mis UKiiUUN SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 10. 1910. THE JOURNAL A INDtpBNPKNt NEWSPAPEBV O. B. JACK80N... PabllaBer H)Mlid t7 evening (xrpt flaDeay) e- eierr f nndnf tr-nlnir at The Journal Boll-- tn(. Fin na XaailiUl street, ruruana. ur, Kntra et the noetofrice It Portland. Or., for ImixmUiOa Uirouyo tlx BMlia M eeeo-n-wee. B attic , . ., ; , t . , .; 'j '- .' v TKr.EPnONKS train TJ73; Home, A-SOM. . AH .epartments reached bf toeee annnera. Tell tha operator what departent ro want. IORKIQN ADVKBTISINO BKPBESB!TAT!T, BrMnniln A Keutnor Co., Boraewlrk Builditur, ti'S Fifth iwih. Kaw York: lOUT-OS Bore Building-. C-lc(a. , ' r.. ...' i . Dhaciiptlon TiffM br Ball er to any address u ua ctuiee siaiea, uanaoa er acxmi Or rear....,., ,5.00 On mootb. On rear.,......l2.B0 1 Ooe nsvth. ...... S W :v:'A ... ir- DAILT AND StJNDAT," Una rer..,.....T.60 J On swath. ....... M ; and noras broad minded and toler ant politically as was supposed and hoped. ' v.',;;.,- . . r , :-.''.,, ; Surely the Republicans of Indiana had a Tight to declare themselves as they pleased; It waa not only their right but their duty to declare tbelr honest opinions, as they evidently did. ; That they did o. should have been pleaslpg rather than offensive to a president. , By thus showing his displeasure and pique, the president haa exhibited himself ea a narrower man than anybody supposed him to be His action is schoolboylsb. : . V V Tins NURSES' APPEAL ' -!. r HERE Is pathos in the appeal sculduegery and Iniquity hereafter j-at least there Is ground for hope, and a fair prospect that such will be the case. -'Bribery is becoming less fashionable, and is considered mora reprehensible,' than It usd to be, " The thing to do to make It more so, and to reduce It to the minimum Is to. punish every convicted briber and brlbee severely. V The latter Is the more guilty, of the two, for he holds a position of trust, responst blllty and honor, and Is under oath to be true to the , people, , as , the briber Is not. . , , . CRITICISM OF IIITCTICOCK , J- MONO the members of the cab inet subject to a fire of crltt cism Is Postmaster General Hitchcock. .' It is not said that he is Incompetent, Put that he la first and foremost a machine poll , ' The doctrine ef ' environment had its deathblow In the garden of Eden.O. . Campbell Morgan. -. ...,. I, I. , f . I ... .... . I- I. DOOMED association to the people of .Portland. A spot la asked where a tent can be pitched for the care -of a Portland "family of. five, Both parents and the three children tician,. a political manipulator, and are in the , embrace of the great I that this Is the reason why he waa White Plague.. .The parenta are too selected for this post, which Is the ill to care for the children, and there one of all those at the president's ia, neither money nor place to give I disposal wherein the Incumbent can them care ' and asylum. ;i Outdoor I work politics on a large and ' cbiin- Peo- treatment with ita curative fresh air J trywide ; scale. - ! And this criticism detrimental influence on those seek- Ing a place of residence, Every such nomeseeker ' on reflection reasons that if he settles in the region he will be compelled to pay the extra 60 cents per ton extorted, in the lock-i age fee, not only on river, but on to real philanthropy. If launched. It f liberations and proceedings, and alao win oe a ure line tnrown'at a for-J those of any committee aonoliiKid lv iuo uiyor or council, musi ue puo- tunate moment to many an honest but helplesfl worker. It is easy to understand 'that colossal difficulties will surround the practical operation of the plan. ' To make the loans and lie." The provision is one that do- f serves the attention of the present J t city government. FEr.iinmE 7 rail linos. , it is a condition that I yet avoid dissipation of the principal mfcn unaccustomed to such things! will bp a problem of Vast perplexity. u. mere are solutions for almost every iueue of life, and It Is Bimnos- able that minds can be found that will bring the needy and the Sage minions togetner. on a business as well as a philanthropic basis. If so, bere will be one philanthropist resent, and the adverse Influence o! this factor In peopling , the Willam ette region is undoubtedly great. It has mora or less effect :n counteract ing the good effects of development of literature sent out at great cost by cities and towns, because It is so ex traordinary and so unwontOftTi spec tacle that arriving Immigrants are discouraged by it. If. instead of the lust arfd ,.. i ... I ,r . luuKBgo cnarge, mere anaii come a free river and competing steamboat lines, the region will have one of the most powerful of all arguments with which to appeal to the Judgment and business sense of newcomers. It is a situation ' to appeal with great "directness and strength to the Value of Accomplishments. 1 UlllJfl man whose dHufchtcr la ' education abroad haa point tnit ii noi wun- says Anna i wood ward. . . . TM younar arlrl while at school in Paris, has develoned a voice of extra- I PUWiia man A tlnialilng hor IS rained a poln at Interest, The Spirit of El-Azhar. From the Louisville Courier-Journal. - ColonpJ Kooeevelt'a hotel having been almost mobbed by atudenle front the university of El-Ashar, he stoutly main- ordinary range and beauty. . It la be- that a delegation of Copt, called to ex- S SSr ff - III V'uT. press appreciation of his : remarks, ore the operatic stage mat WUI be philanthropic for BWeetlwben tho dlstlnerulahad vlnltor from I lo ezDresa th ih..i.. ,.,.,. ) charity's sake rather than for the I America hammered tha Moslems. ; But I har home la the problem that has caues.1 who are the CoptsT '''. v. Bom uneaainese in the mind of her The Copta are called the lineal de-1 atnr. who. as a man of conaldarable acendants of tha ancient Egyptlana who maaa mummlee, pyramids and history. Oil 1 A flrV.ll. n .1 . 1 . Baracens and setting 4he Greeka , and M"" J l!..n' 10Uld b -A Mississippi member of the leg islature, it was testified in the bri bery investigation, eald? ;"I am rep resenting my county, but. for $1000 I would represent MrsAowart and myself." This is Just the way too wealth and high social position, Is able to make every provision for tha future of his children. , - ,j v i Romans oustod from fcgypt. But that I 't"-,.? .mM9 ."" levlopment and was not yesterday. Thev lost tha nrlv. .U"T "r . wura.-especially aa ttna tnr MAh v,l- u.a .i-h.uTit.i -1 " ner natural ambition. TTISTORY REPEATS itself, imi pies do not retrograde. 11 tUory of man ...t ... ,t. MMHlMi i icufc -ay iro vin-ucu. fliiaujciuuuii aiu a tuumuciBuiff put iiuu VI , nits I 0QQ pOWeff Ul Sid tO this City More vi vuD uiM ua, fm insue ior occupying vtcan.i i nepuuiican press as wen. ine peo- neonlfl mora nrnniwrlt tn mnra . ham n.,iU. nr.n.-h.i v... ,v. .....v " a I . v.- m ; m: 1 "P8" more prosperity ana more ac tut,, vut ui uewuuun uiuicoiou vu i yio bb umumo iiieu vi puouc ser- tlvltv in tha rreit vallov 41.. xiril .account of the infectious character vants playing, or. working, partilan lamette means- more ; people, ' more retrograde;;nThe fa needed, but.the nurses have not comes not merely from Democratic nes8 to PorUandfor whwMgn nCl. Wn wltl is a gradual , as- been able to find a Bpot where a sources, but from the Independent thT Willamette - system. A. large, ale of civilization, tehtjearbe ; pitched.?. Arrangement and a. considerable portion of the anJ Znl SdfSls Z S !a:ia . mnnv memham a itnt f- ..j eontnilAi1 Aun.A i. it..i i.J : H .iru ml I Matirul VOlC It la residents of the region, and . should of hVv. tanc. W numerical atrenrtClo.i' their v sreat piea an Hat :.thlr .aHimi.rf I II'.TY'JZZ. . . "wv" i""v llanguaire. and becama m. nrAteatant ml. ur ' private me. wui a voice or tnia- a--a. - "VW laV-MWJJ, AAV TV that' the crisis is on at Washington. it snouia appeal with equal direct been for better processes of . govern ment. The causes that made politl cal effects yesterday will accentuate 0f tha malady, and the' city author!-1 politics, and -organizing' a.party ma- ties -were compelled to forbid occu-1 chine with reference' to future lec- pancy of the shelter place. It is asjtlons. A good administraMon to com If the world and the world's relief I mend Itself ; to (1the ; people for ap were . closed , against these;; hapless proval, ,' should ,' need no party ma- people. .It is a phase that makes I chine, with an inside bead manager. them tomorrow, Bourne was elected senator, from Oregon. He was opposed by strong candidates, and was at the time al most impossible. ! But he stood for luckless. The gates of deliverance I temper of the voters, who are becom- are closed save for the compassion ing . increasingly independent, . are agement for all to hear a hand tn of the noane.-Y It la a call to the likely to' do the president more harm the struggle - " I a principle, and won. , Others of his the White Plague the dread of the Hitchcock's activities, in the present opponents, it contending as ne aid for that principle, would have beaten him. . They did not; and the Oregon electorate wrote anew a principle of history that Is as old aa man peo ple will, in spite..; of every cajolery. Bubterfuge and humbug,-vote for en largment of their own rights. They have done it since the dawn of gov- prosperity and more activity for the great, ; city . of PorUand. Public bodies,; city councils, prominent clti sens and private ' interests should deluge Washington with demands and 4 appeals for favorable action. ters, lust "the way great -numbers norttv ith ,) utti. - .,kind haa not only.to be cultivated but i - , w - f - -"W BH uui. 4Lklr A. k LU I.U1ULUI LI. ' - Of them have acted,, and that has them save racial integrity. There were t0 ? continually practiced and devel hn tha nHrMn,im.,hi.ii..vA mora than 600.000 Conta bforM tha a rah I oped.''' It requlrea far more time and I "v.ii. i imro bib ngi more man iow,-pro-ooo at present, and they are more hegll- way I tnoie aa a political factor than their from Aueusta.' to Sacramnntn frnm I number mlsrht indicate. ) Ther an a niTntKi, t.-ir.ti.ii..... v. v 1 peculiar People, and no cecullar Bcnnie I Of friends. krX, VoT T.V w5 C0UnU for much In politics. Poverty - What la true of singing 1. trua also Ognlzlng the fact th they were la their portion, and a failure to appre-jof playlna tha violin and the piano, elected and sworn to represent their 1 elate the value of aoaB and water inl ' v v- c -w- Counties or districts, the people, have I coniunoton their mark of racial die-( , We hear expressions of surprise, and .av liuu, WCIIIK lliUVrBfSU t.llf9. lUDLI I .WHIB.imu, ' T,H . VUlUUIBIIivB. ' UCV,U,D , attention than i would be . justified if i there waa no other Intention ithan mere ly to pass thetime and occasionally to give entertainment to a little audience been ready to .represent themselves means about as touch in Cairo as would I flrls,' having received excellent training- they could pocket a little Judas being applauded by ; the Pamunky. In- and having- developed exceptional lfu, money," So it - has been, too. With d,n for utterances In Virginia. when they . return to their homes or councilmen in jnost of out cities Colonel Koosevelt aeems to have made when they, marry and have, homes of Tu- i - li. TJl "r'l speechea without looking Into the Bub- their bwa neglect their accomplishment With the fight almost to sing tnere,snouia De tne greatest encour-lon a warfnra atralnnf r,Hhrv .; Jmurder a fellow countryman because! Tha truth ! that in th miHat of thair I uuii)iHm nui m. .. nan-1 aomesuc ajia social ouues tney cannot ' woria to pause m lis career, ana re-itnan gooa. j-f jA .,: i ifJt w- fleet on the tremendous question ' of j The Washington Herald,' an indeP n6w.'ares't'.tb.vilfe; on .the lower J pendent newspaper, says "It is gen- levels, where penury stalks and want j erally believed in well informed cir- ls insistent a cle that Hitchcock's activities are Portland ? wili doubtless v hearken I doing': the administration- positive ernments. and wlll do It till , the to th appeal of the nurses. We harmt", and it continues: . ' t mountains fall.;7 Enlarged rights tare a rich city, and have abundantly ! It Is not a pleasing spectacle to ee through direct choice of senator was I of the means for rendering succor I tn" Deaa f reatpetmentj'or the the principle Bourne accentuated, to the helpless and It beat his opponents and car-1 better side of ried him into the United States sen-1 hnmanltArlanim ate. The episode is?a key extraor- f piauds . a generous charity. Some.- f'ThTdual ,Sfe SSS amary to tne maiviauai mma, ana where and some how, a spot will be cabinet offioer far from pleasing to jn vmcu ul nuai tutuio unucai v luuua waert) (Ur9 will rcIUgiJ SDa uyDUU dui nimseii, EXT THURSDAY an open Wil lamette 1 convention ; will ; be held, at ' Albany, thaTHub" city of the valley, .and it Bhould A Nw Jaranv -L,-.- I anu-ortuw agitator, aui spare a BUIIlclent number of hour each- . a iNew jersey justice -not origin-1 it ia not th fnniHnn r ,, I . .. ,w- i., j.... ally, however rhas said that Joseph, I oome partisan ia a family fight. Col-1 of perfection which alone satisfies th'e- i . 1 1 Dave Known "-ie i trained artletio temperament. . . - mo fi-Aanar wnen ne rusnea But It does not follow that tha time precipitately to disturb ita, atmos-l nnf in annMT..m,,nt, .r.i,r Am. phere . and traditions -with a rlDDlncinii.hmani.. .i..in. - .i,. plenteous years,; and Stored It away, Pf b upon the befieflcence of BrlUeh ,s u wasted when there la no fnten- ' and durlfig the succeeding famine A"l h tM ' 'fi1101 Patrl0 1 oi to develop them as a "professional : .1, ..u.oi.o. i must oo. . ; ,-- ' . - . '.El-Alhar la a uilr nf Viulum lMrn.k . t l .- ' .. : . ' . tlnr in eieliAliee iiht ai.1t all h.l- InnA vbm mniZ- 1 !1 .'" piaoe, iney jiave an eau- :,r,JJ77rr- 5rrr..rr!r eatwnai- vaiue.. xor ; gins, juet WP'AIBABnr,. RTVER CONVEX"' was, the first cold storage operator. J PS$M&$'MiTlOX - - " He tookcit fifth iof tho products of J, .I'iivriv.tyy--. :y';Urft:.;fj;.:;j ' thejand of Egypt during the seven ch asBBBi aaka TP vm ffTT YTY" a ' 1 . 1 ! . . . . . I " . . In suits In Oregon will be Fulton sought the senatorshlp by another route, and lost. Cake sought the nomination for it by the Bourne route, and won. Fulton had the prestige of a term in the senate, the advantage of widely expanded "ac quaintance, and many another ele ment to help him win. ,Cake was little ' known,-was handicapped In the very things in which Fulton" was strong and but for his adherenceto Statement Js'o. .1, would certainly have lost. But through that advo cacy, he offered larger rights to the care for all who are ill, this hapless family of five among them." i LONGEVITY W OREGON It Is neither good political morals nor i good partisan politics. But It la de cidedly potent , In engendering resent ment and adding to tha troubles which ! beset the administration. s . , ; , . T HE- LATE Judge WilHamB was 8 7 years old when he died, and except for a while last fall had never been seriously ill. A wo- man in La Grande celebrated her one hundredth birthday recently. At f ' GUGGEXHEDIED? land," for this city as well as the re gion -above the Oregon , City locks has a direct and vital Interest in an open,' free and navigable Willamette river. : ."'-' The. time Is opportune, for while the senate committee on commerce haB adopted an amendment provid ing for, a $300,000 appropriation to : . . vuiyDidov tv uvii;.' uv auvive wv0iur slaves to Pharoah as the Israelites I the prophet, and i cordially - hate the were when Moses led them out of un!i?r'T J " T rlh the land of bondage, As haa been said, In private life few .4a-.AW U.mm. i-..kA moribund institution, and it takes itself It ",',-.wr much mora aeriouajy than it should. It xL,ence. '.Vdt is. nevertheless, a. seat of militant Mo. I 'xoeI,ence' lu.t caft . ,easI A T.nAin -., ti.. .1. h...i.n. .k... I (.nemseivea a great ueai or pleasure ani , A in an Isolated .cabin Lbecame .s around his collie dog's necknd hiS told him: in the nlaht. to "a-o:" an center ofUArabio culture, and from the w """"u I.... .L. ...., .i . . . .. ... . ... . . ' . " ' I Intii ifnrnn. raKalnul 'mimli : TiA 1 "UlWrs. - r -. iuua or puna, oiuers, twmco i tuougn tne aog naa not oeen away I amendment-Willi probably' pass the I from the place for six montha ;h8fnni, ton -correspondent represents senate, It has yet to be passed by the went through "the woods and storm jeniefly ' of the Koran, and only a year j clined, t0 presume overmuch. One who to , Perhaps in this matter people are In- ANTI-conservatlon Washing- amendment will probably,; pass; the from the 'place for six months he SmC? Chiefly of the Koran, and only & year m crr vitttm riii1fe4 whan ! 1lilt1iK . i tlon 'and U e-olnir haoVwamf Dressure from Orpirnn ahonl : r. nf hla monfir' e : wmPiM w iniroauce bo revolutionary .TwT "1 . ' . that Alaska is In a bttd condl- house; and all possible influence and eight miles to the house of a relative ? riot, reauiteoT when the rlt.1?h at so whenever' the'ieauesr mad ! tlon and is going backward pressure from Oregon should be I of his master's, who read the Tries-1 -C!T5?4- ' J -..JL -Bi, ?y.?A.ai-.0,lSI?. But who in thprA who tlwavi ffvlsi In vaaw -a va a vuvia vl hUUU B DVVU fcJ jTX V I , . IV . . . ' ' i i n, (jj. DIUUJ SbJ nil. (.IlOEJtAVli'lla 1 ffj 1 " ' Port Gamble a f ew days ago a wo- becau8e tne coallands are not beine brought to bear. . ' ' sage, summoned ',doctor,. ' and -! the I t,ooe . stvdenu - desires, to a rnanV . to to perform, even before the At t n B. 07 developed and railroads are not being .The people of the Willamette val- man's life was saved. - Yet ioma neo-1 be holy men and preside in masques. 4 mot intimate circle of friends? At the same day a man aged 9 8 died. at buIIt to them: : wat Alaska and the ley above Oregon City should suffer pie' argue learnedly that a dog can't 'LJi TtkollriL7 these ,2 Vmi.ir w0h - a on i Tfntn country needs. It is Intimated be-i no longer this burden of 60 cents a reason. There are plentr of human people; the; ;; people wanted trtfiose I county is 106 or 191; - A woman died tween the, lines, is for the coal fields ton on all freight passing down or beings who haven't abetter reason rights ' Just -as they? have struggled, at Hlllsboro a year'or two ago who' .tb turned CTer to' Morgan 'and up the riv.They have paid, trlb- Ing apparatus than this dog. v vuiiiwauuu iuat una oeizeu 1 r t v upon the river at Oregon City quite - Trackwalker Lewis, tried for man- bled and fought for them since the (reached the unprecedented age ;of tbe, . Guggenhelms, for. practically ut'KinuinK. anuuaaa- won me nartir 12U rears. : 1 oern nrn nnur iivinr mi " vw ,,..- nomination. ' It is a second, and most 1 Portland at least three well known decisive proof , of the mood, of the! men who are about 92 years of age Rev. John Fllnn, Benjamin Simp-1 Oregon mind, and a signboard,' vivid as noonday, of the future. - : ' But Chamberlain was elected sen ator. After being triumphantly nom Bon and F. X. Matthieu. There are probably a considerable number of other persons 4 here - not so4 well i veloped. and railroads will be built No doubt, but who will get the benefit; the people who now own the lands, or Morgan and the Gug- long enough. A1 Tbe state Is willing 1 slaughter, was promptly acquitted. to pay half the price of the locks, if the government-will pay the other half; and if the corporation will not j inated; Cake, as a concession to Ful-1 known, ' and 'more . throughout the genheims? If there can be . no de-1 aell at a reasonable price, then locks yelopment of this sort, unless all the should , be constructed on , the east benefits , and profits accrue to the side of the river. ton's friends, who hated Statement No. 1, abandoned that issue, was in turn abandoned by thousands of Re publicans and Chamberlain, a Demo crat, was elected. If men would know the future, let them read the past. History repeats state, .who are .over,90 ; years did: There are a larger number well up in the eighties, among whom are Ma jor A. F. Sears, Colonel McCraken, L. F, Grover, 1. O. Carson and others. Daily one may read of the death; in some part of the state of persons all Guggenheimsrjperhaps there 'might las well be no development for awhile. He admitted that he left bis post be fore . his ; watch waB ; up, and this caused a wreck and the loss of a life but he showed that ; he ,; had been kept on duty, in- that severe storm and cold : wind, some 2 0 hours at a The people who will assemble at stretch, and was simply''all in." Jf Albany will no doubt all be in favor thie was true, the Jury cannot be How does It happen'fhat'yaohody, Nf- free locks, a free river, .'and an blamed for. acquitting him. But who not even the government itself, can do anything with these government lands, except the Guggenhelmst The .Guggenhelms have ; an- am- Improved river, sq tbat-itwill be theit, is guilty of , the manslaughter? navigable at4east to Albany and Cor- vallia; the thing to do is to so con duct the meeting and bo state the itself. . Electorates Aa not i-efro-i h a rnm AA a ttr bassador plenipotentiary and envoy situation and present the facts that . - 1 w t, s.wu, v w vv w uivio. v I . . .. . lV. Hi. M ' : u" liuusa , uuiniuuie) ana - congress will be Impressed with the need, the Justice, the reasonableness of the. ftp- grade. The whole story of man is a struggle for enlarged political rights. The citizens of .Oregon have,! large rights now, and the 1 attempt by means of an assembly to abrldg them will be .beaten. The political cadavers in .this state who suicided by the anti-people route are evidence and explanation of why the scheme is doomed. rX HOOSIERS IN DISGRACE PRESIDENT TAFT Is going-to take , a . trip out - west this spring, as far as St. Louis, and ' will make I speeches at many places, f Among the cities In which he had promised to make a speech Is Indianapolis, the metropo lis and capital of Indiana,' having been especially Invited to do so by former .Vice President ; Fairbanks But within the last few days it has been announced that ' tke - president has cut Indianapolis out of his .itin erary. He is reported to have de cided that he will deliver no address " 1 here, will not even Tlslt ihe . city. Perhaps It possible he will not pass within the boundaries of the offend- ing state, or if he does will make do speeches at any point therein, but will hurry . across It - as ; unholy ground. ... " . " Why this change at program, this marked rebuke to the Hoosier state, this presidential displeasure with the people of that great commonwealth? Why, the Republicans of Indiana beld a convention Tuesday, and led by Senator Beverldge adopted a plat form that was a boat nine-tenths in urgpnt They expressed dissatlsf ac tion with the tariff, that the presi dent has bo unequivocally commend and demanded Its revWon; they tr.&i prominent and emphatic their 1 oreroent of tbe Rooaevelt con- PTTs'ion policies; they indicate very I a!r.!y tht they were thoroughly In r. ; sthv -with tbe Insurgut ele r ct ct the party; and baring done 1 1 ti'.i. at the tJB.il tad of ihe plat f ,'5i r i ia t r'.i' ti possible phrase f' tt c.ain)prded the presl- .... h v . . - ' a . -n. T; . ta; r' 1 t ItrtUnapoi'U. the . -ii. k-" 'r aaa principal ; ! f - r t IniiABi; bdc t ; ' .; s c at Indiaaapclis . t !'-. -Tfcis lrci- r",-'"t la a fw have no comparative statistics . at hand, but believe it safe to ' assert that in no' part pf ' the country do so many people In proportion to pop ulation live and retain their health and ' faculties ' to - upwardB of four score years, i We do know from offi cial statistics . that; the" death rate; here Is lower than 1 a any other part of the country, and that people on the average live longer Is a correla tive conclusion. '. "' '; t, ;-j;;; This is due principally; to our cli mate, that Is favorable not only to extraordinary at Washington in the I person of Mr: John Hays Hammond, ; who scarcely lets the president out 1 of hlB sight . Has the administration I become Guggenheimed? -, .- - . - r SEEKING THE CONVICT I HERE la significance in the 15 00 , reward offered by Governor Hay j of Washington, .for the What "higher, up" person Is it who requires a man to be out 20 hours at a, time in such weather? . A headline of a Washington dis patch reads, "Ellis works ; for ; new postoffice." That Ellis "works" for propriation asked for. "The meeting anything, except renominatioa . and at Albany will serye t press In an election eyery' two years is remark- emphatic; i jlmpre8sive- convincing I able, astonishing, If true. But it Is voice the' needs and claims of the lncreaiDie.;,-- ..r.;; r-. yVjyyXTx, oeoole of this srreat val lev in resner.t I v ! ' '' ' V ' of a free and an imnroved river, Postmaster General Hitchcock has They are willing to Melp, the state nsed the name of a little Idaho has proved its willingness to help, I Pstoic from Pinchot to something capture of Wilcox, the paroled j and this, as well as other pertinent I lB ' This Is about the pettiest act convict, who is sought In connection facts, must be well expressed and wun , me muraer or : Mrs, Fepoon. clearly shown.- As tne facts la this extraordinary Oregon is now getting things and ever done ' by a . peanut ; politician clothed with, a little brief authority. , , -' , . A ... . Section 67. of tha Portland char ter prescribes the rules for the gov an4 win -a (miAi4 ' ' T ' -n Am ' V J. 1 i . a. - . . i I erTiWIeTl t fit th A rltV ' mn nfl .: att1 r,Du wftv nevMntii. ..a .....j iuv uiauon m i snort time, ana perore ' .7" ."V"" -T" loneevltr 'but1 to the . retention' of 1 ... .. . ., uregun uow getting uungs ana 3i .rid mental Sl ? ! C&M n covered, the apprehen- doing things, as never before. ' The physical and mental faculties to a Blon of tha convict Womea 'mnr. xxrn,..tt . - ..v, - ,t , s , ' ,HHftiucLlc.lftllc; Will MVUU1D JU JWp '"land more important It makes the in lation fn a short time ifnra 1 more remarkable the baitings and many years after this happens Its! amontty other things says: ,"IU de- try.. True, many people die young during the five months that a-weak fcoi-A- Mint itrnn tn thai tirlma' Vrif 1 I geometry, or plain and fancy arlthme J whethe f thosewho possess these gifts , tla What flld It matter Whether 'th ru8. now mucu pleasure iney - sauare of the hypotenuse of - a , rla-ht Slve , when, with ; ready acquiescence, ; angled triangle equaled the sum of the they consent to "big or to play. , ' squares of - tha- other two aides, or But there ia a further reason why the whether two and two" made four. If study of muslp and drawing Is so im tlma were to be wasted ascertaining pprtant in tha education Of the young ,:; such trifling truths when, it might be girl. ,, ' ' s." i more profitably put in repeating texts ' "It is certain' Bays an old writer. i from the Koran, and calling Christiana "that even a email share of knowledge dogaf ...-."-. - , !n thes arts-wlU heighten your sleaa-r v Possibly Lord Cromer waa ; jesting ure In tho performance of others. An wnen ne eald tnat the grand mufti of 1 unskilled ear is seldom capable of com- , . El-Aahar admitted to him that he didn't I prehending harmony or of dletingulsh- -. know whether the earth moved around I lnir tha moat delicate charms of melody. - tho aun or the sun around 'the earth, i Tha pleasure of seelnar fine calntines - but that the subject waa too unlmpor-1 or even , of contemplating the beauties tant to enlist; the attention of serious of nature, -i must be greatly . heightened minded men. ,Jf-he waa he probably I bw our belnar conversant with e the rules adorned a vtaia ; with fictional detail to of drawing and by the habit of conald- ' araw attention to xne irutn aooui tne erlng the moat picturesque Objects." juonammeaanism 01 tne present aay. as i reveaiea. at its great university. With the Britsh civil servants, the Copta, the guests at Shephard's, and the loungers and - rounders , at the Sphinx cafe. Colonel Roosevelt' seems to have made a hit. But tha uproar In Arable In the vicinity of , his caravansary was the logical result of his speech to the News Forecast of . 5 , " V-Week Washington, April . The annual ob- atudenta who Blake their; thirst for efvnc of the Thomaa Jefferaon annl knowledga In the Koran who elake veraary will serve to keep Democratlo their thirst for coffee at La Grande I politics to the fore this week. .The Cafe Egyptian, and their-thirat for pa-1 principal celebration Is to be a banquet triotio political utterances in the col-1 In Washington under the auaptcea of umna of Al Lewa, the tri-llngual Moa- the Democratic clubs of the nations Al- lent organ tot the nationalists ' which thouarh diaanDolnted In their effort ta Moustafa Kamel Pasha, left as a legacy secure tha attendance of Governors Har to hla party when j ha - followed the mon and Marshall and Mayor Oaynor, ; prophet to paradise to collect his al-lnew reearded aa the threa nmalHAntfal lotted number of houria aa his reward possibilities, tho league haa secured as for having been militant for tha faith, speakers Champ Clark of Missouri. Rep- ' - .. i I reaentatives Bhlveiy of Indians, Clayton Under the Initiative and referendum I of Alabama and flalnev of Illinois. ama. law nearly a score of measures wiU be I tors Husrhes of Colorado. Gore of Okla. submitted for-the consideration of thelhoma and other Democratic . leaders of electora of Oregon at the general elec- I national, prominence, r , tlon next November. Limited woman t Democrata of Missouri. Indiana. Mln. . suffrage and atate wide prohibition -ara Beaota, Illinois and other states have ' among tha proposals to be voted on. also arranged jefferaon day banquets here; many drop in their prime; but there la a better chance here for a person' to. live to a green old age than in any other jart of the union, probably, -than anywhere else In the world: 'This of itself is something woman knocked in vain at the door of Justice and begged for an investi gation into the mysterious death of her daughter, . '.v.j' . i '' TO the credit of Governor Hay, it Is to be eald -that as soon as in- production .will keep' pace. " A free, navigable river will be. a thing of ;r I'Z Z" v!7 ,r ':P,, V . . Te conaUtuUon of the United States " "uov - "r JW maiat- had aa one of Ha articles a provision ently. without ceasing, and it Will be empowering congress with tha right to obtained. . The Albany - convention pass laws "to promote tha progress of Bliouia be a big one and Should speak I science and useful arte by securing for April 10 in Hiatory First Patent Laws worth , the consideration of eastern . " -.7. - -J ..T-" . DO t"8 one na enoma speag science ana uaerui arte oy securing ror neonlA. ramB-frt- fii-es-nn and llta . 1 u f "s"'" ca" n!cflea M M De Heard distinctly and Im- unuted nmea to atftnora and Ipventora ' -T- r nim Tnrrin on 'i n mnrna I n aa pvwi ma ti ..n e - ni aiiitair. iah m . Ion r and b hannv. V . . i yivvaiyeu at tne national capital. 1 .. ' '7 BRIBERY OOMIXQ TO LIGHT B' personally and officially Interested, with the result that all the exped ients known to the police are to be applied in the search for the fugitive Wilcox. The - convict's flight, the finding of-the strychnine in the ex humed stomach and the ethics 1 of humanity and Justice-are full war FOB CHARITY'S SAKE RIBERT of legislators coming to light In Jew: York, in Mis sissippi, in Ohio. Bribery, of aldermen by the wholesale,' at bargain ' prices,. In Pittsburg. ' . And these cases are not rare, on the con trary, have been common.--Occa sionally some of the facts have come to light; " generally, it may reason ably be, presumed, they, have not We of this coast have a pretty good Idea of what has been the custom for jrars In California. - It Is a gen erally accepted fact that the" rail - roaus nave Dossed me W ashlngton I amendment annronrlfttlne- Hon nan Btats legislature, and until the last which almost certainly commits' ths election dictated the United Slates senate to the program. With favor- T W T writings and discoveries.1 Congreea at an early day availed Itself of this power, and Bouviera Law Dictionary aays: Tha first act'oaased waa that whlrh HO'is there ' to . throw dls-1 tabllehed tho patent offloe, April ' credit on the Impulse that 10 ,17"-. Tb?Z, wr Je1 fuPP-, leads Mrs.. Sage toward the r Au7a"tir In,- ::wiM. THE FIGHT AT WASHTXGTOX . 1 - r I t a ru n'r'-f y fcslilve. senators. It Is a matter of notoriety that-the Boston ft Maine railroad and other, corporations control ths .legislatures of several New England states. - When a stats like 'ilichlgaa keeps such a ibid H Burrows in the senate, one knows that in hla elec tion the legislature did bot- renre- spct the Interests of the people In the slightest degree. What influ ence, then, wis brought to bear upon I'-fis'ora to induce them to throw tbe rr dse-nr And thr caae it cbIv ISfastraUre) f aeveral.". Tk'.-e will lees cf tf.t sort of plan Of establishing through-1 law of 17 ware required to be mads Out the country loan agencies ' at 1 u board consisting of the aecretary rant to the governor in offering the J which poor people can borrow money " in" crey or war ana the large reward for the capture -of at low rates?. A large contingent otlTtJS nucux...-... ... . . 1 '"s "C is always in arrears WltD patent. ' . . . . the world, and there is a broad field I Tb rr marka the beginning for the proposed . philanthropy. '"alfp . I 1 . IT LJ L. Ill I 1. II Will m ....am m. a 1 . . . Iltl ITTIW , T-M. ...I " . I . rcWCUBOU CCHD- a-vj ir a rrv uianieiie l are SUrVlVlsg on a bare living wage, j prehen aire act waa paused which is almost half .won at Wash-1 and larrelv through no fault of their brought the system somewhat Into its Ington. The senate committee own. . Men are born with different lTlnl ,"a haa airrMvl tn' th. n,,.-1 .-. 7 Matures, but Introducing new aad tm- -v uumui ranariiiea. ISQ . IS ODDOHI oil I fkin,nt . n Tn . K- 1 1 some are Dareiy equal to tne Strug- j t createa a patent ornce, to pe attached gle. It Is such Whose necessities t Pruniit ef aute, at the head Tf,- nMv.in. k of which waa to be a commisinoner et " v.. i patita Tle rnt ImportantrreTUioa and It la they that are not eligible tor the act of im was the inlroeuetioa for loans at the banks. Th tnanfof tha poller of rrelimlnarv eiaralna- whose salary is his only asset may "7-5' pHrpo" or determining the suing tbe patent. at which noted speakers will be heard. in . Loa Angeles there will be a two daye' conference at which It is expected that the candidates and plans for the compOsiUon of matter, or any new andffornla will be definitely determined, uaerui improvement thereof, not known I .paM.ni Tatfm Mi i,kii. . f. b Others tn thla country, and ment for the week will be hla appear-, k,? ?.nti 1..eCrlb'1 ,n ny Panted ance at the Opening of the annual con- publicatlon In thia or any foreign coon- ventloa of the National Woman's Suf- try before hla InvenUon or, discovery frage association, at which wa will de- thereof, may, upon payment of tha fa liv. e , , required by law, obtain a patent. Theae! TH work at takinir h. Ptwta era obtained by mailing appll-1 ana . of tha United States, for which '. roiuraiMiraw ot patents 1 preparations have been going forward la aceordanca with forma prescribed by for several yeara. will begin promptly THE F is a Ingti has able action by ths senate all that will remain will be to secure acceptance of the. amendment by the bouse. The present is a crisis In which every commercial body In Portland and the Willamette valley should make Its , influence felt To the bomeeeeker it is a blot on Oregon to witness on arrival the spectacle of sicken tomorrow, and his note Is not a commercial asset. He and the! Lo ni prwvietee- was made for pet. nara driven wage earner are the men """"a osigna rar e parkxi ef aven whose necessities drive them to loan BT ". rt cf ,m ,h ttrm f . , , .1 . , . ptnt for inrentlooe was extended sharks and the tremendous alterca- fron, n jT yr.re. au former .17, tj,ve or usury, ina tienaerer theloiarriTtitnaiira rtn aiian and cm. a private corporation In control oil security tbe higher tbe interest rate.lD" wr rrai-d aird a sptform ecai I and It is through suiv-a rroci iuiTr i'-vuj urr xr-n waa an!" j-"t! tn l:e an4 Bnq cepr ahio tee dutches of an I prfortt int i-, r-" coi3J!M. as hfnet bwt liirkWe porertv. ' tw fut ; prmi wre a wateraav and farina- toll for the passage offrefght cp and down, it 1j a conrl:ttn that tndlcts the region vi'h barkwsrdn! and riOBprogrfs tlon, aad that maElfertly exerts a a . . The Eag, plan Is a tear .rrre8Ch arV ZrV:"' on irrlna v tYtifminsv ka, a.s III 1941 th Dfttent office trn. ahnlit fin AAA nnn.A..tAtf M I . i . .A . , . . - , . . . ' .www. vv.vv- . w ....1 t.vi will VVKin 1. 11 a rerreo; to-tbe newly created denartmant I nnilrtinn f ,n.n nii.. of the interior, where It has since re- population, industries and resources of mained. From the beginning provision the nation. - V waa made for 'the collection and preser- What promleeg to develop Into one ' vatlon of tnodela, aa a result of -which nf th. mui nni.hi- ,rini..i an Immenaa number of "peclmene and reoent yeara will come ttf a had In Kan- deslgns-bave been gathered. - saa City Monday, when Dr. B. C. Hyde I ' , 21 w b0,ldlBg " which the will be arraigned for trial on the charge models were kept waa burned and many of having murdered Millionaire Thomaa of then were destroyed, but dm areas H. Swope. . made an approprlatloa of I100..0 to After weeka apent In preparation and eecure duplicatea of tha moat vlnM mMmMn. .i .ul w. , r- J . v ... w . ...v UMfUWPH. , I n. i,t.i ' of ll will be ushered In with the , Tne total BUtnbel cf arpllcationa for opening gamea In the two big leagues aa A 1 ei ,tUXf f?1?01 offlc' ln 71 weU ia er f nor organ. V years, from 1137 ta 10. waa 1 -t tn- Iuiiok, - . - -W ber of original patents Uaued. ,. relt will figure" conspicuously" In tha and a net ourplua ln the United Statee newa of the werk. .Other eventa af .T.m.D rcOVDt ot th patent fund, more or less lntrr.t will be the meet- H.S0. , .5. Tha United States haa la. Inr f Ihm vr-.t ai,H..ra i. sued balf as many patenta aa m i,t.. I i-n h . ; out by air the othercpuntrlee of the I Ice to the battleshrp Routh-Carollna, a world combined. , Ironf.mn.. .f th.m --tn- rr..n.,r.....u Of th aiuth At UMnnlil. Ih. V.. . On April 1ft, 160. Xtnr James T la. ideclaton in th f.mnu. Rn..ti ud two land patents for "the riniltrtt it F.t r.rri.rM,. w... and second colonies" tn North America, leua dTrlopments lo the wsts of - - - -'w.vui-o. n .s m, oirtaaa of Horatio iia. the Renlutinery en dicr (17:t); MUhw C PrrT, th aad on this date ln IMWm fmiaht tbe can ia or lauiouMi It ia taa blrtkdaT Ik, naval cfflrr who commanded the Arnir- Mxn eipei;t)o0 te Japan l74i raJ Iw ara. the i2fr and wrrt " tl;u: Thomaa B. n. Cihb. or ot the rreateat , Ut,r f k . I-otiiaa t-.n5eT V. tn. ov. 'ftt '!". rr,r-.. rr.nr,,i ' e'ir e- 1 (3r-ai v.- -. tKtk tt th'.yf.-a Arr-.y Si-r, tl;ij, rest that aeema to have swept over the laoor workl. Tbe gueaLs ef honor end speakers at te annual dinner of Ifce Lrit,, r tr jBpu llneuo sta cluha to be glrea n wAMF.irrtrm on April I, wi, fa PreeWent Taft. VH Treeldent Sherman. Senatnr Ivr ft wwrntm . r, P.'trt-"lIH' H l. Kilter .f H- i J'-r"l Mrtnre ft I-,nra-t T.. M-Xt:-.:y ef ft',. t-t-'-m aj f rata O- lr,in ef i;;.a;a.