The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 15, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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Chief of Census Expects to Be
Able to Make Report of Coun
. ! try's Population by-June 1
;? 75,000 Enumerators.
e Bow t$ Population Of the United
(!'. Statu Im Grown.
' Tear. Population.
M790 .,.,. 8,929.114
1800 ' 6,808.483
1810 ii... ............ 7,239,881
'1830 .
....... .... , 81,448,321 y
.,..... ....... es.oas, ( 4. :
J . V . 'a . Z A it
.... ...-a....,.., j4,odo,v2v
..... .......... . JI,UO,10J
13,181. 87
, '
; Washington, April 18. Today marks the
real beginning of Uncle gam's great de
cennial task of .counting nosea and tak-
1880 . 60,165,783
1890 .,.....,.: 2,622,260" 4
1900 ,,......,...... . 78,103,887 4
1910 .......... 90,000.000(7)
Ing stock, a tank Imposed upon him by
the conHtltutlon of the United EtftteH.
Tills morning. In every nook and corner
of the country, the 76,000 census enu
merators took to the field with pencil
and pad in hand. When their work Is
completed and the results tabulated by
the wonderful electric devices now In
Ufa In the census office In this city
Uncle Sam will know to what extent
his family has Increased during the past
10 years, lie will know alo how rich
he Is, how proHperous he Is, and how
his farms, manufactures, mines and
quarries are faring and everything else
worth knowing about himself. . '
The actual collection of data will con
tlnue 16 days In the, cities snd 30 days
In the country districts. Each enumer
ate, r is assigned a certain area -to cover.
First, the location of the house, the
street and the city or town will be
taken. Then will come the full name of
the person, his or .her relationship to the
head of the family, sex, color or race,
age at last birthday, whether, single.
married, widowed or divorced, and num
ber of years of present marriage Then
will be chronicled the place or fcirtn.
trade or profession, general nature of
Industry, whether employe or employer,
ability ' to read and write, physical de
fects, ; whether the home Is owned or
mortgaged, and whether the person is
a survivor of the Union or Confederate
army or navy. . . ' , ' . -.
'farm Census Important. . ,' :'
Statistics will be taken In respect to
all lines of Industry, but of greatest Im
portance of all Is the farm census. New
inquiries in tne general agricultural
schedule .are expected to develop Import
ant dataVon the questions.; whether the
American farmer is holding his own
against the foreign, born homereeker in
this country; the age period when the
"hired farmhand" becomes an Independ
ent farmer himself; the age when the,
tenant farther ceases to be a "renter" i
and becomes an owner, and also other
vital facts relative to the social and In
duntrlaW tendencies among the million
of tillers of the soil. i
.The farmer will be questioned In re
gard to his mortgage Indebtedness, the
screage to be planted to crops In 1910,
breed of pure bred animals, and acreage
of mixed, timothy and clover bay. lie
will be asked to tell also the amount of
food purchased for livestock, the amount
and value of the livestock, the value of
eggs sold, the amount of pasture land
under Irrigation and numerous other
things of Interest and value to the stu
dent of farm conditions. The new in
qulrles concerning wheat are expected
to reveal the Immense progress made In
this crop. In the Inquiries concerning
the amount ef woodland may be di
rectly traced the agitation during the
last few years in favor or forest ex
tension and conservation. . . :
. May Report fane 1. ;
Dr. IB. Dana Durand, the chief of the
census bureau, hopes to bs able by June
1 to report the number of Inhabitants In
the United States, probably between 88,-
000,000 and 91.000,000. It will take four
months to cover the manufacturing In
terests and probably three years to tab
ulate ana-study uie vast undertaking.
The "completed task . Will represent the
labors of 75,000 men and women enu
merators and 760 regular and 3000 tem
porary clerks in the census bureau. The
census will cover not only the united
States but Hawaii, 'Porto Rico and
Alaska. Nothing will be left undone to
make the enumeration as correct and as
complete as possible. A total ef $14,
000,000 Is to be expended In the work.
In this connection It Is interesting to
note that the sum or $44,000 was
thought sufficient to. cover the cost of
the first census In 1790. This census
covered the original thirteen states and
showed a population of 3.200,000 whites
and 700,000 slaves. i a '-
Elected President of Fair and
Livestock Exposition; Has
- , No Time for It. , ;
N. C. Marls, who was yesterday elect
ed president of the Portland Fair eV
Livestock exposition to eucoeed El L.
Thompson, resigned, fear he will 'not
be in position to accept the honor.
"I fear I will have to send In my
resignation," aatd Mr. Marls today, "be
cause I feet that I will be too busy to
give It the attention. It should have and
that I would like to give. My position
as editor of the Rural Spirit keeps me
very busy, and X do not see how I shall
be able to find time for the office of
president of the exposition, no matter
how well I would like to serve.
"Furthermore, - while I have bad a
great deal of experience In the live
stock show line, I think It better to
elect some prominent and, Influential
business man to be at the bead. Sec
retary F. A.- 'Welch, who has been In
charge of the state fair at Salem many
seasons, Is an experienced man and
would give much valuable assistance to
the president' ; .:T,. i'--"v v-'"..: :'( v.
i'At any rate, I shall call the board
together sometime next week and ask
them to reconsider my election, or
rather accept my resignation and name
a successor. I can see a great future
for the fair and livestock show which
la in hat held at tha Pntinti-v Huh In
September, and em anxious to do all I
can iur it. - . i
A meeting of the committee on trans
portation la being held today. The oom-
muiee ia onicrrm wiin -I'reaiaen t B,
B. Josnelrn of the Portland. Railway,
Wght Power rompany for streetcar
service that . will . take ears of the
At a special meeting of the directors
of the - Better Cltisenshlp association,
neia at iTinuy pariso nouse last night
HJ. P. Rosenthal was elected secretary
of , the association, to aucoeed Rabbi
Jonah B. Wise. In tendering his resign
nation Rabbi Wise stated that the du
ties of the secretaryship required more
of his time than he oould devote to the
cause,' ... - , : ; j- '..:;..,'...'.;.
The new secretary, Mr. RosenthaL is
an enthusiast along the line of the edu
cation of the masses and the raising of
tne standard or citisenanip, r He. .has
been prominently Identified .with' work
of that character in Chicago and else
where In the east. v',. ''. :'. :.''
The association has a number of Im
portant subjects under consideration,
some of which were up for discussion
last night; but owing to the fact that
little progress was made it was not
deemed advisable to make public the
present plana of the association. -
New Corporations. ." y ' ",.
' (Selpnt- Bareen et The Jounl.)
Salem, Or., April If. Articles of In
corporation have been filed in the of
fice of the, secretary, of state as: fol
lows: 'ii'V'rs'Wv':'.;,,'"',,":', .,
Coos Athletlo association; principal
office, Marshfleld; capital stock. $100
Incorporator. A. IL Powers. B. Mlngus,
Herman Hlllyer, A., 8. Blanchard and
Tom WennetL . ,. , ... .
jaijah Corbett company; principal of,
flee. Portland; capital stock, $10,000;
Incorporators, Elijah Corbett, Cleo B.
i-oroeii ana j. j.. Merron. : '
Josephine County bank; principal of
flee, Orants Pass,' capital stock, $60,.
000; incorporators, J. L. Calvert. O.; H.
earner and T. B.. Cornell. . - .
Lincoln County Telephone A. Tel
graph company: principal office, To
ledo; capital stock, $10,000; incorpo
rators, w. k. Merriu, K. r. patton ana
B B. Walls. s .....' ... '. ,'.
.Western 1 Oregon Orchard Develop
ment company; principal office, Med-
ford; capital etock. $100,000; incorpo
rators, J. A. Westerlund, porter 3. Neff
and II. M. Sundvahl. .'. ;
Black Bear Mining company; principal
oi rice, Salem; capital stock, $1,000,000;
incorporators, U. u, Boyer, W. m. Far
rington and O. M. Reeves. ' - v (',;
Sunnyvale Orchard ' company; princi
pal office, Portland; capital stock, 150,-
000; Incorporators, Walter K. Earle, J.
D, Crittenden and James H. Shepard.
Beaverton Clay Manufacturing ' com
pany; principal office, Portland; cap 1
tal stock, $60,000; Incorporators, Vlotor
E. Randies, Charles H. Kinney, W., F.
Myers and A. T. JUewls. ' . . .. . -;. . ', , ..
Base Line Land comDanv: nrinclnal
office,.' Portland; capital stock. $18,000;
Incorporators. F. N. Clark, XL W, Ring
and C.-B. Ilovenden.' ' v
Oregon A . Eastern , Investment com
pany; principal office, Portland;- capital
stock, $6000; incorporators, A. I Wlgle,
B. J. Hecker and A. L, Mackintosh.
Ideal ; Investment company ; principal
office, Portland; capital . stock, $6000;
Incorporators, D. M. Baker, J, M. Baker
and W. B. Shlvely. , ,
Journal .Want Ads. bring results. '
: TliHOfl'IOIl!
Smiles and Evades' Question:,
Offering Neither Blessings
v 1 ' Nor Curses. '.'.'r-
(Tatted Prs f-Mw4 .
Chicago. April 15.-Whther Lor.l
Kitchener, head of the British army.
Is a woman hater or merely a man who
ignores , the sex Is .an unsettled ques
tion' In Chicago. " v
When the celebrated Warrior arrived
In Chicago yesterday he was "inter--
Viewed" by - a woman reporter, who
asked him regarding the sentiments he
entertains for womankind.
"Lord Kitchener, .you have a reputa
tion of being the. longest term woman
hater In the British Isles. Is this cor
rectr demanded the "lady reporter."
"One" must live up to one's reputa
tion replied KItohener, smiling broadly.
mhen the report is truer- -
I cannot say that"' said Kitch
ener, ,: "I say one must live up to one a
reputation.".'' '.. -i '. if
MI trust that your feelings only apru
to individual women and not to the
sex, persisted the interviewer.
"Absolutely." answered, the British
war lord, who then relapsed Into ellenea
The reporter than attempted to per
suade Kitchetier to say something com
plimentary of -American women, fihe
got the same unsatisfactory replies.
New Ciiaotcclep Dolls? tJust Received" Agcn to tlVarqUts3, Bon front Royal Worcester and "Howd Front Dicc Corsc.;
Renoo Belt Corsets. "Sahlin' Perfect Form CorselsOny x? Hosiery Mcrode" Underwcar'-Rlchardson Linen;
SaitoFcDiay IBgnpogjaiilira - IBTulHettflim IFroinni : Alii -El)epairttinnieinitti
$1;50 Men's Ties, at. 55c Each
S t& 9-.SQ o m. tomorrow. Now. fellows
here'a t aalo xf-high-grade, Four-ln-Hand
Ties, openend, styles; all ire pure silk
and in the-very best f '"patterns;,, a good,
libera, showing of valuesv up- to ETC A
$1.50, special evening pnce,'(each JO V
25c Novelty Neckwear at 124c
6 to 9:3d p. m. toraoro'w, , big showing1
of . all the latest novelties in Dutch Col
lars. ' jabots, stocks, stock collars, Wind-:
sors. etc,"; values upta 25c each, " 0
eveninar .sale -orice. special.' each JLaaJ2l
50c Decorated Plate, , Special 25c
AOc. Sugar and. Creamer for ' 25c
6: to '9;30F pra. tomorrow. v The ' china
store 1 offers an Evening gale ; of - German
China Sugar and Creams, decorated in pink
roses: C 50c "' values for 25c palti . also
decorated green and pink plates, our OP.
best regular 50c - valtes, special tO
10c Cream Pitcher Special a"t 5c
10c - Toothpick Holder! Only 5c
6 to 9:30 p. m. tomorrow, n evening sale
of China -Toothpick Holders; also a line
of decorated German China Creanf Pitchi
ers; all very good. 10c values, special
fof Saturday 'evening $ale only, each Uv
:'; ' '-';.' - . i - - .'- .-'1. - -
Mehs $3.50 Oxfords for $1.93
6 to' 9:30 p. m. tomorrow, line of fine
quality patent , colt Oxfords for men:
welt-sewed, blucher cut;, our best .regu
lar J.50 values, priced special (?1 . (JU
for " the , evening sale only,- pair vXeaO
75c Corset Cover; Special at 42c
G2 Gloves , at 79c
An unusual gale of rare values in prime
quality of French Kid Gloves in assorted
shades; washable chamois, in natural or
white, ) one-button ; styles ; extra quality
cape stock gloves, in assorted street tan
shades; great assortment of vaV fJQt
uea to $2, at the low price of, pr,,l iC
Store Open VnUl 9:80 P. M. Store Open Until. 9:80 P. M.
iygeii's 01.25 ?; Shirt sf 63c
A special purchase of 4000 Men's Shirts coat style, plaited or plain bosoms, of
good quality madras or percale, all good patterns, in stripes or figures. Men
who know the value of money will supply their future needs tomorrow. J9a
Wisdom bids you taka advantage. Buy these $1.00 and $1.25 values at V-
An all-day bargain event in the umbrella
department. A sale of all-sillc tatteta
weather sticks for rain or shine; good,
heavy paragon steel frames, good- assort
ment of handles, fancy and plain; La
Tour, - mission and - princess flJO OC
styles; values to $6, special, ea. vOeOtl
OS -Fountain -IPeiis &8c
All day tomorrow' the printing department will print you. a sample dozen Calf. "I A
ing Cards, your own style of type, best quality.linen Bristol cards, the dozen i-V1-'
"FOUNTAIN PENS--Anothef lot of J006 Fountain Pens," good assortment of fancy
i . . m se t . . ' , a . . . t , .1 .. .'. .i . . f'.. . a iL J ak
patterns,"gold, pearj or siiver-tnmmea; aiso piam nanaies nuea wun goua u W a
14-k.,gold points; every one guaranteed. Values to $5.00, on special sale, awOt
i ,! " Mull K 1 1 '' Hi- .. '. . . t
35c Hand Iter cMefb 3 tor 50c
p ''A'.
- . i I X '
65c Valenciennes
Lacco 25c a Dozen
"Ladies' Handkerchiefs, with Madeira hand-embroid-
ered corners and narrow hemstitched edges, in finest
quality linen; ready sellers at 35c each.
Special tomorrow for lTy" or' three for
Valenciennes Laces, the washable kind, with Inser.
tjons to match; neat patterns, in widths up to one
inch wide j . Our regular' $1.00 a dozen values,
special 484, and oar regular 65c a dozen OKp
valuegi widths to y inch, special price, dozen
' 1 ' -,e Jv i ,
Qg CExforclb at
ClilIclrenTo: O x. t o r d b Reduced
r 1 ;,.'L. '. .-,..-. : -i--:-. ',' ':';.,;-'."' .:"
Saturday,v"Children's day," a great general sale of thildrens Oxfords, embracing al
most every low shoe in ouf entire stock. ' Patents, tans, browns,' gunmetal and glazed
75c Tafleta Slllk 47c ,d
01.26 IVIot bra Silk 71cYtil
Standard quality Taffeta Silk in 50 different Shades; the very silk for waists, 1-piece
dresses, petticoats and taffeta tailored suits and skirts; a rich, lustrous 75c AHn
fabric. Buy all you want of it at this low price. On sale all day for, the yard 1 1
MOTORA SERGETthe new silk for Summer wear, recognized as Dame Fashion's
favorite fabric for dresses, suits, etc It is full 27 ins. wide and pure silk qual- fj-t n
ity such as sells over the counters of leading stores of the country at $1.25 yd. I AC
Clilld'o C2.50 Dreoaeo at 01.09
IVlottier Hub-
. . , ." .... ' m . .... . . .. ,-" . ' . ... ' '
bardo Special 79c
An all-day sale of little Ladies' Dresses of good
quality percale, in neat patterns, Including shep
herd checks and light and dark plaids; sizes 6
to 14 years; ' regular values up
$2.50, special during this ' sale, ' each
Mother Hubbard Dresses for babies 6 months to
3 years. They are the cutest little ' things, and
made of good quality gingham, fine check pat-1
terns. Mothers take notice regular $1.25
values, during this sale at special price of
60c Rompero 39c
Women's 20c tiose at 10c a Pair
6 .to p. m. tomorrow. , sale of worn
en', 'pood qtulitr fast blade cotton Hose,
seamleM foot, full fashioned; sizes 8 to
10; our best regular 20c values, spe. f If.
cial evening: sale-orice at. ther oair Xvv
Children's 20c Hose at 20c Pair
6 to 5:30 p.-; m. tomorrow. , Sale ' of. chil
dren's medium Weight ribbed Hose, fast
black, reinforced heel and toe, double yarn
knee; sizes 6 to 9y; our best regular 1 AA
20c values, evening price the pair All
Ladies $2.75 Waists at 89c Each
Boys' 85c KnlckerbockcPG 49c
kid IfatBrre, hand-turn and welt-sewed extension soles'. AH-at special low prices.
WOMEN'S OXFORDS AND PUMPS A great alf-day sale of 2000 pairs CO "I Q
of women's Oxfords and Pumps; reg. values to $5.00, on special sale, pair Va(eAe7
".'". '.'..' '. i v.. . -. . . ..a ;.- '.: t, : .
p2cials From 2 to 6 P." M.
. . . : - " ' 1 ' ............
$2 flouncing Embroidery 89c
6 to 9:30 p. m. tomorrow, a sale of wom
en's Corset Covers of fine nainsook, lace
or embroidery, yoke, well made; excellent
fitting styles; regular values "Op to AOs
7Sc each, on special sale for, each
:' ''-'-' V ". .. '
Ladies' $ 1 .00 Drawers ; for 63c
6 to 9:30 p. m; tomorrow, an evening sale
of women s cambric or nainsook Drawers,
embroidery or lace-trimmed . flounce; our
best regular $1.00" values, on special liO
sale at the exceptionally low price of UOU
35c Hair Turbans, Special at 17c
6 to 9:30 p. m. tomorrow. Plan to spend
the evening with us. Here's Hair : Tar-
Dans, invisible : net-covered, wary or
Siraight: mountrd on strong si!k-covered
-wire frames; regular 35c values, on "17
sale at the special low price of, each A I C
.S 1.00 Value in Back Combs 39c
2 to' 6 p. m. tomorrow. ) Kows your.
chance to ky in a supply of fine quality
Flouncing at an exceedingly low price.
Fine materials, dainty patterns; CQp
values to $2, afternoon price, yard Oe7U
$18.00 Hair Switches for $9.00
6 to 9:30 p. m. tomorrow. An evening
ule of women's Back Corrbs, fancy de
signs, inlaid with real gold, warranted
extra f:ne quality shell or amber. QQ (j
Our rrular $1.00 values. Special OJL
$25.00 Hair Switches at $12.50
2 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, fine quality nat
ural wavy Hair' Switches, 28 insl, long, 3
separate strands; a regular $25 seller for
$12.0. Also a line "of natural wavy
Switches, 27 in. long, best German goods
reg. $18 values, on special QH fin
sale at justlialf regular prices' Veelll
Ladies' $1.95 Gowns for $1.10
2 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, women's Night
gowns of cod quality nainsodk or cam
bric, Hubbard styles, with yoke of tucks
and inUid with swiis insertion; long
sleeves or chemise styles, round yokes of
i lace insertion, wng or elbow Q1 1 fl !
sleeves; values to $19$. spec!
$6.007 Couch 'Covers for $4.35
2 to 6 d. m. tomorrow, four hours of bar
gains 'in new Tapestry Couch , Covers,
rich Oriental patterns and attractive col
orings,, full size; a timely sale of excep
tional $6 values, priced special J A O pT
for toniorrow afternoon each V -leOtl
Art Brass Jardinieres, for $1.98
2 to 6 p, m. tomorrow, a -general sale of
art Brass Jardinieres, Umbrella Stands,
Fern Dishes, Trays, Candlesticks. Flower
Baskets, etc., is -now on. For an extra
special from 2 to 6 p. m. we offer a line of
100 Brass Jardinieres, excep- QQ
tional $3.00 values, special,
$2.95 Petticoats at $1.29 Each
10c Hair Nets on Sale at 5c Each j! 75c Huck Toweling 49c Yard
6 to 9 30
irg a!e
txtra lirge,-
C"l'?y inv-i,!
1 :
i - .1 II-:- V... . M .1..-.. Mi.ilrjnil I .
3x3'-inch; made
'e silk; tnJx
r-r:w ever-rg s ;e p;fe -,, g
2 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, a sale of Heather
bloom -and Satine Petticoats, black only;
ldeep flounces, with tailored band trim'g
or tucked and shirred; values Q" OQ
op to $2.9S, on Special sale, ea. vi-eaai
Kurd's 25c Tablets. Special 16c jj
2 to 6 p. m. touioi loei, a great 4 hours'
stle of Hurd" Holland Linen Bond Writ
iiig Tablets, ruled and v.n)rd; extra
Children's Rompers in light or dark striped gingham, pined with turkey red: OA-
just the play suit for little fellows 1 to 6 years of age; 60c value, special only OiL
KNICKERBOCKERS, for boys 2yi to 5 years of age. light or dark striped percale,
plain or turnover collar; very neat patterns, well made; 85c vals., spl tomorrow 49f
: r"-.'. '" '--,,' '''.,' " " ' .-' ' ' ' "'"''.' "' ' -i.v-;-j vj. -: V -; .:':' - .'i-..-Vr :
Spgcials From 2 flo 6 P. M.
Ladies' $5.00 Sweaters at $1.95
2 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, a sale of 250 worn.
en's pure wool Sweaters,' in plain or Nor
folk styles, faac)r weaves, trimmed with
large pearl buttons; colors, cardinal. Ox
ford and white: a full line of C1 OK
sizes; reg. values to $5.00, forvAaW
25c Cups and Saucers for 13c
25c Blue Plates at 13c Each
2 to 6 p, ra. tomorrow, in the china store,"
third floor, a 'four hours' sale of Japanese
fancy Ctips and Saucers; regular 25c val
ues: also a very attractive line ot oiue
plates of Japanese ware and regu- " Oe
lar 25c values, on special sale, ea. 'JiO U
$2.00 Cotton Comforts at $1.45
to 6 p. m. tomorrow, in the bedding
store, 4th floor, a sale of cotton-luled
Comforters, liaht and fluffy; large sue;
the laminated kind, with pretty silkoline
top and back; our regular $2.00 CI A fZ
values, at this special price, ea. V-a.'
.' " ' - ' !
Best 'Hole! Brand Hair Bar-
rettes, 50c Values, Special 23c
,1 I' f 7,lr T--l- a
e j ,i iMviiei v' t e .,c aaij'iT.i a w v s a v v
e Vf i Vt f Ia'n r farcy dergr.s; 22 ins. svi.'.e, jj thick tablets; note, packet and letter sire. ,Vir GoarantVec
srH'rs tr I suitsble f. r rv.ry ; J"5c ifi ,i cf finest qualify 'ittien; ?c ani 1f?A'i f.ncv and new bai
teUw,! z't 'f. sr-rciil afterron rn 3 1 L 2'c vi'jr."on Mcil sale for. ea --UU it' vslaesi special aft
2 to 6 p. m. tomorrow. The only Bsr
rette in the world that does not injure the
teed unbreakable. Fum,
bar styles; rrg. 50c OQa
emoon price, ea.
$1.50? Combinations for 69c
to 9:30 p. m tomorrow. ' an eveninir
sale of women's Lingerie Waists, a spe
cial buy of 300 just received by express.
srdod assortment of "new Sorintr styles:
values- tip to $2.75," on 'special f ale OQ
at . this low : evening price, -each. OiC
$2.00 Razors, Special at 89c Each
6 to 9:30 p. m., 300 men will feel like
prizewinners when they carry off these
razors, all of the -.finest quality , steel,
hollow-ground; such makes as Clauss and
Roberts are among-; the. lotr : Plain and
fancy handles; V our regular, stock; OQ
values up to $2.00 each, special for OUL
Toilet Paper .on Sale for 3c Roll
2 to 6 p. m. tomorrow. The big white
"store, 2d floor, offers for four hours only
women's Combination Corset Cover and
Drawers, made of good grade nainsook,
lace yokes or plain with neat edge of em
broidery; regular values to $1.50, CQg
on special sale at the low price of UC
$5.00 Axminster Rugs at $3.50
2 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, very best quality
of the latest Oriental and 2-tone effects;
Axminster Rogs, 30x60 inches, larre line
ntai ana 2-to
hat sells reg
ularly at $5.00, special price, ea.
30c Mattjngat 19c the .Yard
2 to 6
m. tomorrow.' A four hour op
portunity to lay in a supply of linen warp
Matting; pretty tana and greens, inserted
in plain natural colors, closely "t f
woven, linen warp quality; 30c vaL JLVl
75c Lawn Sprinklers for SSc
2 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, in the hardware
section, 3d floor, a sale of brass Lawn
Sprinklers; our rtgular 75c valoes, KQ
on special sale at low price of, ea,
50c Coffee Pots at 35c Each Picni
6' to' 9:30 p. m." tomorrow, a sale of 1000
rolls of finest oualitv extra strength
Toilet Paper, 500 sheets to a roll. Order
a big supply for Mondays delivery.
On special sale at this low price, roll OL
- i !.;''' -'' .'; .- .. . ,.'
50c Turban Pins Now Only 25c
"Spend a profit-
Here s an offering
6 to 9:30 o. ra. tomorrow
able evening with us. 11
ot ' x uroan Hair nns. big
ment of styles to choose from; plain," fancy
ana tne new turnover styles;.. our .best
regular 35c to 50c values, on spe
cial sale at this tow evening price
65c Salad Bowls, Special at 39c
6 to 9:30 p. m. tomorrow. ' The crockery
store, third floor, offers .an unusual sale
of.1 Salad Bowls, green and pink deco
rated; our best regular 65c values, QQ
special at this evening sale price, ea. 0L
$1.25 Belt Pins, Special at 49c
6 to 9 JO p. m. tomorrow. -TheJewrlry
store will lend its splendor to the evrmng
sale in the. way of Belt Pins ani Buck
les; green, oxidised snd roe gold f rni
plain hammered t effects and tone-tt
novelties; best regular values op to ACS .
$15, esch, on special sale for, ea,cb tJi
S2J2S Hat Pins at $1.35 Each
6 to 9:30 p. ra. tomorrow, n tr- g
of fparkhng rhin ifrne
satssre, roend sn4 ,n'h
V l.'i.
Platen. Two D f - .'
Lants are n;cfly cut; r-'.r n
ues cp to" $25, special ra
2 tA 6 p. m. t'vmnrrow, in the k;
poods section. 3d f)-or, a sale rf 3c
Lname.ed Coffee Pots; rriraiar ),-
50c vi!oe, on sr-ecial si'e a fch Out
6 to
9 r;
P ri
rt r-'.'rr
sn 1 it r " t ri
r'r; -.' i ' f f
a j - ' '
Store Open Irt 'tlic,
Evening Until Q:CO