The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 15, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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APRIL 15. 1910.
Former Resident of Portland
' Dies at Ripe Age at Long
: . V - Beach,1 Cat. '
.j. William Ptnn Wstson, on of Ors
iron's moKt promlmml cUiiena 20 year
airo. died at UriK Bjacn.-UW.. yasieraaj
from tha effects or ai operation which
he Unable la stand at Ms advanced
ase. Mr. Watson was M years of aga
and was prominent in politics and In
fair circles In this state. He was presi
dent of the state, fair board a number
of years. ; ' . - ; : -(.'
Mr. Wataon's xlealn is- the' first one
!n the' Watson family.. Although mar
Tied yars and the head of a family
of. I children, his ideath Is the first
lilt of aorrow that tils family has ever
had-. Besides bis wife, five children, 13
grandchildren and one.' great grand
child survive him.; He was a rflmarka
Wv hale and healthy- man all his life,
being fond of outdoor life. :;Y V
.'. Tp till four' years ag Mr. Watson re
Mt in Portland. He was born In
Illinois, coming; to Portland in 1847 with
hi. )f. t ..Here his family was raised.
Ills children were John Watson of the
Loewenbcrg a Going company, or rori
lalndr Mrs. E- W. Kowe ot Portland;
wx.nn. Matthew " Watson '. and
Mrs. R, R. Irwin iOf hong Beach, Cat
, Vancouver, i Wash., April 16.A,lyce has been organised at Van
couver and lecture; course will be
given each year In the future. - .This
yr-ths-talent wlU-be1 lebtalned-fpom
the H. IBritt Lyceum bureau of Lin
coln, Neb., and, will contain five num
bers. The lectures ;Wlll: begin In Octo
ber and-one lecture will be given each
month till completed, & V ..-.;
; The list will be as follows:
No. 1, Ernest X Bias, lecturer:, THo. 2.
Beas Gearheart Morrison, reader; ! No.
S.. Perry Carter, cartoonist; No. 4, Old
Town quartet; No. 6, Gilbert Eldrldge,
Impersonator. , . J 1 ' J
- The local committeemen are: W. F.
Hidden, T. H. Adams, R. H. Back.' E. M.
" Green, C. W. Hall. H. C Leiser. Judga
Miller, A. Burnham, Judge McMastej, C.
W. Shumway and Edgar M. Swan, ,. ,
tlarrjr Youns;, Portland agent for the
North Pacific Steamship company, re
ceived a telegram today from Charles
P. Doe, general fnanager of the com
pany In San Francisco, who said that
negotiations were ofor the purchase of
a steamer to 'take the place -of the
wrecked steamer Santa Clara on the
ForUand-Eiirek run. He did not give
the name of the. steamer, which he said
would be cut on the run In a few days.
Freight is i being received for Eureka,
which -,1s considered good evidence that
a new steamer wiH be put on In a few
, Champion" WaJkcr Not' Guilty,
E. G. Gardner of Curry county Is the
cha-Yipion . walker of Oregon. , ; Also-- he
knnwR 'how .; to - tret in light' With : the
stern vtsagcd, but kindly hearted. Judge
of the. United- States court. .. . '.."
" Some time ago Mr. Gardner' wAs in
dieted . for -having set : fire , to grovern
ment timber in . the California, forest
reserve, which runs over the border Into
Oregon. . Having been served with a no
tice of his Indictment Gardner walked
J 00 miles and presented himself before
the court this morning with a plea of
not guilt; He was released on his own
i-vcnirniaance and the date of his trial
was not-set by - the court. ,
April Term or Creuit Court.
Orecon City, April; J S. The April
term at the circuit court Will open Mon
day. and among the many cases coming
iin will be the following Jury , mains
Monday. Trine vsv Pratt; Tuesday, East-
ham vs. Tracey; Wednesday. Mini vs.
"Mallow! Thursday. Standard Wood
.rompany" vs. DeLaper- Friday. State vs.
Gregory; Saturday.. Block vs. v Bltzer. ,.,
" , ' 1 Floater Burled. - f , 1
: iffoedai Dlitcs to Tbe Jortmtl V
Oregon City, April 14. The, body
which was found floating In the river
near Milwaukle-a few days, ago, . was
buried yesterday afternoon In Mountain
view cemetery. No clue could be found
to the dead- man's Identity, as the re-L
mains were badly decomposed.', r- "
To Dc Rosy
i . iid Well
The right, kind of food '
lnot drugsis necessary. , ; '
, r The world-famous '. food,
; scientifically made of whole-,
wheat and barley,"; contains
the blood-making, . tissue
building elements of these
field grains, including the
natural phosphate of potash
(crown in the grains) which
nature, uses in making new
brain and nerve cells. ' .
, In the- manufacture of "
Crape-Nuts the starch of the
grains is predigested '
changed to a form of sugar
which rs . quickly absorbed
by the blood, and the user,
foon shows better color and
increased vigor of body .and -lrain.
.- . " : . ' :
A" few weeks' regular use
of Crape-Nuta will show'
anyone " .
There's a Rcssoa
Tct -r-i Cereal Co. Lt4,
rirtle Crt'V, '.;ch.
1 '
James R.Keene;(on.the left), the famou"iWall , street bear.'V'who la
- now the . central figure In the Investigation : being made "aa to the
, . , cause , of the recent wrecking of the flrm ot J. H. , Fiske : & Co.,
. throflgh the,-manipujatioj) of a Hocking 'Coal '.and Iron stock, pool.
4 MrKeene ls shown on his. way ' to the hearlng?wlth his counsel. He
m rnaintains ;that he' was not responsible ' for -. the crash , In . Hocking,
' t buttnat his brokers sold hs Hocking holdings! without his knowl
edge or consent. t - ' . . ' ' t ' . '
.-Nf. -.N yx4yv e-.y)a
Jim Rice," the . coach of the 'Colum
bla university crews, who 'has 1
; ready, gong far. toward making his
t men, winners by having both var
slty. and freshmen" oarsmen out
: twice a' ray during .. the jtoUdays:
. - This has Just come to aa end, but
the men. are la, fine fettle for -the
; . hard jtralnuigoL the. spring.. Rice
r sees "victory with the students and
v the students see ;v!ctory 'with him
aa coach:
f 'I
Those Who Hissed Speech Are,
by Negatiion, Repudiated
V -t' in Resolution: ;
. fCslta trim Vtmmi VTIra.1
Whlngla. r Aprjl -Ifc-AoW , le
ebeers. the convenUoa ef the National
Woman 8nffrsge asnoriation today
adopted unanlraoasly a resolution thank
lag President Taft fer ,tbe speech h
dollvervd Wore - the - delegates - last
BllThL ' Referrbc to the hlases with
which . a portion - of the pe-h in
grwted was omlttM from th resolution.
I ii mm saia ine aejegai win m no
lorasi nouce or tne incident, on tne
grousd that . Tlrftors la the hall, and
! Mrt In tba damnnstratioa u ainat thr
Tl roltillim drlir that th w
anen inter 1 to maka t hemiwtrea felt la
pollt Ira. They will take part in future
rampalgns. ao-omtog te tb plana ef the
ealf r ef the rrwentioa.
Tfce t-nral eleoUnn in Oerg!a
rr will be aid (KU-y-T . hn a
l't of ?ate ar.4 co.r'f offkiala
n ;r
Despondency and Chance to
Get Names In Paper Rea-.
'sons for Rash Deeds.' '
ftTnlted Pr Taaed Wbv.
Pittsburg, April IS. Two school girl
chums, Mildred Brown,. 13. - and. .Naomi
Haysllt. . J7, .lie. dead today, suicides.
The two girls were almost Inseparable.
They had a long- talk together and dis
cussed their troubles Mildred rown
killed herself because she could not keep
up in her studies. ' : .The Haysllt girl
ended her life 'because of a, 'love affair;
; M lldred Brown's body was discovered
by her aunt- The papers printed a. story
of her death and published her photo
graph. - Naomi l secured t a copy of the
paper and went' to her room.j Later her
sister heard her groan and went to the
room. The girl was dying. On her breast
was a note reading: "Put, my picture
In- the . papers, too." - '
,,.:Both - girls -ued carbolic acid.-' It ls
not believed there was a suicide pact. -
Charles Sued for Commission. -"
B. R. Charles.-who lost fSOOO through
the mysterious "A. a Carsen" from tho
safety deposit vault of the German-American
bank,' has been sued In the circuit
court by J ?.W. Wilson, who was a sales
man for stock In the . Electro-Thermal
Oarment Manufacturing; company.-, Wit
son says he was to receive ISO per month
and 60 per cent 'commission on all sales.
He sold $25,00A worth of stock to Ar
thur C. Strubling, he states, and , Is
entiUed to half the money. - Charles at
that1 time : owned thre-fourths of the
$50,000 capital stock of the company.
i: . - . ;. i. ."s,
An effort is being made to establish
ayV. M. C. A. in Klamath Falls.-
has countless! uses
;Look fat V. your tooth
bni5h;: look : at your hair-
Drusn, ana your sponger
uirougn a microscope.
You will send for more
Gold Dust in; a hurry.
GofcL Dust; not "onlv
cleans. . but it - sterilizes.
and you need a package
in . every bath-room as
much as vou do in every
kitchen, in every laundry
ana in fivery pantry.
Make-an inventory.
rdom by . room, of the
things Gold Dust will
do for you and you will
find 'many- new places
where you can "tet the
Gold Dust ' ' A
do your
work" '
Progressive City Sends; Off!
clals to Study Hard Surface '
V . Streets in Portland.
Mayor n. N. Rnell and Coulcllmen W.
F. Loomls, William Myer and J. C
Barnard of Ashland, Or.. . are in Port
land ' today inspecting the i different
kinds of paving- material used in th
city. Plans of the Ashland solons con
I template the paving of about four miles
of streets of that .city this year, and
the officials are anxious to select the
best on the market. -
"Ashland- Is growing ' rapidly." said
I Mayor SneU." "W are making It
home town and a tourist . town, and
health resort Many wealthy people are
going to - Ashland to live, and a num
ber are' building fine, homes.. Property
Is rising in value ..and many divis
ions are being. subdivided Our water
supply comes direct from the malted
snow, as does Portland's, and I do not
believe . there la . a better climate i in
the world.' Most encouraging to us is
the fact that many residents of south
era California are going- to Ashland to
live, preferring the climate.- .
"The school ' census , shows', that the
population i of Ashland has Increased
I to. 6800, and we. believe the' federal
census will show it is about 7000. Jv'ew
residents- are- arriving and farm -land
1 never sold more rapidly." . ''
.Mayor Snell was recently victorious In
i a recall election. r jn ' tne recau aiec-
! tion he had a Jarger plurality than when
originally elected. ,
Vancouver. Wash., April, 15. By com
ing to Vancouver to deliver a lecture.
Homer Davenport, noted cartoonist anJ
lecturer,.,- will t figure- -as a "witness ln
the ease of the' Northern Pacific-Rail
road company vs. Mrs. Mabel Johnson,
i alias ' Haxel : Peterson.) which - will be
called ; for. trial in the superior court
at Vancouver on -April 86.! Mr. Daven
port came to Vancouver 'to deliver a
i lecture, .and was yesterday subpoenaed
in the case.'. He Is alleged to have been
a paaaenger on a train -with Mrs. -John
son, - between Portland and San ; Fran
Cisco, soon after she' had settled with
the company- for $1350, and v to have
overheard i certain remarks ' relative to
the case. . , .
., . . I ,
j n I " ' ' ' I i it "
Vancouver, Wash., -April -16.-0. 'IS.
Petit, who U ie alleged cashed- a check
for- his landlady and kept the money,
McMaster todays Mr. Parker keeps a
uuaroing nouse ior t, ino , juaas niver
Boom & Logelnc company near Felida,
and gave Petit a check for 1120 to bring
to Vancouver and cash for her. He was
to- -pay W? S: Milter $80 of this money
and she then loaned- Petit 'the balance.
and he was also Jto get his watch out of
pawn with this, money.: and return It
to her-for. Security, she' alleges. Not
hearing from the man, Mrs. Parker tele
phoned Miller; who told her he had not
been paid any. money. Mrs. Parker then
notified the police, . Officer Cresap ar
rested.the man in Portland and brought
him back ' to ..Vancouver. He says he
Intended to pay the bllL i , " '
i .. . -
iroiiar Has- :,y
uie rurcnas
tag Power
of One
"... ' 4
When You
Buy Your
Splendid array of . new
The garments are cut by experts in the fashion cenr
ter New York: They are; consistently perfect and
distinctive in style. ' .:-.'','.,. 1
f REMEMBER,, you are not paying: for high rent.
and elaborate fixtures when
JNly ottice rent is one-eigntn 01 ine rem or a aown
town store, which enables me. to sell HIGH GRADE
MEN'S SUITS on a 15 per cent profit basis. ;
. I am strong now on plain and fancy blues, grays
and mixtures. Come early,
Men's ncndTallored 1
All Wool Suits
Cost, you $35.00 to
. -$40.00-1 xn the
street. :
IPrlcc 018.75
Knew Sample Suii Shop
315 Oregoman Bldg. Jimrrae Dunn, Manager.
W- Biueflelds, Nicaragua. April 15.
(By Wireless - te - Colon.)-
Dghtlng between , the Estrada
and Madria factions of the gov
ernment of Nicaragua haa been;
resumed, following a long truce. '-An-engagement
ocourred yester
day between the armies some
.where on the road .between La
Magua and Acoyapa, according to
runners who reached here today.,'
Heavy losses are reported on
both aides aa a result of the en
gagement, The Madrls army re-.!
treated late In the day to Aco
yapa, where it Is resUng today.
Instant Relief
for Sore feet
Sore Feet, Tender Feet and Swollen
Feet Cured Every Time. TIZ Makes
,-Sore Feet .Well No-, Matter
' ''What Ails Them, 4 ,
Policemen all over the world use
I Z. .Policemen - stand on their :feet
all , day and know what sore, : tender,
sweaty, swollen feet really mean. They
use T I,Z because TIZ cures their feet
right, up. It keeps feet , in perfect oon-
ditionu.- Read: what this policeman-" has
to say: "1 was sarprtsad and delighted
wIca 9 X S for tender feat. X hardly
know how to tli auk you enough for H.
It's superior to powders or plasters. X
can keep say feet la perfect condition.
Baueve . in art earnest . gratitude - Sot
X a I tm a poUoemaa and keep on
my feet all day.'V-EmsT Karrell, Aus
tin, Texas. ,
Tou never, tried anything like T I m
before for your feet. It Is different
from anything 'ever before sold, v
T I Z is not a powder. ..Powders and
other , foot remedies clog up the pores.
I Z draws out all poisonous exuda
tions which bring on soreness of the
feet, and is .the only remedy that does.
I- Z cleans out every :, pore and glori
fies the feet your feet. .
Tou'll never Jimp : again., or- draw up
your ace, in iparn' and'" yeu'H forget j
about' yolir corns, bunions 'and cal
louses. You'll feel like a -new person.
1 T I Z Is for eale at all druggists at
2So per box,' or it will be sent you direct
If you wish, from Walter Luther Dodge
& Co., Dodge Bldg.; Chicago, 111. Kec
commend and sold by ; - ? v.-1' .-
The Owl Drug Stores
Corner Seventh' and Washington street,
The Store in the Air with
the Price on the Level.,
models arrived this week.
you buy clothes of me.
while the selection is good.
Sfyllsh Suits, All
In blues and grays, cost
you $25 to $30 on
the street.
rfrcc 014.75
';-- cml :
.; :.FSAM(0) 'EWflM':-
v: Buying 5a piano without .thoughtfully measuring and
;,i investigating its merits, without knowing to a certainty
'' ' - the character of its makers,' the materials used in its conw
i' structidn and its reputation for durability and permanent ,'
V usefulness, is an unwise and dangerous' experiments
v' v'-'Most. pianos look much alike, and to the' unskilled
buyer sound much the same. Differences in case design,
. v in prnamentation and general appearance have, unfortu
j nately, little bearing on the real quality of the instrument,'
and an "extravagartly-embellished case usually is a mark
-l indtffereiit.quahtyJj.l:-ji' v ' ' ""
. . . Always our aim has been
. the best possible pianos at
v.,- snouiu pay, giving a vaiuc xnat is as guoa as can oe naa
for the money expended in any city in the United States,
t and backing the" piano purchased with a guarantee that
' insures satisfaction for all time. ; AVe invite a most careful
'( scrutiny of our pianos, because each and every .instrument
, is built to stand a mosr searching investigation,' and there'
by to prove its quality. '- v. "
,r: 'n ' 'J-4V -v " ' I
- Save for, the addition of eastern, freight; every piano
ort our 'floors is marked at the same -identical price at
J which the same instrument would, sell on the retail floors
ol its manufacturer,1 Terms for easy monthly paymtnts
' 'may ; be arranged if desired. - " ' .,"'.'
first step towards independence. p Being ,
compelled ihonth after month to feed'
money into the hands of some landlord is far
from independence and happiness, '
' " We will show you how to own your own
home and not pay more monthly than you
are paying for rent now perhaps you will
not have to pay as much-as you are paying v
now." ' " ' k ' ' ' 1 ' " k
You probably have some plan for a home
that you would like carried out some' orig?v
inal plan of your own, perhaps, r; :;. , :
We can make arrangements to" have a '.
home built for you and fix it so you will not .
feel the payments, i i You . will be making
small monthly payments 'all of the time .
just the same as rent.
v One of the very best places to build your
home is : at Saginaw , Heights.'-, Saginaw
Heights is in the suburbs of Lents, on the V.
Mt. Scott car line., Beautiful high elevation
grand scenery pure : water sidewalks
graded streets stores churches large
school bank excellent car service anci
in a section that is bound to increase rapidly '
in value. ' ... ' : r :. - a , . -. ; ?
;We got , this, Saginaw Heights property -
at a big bargain. We thought it
place for a stnctly home section,
have platted it and are selling lots
low prices and on such easy terras that it is ; '
a very easy matter, for any' one to pay for
one or more lots and not feel the payments.
' These lots are restricted: houses to cost
at least $500, and to be set back at
feet from the front property line.
thing is in readiness for immediate home
buildine. Come out to the property. "Pick
out vour lot and talk it over with
building your" home at once from
plans. You will be ready to move in in two
or three months.- .
Prices we are asking for the lots are very
low from $125 op. You pay but $5 down
and $3 a month. . That's about 17 cents a day.
Come out tomorrow. Take a Mt. Scott
car. Get off at Lents. Our property office
is across the street from the station. Or, if
you prefer, come to the downtown office and
go out in the auto.
to supply our buyers with
the price which" they feel they V
an ideal '
bo we
for such'
least 1 S '
us about' :
your own
T. 1.10 ORE CO.