHand M methods .10 iiiuai-rn ana up to aate. My cures ars quick and positive. I do not treat ympioms ana patch up. I thoroughly wen case, rind me cnuae, t- ihutw ii anq tnus cire the Olseasa I CTB arlcosa Veins, Ooatraotad vuaasvs, aes and Specii io Blood 9oU mvu nu juiseasea ox jaea. urxiuiAji siaEAiES Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning Itching and Inflammation stop- iou in n nuurs. cures aiieciea in aev- n OUT!. Vo AT u:w today V - - ' 1 (JVC . TUB CttMlXSja 3DOCTOB Lots and lots of powerful and poison- fnis dniKB. taken internally may seem ngly help the ailment for which they were, intended, but may be very injuri ous in some other way. This is espe cially true or mercury in its various forms." .- t Nothing that I use can rear on the patient and causa . anv xompHeatlon The vegetable kingdom furnishes my remedies In the form of Boots,: Herbs, Barks and Buds. Theee are gathered from every quarter of the world and administered according to formulas that have been kept a profound secret within lilts miiiiiies ui W1B nilinnn inJuiuro. Unfailing cures are the result of these remedies. Mv consultations are free. Out-of-town patients may . send ' four cents In stamps and secure a consulta tion blank and circular. J can diagnose your case that way. - , . East-S:Joims mmm - EASY, PAYMENTS BEAUTIFUL VIEW "' jyny presiaenana J. w fillCC Dlf OlCI Trt Shewman, li., of Oregon City, secretary lAISto OlU nioK.TU of the organization. From that time on the '.monk kept ills eye open for a chance to set even with his enemy, and finally, on the morning of April 1, he had his revenge. It Is surpused that one of the wily celestials among the crew thought he Would get off a good April fool Joke by f Ixingr the cajro of the monkey so that the animal could, with a little effort, make his escape.- At any rate, there was a joke on somebody, although It is not certain wno it Is, as the fourth engineer after ward declared that It was no joke to -'him. , i ':''.....",''''' J- '":''' Along in the early hours of April 1 the revengeful Jocko and another, which occupied the same. cage, succeeded In leaking their escape, and shortly-after there was a terrible hubbub front the after part of the shrp, a the monkey unerringly reached a tender part of his - tormentor anatomy with his teeth. The terrible din caused by the. yells of the fourth officer and the angry . shrieks of the enraged animals, the second hav . Jng gone to the assistance of his broth er, brought all of the officers and crew, on deck, thinking that the vessel waa being attacked by pirates or was sink it g. '. - ' Monkeys Gat Bast of XL As they reached tha deck they were met by the eight of an obieet lssulno' from the poop, and they were at first at a losa to tell whether It was a man or an animal. It was finally discov ered to be a man and two animals, tha latter apparently getting tha best of the fight, as they were using nails and teeth for all they Were worth. When tMey were at last separated, the man looked aa though he had been learning 10 nae a nign ucycie end bad taken neaaer , ana run his face along , the ground.. Strange to say, ,th monkeys aia not ootner tne other man, but he thought It would be Just aa well to re main on the outside of the room for the rest or the night and keep his friend company. - ; ... , , , y . ..; . It waa the rude awakening; of "tha of- ncert that leads them to believe that luey, at least, were the victims of aa jone, ana tney were - very mum rtuovea wnen tne two Americans len tno snip at Honolulu. crude sulphur. She shifted from ' the j Alaska dock to the Alnsworth dock this morning, to make room for the Rygja, ALONG THE WATERFRONT -Carrying passengers and freight, the jtoanoite, captain jJunnam, l Hlmes. and gave the check to 'McKin- will arrive at Martin s dock from hos ley. who cashed it. Hlmes refused to Angoies ana tsan Francisco at s ociocitipay tne amount, or allow his -wlfs to tonight. She will sail again Jesday pay. TheJlrst; time Gossett. used tola ttgnc--r:- , - ( -I motorcycle he met with an accident, Jn Electric lights will be placed on the which It was badly damaged. The case steamer Alliance wnne she it tied up lis in tne justice court-.-' . ' : GET MOTORCYCLE! J. W. Gossett proprietor of a clothes cleaning establishment , at Lents, has been arrested for passing a fraudulent check upon L. M. McKlnley of Lents. 1 Oossett wanted a motorcycle, and did I not have anough money to get It. He secured the signature of Mra William j Insurer every man a lifelong cure, with out taking medicine Into the stomach. . Mummmon rree. it. unable to call. wruv or list or questions . Office hours 9 a. m. to I p. m.: Bun days, 10 a. to. to 1 p. m. only. . , - , ; ; The closest business and residence property to the large manufacturing and Tr.2 CCee Vo Chinese Rlecictne Co. packing industries. . 162 V4 1st st.t cor. Morrison. Portland. Or. - btreets graded and water I mains in, witp 16-fo9t alleys. at Jefferson street dock, and wlrea are now being strung. The owners are do ing this to avoid the use of lanterns by -the watchmen. Laden with 12,000 sacks of cement the steam schooner Yellowstone, Cap tain Ludlow, arrived at Oak street dock from San Francisco at 8:16 o'clock last night She took on fuel oil at Ports mouth on her way up the river. Her lumber cargo ; for San - Pedro will be taken on at St. Helens. r. Now tha wool begins rolllnr Into th warehouses. OXTJ3 OOITOVOTOB WHO WAS CUBES'. Mr. Wilford Adams la his name, and na writes aoout it: "Soma tima ago I waa confined to my bed with chronic rheumatism. I used two bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy, with good ef fect and tha third bottle nut me on ncJvtiB,. . . n . . I . . - - . In order to get ready to XXK'i.:'?-. Kauway. it gave me mora relief than any medicine I had ever used, and it will do all you claim in cases of rheu matism.". Foley's Kidney Remedy cures rheumatism - by eliminating tho urlo acid from tha blood. Skidmon Drug Co., 161 Third street ' DR. LINDSAY 128H Bcowii st. cos. nr axdeb! Yourifj, Miris Chines Medicine Co Wonderful . dies from and roots. ' Cancer. . Nervoua nesa Catarrh, : Grippe, Blood Polio n, Dropsy. i nroai. -.ludi, Liver. Klrtner - and Stomach Troubles. Wa cure ail chron O r " Private Dis- Iml uun muu '3mpn when nthora .aii. iiunarecs or testimonials from grateful patients. No operations. Hon est treatments, consultation free. Toung Ming, J47 Taylor at., bet Sec ond and Third. Portland. Or. I X WOaiS A SPECULTY The well, known Sr. B. X. ' CHAI7, with their Chinese remedy of herbs and roots. cure wonderfully. It has cured many sufferers when an ouier remedies . nave y failed. Sura cure for male I and female, chronic, private UIBCnscn, 1IV9 VVUVIIVBV... -i a , u j blood poison. . rheumatism.wri.i.n.i'aaii asthma, pneumonia, throat, lung trouoia, consumption, stomach, bladder, kidney reme- I and . diseases of all - kinds.. - Remedies herbs I harmlesa o 'operation. Honest treat I Cureiment examination for ladies by UBS, J Mm vjuu, i,an or write xo thb . w. okajt srcjDicnna co. ttt Morrison St., Between 1st and Sd - rortiancu ve. next week, the "British bark Donna Francisca. Captain". Simon, was shifted by the Ocklahama yesterday afternoon from the Oregon drydock to Irving dock. iT Carrying aos passengers - and 1700 tons of freight1 the steamer Kansas City, : Captain Nopander, sailed : this morning for San Francisco. Rothchllds - & , 'Jones, - successors to Brown & McCabe, stevedores, have se cured the contracts, for a year, to fur nish the government oargoes of the transport Dlx, which go to Manila. MARINE NOTES at ANOTHER BOAT TO CXX)S BAY Steamer Newport Will Oo on That Bun April 25. Aa vices received here this morning lue-eneci mai mere will be an ! other steamer put on the Coos Bay run immediately. She Is the steamer New port and will make her first trip out of here for Coos Bay, Bandon and Coqullle river points, April 26, A telegram was received by Harry ivuub mis rooming, rrom A. Dunham, owner of the Newport and manager of me uoqume Kiyer Transportation com pany, in which It was stated that the steamer would be here and ready to sail on tha 25th and . that she would make the above mentioned points. In order to reacn ners on time she is scheduled to sail from Eureka today. She will be In command of Captain E. D. Parsons. it is stated that while the Newport ras tied up at Eureka, she had paasen- ger accommodation for 40 people built and that she was otherwise Placed in first class shape. Harry Toung will be -her agent here, but her schedule has not yet oen announced. Astoria, April 16. Arrived at ' 6:30 and left up at 7 a m., steamers Sho shone and Tamalpals, from San Fran cisco. Sailed at a, m., steamer Fal con, for San Francisco. Arrived down during- the, night British ship Manx King. k ,. San Franelsccv, April X . Arrived S a. m., steamer Geo, W. Elder, from Portland. .. Sailed at 11 noon, , steamer Rose City, for Portland. Liverpool, . April 14. Sailed,1 French bark ;: Hoche, for Portland. Astoria.) April JS. Sailed at noon barge Washington, for Puget Sound, at 3 p. m.: barge Haydn Brown, for Seat tie. Arrived at t:30 and left up at p. ra., steamer Asuncion, from San Fran Cisco. . . - San Francisco,' April 15. Sailed at midnight steamer Northland, for Port land. ' Coos Bay, April 16. Arrived, steamer Ramona, from Portland. Astoria, April 16. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m., moderate wind, northwest ; S6 miles, weather, ciouay. i - Tides at Astoria Sunday High water. T:06 a. m., 7.4 feet; 8:28 p. m.. 7.0 feet Low water, 1:41 a. m 4.0 feet; t:2S p. m o.t leet ' : Tour tongue Is coated. Tour breath Is foul, . ( 's Headaches come and go. . " xnese symptoms snow; that youtl stomach Is the trouble. To remove the cause is the first thing, and Chamber- Iain's' Stomach and Liver Tablets will do that -Easy to take and moat effec tive. - aT U I 111 - a. -t V R V U M .-- CI Ti: -mar - A ,JTr -J"-tg bvii Vj ni y V U 1 l - na uuoii nun nils. Tha - best and only reliable remedy for DELATED PER IODS. Cure the most obstin ate cases in to 10 days, price 3 8r bor. or three bozeti !.. Sold by rugglsts everywhere. Address T. J. PiiatCE. Ill Alisky bldg.. Portland. Or. Take St Johns car to Easl St. Johns station, or call at our office. , , ,; Empire Investment Co. 401-2-3 Board of Trade. ; ' 50xioo . ' Prices $250 to $450 EASY PAYMENTS . No Bridges to Cross " - BEAUTIFUL VIEW Overlooking Willamette : vi': River., " 5c CAR FARE ' Streets eraded and water mains in, level lots; good car service, v Take United Rail way car at 4th and Stark : streets to Whitwood Court -: station, or. call' at bur office; Empire. : Investment Co: . 401-2-3 Board of Trade." ; Phones: Main 570. A-7570, Most all of Portland's" big fortunes have been made in V v J5 Is Interested and should " know about tha wouderful ' MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Varlnal Srrtnse. . sutnuy. A sk yotr drmrirlst I ft. If h.mnnotlUDl tha MiBVEL acceDt .. .IhM Kut ,.n .limn . fn. (HnHt.rfttA1 hook AeXlSd.' Sire full particular itnd Ureo one inmiuabM to ladles. babtii. oo, m But tu su nr ioai. at sale ay Btldnxr tnm Co.. Weedara, Clark Oft sad Laae-Oatia on Co.. tur. l7 - ' k MAIUXE rNTELIJGI EN CB. Begalar Z.lners Jua to ArHva, Roanoke, ban Pedro , . . April If lunau, ioun Mty .......... iADru 17 Kygja, Kor ss., orient April 18 Rose City, San Francisco. . ... .April 1 Banta Clara. Ban Francisco... .AdHI io ueoi w. Riaer, esan rearo. .... .April zi Kansas City, Ban Francisco.... April 25 Berniar uaers sh to Depart. Ramona, Coos Bay ....April II Kansas City. San Francisco .Anril 1 Koanoke, Ban Pe1ro ........ M April 19 Rose City. Ban Francisco Acrll in Santa Clara. San Francisco.. ..ADril 23 Geo. W. Elder San Pedro. .... .April 26 orient. .May 1 - IX 1XDIA COAST TRADE '; : British Steamer Inrrmc Probably . iM-nuiio in utieot. Carrylna- 2,00.60 feet or lumber, the British steamer Invrnesa. Captain .pnu, .wm pe Drought down through " nriagrs mis arternoon by the Ock lahama. and will prohablr to rlht on down after she reach the lower har bor. Jler cargo Is rallied at tJ4,T7 and :s owraea iw Calcutta, being shipped On her arriral at Calcutta. It la n """"od that r-iptatn Vi-nns win place Y.-r In the India coaatlnir "trade, as he has had cinWs te that effxet from the t.jnrs. ri wni be ersra in carry- it-h coai ani nnri rrels-ht to the dlf- jf-rori inaiaa port. br cargev-a being I nncipaiiy roai, linmhay, CalcutU and nil i,lhr ports of Importance wlU be viui r-y trie lnv.rnfH. nniTr-smoM oriext , y-tfATTfr rVTja porks Hpra After a Vorar I "mm Chins and Japan. Currvi-c ijci ton. of gTera oriental rir-'f.N! m. thr ' Tertian A AfUtlf 'f-ir S;.i. rr:iri arrlrd at ' i -t turM f mm H-wakong, I t t rf ;tn. pwts and MminlulH '' tt-m li-nkor March . on if ri.t"i ?,. and arrTd at Mn)i !"r. uklrr cr a-. rarre - i i' n jrv-. m Koh and ' " ' ' ' V.'.'S l f'Ti hfT fjia , : lif I'oiMi r-t fl -.a,3 . J- i e- ar-4 i 4riyr1 aSrwjt ' : t a 'ni f-er Afi t, j f - ' Iff. ' . art f f '.rra I Rygla. Nor. ss, Selja, Nor. ss orient ..........Hay IS Teasels la VorH Inverness. Br. as Inman-Poul?n Felja, Nor. ss. ......... .Alnsworth ellowstone, Am. ss. .Oak St. oseoh Pulltser. Am. gas. sch Ash eL Falcon, Am. sa. Albers J. II. Lunsmann, Am. sch E. & W. Ruth XZ, Godfrey,, Am. sch.,Inman-POul. Kansas City, Am. ss. ....... .Alnsworth Arctic Stream. Br. bk... Columbia No. 1 Monterey, Am. sch. ........... .Astoria Tallac. Am. ss.. . . ., Prescott Bosut. Fr. bk., Port. Xbr. Co. Crlllon. Ft. scb. Inman-Poulsen Bt. Nicholas. Am. ah....... Astoria BrabWx hv rr bk. -. , , .North Bank ponna Francesca. Br. bk.Oregon drydm-k Leyland Bros, Br. sh. ....... .St. Johns Manx Kins, Br. sh....N. P. Lumber CO. jBa movte Wltk Oesaeat and Oeneral. Payard. Fiv bk. .............. .Glasgow Claus. Oer. ah....... -.Ham h lira- Clayerdon. Br. sh Tyne Thiers, Fr. eh ..Antwerp Notre Dame. d'Aryoir, Fr. bk.. .Antwerp Titanta. Nor. ee. ......... .....Antwerp - Augustus, Oer. ss ...Antwerp Herm. Nor. sa ....'.. .Antwerp KtseeUaaeoaa Toaaaga to' Amre. Rygla, Nor. as .Yokohama Hercules, Nor. sa. .,r,,,.,8an Franciaio Irene. Am. ach Saa Pedro W. B. Flint, Am. bark.. Seattle Bowdoin. Am. SS. ....... .Fan Frinrlsr-ul Casco. Am. as fun Francisco ! Oeo. W. fenwtra. Am. as. tan Fnnclce rurtrew. Am. ae.. Fan Franclscoi Olympic Am. as .n Frrcico Oil Carriers ra oate. At la a Am. ss.. ...... Fan Franelaveo Catana. Am. es f-an Irtocix- Asuix-ton. Am. ss... ... ..Pan Franriaco Argyle. Am. as ban Franclece DRIVER ARRESTED FOR DISOBEYING ORDERS ' " &i ' d. m.. to 11 4tb and Btfe. Bing Chong CBX.SBSATSO CHIKESa SOCTOB cures all diseases of men and women by use or tne famous Chinese nerba "Tics kovss 8 to 11 a. m. S to a p. ra. ; Offloa room 1L BMH Alder St, or 13a ast 9. it a. ra. to z p. m. 084 glanders MEN CURED PAT KM VrtOSJX X-OTTBB TOU.. . My Methods are Original, Direct and Certain. The few words above suggest why I am the most successful specialist t r e atlas- ra e n's , ailments why I am able to cure., cases that others cannot cure, and why my practice Is v the largest of Its kind west of Chicago. I . hare abandoned - the moss - covered theories to which others cling, and have learned and - applied the scientific truth regarding m en's ailments. ' Consequently I treat as no other physician treats, and my ' success in curing has brought my marvelous growth of practice. As to my . facilities, there Is no other institution- In the t entire west . equ a I ; to - mine ' In . dimensions or equipment. ; My offices occupy ten rooms, so fitted and ar ranged as to Insure utmost comfort and pri vacy for my patient. I cars .Varicose veins, Contracted Ailments, Specific Blood Poison, Obstruction, PUes, etc - - oomrrxiiTATioir tile. Hours, I a, m. to p. m.;Sundaya. 10 to l. onljr." , SB. TATX.OB. Jiaaolns; Opeolallat I IIP HIP Tfl VI fl!f PA XftXfU Xntrace, 8344 Morrison street. .'- mm w IIIIU Vat-VV Oo. acorrlson ana Second, Portland, Or, -- $10,000 ' SASZX.T ICAOX OST THIS APARKip .SITE 100 TT3ST r&oat - Washington -Street Lot 0xlS0, with a fine Ixrre resi dence; will rent for 1100 - per month. Kxcluslve district; east of 22d st Price for few days 125,000, one half cash. JOS. C. GIBSON . so4-3oa oxrxxjnrcHBa sxjan , ' - 8SCOXTD JUn AUDXTB' BTSJ. ' - SUBDIVISION - -1-r - H T'. .'...'-(. ...5 ' , .'..-",. , -;-?-!...,-. t' REAL ESTATE Many more will be made. , No city on the coast offers the opportunities for tH sub-divisions of city real es tate as does Fortlarid. USE BKCfjr catarrhal ' arses, lanam. mationa, irrluUoas . . - -... V. U. ICQ 1 W membranes. Contains no I alcohol, wbica is aa irritant;. ' lor aarcotic. which affords ' but temporary relief. (1 BwOCwm " , ClNClHin, IBI0 I.IA m a fj it I mm URJT.'ARY 0ISCH1IGEI BKT.ITTED lf Each Cap- sale haar.frIDy the Mirftry . Imna'nulnfnii all DarocisTS ; D (DOT OR WHO CURE Weak, Nervous, lorn Out and Exhausted Men SO CURE, ISO PAY When Others Fail Consult Us EXAMINATION AND ADVICE FREG ... niHKIESTER'S PILLS W, t1IISlll.lHI)HEln . ",T.r; T.I teV 1 . r-r 9f r.- V lie JITT, A 11 r" 1.4 iri -r-rxr-m sea u coccrs nnri u l- r 1 ' ' . i'M r r ' t it la On a. charge cf disorderly copdtirt C. C Oor-er. h-k driver for the fjuim- ! by hotel, was arrested lat Bight - He is arueed of repreentlrg te a Woman d two ehlMren that he was a driver fr the Victoria hotel. Coper the - tnree rtnencrt to M boteL whlla ahe lr td I take her to the other plaz-e. ! l' waa releaae4 oi bail of 5 enf will " r s'ven tearlnf Monday In the mj-.V r... 41 cca" ! H.R BALSAM ' a . im . aaki i -v' -T"' Hi I M J. - -r r.-w , -r na Tafciiil O- - a t .T m Men, WHy Suffer? WHY BE DESPONDENT? WHY OO ON DISSATISFIED? WHY N E O L E C T-YOUR DISEASE AND LET IT UNDER ; MINE YOUR HEALTH? WHY GIVE UP AND LOSE ALL? DON'T WAIT ANOTHER DAY CQRTAINTV OP CUG ; ' t . . .. . ' - i wnat you want. you are tirra or plying out money and waiting .for results, this i your opportunity to be cured quickly. There is all the difference in the world between doctors and treatments, and you want' the bet, . - ' . WE CURE CONTRACTED DISORDERS, CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON. URINARY OBSTRUCTIONS, VARICOSE VEINS HYDROCELE, WEAKNESS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER ' . TROUBLES, ULCERS, SORES. NERVOUSNESS. -AND ALL DISORDERS COMMON TO MEN. RF At F M R F P ! ot c" poii.r nh b p.;j for LJaUtXi Our Service! Until You Art Cured. Free Museum for Education of Men ' Men make no mi' tike a hen they come to o. We gt you the re- u'ti of org experience, horeit, eorscirntiotis work, and the bet errice thtt money can boy. If yoa tre i!np. conuIt vt Medicine furnished in our private lahoratonei from tl.ld tr, $5 a roure If yoa cannot ea!!. wnte for e!f-eAmination blank. Houri.'9 a m , to 8 p. m. daily. Stmdayi. 9 to 12 on'.f. ! I OKUGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 291V, MORRISON ST, Eet, Founh and Fifth. PORTLAND, OR. A VISIT To Gregory Heights Is the best arju ment we could offer la convlnetns; you that this rapid building addition Is the place for Quick and substantial re sults. The rapid building Insures a de mand at all times for this -property. IJLots $176 - and up. Jull Run water, street 'Improvements, high, fine view ana gooq jocaiiuo; eiu a monin Duys you a home in Gregory Helgrhta Office on the property, end of Boss City Park carllne. We have a number of most; excellent chances for anyone having an inclination for this form of investment :Any amount from $100 up can be placed tO;.goadad-f vantage. - , If you are looking for city acreage see us. " 4 . ' ; Columbia Trust Co. ' Board of Trade Bldg. 1 FV. k... 1 i. . Geographical center and most desirable ' 8720 acres In Douglas) county, ;, mile oi Xlosebnrg, Or.; suitable for cutting up Into fruit tracts j now of fered for quick sale at $ lflt per acre : ($10,OO()) cash, balance on 8 to B years' ' time at A per cent interest. : WALKER & AGEC 826 Board of Trade bldg., Portland, - -. - - Or. . ' residence brooerty In the citr. Seeing Is believing... Better go- and see the - many choice residences under construction and the Improvements go ing on. lit Ore $03 Reel .Estate tcir.pany aw osAsa atb. rosnvAss, OS. SNAP 32 ACRES With 0O feet frontage en Base Line road, partly In city limits, only a few blocks from carllne; all cleared and in ' orchard end berries, no gravel. We can I spII jt for $120 pr acre until May 1, i after that date price goea to IliOe. . j TO rOTTBTH RTXXXT, 404 SAJT AU3XB STXXXT. Burnside St. jr, w, coBsrsa . . XTsTTK 60X100 045,000 This lot will surely advance to 158,000 within 0 days. The I.ow enaart bldg., t stories, fronting from 7tn to Park L on BumsMe, will be started In a few days. You should have the advance which Is sure to come to this lot 8ome Income. . Jos. C. Gibson Successor to ' . 1 ornsow HOLnoAT, Ju4- Oerllnafr Blrig. (OS "The Hylands of Yamhiir Nat enis rvrtland to hv city values for bauiiful homa Oood Tcrf-rt In fiTh and o"al'ty cf o,i f.trl T ' . arr) and l.rfUth wa'.mita. Extensive' ' .P,.rtlrrs by notM orchanlists. .. j Jnsg tVjj cJty l;mitS, Hear nil nTTJLrvn rmrrT ctowrsj j fu. rflimtnr P1S fnr ?mnrt or Turmt'corrrT j wv 'J . v ' : J per acre. A genuine bargain. I OUR SWINTON OfflCEiJr01 yaIuP adjoining four to f . , . . . i five hundred. la aav cj-n. If yoa ir !ntrtttd tn prorty ir rot callT Of f.rr: f;T-i e"4 A'M-xa f orrardu car. Cc'j" 1 2 Tru t Cc .-p:.7 ' Little Ads in TLe JcumrJ Co.t But One (V::t a VicrJ ! Cirpfr.ter wi"! ccr.tract -n , . . v, - ' 1 . . . to b: Cclnmljin Trust . "' Ccnipnny . , Ecard cf Tr;.i; E!J-