THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 1 15. 1910. f TwSeded . ' ' ' ' --- ' I, v Gives in to Plea for Better Fire ' . , Protection; . Authorizes : ' '" Bond Issue; : " The determined efforts of the Port land Chemfcer of Commerce to convince : . Mayor Simon mat the, city, ll badly In need of a new flreboat and reinforcing . . mains for i. the protection of business houses In the neighborhood of the water front have proved ; auccesnful. The v. ;. mayor' has concluded to withdraw his : ; opposition to the, sale of $275,000 worth of bonds, which were vbted by the peor -('," pl for the purpoao of Installing reln V forcing mains, and securing a hew flre boat. i(:''jlj;vv? O. '' ' '-.i ' In accordance ' with Mayor Simon's recommendations the fire committee of '"'; the city executive board yesterday' after- noon, instructed Kire Chief Campbell to .; seek a mooring place for the new boat. ,"The. mayor told, me ' this :rnornlng,' . said Chairman John F. ' O Shea of the committee, "that lie believes the time la ; ,; now ripe for the acquisition of a fire ' boat and additional protection- for the '"' water front in the 'way. of reinforcing ;...!, water mains. . I think we should pro-, . , ceed to select a landing place for the ' flreboat ,as, it will be long enough be- fore we can get the boat, anyway, even . if we make all - possible,, haste. r 1 1 i A committee frtm . fhe ..Chamber of 1 Commerce, . headed" by President 4Mac- Master, visited ttie mayor yesterday to urgei hlm' to use his influence to sell the, $500,000 doclt bond ' Issue. . . The t , mayor .was noncommittal :on .the sub ' Ject' of docks. He said he would have to give . it more careful consideration before, .coming to -any ' decision, , but lessened the disappointment of. the com- V mltt$e by promising . the, city a newl i . flreboat 1 1 , , MRS. MATTHEW SCOTT to have attacked Miss Gladys Hughes V wnen. sne , was within a naif; block of . her home,. and who.beat her into'uncon- sclousness, stole her purse .and laid her ' body aoross, the rails of the streetcar j tracks. .. Her, screams brought help. .- The joi ice . believe he t robbers In tended to leave her;1 lying where she- would be struck by a car. ' ' . ' V ' 1 ISO. All package under $60 are fig ured on weight alone. , ., 'The 6 cent charge-on tha small sand shipment is explained by the fart that on weights of less than CO pounds, the express company.uses a graduated scale, which "runs like this:, One pound,: 25 cents)' two pounds. 35 cents; a pounds, 45 cents: four pounds, 66 cents; five pounds,, 60 cents; seven -pounds,; 70 cents; ' eight, nine or, 10 pounds, 76 rents; 10 to 15 pounds, 85 cents; It to 20 pounds, $1. ,, , .-? . The sand was shipped here as sample's and carried no Intrlnslo value. ' The ex press company explains that sand -is a class of freight that should be sent by freight and not express. - ? . Mr. Wlmer,. however, ! contends' thst to charge 6 cents per pound, or about f 1 for carrying IT pounds of sand from Grants Pass to Portland, is out of rea son. " ,, :'::,:' '..: ' ; .S; , !Vman Beaten by Thugs. ' i ...' (United Press Leased Win-.) ii ' .' fir, ! 0c?' Mrs, ; Matthew ,T. Scott, v presldent- .' general of the Daughters of the ; Americanf Jlevofutlon, r. who i will y How-to Stop Drinking T. ..-. I.. . ji v . . " j.mct ij: vuBufiiiary 'ior ine habitual drinker to take that pledge reg ularly, sometimes once a year, and some- times In ,vifry fit of remorse that fol lowed his debauches, .and. then Break JBut now It Is graudally dawning on the world . .that pledges do not stop drunkenness, The- nervous- system of the habitual drinker is. diseased and he ,y must have .treatment that will cure this ondltion, , Orrlne. is sold under a posi ..tlve guarantee to cure the drink habit or . . the money, will le . refunded. Can bt given secretly; : -,,J--. v' Wr'te for- free booklet: on the Cure Jf Alcoholism to -The Orrlne Co.. 172 Orrlne Bldg.K Washington, D. C Mailed - S'!! jSrr'?,'J.cot8 -but per box. Bold" by Woodard, Clarke & Co., dlstrlb- - tors. 280 Washington st, 125-127 th. flee at the coming election which will be Meld In Washington In con nection with, the annual congress "Of that organization on April 18. ' She will probably head, the regu Iar ticket, although Mrs. - Donald ; McLean.'former : head of the or ganization, may, also announce her ; candidacy. SAYS CHARGE MADE BY , . EXPRESS CO. EXCESSIVE t if; ..:;.,, i ' f ; W. J. Wlmer, of Waldo, Or..T had oc casion": to ship by express- 17. pounds of sand from Grants Pass to Portland, and was charged 0 cents per pound for the ' same.' Mr. Wlmer believes the charge excessive. ! Inquiry at the Wells Fargo ft Co. s express office here establishes the fact that. the express rate for sand la 12.25 per 100 pounds, , or the same as on mer. chandise, and that the value on express packages ' Is not considered In' making the charges -unless the ( Value is ver i ANNOUNCE TENTATIVE - . EXCURSION PROGRAM f ,v'. ; !f :V.::,..vf. y'.f'.:':;ii ;l 1 Members of the Oregon & Washington Lumber Manufacturers association Will leave here early tomorrow for Balem to attend the monthly meeting to be tield there during the day by the associa tion. ' J. P. Keating, who has charge of the arrangements from Portland,1 has prepaxrd 'a- tentative : program, which he says will be adhered to as closely as possible.- - -. 'Q-'- ' . ''' . it is as. follows mills; 12:25 p. in., leave west' Salem via 8. F. C. & Western; 1 p.; m., ar rive Dallas; luncheon Oall hotel, Dallas, Or.; 1:40 p. m., leave Pallas via 8. F. C. ft W.; 2;10 p. m arrive Falls' City; 2:10 p. m. to ,2:45 p. nv, visit, mills; 8 p, m. to p. m., Black Rock, visit mills and camps; 4 p; m., leave Black Ilock; 4:60 p. ' m., arrive Dallas,, visit mills, etc. 6:20 p. ml, leave Dallas via 8. F. C & W.; 6:65 p. m., arrive Balem; C:20 p. m, or v 8:20 p. m., depart northbound via Oregon Electric railway; 6:68 p. m., de part southbound via Southern Pacific ' " ' ' - ' - . , ' R00SEVELTJNVITED V' - , ; TO AVIATION MEET s , i. .' . ' - ' ' 1.' V '.' V (Unltea Prets teimd: Wire.) Nice, France, April 15. A, special In vitation was' ; sent today to Colonel Roosevelt to attend the aviation meet, which opened here, today. ' The- invita tion was signed by the promoters and the patrons of the meet, among Whom are some of the most Important person ages of France. ;: Prominent European aviators are entered as participants In the, meeting.!? ;v;v'f':::i'vr..:'-, - FORMAL TRIBUTE TO LATE JUDGE WILLIAMS ss the Judges of the state supreme court and the federal Judges will be present, and brief addresses will be made by prominent members of bench and bar. The committee named to formulate resolutions upon the passing of Judge Williams will present its report. It la headed by Fred V, Holman, the other members being Judge W. B. Gilbert of the United States court;', Judge J.i B. Cleland of the circuit court; Charles W. Fulton, Joseph Simon, Charles J. Schna bel and C 11 8. Wood.: .. ' " ' , . .. THE DALLES GETS 10 BLOCKS CHEAP PAVING , ' The Dalles, Or.. April 15. A contract has been awardod by the city council to he Warren Construction company for the paving' of -O blocks 'on Third street and work will, be commenced at onoe, the company having all Its ap paratus for laying paving here, hav ing Just completed , the paving of It blocks on Second ntrert. Tl: i f ' Is to bo . bltulltlilo and tint o.i.i, Is to be complnteit In 120 lUiyn, ; contract price Is $1.80 pnr suvima j.n ' 13 cents' cheaper than the 'contract Bocorxl street, and the reprennti(lv of the' company say It Is tli" lowrnt price ver made on the coast for stan dard bltullthlo paving, p Reserved seats for sale at (MiUler's cigar' stand ,tr. Columbia track meet. Meet'beglns.'promptly at 2:30 p. m. Formal tribute by the bar of Oregon to the memory, of the late Oeorge H. Williams will be given at an "adjourned - 7:60 a. m.. leave Portland via Oregon I meeting of the bar m department ; o. Electrlo railway; 10 a. m. meeting called j I at the courthouse tomorrow morning to order: 11:80 a. m.. meetlna- adjourned' I ff- 1 0 o'clock. The; occasion will be a 11:80, a.-m.; to,12:10 p. mv Salem, visit ".lotable one among memorial services. Catarrh and Stuffed Up ; Head Instantly Relieved Hyomei Makes ihc Head Clear . as a Bell in Five Minutes . ' If youf suffer from catarrh;.'-! you hawk, spit, .blowf if mucus gets into the throat over night and crusts form In the nose and cause great inconvenience; then you had better take,notlceL-.the-offer; that , the leadn ing ? ' druggists are making "through the columns of The , Journal. They say: f We guarantee Hyo mei to cure catarrh. acute or clonic, and to give quick relief; also to stop coughs and colds, to relieve the distress of sore ' throat, bronchitis croup and asthma, or money back. 1 t , .t , That's .' a '. pretty good guarantee, isn't it? It's hard to figure out how any victim" of that vile disease, catarrh, can turn It down. Some people suffer from catarrh just because they are too lasy to make any effort to get rid of It s .' ' " Others, suffer because they have been led to believe there Is no cure for It. To the lasy people we have nothing to say; to the others we say: Give. Hyo mei a trial on ' the money back plan; breathe into your lungs this healing, germ killing, balsamio- air from Inland Australia, and in five minutes you will realise that' Hyomei has a mission, and that mission is to destroy catarrh germs and rid the world of undesirable ca tarrh. ' -:-r-. 'Hyomei, Is made of purest Australian Eucalyptus combined, with Thymol and other antiseptics used in the Llsterlan system. .i:t ' ' ' . It is so pleasant to use; Just pour, a few Crops Into the bard rubber . Inhaler ; and breathe, it in. -Do thls r four or five times a day and - in a week notice how differently you feel w-you'll begin to en Joy life and wonder why you allowed ca tarrh to distress you so long as you have, JUST f . r A Hyomei outfit BREATHE s fj A wA,5h...fiu?e!- , and bottle of Hyomei costs but 81.; If you already own a Hyo mei Inhaler' you. can get an extra bottle of Hyomei for only 60 cents at druggists everywhere, fir at Woodard, Clarke ft Co. s .' ' -i' ..... Mall' orders filled, charges" prepaid, by Booth's Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y. "Catarrh and deafness that arose from this trouble was entirely cured for me two. years ago by using a treatment of HYOMEr.v My catarrhal trouble was In my nostrils, head and ears'-'-Mrs. ' Ida Pfluger,; 18 Second. St., Mt Clemens, Mich. : ' i ' - 1 '' I CATARRH CATARRHX v I Jfi Wf I m , THROAT, I ? ' J J COLD M - COUGHNG. 1 tf Ql V THE HEAD ' ASTHMA. I - 'ttt BRONCHrnSB T . f t I HYOMEI mm m . , 1 FOR THE NEWEST VISIT THE STYLE STORE , , "V 10) n M - ".'- i V'U ' ' ' 7321:, 1. '. It i -'v , ; The Spring Suits we now show for men and ; . young men are what they were intended, to. be, 1 v to please and satisfy their wearers. They are' ' clothes of fashion, designed and modeled , for. men Who are particular about ' their apparel. -t . They, have more style, better fabrics, neater ? ' patterns longer wear . than J the , average rtntripi We show them in all the 57 varieties , nf trrflfiea and shades and each one rives year more value, more satisfaction .than any other ''kind you buy, because each suit is tailored; and not simply put together. They are the ,. -: Tie Bradtury- System ' THE BEST CLOTHES MADE YET-V t " " ,''. ft. ' ' ' - ' " Charge Accounts Solicited TT3 A GlFMp II. . I I IV - II mat m II II I 111 mm The Store Where Your Credit Is Good 0U1 WASHINGTON ST. AT TENTH tkm t 1 1 n-i hi ui m - 11 J111.1M ji 111 ij "ii iii 1 u sj r if r- 1 ' 1 " " "" 1 ..i ! I ' " ' T""1VER SINCE the beginning of this great sale we have been offering the most extraordinary bargains in Men's High Grade Clothing,! Furnishings, Underwear, etc;- 1 H a prices have been reduced lower than ever before quoted in this city on' similar grades of fine merchandise. The1 truth of this statement can easily be' veri-iTT- j fied by a critical, comparison of quality, styles and prices with those of "f other first class Hdealers. : 3 Think of being able J to get the matchless Suits, ; Overcoats, ' Cravenettesyetcfflm below, and then consider the fact that the rest of our merchkndise is just as high de in( every 'respect. Such uniqu time of the year gives you an opportunity to ' supply your Spring and Summer needs completely, and at a great saving: .Remember, such finebargains can last but a" short time.- Better drop in tomorrow and , ' take advantage of this unusual opportunity f , '' ,''" , l - C - , . , ' , ; 1 ; v " " " . 1 "... . ' . . 1 1 "" 111 '. n ' " f " ' V .' ,Vf 1, 1 ' ' " ' 1 " Men's (F ''r' ' VP ;oV'" FSpmwSiiits : if : Mm Overcoats Topcoats: and i Cravenettesi' : Such a .magnificent- stock, of Men's Clothing as ,we are -now. showing in all. the new-V est Spring patterns, weaves" and color combinations will k prove a revelation to youes- pecially at these prices: $15.00 f VAL-' UES NOW.. $18.00 VAL- (?1 CA NOW.. tDlO.UU $11.75 Here arc Shirt bargainsthat cannot be equaled in Portland.- The big array of Spring patterns and the excellent quality of the materials in these shirts make them extraordinary bargains at the following low prices: 4 ! l ; :! , 75c SHIRT VALUES ." ..i ... .".60 '$2.00 SHIRT VALUES! . ,V. . .?1.45 $1JOO SHIRT VALUl .VS i I " $2.50 SHIRT VALUES . vVI . $1.85 $15 SHIRT VALUES'. . . . . V.05' . $3 00 SHIRT VALUES !."'. V . ?2.15 $1.50 SHIRT VALUES ;?1.15 ', $5.00 SHIRT VALUES.... ?3.85 UES 1 $20.00 VAL- ctenn UES NOW . DlU.vl; $22.50 VAL- Q T QC UES NOW. . fDlO.OO $25.00 VAL- C Q'7C UES NOW.. sDl O. O $27.50 VAL-XJOA CA UES NOW . i)U.OU NOW. . $22:50 $30.00 UES S35.00 UES NOW, ues 7; oS!r - S 3 0.0 0 val- eoC otr Stylish Hats We have a big -variety of all the new Spring blocks and cplors. J An inspection will convince you of the big values we re offering in hats. $2.00 VALUES NOW '....?1.65 $300 VALUES NOW 1 . V . 1 9-35 $4.00 VALUES NOW.. . . .$3.15 $5.00 VALUES NOW....". $3.85 itxpbem co. irjBOintES lOOATXOIT. - The'. American Express Co. leases corner of Seventh 'and Stark streets, now oc cupied by the Salem Wool en Mills Clothing company. As the result or an ad verse report on the part ' to consider the ' advlsbll- J ity of building a "Country . J Home," the Portland1 lodge ! of B. J. O. of Elk; No. 142. I 'has practically decided ta ' begin negotiations for the ! erection I - a big . ' SRy-. scraper on thealke of the, present temple. Seventh and - Stark streets. -Tha lodge Is convinced that the quarter- block, because of Its fine central location. justifies a IS oril. -story -. euiiicu, etna ,ini, iccvrain, . : -to Ous Moser, exalted luler, Is the class of improvement ' ! that will be made, -t In the way of ' earlier ; construction of a towering I sky-scraper, la the ground- I floor lease to tne Americas short time ago, but Exalted Ruler Moser is confident that some temporary ar The SJvening Telesranu ' s eo. . ma. ' m 1 4mWk V1-' m 1 Elegant Neckwenr v ii you want to : see a. :s.well line of 'Neckwear, drop in here tomorrow. ' " " m .All the j richest V; Spring ; colorings and-, unique figure ' designs are shown. - ' V 50c VALUES NOW; -r ONLY ' 75c VALUES NOW JML.X ........ $1.00 VALUES NOW ONLY ...... ...60c 70c MEN'S HOSE You should take ad vantage of these fine bargains. , We have 'em in bjack and col ors; also the . fancy patterns. 25c VALUES NOW ONLY 15 50c VALUES NOW ONLY ...... ...35? Men Fine trousers 1 WAN 1 7.77 , . . , '(OPPOSITE OREGON HOTEL) Grnt Plicnlcy, ."Isr. Ou'.lillcrs to RIcn and DoyS flunoio. 7lh nntl Stark See-our superb line of Trousers. Nowhere can you get as good values as right here during this sale. They're skillfully tailored and in a big assortment of the new Spring patterns,. Don't miss this opportunity. $3.00 TROUSERS, now only 'rr-VT. $2.2 5 $4.00 TROUSERS now ' only . . t . 33.C 0 $5.00 TROUSERS now only...... ?3.7.-J $5.00 TROUSERS now only............ 51.50 $3.00. TROUSERS now only.. ''Underwear;':' Pajamas and Uighit 50c ; Values . 75c Values . $1.00 Values . .....40 .....COc .....60 $1.50 Values $2.00 Values $2.50 Values I 1 . t STOKE FIXTURES FOP. SMt . a r