J . , , J- . . .1 ... FiTI 4- its iVK "J- Hxv l 1 ' ',J" "V ' ! t , . - . i . . 3' 1 he 1 , .THE OREGON SUNDAY 'jOURNAWjPORTLAND, SUNDAY-'MORNING.V MARCHfo1910 V n; : : ; " V- TP5!; v a f m J v. 1 f A Ac it .c r c . J ' V. 'ill ' 4 4 A F t J 4 P 5 '1 4. I;, j t- " ' ' 1- (V v4 'I v a : Sis J '4'-..-- . W 1 " v Vv,l, AS A LOVELY transit . trimmed winter h;it for summer wear, itio isiiion from the fur- double quilling of -brown velvet; around.a center of flowers, rounded as in "other .forms, Rut. a 'satisfying fulness is to the. straw shaites This gives a becoming break'in the side line of the round secured by the : half-blown flowers. . . flower toque stands turban. Then there is the airy bow of maline, which'perches Autumn colorings are used for the hyacinth toque. with the lightness of a butterfly at one side. The flowers The crown is formed of autumn leaves, while the ragged are arranged in row's,; with the twisted tulle between. The blossoms of spring are used as- lavishly as the rich forms of the flowers cover the brim. A band of green shape is wide across the front,- and is most becoming to luwtTs of summer or the foliagb of autumn and velvet is twmed around the crown and is tied in a soft one who has a wealth of fluffy hair.. most happy medium. Its wealth of co.or, the ide range from which to Ci:oose- for the first delightful comfort of this new shape are bow at the side. potent factors of the high favor in milliiry With the foundation of tulle or ;net, the construction Perhaps this idea reversed appeals to you. Pick rose- of a flower toque is comparatively simple. , The leaves buds are crowded together for the crown, of" another -offer a softenincr afid i? oonsive relief, and the shapes 1 he geranium toque, shading through deep and pale model. This brim is of green leaves, while folded velvet are the ones that have stood the turban test of two tones of red, is delegable in its round shape and brilliant separates them from the colored ton. seasons. dack costume the Just for a change, whito dahlias are the note of a hat From this idea' a departure, into larger ha-ts, with idea is irresistible. J'ust a bow of red velvet ribbon is that suggests a comfortable ability to harmonize with any their crowns of -glory,' is tut. a suggestion for. summer pneed at one side. The maline brim reste 'lightly 011 the color. ' There is a mass of green leaves at one "side, and wear, but the flowers that bloom in 'the spring , toques hair, and can be of green or red. here and there a dull leaf peeps'out in its green relief. have decidedly something to do'with the attractive, head- A huge eabo. hon of velvet is a becoming ornament The brim "of pink roses, with its twisted bow'of gear offered to 'expectant womankind for midseason lor the toque of pale yellow rosebuds. It is made of a green velvet, is a beauty. The crown of leaves is not so millinery. , ...i 1 -i. v A r x1 if-' v I J j jfi --'.'- - ' , '4 i-i '