4 . THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL', POTTAND4 SUNDAY MORNING; MARCH 20, 1910. sea 16 FOR SALE LOTS 10 for KALK LOTS 18 FOR SALE LOTS 10 FOR SALE LOTS 16 FOR SALE LOTS 10 I OR SALE LOTS 10 FOR SALE LOTS - DO YOU WANT A 50x100 LOT JL'ST TWO BLOCKS FROM RANK. KENTON . $10 DOWN $10 MONTHLY ? If you do you had hest climb on an "L'' i'r this morning Sunday? Yes -our office In open hll day Sunday. Run out to Ken ton and take a look at th. s. ot. They will uot lust Ion st these terms, vrstlgate In- IF YOU WANT TO RENT II IV, SKI. I,. exchange. OH OJVK A WAV inproved or uiiimpiniod ropcrtv In or near Kenton, it will pay you to m. FOR SAY and tlie balance to suit what's doing Win- d in't lias i nol In r 3 you know tliat Mrs. Bright PfQ) E On KENTON REAL ESTATE CO, 1 4 Kenton Bank 1.1 L Office open Sundays'. Woodlawn Eos LOT BARGAINS "1 100 Hose City Park, -SOxlfln, near brick store. Heautlful fir trees flSSO Rose City Park, looxioo corner near 46lh. and Sandy Road. Thin la dirt cheap. 11250 Elmh.ur.sl, 100x100 on 51 st si e These are beauties, with lew of dtv and mountains. Walks In. 175 Relic Crest. 50x100 rorner. on Summit PL, near cnr. Beautiful t rees. $,1400 Irvington. 50x100. one block from ,. - car. near 21st and Stanton 11300 Rose City Park. lOiixl'in corner, near car. $300 under market, t 625 Elmhurst, lot 6, block 19. See It A big- snap 1$00 Rose City Park. lOO'xinn. nonr brick titore, 200 feet south of Alameda Drive. Thesa and many more. Terms on all Call and nee us. we can rave you money. FRIOK-DODDS CO , ' ! 110 Lewis Bldg. 4th and oak S"ts, tli mil k -t. Just think of It,' Willi Nicr. i. a i: : f i n i.m e. V. , ! .1: ! i r . ! T( i : 1 1 1: pi. i:. i tiim; .'i.e. DfD TOU EVER HEAR OP' THE LIKE Coal and wood yard, large atora, liv ing; rooms, office rooms, 2 teama, all thla for only Just cash purchaser. We have the looking for 45x100, on Alberta, 100 feet frontage on Alberta, splendid location for any business, this can bo had for FURTHER. PARTICULARS SUe UUU. UUUaU ITWb buy that you have been 24th an. Alberta. H noiilHwn IH1 your g en u - FY I iiF.n. You .pl.t tc Th. :i5 look at It. .1 4 V-,' And tlx ( .tv best OF TERMS Can be had We'l Just find j.n rt lculat s I iv en 1 ! i UK on t.-l 1 1.. I IT I I t o r i ' i ti i f i" price la out all Mt I,, fits 1;K W cut ,i pi...- e in I ask A l.T V c ' Ills s' 1 a K-i; 111. IT for l' MiTl.A M)H'"( hayo read I lRt ST thoughts Listen. A ICO. loo bungalow, brick nil lars, cement porch, flower boxes, beautiful living room with fireplace, din ing room, beamed celling. Imported paper on the walls, breakfast room. enameled kitchen, hi st of plumbing and furnace, cornet lot Isn't this I ho place you have liven thinking about? Rldoout to Hancock ami 14th and fee something nice. FOR TLA NI i Tltl'ST COMPANY, S. K. cor. 3d and ' ak sts. F F E THE WORRELL-M'CULLET CO. WEEKLY .BULLETIN. NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! FLATTING PROPOSITION On Rase. Line road., for cash only, a tract V... .... I. a tA u,il1 llltll Vail UO V.II'tllVIUI l O'l.l "".v" within three months, ut an Inoreaso of 60 per cent or more. It takes 132,800 cash to handle It. APARTMENT SITF West Side, within two blocks of Washington, 60x100. on desirable corner; $5000 cash will handle) ltwlth unusually good terms on the remainder. LOVELKIGH Corner lot. 60x100, on Wllllama avenue, can ho had for 1530 cash; a pretty home alto at a reasonable price. LAURELHURST (Artier. "Kxinn, .it a sacrifice, and $480 cash will handle It. Here's the place to build your home. In the addition with character. m the raisiti mem (Of WINTOM--One lot ent who needs fore you can get It cheap half cash. for calo by a cll the irfTmey, there for about All Kinds, All Sizes, All Lengths. FA I It I 'OR T Two sacrifice; half end they are all the time. deslrahln lots ash will take Increasing In at a t hem. I value HI N'i ! ALOW S room. KaSt 4'Jth ft : less will handle It. strlctlv modern, than $11100 cash Hor u u jt. ii x of T. Inu.rovcincnts iiald for GEO, D, SCHALK NICK corner lot. toixlinl, ori the wi'fl comer of Texas and V sta., all lini.roveincnts iiald for. south-irglnla GOOD BUYS Lot I'.ra" tiMI l. Ox 1(10 ', If Ki terms en Id IRVINGTON 1 ' 1 1 1 '( . near Main A-2312. 228 Stark et LOTS 12800. 4Sx100 lot on corner of n : , and Hawthorne ave., best buy In Hawthorne line, and you know it tit h till. 60x100 lot In Klmhurst on Hancock , St.. cement sidewalk, street graded, cheap for cash. 4 dandy lota. 60x1 24 on Hawthorn car line, street Improvenu nts all in and paid for, $900 and $1000 each. J 1 0 i down, bal. easy payments. Lot ; Thump Ox I 0(1 ,,,, ion , J ! on. 1 1th "I ins. r.nxioo on I-:, lith st Ki to .0x100 on K " .11 and Krai'.' suit. $" prii'O st , nonr j:ono, let W.'n terms Umi C9E3SE J hen read our fine offer, d lots. ''.ml and woodyard. l.urge store, l iving room, i ' 'floe- room. teams and only JTloo One-half l.-h and balance to suit purchaser. Black or Galvanized, or Second Hand KtW lUL'N'JALOW Swell little home, 2 blocks fromi ar "on KaslPl.Tu; Ti:iT), rlectricltVi basement, pretty porch; JlfiOO. with a Brnall payment down. FOR PLUMBING OR ' DRAINAGE PRICES Cheaper than have ever been I. quotea to you Dy anyone. FARM LANPS AMI ACREAOKI Ii T ' S I N F;S S PRO I ' K RT Y ! THE WORRKLL-M Cl'LLEY CO., 20 Henry bldg, 4th and Oak. Lies on Columbia boulevard, at. the point in the city of Port land where the O. R. A N. Hnd the I'nlon Pacific R. Its. Inter sect the main line of the South ern Pacific to Puget Sound known as the Oregon & Wash ington It. H.' All biiHiness com ing over the o. R. & N. and the Kiilon Pticlfir from the (axt for Portland and for the sound will come to McKcnna Junction, where It will he segregated. The Portland business will be sent to Portland through the tunnel, and Iho sound bunlnewH will be sent over the Columbia bridge to Its destination. FiiMT In M. There d in in tie RKP r..:. (. Is lei n..thl' bet t T to he 1st riot ASS A .' .V V i r Y H AIM' n y Pldg. A business lo' on Alberta street. 45x100 feet fronts on Alberta, nation for any business. ee Is 1137a TERMS J. M. UKPASS A SON, and Alb. rtu. Woodlawn 1.14 and the 100 S. inlld 1 . ami I no prl . $3200, Vt block on S. and Commercial ats. handle this. 11150, Failinij. E. cor. of Alberta $10110 i ash will lot 40xlOU on Halght St., near! VERNON J H. STONE. i ' 2 on Allskv Midi? I w r: 1 1 K I .!:!: i r aih.' I "Nil i. 605.1U0 on close In, downtown c orner. BOW occupied by double Mat building, atore and cottage. Income $2Ki a month Frlce, $2i,ooo. $50110 cash bundles this. WAREHOUSE SITE 100x100 on corner of Second St., " downtown. Income $1H0 a month, h. . 1 location for warehouse. In the j r v Frice, $32,000. $10,000 cash, or vU: leas? tor a term or years. OA RAGE SITE. Nearly two full lots on Belmont st . i has all street Improvements In and can be bought for a very low I'lg ir I Fartlculars on application. j KNAPP ROBERTS CO., 1 Main S263. 524 Henry bldg i PORTLAND Remember prices are ;, 7: TRUST vanidng every dav In th-: CO. Hose City Park disti let. j Here's a couple of pick ups; Full lot In Merlow, only $800; $200 cash, bal- j a nee easy. j A heautlful, east front lot. $700. 3 fine high . lots In ' Menefee, only $7,"i0 earn,, including improvements. PORTLAND TRl'ST COMPANY. S. E cor. Sd and Oak sis. n . : t 1 IMS I'-, I.i iTS IN l."V E- VI.- li'i.V. : IT.'n'i; IK' tois 1 iwki.ink M. f, r.oxl 00 .'1st st. block $7-0, from terms. pile ALAMEDA PARK carllne, F ITS BEAUTIFUL LOT Fine garden soil. All In berries In lendld condition. K. 32d and Curu- W. R. car to E. ,T2d; ,1 bb-ks Inside lots, $S00; corners, $!nii easv terms Agent on tbo today (Sunday) L to I. The railroads have purchased 5 ' ecres of land for break up yards, round Ihiiihuh, etc. This will glvo employment to a largi number of men who will seek homes in the vicinity and make a demand for homesltes. SPli 1 tlu-rs. north. Very ground mm MY KILLS - PENINSULA-BARGAINS AT KENTON PIEDMONT UNIVERSITY PARK PORTSMOUTH - TERMS 10 per cent down. 2 per cent per month. $400 to $1000. LOTS 50x100 6 ROOM QUEEN ANNE NEW, MODERN COTTAGE 60x100 LOT. EAST KRONT. ON PROPOSED CA KLINES ST. JOHNS TO KKNTON. $1450 SPECIAL CASH piSCOl.'NT. A, W, BAGLEY, 407-408 Gerllnger lildg. UNIQUE HOME SITE Brand Good paid. .v. 6 room, model n localltv Street inipvove Onlv $2350. F Cash, home, mi nts Fplrndid new X room home, full c. :i 'ent has. mint laundry tr.as and . 1 1 -I fine plumbing, wodllft. large cloth. I Closets, l.uiltln book-'ase. lioull.' ,1 I , I furnace Yerv sightly location 1 neighborhood of hemes nlv J.'inOd. J M M 1" I K I . KJi 1 1 IN. 8MI E. A'ash. East 111... M-1 4 ". 7 Stand at the entrance of the tunnel at Mi Kmmi Junction and y hi will sec, within iasy walk ing distance, the packing bouses, the Monarch Lumber mills, the Wool Pipe factory, the Safe and Lock factory, the L.fioh Foundry, the Pitchles Lumber Co., and numerous smaller concerns, which will gle employment to more than 1' ' i'h) nin within a vcar. You know what this means for real estate values In the Iclnlty of AlcKenna Junction. An entire block, situated rleht where THE NEW BROADWAY carllne crosses the ALAMEDA HOLLEVARD. Thin block is THE KEY to the entire SITUATION. On the high ridge north of Irv Ington; ft STREETS center In around this block; every foot of It has an uHh(rueted View of THE CITY, Is RESTRICTED to 2 houses; there Is not a finer resi dence site In PORTLAND; you can purchase all or half of It, on 10 per cent cash and 1 per cent per month. This is but one of SEVERAL. Matchless homesltes In OLMSTED PARK THE PORTLAND HEIGHTS OF THE EAST SIDE. Special proposition to builders; write, phone or call for Informa tion; folder given on request COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Hoard of Trade bldg., 84 4th st. mm 1 ? too on i:i,.m corner tin-1 1 1 a 7th and Skid paid . $1J00, 1 IF TAKEN SOON PER LOT 1; 1. i'i; ri 1; ENT STEWART & ZIR BEL 1 1 it 1 Till AND T ilc 1 h -111 I Mak Pi iRTLANI of'fe lust ith t hi in. -In. led price. 1 Montavil a v .-. and 1 f . e 1 . can h.T. . TKI'.VI r :!. and working 1 '.Ik. w- hlcri class property aewuid I .a u rei hu i s t iinpi " em. nts Mi the ,, OUt ar t' . VII t" I. r. hase .11 the We -t iinead. i'cl We i'OMPANY, SNAP IN IRVINGTON in mook I'ili-M cash. 27Hi st.. and The homes ii l.'lxKMl, hetwer mpsoii, fac. s K 1 liAingtoii i'r; He l:i oft GE0.-N. ECKLER Tllhi if the $i.;..o ki 1 ink KLAMATH FALLS BARGAINS Ox 1 00. one of the hest In i.ihhKon; $l.",oo KEI'ASS A: WOODYARD. Ml. A-:-;tJ 300 Henry Bldg. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS Fine corner, lOOxllla, with alley, well local, d in .Ylnntavilhi , these lots can be had at a bargain if sold soon. Portsmouth lots. I have some fine bus at Portsmouth close to car and out io fruit, ranging in price from $650 to J 1 (Mill. Broadway snap A fine lot on East i.lli si. dose to Broadway, up high, wi!h fine view, fine homes biiiiding all around it. This lot $7fu. Look this up, for 1 ; 'h a snap. Also KMixlun at Hilton Park for $1100. N. a! Brown, 70!t Swetland bldg. " THESE WILL SUIT YOU $ .00 lots on Peninsula, near Ken ton. $,.1100 100x100 Lake St., near Nicola!. $'.;.oii Corner on 17th st. north. $u.ooo Nearly half block, 17th at. north. -Corner on 18th st. north. KH.v ion, 11 th st. south. lonxioo, Irvington; $500 cash. Lingo lot. Portland Heights. 1 I TH JO I E E LfW nth YOU Li) ill ifiSS i GET J 1 FED Ul foil" la.iniifliiy is closing out I's business. Every lot must bo sold Blo-ks which were re-s.-rvid wl "ii the tract was first Tail on the market, IS yea's air", will he sold Price and lei u:s will make thent sell. Iits I'll", each, and up '!..- -.. 1 a :a I.i. (i.i- or I per . . 11101ltl.lv. those W chore dill lit . w i' ash. icon bal-in- $ I 2. fill!) i: I. .'.mi :;i;,io J.;.M.. 1 $-;:.. 0111 I1' 'I! Till 'II. ST N I 1 lot- Portland Heights. 'IS. M CI SIvER, ,11:11b . run it's Bldg. per month. On I" $500 Good lot ton ave., its a this price. $650 Fine location for lng a Uttle home. See us building loan. A, H, BIRRELL CO, 102 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. 60x100 near Pat money maker at build-about "'S he i I ah. j ket 1,1 II.. ban. II. i ' lis ihh pi 1 00 ;e lilt . 1 . si . T.1VI Bldg.. II v. no, if 1,1a 1 - ( ' 02-.'! I.e. CHOICE IRVI ith ami N FEET FRONTAt ON COLUMBIA BOULEVARD. near jviCKonna Junction; o lots, cheaper 1 from than anything on the boulevard In that I locality. ONLY $2500. and $i;ou cash will do. Eas- payments on balance Ferrls-MIng Realty Co., 60S Board of Trade. One .jf rin lit s in I r 1 1 1 g t .. 1 1 filling 10. Vo eas; EAsf""nr fill.v 1 1 1 Eh s 'ak Sis. LOT " p dun -l and ih st we have a mod en, r, loom cottage, cor ner let, sewer, gas elec tricity, just 2 blocks fioiu car. Price $2800; $'.inii cash, balance $10 p.r month. This is a bur- gam AM' T KI 'ST COMPANY. a ;;d and (lak sts. Contracts taken for laying1 pipe in platted additions. The Monevsavers. 244-50 FRONT ST. Portland, Or. i THE SPOKANE OF SOUTHERN OREGON City lots -lit cash, JI1TT I from balan. $ 1 no e $ ii $ t ( ri r, inont h. per n rp Li Li - una 1 " 1 1. ri n L ., j m m mm mm PKE11I I7 Commercial Blo-k. 2d and Washington sis.. Put land. or. MODERN 7 ROOM HOUSE. Near Piedmont, piped for furnace,,f nil basement, wash trays, fixtures lo'sjit onyer near carllne, fine view, lot TiOx 1U0; $5o(l cash, balanie easv. 6 ROOMS STRICTLY MODERN. Fine larpe rooms, sleeping porch, f ill basement, fruit room, fine furnace, j toilets, right up to date, corner ho, same district; a snap for $:i';on, ij cash. ALSO ONE OF FIVE RoOMS Same district, strictly modern sleep. nig porcn. iiirnace. coTiservKtor . dandy; only $3200, 1, cash. If j 011 wai a home see us. OREGON ADJUSTMENT CO. ..1 4 t.t 1 1 St. WESTMORELAND lot nt $200 less than regular price; jjno cash, b.rlance easy terms. Lots close, to carllne; Bull Run wat.-r. graded streets; Jl'O.i up to $:;.:ai; 10 per cent cash, balance' 2 per cent per month BttOWN, Night ph. in. Fast 2"37. 411 Couch, lu; 4th St. n j i1 1 n'i f t . 11 1N1 ' ho c Aie high and sight v. m.-rlook- ing Irvington; near Broadway nir line; hcsi clt' i n 1 1 1 o e n ictus ; .ri. a-.l LT, iier cent I.eloW the mar- Iiniuire Alameda Land Cum- 322 Corbclt bldg. puny, CORNERS East 24th and Brazeo. East I5th and ,Brazee, East 26th and Brazee, East 27th and Brazee, SPECIAL. IRVINGTON 100x100 $4000. 100x100 $3SI0.27. 100x100 $3786.27. 100x100 $3760.27. These prices Include all grading, cement curbs and walks, water and sew er. Terms, 10 per cent cash, balance, $40 per month. Special proposition to house builder. Walk over today and see a forest of new homes arising. 1 COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 1 Board of Trade bldg., 84 4th st. ! 1 rorner lot 50x100 on 4th si.. $15,000; $000 cash, 1 to 4 years on balance, fi per cent. F f STEINMKTZ gi 1 1hi Morrison st. ACRE TRACT Near Woodstock, choice level acre, faces 2 streets, will divide into ti lots, 4 4x110 each; $10511. terms. 1 mx L 2u. a corner In Tremont Place, $000; $100 down, balance easy terms. lOOxlaO, Corner Wasco st. and West ave., only $700, a snap. 3 choice lots Wnverly, 120 feet from car. $ 1 750. including street woik; cement walk; terms. W. J, DAY, 210 Henry bldg. II hel , 'f r.Mllan.l. I d sli S 1 I . Jo' ii; nM! i h 2E H. P. 1 RESIDENCE SITE, IRVINGTON Corner. 100x100 feet, at East 20th and Knott streets, on hard surface streets, beautiful view; price $4000. terms: we also have other (juarters and single' lots at attractive prices and terms. H. P PALMER-JONES CO Commercial club Bidtr. rO 0 Delaware ave., near Portland boule vard; nothing down, $30 per month in Mallmerits , date by evenings, Phono Wood la a n 1 2i5. SNAP $18fl0i' Week SK cnr Virginia and California, Improvements paid; lacing Fulton line. Rax worthy, at. Neustadter Bros.. 5 tl 1 and Ank'-nv. $600, half acre truct close in , west side. 5 cent fare, only Ut.es car ride, best alue in terms $35 cash, balance $10 p. Frtce advances 1st dav- of $700 each. M. K. Lee.jjj Coi l GOODHUE PARK See our display ad in to. - MAGINNIS LANfiA I.WI ST 316-317 Lewis Bldg. 4'h a in $1100 for a fine loTToTrTVuico near Walnut Paik. wi1; g -terms on this lot as I ne .1 so. loo X K. Fflje col u. cash, balau. IT you want F. A I 2!'i Washiiuvti , ;,i I 'a hear W. a;, for c: ALA! ER-. onimeieial i H il 1ST 1 n K :i bh.k- ii.., $10 per month. . bargain s.e t BEARD .V 1 n a 1 ; :i: Bin T) A HOME st ;;. ,. hi sh J'hhl ION I ,S 1 a 1 I Club B dir $ Mill. "' .oi 1. 11, t that home of yours i" 'st I'.-v.- n h.'. Ti. ill's where we l!' We hay.- a nuniber of bulld- lol s 111:1 1 . an be sold cheap. . LL'o.. TltUST CO., 21j Lewis Bldg. a r $350 cent. Fi . 1 :ST subiirbai 1 Igbt a I stat Ion earth; pine $200 lug lor two K is oil lots on market today, Klc tare, best soil on nothing down, uoth if improved; lots 60x o , Room 1 1 a. inie If ; and list ". E. our you 102 .lies wish . pi no. TA VI. ( Hi 11 rii- t 411 Lewis- Bui I and Oak ret urns i : h 1 j SI M PAN V, ding. 50x216, for little more; 2 place, same terms. ChaD- 4 .1 '; lUISIllllllUtn St. oVXEi: "MUST SELL, r.Oxl'10. line corner on E. ,'!0th st, 1 block from car. for onlv i.".:.0- 114(1 -n.h per month. ' balance $ 1 ' ts. INC ; 1 M K A N I 1 '1 lull resilience propel 1 v. '. E TAYLolt COMPANY'. 102-3 Lewis Building. 4lh and Mak sts. equity on lot in high class re st. nted district, improvements, in eluding pavid streets, going in nn, p;i, t 1 .' '. ilosvn. balance JKi.r.D p.-r numth, In lores! ti per cent. F-4ih".. Jmirnu!. A FINE little furnished 4 !2':Mi F A. BEARD & CO.. Washington St.. room 115. Hawthorne ave. terms. Inves- $la.M 011 the J5 rnin Portland . 1 m. hi la April 1 , "ti Bldg tage W-W c .iect ion room d. 011 $1000 LOT FOR $850- A One vtew lot on cnr line. 40x123. Suuu t igat e. 21 SLrwls bldg. I" bus on the beautiful in Gladstone, fine .scenic building bungalows or reasonable, by owner. W- son -t lOoxl th-i No oh-Jeffer- $1100. : pap. I I .NT I 0,1 1 at once. Swetland his Bldg. Is iWO choice lots, :? T1. "Jd view, reslrlcie "lt. $575; $s6 cash month. Oak., M. E. Thomt)S"ij 1' I'Krc.i. n ;; , ks from 1 a:: dis'trii-t. balance $ I a lib and ry sight! irk.-t. 1 bi'i. ONE Of the best bins in the eRv lot 60x100, In Hancock addition .(,,. Iiow $850. 60S Board of Tiade bidg I ILL sell my euujty in ljaur.iiitirbi 101 otn.w t'a n percent cash, 2 per .cut inon' journal. BR0 A DWAY ' S A D I .'ill 0 N 60x100 can be bought on 609 Board of Trade . 1 .. . j, ' IA J I , J'trland station, high nud tlglitlv $325; $4.0 cash. $10 pfr moiUIi Tabor -$; -bona fide. v QUARTER block, corner E- :M7r7'los7' in; I block to car: $82",. ' DEMENT A- K.R1DER. 24 8 Ma.Pso,, tIIRF.E lots near Terrace ParkT $ 'I:.T.Vr the hunch; lei ins. Tabor 11 iu'H SALE Large lot on FiwVi" drive 1 $100; good view. D-464. Juurnal. M. SN Kill I '. n e aV "V'.Y This .. - bri.l.; E L.. I ' with. J'nrd all fenci ir line; 10 rriin. service, to children. Call at 408 Main S50. ROSE CITY PARK an ria uej- on c;i rl i tie. East 1302. h. on 4 2d st. 1 block from City oar. $700. Corner. 50x10. 1 oiid rind 43d, $700; both easy Phone Ryan. East 1 $::oo, $.!0 down, $1 per miiii'lT, Kenton ear, packing plant dis-''-'; Lumber Exchange bldg. A. . r SI'I 1 bus hum KiilfngswarirYii ' io Kenton nt cash hnrgulns, a v ; lots and lioim 3 on terms, nv-i ave. fin.- lot near Hawthorn... ave. 11 he wot (h $ 1 U'lO its soon as is completed. Kasy lirms. .JJlJ'orbett l.lr. ' i '.- corn, r m ar' Killin-rswortji 1 ' f car barns. $ 7 (111. Hatfield A BLOCK t ( 'lackainas locat but for mansion; sell 4fi0, Journal. Splendid Laurelhurst Lot F lected when property was first placed on market, nt original cost iwnei. V'-4,r.", Journal. sale. 1, liim k. corner 46th and irrison; room for tl'iree houses- A tiring trees. Next to well lm street. Owner, phone Tabor i, F( I i M larg pro 5;iS ROOMING house. 18 la-go rooms close In on west side, clearing- $f0 per inorilh by owner. Kent $."5. with lease Call Main 6850. ' " A casl 1. A SACRIFICE days $200 t near Kenton, for r Phone Voodla wn 308 KOSlfeCJTY PARK. f.OxtOO lot forit,,-,n; r.o.vllO for $750 !00v;j('o for $1325. These all lay. well and cati be had on terms. P-4'13, Journal. Another corner lot 60x100 at $14,000; $7000 cash, balance time. 100x100 Piedmont Corner Snap at $1800 Very Easy Terms PERLEY B, LENT, 417 Corbett Bide, STC P Tit THINK? IF NOT, I This is iihopiortionablv th ever placed on the real best offer tnte market. T nr T 310 Oak st. 100x100, 1 block from car, H block from new Jefferson hlgn school. $500 under value; must be sold at once. Phone owner. C-1'006, or F-467, Journal. UT 50x1011 on ISth near Stenlnn, $1400 for Short Time Only Watch close buyer .selling for $1600 t. $2(100. BOYD 'TEA CO.. Main 3262 -212 1st St. A-3262. mm uuuviyuu uuu lb- TWO lots on Mall st., near 30th st. gooil buy. -CE0, D, SCHALK Main 302. A-23H2. 2;','' lltark $m iiii AND ONLV m m wmn FOR A LOT mum A splendid buy close In, below Russel i and Stanton; $3760, Including- street improvements. A, VESTER 209 Oregonian Bldg. And only within 100 feci Right in the most select trict of St. Johns. If buyers could only realiz of these lino offers you The best In Irvington district, for $1100 If sold this weak; near E. 2!Hh st.; sightly, liberal terms. Owner. Phone ! East 3061. buy. show Investigate. of car track, residence ilis- on prospect lve . the true worth would certainly Come. lot me intirest yon and you around. It costs nothing to Oji this offer Choice ijuartcr block, east and nuuth front; walking distance; East .Side; terms. J, J, 0EDER Corner Grand ave. and 13. Ankenv. TWO lots 60x100 each on Delaware ave., 2 blocks car, $600 each; $16 down. $15 month. 60x100 2 blocks Glenwood station. $50 down, $10 month. PACIFIC REALTY CO., 320 Swetland bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS property at pub He auction goes to the highest bid der, 6 room modern house,, 467 and 7 room modern house at 471 Chapman St., sale Tuesday afternoon, March 22, at 2 p. m. Sale will take place on prem isea. 8. L. N. Oilman, a qctlonee i $600 V4 acre tract, close In on-west side, only 15 minutes' car ride, 5c fare; terms $35 cash,, balance $10 per month. Price advances to $700 each on April l. 411 MONEY MAKER FOR HUSTLER. 10 fine lots i.itly 1 block to car. ovcr j looking Laurelhurst, 4 room modern bungalow, on one lot; ideal place for j 0 more. Price only $5700, $3000 cash, . balance 2 and 3 years. Delays don't j pay. See .las. c. Logan, 326 Washing I ton st.. room 404. ! PORTLAND- TKUST CO. YOU YOUR CAN (Fir MONEY Read this ad, you can judge. come and see me, then M. E. Lee, Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Two lots on Council Crest, oast exposere, finest view in Port land. Will sell at a bargain. See own er. G. G. tf?rackett, White Garage, 6th and Madison. 1 1 1. f h . H S y Bldg. : l INK lo 0 if lor $4".(i; Iook th:ii up own. ?" per month. W. ' w. 'iWi'i tn., Oregon 'It y line. t '!. to" Jefferson high good terms; .vv owner s;6 PI . one C -1 (tj 7 .Is tit a bargain In WoorK .er, 000 Martin uve. Phono WILLIAMS AVE. meai ior apartment louse or flats, IOT SACRIFICE. lot ..I'xien, paing pain lor. a nnaii at1 r Riwmn hincka i frnm 4,,. ?JTr'".';!1''' .1Llir!i-..I''.4'i4-i'J.,1Inl- bel station. 'Mt. Scott carllne. Price LooK 4 loajL go,,i soil, berries, chicken i $100 : must sell. 3264 Washington St., house; r.igTTT in town, $i;,00. very easy i room .313 i ci n i s. i a k i - v hons SAVE bloc high i ar to 37th st. first soot h. $loo for cash, fine lot within 2 ks of Walnut Park and Jefferson STANTON STREET LOT. 'OOa ',,). i'i,,e near Williams aye., os i... SuMhi'id bhlg W. 1st. k. 1 : -hv b 3"el to $17 lii-.nthlv a . 3d & M. . $1. fi p. n is..- ".1. P-462, Journal. A LB IN A BARG'AIN. $1000- corner lot on Borthwlck St. good building site, 4 20 Swetland bldg. FoR sxl E-Lotx 7 h iiii' 8. block 1, 8un- s-et P:k for e;tsh. 'What am I of fend " E. V. Gerb.-r. Sparta Oj f'ne lots tvar Peninsiila sta ll baigaln. 420 Lumber Ex- TIIREE cha' (1 j v . Estate Jin ii Sl-crlotk bldg. ;-i ; ; .i.uiii, $10 monthly. SfiOo lot; fruit trees.. Owner, East 2741. 1? SBOM SEE, It joins Bay Ocean Real Estate Co., Inc., 449 GOOD buy for one or all of 5 each; $20 cash, $5 per month 4 blocks from car. To see phone C-1047. TO $300 See Mt. Scott Sherlock bldg. lots. $200 5c fare: them today, KM I ME , property, paying lbhi per cent on investment, G- W. Gridley, 338 Chajnber of Commerce. M. 3476, C-26S2. Did you ever see a real bungalow? See the ono between Hancock and Til lamook nts. That's the real thing. Price $3700; easy tc: tns. PORTLAND TRUST' COMPANY. WEcorid andOak sts. j EAST 'TAYLOR S T . "To r ner. 80x66 2-3. I modern beautiful 8 room home, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, fine lawn, flowers, facie. r cast, $5700; $4000 cash, balance to suft A. J. (JAN TN E R, 618 Boa nl of Trail.- Bldg. "ku'n n ymTiTeT" Two new inodiuii '1 room houses, full cement basement, bringing $10 nor month; lot 12Sx:.8, corner; half cash, balance to suit. A J GANTNER. 618 Board of Trade Bldg. 6 Roo.M i -deni" cot.agciot 7 5x90, full cement bascinent ; 1 blocks from car, $K'.?0; $3uo cash, balance to suit. A J GANT2n'ER. 618 Board of T ra de Bldg. LOT iiiixioo. with Iruit frees, hedge fence in front, 'n block from car. )i.i. 4iui casn, iiatauce monthly. A .1 GANTNER. 618 Board of Trade Bldg. st and cheapest lots In Port Reser(lr Park. Mount Scott minutes' ride. 6 fare, $275 to down, $1o per. month, a few 301 Henry, bldg. BIGGEST SNA I a The St. Johns Beul Estate Man. 120 N- Jersey St. We ll Treat You Right. i 1 jlORTI.AND Six rooms, new and mod I TRUST ern, flreloss cooker, fur j CO. mice, beamed ceiling, east front, near the Rose City carllne. Easv terms, j PORTLAND Tltl'ST COMPANY. I 3. K. cor. 3d and Oak sts. I LOT.S T and 2, block 3. Havelock; east ! front, cornet Patton ave. and "JarTelt St.; cement walks In both streets: beati j tifui h iilding site. These are offered ' al o bargain price. Be sure and see them. Plt'tenger. IIP Kjl 1 inesworth ave. IRVINGTON PARK? $175 secures 100x100 close to car, suit able for building; must be sold at once; only $850. Howard Land Co., 420 Swet land bldg. Equity In one of the best lots in th! ! rest ' icied section lor sale at a baiga today. This lot Is in block 13; make a rangements to see this today. Phot Alain 21)7 or 5643. W. B HARTLEY 4 1 1 Swetland bldg. ACKKAGH 5 Reduce the Cost of Living 6 acres, 1 mile from electric line, about one third of the tract is in cultivation. balance in stumps and sown to timothy; ( some wood, fine soil, small bunga low, not uuite finished. some small fruit, about 15.000 feet of lumber, sewing machine, heatei, lounge, mattress, stump puller, 6 foot saw, commode, 2 chairs, a lot of cedar posts. If this- is sold in ltrd.ivs Jl goes for $1 200 cash. Only 4 Miles Out You will want lo get out soon. Some are already looking over the seed catalogue. We have some nice norcage only 4 miles from city limits, on good auto road, no bills, ail clear, some bearing fruit; surrounded by churches, schools and stores, close to R. R. station, this is a fine place, and only $350 p r acre. 20 Minutes Out Two acres of the finest soil, , high and sightly, some young fruit, all in cultivation, no build ings, 2o minutes out, and handy to station. At Tigarcl Station 6 aires of fine garden land, all clear and ready for business, no buildings; will trade for house in rily on cash basis. 20 Perfect Acres All highly cultivated; house and barn, very choice location near Beaverton; nothing, nicer about the city. '' Acreage 6 acres, handy to electric line, on plank walk lo station; fine soil, mostly cleared; only $410' Tigard Rich Loam 3 acres Tigard station on the Salem Electric line; all in cultiva tion; rich black soil;, all level. n Prl. die it. $755 $255 cash" will han- HENKLE & HARRISON, 511 Gerlinget bldg. WEST SIDE CORNER. 5 minutes' walk from Washington st., hillside lot, $1 275: limvn, $10 month, or half the lot for $675. Main 7545. 325 First St. f.0 ACRES. Castle Rock, rough Id !gn,: some cleared tied slashed: $Kw', terms. 30 acres. Cot t tell, half cleared,: 6 room house; orchard; balance tirjHur, $3i!oi). LO acres, partly cleared, mnv hou ; best soil, climate; market $2000; terms 15 acres, cleared; 11 hops, eomplet" tools, rigs, bldgs., team; $ 1500; terms We can furnish smull tracts or lar;.; tracts up to 20.000 acres, remember. CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO.. ' 43o Worcester Bldg., 3d & Oak. EwdTY in fine lot in Belle Crest lion; must sell at once. J. E. 7i'4 Tliurman. St. addl-Mny, SEE us Clarke for South & Corbett, Portland property. 212 Alieky bldg. THE hi land, line, 20 $325, $10 only left. (AN PENINSULA Beautiful quarter. 1 00x150. all cleared anil fenced. 2 blocks from Peninsula ave near school and near Kenton; this week $14.'" phone oodlawn 308. fx 'KAN VIEW "Is 'tlie place to""gi.f Text to the i.igu.st thing on the coast.' See Mt K. ott Real Estate Co.,' Ino., 449 Sherlock bida. OCEAN VIEW I Lots, 50x100 $5 down ;u:d $5 a month, j Sold by Mt. Scott Real Estate Co.. Inc., 4 40 Sherlock bldg. ALL OCEAN VIEW LOTS $5 DOWN AND $5 A MONTH. MT. SCOTT REAL ESTATE CO., INC. 419 SHER LOCK BLDG. i ii'P.AN VTEW 1 I summer. Buy , Real Estate Co.. FOR sale by ! Kensington. Part ' terms, J-467. Journal I the place to sjpend the a Jot from the Mt. Scott Im. 440 Sherlock bldg.J owner, choice corner in cash, balance easv 5 ACRES. 1 mile from cltv limits, near Ba-r road; ideal fruit and chicken ran. ii, price $i",r)0 per acre; terms. RUFF-K LEI NSORG E LAND CO.. j 4 1 8 Boa rd of Trade Bldg. 1 IOLL A DA Y PA RlOToT , $ 1 300 Pa v street, cement walk, all paid; above grade; beautiful surrounding's: this is just east of 804 Wasco. Go look today. Call tomorrow 516 Ahington bldg. . WILL sell one choice acre on car Una at station; just outsi7t city limits. Gartlen land, or chicken ranch. Room 26 1 4 2 U. 2nd st. OCEAN VIEW can not be beat, for an ideal summer home. See Mt. Scott I Real Estate Co., Inc., 449 Sherlock bldg. IRVINGTON. Fine bhildftig lot. 50x100, facing ea't on 20th At., near Knott; 5160U. Phoui owner. A-7352, $3 GASH, $3 per 19011th. buvs a find beach lot 227 Abington hid. 1 1 r