t . THE OREGON DAILY JOUKNAL, .' PORTLAND. , TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL 12, 1010. THE JOURNAL AH IKDEfCNDENT NEWSPAMB, 8. JACKSON. ..PnbUabtv I ulllahrd y arottlna trrl Sansal 14 rrrtf Imitlny tTiilM at Th Journal Build I. , (Uita mai TfamMll itMII, Cacti.. Or. Knlirrd at tb p-wtufrlca at Pwtlaad. Of., tot tranamtaalua. UinMlt 111 Wall M SacOll4-claa IM.I I'HONKS Mala TITS; riuaa, A-ftOM. All Oxiiwiuwat rrarked 6y tbaa wminn, Sell tli operator what oprtmat yo want. loKKICN ADVKRTI8IN4 KRPKKSENTATIVB, t-i.,ii'!i A hriilour l)o Biu-naarlrk nulldlus. ..." Hfio a.mia, N'.w York; 10074S Soya Uuililn. Ihlofo. ,,.. f. ... , jjntwcrlprlon Trma by nail or to any soSrsa u luiiea States, Canada at MuKt . ' !: i . " .. DAILY. ' - ;' .V C;s yr,....,.3,00 Dm pxmtk. ...... I .60 ; .,.,- SUNDAY v." .l,;. On yar fXOO I On ntti.,,...8 J .; i ' VAILX '. AND UWPAX,'.':'i;--i" One ar.,,.....S7.BO I Onssxmth.. .:..;.. f When you are- working for man, occasionally 'ask. yourself whether if you were tha, em ployer' you would hire a man ilka yourself. " It Is a aura way of getting a mova on youraelf. Beacha Magaslne, " HOW SEATTLE COUNTS stimulating tbe commercial and in-1 cllitated and effective railroad traf dustrlal importance of this city, ! It I fie, but aha has nearly 4000 miles la a view of Portland.' not entirely of railroad track to our 2200. ' We new, but Immensely accentuated by I have been so poverty stricken In rail reason of the standing and fonsplcu-1 roads that but four other atatea In oua understanding of the subject by I the union have ao small a mileage the man who uttered It" 1 In' proportion . to' population and wealth. This la another, and a bow. Alaska COAL ;;1vt:v: ertul reason for the activity, that Is on the horizon.' an activity that will rHB cOAlr deposits of Alaska are! shortly give .Oregon: a' new. life, a auuwu m v9 , m yam volume i new importance and a new aspect. : ana , immense vaiue. iJeyona be right about that why are they, .from Taft down, going to make such prolonged , and , strenuous efforts from now on to keep the country from going Democratic. this generalization nobody knows bow much coal Is up there or what It Is worth. Some of t Is I said' to bo very superior anthracite coal. The pacific coast needs coal, and the Alaska' coal mines should be SCARCITY OF FAHM LABOR V -A. A a-' IJU44. A. U14 ' VbUOUB i BJJA It - IO I nothing If not , enterprising. Manifold episodes make it clear that Seattle will literally allow not one 10 escape the count, A re turning Portlander recently told In 'The Journal that he, waa halted at the railroad station ' on his recent de- . parture from Seattle, and the effort made to enroll him as a denizen of that city. He only" made "good bis escape by the final announcement that he 'Is a citizen of Portland. The 'story, of this attempt to enroll a mere transient was so amazing that 'It seemed past "belief, but confirma tory evidence shows it to have been true, f , ' k ' r "Another Portlander has been to : Seattle. As he was leaving that city , a - census artist halted him at the ;dock, shoved' a blank Intd hla.hand and, requested him to sign his wane to the muster toll of the sound's me-; Itropolls. He demurred, and attempt ed to explain that be was only on a visit, but the census fiend countered 1 HE HARVEST time '.is far off .yet, but even now there comes a loud call .'from the country ';' for ;- more , help. , The great developed, and this coast and the amount , of .' railroad building being country should, have,; the benefit of I "lone In Oregon Is absorbing and will their ( development: 'of their output absorb , for i a, year , or two tQ come for consumption.' AH this coast. In- a, vast amount of. labor; and revived eluding Portland, has always been enlarged and new Industries are ab handicapped by lack of coal. 'It'll sorblng a. great deal more. ; IOBt only in the Coos Bay region and In I l this labor has never been accus Wyoming that coal mines of , any tomed to farm work, and doesn' consequence . have been developed. I wish to engage In it, yet doubtless and they, have furnished but a slight I the active and pressing demand for fraction of the coal needed. There I labor in other lines has a tendency are other coal fields In Oregon, there to make farm labor scarce. That are large kbown deposits In tho Neha-1 this is so, reports from different por- lem valley; but they have not been tlons of the Pacific northwest plainly developed," Such development lai one snow., rrom Umatilla county, from of the great needs of the ; Pacific the Yakima valley, fromUhe Walla coast, and the big coal fields o Alas- Walla valley, from the .Willamette ka ought not to be there unused. No-1 valley, from southern Oregon, comes body argues for such conservation as I the call .of . the progressive," develop- thls. Conservation that prevents de- tog farmers,, orchardlsts and flairy velooment and use ' Is only a false I then for. help, for more hands to do caricature. Invented by the cinemles I the spring work. r : . ,, . . ' of reasonable conservation and the The scarcity ot ; labor now, por- supporters of predatory privilege. I tending a greater lack when i the J A report states that by October 1 great Harvest comes on, wtu be more one company . with coal lands i n or less or a .arawDacs; 10 aeveiop Alaska will, be turning out BOO tons men t, and IS a perpetual and grow of coal a day. If the lands were tog problem, f It will be ; partially lawfully obtained even though the and 'gradually solyed,!. however; by law was not what, It ought to have the process of dividing up of large been -this company is to be com- farms that Is now going on, and the mended for Its enterprise. It is do- increased immigration of -people of ing a good work lor the Pacific coast small means who are willing to "hire There are room and opportunity in out" for awhile may help -The only Alaska for several,; probably.for many.! other means or solving the problem such companies.- ." The government I seems to be-higher, wages to farm the reasonably conservationists, cer- laborers, which might tempt some tainly .desire to give those who en- to engage in tnis work and farmers can now, afford to pay good wages. Few murders ever committed in the Pacific northwest had such ele ments of cruel atrocity as that of the Schula woman near Tacoma. The person who did It is a rare "monster j certainly "hanging Is, too good for him." ,".- t " :-.v. There are and always will be op ponents of , municipal docks, of course; but on investigation most of them will be. found to have some personal interest In maintaining pri vate docks. '.'': ;.-v. TANGLEFOOT By Mdes OvcrLoIt COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF I C c . SMALL CHAXCia Census begins Friday be ready. Joy ride frequently end in grief. they're a LULL 1 11! Ill IVTA 11 1 I I TATS( i Mil KM Mil l LLJHv 1 1 1 AJW r fe- . Whatever others nut in in reform by srolng dry. . Don't arolil th nlnn.- blanket asainst frost, . - . John IT. Smoke trrmi tn turn oana enwreiy too muon amoKe, and of a very The mora dlaaareeable aT ilufv th k , Z aono ana ao goiien. ria or PerhBDS Knonevelt will rofi, tvi Kmperor William and that th valine miumer row. : .' -, : . .1 jnere are timu that th m be B good deal of a diuannolntment 1IU iieaujr uv?riisea grana opera.. Roosevelt may not really be aa big a man abroad aa J. P. Morgan, but he attracts and accepts more attention, t Beauty In a foolish woman, Solomon said, la like a Jewel in a swlne'a snout. Andmany pretty women are not wise. Secretary Balllnger threatens to sua Collier's Weekly for libel. Jt's aei; "was a coi, Mann who did the same mmg once. ;,.-;:. fJ..,,',s , :. .. And they hike for tha htlrltn mani Date.'i i . .. ." ' Then thschlUy winds blow, t :..-;': i And cornea raia and nOW . : h ; I Pn-vHrht 01A Ktx nMM.. The fliea ln.,ihtlTX:"'--'''. : STARTING. TUB TLX VERSES. I Now the 'first fly of spring ' I To the. air spreads . hia wing, v i And he buzaes - and lngs to his mate; j While roaming about I Another 4 thaw out. OREGON SIDELIGHTS . Many, land sales In Wallows county, JMerriy will ty to bring In water for irrigation. , : , .. - Umatilla rounty la suffering from a lauur limine. , . . Mallv tnctm nt lunrl liplnir maA aitminil LuiiBjf urove. . . , ' y. Ttallrnnil from Orandri Rnnda vallpv to wm waua aiso probable. ; Tha Phoenix town ' "Jus-" hasn't "had an oocupani aince it was ouuu . ,... ....... Cottage Orove Commercial club hat gained ibO members In a month. ' i Probably Co tt aire Orove will Tiave a Iioat it ne- Portland Rose Festival. . r ,' ..." ' ... ,a a v, -.'', . . j Over 100 houses ' were built in SI1- verton within tha Daat vear And JtO are building now. . j . Pendleton ownora ' nt iuil.n4 ilnn have aubHcrlbed for the apprehen- alon of the poisoner. .. ,, r . v - The arrlcultaral dvnlonmnt which la going on In Joeephlne county this year surtasses anything in its past history, says the Courlen, Thoueanda of acres are being cleared of timber atumpa and brush and the land put under thu plow for . orchard, vlnevard or aeneral agri cultural purposes. . - s "Big Noises' of tke Days' News PEMININE 1 . rH-aaing 0r l'err'Ct l TliRnra la aornething i about the notion of a " vant. lie has been a .with poeta and novel! ,J v. ... . KlM'aklng of Terft-ct Servants, very alluring a faithful aer- pet character novel lata from the time Homer , drove Kumaeus. the devoted swineherd. , Sanoho , Panza Is one of the world's heroes. The old retainers In Scott maka un a -whole army. " But perhaDS it la hntfxr ' Avldenoe bf the way auch characters anneal to the great heart of the people to recall the ' method of common melodrama, "hot with." . How often Are th hnrrM mAl.h- Inatlons of the villain fmatrated by the comic craft of the old servant, mala or femalot How only consolation of the desolate hero llno in the affection of the low comedy nurse t . : - ." . j , ... . By Herbert Corey, rage whnt chops: Coma on, boyat Who'll ' be the flrat to straggle up to the font and AO J .. th6 ,jladdeBt goi ratner y0u ever. ilX P&Wfl -- I laa a I IS n at V rb MmAa Aitatatlei alviiit le A . ftMA.n . 4IaI I "? ivii! Kiwiv vVOVnuu eew, k vva u" I th A n nil wa m. rlATAn n mt Wsars a mm clawi, I kh.h hi wiall -mram 111.. with n.awM , - . jj - ' 1 "i?" ...K.. TT ,vidl. Ktt. VIVVt. UmtM n, . I r. '-. .. , i i n... Tlr rw.new"fh,t't h wav those touching missives ran and there's a double meaning to the teuch "we their ! gage In this enterprise a good chance, a fair opportunity; and to make Jib era! terms with them. But it is not with the observation that, since the I ot$? few combined- capitalists whd visitor had been in Seattle, it was ougnt to nenent from this great ngt rightand proper that he should ural wealth ; all the people, to whom stand up and be counted as a resl- 1 belongs, should share In the bene- At loot M aa-1 fit. .That thev. shall do ho In a htch fear that, the enternrlslne mathema- duty of government . Alaska should ot ledSer tician would get him for Seattle's nt he Guggenhelmed.; population In spite of all resistance, D . THREE CENT FARE "tTRINQ ; MARCH the operation of the Cleveland streetcar sys- ; KINO MENELIK . IS DEAD. " If ytfu have tears; dear Christian friends, have Just named our little son for you, For deatlT haa once VorV laid hi. hand "?h!!d" "1 ltuZc ' ; on Menelik'a hot brow. ..-..- I The woods are crammed with Chaun- rrorn Abyssinia's : coral strands there eeys. dating from a period about 20 comes a wall of woe. , . I years back.' when Mr. DeDewran a rood Old Menellk, king high he - was, . grim second to. Chuck Conner, for newspaper a in na" ',a n,,m-JO?;; v L.. Popularity. Their god father accepted - I Lnreh bold . his numerous honors In thosa days with Whenever aulte convenient he'd catch !" " "!. a vicious cold i second inolaor vto the -right pried .out And kick, the bucket quietly without a j oy a epmpiete stranger. For a : few " sign or tear; years no oraerea tne silver mugs Dy He died in twenty languages and some- tha great gross, thus getting aut rate, vr. tJ ".f Chi-aZnar;w ,i -AiA Then he became "Do Peach" and didn't to save himaelt 7 - hav to eek the bubble reputation In wnen enemies surrounded nun -He'd lay I . " v"-uu . . I Aff 4 n aL ' aaa aa .- !F a aV v Jm aum J Ai. upon in aneil ' . 1 v., , wmb. , iw uou mvneu m Try His last remains for them to view, and I apogee of fame. Summer hotels and , the Portlander, In sheer desperation, i proclaimed himself . a t resident of . Portland and beat a retreat Nor was this all. Before he had gone 10 yards, a second multlpllca' tion table met him a"hd began an even more CAITAIN IIOBSOX'S EQUILIB r , j RIUM 'J v, ' 1 whan maonli "- I frlfe bIaa avKn ak.jS na al Aa.a tem on the basis of a 3 cent He stealthily would come to life and J gars were being named for him, and Dr. fare showed a balance on the 'n;,e ?7,7,ida.- i.,um. iDepewrosed - to ; get- Into his, evening ni tb lorfo-nr ttt,- Obituaries plentiful have lauded Mene- ciothe,aike a itre horae.- The aidewaik arrangement secured as fruit of the But upto date the authors have failed JPwtatof s could a: him rush home v,o.t-f r t v I to make 'em etick. - ' from the New 'York Central off Ices, tear- nerOlC IlgHt made by 10m Johnson, 1 For Menelik. will not tav dad no mat- lnar off hl rollnr at h tuhtfl m th. the company " Is ' to receive '3 cent .. ter how he tries, , j front ateps. Two minutes later, shaved I ri Zu "'"I": . to shed a tear ' next banquet, while hie lips moved ner- iu uusigra, uB.ww mm m 10 co- Whan thv ,...m in mn. ( nA. f vousiy as ha rehearsed, the time -tried unue in eirect. 11 not, tne fare will ' and pass around the bier, be raised, not to R nnt hut 1 But go ahead and weep, dear ; friends. e'en though you'd rather alng. good things he had planned for the eve ning, And then- Well,; anyone who'll name a kid -for fares, and If the revenues yield." 6 "iShTiSd'dies h-J(0?" oP dish,' He'd be tV a 1 MnnaMM.a t . - I ITIfT PnOPlTfia TYt Ot 1fTtT rOMA la A A-.TV 1 .'. a-wva iM a bftu&vn uongressman hod- son declares that, the only way to preserve th world's AnAllih. ferocious demand for his rium is for this country to spend Dnng March, after ; iaytog all For Meneint ts dead again he's dead, Chauncey will earn that good gentle, i. pedigree and Dtber een. I l4;OOO,60O . . year ."'and - t"rt cP"gea P6"" t inferest there Dut wlt& Btrlns- , man's -gratitude iust now that's all. uuurw, a oingia uiouiu or operation will not demonstrate the practicabil ity of the plan, , but the fact that his name was wanted and his meas-fin the present distribution of naval "I6 18 balance on the right side urement desired for Seattle's coming power the Japanese could lahd 200,- luw cum m an encouraging rea count. This , addfoar imnchlriA w 000 " men on our shores, eantnre ture'" the xperiment , The lower Tares naturally increase the volume views with the senior senator from New IIUHIIJ 0,EI,LVU.a W Ula IS 1 AVI O L11Q X Ul ly I " AVUH w J II HUUAU h bVU BUU AfaU,!" I I - r - . I. a,. Zander eot aboard his vprspI a third more and lav a laree riart of th Of traffic, adding heavily to the Short And when he doe. apeak he will speak xork are simpzy ajirug upon, the jour J.a!r ; a".a. ,JfB8 SlJ r. ,,aI. J"g.lZ",,.r A. Urlna whtb ara thA moat nmfltahi with the voice of tha people-that is, naWaUc ; market But he 1. a. deter antecedents sus data. Again the Portlander de- on super Dreadnaughts for the next clared that he was only a vlsitor. but 10 years.- The proposition, focuses a again there was vouchsafed the re- measure of. attention on Captain ply that it made no difference, that fHobson's equilibrium. He says that Even a little kid: for Senator Detew Bay fitannard Bakev in the American a ca. doe. ean'arv Wrda. It ooata him Magazine. - -la llttla more now to; get i good reading It . I. safe to aay, then, that Roose-1 notice next to the' medicine ada. Some velt will feel the pulse of the country I times he has to give a dinner to the Drettv-carefullVT-there. at Oyster Bay xork state edltora incidentally throw- before ha acta. Ha will hava out all ng IQ arfara to. Washington and aorta of people to talk to him; ha wUl 1 ticket up the monument while inter agent was encountered and -side-1 country, in waste. : Naturally, too, stepped, an experience that leaves I they could levy tribute on Oshkosh, the fugitive Portlander jto .believe lay siege to Danville, rout, the dt that, if the visitors hold out in suf- vorce colony at Reno, hang HobSon, .flclent numbers, the coming, census take Bwano Tumbo prisoner, , dis will give Seattle a population of at perse the Balllnger investigating least a million, ' , ' committee, tie Carrie Nation to a . This returned Portlander is a sour apple tree, shoot up the insurg . prominent local citizen of undoubted lng Indiana paltform, carry Dr. Mary veracity and there is not the slight- Walker into captivity and v court est doubt but the episode happened martial the Republican v Insurgents substantially as related above. ; It for political heresy. In all this ruin, all took place of course before actual I the one compensating thought is the census taking began, and is an pre- certainty when these . marauding " "V" l'""''" tA 1,1- h h. . mindlT lonilar aa aver Rnma of hi. m i.A i. ..nt - t. i " jmv- i - - - . - . yuaDB .ui uuiuB.. , n(m vmu- of hia L . - - 1 storle. used to be mlarhty ; aood. too. able that more eyes are focysed on) And the people in this country are until the insurance ston? made a dimple Cleveland than on any other city of progressive politically; they are insur- ut or ni. Dump ot numor. jsven then itm aua in tha Wmntrtf an .H,Hn 1 gent against the old party rule against he ' was philosophic, r EVery editor in -Aiar. . V vwMmmj. U UkVVUlilWU I A l t- J . I . . ST1. ... A J ., tlJ J , M . U . ' .a) ' .... - . f A1UI IVliiaUl M.11U "wlfcUIIUIliBlUa A JIOJT Dtl I nvKU U ' UBOU ' llfl OUI cnauengea Dy ine conamons orougnt tor a more direct government by the text, until he resignedly .said one day about by; ex-Mayor Johnson's extra-1 people, and - for a better government I "For 60 year. I wa. petter and for by tno people, ana lor 'a, oetter govern i two year, i va . ceen pannea. consio mental control of wealth. Th.ere are no jerlng- the ration of SO to two, it Is two opinion, about this. . AJtd Roo.e-1 really surprising how fast the aise of velt is also a progressive, by tempera- liny hat has decreased." tnent, by conviction, and a. a political 1 The cranial enlargement was . what policy. . Not long before hia admlnla-1 curdled Chauncey.. There waa a time tration closed Congressman Gardner ot I when be was . the "best, fellow in the Massachusetts headed a small commit-1 world to the newspaper men. Then he tee to see Mr. Roosevelt and ask him I Was the royal panjandrum on the New If he could no help the progressives 1 York Central, he sat at the, right, hand ordinary work.. THE BRITISHER'S ADVANTAGE A PUBLICATION called the Western Empire published -a rate table for the British Post al Guide which shows that's t't British cmien can s RlTnllflrlT rATlrflirun vlllirlAld Vfianlt "nntoln UAkAn f.v 41f ,. n11 I . - I At.. , : r . . n 1 .1 . ' . . , . . , v, ..... .v.. v.D..j,, vsmu nuuouu wi5; wtu nun ii njijti from Nev- York 'to Rin I un " vumioiii uuunu.u a i waw toawari Danquetter. .. creaming, to. paralyse the natlveB. t y J Victims to the ravaging and. festive nfA. fJMv.w.., .on-ln-law of, Senator Lodge.; The preavlhe wa. a olaaa. A lawyer and a big make their winter quarters in Pitts- A eents.while an American would have i annmni i. hurg; the grafting councilmen and rt t, .mi,h . a,aia a privately bankers ? there ; will ' sneedllv have tZ.'ZZriV' r'" made, by John F. Stevens was, " 7.ni.t .iit. rT- 7i, v company nas a contraci'Witn TnJ,A ,- aAa u- them in financial straiu; or, if they tha firItjBh rostofc denarf mAnt tn , w kuu to weauueu iu im mo i ... a Aa 1. tir.1i I ' - - . . - . .... W1'V iu !wi vimH ui i. (I , Anam tt a a V,ta. n.l. coast" 6When r.Steven. "1 bt our own postof f tee deVartnR i tlon was called to the rapid growth and the possibilities of San Francisco and Los Angeles, he reiterated his declarationwith emphasis. ; X Vs t Here is an opinion worth while. In preparedness for a view as to the relative possibilities of coast cities, so man is more competent, few are as wfeU equipped. ; Mr.: Stevens is one of the most famous civil engi neers of his ' time. sfr As bead of the Panama canal be was chief 'of the greatest engineering project in . all history. He has 'been, and still is, at the head of great undertakings. He knows the forces and factors that as semble for the growth of a city. His education, capacity ' and bent have brought him in close touch with big facts. - His study of the Pacific coast was prelmlnary to a great investment of railroad capital and was undertak en with that Impartiality with which great captalnspf finance invest their money. There was no reason for Portland to be" adopted, except on its merits, and yet aa a result of Mr. Stevens'", expert survey; of the Xleld, Portland was selected. Mr. Stevens gave reasons for the belief that Is la hint , Ko other city rn tbe coast is so favorably situated for the strategy of transportation. Iery other city is reached -by r ountaln climb, an obstacle that is fixed and unalterable 1b the issue of nodern railroading. No other city has n vast an erpanse of tributary "re ( i a. Frsm eastern and central. Ore- n, liaho, western Montana, cast- 'i W ashington and w.tem Oregon S. a dawn bill pull ta Portland. and ! r tWe logic of economy the traffic ' i-t rorre to Portland. At the door : i : rny ic frrai viuey cr - v"!ir;ett. a 'regfe-n ttat will "C, f :tr an enornous pop - 1 4 At ::! f.-"d and trade with . I t t t e a bsTT - !Lr- Th rx.Uk txzz-X- fa J or' rmerniTioiil tnalr'na nn anxh . soon make every diabolical Invader ... ,. , u -.. - v,.v I " -0 u '"i"ok. vi. I tne element or noise in tne snoD. w W ;r u. ' mi! American people; This publica- eliminated entirely, but when each would restore the worlds equlHb-1 tjoa , says: . "We are blushlnely ch,B equipped with noiseless t ident said to him: fdog In politics. And the nlaht waa never -uaraner, you ana a are in mucn ine too raw to keen Mr. Denew out of a same position,: Tour father-in-law and first page column and in many cases my soa-in-iaw uuin awrovo ut ua ma-1 purely because he was a aood fellow. icala." , , . , .- . I Many of his most brilliant thoughts have been delivered to some poor devil Making Machine Shops Noiseless?. I of a space writer, -while Mr. . Depew, i FrOn, Electric News Service. . . enivering tn hi. pajamas,-paced up and Art-mtk tnr maahina . yiia 4. 1 down a cold hall. He knew that Inter doing much towards making tha machlneTl?w nfht be a key to comfort tor bis shop noiseless. It la aot probable that j interviewer. 'And then ha. began to the element of noise In the shop. wiU alfmnc' ne moving in wni wimam v ' I aTa1 a (uk - 7. a -a. . a.M . A 4A.u .. a A . I wiouu Lrwinwwi yvnrm M-itejrwaru, in I speaking of E. H. Harriman, described save this country a lot Of Ushamad ftf IU MnrZ ..J lrl by a noiseless motor It is I mysterious world in which wa I asnamea or the congressmen and I .Di,.rent that moat of tha noiaa will il way not enter. ;'-'-''sv.-.:-'.--v ;,;.- hs ; building. . I aanatan . whA 'nmfaii ka,1ta,M 1 aPPren:. n1 mn n "MM ::,--, ,pMvi',.:;M r ;.-tv.w rhA .nisede nrvot tf i An-e kA I ri ..... -j... " . . .. 1 They Drint what we tell them ta9 AX Ua BOTTLED OREGON 1" " iZT' , lilZlMn ihon. hTn .r.ninV Also-tbey printed what he told them company, for five years or more bumJ-m.AtS rium and costly shipbuilding, CHAUNCEY MITCHELL DEPEW. This sort of thing is very popular on the stage but In the cold air or. v,r practical Ufa It has been known to paJL , A servant too affectionate con ba rather a nuisance. A servant ton careful about you can be more than- a ' llttla tyrant. The old retainer some times . has too good, a memory of tha .. days when, master or mistress wan a child, and is apt to preserve, the man- ' ner ,. appropriate to that relationship, i But,' upon tha whole, it It not auch . minor troubles as these which we have nowadays to fear. '.; -v ! ' : In , the ' bustling, hustllne. modem world there Is little chance' of our re lations with servant, becoming' too per sonal. We are much, more ' likely to ' lapse into a habit of treating them as machines, which they ; naturally repay by the same cold, limited service a machine renders. . What Is the perfict servant? We had a suggestion In Mme, Stelnheil'. 'trial, when Marietta Wolff thus aummed up the whole duty of the world below stairs: "A servant should see everything ; antfi say notii- A good many 'people will -xvrotest ' hastily. The command to say nothing is well enough, but they have no de- ' aire to encourage a servant to see everything. There la so much in the most respectable life which I. not In tended for publication. . But If " you ' wan to be absolutely private, tfi only way i. to aeep no servants at all, With the ' least' curious of maid, or men about the house they must see much, and ; If they have Intelligence enough to be good servants, they will infer a deal more, f. Moreover, If . you want to be well served, it Is desirable that they should. " we may not go the whole way with Marietta. It 1. not deairable that a servant should see everything. Omnis cience Is not safe for any human being. mo one wno: wishes to remain a com- . fortable human being would seek to ' posses. It-, But your, perfect ' servant " must know enough about you and' your ' ways to be able ' t anticipate your wishes Snd your actions; That 1. the Only way to secure a household where everything run. smoothly. a ' The Admirable Crichton . of ; service must know even more than this. Ha or she needs an understanding of the man ners and cu.tomS, emotion. : and tem- ' per. of the ordinary gnests, of master ' and mistress. How I. this to be gained without watching tha behavior ot mas ter and mistress in company and after -the company Is gone T The sad . truth is that Jf you .will have good servants . ; you ' must : let 5 them into . your confi dence. - Whether fflat I. worth- while v Is a question for the Individual taste - At his best he was' a . wit, a brilliant writer, something of a .nob, and a good and fancy lawyer. At nia worst he wa. but the jright hand of more powerful men, and We are not . to forget naa.Deen boosted into popular riwor be-(Clause in this -brtef M theory as -to, the causa ne lurmsnea a r woria or gooa I wnoie auiy oi .ervania. "Aney are not copy. He really set a stylo in speaking, i only to see everything, but . to say when Depew was a boy, m FeekskUl, I nothing, xou sleep better if you real- N. T., the man was esteemed the best I lo at once that this is a council of the other" he recalled with tears in T, IS MANIFEST that the day Ot JS .?? ?? m0t! ioli aff- ihV wortoea," Wf tornado that fol- a bottled Oregon is passing. Fori-' v-u, u, wui fflfflaoit to hear -instruction., besides jrtM":.A,?" 20 rears, the state was nrsctlc-M111 reign government". . baring a marked influence upon the Wl things .aid or mm aTlv wfthont raiTroad bniTdlnr. A -The British postofflce department S"' "0.?""" .ww produced. few minor extensions comprise the look. t for British subJecU In this u''StJ! whole story of railroad development coun"7. nd, protects them even tation. ventilation and similar matters during that nerind. Bnt It la annar- Tom , the 'rapacity . ot Our express which were thought unimportant a few ent that we are on the threshold of companies. , as long as a man In this now, oneo a necessity the "Great Compromiser." He waa one I rTLwlA iV toner circle, ot country is Britisher he can get this rT UtM "5 TK, StrV v ,1 u. .,.vi I reasonable rate. If ha .thooiM ln .w .....,: i.,.- ,..'. '.!' political history -of our; country during Liies ranruaii wui iu bliiuw i iikl whuiu - : - . vt alii nuuiraa aiiauia aaiira i ignmnsr i tu. at .a k-ir . m a. . aaHnn i xiat the next few years at least two andchanKB hls nationality and become a I belts, displaced by modem wotor drive, L aiaguia winoidenea this figure,'wh orator who could tear the most stars out of the aky and set them twinkling In tn. national flag. Depew told .funny stories and kidded his audience. . He turned the tide of a campaign whrn he referred to a, candidate as reminding mm . oi: ; ' ... 7'The small boy he had seen wander lng among the children', graves in tha cemetery at Peekskill, eating green ap pies and whistling; 'Nearer, My God, to xneevi And he -always has nreserved a-de lightfully youthful point of view. Most men born In 1814 are old: Depew isn't. except as the yellowed page in the family Bible shown. That hnuaa , in Peekskill where he flrat-saw the light had been in the possession of hi. French Huguenot family , for more than 200 year. v He had hardly graduated from Yale than he took an active Dart ln'the national Ampaign in 1868, and he has never missed one asses. , After holding a state office or two he became a cor poration attorney, and for more than 80 year, was the personal representative of the vanderbllt Interest..'- For -88 day. New- York Republican legislator, voted for him for United States senator, until he . withdrew to permit the election- of Warner Miller. , Then he tried to get- rloh-quick,. . and the trouble he had dodgei all fell on him. He went to the senate in '1901, and his senatorial record consist, in having stayed there since.. Tillman turned tha table, on him during a ruction In the .enate by dig ging up ona of Depew. own stories of the clergyman who had officiated at tha funeral of a spiritualist During the - funeral the spirit of tha deceased spoke most unkindly of the sermon. "I forgive him said the sky pilot calmly, VJn all my experience this is the first time I was ever sassed by a corps. ' April 12 in Hisiory-Hctxry "Clay Vs J V, I the impossible. Tha human being is not yet made who will say nothing of! wnat amuses, interests, or annoy, her. If you suppos that your servants find you - neither annoying nor ,. interesting nor even amusing, you s.re to be con gratulated on a superhuman and gulte useless modesty. - AM 'you can ,C hope for'is that they will say nothing hasty. Provision for that contingency la in your own hands. For sad and cruel as the . conclusion 1 is, there la no doubt about it; you will never get the per fect servant till you ' are the perfect ' mistress. - - -. ' i: S Si t ;,. v. , Chicken Hint , TJY a chicken a year old as It will be twice. tha size of a young one .. . the . same price. Boll aach piece : In flour, and a lace in earthen cooking - crock, sprinkle with salt.. almost cover wiia boiling water. Cover crock- tightly and cook .lowly, from two. , to three hour. The alow baking Improve, the ' flavor. For th second day '.Ilea all the meat from the bones. Slmrar the bones with seasonings, strain and add the left cVer gravy for the broth for noodle soup. Cook a cup of rice in boil-' lng water until dry and tender, add to mato saucV left from day before. Una buttered patty pans with this, lay In the chicken, cover with two tablespoons . white sauce or gravy and bake 10 min utes and the last meal of . the chicken will be better than the first - . e . B Today Is the birthday of Henry Clay, Possibly a third transcontinental linalCIUlea OI tne. united states, rre be-J 7'" " "ra f"vs ot m. noie was destined to become ao, important a Iri h-,a t , comes subject to legalited robbery 1,n and most of the dan- national figure, was bonTon April 12, wUl be added to those already In r",r .mn,il. . ,7 'B' -reater Ught and removing hit. only a few miles from .the -ld Portland. The horizon la full, of W tn "press Companies, Whose In-1 the .train on tha ear drum aiwf nervaa n.-. irthi, l. vii. v,.,. omens to this effect: and "one see terests are of greatet importance to them more clearly than the captains ?nr govern meai man tne people s. of the trunk lines already here. To the latter. It 4a tha logic of railroad strategy to enter and occupy every available section of the local field. Extensions must go where a traffic can be built op, snd cannot afford to wait for tfi country to be devel oped. . Hesitation would give the BAD ADVICE which annoy and delay tbe worklagraen. I the aplendora of Patrick Henry, genius first beamed forth. His education waa Taft Serves PTiTeleare." . I derived from tha poor district, schools L1 Ray fitannard Bakef. la the American ot eje neighborhood. Hla father was Ma In , quotes a prominent western ET US have no more bonds, no more debt spend no more money, says the Oregonian, al though the city is gaining la population, by tens of thousands and in Wlth Th tnlTTlAna It. T -t coming transcontinental competitors . .," l" j . epportunityror Joint occupation, an occapaiiou mil uom aireaay nersi,. i. .,..! ..a , . -ii K.i , ... 11 to extremely and Imperatively logic of this sltu.Uon w. b.v. on rvTA: 1 .wua, oiue, can m ran a sec every band a railroad activity such as Oregon baa. not sen in two de cades. Lines already building will comprise a mileage of greater extent than has been built in the state dur ing the period, and this is but a frac tion of tbe extensions and cross ex tensions ws are to see. . It is a development long over dnex Wastlngtonr with . 1 resourres' no greater has almost double our rail road mileage. That state has no center, such as Pcrtiaxd, for a fa- ' ' . - and Ios Angeles are not going to stop or Stand eUILT Or hesitate about spending millions oa aay matter so important as the acquisition ot naa niclpal docks. It is bad advice, a wrong policy. This city to fulfill Its proper destiny mort not bait now, must not balk at this bill. - a . clergyman . with slender . worldly mean a, snd Henry waa Coarnalled to accept a menial position In Richmond. There tha extraordinary powers of his Intellect began to develop, and .at tha aga of It be was prepared to begin the study ef law. Cloa application and a retentive memory overcame many difficulties, Snd Clay was admitted to practice at the ag of 29. From this on he rose with rapldltyto a seat in the senate aad there, tn a short time, developed Into one of the greatest statesmen of his age. His term of eervlca in the nl. waa hrnkti rlnu . able t aa this everybody except I rears, during whlcj time he eerrtd as Br'M " mpign or Tsrt weiserratary of state under John Qulm-y wera praaeoted With tha spactacl of a 1 Artama - Ha waa twlra roan wha waa Supported by the prtrt- the office of prld-nt, but waa.de- legea intereata n tbe tbeory, perhaps fted. rirst by Jarkaon and then by tbe knowledge, that be would not carry Itlk. 11 waa a memher of tha een eut the rrofntf. waa making r per- ate when fie died In Washington on mining fcla fr!'ds snd tpotiorm to make Jan it, 15 2, at the are of TS. for him. Kottlag more cyntral, nothing Few. men have been 6 deeply more dr-rradire has aver bea wra la mourned by the whole nation as was American polities. And Taft la doing Henry Clay. The solemn funeral pro Joet wfcat 1 expected him ta do, namely. tnon. paased through various rltl erring MS master. PrtTllea-a." 1 of the north before crocalrr the AL!e- ahenl; and. sa It anored ts tha miurn- Rrpublicau aa follows: "Taft has been exactly what 1 expect ed him to ba. He was and la a conserv ative and . reartfonary. and It . should have been plain to everyone during the campaign last year that about the big gest dub co game waa being worked oa these people that had ever been at- tetnpud. With Rooaeretrs ladoreemaat Tart appeared in tha west aa a radical. and yet he waa enthusiastically aunnort- d by svery conaervaUTa, by every re actionary, aaa y an tb rrivlleged In- Everybody abould hava ben Bnt if tha Repobllcan leaders It latr ff nM V. - -M . v , - vtt m uu icing iort r,rtT. fr the country to goj T rtni r Oa-r Is It yrrJ, "''C the r14n- of sorrow ahnvn DeroocraUe next fall atd tier can I"1 T ln tv, t:m " ia br th "t '"wds that rthrrd b- waS held.' ' . - - - v. . - . - A. a parliamentary leader Clay has no equal in American history. "As a party leader," saye Elson In hi. "His tory of the United . States." "ss aa idol of the people, he stood in the highest rana; ana, indeed. Dut three men In our history Jefferson.. Jackson and Blaine can be classed with him in this re spect". Clay has been called the 'Great Compromiser," though ha was author of but two compromises In his long ca reer; flrat that of 1831 on the tariff. and, second, the compromise of 1150. Clay has often ben called the author of the Missouri compromise; but aside rrom tne second compromise, concern ing the admission ef free colored ppl into Missouri, ne baa no more to do with it than some of his poHeagues. j waa tn rrmars rt a aist!nsrulBhed " K It M "Almond Sponge. , ; i, A DELICIOUS almond- epong. 1. made by oooklng two cupful, of milk- with a quarter cupful of corn starch until the milk thicken, and then adding four tablespoOnfuI. of. sugar, a llttla salt cooking ten minutes, men adding the stiffly beaten whites of three eggs and a cupful of ground al monds. Serve with -a custard mad with the yolks of tbe eggs, four table spoonfuis of sugar and a cupful - of milk. Cocoanut may ba used Instead of the almonds. . .. AJmir'aUe Cficlitoa (Cootrlhoted ta la Joamal by Walt Mason, tb famous Kanaas poat. Hia araat ara a r(ilr tratare ( ' US eulsBXa la Sa laUy jwaal) - ..N , : .L They tell about a wondrous man who) died era you were born; and I belleva tha tales I've hyard about him In ' horn. They sy thla gentleman excelled In everything be trl-d; and he coulj write a lovely ode, or pierce a s Words man's hide; or plan a sr or kiss a cook, or stn a serenade: h was th aana I or that Mr. Clay's eloquence waa i glory of his sea; when can hia glory absolutely InUnrtbie to delineation; that the in oat labored description could not embrac It; and that to be under stood It must ba seen and felt He was an rator by nature;' Hla-esgl ev burned with patriotic ardor, or flashed Indigna tion and definanc . upon Ms fos. nr waa suffused with tears of commlsera- f uon or of pity; and It waa b-caua ha felt that he mada others feel. A gentleman, after bearln ana nt hia maamlftceiit efforts In tb' aenatA. thus describes fcim: ."Every mnarl f tb orator's faee waa at work. His whole body seemed aantated. as If -h Part was Instinct with a rsrat tf; and his small, whit tand. wiih Its blu veins arpareotly dlsindd almnat ourstmg. ntored irrcr(ily, hut with all fads? with all his skill Iv nfver heard of snythlng hs's done that hflped to brighten up th world or cbetr a weary one. Th Crlchtons do not cut rhurh grass outsld th poet's pare; th ' world Is wanting specialists In thisrr sale age. Don t try to larn a gross ef thlnra. to make a.lmlrers ril; to ' learn one thing Is quit erougb but trirn'that fine thir.g well. 11 rathr build a wall of mud and do tbe ) i up brown, thin hav a ld in every trade that s tumirir is tt.e town. Fof men who faor waiis af mid soiU how well I wrctht snd when thy'r wanting walls themlTa they'd hire me on the spot Ko o'l'ls how fanm Me be your task. If you frafca up ru pilnd to du"tt litr thsnlwas dr.r the enrry ef rapid and vehement -- ' ,B a'.Lthe years brid, th wnrid r. tur. The srparanc f tha trMk,r i about your k,:l wi;l knew til mad that of a por inte.'lect, wj-oti r h t ' T"a eic!; so Warn to so r,a k'.4 cf up to Its Bn!htlett nrr(, and brient- 1 ttir.g. ar.a lra I oa It wr.L j amnir-a; ifn-Jin ie tnin anr trans- -m i.i t aa estimated IH0. (ttkened p. love In t:ch the derased parent Tsi cf ti't that ifiytvl It -