! V;:?tHE: OREGON "SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL ' 10. 1910. 12 war veterans to thoso -who werenw-j Judge Bowers of Minnesota at Top of List of . Eligibles 8 Cities Would Celebrate Com pletion of Panama Canal. ; Insr to note ht ther sr still some 800 widows or tb war of 1812 lori ami there are four Revolutionary war wid ow yt on the roll. Only recently n sppUestioiwams In from a widow of the war of 1S12, An examiner was sent to look into 'the tana. He expected -to let til old and feeble women, Instead, he found In the drawing- room, a buxom widow, on the- sunny aid of 0. who apoIokUmI -for,. keluB;.Jtilm swjUUnb eying that sns .was jum arranging; i i leave ? for -AtlanUo City to. ipend her! vacation.- Bhe Imd "married a veteran nearly SO yearn, old. t la another .tarn veteran niamea frirl sued 17. "lie Jived with her for, 14 days and , then died. . She ,ha been drawtnsr pension for SO year at the . rate oi a mania, na i nv woman yet 6h has already collected j nearly 13000 for her 14 days of married i life. ' The woman wh married a tnan SO vears after he hist: saw serVlce Is i Just as eligible on the pension list as ; the one who kissed her husband grood-j bye and looked after tho -homo and the j By Ralph M." Whiteside. ,v Pnbllbft' riru Wire.) . . i ' ih. i.'.t .nnrtmi roiirt babies during his four years at' . the Ing ton K ven the last supreme court 1(J m M t0 t(ie appointment, the middle west will be flnMcJal corujltion of the applicant for awcea to xurnisn ins man 10 uoceea pension if hs be ' a -survivor or tna late Justice David J. Brewer.- That 1 war. ; . . , the view, generally held la Washington. .... , Alaska's Fntur Bright.' , . In view of the fact that Justice Brew-j . "The fufnre of Alaska is exceedingly J r was creauea 10 ivunwao n is ueiu mo i bright, ' says Governor wsuer. u. t-iara. j wesi iiss an aaora ciaim on nn pic, i "While it may be- true tit tne popuia- There Is no dearth of able Jurists b(tion has not .Increased matcrlallv In the i tween the Alleghenios and the Rockies I nast 10 years. It Is hardly fair tooom-i who are willing to accept the appoint-1 pare tha population of this year with in out If Mr.' Taft should look their way. that of 1900. as shown by the last cen- I Just at present' Honorable- Uoyd W. 8US because that census was taken at a Bowers of Minnesota and Chicago, and time when the tide of Immigration was Judge Willis Vend oven tar of Wyoming at "Its' flood, when excitement over.th are the, names most . frequently men- craw dlscoverica was at Ha height, Tind tloned In connection with, the appoint- people were flocking into that country j . ment, but this does not necessarily mean by the thoueunds.. Take Nome, for. in either will get Jt. Judge Walter I. San- stance. I dare' say there were not more i horn, St. Paul, and Chief Justice Horace than 6000 pcopJeln tho -city in IJIOl, j B. Dcemer of Iowa are both in the run- but In the summer of 1900 there were ) nlfig. and there are -several of these! more than 20,000. ' A comparison of the possibilities upon whom the choice of population of Alaska at this time with the ..president may. fall. -K-rj- s, fi'r I (hat of 10 '.years ago 1s hardly, fair. I Inasmuch as tner ;ls not - western xhtnR" It 1$ True' that the permanent pop-' man on the supreme court bench ' the 1 ulatlon of Alaska has grown' materially: since the census of 1900. "The time la , not far distant when Alaska will have a large population, and It will be one of the richest sections of ! r-iguc cmes are conionaing wr id ""-j. , III great national exhibition' which shalU -?TU!XJ&1SIX-W ViJLJtia.i rnarTt-tR5 -completion' of "the Panama fcounlryn a few years. Mfty years canal In 1015. The report is current HR t-aiuornia am t i nmu,.i w B-i II that New York will make an effort to deal, except as a big mlningr camp. Its 1 1 Baelira tha K v fa tarltl.k -sttill r mnlra F KIUWLH JICID umi Riauuai wm fn rh nr,atr fin Mwaht b with Alaska. , The future of Alaska I "'"i ' u viiiiiruino v wa fv nil . viuiiK'i - . , . ' . t I clal bodies of Washington 1 fully under ,n "",nl' .w"'J: only thing regarded as certain la that the new Justice will come from west of Indiana. ' : ' ' " " i ' : ;' ' Would Intertaia la 1915. way to have the expoBitfon brought here. ment must be slow, v There are' large The cities desiring .the exposition are possibilities, not only jn a mining way j New Orleans. Galveston, San Francisco. but agriculturally. Almost any kind of crop can be grown. In some parts of ( I Alaska the climate Is not the best in ! the world,-but there are .some sections: that are Ideal.' - . ' Oregonian at Capital. . j I "Conservation sentiment Is nowhere! stronger than In Oregon" declared A. h. Lafferty of PortlarKl. Or. -But we; have faith- In Secretary HAlHnger and i tranx i m invinm fnr an nnin I irmrovo his c oiirse. W fil that his ; mark the completion of the canal that ! accusers are unfriendly,' and their do-' Los Angeles, Washington, San Diego, Santa Barbara and St. Louis. San plrgo is going ahead with' Its own plans for an independent celebration. It is likely that at least three gigantic expositions will be held in the summer of 1915. If two are held in California there may - be four national fairs in I progress at the same lime. New Or- an Independent exposition will likely be held there.,. The east .will . possibly be represented by a fair n eIther,New. York or Washington, and already steps are under way tn California for a Pa cific coast exposition to be held in fian Francisco. Fobs for Tics President. . Whenever-a man is elected, unexpect- edly to high office he at once Is put under the microscope to be examined as to his political availability. Honorable Eugene Foes of Massachusetts lsvnow undergoing 'f he closest kind fif Demo cratic aorutlny. He eternally "smashed a whaling Republican maioritv. and the man that can do those sort of things is me sina or a man the Democrats are looking for these days. , Hence the com r binatlon Harmon and Fobs is frequently era in Washington. ' . . Many reasons, are given by admirers of Fobs why he Is the proper man for the Democrats to nominate for vice president In the first place he has what Is generally supposed to be the in dispensable i requisite of a candidate for vice president, a "bar 1." This is no exaggeration. Fobs Is reputed to be worth at least 110,000,000. , He will be one of the' wealthiest men Jn congress. More than this, he Is willing to spend larrn "o-li e I large "gobs" of it nnday Schools Advertise. - The district 8unday schools believe in advertising. v. Over tha Central Union mission a large electric sign, to bear the words, ."Jesus, the light of the world," visible along Pennsylvania avenue, will soon be Installed at an expense of $700. The signs will be 90 feet long and 22 eet high. The word "Jesus." in letters 14 Teet high, will shine steadily, while ihe other words, eight feet high, will flash alternately. r v Apropos of Senator Roofs AM prmlni. Hon to limit pensions to widows of civil durtlons and inferences unreliable. , i : J TTaking the office 'of secretary at' a ! timo wheo there were. many... differences I of opinion, Bailingor racea a hard jooi j me roa nan to do applied, ana a nowi was bound to result. . 'I "If JBallfnger made a mistake, it was ' in attempting conciliation. The leaders In the forest bureau,: reclamation eer- . vice, and special service of the land of-' tice, stubbornly opposed a return to dis cipline. They were disloyal to Halllngcr from the start. They should have been promptly removed for the . good of the ; service, , - , . - - j ' "No one out west is getting excited over the hullabaloo about' the Cunning ham coal claims. By act of congress, . . .. . .71 government coai tanos were saiatue at ' 110 an acre." What difference "could it make to the public whether, the claims ' were sold to the Cunninghams or to the Sulllvans, so long as they were disposed of la the quantities and to the class of , individuals provided by law - T 1 -j "Oregon has more waterpowr and timber. than any other state." , START WORK ON BIG . : AERODROME AT PARIS! (United Press Irfil Wire.) Paris, April O-rWbrkmen today began j the construction of a hundred sheds for : miles north of Paris. The aerodrome covers . 1000 acres. The main eouree; ! Whlr)l IlirVRVAM tlttVA 1llt Inift 1 Wrlll ! be three miles la circumference. A smaller trial course will be Inside this. ' A pilot school, drug: sjre; model ship, i laboratory.- several . restaurants, : etc.. : will be installed, . It is the intention, of the organizers to make this the pop. i ular aerodrome of the vicinity and eas- ily accessible tven to the poorest. Q Wc do not pretend to be the inost scientific Den tists in the v9rld. But "we do claim to be as good as the best. ' All vvork painless and guaranteed k v. Out-of-Town People Should remember that our force is so organized that We an tio their entire crown, bridge and plate work in a day if necessary. Positively Ramies extracting free when plates or bridffes are ordered.- We re move the most sensiuve teeth and roots without the least pain. No students, no uncertainty, but specialists who 4o the most scientific and careful work. r ' : - Full Set of Teeth.:..,...... 95.OO Eridse Work or Teeth Without Plates ...;...3.50 to 5.00 Cold Crowns . , . ..........,, 83.50 to. H 3. 00 ' "t'n v-iowns . . . .B3.BO to V5.00 iii,,.,,..,fiivv ur ....so to i.oo; Cold or Porcelain Fillings . ..... . ..,n,,..,.(,oue 10 s.w WLa.ebone or Cold Durt Rubber Plates.. T7....,.... f IO.OO - - - - ' . No char!;? for Painless Extracting when other work is done. IS YEARS GUARANTEE WITH ALL WORK HOURS, 8 A. M. TO I P. M.J SUNDAYS, 9 to 12.. " Ifmm ' ' ' " ,''' ''"- ' '' ' ', '.''"' ' ' s -' ' . , ''...- 1 .'';','.., ',,", ' s"i . " .:' 1 '- r r , rjt ...' '; " ; . . , y Vr '1 rl mmm l lllffll ' t ST 1 w ksriiJiiitfrt iFiti , v V V A V I M M M U II 1 : L1LL Vy '.' O . ;:The' woman who is striving: to make her home Just a bit more attractive? To add to its doziness and comfort? Some little 'comfort ; luxury perhapsthat you have thought out ana planned tor ana nave naa to aeier it to tne more urgent ana immeaiate demands on the family purse! , There's a way an easy way the "Gadsby" way. Select what you need. ' A .small payment . down will secure it ' Then arrange for easy monthly payments in7 amounts that will cause you no inconvenience. 'So wiry' defer? Have that new parlor set or carpet or extension table NOWr . GADSBY "SELLS FOR LESS. f a RUGS! $gF. RUGS! A $35 Range Only Our Display Racks of Rugs Exhibit About 250 Patterns No Troutle -j. t9Shov2 Them,-You -Won't Be -Solicited to Purchase. "', ' : - ' ' NEW SPRING PATTERNS. ' " ' ' '. Brussels Rugs, 9x12 $12.50 .Brussels Burlington, 9x12. Royal Brussels Rugs. 9x12.. $25 Wilton Velvet Rugs, 9x12, guar-, anteed 20 year $23 Axmiiister Rugs, imp., 9xl2 $23 " 't ' i ', i i Burmah Pro-Brussels, 9x12, ......... $10.80, Extra qualify. Ingrains, 9x12, .". ; ,Ti . . ... ...'.. . . . . . . . . $0.75 - ; " Larger and smaller siies in 'proportion. - v CARPET BARGAINS LOOK: AT THIS" $2.50 Wilton, Carpet, sale -price," yard i $L80 Axtninster Carpet, sale price, per yard.;.. ; $1.50 Axminster Carpet, sale price, per yard . . . . - $ 1 !trVViltoTr" Vel v-etsrsale price," per yard.! 71 .r." y. $1.60 Wilton, no border, sale" price, per yard. . . . $1.35 Koxbury Carpets, sale price, per yard.,."." x.j:o isrusseis carpet, sale price, yard.. s-1.00 Tapestry Brussels,, sale price," yard ..$1.35 :.$i.io ..S1.00 ..9X.10 avenport Has Action Automatic J I a A1J are guaranteed, for ten year$. - V " ' . i . " ni: ' ... , i. ".1. I ': l.-4' . duplex , grate, sprmg-Daiancea oven doors.' This is -..a. heavy substantial and durable range, made of the best quality cold-rolled steel; adapted for fcoal or wood; oven thoroughly braced' ! and boHed asbestos-lined through out; nickel-trim d, section-plate top. Gadbbj-s price "..;.; ,..$2750 A Special Sale of Fine Morris Chairs ' ifei-Bvvtlf A Has receptacle for bedding; makes a comfortable bed, Frame is of oak; seat and back upholstered over oil tempered steel springs; cov- ered in chase leather. Retails at $38--our special price this week $25 - Who Can Sell You a Couch : -"' t nfiuix &n ca ' Couch is upholstered in velour, two-tones, greens, reds or brown, one' r in solid green plush. Special..;.........,, .....,..,..$7.50 t . . " -. - '.,-,. ;,.. ..it.,'; f- .' - " t i ; ' r ;? ; -y Solid Comfort Mattress - 1 Wy:S $12.50 , Morris Chairs re- fijry nrP duced to ' !. , J $14.00 Morris Chairs re- CMO jf)A duccd to 5X-&.UU $18.00 'Morris Chairs re- (PIP mA duced tn ',...V.. HL0V $20.00 Morris Chairs re- J- ? ffi duccd to tpxU.UU - . . ''......' "-...'. s ' . ' $25.00 Morris Chairs re- C9A flH duccd to W&V.VV ALL-'GAS RANGES CONNECTED FREE : Gadsbys'! 1910 Gas Stoves . Ranges . ? We have the most completeTlinc 6f Gas Stoves ' ' and Ranges in Portland."" Direct-Action Ranges save gas. No charge for connection. Gadsby sells them for less. ' ' 1 Extension Tables on Special Sale '"l.i'J - -u inn lb , ' $15 00 Extension Tables now.,. ,W...'.;;..i$12.50 $1800 Extension Tables now., $15.00 -$25.00 Extension Tables now..,.' ,;.,$20.00 $35 00 Extension Tables now . .$27,50 ; $45 00: Extension Tables.)noVir,s.;',',..,....i.$35.0O $50 00 " Extension' Tables now, ;..:'..:...,.,', .$40.00 $60.00 Extension Tables now., ...$46,50 NO RENT TO PAY WE SELL FOR LESS Every China Closet A Fine Mission Rocker ' This large Mission Rocker, in fumed oak, with spring seat, uphoktered in chase leather; worth ?9D0, OA FTA Gadsby?' fpecial v JUV. :A . in s i i i .. i i i i iri.' ii ti i i i i i is i u. r 1 ram 1: ' -. BUXI ' Tl . Reduced 20 PerCent': This Week Ila.s bent - rrlass i . " ends,- adjustable shelves, built of Ikv selected - eolden the greatest bar pain ever ".of- A e tered. -. Gadsbvs- n in - " ' ,. ". - '.."" ' J, " S.''v...'.' ' ' ' Great Sale i Iron Beds These splendid fi1te cot ton F e 1 1 edMattre?ses, weighing 40 lbs., arc com pressed do n to 6 inches in thkkne s. "Remain oft and f!at(c. . Ejual Jo the tnaitresc so ' xterisivcly advertised at $!5 OX Ab solutely jar.iSary. durable ' V v. i if . ! i . . i ' v'. $3.o0. Iron -Beds. " now ....... $1.95 $1.50 Iron Beds. now I. : .' .?3.50 $.1.0 Iron Bed. - now ...... .S3. 75 $?.0 Iron . Bed. now 3.7u $2'V-" Bra- Bed. ' row .... . .514.50 'Sr.)! "Bra Bed. v. SIS. 00 a' "T TP. T""TilTT rN;T7IMrT? AIT -T aisd .comfortable. Fpfo"! -fr i-ys at CO f r l ir:T AND MORRISON STREETS