THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 31, 1910. ' i-SP ON FLOOR UPSET Bf CHILD 'Lucille Weeks, of Trail, Two ; Years Old, Dies of Burns; Sister at Fault. (rnlt4 Pnm Vmm Wlra.l Medford, Or., March SI. Through the carelessness of an older sister, Lucille, tha 2-yenr-old daughter of Mr. and Mr. Georgo Week of Trail, near tha summit of tha C&acadea. east of thla city, waa burned to death. Sunday night, accord ing to a report reaching here today. The parents of the two girls were absent from home when the tragedy oc curred. Late In the afternoon the elder aister lighted the lamp and placed it upon the floor. Later, while ahe waa absent the little one toddled to It and accidentally upset It. Her clothing was a mass of flames before the elder slater could render any aid. Mr. Weeks Is a prominent timber man of southern Oregon. GLOVES Kayser's Liile . . Extra ....25 Kayser's ette . . . Chatnoi-....60 Of Interest to Jrappers Sell your fun to the manufacturer direct. We pay the highest cash prices for your Raw Furs. Send for our . . new " Raw Fur Price List. FREE Entire Building, Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts. Remodeling and Re pairing of Fur, Gar. merits at ,s Big Reductions .Bring in your Fur Garments and have them altered into new 6tyles. GLOVES Kayser's Silk Pat. Finger Tips..60 Kayser's Extra Pilk Tatent Finger Tips $1.00 7 SOUTHERN ANTI-SALOON CONFERENCE IN SESSION Atlanta, Ga., March SL The South. ra Antl-Baloon league conference, for which preparations have been making for everai months, opened lta seaslons In Atlanta today, and will continue lta proceedings until Monday. The an nounced purposes of the convention are to arouse renewed enthusiasm in tne battle against the liquor traffic, to dis cuss ways and means for securing a stricter enforcement of the laws in pro hibition territory, and to conalder plans for pushing the fight beforo congress for national prohibition legislation. . All of the states of the south are rep resented at the conference. Prominent among those scheduled to speak at the e-teral sessions are Governor Haskell Of Oklahoma. Congressman Ilobson of . Alabama, Spencer M. Marsh of Wiscon sin, Bishop II. C. Morrison of Florida, Kev. J. B. Gamble of Texas and Rev. 24. A. Palmer, superintendent of the Antl-flaloon league In Kentucky. CENTENARY OF REAR ADMIRAL JAMES ALDEN Washington. March Among nav al officers and students of naval af fairs and history there were probab ly few to recall the fact that today marked the centenary of the birth of Bear Admiral James Alden who . achieved high distinction during his ser vice of over 45 years In the United States navy. Born In Portland, Ma, March SI, 1810, Admiral Alden entered the navy as a midshipman In 1828. Ten year later he was a member of the "Wilkes expedition which made a tour f the world. He took part In the nav al operations, of the war with Mexico and waa one of Farragut'a most trusted officers at Vlcksborg and Mo bile. In hla long service after the Civil war Admiral Alden served as com mandant of the Mare island navy yard as chief o the bureau of navigation and as commander of the European squadron. His death occurred In 6a n Francisco, Feb. 6, 1877. Regular 35c Women's Hose at Only 18c Women's mercerized gauze Hose In tan and Mack; an exeep- 1 tional barcain at XOU Regular ?5c Ladies' Lisle Vests at 17c Ladies' best 25c quality lisle ribbed Vests; a great bargain for "l y Fridav at All Regular $2.00 Dand- bags at 1.5 Goat seal, leather lined, gilt or gun- metal mounts, absolutely new stock, latest shapes, for 0t pTQ Friday at . . tPX.tlO Regular 35c Ladies' Neckwear at In this lot we offer all our new Neckwear and Jabots up to OOg 35c value, at Ol, NORTH YAKIMA WILL ENTERTAIN ODD FELLOWS (Special DUpatce to The Journal, i North Yakima, Waah., March SI. North Yakima Oddfellows have begun preparations to entertain between 2000" and 3000 visiting delegates here on June 6, 7, 8 and 9, when the grand lodge of Oddfellows for the tetate will meet here. This will be the largest convention of any kind ever held In central Washing ton. Four bodies of the Oddfellows will meet here In June, the Grand lodge. Grand encampment. Military council 1 and Rebekah assembly. Local Oddfel lows will spend over 22000 on the en tertainment .features. Is Regular 35c Ladies' IVash Belts at 23c Ladies' white linen Wash Belts, in various new and attractive designs, plain tailored,' stitched, embroid ered, fitted with sea pearl OO buckles; up to 35c value, at a-fOC FOR FRIDAY Special Suit Jar pin M ' i 'I I ft The word bargain in our establishment has its ftill meaning. We know of no better way bf demonstrating this than inviting your particular attention to this amazing suit offering for Friday. We can not convey to you the importance of this occasion. It is when you see the garments and are thus able to appreciate the excellent opportunity offered you to secure such an unusual and opportune bargain. $25 and $27.50 Suits These suits are of the newest spring styles, made of beautiful French serges, mannish mixtures and diag onals. Splendid examples of the highest class tailoring that is not evidenl in suits offered by others at this price. Colors arevof the most desirable and fav- AP ored for spring. A rare bargain Friday at . D I U VO Coat Special Handsome short covert coats, made of the finest quality coverts, beautifully lined with extra quality peau de cygne silk, serges and satins; coats you can not 11. 1 t . v -- f.vHl duplicate any wnere less than your 5- f M $11.75 isscs Hat Special Very dainty and stylish Misses' Hats made of horsehair braid, prettily trimmed with flowers, ribbons and braid. Regular $5.00 val- (I VO.i o ue; specially priced for Friday t ' Track Sleet at Athena. gaeta Dlapatch to Th JoomalA 'Athena, Or., March 31. A crew of - men Is engaged preparing the track for : the interscholastlo track meet which is to bo held here this spring. It Is now assured that nearly all of the represent ative schools of the county will enter this meet. AIbo arrangements have been made for special train service to and from Athena at excursion rates. The evening after the track meet the oratorical contest will be held In which the high schools of the county will par ticipate. This meet is to be an annual affair at Athena and promises to lend great impetus to the educational work ct the county. Builders Can't Spend Money. ' ' (Sperlal TMapatch to Th Journal ) Hoquianv Wash., March 31. On ac count of their being unahle to cash ' warrants -amounting to $20,000 Issued v o tha-Penn Bridge company, the firm that J building the Eighth street bridge, a representative of the company . appeared before the city council last t evening and asked that members of the '; ' council indorse the paper. This was re ! . fused because the company had agreed : to take the warrants and their own chances on their payment, as the city Jad funds. llnr T)i TVnm Rnpnfl j - VffrUH'tal r(natrh to The Journal 1 -t ' Forest Grove, Or., March 31. Pelbert, t the 6-year-old son of Oscar Smith, llv 5 In at Gales Creek, died Tuesday night after five weeks Intense suffering. Llt ' tie Pelbert waa burned by the explosion ' ' Of a can of gasoline with which he had attempted to start a fire, the burn be ing so. severe that medical skill was un- availing. V!"; ' - " sC Capacity of Seaside hotels was taxed ' to. the limit Sunday. Painless Dentistry ; i Out of town people a can am invir pJate land biidajework tin. JUaM la one daj lit awneaaary. wwiiiriveya t (Me 22k goli er Mrceltia crwo far $3.50 Malar Cmna 6.CQ 22k BfldztTetift 3.50 6iidni!inrt -ICQ Eaunal rmg 103 5itf Fiffinn' .60 laity FilKntt 2.69 flat.i 5. CO ' e.i c.j it. a. . bar flite 7.60 FaMtu ErtrHJoa .0 Wtfitj uoanariTBEO ron is TEARS -idee t i. iwu oou urnm. am work fully rum S.". a. wot. raomn m kUaun T'o)a Kxtraotioa rae wliaa plateaor bri. l. i.rlf rc.1. VomuIUUob rne Yon cannot .t bettue i wut nrini.n. aii woric rtiii j r air f iilfoji. slodaraeieetrlaeaaUMbaBt. Baat mathixia. -7ise'D total Co.' . an a AKM.Sre. tOftTlpANO. OREOON mcallen & McDonnell ON SALE FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY $25 and $30 New Spring Suits WW a m Mr A great many of these suits were de layed in transit ana arrive a too iate for our Easter trade. However, we must dispose of them as quickly as possible and will place on sale Fri day and Saturday at $18.75 suits Our Neto Spring Silks at Reduced Prices On sale Friday and Saturday only at the following prices. No phone or mail orders filled at these special low prices. Here's your opportunity. 36 Inch Black Taffeta Silk, $1.25 value. . . .73 36 Inch Natural Pongee, 75c quality. 48 36 Inch Natural Shantung, $1.25 Grade 83$ Special Reduced Prices on Black Dress Goods. that were bought to sell at not less than $25.00 and up to $30.00. The Styles The styles of these garments are of most desired types medium the length coats and plaited skirts. A wide choice of the season's best and most serviceable models are in this collection. The colorings, too, are what's being worn just- now by the stylish woman. The Fabrics 8erges, Panamas, Diagonals, etc., in medium weights for the present wear, also a great number of the stylish gray mixtures so much in- demand. ,Comc to this Suit Sale Friday and Saturday the savings will make the trip profitable. Take a look at our show window. $1 Union Suite e On sale Friday and Satur day only, Women's Fine Ribbed Union Suits, lace .trimmed knee, very fine $1.00 quality. Limit 2 to each customer. ttOin.lndiaLinon !2oC 2 40-inch White India Linon, for Waists, Dresses, etc; fine, even weave, and a stand ard 20c value. Fri- day and Saturday IL2C White Foot Hosiery at 12k Friday and Saturday only, at this pfice. Women's Fine White Foot Hose double heel and toe, and garter top. Standard 20c values, AT 13 Children's Fine Ribbed Stockings, in black or tan double knee, heel and toe. An exceptionally good 20c grade. For 2 O days' special IOC AT 25 Women's 'Sample Hosiery lace ' boot, allover lace, fancy embroidered and plain colors, in every shade. Regular values up to 50c WC $2 House Dresses SI ,.419 Women's fine One-Piece House Dresses, made in pretty styles, neatly trimmed several new models in this lot. Rcgiilar $2.00 values. 60in.TableLin'n On sale Friday and Saturday only. Extra quality 60-inch Table Damask full bleached dice or floral pattern; 45c grade. Extra Special 35c White Wash Belts, 23 e 50c Corset Covers, at 33 12c Wide Percales, at 9 25c Fancy Collars, at 15 25c Bath Towels 19c Extra large size (20x42) Turkish Bath Towels splendid heavy double warp red border, fringed never sold regularly under 25c each. On sale Friday and Saturday only. Mc Allen & McDonnell .. ; ; r- The Stdre Noted for the Best Goods at Lowest Prices Extra Special $1.25 Dress Shirts, 05 Child's Kerchiefs, 2 for 5 White Aprons, all styles 25 New Poplin, special 25 Second -Shipment of Pictorial Review Spring Quarterlies No In, 145-147 SECOND ST, BET.' ALDER AND MORRISON. Untrimmed Hats at $1.50 $5.00 for Handsome Trimmed Hats Choice Rowers at 25c Three big special f Friday Offerings choice new desir- ivSa meet-all demands. The best values we have shown this season. Va rieties and styles in greatest num ber and sure to please everyone. . D9 Having; just oompl.ted arrang-emerita for a lars;. appropriation to b used In an advertising way, w. snnounc. the greatest contest ever held by any mercantile concern in to world. We believe we can rive this larg. amount, which has been allowed us for advertising- the world's best pianos In a way which will make the Graves Muslo Co. better known In three cr four weeks' time than would be possible in any other way In the same number of years. In perfect fRirness we have considered carefully, the best way to distribute this large amount Read carefully and se. that your answer Is mailed Immediately. OTXa $3700 rOB OBSAT FTTBLICITT OOVTSIT. FREE $500 FREE 10-Tear OoanLntee Oentla man's Watca - -aw rsr II Steger Piano FREE 10-Tear Ouarantee Lady's Oold Wtoi 71TDIC1 FREE Complete Set of 1847 Rogers' Fruit Knives "EE scission xng-nwiay Olook with Alarm. . i. rnrr rnct Oold Brooch, Beati- tlxnlly very Talnahla. arnaraa- FfiEE Zarir Korrls Ohais with cushions. FREE Crold Caff But tons, ' rvaranteed. " 500 Copies Sheet Hosio, SO Song Books, with Word and Muslo, $123 Manufacturer's Check. We have Just taken the agency for two well known makes of pianos Instruments that have been sold for many years through the central states. but they ar. not as well known in Portland as oth.r pianoa, wnicn nava been sold here for years. . This Is one of th. reasons why the manufacturers are willing to allow a large amount to be used In advertising their product We also want you to know that we have the exclusive agency for many makes, a f ew ot them are the following: Kranlafr & Bach, Chlckerlng Bros.., Steger & Bona, Cambridge, Strohber and many other well known uprights. -grands and player -pianos. , OOBTTSBTAirTS TO BKABJB IW QYXB 92000 IV CBTECXS PATABLB TO THE CAATBS VCOSIO CO. OHBCKB TO APPLY OW NEW PTANOS, AMD WTLL BB MAIXEB BUIECT TBOH SOME OP THI PIANO MAW U FACTtTBXBS VI ftSPBESBlTT. TK1 AMOT7NT OP CILECTCB TO BS 130, $100, 988, 975 ABD 950. axx, p&izes to bb Grvxjr ABBoxtrrzior nan fob soLvnro THIS SVZZX.E. OAH TOu BOZ.TB XT? f A i In this picture are tlve-faces, can you find four of them? Outline each face on this, or a separate piece of paper, and number them 1, 2, 3 and 4. To the neatest correct answer we will give absolutely free the J500 piano and a piano manufacturer's check for 9125; next neatest correct answer, on. fine Morris chair and a piano manufacturer' check for $125, and the. other prises, will be -awarded in order of merit B. sure your answer is correct and your namar and address plainly written. All contestants will bo notified direct from themanufacturers of whom we purchase pianos. All answers must reach our store on-r be fore Wednesday, April 6, 1910,t 6 p. ra. Bend your answer to the Graves Muslo, Oo, and bo sure you address, Piano Mfg. Representative, Desk No. 3. M ii sic Co. Portland, Oregon v Ml Fourth Street