The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 15, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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11 Fi
I. Contractors:, for Fire , Station
' ' Wanted That Amount for
. , ' Extras; Get $215.
; ' ,.T- -7", :.',. W
:, Tlie fir committee ;of . the city exec
utive board yesterday' afternoon refused
1 to allow a. clatnv.of $4SJ presented by
FrJbargr Bros., lor' flxlraa on., the 'new
engine station constructed' by them on
Montgomery street. ! The committee'
action was taken on the advice of Arch,
Iteot John Wilson, of the firm of Travl
Wilson, which "was engaged by the
city- to design the building;. : On the
recommendation of tho architect, how
ever, a claim-of 215 was allowed for
neceary extras, i This will bring-.the
coot of tlia new station to $14,700.
i The building will be ready for occu
pancy , within a few days, when -it will
be. recommended for acceptance by the
committee. . Chairman iO'Shea -of the
commmittee' complimented '.: the arch I
tecta and the contractors on the appear
ance of the new station.
" To KegTolata Xttploslvas.
: Deputy City Fire Marshal -W. R. Rob
erts appeared before, the committee to
asK its approval-or, an ordinance pre
pared by ''bim to '"regulate the' use -of
explosives used '. In : celebrations.. The
members of " the committee expressed
- f ' their favorable opinion of the proposed
, , j, ordinance, which will be submitted td
the city council at s its "next session,
The measure prohibits the general use
' j of dangerous firecrackers and other ex-
plosives. An exception Is made so' that
public displays can be given with the
, , consent of the fire And police chiefs.
l' ' The truant -offioer of school district
i 4 Tno, 1 "culled the attention of. the com.'
' mlttpsV t&I the ' fact r that. fireman
i named Porter Lootnla has been indicted
- . by the- grand Jury on a charge of eon-
, 1 trlbutlng to the delinquency of a yonng
i ' - f ' JPsnltsntlarjr Only " JPlaoa. y-
Tha penitentiary Is th-o only place
.fBE..ucli n men nn TmmlR If ., h Is
guiity, of tha, charges 'made,"" Said Com
t mlBsioner Sam Connell, "but- the com
' " ' mittee cannot consider the man, guilty
vntil the charges have been proven."
, ' - ,- In order to save the time and expense
of a' useless Investigation, tha commit-
' , . tea '-decided to await - the outcome of
, Ioomls' trial In the circuit court before
taking further action In his case. , ,
Twenty-seven captains 1 In the fire
' department -petitioned the - committee
for-an increase In salary! from $115 a
-month to $125. Tha petition was laid
on tha' table. "
: The; fire committee "will? visit ' the
Woodstock district today to : ascertain
the needs of the suburb with regard to
t Ire protection. The Woodstock Im
provement club has asked tha commit-
tea for soma fire ,hose. ; Tha request
will probably be granted,- j
v$-'-yy:.!tbpa Szsaadsd. fte ;
' An-extension of time to - end six
months from today was granted by the
committee to, the Home Telephone com
pany, .which has been ordered to connect
Its system at .the city hall fire depart
ment', headquarters ' with the outlying
fire stations. ,
j ' Chief Campbell was directed to "adver
tise for bids for new equipment which
the fire department .must purchase. For',
the present, : bids: will . be Invited on
three new steam engines and three com-
I blnation' chemicals. , The estimated cost
'""""I - 'i- .4 Vlak
Dr. X F. . Wood,! Condon's new may'
'or; : Dr.' Wood Is the first candl
date to beat the Bowerman ma
chine at Condon In eight years.
Condon is Bowerman s home town
Bowerman la a candidate, for gov
. ernor, - ' , - ,' , ',
Condon. Or., April 15. Dr. J. F. Wood,
the newly' elected mayor of Condon, 1s
well known lit Portland . where be wal
raised and educated., r He Is a graduate
of the University of Oregon medical de
partment ana . has .a large : local practice.-
He has been "a-, member . of .'the
council for the past two years and now
has 'the distinction of .being the first
man to- break through, the - Bowefman
machine , rule r in this - city, - for eight
years past. He is a Democrat but was
elected on a non-partisan ticket.
; Mrs. Belmont' Mast Jake 'Rest.
Kew York. Anrll .15. Mrs. jO. . P.
Belmont, who had planned to attend the
national Woman Suffrage v association
convention at Washington, has been com
pelled to changeVher plans on account
of her condition resulting from over-
work.-, ( She has closed her town house
and today is on her way to Hempstead
for her rest : Her change of plan was
made at the advice of her physician.
Kidney Troubles May Be Sapping
Your Life Away Portland
: People Have Learned
:This Fact. ;
- i nnltP Prets LeaMd Wlre.1 " ' '
, Walla "Walla Wsh., April 15. A hair
- pin, "a side comb and a dainty handker
chief marked I M. - B. aVe , the only
things left to remind Sergeant Cham-
berlaia of the, United States marine re-erultlng-
office here, of "John-t Hutch
' inson," a "young man" who almost en
;. ' listed yesterday. i- -i,.
"John" had reached that stage of the
examination where he was told , to strip,
i Thon the would-be recruit fled,' leaving
; - the. mentioned mementoes. ? ' It .was al
most dark when "Hutchinson", entered,
. and the sergeant thought the voice a
' remarkably dulcet One for a man. but
the candidate answered all -questions
satisfactorily until It came to the last
ordeal. , H 1
The woman ts thought to be the
; sweetheard of a boy who enlisted last
. week and was assigned to San Fran
, etsco.' , -
When' a healthy man or; woman: be
gins to run i down without apparent
cause, becomes weak, languid, depressed,
suffers backache, headache, dlszy spells
and -urlnary disorders, look to the JcIU
neys . for, the cause of it all. Keep, the
kidneys well .and they will, keep . you
well. 3 Doan's Kidney. Pills 4 cure- sick)
kidneys and keep, them well. ;, Here; Is
Portland testimony to prove It: , j;f ;;
; 4-..-..-'a'--.-i;-.:y .'..-M - -1 -'''. '-'' .
Mrs. J. W. Painter, 445 East Market
street, Portland. Oregon,, says: "I have
just as mach faith in Doan's Kidney
nils toaay , as wnen I puoucjy recom
mended them in 1903, after they had re
lieved me " of kidney trouble. A severe
spell of 'Sickness which I, had when
young left my1' kidneys in a disordered
condition, and as time passed I suffered
from frequent attacks of headache. The
pain was sometimes almost unbearable,
and I was unable to assume any oositlon
that was comfortable. . Headaches and
dlzev SDellsl were of f reouent occurrence.
and-It was often quite an effort for mo
to get about. The various remedies.
used oroved of little avail, and when
Doan's Kianey ruis were Drongni to my
attention. I nrooured a box at the Laue-
Davis' Drug Co. -The--results of -their
use were aratlfylng. and I do not heel
tate to recommend them-to others af
flicted In a similar manner,
Tor sale 'by all dealers. Price BO
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New
York, sole agents ror the united states.
Remember the - name Doan s and
take' no other. ; .".'
7142 Second St.; Oet. Alder and Korrlsonr
,. ,' ,v - '-: - ', ' 1 ' ' -
, - . -- -. v. '
Leaders Say Outsiders Did It
Taft Has Doubts as to
Equaf Suffrage.'
' , (United Press Letied Wtr. ,
-Washington, Aprll.lS. Suffragists
and ' others Interested -,ln their move
ment agree that hissing President Taft
last night ' whpn he addressed the con-
it Ventlon of the National Woman Suffrage
association Is one of the worst setbacks
the' "cause"' has received, in many, a
day.. : !);..' .vj-.v . " . ,
- Dr. Anna Shaw, an.'offlcer of the as
sociation, declares' that the hissing was
done by outsiders and that the dele
gates took .no; part In lti ,' r ' n 1 ,
. At 1 any rate the " Incident, has opened
the convention unpleasantly and It Is
belns discussed .on all- aides, today, t
. -The mark of disfavor" . greeted the
president when ie declared that if suf
frage should be granted- it would be
exercised 1 by 1 the "least - desirable ele
ment," Taft declared that not all women
were Interested in, the movement and
not allxof them desired the ballot. ' -'
Then-the hissing started and it took
some minutes for the presiding officer,,
Mrs; Rachael Foster Avery,-to restore
order so that' the, address might con
tinue. - .' ' t ' .
Although :the bait was quieted and the
president finished : his address, the af
fair has left' an unfavorable Impression.
It la expected that the delegates them
selves will, take official- notice Of It
and that they will decry the occurrence.
' The , affair, however In spite of the
statement of Miss Bhaw and others con
nected "with the association, . that the
hissing, was done by outsiders, has
reacted against tho movement, and given
those who oppose1 the movement here a
chance for criticism, which, they have
been quick to seise upon. The mark
of disrespect to the chief executive is
the subject of more discussion than any
other feature - of the convention. ;
' r ' . '
.'. (sperltl Plapstcb to Tbe Joarml.) -
Moro,, Or., . April W. The third 'safe
In 10 days was blown in Sherman county
Wednesday night at Grass Valley. The
safe ' belonged to , the ', Cooperative
Brothers Mercantile company. The firm
had deposited considerable money that
day and the robbers got only 75. , The
shertif slept -at Grass Valley Wednes
day nlght whllo In search of the safe
blowers who operated at Kent -
- Madras Bars' Undesirables, , --
(Special Dixpateh to Tlie Journal.) - . , .
( Madras, Or.. April 15.-r-The recorder's
court ."got : busy" t today for - the first
tlmerslnce Incorporation, . when two- men
giving-the names f w.JH, Dowd and
Krank Jones, were fined f 10 for steal
ing and warned to be out of the city
by 10 a. m., tomorrow. s
i Madras has ; become the . rendesvous
for a tough gang of holdups during toe
past month, probably $300 or MOO hav
ing been lost by different persons dur
ing that time. Tbe city authorities In
tend' giving-all convictions severe sen
tences. . " , ' ' t n
H .',a ! ," ,' 1 1 ,.-U- ' ' 1
S. 'A. Humphrey, , Hecktor,' Mont. It
Is my belief mat weather . conditions
f ron year to - year can never be relied
on. For the two winter seasons previ
ous to this, last one : the, weather was
mild compared with. our usual cold and
everybody swore that -the season were
changing; that the cold countries were
getting warmer and tha warm ones
cdlder, .-but we got -back : Into r the old
track again last winter and we are hot
going to make any such remarks again.
It's Just whatever .lt ls that's. aH.-, :,-'
; Q.'K Sayler, Blacler. K. J. With l
due regard to your Oregon apples, I
am afraid that the principal' thing; you
have to offer-is -beauty which is only
skin deep In this-case. . It's the flavor
you want and I -find that our New
Kogla,nd apples are far better when 1
Dunies o. nmu j, wm aamit mat rot
looks' you have our' fruit beaten -badly.
$200,000,000; MAYBE
' Ann ' Arbor, , Mlch - April -15. Attor
ney I& It. Scrlbner, who is acting as the
legal : representative ' of Miss , Nellie
Chrlsman,, a laundress, states that the
young woman is heiress to an estate
worth ,r $200,000,000 , Jn.f Amerioi . and
Sweden.- ' According , to ; 8crlbner, : the
business 'Section of the city :cf - W11--
mington,- . Pel.,- - IB - built on grounds
leased by her ' greatgrandfather-, for a
periods of J9 years.- The; property, is
now. estimated to be worth $190,000,005.
Scrlbner,, claims that - certain .books
showing, the ' existence of these ; leases
have disappeared ; from the registrar's
office. He allot alio that tho origi
nal leases are held by relatives of the
young woman In New;Tork city who
refuse to surrender, them for less than
fioo.000,000.. - ', i t ..y:f; -
i Scrlbner, who - lives".' at Amesbury,
Mass., came ' to Ann Arbor t- r-if -with
Miss fhrtnmtin in i-unin-i'ti-ui v,
her claims to the alU-Ked eetaio
The fmecratla conaresnlonal com
mittee has about dMliied to etnl!i., ,
Its headquarters In Chicago during t!i
coming campaign.' : t . , .
t J.
' f.'
n. BhMuch building
is V under yjay . 'at -la-medaParhul:
carline to the center of
Then w prices ivi ; ad
vance. Better buy . no'iV
fil l ' ' . J f .'''. ,: . ,u , , -
til .'-V II. rmLn.:
Have extended their work
sfyopslnearly double and
art3 prepared totake care
of nearly two thousand
syits a month
, X ' ' t
Vc Want Your Business
We .Must Have Your Business
Y Mr. Joe Bloom, the buyer o
all our goods,' has just returned
"from New York. He is-the
shrewdest and tastiest buyer of'
Scotch Tweeds, ; Fancy Wor-
steds; goods used only by the a
leaclinghigh priced tailors of '
Iew Yorlc ".'
The Chief of the Tailorinf; Business
on the Pacific Coast. Holding; one
of the finest reputations in the t tail
oring business.
....... .,... t , j . (!-, .;. x ;. i,v i ; : ..V .r .. r.-'..' - ' . ... - ' -f.'y ' " r : -
',"?'. ' - . . f, 4 ' - - N - -
' ? .... . ', - -r- " "' t v 1 1 ' ; ' , ",'" l t , k' '
. , ki- ,-- 11 .'f.v i .
' ? - ' - -j I
. . . .., '. . -. .' , ... - j , ,. ... ., i ... . ..
Here Is What We
Will Do; What We
Have Done
Any Suit Made to Your Order
Tonight or Saturday for
Blue' Imported Goods, Black Imported . Goods, Scotch Tweeds, Imported x Goods, Fancy Worsted, all
v.; Domestic, and Imported-Goods.v Every, garment is guaranteed. ,. Our .word is our bond. If you are
''not satisfied, our motto is "Satisfy." ' ": l " , -.'.
D II? M -3'67: Mornson Street 1 ;
y I offOSiTB oxsa, wobtksji'
A Pair : I A Pair
Ti odea's Oxfords. Rctlj Ucas Shscs ssi Qassy
SJrsp Pcmps asi C!;Ii- Oxfords
Crift SIlOCS AH ceme in the new flytoe
la", black or' tan.' in tM. Vyl". 'Perforated win?
Spring, latest model., in t.pi. in bUck or Un, or
lakes' .tylish footwear. Ym, " bu"on -ty. ,Be,t lnd"d
i r . - make mcloded. such as W.
tare $1.00 to U00 on erery L Douglas Packard. John
pair. Call and ee tWe. Mitchell and C N. Deans.
Orpcsltc Ilr.nibnrccr's fIIIlncry Store
,i . . . -
-- -V
' ymoatmtls of Isttsv from tha rraia,at of fhs Star lsiUlsilaT Oompaay, Serrpps pvVlloatloa.
(Ta orlpps raaloa. pabUsa tas JaUy srvs la rortlana.) .
The Man That Is Always on
the Square.
xtWht wuxm loso
rrmr Arrsmvoov
J '
- -"---J '.-..-:::.-.-- , - Seattle, Washington, April 9, 1910
t To Whon It May Concern: .- . . ' ; .. v ,' .
I have had, aloost' continuous business relations. with. Mr, Joseph Blooa f or '
the past eight or nine years- In all our dealings Mr. Blooa has been ns fair
and square as any man could' possibly be. Moreover, Mr, Bloon is not a nan who,
to use a cocaon expresalon, is 'always looking-for the best of it.? I have
found hin always ready to give and take and to be.nore than fair In all ' .
his dealings.. ; ' ' ' , ' ' -
- I know that Mr. Bloon has, In this city, a large nuaber. of friends and'rell
wishers, of whoa I an glad to be one. Here,s luck tohia.
; , A . . : Respectfully, -
- ! -