THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. K FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 8. ' 1910. j 4 -nro-rr t i iri-i " n"i -i-i -- ------------- - -ir rwTAnrna.ivwri.riAri ) JQURNALfPIGTffRES IMPORTANT NOTICE ;. ,; . ,;v '. ;.: v-'v'-i"'?' '-vv. The second consignment tof Journal pictures is entirely exhausted and it will be necessary for those still holding coupons to retain them until the arrival of the third shipment, which is now en route by fast freight. Notice of arrival Will be duly -given. , , ' , . i The Journal ask its friends to be patient.- Every reader who has" collected the coupons will be supplied just as soon as possible. Arrangeme,nts have been made to . fill the hundreds of mail orders from the next consignment s V ' I ii "ir r -ri-nirri .... , ii-fvudijui.iuji.,u IS mmw MISSED BY FRIENDS KITCHENER 4 ARREST ATTORHEY VMDEFORPASSING, A BAD $200 CHECK hipped from Kolre, 111.; by Charles Dubois . to JVillf Gregory at .Seattle, where the freight -chargee were 'to be collected. It ..was put on tWear on ?aftr ' wt" tol. "Consigned to " : .wregory, - care - or Charles ;. E. George," reads the bill of lading. : George .came to Pnrtl&nri v..t.H.. at :- the request of Wade, ; Ha formerly practiced law In Chicago, as did Wade, who sot In trouble with tho authorities there, and waa charred with recnivtnr stolen' furs.-;'; v'-.-' ..;:,. ..'. "While In, Chlcaro- In Janusr. I stayed at tho Morrison hotel," ssld Mr. weorge. "l t met several old friend. .. . t i ! I ..i. Araonj inem was a. former client He While He IS in Jail POllCe LOOK- introduced ma to Willie Gregory, who I - . . ' . v , Muuoi .Wu rai oi a, lormer constants. ng mo ; uircumsiances 01 zr&EE&JY Jiht dVftntftM I ..;.:,: - - - : - .-1 or tho-Paclflo coast, and said ho con templated opening- a garage In either rortiano, Tacoma br Seattle. . Ho ald I no owned seven - or eight automobllea. and asked me, in the event he went to Tacoma, if I would helo him in a. flnan. ciai way, i told hlnj I would. ' letter From Gregory, w nen i arrived in Tacoma. I re ceived a letter from Orearory. Ho asked the loan of 30O, and said 'maohlnee are I on tne way :I did not know him Inti mately, and did not really know to what he referred. V I thought he waa working, a iiimiiam' game. . Bo I wrote back, refusing tho loan. Several daya later-1 received another letter from Gregory.- Ho said a ma-i How He Got Stolen Auto From Chicago. . ' Arrested last night on a warrant from White Salmon.- Wash, charging that he obtained l!00 oh a worthless 'check which ho Induced Frank P. Egan, the complainant.' to indorse, Richard A. Wade, an attorney with offices In the Commercial building. Is held In the city Jail today. Because tho Information was filed at White Salmon, local officials have no cower to fix ball. For tho release of. Wade, ' E. S, J. Mc Allister, his attorney,, filed habeas cor-chine had been shipped to him at Seat- pus proceedings In the- circuit court at I tio, in my care. Mrs, Laura Stanley Bristow. noon, and asked for an, Immediate hear ing. McAllister avers the charges aro without foundation. Wade, In the Information sworn to by Egan, is charged with obtaining money by false pretense. . Egan alleges he knew Wada slightly, and when the Port- . land attorney asked him to indorse a Mrs, "Laura Stanley Bristow, wife ef W. W, Bristow, whoso . death occurred at the family homo Thursday morning. Mrs. Bristow Is mourned by many rela tives and friends. She waa always loved by old and young for her sweet disposi tion 1. ' .vaVv'nnA over tho machine. He, went to Seattle. I a . n . - Ji . 1 1 1 ml- - He further said fco had mailed ma the bill of lading to gfeneral delivery. Seat- tie, ana. tnat I could examine the ma chine. As I expected to leave for "Tort land that night I, asked E. B. Christie. a real estate broker, of Tacoma, to look. ctieck arawn to ma creait or nowm n aiacmne. wnen returned i hmnrn nrruirru Co.. on the New lork Produce Exchange to Tacoma no informed too the machine UC I O TllvUCri DC I VVCCN bank, he did mo. When the check was returned as worthless, Egan was com pelled to reimburse the. holder. Wade "Pleads Znnoosnoe. Wade told tho ; story yesterday that Bowles & Co., was S, firm of New Tork contractors for which ha did work,- He said a roan of the name of Green, who eald he represented the firm, gave him the check in payment for services ren dered. He was unaware, he said, tnat it 'waa .not good. ' Wada was arrested last night ty Con stable Lou Wagner, some time after the arrival of Charles E. George, from Ta coma, Wash., who transferred the $3600 Stearns automobile, stolen ' from Chi cago, to Wade, who In turn transferred it to - another attorney, H. H. Rlddell His arrest broke In rudely upon the et forta of the two to straighten out the tangle surrounding the sale of the , car to Riddell. t - - . .. -- George, .Who. la editor -ofy the lawyer and Banker, a Tacoma bimonthly pub lication, and who says he owns $14,000 worth of stock tn the publicattoi, said today that he got the- machine from Willis Gregory, whom he met casually in Chicago, about me middle oi janu ary. He said : his v cQnneetlon with Gregory was that of an agent, and that he agreed to sell the auto for him. ..' 9oI09':MmVwo mxAo.'i-: At the present time the machine is being held by the police in the garage of the Whit Motor Car company. it has been . positively Identified as , one of the hundred or more cars stolen dur ing the last few months from Chicago and New York by an organised- gang of auto thieves. Detectives are making every effort to .discover to whom the auto was disposed of by the thieves, for they- believe - an organized band of "fences" Is operating in the west, and making a business of receiving ana dis posing of the Stolen property, After an examination of the' bill of lading un which the machine was shipped, detectives are certain that the pian followed in shipping a number or the stolen machines was that used In the case of the Stearns car. ' In cases where the stolen machines have bean re covered it was ' found, that they were taken from tho owners, run 100 or more miles from the city limits, then loaded on cars, after Identifying marks were obliterated, and , shipped . to v distant points. ;,.-V: : , -r.v': , "i - SUpped ITom Zolve, zn. So It waa with the Stearns car, they aay. The bill of lading shows It was .The digestive impulse Is the life of the stomach. If this is weakened Crippled by abuse, -Eating improper food The rest of the body suffers.1 Body .and Brain ' are nour- - ished , ' Thru the digestive impulse, Food is called ; for, and, if right,' -' -: . The tissues are repaired As fast as mental and physi Activity breaks jthem, down. This is life. i ;; - Grape-Nuts food not only Meets the requirements of . Tissue-repair, but is a Source of vital energy. 1 " It contains the phosphates' Stored up by Nature la wheat and barleyVj G ra pe-Nuts was prepared By a food expert, so one Can f;et these -ital elements Without bother, cooking, or Other effort than eating it r-:n 5,!owIy with cream It i: t!:h'::ot:s, satisfies' I ; - " "tive impulse" ' cram 2nd was worth $2500. Gregory wanted 11800 lOr 11. : . ' ' - :. '. " .!', I have known Mr. Wada for 10 veara While in Portland I saw. him freauent- ly, for my Portland office is In his suite. When I mentioned the Gregory letter, lie told me he could sell the ma- chine for me. I told him I would send the bill of lading to him. . ; Gregory Tislts Oeorge. ; "When I returned to Tacoma Grerorv visited my offices, and tried to get me to give. hlml500-jtorthe machine, on which there were freight and demurrage charges, i did not have the money and did not desire an auto. Finally, I agreed to give him $200 on the, machine and to. try to sell it. for him X gave him the $2Q0 and he gave me a bill of sale. recording the sum of $200 and other valuable considerations. I sent the bill of lading to Wade. Several times in the last few weeks . Gregory has called me by long distance telephone from Se attle, and demanded that I give him more money for the car. I told him Wade was v trying , to sell it, and he would be paid as soon as the ear was soldi .. r. .-..) Wade takes up the local story.' " He aid he got the bill of lading, found that H. H, Riddell wanted an auto and turnedover the bill of lading to the Holman Transfer company to have the machine shipped to Portland. Wade also received the bill of sale given to George by Gregory, which reads "$500 and other valuable considerations.'' :- ',.' '. Car Sent Rare. . The transfer , company had the MATTHIES' TEETH AND COMES NEAR LOSING IT In uarrel over who should' Pater Castenberg, employed on the Gantenbein - dairy near : the Columbia slough, had his middle finger on the left hand almost bitten off and Is also suffering ;from a severe bite in the left ' shoulder.TtUirI Matthiearanother employe or tne same dairy, waa arraigned this afternoon before V Justice of the Peace Olson for e the aot Castenberg says they- e were milking on the evening of January. 20, when Matthias as-'. ! saulted him. Castenberg further alleges they nad been -quarreling e over which one should carry the large bucket of milk.- Cas ten- e berg Insisted Matthles should carry It, while the latter insisted e Castenberg should take care of It ' castenDerg was in the hospital w three weeks from the injuries. . 800,000 ACRES OF .RICH OREGON LAND L (Continued from Page Ona) J sent to Portland and notified Mr. Rid dell - of its arrival,. aS instructed by dius, in. a strip running from Albany to car 1 Ontario, three sections being taken to the mile. It Is estimated that there are 4,000,000,000 feet of merchantable Wada Riddell had the car sent to the (fir and pine timber In the Blue end White garage. While It Waa being ex amined and repaired,' It -was found to answer the description of a Stearns car j stolen from Chicago, and the police were notified. ' Riddell said he ' paid Cascade mountain lands oovered by the grant v-v i - This Umber, alone, it Is estimated. should. -tie worth not less than $4,000, 000, ,and - covers approximately 200,000 Wade $150, paid tho freight $277, and acres of land. This leaves approximate- nxpenaea aDoui n m repairing tne ly 600.000 acres of aarlealtural and auta He said he would give it up If Irraxlna lands.: while In . tha Malheur. satisfied f its ownership , i ..i Harney and Crooked River valleya much George, when asked if he knew where I nt th. iini ( uniMa inimiA. nn. Oragory could be found, said the man braced within the boundaries of the was in Seattle, but he did not know hli mnt ir. th. imni n antmrin v.i. addreas, although Gregory telephoned Burns, Prlneville, Slstera and Fossil, him several tlmea He was asked who Tt 1. mia.ta nnaiiv,iv tv rnii,i V? he could recommend as proper persons from whom to get Information about Gregory. He gave the names nt wh Leslie, 155 Washington street and John uunn, v.nicago saloonkeepers, ILES INTRODUCES -DRYD0CK AMENDMENT Washington, April . An amendment to the naval' appropriation bill limiting the cost Of the new drvdocka th x-ugei eouna navy yard to $2,100,000. was introduced yesterday by Senator Plies of Washington. Tha amMilm.n cKmes an appropriation of $600,000 to complete the work. - - , On a point of order bv or jxew jersey,, an appropria tion Of $145,000 for a Paclflo .mast nr, peuo suiuon waa atricken from the iwvai appropnauon Din yesterday af ternoon by the housa ' An appropria tion ef $91,000 for the enlarrement nf "" wiongapo. f. naval station, met a similar fate, , . PENDLETON-YOAKUM ; LINE WORK STARTS ' . P"tl Dtapetcb to The Jmjmtl.l Pendleton. Or, April t Construction machinery is being rushed to Pendleton aa rapidly as possible, and within week or 19 daya between I0-and 40 men will be employed In building a road between this city and Toakum. Runh was tha substance Of a statement made this morning by Robert E. Twohy of tha, contracting and construction flm of Twohy brothers, to whom, the eon- tract has been let Several men who were to be eonnrtt with the work in different' capacities are here with Mr. Twohy. - The lattiV goea te Portland tonight but will re turn la a few daya The reconatru.tini of the road will reoulre alx or ).- montha Construction eimvi will fee established at various points along the mm mucv 0( int. rota. ' , Wood that J, J. Hill Is not interested or affiliated with the deal in any way, though ho nas given the purchasers as surance that he will parallel the grant and penetrate it with a railroad: The purchaser are buying It therefore, on the strength of future railroad develop ment in eastern and central Oregon. The St Paul men, who may now be practically termed the new owners of the grant left yesterday for the east after having agreed with Colonel Wood to accept the offers made to them by his principals. It is expected that the nego tiations will be closed aa soon as pos sible and the formal transfer of the lands completed. , V 1ILBHT0 'UD DIRECT ... "BaejisessssseBjpsssBneasaa -, ., Important Business, He Says, Calls Him Home by Shortest : Route--Denies Influence of Canadian Criticism. ' v fTTnltut Nu iMmmmh V(n ', San Franolsco, Anril g. "Anr state. I ment eredlted i te General Otter.' rhlat yt me, general atarr of Canada, emlols-J Ing my ability to Institute improvemsnta in. ino uanaaian Harenae. AA nnt in. fluence. me to chinn said Lord Herbert n-narxoum, ana under special commis sion to pian defenses for- the British i possession .- . . . "I Intended to visit Canada, until lra' I portent business in England made It necessary for me to shorten mv home. ward trip. ;i For that reason I win go direct to New Tork and Liverpool. v I rfll 1..,.. . ... . . " tvmvw ' avw ion not u intn Apru xs." - : '"-,. - .. Lord Kitchener mmVmA iw . hia change of plans today just after he had I arranged to 1 leave on a train tonight jot, losemua iia will return to San I Francisco Sunday n!ht and win iev Monday for Chlcaao. accnrdlnv to tha yiana compietea toaay. - J .lKrd Kitchener wilt spend a few days i unioago ana will then go direct to New York and from there will saU for Liverpool. v. v The fighting Britisher waa anrnered ny. a newspaper man lust after ha hui I finished breakfast and before he started on a trip through San Francisco harbor on the government tug Golden Gate as a guest or General Thomaa H. Barry. uuuiioanaani oi tne rresiaio. ; Criticism Disregarded. "Has your change of . routine- anv. thing to do wltbr General Otter's critl-1 Cism of your ability to Insnect Can adian defensor he was asked. ".Nothing In the least." ha renllad. I am going directly across the United ; States because it Is nearer home than I tne route I had laid out through Can-j aaa. - i must get home as soon as pos sible. Important business, , you know, makes it necessary, That la the rea- I son z dflolded not to take the Canadian I trip." ..:'.'..- t-v '-.-v. An attempt to draw Kitchener Into ai dtsousslon of Roosevelt's speech at Cairo Derore tne university of Egypt proved I ruuia e said ne was on ahipboard i when Roosevelt's sneech was delivered I ana he knew nothing about. It "It must have aroused considerable interest" was nls only comment Lord Kitchener said Be did not know anything of the trip of Lady Sarah Wil son, her husband, Captain Wilson,. Major 1 uiarence Wilson' and Mr. and Mrs. Fen- wick, reported to be on the way here to 1 meet Lord Kitchener. . . t ' Lady Sarah, who is a writer of consid erable note, gained . considerable , dis tinction during the Boer war for her work at tne siege of Maf eking. SHOWS DISPOSITION ' TO THROW BLAME - ON FORMER MAYOR (Continued from Page One.) children': Mrs. H. W. Eylar of Spring field, and Misses Pearl and Minnie Ma Mahen , of Etigena The , funeral was conducted today under tha ausplcea of the Maaonlc lodge of which he was a member. . i'- ' - Ruena Vista Addition fjold. , Klamath Fslts. Or., April I Buena Vista addition, which a few weeks since psssed Into the hands of W, I. Clark sqd associates, has been purchaaed by tha rival town alt a company,, math iJevelojiment company. ike ma- Free Sunday - excursion. Woodtmrn Orchard Co, Henry bulling. t BotH phones. e O.rl Mew-Arrivals -MeW Fabrics Nevu Styles:.' Yoti should see th'e jnw arrivals , In pur y -Men's v Clothing. Section. . The' v styie, finish, the materials embodied in our Men's Spring Suits 'cannot be excelled by any house in the city and there's a4 good reason these are - ; A brand celebrated for its exclusiveness in style, excellence in workmanship and high v standard of fabrics employed. "Sincerity'.' stands for the best, as you well know. We take pleasure in offer ing our friends clothing of such stand ard quality. And ; You Pay No More for "Sincerity - Than for Inferior Goods - - i . Wc -eatery to .the steady . customer: -. -y not the transient and endeavor to, give more than the money value every time. - , , -. &UFFAL0 BILL DENIES RECONCILIATION STORY tfettad Prees Leaied Wirt.) Cody, Wyo, April A. letter from Colonel WlUlam Cody ("Buffalo BUI") in wmcn ne aeniea tne report that a reconciliation has been effected betweon him and Mrs. Cody was made public here today. ' Cody denlea the report as abso lutely without foundation and expresses regret tnat tne rumor wal circulated. The rumor that the Codye had reached an understanding was published threuah throughout the country. WOMEN FINED FOR ' - RAIDS ON BUTCHERS "saaaaassssBssaaasas 4 ew Tork, April 4. Mor than . a acore of women who vera arrate4 dur ing tha '"meat riots- on the east tda yesterday were dlmlaa4 today after being fined from II to It. The majority of h worn arre'rnait plMuled guilty to nld!n e-ersJ mMt hope and t pouring kermeae on tna( ht omr attempted to taka rmm he ehrpa They were rrr-rf mr1 ed hr the tustte and advt"4 tf alr r,rsmi tA r rrr h-m twvrnit IK.t io aatabiiaa. The first.taste of 1 ; ' v . . crisps delicious Post Toasties with cream, good excuse for more,' is its or own a call "The Memory Ungen" "FosTon rer1 tffffiv, Uia BalUe Creek. h. been opposed to allowing private Inter ests to tie up and control our dockage situation. i consider it vitally Imoor. tant to the future of this city to act now." v -.v-.i Keoords in City Auditor Barbur'a of. flee indicate that the present adminis tration ; has been active in regard . to municipal dooks, but In a purely nega tive way. These are the flndlnaa of this morning: '-;, - - - .1 An ordinance authorising the sale af 600 f 1000 gold bonds of the cltv to de fray the expense of acquiring city docks which had been burled In committee since November JO, 190, t j :; ' -v J. Three offers Of property to be used for v a dockage site, no price 7 Placed j.. . . .. . - - . - . - - : nigner-inan (zu,uuv ana leaving enough of the bond Issue, according to expert" authority, to ereet publio docks, and making the 'records themselves contro vert Mayor Simon's -. assertion , that $600,000 will not be enough, to estab lish the beginning of a publio dock sys tem. - , -..--.:..;-;. . S. That" the council committee' on commerce, landlnaa and jvharvea com. I posed of Drlscoll, Ellis and DsvUn, had ( renortiMf - -favorably-- 4rt'-mtti1Mnat Atii?m and that the committee's chairman, M. J. Drlscoll, had preseitted the ordinance of November 10, 1809, which since that time has been burled, beyond the com mittee's apparent power to resurrect. Mayor Simon, In an Interview - this morning, did not. answer directly this question: -, :..-. Have the arguments and evidence of prominent men. as published In The Journal recently, had any . Influence upon your attitude toward the matter of publio docksT" , The offers f property were from F. E. Manchester, August II, 1101; L. M. Whiting, August 1, 1101s I B. Bartlett. August. .., :. - You are invited to open a charge ac count.. Your credit is good at Gevurtz, Don't forget that First and YamhiU ': 1 Aa-e ss "' "-iW'.-ti-tte r , ' "''.'Ii ill I :-: ..' -. . . . , ' X U V. "..I . n - ly .SWJi Mm V 1 V Second and Yamhill ; ; . - - ' -. - ... . -, .;, : ,y,.. .... .. ' sTlftrT' i ti : v.:a,arrnv rt ...v n r..i i i "aT.. n Second and Yamhill OFFERS MILLION FOR 9 YEAR. JOLD GRANDSON Newv Tork. April Information reached' here today from San Francisco to tne erract that John 8. Kimball, i wealthy steamship man and mine opera' tor of California. Is willing to pay 11,. 000.000 for th custody of his t-year-old grandson, Iuls ' Adama who Is now wttn Ms rather. John P. a dams, hera The lad la being carefully watched by hla father, who baa expressed tho fear that aa attempt mleht be made to Kionap tne noy. The Adams caae attracted much at tention recently, when Adams fled from San Francisco with hla eon. who bad been1 with. Mr. Adams. Me waa arrested at ti raeo on the charge of kidnaping oy can rnuciKO cetectlvea .At Tucson. Arlsona, whlleTbelng re turned California, Adams secured a writ ot habeaa eorpaa - After a bitter court fight be succeeded la gaining a dacialoa te the effort that the CaU fomla eomplalna against him waa not legal. He then hastened te New Tork, where fee has remained, Mre, Adama la la Saa Franctsoo with bar partnta, lit. aad Mrs. John K fan ball. - John A. rcIahaa Mca. Kugeaa Or- Arm a John A. Me. Mahan. years old. a pioneer and promlDent cltlsen. died at bis home- In Eugene yeaterday morning, lie was bora la Hendricks county, Indiana.'1' la l.l and rame te Oroo ia lift, set tling at rortUnd. Ji came to Lane county la and lived here enotlna- ally till tile death. The raoae cfHaaih waa paratrsla He Wr a former cunt I rommlarloaer and bad bJ ether rublHsi, efflcea' . I He was a'4iwter tf the First Carta, r ttan rnaM-ii 4f ki4ti, biia; the at. f'e rt eV4er at U,e ti're. er r dth. He leaves a aife ard om f :;otr . ' j..-' ai;rj 'PI Cpttolene Is a Food Product of Absolute Purity ''-V' . " 'V ; ' -' ( ; ' y '."'v :H Jn '5centicarl l"c as ecn a wave rcrni in the making knd inspection of food products. National and State Pure Food Laws have been passed, regulating their manufacture, to insure the customer -getting pure, healthful food." " f t Anv'oroduct which rnnfaine. hntAfat Je enKiirf tn tU germs. lard is i made from hog-fatit may be puir and it may not. At any rate, it is at best indigestible, and wilL raise hayoc with any but the hardiest stomach. v ' - - Cottolene is a veeetable oroduct. which ia far frying purposes. After the cotton seed oil has been refined through of our own, it is made neutral and odorless, and an ahsolntflv niirr an4 htthf 4 a , . - ,rmft w " w mJ J- w . hum aV W H1V11I VAA AeSVea a 9 Cottolene is a product of nature and it hntind tnhuhnUenme It i the one dependaDle. healthful product for frvintv and ghnrtpni'ntr t,a is carefully inspected and made to conform with all pure food laws: COTTOLENE h-Guaranteed lTTA'nctt k , , imtvv.M refund your money in cae yoa art aot pleased, attee aaxmf prea Cottotena a fair test. . . ,- . . , Never Sold tn' Bulk p" rw i pn. wi a iMjh ' from" keep it cleB, frTtJ nd wrHoJetomc. ao4 rrrreot J t a t " catchuif duM an4 absorbing iareeabic odort, sock at tab, ail, etc. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY 1. . 'i 1,XT a, i I . ,1-' A V