THE Okh;G0N DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, ) APRIL 15. 1010. 1 IT POTATO Til LO ESI IKETJIT PRICE FOR T.W1Y YEARS HERE Purchases Are Easily Made in the Willamette Valley at 40c Per Hundred Pounds; Other Points Lower than Us. Discriminating railroad rates against the western - portion of - Oregon have ra.ud this section, to lose -the entire , Potato trade of Arlsona and 'Texas,' I I Potatoes are today being 1 reely- ef , fared by Colorado growers at 80o per hundred pound f. o. -to. cara and Colo rado haa a rate of 82a Into the south ' west."'-' , i . Because of the big crop in Idaho, potatoes-are being;. offered by the grow ers of that state around the same price ' as rulM In Colorado and at the present time Idaho lias a rate of 69o Into Arl - Bona and Texas. This will be reduced on May-ll. to 64c. -v -v'v - :. - " WesternOregon producera have a rate Of 76o into - Arizona and some parts of Texas, and therefore, are unable to compete with the other sections for. the luDer trade or tne soutnweat. -, Potatoes Down to eoo.' ' ' Market for potatoes is- down at coun try shipping points ' and In the Wil lamette valley buyers are able to pur- : cnase a oozen rimes as many cars as they can use at ,40o per hundred pounds and there Is a Ilkllbood that even this . low value will be reduced. ? , ; Potatoes , were nevef so freefcy of fered her as this time and' therefore, - the acala of torloea ls:- :reachlnr - the lowest mark Tor many years. - ' ' jj , Dealers place the blame for the pres ent glut and low prices upon -the grow ers, who, they : allege, held 1 back, their supplleo for, toe high prices last fall and-this spring, when the 'stock 'could have been : moved out; of .the way "at reasonaote values. ' , i WHEAT MARKET IS SH01BIGE0F WEMIIESSIIERE Walla Walla Sale of Club at 08 . Cents Track . Portland Has Effect Upon Local Condition 'Some Unbelievers, .v .' : i ' ' "i't--- , " Hothouse Lettuce la Hurt. Because of the excellent quality and '' heavy importation of .head lettuce from California, there Is only a limited de , mand for local, hothouse lettuce and the price has dropped to fl a box. , - 1 '"..'Fish Trains Arcuate.'' . Because two of the trains from Puget sound were several hours . late this morning, some of the fish trade -was compelled to go " with - curtailed sup piles. ' - There la plenty of salmon : offering; vrrom tne Sacramento river Dut because 'of the excellent demand from various points, the price .is held stationary:. :. V '.; i Egg" Are Down Again. . As recently forecasted In this report, . aggs are ' again lower on- Front street and while a small number of cases may be . moved as high as 25c a, dozen most'of the transactions are around 26c and thai market Is, not any too brisk even at that figure. Stoppage of stor age operations because of the high prfees caused accumulating supplies. t i .'" ' " " 'M' "" "t- ,' f . - t ' ' Dressed .Veal jls liowmvj il ' ' Further concession, la ."shown la the ' price of dressed veal along Front street andj sales are: generally being; made at tio m. puunu, huiiuuku onoe in awmia a fraction over this , value may be saueesed from unsuspecting buyers. JHogs are firm at unchanged prices. Chicken Market Is' Good. Chiearo prices remain stationery and for good, stock. 2Dc a pound Is still be- "Northwest, Crop Weather, '-. Portland and vicinity Warmer- thla afternoon, fair tonight, increasing cloud mess ana - cooler. ., Saturday; , easterly Winds. ... 4 " ' v - Oregon rFair tonlrht. Saturday fair except increasing cloudiness weBt por tion, wjth rain along the coast; cooler Interior weat portion, wanner east por tion. Easterly winds, v ..( -,.-. . .. Washington Fair tonight ezcent ruin along the coast; warmer east -portion. Saturday fair east, rain west portion; cooler . except near coast. Easterly winds. Increasing along the coast, - w: Idaho Fulr . tonlKfat ' and ; Saturday: cooler north, Warmer south portion- Sat urday, .. - ,-. , .,," r-y,.c'. . Recent' : sale " of : 4000 . bushels of wneat at walla walla on the basis 'of 880 a bushel track Portland Is taken by tne iraae nere 10 lnaicaie tnat someone is awzuliy scared , in the warden Cltv and not that the real situation calls for any sucn siasn in prices.-.- . - . While there Is pnly a nominal amount or ouatnesa orrermg here at the mo ment the trade is quoting club from! 88c 10 vuc a Dusnei, ana Diuesiem rrom 10 boo.' , 1 nis 10 nor tracK aeiivery. Oats market Is holding about stead at the -reoent decline In prices.- althou some Interests assert that the grain can be purchased at a reduction of 50c from rormer, values, , -. , . 9 ATJD A HALF PER 01 1 Fl ivrw LilTUn SEATTLE PRODUCE , PRICES FOR TODAY """-United Preaa Leased tMft.V r Seattle, April 15. Butter Washlno-. ton' creamery, firsts. 35c: ranch. . B8i: eastern creamery, 8082c: process, 29c; California, 80(32c. - - Gggs Local ranch.' 2ffl)J7o: Calffnr- nia, 26c; Oregon, 26 26c. - Cheese cream ; brick, lietihm Whul Swiss, 20 23o; block Swiss, 2le. lm- ortod wheel ' Swiss 80c; ;. Wisconsin ;oung Americas, . 1818Ko; Tillamook, Ke. . , . , - Onions Oregon . kiln dried 11. B : mf sack. . .... '', : - ... . Potatoes Fancy, rraded.- 218 Si IB ner tob; ' fancy, eastern Washington. $t4fc 16; White river, 210012; sweets. 'S3. 60 per cwt.j Early Rose, S20 per ton; Early Ohio. .$20.. lng obtained along 'the street. . are coming in siowiy at the same figure. dressed chickens from local through today and found a demand. export grades, 24.10; graham, fta. 81.71- ZE.0; rye, 26.76; bales. 23.16. 1 , -- . OaTB Spot delivery, new, urodncera price TrackNo. 1 White, 2T.6028; gray. $26.60g27. - . , - , . . uim w noie. f 1;, eracaea ssi Ton, HAT-i-Producera tirlc -Nau- ilmnltit WlMamette valley, fancy. 220021; ordi nary, 18; . eastern Oregon. 222023S mixed, 218.68; clover. No. 1. I16.B0H; wheat, 2117; cheat, 17P18; alfalfa, HI f9. - - . i ' mita and Terttatoa. - FRESH FRUITS Oranges: Kew na vels, a.uuif3.u dox; Dananas, oqfonQ lb.; lemons, 13.76 4.B0 box; araperruit, 2 4 ; pineapples. 654o; strawberries. Money Rates Harden and This ;y; Causes - Somewhat Lowe Prices Southern Pacific an . Exception With"! 1:4 Risel - New York. April. 1 5. Call, loans reached a new high level at 2 W Der ren today and there were several, transac tions around 3 per cent. - ...' a : Hardening money' ratea affected sen timent in the stock market today and while the closing shows almost enual division between gains and . losses , the general tenaency or toe trad ; was to wn r a me Dear awe,--t ... ., -,.... ,-. -Trading during the day' was curtailed the higher money, rates acting as a dam- ier. . At noan tne transactions reached 94.900 shares and &t 2 o'clock 412.800 snares.... ,.. - .'... t i...-, , .;. v ; : Notwithstanding the sentiment to de press security- prices, Southern Pacific was' extremely Dullish and closed -1 points above, the . .close of ' yesterday. although this feeling was foreign ' to the ' trading - in Union Pacific, which snowea a ic closet 4 '...- -Range of New York; prices furnished oy overoecK & cooke Co.: Description Amal. Copper Co. a Tots of . H ' point at today's Ducks 2.2&2.60 crate. FRO JIT , SI'KJEKt QUOTATION. ' Xooa Wool aad Xldea. HOPS 109,- choicev laiJo; prime, . 40c; memum, ic, x, SHBEPSKIN8 Pheart ng. 1 0 2f each; short wool, - , 26O60e; medium wool 60c 21 aaenj long wool. 76oO tl.ta each. . WOOL Nominal. 1210, - Willamette valley, 20 21c; eastern Oregon, 1(9 TAIXOWPri'me. Bar lb, Oio; Na ; 1 anil rrease. tAIUo. ' HIDES Dry hides. - lH17o lb.; green,' 7H9Ho lb.; bulls, green salt, to Jb.y kips, IO 10oi ' calves green, latrueo per id. . . CHITTIM BARKH02 Nominal 4 H cj&c . . MOHAIR 1910, 27o. ' r . - . Batter, Sgg an cultrr. XX3CHS IiOcaL candled, . select. , 15 O ttl 1 , M ... ., ': BUTTFR FA4 -Delivery t. a h. Port land Sweet cream. lie: sour, lie. BUTTER -Extra creamery, . - 28c; rancy, ic; store, aio, .uaiiiornia ex. and are selling! POTATOES Selling, new, GO 65c; A few cases of 1 buying, eastern Multnomah and Clacka ocal points, came mas. 45c; Willamette valley, 40c. . I WWW, .VIM. sack: cabbage. turnloa. 'TOO Am. Car & Fd., c .,. 00. pio. . . . Am. Cotton OU. o AID.' JUOCO., O, . Am. Surar. c Am. Smelt, c ,. ao pra. . ..) Anaconda M. Co. Am. woolen, c. Atchison, 0. do, rf d." Bait. & -Ohio,; a , do' nfd.' rii.i Brook. Rapid TV Canadian Pac, , c. cent i.eatner, . c "-aor pro. ' -,im Chi.. Mil. & St P. cm. St. n. w.., c C. & o.... Colo. F. & I, C , Colo. South., , c : do 2d pfd. ... do lst pfd Corn Products, . . do tof d j '.'. i Del. & Hud..... D. & R. 04 c. dO' Dfd ..... . do zapia;.., do 1st pfd-.v. O. North., pfd . . Illinois Central.. ; 00 praj.iij. Manhat. Ry. . ,. . - ao pia Distillers ure lianas . . u Missouri Pa-. . .i, Kat": Lead Nj-Ys- Ceav 4 Nor. '4 WesW pfd. North Am.. . . North, Pa 0. . Pen a. Ry.-. . . ; . i p. a, u & c co. f res. b. w c... do pra ,. Reading, o.. .... 'do 2d pfd...... - Ao 1st nfd..... dO pfd. i '. . Rock la;- c...-k no Din . St L. & S. F. I p Open High Low Bid 7 48 U 1140 140 22 68 161 29 Tee: oeets, tuwidc: earrets. tootbo; per I do. 1st pfd. . .. ii.K6M3per. cwt.;, to- St L. & 8, W c. matoes, Mexlcaa. 22.60; Florida, 24J6 .ou cri.; oeans, uiifnciD.; cauiiriower. 8wcii ooa; horseradish, 10c; green on- lions ;445o aoii peppers, be'l, 35o lb.; head lettuce, 40S0c; dox.; hothouse. UV. UJ.U. S.-P., 0. " do. -Tfd. Texas & Pacific. do. nfd. U ... X .. c . . . dO, Pfd. . U. 8. Steel, C co. pro. .Wabash, o j , SUGAR Cube. 25.6B: Dowaered. 22.21: .Ua1"-.,! r. fruit .or. herrv. 28.25: ' dry xnui I vy esungnouse- . 21 per Itox: radishes. 35 (S 40c tier dozen bunches; celery, J4 crate; egg plant, 16o id.; sweei poiaioes,; sprouts, stf 8c; J cucumbers. 22.00 dosen: asDaraaua a no- -. .-. ' . :.:.; ' uxNiuwH jooDinr no. 1, 11.coo1.c5 per cwif no. j, ouying, Na tr ai.zo; garuc ivirriio rtmr 10. APPLE8-I1.5O03.OO. . Oroeeslea. STrnta. irta. .2&: dry 26.26; conf. A, $6.06; ' extra B. POULTRY Mixed chickens; li 'ItLL,.. fa now fienil 1 1 XL A) SOa nAr Mlmr : stags, lo; old. 12c; oroilers, 28(9 20o; rreyers auc; . geese, uqflZo for -live. 1415c for dreaaod: ducks. Bc; turaeys, alive, axe: a res sea, 370 - 28c; pigeons, squabs, 22-50!. 00 dozen; areesed cnicxens, 10 10 ao a pouna mgo r than alive. " . CHEESf-New , Oregon - fancy " full .cream, 19 (ffic;, triplets and daisies, ,1920c; Young America, 20iO20c; California flats, 13c; Wisconsin, , old, . Q rata, rioar aad -Xav.) BARLBT. 1-rodJcers" Price llOt . Feed, 230; rolled. 133: brewing. 2.i. WHKAT Nominal Track.' club. fSfi 90c; blueetem, 23096c; Willamette . vaiiey, foe. - - - '.- - MIIXSTUFFS Selling rtce Si-aa, ',324; middlings, 331.50; shorts,, $25; Chon," 21928; alfalfa meaL HI per ton. ILUUH ixew cron. patents, is.ts; " Straight 34.T05.o: bakers, 25.65e6.7a; granulated. L 11. f olden Q, 25.65; D yellow. 35.66; beet, 8.06; barrels, 16c; half barrels, 20c; eoxes, see aavance on aaoa oasia . (Above quotations are so days net ltIt!K ImDerlal i loan " Nflu ' L iUin No, t, 6c; New Orleans head. Ofg' vreoie, ttte.' - . ,. 3i ' SALT Coarse Half ground, : 100a per ton: tos. iizto taaie aairy, extra fine barrels. 2s, 6s'ano 70s, ., I General Electric. tieet sugar . . . irtah- copper ; Third Avenue Ice Securities . . Cona Gas ...... Bauway tspgs do pfd . ... Vlr. Chemical 'do nfd .... C. C Southern no riu . . , , . 4 Wheeling i L. E, ton. Rnnrkv : Investments Timber Lands fucGrath&fieuhausenCo. IC 1-2-3-4-5 LEWIS EUILDIKG," . PORTLAND, OREGON (2 6.50; lump rock, 320.60 per HONKy New. 12Ho Der !U brans sman wmte, id.ts: large rhlte. 24.75: .Dink. 25.76: bayou. 24.25: unias, 19.39, reu. b.u .- - Kuta. vin ana SMtiiMaa. " DRESSED MEATS rTont f street hoga lancy. 13o: ordinary. 12c: veala extra, lie; Ordinary. 1010c; spring liimns, iMwioc; yearjwg jamos, itc; mutton, - 6 ioc, - :. . , III MJ ' DA iXT - lrW . 17.M.. II. J 1 1.1 .1. 1 V . VJ . i .uu. . breakfast - bacon. 2028c; . boiled ham, 272n; picnics, 16 c;-cottage roll.. ( ); regular short clears, smoked, 18 c: backs., smoked. 18 e; pickled tongues, 40c lb. - steam rendered, ne, ieo per IO.; com. pound, as. izsto per id. . TURPENTINE In cases. 73c;. ear- rels, Sc per gallon. ' - OTSTERS Shoal water Mr. per traV Ion. 32.25: per 100 lb. sack. 36; Oiympia per srallon. 22.76: per 00 In. eaeK. 27 O 7.60; canned eastern. Me can. 0.60 doa; iSKtern in eneii. tl.ta per lee. . VTKTl Nomina k Roctr 400. 1 lee! floundera Cc: halibut, 7c; stlined bass. IKc: catfish. 10c: rrosen aalmon. steeinesd, c; , rresn cninooa, ic; soles. To: . - shrimps, . It c; perch. 7e; tomcoo tc per id,; lobsters, 36c; per 10.; nevring. e per .uki craw fish. doa.; sturgeon, ( per IK-black bass. Xe id.; Columbia smelts, 31. 56 rer box: silver amelts, Tc lb.: black cod.-e per lb.; crabs, 21.26 OLt( per o- -en. CLAMS Hardanen. per Do. 32Jt: raxor clams. It hoi. - V-elata. oeai on. me. BSTNZTNK ' ovgi-eea, caiea. lte NT geL: Iron bbla lle per gaL UHiKKU OIL, itaw, cbla.. 17e: rases. 21-02; bolied, bbls.. c; caaea, 31.04; per gallon lota ef 260 galley, la leeaj ell cake rreal (none In market). . R'iFE Manila, 3c; aiaaL fVae. . WHITE LEAD Ton lota. Ta Mr lb.: 60 lb. kta, 8 par la.; lees lota 3Hc per lb. . CQAl, Oll-rean. astral and star, lte per gaiica: eocene, lie ration; ataJna. So ealtoti; beadiiant, HSI gaitoa; ex tra star, lie gallon; Water wnlte. lla time per rxiiou: special aatar whl.e. lac g iinn, GASOLINE Rel rrewn are rr. . UO.'ic ral'oo: 14 rasaline, I90I7W am ao, , a, at ... . I . . 4 76$ I ... Allls-Chalmers dO pfd . ; i . Anerfcau Can . . do pfd .... . Alton. G. W, pfd Call money closed at 3 8 SL -Louis & San -Francisco ferred, ex. dlv. 1 per cent. unuea Biaiea K 3 per cent,-. Total sales, 525.000 shares. 78 t- 42 SS8 48 U 129 140 22 67 161 43 44 42 82 9 70 T26 21 69K -70 S3U. ii Ja a 37 186 111 83 i, 60 57 168 103 80' (?4 22 128 44 88 23 DO 8 48 .7 28 144 JSI 78" 64 117 88 52 84 ' 108 40 88 114 102 112 91 HOGS FIVE CENTS i mil LI Sale of Top Stuff : is Made at ;; SIIO-Absence bf Call for Sheep Sends Supplies , to OUtslde Markets. rn in vAnno. JlfCII 111 HIIUO SHEEPDWID PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. f . .. Hoga . wattle., uneen. rtiuajr .,,.,,., Thursday i .......... AVedneeday .,., 17 Tuesday ........ 188 Monday .,...,. 701 Saturday . 8 Week ago 125 156 ,,282 120 27 (04 253 272 (312 74 . a ; 25 .. I. WHEAT OVERSOLD: JULY- CLOSE n RISE ' C ! Pressure Continues In the May ,;C Delivery at Chicago' and It :U Drops Fraction Liverpbb aiso nows a loss. ;, , 1 Portland Union Stockyards, April 15. jtiogs- are selling tc tower in tne yards, and there are Indications that the mar ket is about to show more severe losses. One lot of hogs that . averaged 235 pounds went at $11.20, as compared with 311.Z6 aa tne previous nign mark. Lower prices in the east are havlnr their effect upon coast quotations, and With Increased runs east of the Rockies, It Is expected that further declines will be noted there. Aa local prices are di rectly affected by the attitude of the eastern markets, the trade here antici pates, a general reduction in values as soon as the real spring run is under way. -'.' -..' : r ;'' .,.' Six loads of Cattle belonging to John Henry of Seattle were offering In, the yards today, but this was the eitent-of the run -ln--that"Mne;-"" The cattle were destined tor the Puget sound, city, toot were held over here because of the local shortage... -'' ,....',;.:. ...J..J t Two loads of California sheen' were In the yards, but If these meet the aame laiQ ds nioeut arrival, ui iucbi biuil, they will be shipped out again. ' This market . has . refused to , take sheep re cently, and - therefore chlpmenta are h1n. mad. tA other nnints. j , - Kdward F. Swift of Swift A Co. of Chicago was in the yards today on business.- The firm controls r the Union stockyard, here and the Union Meat company, and' is Bald to be planning a number, of changes. '.Mr: Swift refused to talk for publication this, morning. , - Among the Salppera. B. S. Walker waa In with six loads of cattle from- Baker City. , e . H. J. tiougn naa two joaos or sneep and lambs in the yards .today. . Came from Marysvllle, Cal. ,y.": .t Today's - run of livestock ,' compares With this day la recent years as follows: : . .. Hogs. :-. Cattle.-Bheeo. 1310' '' -f . . i) ..K-ISS .. , j..,t 263 I 1909 ,!.,........., .; B,i'fe: 195 . 1908 . . mm 51 19071; V,... '105 190 ..t, ...... 28 1905 25, 142 45 "VX 70 v; 105 800 A. year aa-o today - there waa - a firm tone in all lines of livestock with no cjiange in pneev--4 -v.:.,:,-.s..'.,t;;! : 1. Tarta Representative Fnos. ; Followinr are representative of latest transactions in the - yards and indicate demand, supplies and quality; offeHng! -- .;ifl,.i"S-;.- '.i.l ttWB, ; sfs 'i'?o!!u 'K' , ;J-y:. Ava lbs. Prlse. 7t r, '. 'e 286 -v'lll.BO V SHEEP. eri - A W-. ; ; ' , - . STEERS. . .i..,fl060:,; Chicago, April -IS.-i-Wheat' options had an oversold appearance today and after a lower opening the close was higher than yesterday with ' the excentlon of r Wlille Armour and other' hear opera tors continued tto sen tne May today. short covering appeared In the July and September after the lower start and tbeso options closed c to c a bushel niR-ner tnan yesterday, respectively.. There was. a weaker feeling abroad and. after ODenlna Va to An lower. Liverpool dosed. ; d to d under, yes- leraay.-'v' Cash wbeat Salesf No. 2 red, 1.10 -l.ll; .No. red, 31.07 O1.10: No. 1 hard winter. 21.09 01. XI ; No. 3 hard winter, 51.0501.09 NO. I spring, 11.05 ' Range of Chicago prices furnished by uverDecic at uoone co. ' ' "i.'-i1'-. iiS..WHEATi'i'V;:r,''f.''V"; May July Pt.' May- July . Sept. 4 Mar July Sept. ' 108 109 , 102 102 .100 100 68. 68 !";, 81 , 81 " 2 ' 02 40 88 May. ... .i. . July . .... Sept. May July Sept ..... May July Sept. . . 4- : 108' 109 102 -103 100 4 101 . CORN-. 68 , - 1 2 OATS. 48 t 42 :.i42 .',89 28 , S3. - PORK. 2200, 2225 2230 1 2250 2225 ' 2240 LARD. 1275 1282 1247 - 1260 1243 i 1262 RIBS. -1280-1272 1252 1240 "1260 1232 1232 ' 1242 1227 '2197 2217. 3210 "1273 1245 1240 2197 A 2220 A 2212 A 1272 : , 1245, A 1240 - 1262 1237 A . 1227 - PRICE OF PRODUCE AT SAN FRANCISCO .............v. vi . ,1480 fc-rf 0 4 . ... . . ... i -.. ........... COWS.'.t 18.75 18.00 890 15.60 Sao aT 'i.e. !.-. ..' ar A jv BULLS, -. :- .';,. .--. - 1200 . 24.25 ' Today's range of livestock prices: catt!j west ' steers, -. 7.oo; 188 42 per cent first pre- ubber, pfd, ex. Alt. rood steers,- .76; -common- eteera. . 16.00 cows, best, 28.00; fancy, 86.75; -stags, a.Buwa.ou;. duiib,- i.ou w.6ii. . HOGS Best east of the mduntalna, $li:20; fancy. tH.00 11.15; , stock era, ana iMoera, - .dv. - -i .! ., -' SHEEP Sheared,- best weathera 86s ordinary wethers,, 5.60 5.76; t spring lamoa,- tv.vv. . -. CALVES Best 27.00; ordinary,' 88.00; common, fe.vugpt.ov. . J: , NORTHWEST BANK STATEME3TT . . - . 'Portland ataaka. )1.644,48.22 1.970,541.98 Clearin " tod ay Year ago LOSS tOdajr. ........... ,. '425,593.68 Balancea A .............. 1197,042.65 Year ago . ..,tv....,..,...i 225,802.76 i . -, . .. ff.;v ..... 1 ; Bsati Saaka, Clearings today ..wJ.. 22,001,124 00 Miances today- . . . . h. . . .. . t. 455,025.00 - Taooma Banks. . ,'t.-' Cleaiinga teday;i..,,.J. 722,815.00 Balances , today ... ...... , 33 1,413.00 JTEW tork cotton market . New Tork, April i 5. !ottonf .Vi ' J ' ' .-- Open. .Hlrh. Iav. 'CftuiL' January ....1228 i 1228 .' 1228., 1229 April .1489 51489 1489- 1497ft99 May v. ...... 1475 1489- 1474 - 14R5 iff 84 June .......1458 1468 . 1458 1457058 July (,.,....1439 1469 1487 1469 August ..,..1247 1388 ' 1S87 s 18Ii8 September ..1285 ,1290 1286 129395 October ... .1241 1249 1238 124849 November... v 1222934 December ...1222 f 1222 1221 1221231 Journal Want Ada bring results. ' ' (United Press Leaaed Wlre-t Sftn 1 Francisco, April 16, -Wheat Australia. 21.87 (Jj)1j92 ; Bonora, 2l.82i'(f.92t: good to choice Califor nia club, - 21.67 (fH 1.72 i -northern wheats biuestem. 21.75 1. 80; J club, 8 1. 6 7 1 .7 o ; Tu rkey. 2 l.r? 0 1. 7 3 ; Rustlan red. 21.6601.67. Barley Feed, good to choice,' 81.170 1.20: fancy; 31.2f? poor to fair, -$1.10 e1.16; brewing and. Shipping, $160 1.27 i ehevailer, nominal, j -Eggs.i per-dosen California fresh In. eluding cases, extras, 26c; firsts, -26c aaconda . 24e: 'thirdsTZIe. ' , .. . Butter, pound California, fresh, extras. ,.' 26 c; firsts, ; 26e; seconds. 25 c; packing stock No. 1. 24c. - New cheese., per pound New Califor nia flats, fancy, 14c; firsts. 13c; sec onds,,, J 8 c: gauiornia xoimg America,, fancy. 16 c: firsts. 15c;. Oregon. 19c: do XoUng America, 20c; storage New York Cheddars, rancy, zuc; oo singles, 20c;; Wisconsin Singles.- fancy, 19c; Ore gon.' raccy, ie. .. i. - Potatoes1, per cental River whites, 60 275c: extra. 7590c: Lompocs. 21.400 1.60;. new, ner pound,' 2ffl4c; aweeta. in crates, fancy. 22.25 & 2.60. r : Onions; v per cental Oregon, $1.60 '" Oranges, per "box New navels, choice, 21,7642.00: fancy. 32.26i92.76: new tan gerines, f'Wi.ou. -. . , WOMAN LOSES DAMAGE CASE AGAINST S. P. & S. '(Special DHiMtch t Tba Joaraal.) . - Vancouver, Wash April 15. The case of Ella ad Eliza Fields, a joint action for damages the sum of $12,000 against, the 8. P. & S. Co., waa decided in; superior court yesterday, by, a Jury in favor -of the defendant v The plain- tlrf s, - who reside, at Central la, alleged that ther were In a hack near the depot at Carson- and through the failure Of an approaching 8." P'eV 8. train.-to whistle for the station the train came In sight without warning and the team, became frightened and the hack was overturned, injuring the plaintiff a ln the- sum named. The case occupied two days. STATE GRANGES TO HOLD A CONVENTION . '(Special DUpttea ta Tha Jouraal.ii .Oregon City, April 16. The varfout granges of this cdunty are 'preparing to give royal reception to the delegates to the state grange. Patrons of Hus bandry, which will be held in the court house here on May 10, It Is expected that 600 delegates will be present at. the convention, . Nearly all of tha first day of the gathering will be devoted to re ceiving the guests; and In , the evening an address of welcome will be delivered by Mayor Carll. The following day, un der the leadership of State 1 Lecturer Johnson, a lecturer's conference will be held to discuss the educational work of the order.'. Matters pertaining to good roads,; the ' Initiative and referendum, postal savings banks and Other current questions will be discussed during the, course of the convention. At tbls gath ering officers will be elected; for the coming two years. . . COUNTY CLERK ISSUES nSHER ll.L rj EXPECT fSoeclal Dtamteb to The JearAaLt Oregon,. City,' April 15. County Clerk F. W. Greenman has Just finished his semi-annual report of the financial con dition of Clackamas, which shows the county's standing on March 81, . 1910, Following are 'the, f lgures:i... 4',v-.'-' Xilabllltlea. . To :generai fund warrants urer. outstandtna- and un paid . . . .............. .....$ 2.284.28 Road warrants outstandina and unpaid 180.680.88 Estimated Interest Y4 . . . .. . . . : . 7,000.00 Total liabilities '. . $140,015.11 v; :'(?,';-Vf. Keaonroes. '.'',' By' funds' In- hands of treaa-';-. nrer, appiicaDie to tne pay- ment of general fund war- ; " : " rants . 2 I2.525.S6 Funds in hands of treasurer . , 6 , applicable i to the , payment ? of road warrants . . . . . v. .5 4,792.15 Total Indebtedness , ..'.$140,015.16 RUIT INSPECTOR ; - BURNS 400 TREES '....r'":' v '': . . : i ; - . ... r.. ' s ''. (Special Diipateh to The Journal.) " . Oregon City; April 15, County Fruit Inspector. Lewis burned - 400 - Infected frees belonging to Richard Simms. The trees were not In the ground as yet, haying been ' received from the Oal- bralth Nurseries of Falrbury. Neb.- The total loss to Mr.. Simms was 230. The trees were badly infected with crown and root galls and hairy root . v v Inspector - Lewis . claims that there are fully 600Q acres of ihfected .or chards in this county and he proposes to clean some of them If the owners will not ,; sp ti!eiih;o;;;; - (Special Iihipatch to The Jmirnal.) Oregon City. April 16. Ttxluy Im t date on.' which tne flahormen wore to commence their work for tlia acnuon, but the new order of the state board of fish , commlaHlonera has closed the streams until May 1. In spite of tliln the .' fishermen - will in ill probability commence fishing at noon todny. -The Jaw of - this ' State closed the streams, from March 16 to April 15. From April 15 to-May I is the bent 15 days of the year,' and the local flah- .nn.n tfll,.: aV. lnlum.4(in the fish' commission from closing th streams .before the supreme court on.l Irt substance the court decided that the statute empowering' the. state boiir.i of fish ,commlB8loners to close' ; certain stream la valid, but It does ; not decide- thit tho order, and, notice, where by the .fish commission endeavored to close the stream or streams, Is valid or-that the notice and the service of the same waa proper or, valid. The fiaher men claim that the streams were never legally cloaed for the reason that there waa no legal notice or no. legal scrvlco of the same, as decided by statutes. The only way which 'this tiueation ; can be determined, they'.. claim, for the fishermen to flab and let the state pro ceed '. against them , by .Indictment, or, complaint and, the Question of the le gality of the notice and the service of the same will then be determined upon their trial.., '. v .?.,,'!. r ... , :v . : Sunday' SerVlces"6ntiUed.:(i.v:v - iflpwlal Pinvatch to Tba loaraaLt : ' -Vancouver, .Wash., April 15. Owing to unexpected! delays on repairs in the basement of the First Methodist church, the regular ,11' O'clock, service Sunday morning will be omitted. .The Sunday school will meet, however, the primary department . in its . own room and th main school at the offices of Superinten dent W.' H. HamtttoT;-r- opposite "tho church. The Epworth League will also meet there In the evening. - The Inter ruption will be for only ope Sunday. V ? Saea on Promissory Note. ' ' vVancouvef, Wash., April 16,-rA suit to recover payment on a promissory note yas ' filed in , the superior court yes terday by 'W. R. , Boyarth against I R. , Cantonwine. . Boyarth alleges that for the -purpose of securing a loan for tha defendant the plaintiff gave his prom issory note to the Citizens National bank for $100, and the defendant falling to pay, the plaintiff ' war obliged to make '. good the amount ' ; ' - - . . Iter. Eck TaIktto Students. Vancouver, Wash... April 16. Rev. W. Eck. gave an interesting 40 minute talk at the assembly hall of the, Van couver, high., school yesterday to the students , of the: school. He described conditions i In , ; the , southern - states, ' whence lie J recently returned 'from a visit I He r dwelt ; at - some . length on woman '.suffrage, which la , paraniount in these states. The talk waa one of ,"V series arranged by tbe faculty of the' school, i fi: Wlngfield SeJIs Fannv..r v "'Cltpaclal DUpatek U Tha joornatl ' . Oregon - City, April 1 5. The Wing- field farm at Ruasellyille was sold by its ownerf George t'W. Wtngfleld- to A. a Mllliron of Sandy. Mr. Wlngfield haa resided at Russellvllle for a num ber of years, and Is well known through the Molalla country. The farm- consists of 160 acres, and was sold for $6000. THE UNITED ST ATES ;NATl6NAt''BAM;;i;. PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital Surplus and Profits a a .'' $1,000,000.00 725,000.00 i a a a a a e-afe '.! :; . OFFICERS ' ' ' J. C AINSWORTH, Prei . R. W. SCHMEER, Cashier. , R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President. A. M. .VTRIGHT, AMistant ashler. , - . " " iW. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD WITHOUT COST , TO RECIPIENTS t-aptLa, 12411'W Llvrrpool Wheat Jfarket, Urerpoot. April 11 Wbeet: Vr 7s S4 Ta 4 C trber 7a 4d ,u 4Sd z n , . , ii t -;er. , "g a t'z 1 - -e r . . V,- ,A lum ber m ens , National 13 an k CORKER FIFTH AND STARK STS PORTLAND, OREGON - this capital or tot LruBERaTExs katiokax. . CREASED ON AJPRH, ' 12. 1219, TO ' BANK Wii IN- $500,000 rvrf.alt April 12. lfl . DepeelU April 12. 1HI Jnereeae .... . $2.M.22i.2l 1.72(212 12 -"aa tt8T8.4IO.25 1 GEORGE-W; BATES CO. BANKERS Xenry Bwfldlwg Toarth aad Oak '. - 0treetfl " .- COMHERCIAL AND SAVINGS -' Braaehesi BSa WUllajna Ave. . ' 281 SasseU BtrMt BANKING Br MAIL- ACCOUNTS AND SOLICITED- TBOM CORPORATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS. -rir- Our 18 years ef Banking have made e many frienfls , j, i -who will gladly veuch -tor - our business Integrity ' i INTEREST; ON TIME AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS MANY - ; ' r. ; ; PROPERTY, OWNERS ' . : KNOW NOW Many will learn, that BITIILITE i - i more i real Pavement has stability, , more value, than any hard surface' ravc, ment laid. cr Oyerbeck 5: Cooke Co, Commission Merclur.i , Stocks, Bonds . Cotton, Crab, Ct 216-317 Eotrd cfTradaT-::: ; Kaaibers CTi Ira r T '' f " Corfayadar r. cf I Cttraaa, N !, i tTa ka r.. r ra r. r t - a - 4