PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. MARCH 22, 1910. 16 THE OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL. .if i i ; f : i '1: il u i Y i 1 . V 1 1 ACREAGE fl7 1 , Hgy one of our climKie acre tracts whore , you can raise h fine gui Jon. raise. ' rhlckens, hv n j-ow nifp raise '-nts of berries ait. I fniil I'm- family and 1 iiav'e some to Mi ll Thi-.v . are only 3& Minutes out n ti.1 ii"l far from fin-, tlon with fine vl-w. on good loads, easy ! terms water free f..r on- r. SPK- . CIAL OFFER IK VI. I' ."TAUT lril,I- JNO DKiHT AWAY COMIC IN A N L I OCT KIM. I. PARTICUI. AIIS BUILDING INVEST iMLN I CO., 428 Henrv III. Ik. 4lh unrl On k. EXCHANGE UK Vy ESTATE 21 S20 acres timber land, near Grant Pass; price $25oo, will exchange for lots or acreage lo-iir' J'ort in ni 8 1 1 t m modern house. 2 lots 5l'x100! each, exchange tfor acreage near Port land, price $3500. ! 4 room house. 2 lots -1 f x 1 I0 each; j pi ice $l:nO; equity $ISnii; exchange 'or1 lot to $i'.nu. balance 111.' Sn per month, i l.ots nod m rouge, to exchange for; nut. .mi. hlli'. Km lining houses for niri-mn1. i PACIFIC REALTY Co , i Plume Mnln '.'iTI. 320 Swetland. I FOH RALE FARMS 17 FOK SALF-i-FAlJMS MH. V'AoK EARNER: What about . lit r future? Let tin innk i" von Independent for all llmiv Wo have some choice HI i'rrc tracts just 25 minutes' drive from Cun fiy. oi. line giavd road, tint you rati buv Ht less price than on i .in tmy n eitv lot Kin. st of soil, liny one of these, t I ft 1 1 1 It to fruit or vegetables, ami o.' independent. Price I oon to $.',no a trad, cash, balance 1. ? and :i vcars. , rep vss a- v ti 'i v a it 1 1. Sim H.-nry bldg. ON SECTION LINE ROAD 2'i acres on Section Line road, 1 block from Hawthorne oh rl Ine : a good 7 room house, nml al.out 100 hearing fruit trees; good coll mid plenty of wa 1er; land nil rli an-d nnd level: the be-! plattlii proposition in I ho city. HOML'ISttKLHS LAND W, 132 N. Sixth t.. One block from Union Depot Phone Main 3145. mi m urn? Will a. ccpt vacant lot or mortgage as part payment (Mi itioilern rcsldem e nt 4itli an i Muln .st. Prlr $3200; l.Hl.'iro-.-twins, 7 .. i -o:it. K. S. llnllork. own-r. 6L'!l Lumlior l"x. h!iti;p lihiK- Plionc M.iln tl.M 4, or Ttibor 16:15, i-yMilnpn, l' li'AVK 1'. loT wiuriih.Mi,irt " (1.1,1," worth :il a lot. to t r:: . ! for n Rood Klltuif. I tlinhor oliilni, pio.- in f-i t. 'l. No HKi-nls. Ownrrw oIy C-lt'..'j, Jour tin I EX( IIA(ii: ,MIS WILL THAI IK (-hitio for v ..Oll 111 Ull: Atrnry, 3,.i VI lit ARI i tonm Will. PI - i 'i ; ' ' . in ,i..-ii. r i: v i .1 : ,., ! f i ll Aj;. i.l I, P.. i fin- t.ilkliiK ini p I ' I 1 1 1 I I ! I K O 1 I I Ol'.il I ) il 67 an,-.. IS mll.s from Potthtml. on; eliTtrlr I J r -. now l.olnx oxtciidil. I i mlli' 1 1 m srliool, liuirch mid sloro. 1 4 room hoiifc. ham and olln-r on ( hi. lid - J i n k s I'.'iir.d nnd (Iosm fi'tn-fd. ood well Villi r nt liouso. H7 ,'ifrfs K'H1'1"" li"in,r-, iliim In . i.lt i atloti uinl K. i-d.'d to tlui ; oih. will out 4 tons to the io r.', ivnitli fl'.'.iMi; l.nUri.'p of Inml I;ihIii,1. ouni.d mill Nccdi-d, A-l piivi in .; over HOH ltuiIhi of flur wood, hoiiip ;ish, - Imiks (OIO new), h;itn..sM, k'ioiI cow'H. :! .iii-i llniC (ii'll'orf.. :( rnlvch. I plw. - c'oi-n j i iih k.'iis. mow. r. ill,' plow, hat row, . il tlvat..r ;,Ml :,ll miiuiI Implcini niK. fttf Nopiiii.p.i mid nil dairy implrmi'Iitk, s toiiK In-, and ii yon tx supply of Wood nt hmose What h.tt.r do vim want" 'I'I'i'm n.ir k I, ay rrop will ii'-t V" Pit .nt Inti'iont on your nior-v, 111111, onions will lot r.ll p. r r. 11I 1 ; ICS I 1 N K , UK A i;itl . M in. ana land that will pay! hit; Int.-t . Nt at tin- .rl.- of Jl"'") 11 n .o rr, inust h. IJ, prl. o lll'fi tut a.-n-. .1 ?- t.'l 1 1 1 s CR WI'iil!h HICAI.TV 1 1 I ( ..Ml tn COMPANY, I'm ' land. ' 'r. You'll Like This When You See It 42 f.j aorfH, all but 10 cleared, lialinco i 1 'r1 and flno pasture. All v.-ry finest poll, no gravel: h Kiio.l 2 Mtorv rofdilcm-i., larKfl hain. slurc lioutio, ihlokoti lionso, all well fonci'd and ctoks foncud lulu paaturoH, 2 Kood wells and piunp.i. and riiunliiK waler all tlm iar; fine it op now In and gAow Ihk. and part of last year's crop y. t there. This Is on fine road. 16 iiillin from Portland und within 10 Minutes Walk of Station Ktoclicd with 7 very fln milch cows. 2 heifer thai will noon come In, 3 fine horned, (10 chickens. Heveral Iiokh; new wagon, new hack, all tool and Implement thai are needed, and In flno con dition. Alao has Acre Fine Berries & Orchard HOMESTEADS 320 ACKEH GOVKRNM IC.NT LA Nil, WITHOUT KKHIDiiNCI2. Comn in at once and eea n about it and we will tell you how. The anil la V'ood. wt,er firm and oawily ohtnlriod ; plenty of timber clone; new railroads building into the country. Krmember, you may pay J1.26 pit acre nnd not be required to live on the land, or you may get It free by five year' residence, ex pon.MeH reasonable; large party' going (l't soon; come In at once ana maun arrange ments to Join us. DKSCHI'TKS VALLF.Y LANU & INVESTMENT CO., 301-302 Buchanan lildg., on Wanhlnglon, near Mh at. Bl'SlXESS CHANCES ( 20 Real Estate and Business; Chance Office Doing a good business, haa a doe Hat of rironeriiitH, ground floor offloij, good lo cution, fixtures" worth $7bU. That's the print' for the whole thing. You get list and btiHlncHs for nothing. Mtit sell at once. l-or particulars call l ne uiu Hrokaire Co., 211 4lti t. 3 WANTED MA LK A VTT IPT-i 11.1. 1 a W- I T ,, .... . i . f u I n UUUIDU 11 1 U II 1U1. L 1 O H. marine corps, between th age oVf, -s l MAN'UITAI-TITHINd rONCEKN. with splendid household article, or h,mjit MOV8 DEMAND and HIO .PnoKITS (patented), desires to meet a few hon orable parties, ladles or gentlemen, with small cap'lt. An exceptional oppor tunity to the right parties to get In on the ground floor. All money absolute ly secured, and guaranteod to be re turned within 6 months. Z 447, Journal. IV and 16. Must ba native, born or ht first papers. Monthly nay 115 to Additional uomponaallon possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free. After 30 years' service can retire with 1Z per cent of pay and al lowances. Service on board snip anJ ashore in all parts of the world. Ap ply at New Grand Central hotel, Port- - Innd, Or. duift Kr-i r 1 1 r IT .'11 Mill - I 'oi I la nil P i I v 1 1 ii, ivh . fi II, WANTED HKAL ESTATE 31 Kl 'I 15 ACRES At station on the Sam line; all Improved, sood house, liarn. orchard nnd Improvements Not far Portland, price $400 per part cash. D MIL1.KR. 416 Chamber of Commerce elect rto Il t.,om other 1 o m acre . j V V N T i 1 or , foil St. . 1 pi, i It, ulai I (loll. !! . 'lit 111' .'1 I'Oll'O. .r Moni- g'.Ve full iii t lorn- .1 ,.ii I na 1 In same ,! - . 1M SI.'' . lii'l I II il.-f !., i'..iH.liai.J,e, . n to M i . a i k! ei ,.w n. rs .ml', S ICII H ! .A I . KSTATK or . -unities hough! and miI.I MM wllh us. till V Y-CINNINOII A M I 111 A Y. : 723 i d- i t I ! oidg. ilTiST CLASS carpenter will Incest M-ia in s nitli reliable party building for sale. X PI". Journal. f f "WANT- tlo- Pcsf lot tlmt Jl'lfKl wllf bnv A-I .'.3 Jmirnn! TN acr. or l.irge jot with small bouse; must be a burpiln. C--I '.!, .lournal. ' M'eilt ; In th I act,. 1 pood and ; an a, i end i ) 'i'Uiti mill s ,c Id I 111 !uv Is ai;;ilu is lei II i I is This 1" H room hou".' ill fai m imp, re. I c a.-1 . s i h.r If. iiim.-Ic s but 14 m 1 1" fiom H U , I ,.s 1 1 on this FOtne V t iiion.-v. and t Ms ui ne market . land -. King for $1 2R n i, s. .n acres cleared, , 2 burns, .stock, crop incuts for only ls of fine green timber sI.ikIi.,1 i. 'id burned, s IT o'U Poi ! bind, Ha ition, close to barn from t hen from berries, chickens und other The buyer will liavo a sure. permanent. Income tn iiudl- wagon gets milk at morning, the check la Hue. p.r month; also a good Income d si Th! Si llOOl. ,'li II I'c 11 and cream t ' "I ' I sacrifli f on I he uia ! i . .ii s crop In T'n 1 1 i 'lolling sol I. no g i iv ,-i all you a re pa y I n a to . I n i u 1 1 i ui t i' in. saying , cost of I ni pt 4 Ull'lltS. : if sold ill once I'll AW Pi UU P.KALTY lei in b r of Coin me re. n. on it. p. Ii x Is the greatest k't. all of this i a fine piece of and would cost put the 7n seres nothing of the Very easy terms Milk e ei v which there i the crop; a nd tlon to a good and easy living--of inoie thai. $li per month, and, with industry nnd Intelligence, will constantly increase. Price .hi I x- $ 7501), and terms on pari If desired. I defy any one to show me such 0 good farm, with so many desirable features, so well equipped, with such a sure Ineomo. for (he same money. Am ready to prove every statement herein to any Interested paity. THE HOTEL NEWS Is the best adver tising medium for hotel, apartmenls. etc.; given free to passengers on trains dally. Official organ for the Oregon State Hotel association and American llyitl association for Oregon. Mer chants Trust lildg. Phone A-1387. HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on 320 acres,, of rich government land in southeastern Oregon in the section about to be opened up by the Hill and Harrlman lints, and affording the beat opportu nity left In the United States to get a j homestead. Our agent has been living i In the neighborhood of these claims ' for the past four years, and Is well posted on eorKlltlons and knows the i country well. Fur further particulars ; call at our office. The Hart Lund Co , 1 lli Second t. Kin urn Tin line of irrigation ditch, i close to good town and mar tall road .survey; special rates to Crook & Lake, j counties; good locutions on the coast ! Nl in mo A Kttney. 13 lliimlltonbldg. f ' I,' 4T'I' P i I Oro,,,, l,.o,.w!eil,ls the vei'V hf n .in,,i r.... fin nonllcM.it I month, exclusive coun ts Khown and satisfied. P. n PolndcX- , 'b v ises on the market, good ter, Prlnevjlle. Or, 320 note claims, pear Lakeview, Or. See Hartley ir you want a good home stead. 411 Kwetland bldg, Portland. RESTAURANT SNAP A good one; wll) sacrifice for $3R0. Another good one. Want partner. $200 And one complete for $l'0 cash. OHKOON ADJ CO.. fii'i Sixth st. HHI'.MLN und biakemen ler positions on nearDy railroads, experience un- I necessary, good viskin, age 20-30, $75 to J $100 monthly; no strike, permanent em- "i ployment; promotion, Ji 00 men a montli being sunt to position's, statu age, weight, height; send stamp. Hallway .Association, cnre Journal. WANTED Salesman; many make, $100 to $150 per month; soma aven more; lock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards, rash advance week ly; choice of territory. Address Wash Inglor Nurserv Co.. Toppeiilsh. Waxii. HEST artificial lighting business Oiegoti, doing u wholesale and retail i liuslniarH. showing a profit of $400 peri oi the P.n i Hsons tor selling. About $2000 to handle. J-4HX, Journal. WAN'JKD A younj man of good busT ness ability who can invest $10u0. If It enn be shown that It will pay you a handsome salary every month; w want a business mutt who can mcei business men. IC-jhS5, Journal. WA KTEIJ A flriiit TfaTs" iTlTjmia.r-aini i tinner, must furnish references as to : workmanship, character, etc.; prefer a ' man between 27 and ;!5 years of tgc in, I - one who wants a permanent position. In I Address K. H. Huston, (.'nrvallls. Or. ol THIBET! COMPANY, Portland. Or. TOIt SALE EMOIS I i m i 49 ACRES CHOICE APPLE LAND. Plire as fate here's the best buy In 'Hither Hood". 30 good. leel bench; 5 cleared, more easily Bleared; 10 acres good fir end cedar; on county road 1 mlls from O. W. P.; will divide. $55 per aire, half cash; balance 7 per cent. MOUNT HOOD LAND COMPANY 712 Koihciidd P-ldg. mm in 1 no hi res iiii'b r t no tion. 7ft acres of whio land. 1 a acr. s of good fine and Is fitst class st ore and school , living water piped to hous. m 00 acres, 40 under 'cultivation, v, a'-i'es- black loam soil T ii'-iis under cultivation, id fare, linpl, m. nts 10 ii' ics In cultivation, near cult I v : bottol of Il Is fine lllllbel Ian.!. Ib' soli, 1 mile t' si re am on place and bam; il K i $12 stock $:: V a nco ii r $210(1 acres. 17 In stock, iinpleiiienls and linv. JMii.i 4o mies near I'u nliv. f. slashed. t:: i..i,s. j.i in cumvntioi. lasne.l. acres, S In cultivation, near POP SALE 2 quarter sections of timber land on the Stuslaw and Wolf -. ..n.4 e ,l.d You'll Rp Plonspd When You 'mia,,,'r- ""'v "ciui.r buyers need n- IHUII L)U I KclOLU VtHILdJ JU Address 2'JH W. 5th st . Eugene, or. Buy ii CALL OR WHITE J iE. SMITH. R13 C HAM H E H COM M ICKCE, POK I' LAND, OH. Kbit SALE. Well Improved farm, spring water and limber, ro ar Panoka. Alberta. Canada. Address .Mis. S. K- Y'oung. Stetler. Al berta. Cnnadaf cultivation, ; J.lMMI i bn Ian, . $ ; rum. Pallas J Til) 1 1 1 ; o D. and i.'lcphoii bouse, bin n 4 Ox ail vv i buildings, all fenced A-l family or, bard . toad and town and H rvb-e: good 1 room li sheds, good out arid . ross t. m ed ; I in i 1 . it on i la ii lii Pes from Co i est d dairy to suit. LOOK AT THIS! 4 acres, all cleared, level land and best of soil, 5 minutes' walk from , air line. H4 miles from good town nnd T.O minutes ride from Portland, fine lo cation and the best buy on the mar ket. Terms. $135 cash, balance $13 per month. 415 Henry Pldg. Ml k 1 1 ion. limb. loam more ! I ; all ; fruit 2 1-2 ACRES And small house on Foster road, near Gilbert Station, O. W. P. 8 miles out; beautiful view, young fruit trees, $2,100; 1400 down. Also 5 acres uncleared land fronting On EostT road. $1,100 BRI'PAKER BENEDICT. 602 McKay Rldg.. 3d and Stark Phone Main 54!i. BEAUTIFUL 10 nTe tract, on the railroad, not far from Portland; the land is nil cleared and would make an ideal fruit farm. LINCOLN TRI'ST CO., 215 Lewis Rldg, 4th and Oak Sts. (trove, an ideal grain a prico $12.00ii; half cash, balanc Consisting of 112 aires f I!, soil; 77. acres under cult ivat c...llv cb-ai cd. 3" no oS of fir t l.ewlv fenced; 2 acres of assorted in full bearing: fall '', room house, barn i 4x5i wllh sheds; K. F. D and ie,. phone; i mile from school, living, stream and pood vwll on the place; 2 miles from It, town, t'i miles from Forest Orove; ll.r, acres of this is fine bottom land and about 2" acres beaver da, n. An idea ranch (,,r the right "iotm mm me Consising of a. ri-s, a Ipcloa red . land lies level; part in crop: new 5 roorn house, burn. jjoo, on t b 1 1 Id In gs . good well; W miles from el.ctiie line. mile fiom H H. 7 inibs from Tnicou ver. on mln countv road. This is an excellent buy nt $1750, terms. 1 i Tn, I. ';ti,,',.,ivfr undo Stock ( .'llO'l land on i 'PI i lil Hi plow. acres, deep black soil, 30 good Improvements and from Port- iu eg ICS. It llllb i Electric. I. A N I S I N t KM A 1 IU.N mo; l!( lA It ' ( IF TRADE P.I ll.l'IMi. I KLTT LANDS 45 WE aro liea.-l.ltmrTera iur. ijmber and lumber enterprises of all kindH. ' Kin ncy & Stampher, 631-2 Lumber Ex change bldg. i'olt SALE --Two timber claims in Klickitat county. Wash. For further Information address Ditd Wright, Ma ker ( Ity, Or TlMHl'.H cialms bought. Yellow sugar pine. cash fot equities, must ho cheap. Hoggess. 221 '-j Morrison ROOMING HOISES Kilt SALE 5.'$ OPPoIlTliNI TV -A man with small means will tlnd a good opening for -- imnn k 1 ml of business In new business MlMook ftist completed nt Front and 'Pblm li's jukc or r cur. nee uiu Klst st corner. COOD furniture or six rooms (four housekeeping suites), for sain. Walk ing distance. Make your rent and then Mime. Price rl;;ht. J'etms. Landlady. Main 522'-.. WANTED at once- -Reliable and cupiiblo sulesmen. We have a iiropow'iion tliat ! will pay men of ability well If yo.i are open for A-l proposition, .all at 2 1 H-JJ'll ( -Qintneicia I club bldg. t inlay. WANTED -- Partner. mon. y -milking cnsli liunlncfs; t. rms. i'hII :Ui, 9 Wash ingtoti St.. room 4JJV VANTEIi- Met- to half soled for 50c. navu llielr shoea 222 id st. NOTICE. If you want to tiuy, sell oe exchlilige a bote!, cull on P. L. Austin Co. ex clusive hotel brokers, suite S, 362 Wash ington si. W J HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED To 2 sisters, or 2 friends. positions of cook und nnrse-hou.i'i maid an- offered. Hoth must b conijie-tentv-- tiiii w afcCS anil a good home to good glris. Phono Main filtfl. '- I b FARM PRni'KP.TT. 120 acres. miles from Camas; 2T neres und, r cultivation; all splendid land: rolling and level part llch bottom land: water".! by springs and creeks which run nil the year round; 2 50 0 nie frui' trees, on K F. 3 cows, farm implements; !4 ensli balance in 3 CJIITI A LKM MOl'NTAIN ORCHARDS Finest In Oregon. Planted to Spitzeriberg find Yeliow Newtown am''rs Taken care of for 4 years, f, and 1 0 acre tracts, in per cent cash, $ I .T per month. Railroad station on the land, sol minutes' ride from Portland. Don't buv until you have seen these autiful tracts. Co t bookb t containing full Informa tion und valuable map of the Willamette v alb ". hose In the market for a first class tra'-t. all planted to apples, will do wrl! to look th.se tracts over. "Seeit'g Is belb-v ing." THE CRoSSLEY COMPANY, 7 a x and 700 Corbrlt Rids. Portland Rooming House Co,, 313 Henry Rldg. 4 2 rooms, upartments and single, strictly modern, steam beat, elegant furniture and carpets, close in exclu sive location, will ch ar $300 per month; owner giving special price and terms. 22 rooms, transient, everything first rlaVs and the lest transient location In the cltv. clearing over $200 per month; $100 cash. 20 rooms, ti l ins. 1 ii rooms, te i ms. rooms, transient i Portland Roomin H13 l.s wood. .' D. , 2 hoi ses, ' price f I n.liOO l yea rs Oo a'-res, 4 '4 miles from 'acres under cultivation: 10 her; go,,,! young orchard: f ' t !. pla- e la rge 1 1 room h , h.ai n 5'iv on R F. D : I Camas; 25 acres tlni springs on use. .bix.Tii; miles from school . I : load of stock and farm Im plement'; go with the place, price $7,riu; naif cash, balance In 3 years at 6 per '"" ' pattun McAllister, "a ma s, AVa.o. Cqnias is 24 mlbs from Portland on North If ink road. Is 1 10 I ni (y icvl'lt i J lu) Ik f-f- I St . I Rank bldg. ml . nlzons Wash. SAY! WHAT YOU WILL? S acres, all covered with fruit, ber ries, grapes and fine ' house. 7 rooms, modern; ham. 2 poultry houses; 2a min utes' ride. This a.aiially goes to first fair offer, and about 2 cash. 414 Couch bldg. 24 ACRES 1 mile-f7orn"HMl iv boio. at station on electric line; house and barn, family orchard, good spring; $22.', per acre, terms. Will sell ii part DROWN, 411 Couch Rldg. inn 4 J h St ONE or 2 acres, all cleared and 'ultl-j vated. f.c car fare; beautiful surround- 1 Ing country. If ynu want good elose-tn acreage, we can supply you. as we have i a choice list on band at all times. 1 ENAPP Jt- MAC-K-KY. 1 :M3 Hoard of Trade Rldg. I AND in ACRE TRACTS ! Ill acre tracts on .boric line, station. '12 miles from Port-, water mill good springs; j Prices will increase to i of April ICASTERNRRS- II for a desirable location, t eye town; one of b. st coll, land I,.., ate, I on elccti h lim const t net Ion f roni Ro i a o ini.ok, placing v on in . a both local and Portland in Oy-1, acres, .in a, -res aoh ORCHARD J.AND 204 acres, 10 acres apple land about 120a feet elevation, acres In cultivation, 5 room house, barn and woodshed, about (I mlbs from good town. ( in sider, a hie open land easily cleared. Price $20 per acre. HT IK'OD LAND COMPANY. 711 Hothehlfd Pldg. apartments, only $12.10, apartments, only $7.r,0. 'I CAN sluw a man or woman with!- some money la st Investment in Port-I laud. Ian,! lot bldg. real estate. Call 320 Swct- PARTNER wanted in sawmill with good edgnr. planer, pond and timber. About $2iia0 ciush required. Y-40X. Jour nal. - F, AM iTTEirSFo'r snlolcen tl T 7f chair shop, doing good business, rent $0 a month. $150; leaving town. Investigate, bo quick. 572 1st St.. near (irant. HAVE 2 businesses, will sell one; snv.il! grocery and confectionery, clean utoek and fine fixtures, with lease, for cash $I4H'I. Call at 2W Yamhill St. HOTEL "TT LEASE. 35 room lioiel In good town; will sell furniture and base ground at a l.prgain. 420 SWEIT.AND lil.DC, i E.XPERIlTNtTD chocolate flippers: good wages, steady employment. Pad Do ! Coast Hlscuit Co., Ulh ai.d liavis CALL. SALESWOMAN I U I 'f JOISTS' SUN dibs; an experienced, compeliiit j saleswoman wanted nt once. Apply Olds, I W ort n,,, n King. ! vT.aTTs TED- - Experienced waitress, a la ciirtb service, cash lions.-; slate wlura j employed nnd rcloruno'S. Apply by inn 1 1 or In person j hotel. Rots,'. Idaho. OIKLS at once. Idan-ln 1 ii AND I Y ICil API or take part-326'- Wnsli- uovvn town. K House Co, Henry Hldg. v.or chance o ar live col - 'es In v. , 'st ; , . now under j I to T Ma j v i eacli o f ! arkef , hot ton land. AluT)P ON YAMHILL Of Ov I'll Al HV vj IV .J I I LU itr VER. KIiip Yamhill Co,, from Yamhill itself school , i lob, bin, k v. lied, good small on f truit ; goo, spring till farm. R oiily v, mil loam, partly la i d wale ml I'r, cull I m with variety house, barn 212- 5 5 and Close to land; running JlfcO per acre. J200 on the 1st BROWN. Ill Couch Rldg.. 1 00 4th St i'OR SALE fi acre chicken and terry ranch: good new f. room cottage; aplenoid water, good roads only $7n' i-ash or terms; take good driving horse; can work out part. Aridiess R. No. 1, Pox 74, i anby. ( ir. AC RE aTTe HERE IS A I i A Hi ; A I N sO acres, ar Klamath Falls, good oll. adjoining railroad. 5 miles from town, $ S tier acre; don't delay. N. J. l)re. 404 Lumber (exchange bldg. i ' KNoWTvery lot-in fTi roliTu rs! ji'ddD tlon itiorougniy and t can select some arid outbuildings. There is also l,(u)n.-i (Kill fe.t of excelhait yeilow fir timber wih livo transportation facilities. WELLS & DuFUR, Marshall lis:,. :t".'; CliHinii, r of commorovo I'm TyoP "KNi)VV"""'a 'TTARi.iAfN? $louO, cash, balance 1 and 2 years, buv s a iiol'-e 4 acre tract w ith log loose tlx icon, also nice tiput stream an. I villi, nun led good tim-r; land al ines, level and easily cleared, anil 1'irKt eptr-s: ! TTiths from Wooilland. Wash., which is "n north of Vancouver. Also $120,,, $(lin cash, balance 1 year, buvs 4 0 io r. s g,"i, land o, which 'it Is es . una i ,.,1 tlictV are 2. mm. nun feet yellow lir. A v.-rv rightly pl.-e , , ', miles from WTvod hi mi , Hi .- springs on land. S O I.VNK. VVooflland. Wash. I'l.AND I inpi ,,,e. i 4(1 ttere. i b'ct l ie sill I Ion. s,'l, ml, umtv read, timing di;t;ince pas Is at large hogs. remainder truit land, I I nil trees In good bearing Fruit land in this locality sell ing a! ? 2 on ami ut. wind p.r acre. Willi rot lo.-ailon a , 1 va n I :i ge. of this land This is on mill;, mail, cream, telephone lines; last graveled road in countv. ;o,d li rouiu house, burn apple house, (horde ohc ken house, w ood sh"d, etc ; some machinery and implements. For $7u( if talon "this month: would make t wo 'des-i ra hie l."m,-s. This Is a chance for niakinir money, as land will double In vnlu". Rox No. 71. Forest drove, Or. Phono Indetx orient X 2V.'. DALLES FRUIT LAND "HOOD RIVER DISTRICT," run ACRES. 7 MILKS FROM THE DALLES ON AUTO ROAD; LlVINO WATER, C.ooD IMPROVEMENTS; AOENT (AN ORoFND. $1 6 PER ACRE 622 Chamber of Commerce. ELEGANT FURNITURE, CLEARS J 1 aO A MONTH: 'ENTER OF RISI NESS DISTRICT. CHEAP KENT: STEAM HEAT. MOT AND COLD WA TER. PRICK Hl.Hi;, EXCELLENT TERMS. PARTICULARS. SEE MY BUSINESS INVESTMENT CO,, 207 KENTON 111,1k;., M 6 11 1 ST. MODERN, id rrrTPica uuLC, With 20 acres In cultivation, balance good pasture, some timber, all fenced, fine spring water, all good soli, no rock, family oi chard, fine 7 room house, fair iiaro -. tii all good outbuilding.':; hogs, lea hois and all farm Implononts and tools; place nil In- crop. 'i'lib farm ts ti the main county toad, only 5 mile I rom ( it-egon ( 1 1 y and inaiti route 5o',i,iifi; terms. S' gains. Pol Here money makers for you; lots up. Joseph S. Collier, i Cornet t -bldg. Main Hx 1 OU. direct 1503, I near' : i'arill .church. , : t , ; ;,., a a es cult Ivat, ,1. ha oiuc I 1 1 ' e , Willi ' l eek .1:1,1 spl'i'li: W i j house and barn; family or, 'bar, I ' lie s, 7 iaui: house. 2in l,a:n, arv. jtoiato house, ehlik.-n house team, vvagou and harness. :: cows .'.(I chick, us. all farm tools, iiiachino v and planted crop. Price JIAii'i. $ l no down. Portland Hones Co.. 2i M.url lori st. ' A (iOOt) FARM roll 017 M i. I . I i. and phonos near school; price me for farm hat - ' EMWffl i ifn St , iregon City. r. I 11,-: it bouse ,1.111, has to In and get la asona hlo f ires. 14 inil.-s from Portland, all cultivation and fenced Willi iiog-,11--' s, lots of fruit, good ." room good barn and outbuildings. 2 fine team. 2n0 chickens, all lin ts: this is one of the lust farms shiiigloi Co., and has no equal; be seen to be appreciated; oomo prices and terms, which ar iS0 and agent, A-1615. 1,300 PER ACRE 2ii r ro)d. 2 j miles east of tiilie north of Villa ave.. held at $400 to Jf-oui per ao ,-; i xoeilon Boil, no eravel. Owner. X-4i?7. Journal. oi. V ilia ave., I -1. mil, s limits, excellent soil. 2 at bo; good well and small house. Owner. X- i , s on liarr ln:ph II v limits; v. I with d joining land i only 40 acre f.trin. In Port lard; 15 acres in standing timber than enough to pay ,'!5 fruit ti , es, and nienls; horses and t he fa 'ni ; a good w I 1 '.j miles from depot ; southwest of cleared, the balance of 2nnn cords, more for Die farm alone; nl! necessary farm .til" an go I and spring; .vvner roust : viyvLii'vJvvyjuu v, yty u : ; 71 S Iioardofri'ra(le Rldg. i "nijinii : W r n r? n ni vsii viv u u u ii, u uuuauai vy.i ity : i va a i s $47 50 -10 acr. east of (ity acres In ,-uit chicken house, 468, Journal 60 ACRES of the best fruit land in the Mosler district. $10 per acre. This is less than one-third its value; one-half Hth. K-4fis. Jon rial FIVE unit of wife's hialth: $iron. Inquire Paul Spath. 2S0 acres, all I from Hillslioro, IlllOO; $200 cash, owner, 709 Corbet $ ultivation. inairi county 0 per month. dflg. mile road. See KXCHAXE KEA I. ESTATE lit FIVM3 room bungalow. good location, v. lob rage notes or vacant fcxehange. FA R R ELL 517 (o-rliii-:, r mod take pr, pt utor' M y in JL 21 room hoise, keeping, bog .,, a good money mak -r .-a; tance. On east si,;, part real estate ':. l a t V ANTED 1 at in " j.-TuTT n house and lot. st. j..!n Trutst'"0., 32K ts Was' In 417, HAVE fine pa", Tn K "-, , , ; atre wll! , -., aariae 1' age or real .si at ,-. n Vashlngton 6ut ACRES Al tr, . acres up, to s.-ll proved or vacant Commercial block. tie. I .p dis fol E. T 'in 1 1 f for Allg.-le.s Room the re! I on ac halt cash. Y Mil! Il I II. T HE VKK V " Kl N ICS't. , 120 acres, sr. in cultivation, at reason-j nhlo price and easy terms, in foothills of Chehalem mountains, 15 miles from i Portland, ( lose to R. R. station; finest j proposition for orchard. A lovely home ; in beautiful location. 50 minutes- ride by train; running water, spring piped to house See owner, 1'. Rciuiers, 700 Cor-1 belt bid K. j A NICE COUNTRY IloME ! Close to Hillsboto, 17 trains daily .ach way. fine large oak trees, plenty of fruit and 1-tries, walnut trees all in full '. bearing: S.bTui; $.",(io cash, balance Jin r month, or to per cent (tiscount for 1 cash. See 'owner, P. it' imers, 7ti!i bldg. ; for sale 3 fin a,q--s.)f logg.-d'-orr Pru .- SI .", per ueff. La. a. I !.s, t.o a, res of land partly irn.; Riv-ei fron'age and business in Hauiler. Or Improved farm i i i v kind of properly von want ' of J. H. Tloan, r"itz bldg, Oregon. R I V i . it V A I.ITT la nd." f, "a"c r. $200 per a, re; J per aCro per immerllate possession: grand Hood: half mile station. 1 r, Whaaus station, Hood It Ivor, orchard anil ii room iio ist I cows, 1 hoi dozen chickens tits, oa.l Imp lem on fine clceirlo line lu-ha; $3750, HI dairy land, from town CRAW I '( ) HD 3 35 ( 'hambor of orv it U in i ul I ivat ion. family IiaTf fruits. , i ,q. in, good ba i n and id her buildings, so wii gon, 1 1 , mess. 2 v new separator ami ail 1 3 miles I loin port ami 1, ss than a mi b I school and i-mall j easy terms. ;alty company. SFIT.EN P. K HO Scappoose orchard lands In 10. 20 and 2,0 acre tracts are selling to many level headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only 25 miles from Portland, on railroad. Price $300. $40,i, $,,o(i per tract BETTER HURRY and go with us by appointment. Call or write for full particulars. Lib eral terms McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 810-311 Corbett bldg.. Portland, Or. Mcrrlt ii Paiiner.SulesAgents: MOSIER APPLE LAND If you aie looking for ripple land In huge' .r small tracts, see us about MotstEft. FTtcpfl arc trrw nnd terum easv. Hiiv now or wait and pay more. MOSELEY & GARRELL 2".-. Couch Rldg . I o;i Fourth St. G 00!) G A R DENT AND 12'L. acres. 1 mile south of Wichita statiiui, I'aKiidLTo carllne, 2 acres in , lover, fi acres to IxOplowt-d and planted to crop, balance brush and beav.-rdain. .'iriall new house, rustic, lath atul plas ter, -d; barn and chicken house not finished; no rock . or gravel, lavs cheaper than anyfblng in neighborhood. C. A. Sdmlix., owner. Inquire Standard pox Ai Lumber Co. " THE fT.A R I "EN S POT IF i iREOON. Choice fruit land, close to Portland; borders on Sandy a rid Columbia rivers; witn steal'', and electric it. ft. and water transportation facilities; 5 to I'.iuin acres. Iter investigate, as vou can t beat this for soil, location and prices. Call or wriie for our pamphlet. SYBKLDON ,(i FARRELL, 32 1 Board of Trade Bldg, IT a oe.: of apple and walnut hind, 25 mlbs south of Portland, joining orch nrds worth $lnon per acre, price JioiO C. !(. piggott, 14 .Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison, 1 SELL my own land on twins to suit vou. Anv slz" tract. ilEti, A. IIOI'CK. 227 'i Wash. ki; ROOMS. STRICTLY 15 Y RAILS' LEASE. 25 A PA HTM EN I H. K.M'KI.I.KNT LOCATION, WEST SIDE. ' ELEIJA NT FURNITURE NEW Bl.ILD- INO .;f,00 WILL HANDLE. BUSINESS INVESTMENT CO,, 207 Fenton Bldg., S4 6th St. 7 ROOMS, F.LEO ANTLY FT'RNISHED, EXi'KU.KNT LOCATION, CLOSE TO BUSINESS CENTER, WEST SIDE. IF YOU WANT FREE RENT AND MONEY LEFT AFTER PAYING ALL EX PENSES. THIS IS YOUR -OPPORTUNITY. 207 FENTON RLDG. 8 4 6TH ST. COFFEE house; must s n.'i . Angcb s Trust ( ington st . room 417. Kb j ! SA I. hPl i ot". 7" s hi. 1 1 u. 1 e ss 17a 1 t"n' vol, e; $150 If sold by Tuesday. B 4.r,S, Journal. PARTNER wanted In automobile repair business; some money required. A 457 Journal. pool, hall, cigars and confectionery. Buy this and make money; only $300 cash required. I all al'tj Kin. WANTED Store for grocery and in." room, state size nnd rent. 7.-4(0, Jou rnri I. FoR RENT n"i.7el. TfinUTgYoom ari,l kitchen completely furnished. Phone A-4 3'IO ov .Main ', f 0 1 YEARS At once o I, DS . W O R T ,M A N K I N ( i FOR ITNK millinery. Washington, room trimming orders. e'i nouerlal. Save thts. heap, go to 22 . 2 27,. Makeovers. Bring any old M A K KItS. at once to Olds, $35o The lust little grocery on the east side, splendid location and low rent; terms oi piuL Tel East HH. FnV EST R i A T E I m m "dia I o y ;Ta n' t Tose townslte proposition. 3x4 Mar guerltte ave. or Tabor 195R. STORE- 4 rooms, bath, modern, near: will rent separate; Cheny and Van couver A '3371'. OLD established dressmaking parlors for sale account leaving the 'cltv. Phono A-liiKL NIi'E clean restaurant on 3d st., close in. with lease. Price $175. 317 Board of Trade Jddg. 4J h and J'ak. COUNTRY store for sale or exchange for southern Oregon property. '.- 477 Journal. GOOD business at your own price. Call at 20 1 1st St.; good reasons. BAKERY' for sale. For particulars ap ply Royal Bakery, .Astoria. Or, HELP WANTED MALE 1 1 1 Mil ELEGANT KU RN FPU RE, INCLUD ING NEW KIMBALL PIANO, FINE LOCATION. RENT ONLY $45, ROOMS ALU AYS RENTED AND BIG MONEY MAKER VERY EASY TERMS C- BUSINESS INVESTMENT CO 207 Fenton Bldg., S4 (ilh St. - MEN wanted, to prepare for railway mail examinations. Commencement salary $sni). preparation free. Frank lin Institute, Dept., 301 M, Rochester. N. Y. WAN TED -A competent teamster for a furniture wagon, must know cltv well and must understand thoioug-htr bow to handle furniture; give last place of employment. .1-401. .lournal. G(ii)T) paying situation open; casli week ly, clucking at ieniling advertising ma terial for ytor locality. Inclose stamp for lcply. Dipt. 3'il, Pandora Mfg. Co., London, Out. WE aid our members to secure em ployment. Constant demand for young men of ability and Integrity. Special I Employment Membership. Y. M. C. A. ! M ILLINERY Fiist class. Apply Wormian A- King WANTED 7,a.fie."t7 know Dint, with low rents, we can sdl latest design millinery for less than others can. New rk Millinery, lX 3d st . near Madison. ! MIDDLE AGED woman who want?- good home and small wages in lanitly of Is who-e parents are onplov.-d. will do v.HI to call Main 1103, I iTT 1 1 L w a n r'd to aefslst with office 1 work and wait on counter. Albiua ! Creamer Co. .too Russell St. 1 51 EA D VV A "iTRESSnnd" other situations. ' ,-ti- at,.! pniettrv llnivn's Lailbs' Aeni-y. R. 3o7. 32H'' Wash. sL Vv"NTj:D Ladies, we bleach, dye and remodel hats, plumes, at V4 price. Modd Millinery, Yamhill. riToioLA'I'E dippers; steady work, goo.i pay. jModon conr i o.. um aim Hoyt sts' i'ilRI, wanteii7 general housework, good home, easv work. 520 Weldler st. Take Broadway car to 11th st. LADIES to Irav I. $76 a month and ex peps, m; ill v . $2fo a. day. Call at once. 2I''12 Holla, lay ave. romn 9. E.l'i;i:li;N tTD liVdj, wanted.' dress making shop. Room II. 350 1 Mor rison d. WANTED Women to us, days' free trial: positive 507 -u.MnlniG7ft. V A NT El e Ex perlcneed Indies' or ironos. CMy Dyeing and Works Fast 3d and Ash WANTED Woman to Jo light w.qk and be compsi n i( m f"'" lnI AjipD- 1 5 S5 B.-i s Jih GIRL FOR general bous.'Work. laniook st. WOMAN At ( n. m. opa I Hie 1 li relief. Call prcssei i Cleat. inc lioil'-i -1 rival i I 425 Til- W ANTED I'd 504 Washinglon Yai SEW. st. laundry to ".on E, Morris, .n nisewor1,; small .Till Davis housework; cool THE SPARE International Correspondence Schools S TIME SAVINGS BANK. espondence Schools. McKay bldg. Main r.7. EraWBulMfG-IGilES SACRIFICE SALE 3d room rooming house. With 2 years and fi months' lease; must sell at once on account of sickness; easy terms. Call and see owner. 343 i-. Morrison Phone Main 5278. IKHKiATED LANDS 42 ( -orb.-l t i ll A VI' land j qua lit v. I proved. I olio. II. -oR st Commerce, Portland. Or. A NICK I .ITT LE FA RM. 2S urns, 22 In cultivation, running water, new house anil barn, cost JIlOu. This Is finest gai'iii-n soil, huge part could be irrigated; l mile from station. 17 miles from Portland. This 'and has gent le .sou t Invest slope, and si i a whi rr! as would bring excellent returns when irri gated. The Crossley Coinpauv . 700 Cor bett bldg. WILLAMETTE" RiVER frontage rami RO noes; fi acres orchard, I acre lo gin hemes ; nous,', oain, ., acres tnnPer. miles lo i:. ;.. ling: 2 1 1 miles to per a.-r, ; Joining p, r a. re; no.' t lie A In .'lit Rain',, liool tracts, month ; View ML lici t To7.b Or. 1 l ' I . SAl b.llallte I'll U mile t, Portland, i iiiil sdlin sold Itlvate.d. 1 boat Ian Price S7.7 ; for Jl.ui 'Deschutes Valley Real Estate Special buys in IRRIGATED LAND, i well improved, with good water right; ! $35 to $.ri' per acre, on terms. We defy ! compel itlon to show anything equal to the ul ova- in quality of land, location ,'ainl prices; we pay your expenses out I a .'id ret urn if vou buv of us. 22u acre homesteads located in cen tral ( IregOl, Cr ii ,k 'a out v . Town lots in La id law. coning city of ; the I icscli ii ii's valley ; easy payment plan. ( 'a II and inv "sf i pa to DICSCI 1 1 T'ES V.Vl.LEV i VICSTMENT iaMl ul-.T' liueiuinin bbb;.. i Noir 5th st. AD in 14 ROOMING HOUSE Furnished swell, rent $75 per month; bringing in about $150 Pflr month; be sides, owner occupies 2 best rooms in bouse. My price, $1275; $575 cash, bal. can run from 4 to 9 months. GEO, N, ECKLER 310 Oak St Be In office 10 to 12 Sunday 1 1 SNAP AND & IN 'ANY, Washington, 17 ROOMS, RENT $50. Furniture good, bringing about $150 per mouth ; all light rooms, part house keeping, near lltli and Jefferson; $1200, terms. I nuuire in c i oi picture U' farm, no ewman, 526 w 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 , Sa, an 21 I t rom . ' today. ! 40 ACRES. it land in tract. or exchange for city piop.rty. 1 0 i m- 1 1 n. li:.' ,11. il'!', IE you want to aell, Snoemaker Inv. Co. Main 4465. A-7414. buy or trade, see 527 Henry bldg 7 LOTS in Billing Mont., to exchange - for property In or cloee to Portland Aj p'' Tpst Co , "20 VV a s-h i ngt o n s t . S I Ll. ret "vou aii''t)bg" in trade ior anything you iav. 21f Lov.ii' i.'dg ft? A'tJIffe wheat ruiiicb in "Kansas fa irad fvr rooming house.. Call i! 2 st. staid, i bold g. tloi, B : IDEA 'li lie !,ver ?: ' P. A o 2(i a". a ." toll'. S .VI V I 1508. I. f: 17- Mi acr' s. 1 J2 inile 1, 'pert v sd Is for . 1 . fi,.- fr,r $7:, If ink, n Wash. st. s miles north of Vancouver' bared; good soil, level. Sou;,, buildings. $42.70: h,if cash, oi. 3 s'i Ha nco, -k s f . iev.-F. part clear.-.;, house, , T f url,, impbn'en's. hoise 'I'lirt cash; mile to sta Estai ada. Or. It an, nut faun for sale by acociint of poor heaitb: pav s income, for ( t once. A. GROENER ,V7- Room li ( ';l Ulhlidge ON THE Clackamas rivar. city limits. 2 mil. s fi on line; 2,i acres fine b-va-l runniug wnt.r. niiiiiii joeuuon. , n per acre, mil the p' n e adioinliig land Is lions r. It taes $'.! to handle Cross-lev company, 70H Cor- or giave! wood; ti, vv ii it-li is sdling f this. 'i'l bett bldg co . Rldg. 0 miles from i in gnu ('ity and, no stone m i u !inn(iW,ls of i tivati' f sir KOlt KENT I -WILMS ss loih No OTHER LIKE t.o.ns, reiiL $27.50; II location. A-l furniture. Brussels! carpi ts ; expenses; snap 1298 S CVt r and Marsha 11 THIS. extra good. ail Ax $4 1.50 1 1 a neon v. r " . ol'- s iri . Itiqui f rton. (.Tr T out' It. of i;,av;er owne r, A. I. fai in to rem or Taoor WE ARE THE 4 HOMESEEKMCRS HKADyl'AR'i'ERS For ch'd.-e farm and ITaai lands, with prices and terms rig1,! SYBELDON A.- i-' vl:R) I.E. 32 1 Boh nl of Tl iide !,,li: i'-OR SALE in" acres; l ijj in ! I. s" soul h" ea.st of Cii'shani. all in i u 1 1 i vat Ion, 5 rivun buogalovy. lui rn. 3 Poui t r v houses, all kinds of fruit tiees and siii'ail fruit, 21 acres in stravvl-erri. s; ais. horse, cow. poultrv, wagon, plows, etc. Price ngjit: lerins. II. L. Ba:i. owner Ores'' am. or 1 IICSS. plem for i $ 1 no v est I GAI ES located near Woodland, 25 i from Portland, 20 acres in cul i, 1 acre of raspberries. acre raw berries, apples and other fruit. . barn, etc i; tows. 3 horses, hur wagon. cr, am sa; nra!or. other Itn uts. will sell personal property lino and lease farm for 5 years at per year. W II. Morehouse In-i-ent Co.. 233 Alder st. DEN ! : far.-: Jinn S.pt i want It. li boo; i min profit alio half i ash. Inquire H. E. JAMES. KS loth, SACi;"lFI''E for quick safe, swell, large boaiding house, clearing $250 per mo., Iiart trade for real eslate. B-453, Journal. irnbton. I'n. 717. Marshal! WANTED Bright young man, one who Wants to make big money; experience unnecessary; about $25 required. 32'i'ii Washington, room 417. I NT iTlHN Al' 1 ( I NA I," i'i T r e a p on d e 1 1 e school of Scrnnton, Pa Local office, 207 Marquam bldg.. opporlte Portlaml 1 intel. MoTIi )N picture uprators earn $35 weekly; learn business In short time; easv inside work; lessons reasonable. School 520', Wnslringston st INTER-N A T 1 1 n7 1 . C r rTs p o n dence Schools scholarship, full mechanical drafting-, for sale cheap, terms. D. Acker. 1101 Front. WANTED Roy about 1 to do deiTveT ing and general work in a hardware store; give several references. B-454, Journal. 1 WANTED Men to buy $3 sample hats now $1.50. Low rent in basement Is the reason. Hats cleaned nnd reblocked, 50c. The' Hatmry. 3 5 Alder. LARGE bowl of rice. 5c; coffee or cocoa with snails, 5c; beans, 6c; best bean soup, Re; all cereals with milk, 5c. Owl Rice Kitchen, 66 Vi 4th. WANTED Girls at barn hand ironing. GIRL to assist In I family ; good hony. gTrT. 'wanted for light home. 36 lTth st. YOUNG cirl 3 0 2. Fa rgo. WANTED At once, tailoress, work. 325 Sla-k sU to assist with liousew, .steady GIRL for Halsey. cooking and housework. Phone E. 11 On. ' 1 WANTED Girl for general housew small house and fanly. 40 Rodney WANTED- Conipeten t girl for geni tal housework: no children. East I55u. AN y br I gh f Ta"d yv an earn good money. Inquire at once 717 Swetland bldg. G1HL for general housework, small family. 212 E. 30 th. WA N.T ED Girl small family. for general housework, 733 E. Ankeny PRIVATE lessons given in typewritings 304 12th st. short hand, Main 0K9O. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 10,000 POSITIONS For graduates laRt year; inon and wo men learn barber trace In 8 weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn $,5 to 25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalog. Moler System of Colleges, 35 N. 4tli'st.. Portland. W A N TED Lad v or" gent io Bell photo coupons. Call at Rose Studio, 270 Wash, st.- EMPLOYMENT AGEN(E S3 MFN to cloar land on contract. Will furnish tools, Ktump piuller, tents, powder. MeCay. 364 Nortlf 26th. W car. Evenings, 6 to 7. C. R.HANSEN & CO, GENERAL, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 26 N. 2d St., Portland. Ladles' department, 7th and Wash, sts., upstairs. Portland. 424 Front ave., Spokane. 87-83 4 1 Ik st'., San Francisco. Established 1876. WANTED BARTENDER. Sober and 1 HANLEY & TAPLEY EMPLOYMENT Industrious and not afrn d of. wnr' ' -., neauquariers ror n. rt. worn. HORSEMEN Wanted driver who un- derstands developing colts and train ing. Sober and industrious. Merrill. 7 1 li and Oak. Af ternooiiH. Merrill. 7tfi and ( lak. A ftornoous. 28 Ms N. 2d st. ;, I acre fair buildings: $127, down and mil"! 1. I'oTt wait 'if you FOR SALIC- Rooming- house of 12 rooms, mostly in housekeeping, good furniture, rent $30; price $000. 268 Jef ferson st. or phoie Main 0020. ROOMING house bargains Mrs. Koontz, 232 b raspberries; I phone Marshall 1194. sec my list. Washington st. THE the best bulging bouse in town money. Phone Main 4065. for 2 1 : ORE' 17 !!. ON LAND I'll,. rv Bldg. Main ;4i3. HOMESTEADS .'H SALE 5 a ace tavm New buildings. Urn,. E. Stark. Phone Jabor 161.' .NT r dtv II 127; agents. WE ARE the best in Crook Prim ville. 'I o !''.o a' l" reliioiiMsionents Joining, mat the tot n uf While Salmon, ap-pl- laud. C. II Piggott, J4 Mulk.y bldg., Ju and Morrisvm st. prepared to locate you on horm -steads and desert lands)! county. Address Box 34, Or. j MLMNfi STOCIvS 58 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE Before BUYING or SELLING anv MIN ING. OIL, WIRELESS or INDUS- TRIvL stock get our prices. Davidson C' !s hbls- Phone Marshall 778. MINING- and industrial stocks; tele plionc and other bonds bought and sold (' S. Fletcher. 125 Ablngton bldg. IF you wish o buy gr H mining stocks, call on J. B. Furcell, 310 Oadu WANTED Experienced pressors on gents' garments. City Dyidng and Cleaning Works. East 3d and Ash. j BO WANTED Over 16 years of age Portland Furniture Co.. 1249 Macadam road. Kul ton car. I WANTED AT ONCE Young man to b urn to drive and repair automobiles. Positions wnitlng. Apply 5 0-5 3 N. 7th. WANTED-e-AGHNTS 6 SOLICITOR for cleaning and tablishment; lis per wccK. uyelng i-s- ; ton t call SALESMEN wanted to take our cash weeklv selling choice nursery stock Outfit free. Capital Ct Nursery Co., Sab-m, Or. THREE to $5 a day, experience unnec essary. Call at 1740 E. 11th st., Sell-wood. if you can't do the work. 224 2d st. snrwTioNs male WANTED Marrle farm. Apply to ville, Or. BOOi- man by year on t '. YToung, Wilson- OT)i3kEE accounii dg. i. ING, private tuition bv an nt. 301 Merchants Trust POSPJ ION wanted by experienced hard ware, and sporting goods salesman. A-l refei'eiues eastern firms. Z-445, Journal. bl CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali fornia Wine Depot, 285 Yamhill, next to Journal. SEVERAL men familiar Alaska Tanana mining district. -Jack" Wieland, please phone Tabor 2004. ROBUST middle-as, ,( eai i wank on farm. Addn i Fox. Hillsdale. Or. R. F. I WANTED Position , to advance; age 18. Can give references. to-ner desires ss Robert I D. No. 2. with opportunity. JF Willim to woi-,VE Z-448. Journal. A IF YOl can sell real estate call room 204 Lumbermens bldg. If you can t, don't call. BOY WANTED YVith or without wheel. Apply 332 Alder WANTED A clearter and pressor, ex perienced. Call 2D8 Hussell St. EXPERIENC1CD gardener wants work, including watering and taking care of Iwwn. W. Karrlson. Phone M.' 8400. CARPENTER, experienced and compe tent, will work In city or out. E-467, Journal. COOK with -10 years' experience, wants job In boarding house or camp. H 46 J, Journal.