V I f ... ,., ' THE' OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 13, 1910. j FOH SALE 1 AKM3 17 FOR SALEFARM? 17 FOR SALE FARMS 17 FRUIT LAUDS 43 FRUIT LANDS 45 WA NTED FARMS aw TIMBER V STOCK OR DAIRY-RANCH - Sacrificed- at 50c on dollar . This U the bent bargain that has ever lieen submitted to the public. It con sists of so acre of level land, 040 acres leased from the atate at 60 per acre per- annum and a free rang of several thousand acres. 30 acres are under cultivation aud 60 acres are sur rounded with a nwv'cesar feifce. h6g ttjrht). Thre la aflne modern 4-room residence, a plendhj combination barn that will hold 60 bead of cattle and 85 tons of hayf a stable for several head of horses, ,a large hog houoa and 2 chicken houses and a Ion house for farm help. Thets buildings have been built within the past three years. The following stork and machinery 5oes with the place: 10 Jersey cows, 1 orsey bull, 3 heifers, 1 hogs, 2 fine horses. 70 chickens, 3 stands of bees, 1 new wagon, harness, mowing machine, rake, hav fork carrier, cultivator, cut ting machlnn, sickle grinder, cream sep arator, churn, chest of carpenter s toois, 3 stoves, household utensils and fur niture. There is a fine spring on the property. Located 60 miles from Port land, 5 miles from town of 6000 peo ple ami half , mile to school. $4250 takes everything (land, build- Intra, mock machinery).. $2600 cash, balance, to suit. This place is actually orlh $8000. Old age and poor health cause of welling. Do some figuring then call aud see THE'M'CARTHY CO,, 403-404 Rothchlld, illrtg. DAIRY FARM of 80 acres. 800 acres under fence used by owner of the SO. . 16 acres cropped, 20 more almost ready to plow. Good young orchard, largo creek, fair build ings, large flow of water from spring near buildings. 3 miles south- of Springwater tlood roads, $2200. Live slock and Implements for sale cheap. 40 ACRE FARM all In good condition for family to move on and go to' work. $1800. Live stock and farm machinery for sale cheap. 40 ACRES fenced on 2 sldea, 10 acres, cleared. Moat of It cropped laat NenHn. Small house 3 miles south of Springwater. Good roads $1200. $2750 buys this nice' little 10-aore tract; 6 acres cleared, 4 acres pasture; with a good -room house; barn 30x40. f:ood outbuildings; 80 fruit trees; land evel, black soil: good well, and on good road, hi mile from school, store, ehurch, railroad and small town, and 26 miles from Portland. , ' . ' 26 ACHES. 10 acres cleared, some more easily cleared; Small orchard and berry patch, all fenced, woven wire: barn 18x30, new 6-room house, t good chicken-houses and parks; 14 acres of pasture. Place Joins graded school; black soil,, good well, land level. Has 3&.000 feet of green timber; 7 .acres of timothy and clover. Included: J horse, wagon, plow, harrow good oow, calf, HA dozen chickens. All for $4000. 36 ACRKS. All cleared, new 6-rootn house, barn and good outbu'ldlngs; land level; black soil; good well; 1U miles from elec tric Hue, H mile from It. K. ; 7 miles from Vancouver. Prjce $4750. 65 ACRES, flood black soil; 82 acres under cul tivation: 23 acres of pasture, some tim ber, all fenced and eroas-fenced ; 2H acres of assorted orchard, In full bear ing; good 6-room house, good barn 4Sx 62; excellent outbuildings; good well; lA miles from electric line .and country town; mile to school, snd 6 miles from Vancouver, $S600; $4260 cash, bal ance 6 per cent. SB ACRES KOR $4760. $4750 buvs this tract of Kf acres; 20 acres under cultivation. 30 acres easily cleared and good pasture; 30 acres good tlmher: irood 5-room nouse. Darn jxt all fenced; family orchard; fine spring and well on nlace: R. 1 . D. and tele phone service. Land lies rolling, and black soil. PerBonal property; '8 milch cows. 5 hoEB. cream separator, an larm machinery and small tooln. Price $4750. Get our .Hut of ranch bargains In Clarke county. Washington, also Willa mette valley, before buyldg. We can save you money. 110 Second at.. Portland, And (Mtlsens Hank Rldg., Vancouver, Wash. 1200 acres In Benton Co., Improved, and 600 acres fine bottom. land! all good rruu iana; line class of buildings; springs on the land, plenty of water: some fine stock to sell if desired; will trade this for income property in Port land or a platting proposition near city, 1000 acres wheat land, some alfalfa land on this; m miles from R. It., and can get terms; $26 per acre; creek through one corner. ' 800 acres of wild land in Cowlfts Co. Wash., will sell or trade for Portland property; part of purchase price can t placed as mortgage on the land: this is rtne pasture land and good fruit land when clenred. good water, and land not broken; lies rolling. . - 205. acres, best ranch in Polk Co.; will trade for city property If it is good; $100 per acre, and you can't beat it. 40 acres, i miles from Cottn,go Grove, old house and burn, water from springs on the place; 6 acres of garden; tills Is fine fruit land when clesrnd; $2260; will trade for house and lot on carllpe,,or some good lois, sell and give the,. beat kind of terms. For. OAKU KPLL 1'AHTin'I.ARS IX UK TO ANY OK THESE SEE THE SQUARE DEA L REALTY 'CO., 4th St.. 619 Board of Trade Hldg. 2 FINE DAIRY FARMS near Gresharn. Well stocked aid well Improved. One of which will maintain Itself and make magnificent rural home for city man. we nave a large Hat or farina con venient to car line and a and 10 acre traits on and near car line. Come In and see us. R. K. Walters, with O. W. P LAND CO, 1 33 Vs 1st st. finest soli, $90 per acre, to fiouses, 2l liurns, terms. 172 acres finely Improved and up date. McMlnnvllle. $100, easy terms. 23l down and $.15 per month for a beautiful new bungalow, fine car aerv ice: $.1150. $7011 gels the best acre In Gibson's subdivision at Stanley station: small payment down and monthly Installments of $Ki; garden stdl. Id tracts of 2 acreM each, 7c fare; easily cleared. X minute walk to station; good soli, no gravel; 10 per cent down and $10 per acre euch month. Summer cottage and 1 aero of fruit snd garden; very neat and 1 reap; $1000 down, close In. fine view. Elegant mansion In exclusive districj. modern In every respvet; price very reasonable; terms. A little 2 acre country place, all fixed up. fine garden, fruit, chickens. $1200 cash for a $2000 equity In 40 seres fine hind near La Center; must lave this amount at once; good build ings; half In cultivation. 32 acres, on Willamette river. Al soil. 25 miles up; 25 acres clear. You must see this place to appreciate It: $4000, trims. Lovelj new southern California bun galow In restricted district; 7 rooms, hand polished and enameled, exclusive district: furnished or unfurnished. 1011 will fall In love with it. Ask for owner OREGON LAND CO.. Main 7413. 215-217 Henry hldg OR1SGON LAND CO. BULLETIN. FOH SALE. 10 acres, all cultivated and good buildings at Metzger station; fine soil, gobd fruit; $3250, half down. FOR SALE. R acres fine garden land, fruit snd buildings, 1 mile from Metzger station. This is very good at $2500. FOR SALE. 1000 acres unimproved fruit bind, near Medford. fine soil, $f2 per aero, easy terms, our man will show you. ill acres, all cultivated, good district, improved. $100 per acre; near McMlnn vllle. 240 acres, 85 In cultivation, house, barn, fruit, good road, school, near Su lem, $30 acre. 182 acres near McCoy; fruit. 2 $--TO BE MADE IN SUBDIVIDING $ This beautiful tract of 435 acre,-all rich garden and fruit land, 100 acres of which has been cultivated, 30 acres green nr timner, oaiance 01 inc nun occupied bv buildings, orchard and yards; 6-room cottage. 3 barns, stone dairvhouse and outbuildings; spring wa ter forced to' house by ram. never fall ing stream through land; 400 acres per fectly level, deep, black soli; balance red fir land. Place adjoins country town, church, store, blacksmith shop, pwo., etc.; 2 miles from electric car- liic. which Is surveyed tnrougn uiif tract, and S miles from Vancouver. This tract is ideal for subdividing Into 5. 10 and 20-acre tracts and will sell readily at from $lo to $200 per acre. If sold before May 15 price only $4 0,- 000, $25,000 cash, balance at 6 per cent interest. This price will positively lie advanced (o $fiO,00O May 15. Huy now. Citizens' Nat. Bank Wash , 110 2d st OREGON SUNSHINE GREAT, ISN'T IT? Sure! And you can have it all of of the time If you get some of that land we have been selling for the past two weeks at $10 per acre In lots of luo acres or more. The land Isn't in Oregon certainly not but It s lri a land wViere thero is sunshine and a gloriously ln-v vigoraung aimospiiere. . where your wives ana children will have rosy cheeks, where you can work and get returns, where you don't have to wRsle your life away on hard labor without being able to lay aside something for t lie future. ARE THE BEST NONE ARE BETTER If" I M T&3E MIOSIER MBLU Rich Large Productive Abundant Soil Crops The soil Is perfect. The vleld Is large for marketing properly. perfect. The climate Is apples are perfect; thn Every facility Is at hand $2500 , Fon 120 ACRES 5 miles from Medford. It Is fruit land. If yon want fruit lnnd. come and see mo about this. JOHN DICK 626 Henry Hldg., 4th & Oak. WANTED TO BUY " Good farm, about $10,000, with Btork and Implements; will put In some good Improved ucreugo at Vancouver, Wash., worth $4500. and balance In cash, Call at our office or wrllo us. Imn't phone. Owners only. IIENKI.F, A HARRISON, 511 Orlinger Bldg. LISTEN! This land Is one' mile from a greet transcontinental railroad, one mile from a station, 12 miles from' a great cltv and market, 110 clearing to t done, no water rights to buy. crons never fall s hools and churches and theatres as tnlck as any place In the world, a de lightful place to have a home. We hav a few tracts left, and we'll be glad to tell you all about It ami arrange for you to lnk at the land yourself If vou des!re. It costs nothing to come in and let us 'ell vou about it. THE WOKRK LL-M'CULLKY CO. 20 Henry lldg, 4th and Oak. Ml Bldg.. Vancouver, , Portland. Or. 320 acres, all under plow hut 30 acres; good house and barns, water piped to house and barn; the 8. P. R R. has sta tion on tho place; crop partly In now. This is one of the best places In Benton county; price $75, half cash, balance per cent. 70 acres. mile from Brush Prairie. railroad station close to corner of place, house and barn, some fruit. 7 acres In cultivation, rest all In open pasture, no gravel, best of soil; price $8000, half cash. K10 acres, 240 In cultivation. 250 acres open pasture, some fine timber, 2 sets good buildings, well, watered, on good county roads, telephone, R. F. 1).. 2 miles from railroad town in Benton county; price $25; half cash; any one wanting something good and cheap bet ter look this up. He have contract for 30 days. We-have sonic good Inns In Washington county, near Forest Grove; one is 100 acres half In cultivation, lies 2 'a miles from Forest Grove nnd close to the finest apple orchard In the coun ty; all well stocked, new farm tools, all for $100 per acre, on good terms. 431 Lumber Exchange, 2d nnd Stark. Portland. The surroundings sro healthful, beau tiful nnd Invigorating. 011 and your family can enjoy life profitably anil happily. Before You Buy Remember This We have the best fruit acreage In this wonderful state of Oregon. We ran fur nish large or small tracts. Tho prices are low. the terms easy. The few tracts left are selling rapidly. 'MOSIER ' IS THE PLACE TO ..BUY NOW We shall be pleased to give you fur ther Information and details. We have what you wiuit. ORCHARD TRACTS Orchard tracts near Frank on tho new electric rarliniand on the South' ern Pacific. 10 acre tracts set out and cared for. This is In the far fnine.i ciielmlem dis trict nnd there In no hctler soil In the state for frulrrslslng W1U sell on small payment down. 10 i" r cent-11 nil I bal. eAsy. Only 20 miles from Portland and we would be pleas. ii in show prop erty. Call In for free III. mturo ami have a tulk with us nboiii it. HOI.T & HKACV. 27 Hamilton Hldg. GOOD INVESTMENT 2300 ACHES. Yamhill Co. fruit land, well and sure of good margin on y vestment. UENKI.E A HARRISON. 5 1 1 (ierllnger BIiIk located ur In- DON'T DELAY GET BUSY fil R AIM IS TO SATISFY YOU. ISEIEY & FAKIL Phono Marshall 295. 205 Couch Bldg. NOW IS THE TIM To buy orchard land, and thero Is no place like Mosler Inr values, wlib li aje Ihe same as Hood River anil the price less than . $20 lo $100 per acre, and terms for those who want them; prop erty will double there thin year. Thomas McCnsker. :I2! l.umhcrmons bids'. WANTED Farms at once; have many Inquiries from people we know jer sor.ally, who wish to come here nnd Invest In farm property. Price must be right. Owners only. M AG I NN IS LAND & INVESTMENT CO. 31t-17 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. "IvTNTTM) TO BUY A tract of 10 to 2o acres, near Eagle Creek, Or., will pay part cash; none but actual owners need answer. F-152, Journa I. I WANT farms from all si state; full description, terms, i t Ions of t he price and WE1.DON DARLING. 620 Hoard of Trade. FARM WANTED. We have buyer for goijd farm on the west side of the river, under $501)0. How ard l-and Co., room 420 Swei land Jjblg. WTVNTF.D - A farm Til I hW HlHmet to valley, give location and description first letter. K-4.'.'l. Journal. WANTED -5 acres on Will miet t(- or Columbli river, distance no object. Particulars and terms first letter. Al Baxter 3X3 Mei'lellan st.. Portland. HOMKSTKADS 47 ARE TOIT UlOKLNG FOR i 320 acres In Coos. Co., crci 13.000,000, ' fine Umber, Port cedar and yellow fir; price $s. 320 acres, cruising ; $,t.00.ooo; i large yellow fir, 2.000 ties; pG' $; per acre, good farming lnnd, wo 1 Watered. 1 240 ucres, on Jennie creek. 3.500,noo sugar and yellow- plfief prion $20 p r acre. " , 10 acres, cruising bstwaati 7.000. 0'0 and 9,000. 000. yellow fir and Port Or ford cedar? $3500. About 3000 acres t f-lnn yellow f'r and Port orford cedpr, cruising 6rt.00't per acre, land level, near tldo water; price; 480 per acre. Hive largo tracts of timber that are desirable. , ' ZIMMERMAN, 621 Hoard of 'I rade Bid g. - ' '. $0oo $3000 down; 1 suw mill,' 6.000.- ooo fcoi, planer, 2 donkeys; want sell all or part; on Ry., nuar City-, 430 Worcester Blriij. WE aro headquarters' for timber snii lumber enterprises of all Kinds. Kltl- riey a. Stampher, 631-3 Lumber Ex change bldg. YV.XTKI TIMRKR 37 WANTKD low pine. Large tract sugar and yel-M-45S. Journal. ROOMI NG 1IOISRS FOR SALE 51 res under irrl roni h town of fiO PER ACRE. 70 acres, some timber, easily cleared, I miles from Wright's station, !t front Lyle, Wash.; the best fruit hind In the state. 8,. owner. t22 Chamber of Commerce. 150 ACRES FOR SALE $100 AN ACRE A most beautiful home and a nice fsrm 17 miles out, something you don't get every day. This place has a nice X-room house nnd n new barn 18x50 and store building. Has about 6000 or 6000 cords of wood, a large grist mill all complete ready to run; ma chinery cost $72'no. This place Is watered by well and springs and a nice stream, has a nice family orchard. This is worth your investigation. Call and see iis. WELLS & DUFUR, Marshall 683. 303 Chamber of Commerce. 2800 ACRES crook county. Or., near Bend. on line of Hill survey to Burns, one of the finest cattle, horse or sheep ranch es In the state. All under fence and cross fenced. About 500 acres of A No. J hay land. Much of this land is ir rigable. largo storage reservoir now being started. Plenty of outside range Houses, barns, corrals, etc' 1000 head ol young Shorthorns, 50 head of saddle snd heavy work horses will be sold ut considerable discount. Price of land $12 per acre, Including great quantity of farm machinery. Circumstances make this the most attractive faim proposi tion w know of. Call or address. Frlck Dodds Co.. 310 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak. THE BEST FARM PROPOSITION IN OREGON. 290 acres, fenced" and cross-fenced 100 acres now cultivated, 140 acres more can be put under cultivation at small expense; land lavs well to irrigate, with abundance of free water; nice house and line large barn, with water piped to both; all rich, black loam, excellent for alfalfa; electric lights'-in house and barn; beautiful location; fronts on R. R wagon road and Columbia rlvcL Call at office for further lnformatiorif Buyers only. HEN RLE1 & HARRISON, 611 Gcrllnger Bldg. CLACKAMAS COUNTY FARM 80 acre farm in perfect farm district. 60 acres in cultivation of wheat and potatoes. Balance ex cellent pasture and timber. Fine springs on place and creek. Fine house with all furniture. Barn, outbuildings, horses, cows, etc., etc. All implements. Just go out and everything is there. $8500, half cash. 411 Henry bldg. CHEAP FARM If taken now will make the price much less than any other land In same community, all first class soil and choice location, easy drive to Portland and near Tualatin station, about 1-3 of land cultivated, good buildings. Call and will show vou this farm. HENKLE & HARRISON, 611 Gerll nger b ldg FINE DAIRY FARM. 215 acres 30 miles from Portland, 100 acres under cultivation, good house and barn, plenty of fruit, on a running, stream. Prico $21,000; easy terms. Take some city property as part pay ment. . GOODNOUGH" SEITZ. 718 Board of Trade. HAVE SO acres of the best land on earth, 20 miles from Portland. Land level, soil rich, sandy loam. Price $50, per acre; cash. Will sell 40 or all, i.ox 179 City. - $35 PER ACRE FOR 160 ACRES IR miles from Portland; best of soil; nearly all level; 17 acres in cultivation; 120 acres seeded to pasture; 23 acres fine second growth fir; watered by creek and springs; 6 room modern house, with telephone; 2 barns, 2 hen houses, good family orchard; head of cattle, 3 horses. 2 hogs, 60 chickens, wagon, buggy, harness, cultivators, harrows and ali other tools too numerous to mention: 1 miles from Crawford, Wash, school and church. JOHN DICK 626 Henry Bldg., 4th & Oak. OREGON CITY FARM 60 acres 5 V miles from Oregon City. 4 3 acres cultivated. Good house, new barn, granery and outbuildings. Fine spring, good well, all Jevel land. Some farm machinery, tools and stock. Close to right of way of Molalla Electric R., R. Price, $51100. Terms. 12 acres highly improved, near Port land, bargain, would trade for good property. 10 acres fruit land. $1500, Boring. 20 acres, new house, some cleared, on fine road. $2000. terms. SO acres, 7 cleared, bldgs.. Castro Rock. $1600. terms, very good buy. 25 acres, 5 miles from Oregon City, hard wood timber. $1500. terms 80 acres, near Rucll 15 cleared, com plete buildings, running water. $3200, trade. 18.600 acre farm, complete buildings, $12Mi per acre, eastern Oregon. 160 acres, da-iry. stock and tools, splendid buildings, fine auto roads, nar R. R., finest view, climate and water In world $18,000. terms or trade. CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO.. 430 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts. HILLSBORi) ACRES We have 10 acres 1 mile east of Hltlsboro planted to cherries, pears .and apples, Vs mile from a station on the Oregon Electric railway, 9 cars per day each way; $300 per acre, $50 per acre cash, balance easy terms. Near to the above we have 6 acres in grass ready for the plow at $200 per acre $30 per acre cash, balance $15 per month. This is all very choice land for cherries, pears, plums, berries and vege tables 2 '-a acres on O. W. P. 36 minutes' ride, modern 6 room house, good barn, 3 chicken pnrks and houses, land all In high state of cultivation, berries of all kinds 2-year-old orchard of apples and cherries; $4500; cash $2000, balance' easy terms. MOSSMAN M'NAIR, 40S Commercial Club bldg. TROPICAL FRUIT FARMS American colonies IN OLD MEXICO Iarge or small tracts on easy terms. FELLOW REALTY CO. Room j!5ii Alder st. 10 ACHES" apple nnd "fruit land; best quality, partly Improved, voung or chard. 20 miles from Portland, 3 miles from station. $55 an acre; an excellent Investment. PIONEER REALTY CO., 16 1., 2d st. On county fruit section, ing for $200 aires at $lf buv it and you make Juiv 1st; 160 acres roiul, east of Estacada, where orchard land Is sell nii ai re, set to trees; 78 un acre; 60 bench land; $5 an acre before lose bv. $15; 4X0 60 ACRES Hood River orchard and small fruit land, good house, bnrn and other buildings; H. mile from railroad. Sandy loam and red shot hind; 214 acres of strawberries natted $500 lost year. This must be sold at once. Price $6000 Terms. Owner, 518 Ablngton Bldg. A SNAP- NO aires, orchard, fair build ings, oort cleared, worth S30 per iw-re. $20 will take It. Lots $250 up. with terms; 6 and 10 acre tracts, houses, lot. with terms; one $750. .'125 Mohawk iildg. HOOD RI VER- $4 00 0 ca sTi secures ' 40 acres genuine apple land. 20 acres cleared on railroad nnd ditch. Adjoins famous orchard; no agents. L-tfiS, journal. HOMESTEAD of 160 n gatiou dltcn, 9 miles 2500. 5 fine claims of 160 acres each on the coast, fine view of the ocean. Relin quishments, $75 up. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. A book of 32 pages, explaining what each of tlui sr counties is best auaptco for. also the amount of Government land open to homestead on a map atta nei. Ix2. showing all new towns, including Eastern and Central Oregon and coun ties In different colors drawn down to Jan. 1. 1910; latest map In U. S. A. price Joe. stamps or coin. Nlinino V Run. -y. 13 jlani i Ho nb h I g . Will I.E you are talking about home steads, "let us tell you something. We have been residents of central Oregon, for more than 20 years. We. conside r ourselves second to none when It comes to giving Information relative to that part of our great state. But listen! This is not all. We back all our asser tions. We are ready to locate you on 32o acres of the very best land now vacant In central Oregon. You have had it described to you many times, now hear what we can tell you about It. You have tried others. Try us. J Stroud - Son., 434 Chamber of Commerce Hldg. Portland, or. 0 rooms, modern, brick, long lease, fln furniture, good as new, clears $300 per month; terms and some trade consid ered. 40 rooms, brick, center of city. Ion lease, cheap furniture, cheap trade, clears $25o per month; $1600 cash. .' 42 rooms, making all kinds of moneyi hundsomely furnished, full all the time;, largis cny near mriianu, compelled lo gi away, worth $3760, but will talis $3000 cash. t 3ii rooms, renter of city, money maker; see 1 1 , terms. - . 27 town ; rooms, $1000, good income, balance terms. right down- 11 ave two one all cash, good leases, 25 room houses, both Ifood; the other very easy terms; central. :, 10 room. 8 room and 6 room flats, all In fine locations, nnd very reasonable rents; good Income In each, walking distance; fur further particulars call OH Dm SyUARE DEAL REALTY CO., 84 tth st. 619 Board of Trade bldff. 40 acre poultry farm. Grants house, spring, garden, $llou. cash Southern Oregon Land Co, Washington, room 3u Pass , pa i t 3 1 3 For Sale by Owner Fine valley farm, 97 acres. 94 In cul tivation, all stock, machinery, hay and grain, 12 miles south of Oregon City, at Liberal. Call at Tarm P. O. ad dress D. A. Hart, Aurora. Or. No agents. acres, same section. $6. with second growth fir and old cedar. MT. ilooli LAND CO., 712 Rothchlld Bldg. STOCK AND FRUIT FARM. 400 acres level land. 200 In good cul tivation, good house and barn and otj-ier buildings; some good timber, balance easily cleared; running water; on coun ty road, right-of-way for electric road secured into district; good for apple land or stock; $22,000; some terms. 160 acres. 18 in cultivation, all good, SO acres fine timber, good buildings, on auto road to Wilhoit Springs; $6000, half cash; A-l for fruit or stork. MT. HOOD LAND CO.. 712 Rothchlld Bldg. H- 10 acres one mile from limits all In oultivatlon. and all good, level land. Easy terms. 9 20 acres 4 4 miles from acres cleared all good level cash. Oregon Cit. No buildings Price, $2200. Oregon City. 4 room house, barn, and land. Price $2000. Half You should see us before you bur. We have 64 farms around Portland to choose from. 401 SWETLAND BLDG, $1500 WILL START ONE OF THE FINEST OSWEGO FARMS 33 acres, 16 acres In cultiva tion, 10 more being cleared for plow, balance In good timber. A good home; all fenced; small or chard, plentyof water, and level land, and barn. 8 miles from courthouse and 1 Vt miles from Oswego station, on- a good macadam road. Fr!e, $9900; $1600 will handle this. Balance lo suit purchased. 411 HENRY BLDG. Main 6220. 14 ACRES Improved farm land at B verton. small house snd larg- barn, 96 fruit trees; terms. Price $2850. 1., 453. Journal. THE GARDEN SPOT OF OREGON Choice fruit land. 5. in. 20 acre tracts. $J00 down. $10 per month Better In vestigate as you cannot beat this for soil, location nnd prices. Call or write tor booklet IF YOU WANT a farm you buy. I have all prices. Geo. A. Houck, see me before sizes at right 227 H Wash. FRUIT LANDS 45 SOUTHERN OREGON LANDS Large cmount of acreage well adapt ed for fruit raising. Timber on place alone sufficient to more than pay for the tract three times over. PRICE ONLY $22 PER ACRE Comparatively close to Portland. II 440. Journal. S. SYBELD0N 321 Hoard of Trade Bldg DISTRICT APPLE LAND. the best commercial or in Oregon, where prices half others more remote are getting. Get our 1 rom our best this favored MT. HOOD Undeniably chmd section are less than from Portland booklet and testimonials horticulturist regarding locality. Values are advancing. buy now and double your money Inside of six months. VANDUYN & WALTON. 515 Chamber of Commerce. IRKKJATIJI LANDS Is the name of a wizard. There fore it fits our 13.0u0-acre proj ect on the Columbia. The magic touch of water la working mir acles In the "Heart of the Irri gated Northwest.'' Here apples, pears, cherries, strawberries and high-priced early vegetables pro duce wonderfully. It Is the home of alfalfa that great money maker. Best transportation facil ities of ntiy irrigated district In the northwest. Two rivers and 3 railroads lead to 4 big mar kets Portland, Seattle, Taeoma and Spokane. Five and 10-a,cr tracts sold on easy yearly psy inents at $150 to $25o per acre, with perpetual water right, .loin one of our excursions to Burbank this week. FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND MAP. Burbank Land Company. si Mini 0 HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on 320 acres of rich government land In southeastern Oregon In the section about to be opened up bv the Hill and Harrlman lines, and affording the best opportu nity left In the United States to get a homestead Our agent has been living In the neighborhood of these claims for the past four years, and Is well posted on conditions and knows the coufitry well. For further particulars call at our office. Tho Hart Lund Co.. 116 Second st. 320 ACRE homestead and timber near trees, flume I mile to bench land. 6 room bungalow, 3 cows, wagons, buggies on homestead; Ideal fruit land; $2000. OREGON LANDS INFORMA TION H 1 ' REA I ', 606 Hoard of Trudo bldg. K K K K K K K K K K K K WE II A Vis a good homestead in WashlnKton about 60 acres good tillable, land, 1. 000,000 ft. good timber. Close to good wagon road and 8 miles from R R. and good town. Snap if taken soon J. M. KERR & CO.. 31 Henry hldg. 4 EXCELLENT homestead locations, in western Oregon for those who wish to profit by the offer of free land by tho U. S. government, but who do not wish t ogo tu central Oregon to secure it. Close to railroad. All good. land. Fine Tor fruit, dairying and stockralslng. Remember there are but four. Aro you lucky'.'. Try and see. Try us. J. Stroud & Son. 434 Chamber of Com merce Bldg.. Portland. Or. District Sales Agents. LI ' M H E RM EN'S H U I LD I NG PORTLAND, OREGON. FRUIT LAND THE Ruble Apartments, formerly the Buell, nicely furnished 3 and 4 room suites, steam heat, private baths and phones, first class Janitor and elevator service, nice surroundings, within walk ing distance of postoffice, 473 Salmon st. 25' acre fruit farm. 5 acres just coming into bearing, Newtowns. half acre t ornlce pears, 8 acres planted to pears this winter, balance alfalfa; 7 room house, good barn and outsheds, 3 miles from Medford, Or., on good road' $15,000, $6000 down, balance 1, 2 and 3 years at 6 ner cent. TOOKFH-RKAii LAND CO., 320 JIcnryhldff. 20 acres Rogue River fruit bind. $750. Southern Oregon I, a nil Co.. " I 3 li Washington st.. room 30. HOMESEEKERS ' Investigate our Improved IRRIGATED LANDS Wheat. Oats. Clover, Alfalfa. NEW RAILROADS $3O-$r.-$4O..$45-$50-$65-$60-$fi5-$75 Ir; tracts of 40 to 640 acres. EXPENSES PAID By us If you buy our properties. Wood, water, fine climate, no stoiois. We leave with parly of hnmcse. kers on March 15 at 7:40 n. m. to Imate them on fine farms or good homesteads In the now famous DESCHUTES VALLEY DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND V ES 'I'M I", N T ( '( P A N Y , 301 -302 Buchanan bldg.. On Washington, near 5th. WQULD you like to ha a htmesteal on fine prairie lnnd. where a living .an 1. made the first year, close to railroad, no sagebrush? If so, you can go this week. REAVER TRUST CO.. 102. 2d St. COMPLETE real estate office furniture for sale, 2 desks, 2 tabJUrs, chairs, mnp, etc. J 459. Journal. PORTLAND ROOMING HOU8HJ CO., i 313 Henry bldg. 65 rooms, central, partly transient, steam heat, good lease, low rent, clears $3oo per month, $4000 cash required, or , will trade. 4 2 rooms, apartments and single, oM Mmrlson St.; elegant furniture and car- pets, long lease. This house is close in snd always filled with high class ten ants. 36 rooms, apartments; swell location, ( 5 year lease, low rent, the very finest of furniture, carpets and beds, every thing new, only $4200 cash required, i 2o rooms, oil Washington St., apart ! meiits and single; lease, first class fur- niture nnd carpets. A snap at $1250. 10 rooms, downtown, transient, $550. 8 rooms, elegant furniture, carpets and rugs, best locatiqn. rent only $35. "CRESCENTREALTY COm-" 401 SWETLAND BLDG. . . Headquarters for hotels and rooming houses. 8H j-oom apartfnent years. Price. $50o0. 39 rooms Steam heat. Lease Central location and swell Price $32(Mi. Terms. a rooms. Rent $75. Good lease. In transient location ?850. Half cash. 26 rooms. Rent $95. Lease 2 Vi years. Close In. $2000. Half cash. 10 looms on west side. Only $600., Half cash. 46 rooms clime in. Steam heat. 3 vears' lease and swellest furniture In city. $5500. Part cash. 40 room apartment house. Rent $125. 2 years' lease. Profit $175 monthly. $320.). Half cash. 27 rooms. Rent $70. Lease S years. Dandy furniture. $3000. 31 rooms. Rent $100. Only $1600. $500 cash handles it. 401 SWETLAND BLDG, house. Lease 3 '.V, years. furniture. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHED. 160 acres, 15 miles from Deschutes. 5 acres cleared, new buildings, all fenced, some (food timber, cow. chickens, tools, furniture; only $1000; will trade. JOHN MEN ICE & CO.. Over Bankof Oregon City, Oregon City. J I Too IIOM EST EA 1 1 relinquishment; new house, 3 horses, II cattle. Itn- nlemcnts. household goods. 160 acres, 50 acres good farmable land, 1 feet limber, etc. Douglas Worcester bldg ,500,000 county. 430 RELINQUISHMENT. 16u acres near Hood River, small house, 2.OHO.OO0 feet yellow pine, all good land. 1 mile from county road, 10 miles trotn n. it., jfjuo. CAMPBELL & SANDERS. 312 Merchants Trust bids. FIVE more wanted for private party of 6 going to Lake valley homesteads Tuesday. March 2 Send 4c stamps for booklet. Plggott ,t- Roldnett, 14 Mull y bldg., 2d and Morrison CENTRA l77rcK'mhomest eads, the very best; no contract, no fee till applicant is shown and satisfied. P. B. Poludex- $450. 7 rooms, very nicely furnished, 24 regular boarders, transients pay expenses; one room pays renj. Fine vard, good supply groceries, etc . included. Rent $27.50; x cellent location, walking distance. This is an unusual oportunlty to get Into business and make full income at once. 207 KENTON BLDG. 84 6th St. HOTEL BARGAINS $10,000 handles first-class modern commercial hotel, 100 rooms; rent only $5 per room: long lease; ground floor office; close In; cor ner location. 52 looms, rent $300; 4 year lease; In come $700 monthly; fine furnishings;" strictly modern; excellent location;" price $8000; would consider house anil lot In trade. 313 Merchants Trust bldg. IN- i ter, Prlnevl ( )r. WE ARE the best In Crook Prlneville. FOR RKXT FARMS I $ KKKKKKKKKKKKK BARGAINS IN SMALL FARMS K K I K ! k K K ! Oregon OityT best of soli, good Improvements, adjoining city lim its, sidewalk to each place; price is right with best of terms, farm- K K ing Implements, teams and stock K K all goes with these beautiful- K I homes, let us move you on one of K 1 them. Call and see us; will bo in K ! K office Sunday from 10 until 2, K 1 J. W. KERR & CO., K 1 311 Henry bldg. ' K KKKKKKKKKKKKK KOP. SALE 40 acres of good apple land 4n Hood River, 16 acres cleared, good he use and barn, all under ' Irriga tion. H-o2. Journal. AT INSIDE RATES" nil or. any of these 680 ACRES, bottom and un- land, easily accessible from Portland Vancouver, by river or rail, with cool springs, having power to run farm ing machinery and electric lights; good Income from hay or dairy and good fishing and hunting: ideal home site. ACREAGE and LOTS for homes or investments. CHOICE-ORCHARD LANDS for use or profit. J. A. MUNDAY. 410 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash, ' pHICKEN ranches or garden homes up the' valley at half what they are to be wortb. they are ours but we have too much. Owners, room 26, 142 H 2d at. Advertisers Attention THE JOURNAL will not guarantee to classify ad vertisements for the following classifications when received after 6:30 o'clock Saturday night for The Sunday Journal No. 16 Lots for Sale No. 61 Houses for Sale No. 45 Fruit Lands No. 24 Exchange Real Estate No. 17 Farms for Sale No. 57 Acreage for Sale "No. 31 Real Estate Wanted No. 20 -Business Chances No. 53 Rooming Houses Miscellaneous advertisements will be ceived for classification until 10 o'clock Saturday night. re- ! OAIRYMEN ATTENTION. A good 220 icre dairy ranch of finest. .soil and locution, plenty onion land; at station; everything you need except 'more stock; 14 head cuttle, team nnd j ImrncsH, wagons, mower, rakes, har i rowa. drills, plows, hinder, etc. all goes 1 In. Yon huy the stock for a very re.'i . suitable price. Then will sell you the machinery and apply the purchase price on the i-,-nl. Monthly rental. What more do vou want ? OREGON LANK CO., M-74 1.1. 21. ".-2 I 7 I Liny 1 F R SAI.I ;u n-s i-ji; in wheat, dress L-4 prepared to locate you on homesteads and desert lands county. Address liox 34, Or or trade. !! 1 iiti'i ishmeii I so stern t Mi-gun wheat land. al! snack ami pa i t ly fenced. Ad-j 0. ,Iu;i rua 1. 220 sere claim, near Lakeview. Or. See Hartley II' von want a KOod home stead. 411 Swetliirul lildj?.. Portland. FOK SALK TI.MI5KK 28 50 ROOM steam heat, rent J250; 2 year lease. Price $4760: terms. 21 rooms, steam heat, fine transient location, lease 2 years; J1600. IV rooms, rent $110. .Price $1800. We have others. Call and see us If vou want a rooming house. O. & I. REALTY CO., Main S327. Room 2S. 1S5H 4th st. ROOMING HOUSE, 10 rooms, a great snap, rent J40; nice, modern house, ' .vest side, close In-; clears $70 mo.; fur niture, carpets, linens, beddine, etc. A No. 1 and strictly clean; everything coni pleie; SHOO. Call 191 4th St. 12 room house near l2tn and Jefferson; good furniture, cheap rent, price JS50. M. 5172. PACIFIC REALTY CO., 320 Swetland bids. ' 1 1 Rooms, Nicely Furnished Rent $30. fine location, clears $75 month, good furniture; $500, terms. INQI.'IR E S8 10TH ST. ROOMING HOUSE. " ' 10 room house, rooms all full, good Income, close in; must be old this week, only $450. Call 420 Swetland bldg. ROOMING houses, any size, at prices to suit; we buy, sell and exchange, PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO.. 313 Henry bldy. ! ? LsE little farm of JO acres. , house, barn, nice orchard and yard; $700 was taken off the pla , I year from the vineyard nnd o alone 14 miles from Port land, iiuarter of mile from siatiou. rent J 1 o u j r year. Kmlth-W aoncr Co, .'111-.'! Lewis Rldt; Hl.lj. with haul 200 acres Co acres cleared. 1 mile from Nehnlom. .".0"0.m0ii feet of fir timber and shinale mill com plete that will cut 3."i,ooo shingles, i-eilar enotiyh to cut 2 .000.000 shinties, price $i;00.l, $2."00 down, balance :! wars at ti per cent. HOMESEEKERS LANI CO., l:t2 North 'Hh st. ' 320 acres Rood wheat and slock rarni, near Waplnitla. Wasco county. H ; miles from railroad. Law outrange. Rent for third of crop. McCoy. 2f4 N. 26th, W. csrline, 5:30 to 7:30 evenings. only 1-OR UK NT ---12 acre ranch; 4 room house, harii and on t Ini i hi i ncs : fine place for cljckens. Mt. Scott car to Lents, half mile to Powell Valley, then half mile east, white lions,- nil trim mings lett side of road S.M A I.L farm to rent to reliable pa rr ics. reasonable ; rent can he paid for in work on place; lamilv coutatnii. 2 male adults and team preferred. 3 1 li Com niercia! block, d anil Washington sts. hicken ranch mar car K K K K UP hae with O tits, all i ale. K'"ii J K I 11 he om t ra .U. K K K K K d sawmills. 'PHIUh unt il.-!,, read to oper nsportut ion. KERR A.- CO. RldR. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K with umber ami i K K K K 311 Hetuw RldR K K K K K K K K K K K 1 KOR SALE or trade, 1 I'll acres fine tim ber I, un! This tract iruised 3.r.0o,0no mostly nil (car p!ie. Near the R. R. will 1:0 vcr cheap ir taken at oee. KENTON REAL ESTATE CO.. 1 1 Kci ton i: ink bids., JVoo i:.i n :ov have soin. t :il::; ood ill : Oregon for only 122 her acre I fruit district, and limber aloin 1 tract is suftioient to pay for it WA N TEI -Buyer rooming house, 13 1 iunis. rent $60; Income on 10 rooms. $iri"; location is what counts. Phone Main 3315. . ' 19 rooms, housekeeping suites, swell, furniture, corner location, central west side. $1850, $1000 casu. 212 Alisky bWg. FOR SALE A first class rooming It usc, cP-aring $80 to $100 per ni.; tl:is is n si. an. Only first class peoplu j considered. U'oodlawn 308. " ' ; FOR RENT Hotel, furnished, 10 hoard- crs; present renter leaving city; rent , $30 per month: Inuulre Hi',1 Hood ML 10 ROOM house, extra Rood f irnltlire, walking distance, cheap rent, $6"t, Hitf ! '!. 1 tip 'd tth xt. ' LADY" Ttii $1300 equity in 11 acres of Hood River land to trade for rooriitnn house. Ca!'. Marshall 120S. , : feet. and WL ROOMING house, terms, or trade j ranch; principals II rooms, for sal on for city lots or small cnlv. R-150. Journal F )R rent 7 acre line. To rent SO acre Tarm near Valid ('. S Arnold. ISS Washington st. 14 ACRES very rich garden or land, running water, close in. 2iiti pine st. 1 er ; Journal. wort f liv. 1 ie.nt in -outhern 111 fine on tho 3 t!ni- H-440. TEN rooms, cheap suitable: leaving for cash: rent r? city. Owner, no Journal. uver. fruit WANTKD KAH.MS US FARMS of all kinds In the state. I can set want If it can he had. are right. WELDON DARLING, 1 620 Hoard of Trade. all sections of you what you at prices that si) ACRES limber hunt In Lane Co. to trade for house and lot or vacant lot in Portland: over 3.000.OOO feet of first .lass timber. Price $1500. A. VESTER.. - 209 Oregonian Bldg. " ' V'(Yr SALE 2 ""quarter sections of tim ber land, on the Sluslsw and Wolf river; cruised 8.00C000 , feet . to the quarter. Only actual buyer need -apply. Address 294) W. 5th St., Eugene. Or. KOR SALE Hoarding nouse 21 rooms, nicely furnished; a snap; must sell on account of sickness. Phone M. 41802, A REAL bargain 'of S3rooin fioTiiST'ln good location; long lesse: $t0' Will handle If taken at once.. Phone A-SI'1" , 32 ROOM housekeeping apartment for $1800: 50o handles It. Must lie sold, 1015 Boerd of Trade. Main fog.1', ; MODERN 1st :f JSU. class roomies? bouses for tiute on terms orMrads. In vestigate at 4 ;0 Worcester tddg. WOOD stumpage,, about 3000 1 cords, 5 miles Portland, i mile station. Apply 75 East Couch. Phone East 1316. 65 ROOMS. $85f; f:te lt; term; ln.-; clears , $350. tnonthly. Ud. l2Jfc 3e? st. -''- ' ii rooms, hot ami cold lr $200 turns it. RKi. I2H . I Cheap roomintj houst-s. t'