THE OREGON DAILY , JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, -' ' i APRIL 15, 1910. 'i I11PISI .. 1E0 OVER 25 SCHOOLS IN VEST Saved 1 Chicago's (Credit After Panic of 1 873 by His Sincer ity and Honesty Away $5,000,000. M ' If Chicago, April J8--Doctor D. K. Peer fnns celebrated his SOth - birthday t in this city yesterday. ' Daniel K. Pearsons, e-ne XT tha rea. est western philanthropists, and a firm believer in the wtedem of every rich man becoming ; his . own ..administrator and executort .was ; born In Bradford, Vt.. April JV 1820,; descended on both Bides - from - Scotch-Irish . revolutionary ancestors. - On his mother's side ho was t descendant of the Israel Putnam fam ily. .';, ,'... '. 'fcoaaad Slucn Money. In Chicago he nirajred In the,,' real, ; estate and money loaning businons,. lie' handled large tracts of . land for cor porations, and . private -. .Individuals and sold more than JLOflO.OOO acres of 'land In Illinois, alone."'-In 17 years he loaned upward" of 120,000,000 for capitalists who employed him as) their agent.' t But; In 1877 his own business had assumed euro proportions that he was obliged' to Kive H his exclusive attention. A firm believer In the 'Ultimate', prosperity of Chicago he bought city property freely during that period of depression follow Ing the panic of 1873 and carried It an til the rise In values , netted him an enormous profit on his original Invest ment. .":';'.'' '.- ' When the financial condition of Chl- iago--atfce-lwet-bb;"-Dr.'-Pear4 eons rendered . valuable services to the city, fey actually, saving the .credit and reputation for -,; honesty of the : city. Elected alderman from the First ward, Dr. Pearsons . was appointed chajrman of the finance committee. He found the city treasury empty, depleted by acta of great extravagance. , The city's indebtedness was greatly In excess of the constitutional limit, and to meet the demands upon it the city bad issued certificates, the. legality of which was disputed In the courts. Many of these certificates had been taken by eastern bankers and other capitalists who- be came alarmed lit the situation. In this- emergency :r Dr.' Pearsons went to New Vork: to confer with the financial powmr on Wall street. His earnest manner and straightforward course produced a good effect. He had come, officially as a member of his city's common council and privately as a capitalist and man of honor, to assure tlirm that Chicago meant to pay Its rlfbts. He succeeded in allaying the fears of the eastern financiers, and re turned noma with the knowledge that Chicago's credit was fully restored. Aided 93 Colleges. In 1877 Dr. Pearsons retired from aqtive business' and announced his in-, tentlon to devote the rest of his days to giving away his wealth, acquired by hard work and unusual shrewdness, bo that It would do the most good. "To know how to make money," he said on hb h. .! ' Nr. ' h ... I 'q, yCA. L- -rlAi' ' J Dr. Daniel Kimball Pearsons. j on occasion, "is one sciences to know What to do with It ; when acquired. Is another science, and the latter should be carefully studied by the possessor of wealth before he divides his property. For a man. on his -deathbed to scatter his fortune , In a haphasard, goody goody way to a dozen objects -of very different merits. Is unreasonable. All this should be done with a clear brain. after careful thought and in the vigor of his own best years." '--. Unlike many other men of wealth he practiced What he preached, and during the years following his retirement from business hr distributed more than 15 009,004) -among more than 25 small col leges, mostly located In the west. hos. pltals and a few seminaries, the latter notwithstanding the fact that Dr. Pear- eons did not belong to any church. He was among the founders- of the Ver mont '-society of Illinois and one of Its first presidents. He also was an active member of the Chicago Historical society ana a warm ' friend of every worthy cause. , ' Connecticut G. A. R. New London, Conn., April . 15. A large .attendance of Grand Army vete rans and members of affiliated organi sations marked, tna opening here today of the annual ; encampment of the' de partment of Connecticut. Commander In Chief van Sant of Minnesota ?; was present as the guest of honor. - .... ; mi ' ' n' i ' i ... i . .in i t-xji . Notarial Commissions. . v " (Salem Barean of The Jonrsal. ji . Balem.vpr April 15. Notarial com missions have been Issued to Hattle Hays Beeman, Gold H1U; Adam RitChey, Joseph; George F, Croner, Eugene, and M. Mosessohn, S. H. Greene and Paul H. Sroat, Portland. - VALLEY DEMANDS (Continued from Page One) tlon at Albany assembled, April 14. 1910, from the Clackamas rapids to the furth ennost point, where, by dredging, re vetment work, and confining of the channel . by means of wing dams. depth of not loss than three feet, of water could be secured by making such Improvement. This oonventlpn believes It Is the duty of congress to provide means whereby, at least, a four foot channel could .be secured at all times in the year as' far south as Corvallls and a three foot channel as much farther as possible.- - "" v Resolutions? were also adopted con gratulating Oregon's senators and con gressmen on the prospects of the pas sage of. the amendment appropriating that we, as representatives of the cities 1300.000 for the looks: appointing and producers of .the Willamette valley, committee to investigate and report on renew the demands of the shippers and the flocks, , and thanking v the Albany producer a that were placed before the I Commercial club and the Business Men's people by the "Willamette Valley Open I association for - Jhe hospitalities ex - River association In convention assem- I tended to the delegates. ; r bled In Albany. January 10. 1907. Per-1 - The committee on permanent organl- suant'to that demand, the Oregon leg-I satlon which will present Its report at islature appropriated the sum of 1300,- Oregon City on April 31 consists of the 000 to assist the general government in following members: the establishment of free locks and a I Albany U - EL . Hamilton. . H. .H. canal around the falls at Oregon City. I Hewitt, In obedience to the expressed wishes of I BalemMax O'Buren, Henry Thlelsen. the people and the commercial bodies l Brownsville H. El Hilleary, . H. of this state.. Including. the commercial Wayne Slanard. ' K-- ' organisations of Portland, that appro-1 Oregon City T. F. Ryan, W. A. Shew- prlatlon was extended by the legislature man Jr. , , - - v v i of 1909 so as to be continually available I - Sclo-T. !. Dugger. , until the end of the year 181J.T! ! I Cottage Grove C. C. HaseHon,,A. Z -Resolved.. That we heartily approve riKsra. - of the enterprise and continued loyalty Bherjaan-A. M. Fanning, a H. Leh- of the : Oregon legislature to this pro ject, which we deem - all . Important to the Interests of the ahlppers and ' pro ducers, as well as the traveling public, from a transportation standpoint. "Resolved i By vthls convention that we appreciate the efforts of our repre. Eugene -Victor . Holt, F, Av Rankin, Canby -M. X Lee. McMlnnvllIe JL. B. Fletcher. .Portland E3. C. GUtner, ADOut 3&o delegates to the convention assembled In the gymnasium Of the Alco sentatlves and senators In congress tolclub- at 2: JO. p. m. Represented ; were a. kimHar annronrlatlon and ac-1 Portland, Eugene, Cottage Grove. Al ,hn,iri th- iurtnnnt. to the! bany, - Salem. 'Oregon City. Corvallls. end that by the Joint efforts of the xeDanon. Bclo, Brownsville, Falls City, state and nation, this great project ror the Improvement of navigation ana tne freeing of the, 'Willamette river from the tollla now collected by a private corporation at the falls of the Willam ette, may be brought to earnest possi ble completion. . - " Resolved further by this convenuon. That ' we request at the hands of the department of .engineers a -comprenen- ve survey of . the Willamette river Springfield, Harrlsburg, Halsey, Linn County council, Phllqinath and Canby. Maeting Called to Order. Preceded by ; musio' by the Albany Elks'-band, the meeting was called to order at 8:40 p. , m. by P. D. Gilbert, president of the Albany Business Men's association. He thanked he varloue delegates for their attendance and In troduced Dr. W. It Davis as Chairman of the afternoon session and wT K. Struble as secretary, assisted by V. C. Freeman or Eugene and K. C. GUtner or Portland. ' - ' ; Hon. w. F. McFadden of Corvallls then spoke on "Free Locks at Oregon City." lie said in part: . - - ' ""This subject' was notorious even-40 years ago, but has been neglected. By nature the, Willamette was Intended as a channel for common carriers, but by legislative enactment the Willamette Lock company has been enabled to place an embargo upon the river. to corpor atlon has a right to exact toll to the detriment ot any community. , We, the people, must take possession of a free nver. ,v ,;-.-., , ,y ; . '.,.: ,' ..(,. Telegram Vtom BOara, At this Juncture a telegram from Sen ator. Bourne was readi stating that in his . opinion, the . 1300,090 appropriation for river Improvement would pass the house,.'.'. ..-."-.'.,'.'.,,.,' .'.,'..,, Colonel Ilofer of Salem then reviewed the results of the first session of the Willamette Valley Open River league at Albany,, which sent a committee to prevail upon congress for a river Appro priation, hut congress objected. lion. u. m. H.ern or. uottage urove warned the convention sot to rest Idly on account of the telegram, from Sena tor Bourne. .''.,'':-: i-i-r-. :r.-;. '''vr 'i Sravigattoa Ohstrnoted.' : " ' J. R. Cartwrlght of Harrlaburg said that . the Southern Pacific had obstruct ed navigation on the -Willamette : for five years, and that something must be done now to secure low freight rates. I. H. Bingham of Kugene, spoke on "Open Hlver From portlund 6outh." He said that the lock company a Oregon City is th. on pHvnto corporation In the United States rO trllng revenue from private locks, lid said: "Call on Eugene and we will help to influence congress to purchase the Ictks," ' . Mayor Matlock Talks. J. D, Matlock, mayor of Eugene, said: "Without commerce 'Between meh tha highest civilisation can not exist. The Willamette valley- has been -slower to progress than any section of tha Pacific coast, due to our natural avenue of commerce being stopped up. We must have an Often river regardless of con gress." ""I. - - '..''.-.' L F. Ryan of Clackamss, said that the Harrlman interests had lnpeded com merce In this valley. Max O. Buren of : Salem, said that lockage at Oregon City had hampered shippers. - . H. 8. Gils of Salem, said that the railroad had overcome river competition and that now Balem Is ready to Join valley towns In buying out the river boats and lowering the rates. ." rreight Rates Kistory. ' H.",M. 8awyer of Portland, gave ari able talk on the history of freight rates In the Paciflo northwest . - He showed bow the railroad had overcome river competition and raised its rates. In his opinion an , Independent boat line would not remedy the situation. He urged the presentation of the case to the Interstate Commerce commission and to the representatives at Washington, ,' , isssaSjaMSwasBBMipVMsaeMBSlBkBgBBjsMsMsjesBNMSlMBa ' . Th DaHea Farmeni TTant Help. (Btweial Dispatch tn The Jonraal.t The Dalles. Or., April 15. Farmers complain of a scarcity of laborers, and iay It Is clffloult to get men to work on farms, as laborers enn get all the work tbey want at railroad, construc tion on the Deschutes river along the lines of the Oregon TrunK and Des chutes railroads at $3.60 "a dtty for common work. fbn js a busy season with farmers, as they are now either seeding spring grain or plowing sum mer fallow for fall sowing, and they are offering work to all who apply.. A calorie, the unit of heat measure ment, is that quantity of heat required to raise the temperature ot ona gramme of water one dctcree Ceuilgrade. t.i i- ....:., j r-1 phi i. mi . CONCORD VANSTON Vila An-Motc wlU .Buttonhole . . '' Ir - ' THE NEW MARROW MCQLLARS- Pff R SUMMER. High enough for looks low enough for comfort and plenty of room for the tie to slide In. : - lVn. Meh. Iter SBo. ' - - Ctemt, Prty A Co. . Ifflif ftafm, tM. turiiERPEs com our rrea.nently Bhows Itself la the Same . .; ; Place r Every Tear. Tha herpes very frequently shows It self in Identically the same, spot every year. When . it' comes out, a little pos lam should he at once applied and this annoying, skin affection will quickly vanish, f Poslam is the new skin rem edy which has cured thousand of , the worst cases ; of eczema and eradicated facial and other disfigurements . of years' standing. The terrible itching at tending eczema Is stopped with -the first application, giving proof of Its curative properties at; the very, outset. ' In less.jsenous skin aiiections, sucn as pimples, rash, herpes, blackheads, acne, barber'a; itch, etc., results show after an overnight application, only a small quantity being required vto effect cure. Those- who t, use posiam ror these minor skin trouble should lm- medlatelv1 secure: one of the special 60 cent packages recently adopted to meet such needs. Both the. 60 cent ; package and the regular $3 jar may be obtained the- Skldmore Drug -Co. and wood- ard. - Clarke & Co., also other leading drug torn.'.T: y-:'r:'-;-rxv"-; TV Samples for experimental ..purposes may be lad free of charge by writing direct to the Emergency Laboratories West Twenty-fifth street, New Tork City. - , : : ' '(..'' . . i" ''sri L X ..'...,.' Vf - I - ' s - ' - ' 1 i ' ' - . . -! t t 'ID iC ' ..,-. L r - s- . - ' : v The-Gloih'es y bsMSBsl ifKTTT AT TWp tn P"ce on almost every article U U , iiSi V lU you buy in any OWL DRUG STORE on the Pacific Coast. The saving is not little and scarcely worth while, but figures so great as to be of con siderable consequence. It pays to be a regular OWL customer. not only in the actual cash 'you save, but even to a greater extent in the quality of drugs arid other materials you buy here.1 - The OWL chain of stores buys in sufficient quantities to insist upon and secure the climax of quality, , Tie )Mly.Geiu'MpI'ewil BffnngCo.'M FopSflaiiKnl . ' ;i ' Seventh: arid Washington Streetor You're Soaps und . Toilet Articles . : Cuticura Soap , ..131 Ingram'! Milk Weed Creafig..29 Majestic .. Glycerine , Soap, ..large, transparent cakes, reg.., 10c'. . . Hind'f Honey, Almond Cr.;..29i Jergeri' Assorted ' Soaps, a hard milled, fragrant soapj: regular 1 15c box, 3 cakes, pe? box .....9 Dr. Charles' Flesh Food, the regu - lar manufacturer's 50c size at 24 -Toilet 'Chamois Skip, regf. 10c , K Physicians' and ? Surgeons' Soap, ' regular 10c size, special at... ..6 . Lennox Hair Tonic, eradicates dan druff and ; stimulates hair growth; regular 7Sc, Special..;-..... . .i8 Rose Talcum Powder, a 'large package, delight fully perfumed Talcum, .powder for "the nursery or toilet; reg. 25c ' value and size, , special. ..1T 47H Perfumed Bath Salt, the large, regular 50c bottle, specials.:.;. 38- Houbigant's Ideal Perfume,' the original bottle, special $3.r Hand Sapolio, the greatest hand cleanser known, four cakes ; .25 Sheffield' Topth Paste, 2 for 55f Exora Powder, large size ,;..32s Atkinson's White Rose Perfume, one of the best extracts i in the worlds : regular 50c ounce. . .33 I It cannot be too strongly emphasized that THE OWL DRUG COMPANY 7th and Washington sts., is the UWLY OWJL, DRUG STORE IN PORTLAND. Successful business houses are always imitated,' but imitation is the sincerest flattery. . The OWL STORES, all up and down the Coast, command, respect and confidence of the' public t ine tallowing specials tell the story: 500 Geriuirie Linen Ladieo Mandleiclxlef a Fre With SOc Pure has Saturday Only On Saturday we will give Tree as long as they last, a Oenalne Id nan- Kandkerchlef, per fumed with Mile Blossom, to every woman who purchases , 60 cents In merchandise at this store. The purpose of the gift is to pop ularise VUe Blossom Perfume, which Is, with out exception, the most 'lasting and fragrant popular-priced - perfume on the market, - The same day this perfume will be on sale. , s S1.C3 HHe Chssoci Perfsne. Oz. CCc Don't, Pay . Fancy Prices ' Trusses , have.' a" standard price, same as any 'other mer chandise.' 80me dealers try-to Impress .you with fancy goods and v attach fancy prices to make the" claim-: good. We carry a standard line at rea sonable prices. We-back our line with the goods. ; We -have a special truss room wnn men a.nrf . women , ; fitters. Our prices are on a parvwlth the SPECIAL TRUSS ROOM Sought at the bwi BTOaxsT ' -,' PERSONALLY PITTED ; Miscellaneous: ' Specials Peroxide of Hydrogen, full U. S," P. strength, 4 ounce bottle.:. 6. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets,' manu facturers' 50c-size, special... 32? Kilmer's Swamp Root for back- achesj large size, special.., ,Q3$ Mrs Potter's Walnut ' Hair stain;J A.. 7 J.' & J. Corn Plasters' all' shapes,' regular 10c box, special. , . . .c Pape's Diapepsin for bad , stom-i achs; mfrs. 50c size, special.. 29? Epsom Salts, full -pound' box, best quality, speciaJ,,'per box...i...K? Regular $5.00 Vibrators.. l-OS, Pierce's Pellets, sp'l., 2 for.. 25?, Castoria; children should nevr cry for it at the price. ...,..l..18?, Merck's Phosphate of Soda, full pound box, special .....'..'..U? Pure Castor Oil, 8-oz., 25c.:,15? Rosewater. genuine imported Bul4 garian Rosewater, regular,8 ounce at 25c, special x 15 Listerine, large size, useful anti4 septic special 5T?, Pinauds Lilac Vegetal, fragrant and refreshing; special ,.58' Eve Cuds: for bathing the eves .Feeding .Bottles, graduated, -all sizes, ' special ... f Vedai Rose Rouge, reg. 50c...2O? Capillaris -for- the hair: mantifac-? turers 50c size; special at... lt, r;(S.oin?-t6'-:Btty; . .- j ". 'i v -" ' : j.' ( . s ? --' . -i - - - o-'i ' , -( -v "'. -'-; : - .- " . . ..-J' . ij f-J ..; : -:: This spring will be of a color and style and pattern that suits YOU not somebody else. , And you're going to buy them .where "voir ' ' ' , think you can get the BEST alue for Your Money ry. CTh is store and, the people in it are for v : YOUR SERVICE. . Our large, light room, f; filled with clothes of the best quality in a ; great yarieiy of weaves, colors and patterns-correct in tailoring, in finish and newness of style, affords a MOST. SATISFACTORY OPPORTU NITY FOR YOUR SELECTION. Ve point with especial pride to'our; Rubber Goods Specials .We do not handle goods we cannot guar antee, r Prices speak for themselves:,. 1 ,.. .. ; , ... Trrlia ' Combination Syria re. and Hot Water Bottle. Heavy white rubber. Rapid flowing.1 tube and four ihard rubber atlach "mnti. Two-year guarantee. Three-. Premium Combination. Syringe and Hot Wa ter Bottle. This Is a splendid value at the reg. price of 4 Oft $2. Special.. Vl0 V Hrrl Kot Water Bottles, made of strong, pifre rubber. Guaranteed for two Regular (IOa 6peclal...OC Ij .' ' s years. Regnli 4 (.. . .'IMS. Bpecla - ' ' Barclay Bpra; , - jr.' reg'lar l.0. v f i Bpeclal ray gyring, 31.95 Wines and LfqEors for Medicinal Use Cedar Creek RyeThis is a . five year old, in wood, bottled in bond goods; special ....98? Cedar , Creek E,ourbon, a pure, smooth, straight Bourbon whisky, in half gallons, special at. ......... ,...81.68 -Chicken Cock Whisky This is a famous Kentucky brand, bottled in bond, five years old in the wood; special '........,,..83? Jockey Club,' a" pure rye whisky, bottled by ourselves; it sells regular for $1; spl. TO SrnsIi2S of AH HMs Tooth Brushes-Equal to those sold elsewhere for ' twice the price. Our guar antee "Jf the bristles come, out, we' will refund your money or give you a. new brush. ; See the window. Special .', . . . .......... 25 Hand Brushes These are exceptional values. They are worth regularly from 35c to 40c. Special 23 Hair Brushes A large, solid back, pure nog bristle brush. Worth $1.25. Don't over- v I look these, at special price of. ........ 87 1.00 LION SPECIAL SUITS at Because they, represent in a fitting: measure the high class of service .we, Itexall Welches This is an accurate ' timekeeper and is positively guaranteed for one year. Special at ....... 87 SMALL MATTING SUIT CASES T hey are light and durable, i Just the thing for sum . mer ' use. Easily worth $1.00. Special at . i . . . . . ..... 73f Mall ;F2Ile! U 1 Made of the best quality of sfeel, thin and flexible. Regularly sells for 50c. Special price . . . C5( .WANDUS SHAMPOO BAGS The regular 10c size. Made special this week at .....7 LESLEY'S DENTAL CREAM This lies flat on the brush, is easily applied, and as a teeth freserver and bcautificr it hasfno equal; of ered special at ....;................,.12 aim to render at 'all times, and we're so sure youll be pleased with your, purchase here that we, give you a 'written guarantee with every suit. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Prescription Department The strongest featurejof any prescription depart ment in any drug store 1ji in the character of drugs used. A cordial invitation is extended to Tisit our prescription room, trery precaution i taken to prevent deterioration in quality. We can fill any prescription promptly and carefully. Ac curacy guaranteed. Here is another instance of a siving in price and decided gain in cuality. Kodak Sc;;i:2S zzl Cml:;!2j... We carry a complete line cf Eastman's goods. In adduion ur - facilities for developing plates and films, printing on any kind of paper and mouhting are unsurpassed. Here is another instance of savior in price and gain ing in quality of work. Try this department for efficiency of results. Films, plates and other materials in all sires. Saturday CnnJy Specials A complete line of, pure, delicious and fresK' chocolates. Take advantage of this unusually special offer. A full pound bnx of assorted "First Love' Chocolates. This is a 00 regular 50 cent value. Special at, per box 00C Mint Chews, nice and fresh; a delightful confection; special priced at, per pound 15c Q i - . m- I -a 166-10 THIRD STKLILT . K, ( . . ' ORIOINALtCUT.RVTE'bliUG'GiSTS y ' .7iIuW37AGHIIGT0N ,S,TS.; FOE.TI.AI'10, OHD.b v Oilier Store; Seattle Can Frrs n cl t c o-Or. ! ;! n n ?1 Lo ; Annclcr MMSWMSMSflMMIWNIBMMIllMNrtMMMRWMMi rwtjiinr" -"wwmwweew (""vm-homsw nHK,a(fl wt h; . ,.aaw. ... -..faiis.,-,-. - ... ,-5...... , immmu - --f.- A