THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 15, 1010. DECfiEE TO VIFF I! CUT Mrs.. Mary Andrews Is Freed " From Husband Who'ls Given. Children. Acoused" of making date , with the minister when , she wanted : to ' iro to " church, and humiliated beyond endur ance by his charg-es against her, Mrs, ... Mary Andrews told her story of unhap plness In (he divorce court this morn Jnir, and said she could not live longer with J. H. Andrews. , , - -y ,' Mrs. Andrews; who home Is at Creston. said her husband has a violent temper and began to fuss at her flvs days after they were married. He wanted all the A 1 .privileges himself, she said, and be came anirrv when she went downtown. He was not a' regular booce fighter, she said, but sometimes he ' would be '"funny." - ' ? .' Andrews was allowed to retain the custody of their two children, . who are In the care of another- family. ' Mrs. . Andrews has the right to visit tham at - all proper hours. They were married in Portland In September. 1801 T Judge Morrow, who heard the .four default divorce cases tried this morn- Ins;, took; the case of Laura I Magoon against Byron G-. Magoon' under advise' " went, because he was not certain the . .corroborating ' testimony would support a decree on the ground of cruelty. Mrs. Magoon, whose husband Is proprietor of a slano house at Pendleton, said he struck her several times, furnished lit tie money for her support, and made false -charges against her.' She asked to COME TO . , . 4th;cY Yamhill : . FOR YOUR . , Best Cuts .... -. , -? . - - i OP, - M. rt MEAT FULL , LINE OF PORK, MUTTON, LAMB. VEAL V,' -4 AND.-BEEF. .''. SATURDAY, IS ALSO OUR CHICKEN DAY Phone your order early and let u give you prompt attention, 40'lb,';- Pure Lard.. i.i':f 1.T5. -.S lbs. Pure Lard .0v 3 lbs. Pure Lari, .....,..R50 Sugaf Cured Ham...'..J.220 Sugsr,, Cured Jlacon, ...i-..250 Picketed Pork '....y...,180 Dry Salt Pork 200 QMPpxwj;r4 ' IK Pat! .60 10 lb. Pail 1.13 50 lb. Can ,4..,...:,... -00 BayCity Market- Phones A-2830;-Main 2830. ) ' FRESH DRESSED. ' v Chickens s GEESE, 22 POUND; - SI(AM0KA BUTTER 4 BEST BUTTER MADR; V3Q bjpU RANCH EGGS,2 Doz. 55 - Largest Assortment of FRESH AND SALT I.ISH r CRABS AND'SHRIMPS: COLUMBIA FISH CK . Third -and Ankeny.-- -Main5 A-5556. . . BEST CREAMERY BUTTER '65 c 7m Creaniwy Butter 60. Best Cream ery 650-TO0. - Dairy vButter 650, . , ' Ranch Eggs, 2 dqzea for. ...... .550 llama ........... .......T...220 Bacons ... . . . . . . . t .200-220 Compound ... ......... .". . .60 Best Lard . ................. S3 Wisconsin Swiss Cbeesa.i. 250-3 00 Full Cream .......... 20 Half Cream ......... ..15 Cream Brick 20f Llmburger ...35a f attbdaV is ont chickex day ta Grande Creamery : Sfl4 TAMTIILIj S THE ITT " r.ETAYEEX-THIKD AXD FOUBTTl resums her maiden nam of Laura I Wei g Is and SO per month alimony. Shs was married to Magoon In Portland In June,' 1901. v , ; . ' ,', j - Rosa D. Tuter testified she was de serted by James.. P. Tuter In October 1S08, a little over' one year after they were married. Sha did not know "why he Jelt. He skipped ut while she !wa away from 'home, she said. They Were married In MoCloud, Cal., In 1907, . ' The fourth candidate for divorce was Gertrude Frances Pease. 4 She said Ray mond Harper Pease left her in January, 1909, after they had lived together a little over one year. She could give, no cause for his leaving. No final decrees were announced by the court today, but Mrsv Magoon la ths only- one of the elass who Is en the doubtful list, ; s Investment Company ' Incorporated. D. M. Baker, J. M. Baker and W. B. Chlvely have filed articles, of incorpora tion with the county cleric of the Ideal Investment company, -capital . 15000. - 20 PERMITS ISSUED ' - FOR IMPRQVEMENTS Tha following buildlna; permits have been lsiiued: . - . R. 8. Bhpard Ereot two story' frame dwelling. iUt Thirty-rourtn sireei u tween Alder and Washington: builders, BY C- tc hi. A. DunlaDl 13600. II. LrfMYika Krect two one story frame dwellings. Minnesota avenue between Simpson and Ainsworth; builder, same, Henry Oelst Erect one story frame dwellinsr. Garfield avenue and Bkldmore i rf hiiildur Conrad Lelchner: 1600. C. B. Stanford Krect one story frame dwelling. Woodbine street between wu nut a.nd fitellal builder, same-. 11000. T. O. Anderson Erect five 114 story frame dwellings, East Forty-sixth street between uinamooK ana jtiancocic; pun er. same: each. 13000: total. 115,000. T, O, Anderson Krect one and one ht atorv frame dwelllnr. Kast Forty- fifth street between Broadway and Han cock; builder, same; $3000. O. C. Osburn Krect one and one half story frame dwelling, - East juigntn Diflh Cost of Living Cna Cc f.lndc Ensy if You Trcdc nt llic Penny tcsn blorc Free! Combination Pacliafles , ' -' " Tomorrow, Worth 25c Each, With Every , 'K : Combination Grocery Basket For those" who come between the hours of from 7 a.vm. to 12 o'clock noon. The sale will continue au day, free packages win o . given away after noon. Come early and avoid the rush. The Basket will contain , ' , .-, '.' . 2-LB. ROLL BEST BUTTER 1 DOZEN BEST OREGON EGGS" . 1 QUART ENGLISH WALNUTS... 2 BARS NAPTHA SOAP.....,.' 2 LBS. SMALL NAVY BEANS...... 2 LBS. MUSCATEL RAISINS 1 PACKAGE BEST CORN STARCH ...) 2 LBS. OREGON GREEN ASPARAGUS. "2 LBS FRESH FLORIDATOMATOES:J ALL OF THIS AND THE BASKET THAT THEY ARE PACKED . m vkw Aet srya. Exftra BUTTER FRESH FQOSI VfA TOE CCURU ' VUQJVL FULL CREAM CHEESE 20c LD. Wc will Not Mention the Price of Egg; S ; lbs, s f But will say that we handle none but the best, direct from first hands. And will be ever ready to make our customers the lowest market prices. THE WORKING PEOPLE'S PLACE , TO TRADE U The Penny Cash Grocery 148 Second Street Cetmea llcrrlsca and Alder ' Sugar Social Best Butter for Coffee 7 2 -A & 2 Lbs. ibsi Bread Is the Staff of Life - -rt VP 1 AECuftTHS :s .Twr nu i CUUOW. AND REQUIRES DALLES DIAMOND LIBERTY BELL FLOUR To make a superior article. ..'.'Maajiifactucd by .. DIAMOND FLOUR MILLS n OttlCE Z2i ABINGTON BLDO, PORTLAND. . ONE THING AT "A REASONABLE PRICE ' COUNTRY CLUB " MI LK 3 Large Cans 2Sc IN. THE CITY OP PORTLAND ONLY . Guarxnteed abwluttly .satisfactory or monty back. . We make this low price by idling direct to retail trade and eliminating all mid ile" profits. ' " i . "COUNTRY CLUB" tli e rr.i:V with ratural farcr and color. street between Thompson and Ttrasee; builders. X. la Kraeft Bon; 13000.. Mrs. K. Enrlght-Ereot two story franio dwelling, Haorarnento street be tween Union and Rodney avenues; builder, C. O. Isakson; $2000. I. Ln ICrect one story frame sar sse, Clifton street between Nineteenth snd Twentieth; builders. Hill A Blaven; K. B. Rloe Erect two story frame dwelling. Thompson street between East Twentieth and Twenty-first; builder, same; 16600. . , : . A- Elerlcb Erect" bne story frame store. Hoy t street between Oak , and Nellie; builder, same; SI 26. ' A. Bhleve Erect two story . frame dwelling-. Kast Thirteenth street corner Rhone: builder, same: 11400. O. W. West Repair two story brick store. Ill Grand avenue between Alder and Morrison; builders, Carlson A Italic- son Erect one story frame Beventy-nlnth street between and Fremont builder, same;. Strom; isoo. John A. dwelllns;. Klickitat $260. GREAT SPUDS! HERE IS POTATO WITH HANDLE ' , ,' i . - p... ,..- t '..v Potatoes with Iron handles afe the latest wonders produced by the sotl of Oregon. -a ' s.'i?.; ''.'. .f- ' A' specimen of this freak crop was brought to the Chamber of Commerce permanent exhibit room in the Commer cial building this morning by Adolph Dekum, who dug It from a bill In his Portland Heights yard. The potato la evidently one of last season's crop and of voluntary origin. t? ,! - , ;. Colonel Miller, who has charge of the exhibit thinks a great deal of the new aoaulsltlon to his dlsnlav end believes I It opens up1 a new field of endeavor. ' t "Potatoes with ; handles!" , he e claimed. ."Just think of Itl . What a fine tblne? it will be to go Into the neighboring store and. Ret a few spuds, pick them up by tbe handles and carry them home without fear of the paper bag going to pieces." 1 , :''.,, . The handle In this case , consists of an iron ring about three Inches . In diameter, around one end of 1 ' ' potato has grown. The rin cm. swung, back and forth without IiiJum the skin of the potato. The chamber is anxious to get r specimens of alt kinds of products . the soil, now that It bns an expert m work putting them up for the xhltu. A union committee from the Trai' s Assembly of Fort Worth. Texas, ta r rangln a appropriate program for tlt dedication of the, new labor temple In that city, to be held on May I. The building Is one of tha finest labor tem ples In the country and will be the headquarters for about 1000 unionists of Fort Worth. , " V ' i 1 j -a Eating-On-Credit-Doesn't-Fatlen-Your-Banlc-Account-VGry-MucI: 18 LBS. TABLE GRANULATED r SUGAR FOR , .Can you get ths ssipe amount for 1 the same pries elsewhere?'' I Gallon Table Syrup .45 1 Gallon N. O. Molasses V45f 2 Cans Sliced Pineapple . .254 XJVLtlC UIUV.IIIE .US' r-Aii. x T5i sr MISCUANEOJUS. Large box Macaroni, Sat 35e . 1 Lb. Hulk Jfepper . . . .isoe? 3 Lbs. Dried Peaches ..,.-i 5 Lbs. Navy Beans ......25 10 Pkc. Toothpicks ,...Z5e? 3 Cans Lye ; 25 3 Packages Macaroni . . . .25 8 Bars D. C. Soap 25? 4 Cans of Lulu .....254 1 Pint Tar Honey .......254 1 Qt Crosse & Blackwell's Oil ' ..75 5 Pkgs; Leslie's Salt.... 254 13 Bars of Soap for . . . .V.25 10-lb. Sack White or Yellow . Corn Meal ............304 4 Lbs. Lima Beans ..... .254 SPECIAL 2 Boxes Matches' .54 3 Cans of Corn ,....254 3 Cans of Peas z.4,...254 3 Cans of "Beans .........254 3 Cans of Tomatoes ..... .254 , ALL FOR 054 ' 1 Brick Codfish ,.....,...154 6 Grandpa's Tar Soap . . .254 Hires Root Beer . . . .; . . 20 Ejirtra! Extra! Pint Jar Extracted Honey.... 25 8uart Jar Extracted Honey.. 45e1 atlon Can Extracted Honey ., f 1 THE ORIGINAL TCASH STORE Pacific M. 6700 PHONES Home A-1412 Facts for tlic HousewHe The. People's economy system is hot merely; a form of speech, it is s practical application of a Well-known ' fact, ' Each depart ment, is directly in charge of a department manager, who buys everything for. his own ' department. By thus systematizing ' ovr business We have a trained corps of buyers who are experts in their one particular line that accounts in a large measure lor the. excellent qualities we offer at, such low prices.' MEATS MUTTON LEGS ...,..;........................ ....12J4 MUTTON CHOPS 12 MUTTON' SHOULDERS . : .84 mutton stew : :. . 74 VEAL" SHOULDERS . . ). k -. ; ; v. . . . .134 veal" chops .v. . . ; : j . .154 VEAL: SAUSAGE ; .'.v. 124 bockwurst ; 1754 COTTAGE HAMS, per pound ... . 104 EASTERN HAMS.-pe.r pound . , ...... '.V. . . . ,214 POT ROASTS, per pound . . ; . . . V. . . . .". . 10 and 12 5 POUNDS OF LARD COMPOUND! ......654 io poundsof lard compound:...;... ...... ?i.25 f 4 , J, ) V Special SacEt 01.35 POUNDS OP BEST .POTA TOES. . You may vf, more elsewhere, but you cannot ffct better quality any where at any price. t - Tea Special All kinds Satur dayi per lb. .......... .254 7 cans Mustard'Sardines. .254 Baker's Cocoa. v. . . V 204 3 cans Apples .254 Half Skim Cheese, lb.... 154 Extra Specials 6 cans 0Ti ii t ion M'lk for 554 7 bars of King's Naf-llm . . 254 2 glasses of Chipped Befcf 25 6 small cans of Milk , . . .25 10 dozen Clothespins . . . .10 3 cans No. 1 Molasses ....23 25-oz. can Baking Powder 15 4-gaIIon keg Sour Pickles. .$1 1 quart of Sweet Pickles. .204 3 packages Jell-O... 25 4 quarts of Cranberries. . .25 Seeded Raisins, per pkg...5 25-lb. sack Farina ,.80 3 Cans of. Country Club,-Western or Pioneer Milk for...;...25 King-sbury Jams .... . . . . . . . .15 5 lbs. Broken Macaroni.;.,.. 250 30 POUNDS OF RICE 7. ;. ............ ... . . .$1.00 3 LOAVES OF BREAD .;. T7 104 15 POUNDS OF CUBE SUGAR FOR ........ ?1.00 &CANS t)F, SARDINES FOR . .254 free Basket With Every $2 Order Taken Home No Sugsr. Vegetables 3 Bunches of Radishes ' ..... .S 3 Bunches of Onions ...... 10 lbs. of Onions 25 Rhubarb. 3 pounds for .10 Oregon Asparagus, 4 bunches 250 Cauliflower, each .......100 Hot House Lettuce, A for . .100 Oregon Head Lettuce, 2 for. ...50 Fancy Celery, each ., ...... .100 Golden Grain Granules, pekg. 200 Midget Sweet Pickles, per pt 250 Butter Department Fancy Creamery Butter Per roll 704 Oleomargarine, per. roll. .404 Norway Creamery, roll. .754 5 Ibr Pall Lard 85c Tiie :.ffllte Pito ie Harriet Second and Morrison Sts 5 lb. Cora pound 65c Strictly Fresh Oregon Ranch Eggs2 0LE0MARGERL1E 645c BUTTER OPPY " t ' , IAYFLOWER TOc; BUTTER Dozen CHEESE : 75c BUTTER CASCADE ' s ' ' JEFFERSON C v- Swift's Jersey . 4. 500 TUlamook ....,...;;.....2K0 op . on,, J Of trlwl'l't' . Swift's Lincoln J'..',;.450 ' Wis. Cream Brick. ...... .250 up CTDARBROOir ' CORVALLIS4 ' Swift's Premium,. : J.. 600 ;; Wu VALLEY CREAMERY 'WOODLAND' Marigold . . 600 - Primost .1 ...'...;.Uv..i.2O0 , Tun suaajroB or trrnai amm vstuxozulxs zv tn citt . tom txm nxca ajn . QiraxxTT T . THREE LOAVES OF FRESH TTTT ?iVTT!ri''TrT TT TIS. T r"' The Bread and THREE LOAVES OP FRESH BREAD FQR 100 Butter "C lVfon 'v BREAD FOR 100 Mrs. Yale's Dorne Hade Preserves n juogsnDczncs ....... .-t Raspberries. .. " - iSSfe;:: 2for35c Loganberries. J ,' : Pint Raspberries, 2 for. . ; Pint Loganberries, 2 for. Asparagus, quart ....... Pin t Gooseberries ...... - These Fruits are of the '; quality and are put up Jtaie personally., we them absolutely perfect . uuin uiu - ncaies. . . . . . Pint Picililli v Pint Mixed Pickles , . . . 'x Dickinson's ' Jelly,' each.. ...V.S50 ...v50 .....250 .....200 ery best by Mrs. guarantee ....250 .....160 .....150 ..1..1O0 Fruit all put up in Economy Jsrs. Gal Black Repub. Cherries 3O0 y GaL' Royal Anns Cherries 8O0 Quart Raspberries .L.. .250 Quart Peaches ......i;......250 Quart Balckberries ..........250 Qaart Loganberries .......' Pint Raspberries. . . Pint Pint Pin Te-anberriea. Pint Preserves. 2 for.?... ...'.350. The Harry Wood 1 MUTTON has taken a sudden drop In price. Get in on these saTing prices: Legs,1 150 lb.; Stew, 0 lb.; Breast, 80 lb.; Whole Shoulder, 1O0 IK: Chops, 12U0 lb. ' -'' ' OUR PRICES ARE NOT THE LOWEST, BUT OURtJUALITY IS THE VERY HIGHEST. . . . ; HonJne- Beef - Stew . ..................... 80 A. t el s. J, dnouiaer ,.,f Better Cut ;..150 "Shoulder Chops ....150 , Leg Mutton 150 VEAL Shanks . . . 100 Stew . . .....................100 Breasts ... ......150 -Shoulder Roast .150 Better Cut .180 Whole Leg Veil ........ ;.1T0 Rump Roast Veal ....... 200 Veil Chops 2 lbs. 350- PORK Shoulder, whole.... lTf Shoulder Roast, end cut Shoulder Ro't, best 2O0 Loin Pork Chops 22V, t Pork Sauae Meat 15 Pickled Pork ......18e Fruit Department Plate Boil W Short Ribs Beef ............100 Pot Roait ' Best Pot Roast 12 V4 Prime Rib End Cut .........150 Prime Rib, best cut ....180 Rump Roast 120 Rump Roast, center 150 Head Pice , : 12V40 Hound Steak ...............150 Shoulder Steak ...12 Sirloin Steak ...150 Tenderloin Steak 180 Hearts .". 100 Small . Porterhouse. . 20 Hamburger 150 Lirer ...... ...... .IO Tripe ........;....1O0 Brains 150 Ha ms at 20c a lb. Dry Salt -r&rk.V.-. 200 Fancy Italian Prunes, 7 lbs. Fancy Dried Apples, 2 lbs..:..250 - Fsncy Dried Peaches, 3 lbs... 250 Fancy Dried Apricots,, lb,,,, ,150 Fancy Dried Pears, 3 lbs... ...250 Fancy Mixed Uuts,2 lbs..:... 850 English Walnuts, 2 lbs.. ,....250 l-!b. pkg. Seedless Raisins, ea. 50 4-lb. pkg.,Seeded Raisin.:... 250 Spitzenberg -Apples," dozen I. ..150 . ........ 230 Fancy Oranges; 'dozen ......200 Lemons, dozen ..100 3 lbs. Fsncy Black Figs..... 250 3 lbs. Fancy White Figs. ....250 Cocoanuts, 2 for ...........150 Spitzenberg Apples, box.. .f 2. 23 Gano Apples, per box. $2.25 Rhode Island Greens, box.. 8 3.00 Bananas, dozen.. .150, 200, 250 The Little Market on the Corner ; Mullon Is C3icap. Sec Us. ? Shoulder Pork ..... sJCllcr VMt lliiiifiiM Beef to Boil ............ Pot Roast LEO MUTTON....... Prime Rolled Roast ..... Rolled Beef MUTTON STEW SHOULDER MUTTON Veal Shoulder ..;.-..... Shoulder Ve1 Roast .... Rump Veal Shoulder Steak ....... Round Steak .150 .....200 80 .....100 .....15 ....180 .....150 ......60 ....1O0 ...120. .....150 ....18 ...12 .....150 5-lb. Tail Compound ., 10-lb. Pail Compound v Ground Bones. 7 lbs. for Fine for O.ickeni. Shoulder P. C ...... Leg Pork ' Lirer Hearts . Tripe . Brains . Pork Sausage Meat Dry Salt Pork Pickled Pork Sirloin Steak ..... Tenderloin Steak . S-Ib, Pail Lard .... C3 ........ . 8 l. 5 23 .20 .lSe 10 .tot .in .1S . 1 r, .1 - -I t- - A