The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 06, 1910, Page 57, Image 57

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(KillTiAKrAbLC- Uim
ii . . . I IHfl J I s
' ' , 7rt nryaMg.
' i fl r.
KUsag of Block lgl Byitm.
Southern Paelfio 264
I'nlon Pacific 1417
Chicago A Northwestern 735
Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific
Chicago & Alton 661
Hostnn k Maine '. 643
Delaware, I-aikawnnna & Went
em 532
Kake Shore Mlohigan South
ern R?0
I,ehlgh' Valley 4K.1
Philadelphia Reading 4U3
Oregon Kallroud it Navigation
company .... 418
Delaware Hudson 405
Oregon Short Line 3i2
Sixty-six other roads have from
one mile to 350 miles.
all are- helpless In the confinement of
'the- huge cars with etosed. windows,
doors and vestibules. Confident' of the
Integrity and . watchfulness of the en
gineer the passenger netlre to resit,
.little realizing thnt between them anil
destruction hundred" of 'men are in
.vnlved. and that a mistake on tie part
of uny one of them may mean death. ,
But the men have been tried and found
trustworthy. The steel in the flangcN
of the engine lirts been tested for the
"ring" which moans everything . to -Ilia
engineman. who again seen ahead of him
the friendly flash of the semaphore.
These silent sentinels Tf the road
spread their warning arms in darkness
as well as in daylight, and wave a sig
nal of clear track ahead.
Hy A. Ff. Harris.
While the World Sleeps.
The darkness seems ic increase ns
the miles are covered ami the night
wears on. Darting past stations the
WHAT a magnificent display or enitmeei none.- IU , a rew scattering
confidence In man and In ma- lights, the lit t le depots are dark, and all
chine Is involved in operating eems to 'be stillness, except the rumb-
great transcontinental passen- lnK which comes from the contact of
ger trains, which plunge across ",p1 with a hundred wheels. An hour
America bearing precious burdens, of later the world seems to have gone to
humanity. This confidence Is given sleep. With the vigilant -ye of a con-
voluntarilv. gladlv, unconsciously, even stant friend the automatic semaphore
by the pessimist who Is ever looking Hashes it silent warning. telllnK the
for untoward things to happen to him. "is" ,n the cab that ahead of him lies
ponderous engine puffs nervously a clear track
while strong men hustle trucks of trunks, The semaphore is a recent invention
express packages, and mail bags to the which automatically safeguards trains
waiting cars. and passengers lam while in motion or slandlng still on
through the gates as though the Inst " track. The signal lights or colored
train to eternity was about to start, arms are operated by electricity, oon-
The woman with five bundles and an nectlon being made with the engine
umbrella waddles through the gate In "xles as the train approaches the
a double quick the oondu -to, calls "All "block, as each section or the line is
board ' -the engineer sees a wave of a called. With a system of semaphores,
white light and he tries the air for or block signals in use along a railroad
the start Gradually the throttle Ir tbere is a message of red. green or ycl-
drawn open, the great machine responds for the engineer to read every
to the hot steam and engine'and train nilnuto from the time- he leaves the shed
r.h no,v Inm the niirht. " " " ,"Klnr '"' l'""" '"" "'e
terminal at the end of his "run.
Trusting the Engineer.
What a burden of responsibility , -must
rest upon the conscience of an engineer
Two Classes of Signals.
Track signals may he divided into
tun classes; iiMtAmatd- iln,.L- a.mquli.irrtc
as he starts on the long night run. ,,n ,nfi opn ,..,,, am, lnlf,riocklng S,R".
Ahead of him the thin steel bands llo Ilai in (. yHrls. governing the move
glimmering In the moonlight or oh- n,ent nf u-kinn over switches. On.ce
scored by the murky darkness. His 0,,t f tH, ,,, )n t)le rHb
only protection is a sienoer men nange looKs for the block senittphorea, the
- Vr ,'4r3J;v;;v". t '
- : V;vt- CS&Si ' tu
are schooled ill the work, even rail- right case Is a diagram of the yard with The I'nited States has given to the
road men do not understand the com- movable miniature switches working world its.groutcst moving picture fl,'
iii ated system i employed, while the automatically with the mam system. 200,000 cars transported by 61,000 lo-
layman is unable to comprehend how The yard director has a telephone at comotlves on 33.1, 77S miles of mainline
trains can be handled ut all in such a his ear anil a line of indicators before and sidings And this tremendous busi-
crlss-cross of tracks and amidst such hlui which tell of the approach of an ness has been built up In Just 79 years,
a maze of switches No switchmen run Incoming train when still miles out, the lifetime of an average- strong man.
madly about opening and closing and of the start of any train In tho The first locomotive to be built In this
switches. and trains move -With the sihe.-t uhnut In leave the vurd We li- ennntrv wn tnroel not in
which clanss oismauy as ne arivea inn railroad sign posts to the right of the '" 1110 ""vision conccrnoo. scmapnore More man s per cenr or uie rnnroaos r,.guaril v of all electric clock. The reels the opening and closing1 of was January 15 of that year that the
machine over the switch points In mak- track, and for the glitter of the steel being placed L'500 feet apart where traf- in England are so equipped. In this mysteries of the switch lower are switches snd knows everv minute first road test was made, and tho loco
ing his way out of the crowded yards, rails. Where there are two tracks tho fic ls heavy, or near a station, and a country January 1. 191o, there were known to hut few. where every train unci everv switch motive "made good" A steam locom-
The leverman In the tower gives him semaphores are located generally on maximum distance of 5000 feet apart on 14.419 miles of main line equipped with ,,p , a ,011K n,m I)r(,j,.t.tillK ov,.r enKe Is so long as it is in the vard. tlve was brought over from Kngland In
s Hear line and he pulls the throttle overhead signal bridges. the open road. the block signal system, 228 miles hav- ,hp ,rarks fll Knol (n th varf,M w.rH lintn , reaches (lie open road, If 1829. but It proved a failure. "The
wider and wider notch by notch. The The upper square arm. which shows Naturally the keeping of this appar- ing been added last year. H (,PH. vif;w ,H ,(J ,, 1( th(! va(1 outward bound. In addition to handling Hocket." weighing less than four snd
rail Joints click faster and faster; his red -and green lights at night, is the ' order on all the line means con- A remarkable record by the I,acka- rtirM.,r Hlls ull( 00lly controls everv trains, getting them In and out without, one-half tons, was the first to operate
engine seems to understand its -task Mock or home" signal and the lower tdant work. With rigid Inspection, how- wanna railroad recently made public movement of . very train and engliy. confusion or loss of time, he must al- with a train, when It hauled 13 tons
and is anxious to be through with It. notched arm with yellow and green over, there is little trouble. The sema- shows that In ten years not one passen- A lonj, rai,j1K,t, which looks like a show low the switch engines to move about of freight. The modern mountain en
Ahead, to the right of the track the lights, Is the distance signal and in- phor- arm is so arranged by counter- ger had been killed in a train accident. caso ru, l)f might machinery, contains without inconvenience, and must alwavs gine weighs over 412.000 pounds. Th
engineer catches a glimpse of dicHtes to the engineer the position of weights, too, that in case of derange- In that period the road had transported tnp v)ta piirt f ,h(, plant, operated bv be readv for the rush which comes at first sleeping car was built in 1864.
light of a semaphore beckoning him the home signal in advance. There must "tent of any part because of short cir- 183.78i.224 passengers, each traveling electropneumatlc power. I'eihups loo least twice dallv. In the morning and by the Chicago & Altoij. The standard
ohwnrd. and he knows that his start he at least a distance of one "block be- cult in time of storm or from other an average of 19.1 miles. The mileage iong 1(,, turning on a quarter cir- in the evening. When a mainline switch sleeper, the diner and the observation
on tho long Journey has been well be- t ween trains. There was some objec- lausc. the arm goes to "danger" by of the trains had been 5,340,90R. miles, cle arp luul eHvh c.ontrollintj a switch Is opened to allow a train to pass out car are more recent innovations. The
gun. Hon at first to the introduction of this gravity, and the engineer is wauod. which Is the equivalent of more fhan are ln f..:, ,,r ,wo or Uirc fi(. or lo entpr ,),e yards, all switches lead- first locomotive burned wood, modern
In the coaches behind R00 people are system, on the ground that It would This system has proved its efficiency 650,000 trains, each thakine a run of 100 low eaeh lt.v,,,. s (1 Ught BiO)0 which ing to that line are automatically docked moguls hum oil. The railroads of the
trusting their lives to the. man In the delay Instead of facillate traffic. The so thoroughly that there is frequent ag- miles. The Lackawanna is equipped iiK,ts ,, w hen the switch connected and signals displayed, . so that it ls Im- United Slates now employ about 1.500,
englne and the machine of which he Is length of the block is therefore fixed itatlon for legislation which will compel trm one end to the other with block with that lever clear. ln un up- possible, to have a collision. 000 men. What will the future bring?
master. Many of them are asleep, while with regard to the amount of traffic Its adoption on all lines in this country, signals. The system has done so well - , ,
. . mat m. fj. smitn, signal engineer, says
that he has not heard of a rear end col- TVTPVT 7T7"n P"H k " yf A T T TTIT TT7T" T TTMV
lision on his road ln years, and has
IX hundred words from "Wash
ington. Government's to In
vestigate the cost of living.
Stories from Denver, Chicago,
Omaha and Syracuse fall In
The telegraph editor snapped it out,
to nobody in particular, dug his blunt
pointed blue pencil Into a pad of copy
paper and humped his thin shoulders
over a two column front page head.
The makeup man scowled, like make
up men are supposed to scowl:
"Kill the Philosophy club story and
put the 'eagle that stole the baby on
page five," he roared. - Clear the ma
chine for the Washington stuff and
hurry It through with a two column
hand set pyramid. Rush!"
It sounded correct. Just like a real
live newspaper office and on the stroke
of 3 the press began ro growl and
rumble and presently the University of
Washington Dally, ink still wet on Its
pages, was sliding into the mailing
room at the rate of 2100 copies an hour.
That's the way they play the game
In Seattle's 3-year-old school of Jour- sity of employing the tools of the
lialism. The 'Dally" Is no makebelieve rhetorician In writing, and tries to make
sheet. The Washington dispatch came their practice with these tools as Inter
over leased wire from tho UnitW Press csting and lively and likeable as possl
assoclation. The machine that was ble.
"cleared" for the 6tory was a latest Out of the freshman course they go
patent Mergonthaler; the type set was to Professor Thorpe's sophomore class
a clean, clear row of Gothic compressed io advanced composition. There they
and the form went down to a standard study the writing of what nowspape
Ontlmus press. ' men call "human Interest" stories.
never heard of a head on crash.
Would Eliminate Accidents.
' if - V"; " '
'''''''i'Z '!
Iii the last ten years railroading in
America has experienced the perfection
of safety devices which offer the least
ISTORY may be doubtful as to the stuff of which he Is made and he took But, Judge Adams added the 20 to'
identity of the man who rastened it without hesitation. About $400,000 safeguard himself from a decision hold
tie' "Show Me" tradition on the of Ryan's goods were left after the Ing that his original sentence was too
state of Missouri, but she will wreck. This the judge, impounded and severe. Since that sentence, however,
not be in the case of the man ordered returned to the stockholders, there have been no such things in this
chance of accidents, by leaving least to who coined the expression. "The Man "Hut. your honor," said Ryan's coun- town as beating up a letter carrier, rob-
the agency most likely lo make mis- Higher l'p." At some Indeterminate sel, "these people have no right to that blng the pouch and then wantonly de-.
takes the human part of the great time during the fall of l!09 It was dls- money. To give it to them would be stroylng the valueless letters in the
working system. The aim of all this ln- covered that the first use of this ex- to make them particepe crlmlnls." "Very bundle.
ventlon has been to establish a signal presslon was made by Klmer H. Adams, well," said his honor. "If they are par- " in
system that is well-nigh Infallible, that judge of the federal bench in St. I.ouls. ticeps crlmlnls, anybody who wants to TWO Notable Decisions. '
goes as far an mechanical aid can, and Even the very case ln which he used can file a complaint against any indi-
then throws the last responsibility on the expression has been fixed, and tho vicinal holder and recover." It was Nine years ago Judge A (Jams caused
the engineer. Tests are now being archaeologists who have been carrying small comfort for "The Man Higher l'p" the labor people to frown at him for an
made of automatic stops to prevent on the Investigation defy the world to In this case and the dupes were glad Injunction he issued in the streetcar
even the possibility of the engineer's show them (beirig Missouri men), why enough to save, that much from the strike forbidding the delaying of the
I'nited States malls by strewing- scant
lings across the tracks. But the friends
of organized labor were completely won
by htm when, in 1903, he threw th
'w officials of the Wabash railroad out of '
He court bv tclllnar them that tholr man
mistake by the electric locking of and where thev are wrong. wreck.
brakes within a certain zone; but those certain claims that the "(let at
are in the experimental stage in steam ln1 Mh Higher ' or - i id to' the A Stiff Sentence,
railroading. Man nghl,r ,r," was first used by y without content In the
Before the invention of the telegraph Theodore Roosevelt are scouted by tho r0rm, U,out ",n,rnt 1,1
the safety of railroad trains was larire- i,ttm-in In miestion. who have Koue nov,r strnil"l.v appealed to Adams.
ly a matter of slow sohedule and per- into the inutiirv with all the caution and on ,a sentenced a mini to a term for . had a real grievance against the rosd :
eonal care on the part of station agents precaution of true scientists. Nowhere "''' 'be penitentiary for having as- and that In this case here was no use in
snd engineers. In the early days thu n t.ho folklore of tho vaudeville stag;e aaulted a mail carrier and carried away asking for an injunction. The fact WH
field glass p.layed an Important part, Ur of the daily press can be found tho ,f,p mail pouch, which he first robbed that the judge let them have an lnjunc
and it was especially useful in tin; slightest reference to "The Man Higher of i,s valuables and then destroyed, let- tion, but made it returnable the'ne(,
working of the first signal system ever l p" previously to the date in 1903, when tfrB and H" At first Judge Adams did day, when it was promptly dissolved
used. When the telegraph appeared it Judge Adams, charging a federal grand 1101 credit the evidence. Surely this after a hearing from the labor side of
took a prominent place in the operation jry jn their Investigation of certain wp" dressed fellow before him could not the case. This was regarded as worse '.
of trains, and now it is being displayed naturalization frauds which were the hav(' ffuilty of that kind of a than having given no injunction at all.'
by the1 telephone, a number of railroad talk of the country at that time, told despicable crime. The evidence, how- It cleared up the atmosphere and en
systems having made arrangements to ttH. j,lry "to look not only for the little evor' waw good and the judge imposed lightened the public on the merits of.,;,
change to the latest method as rapidly n,an who is made a tool, but for "The ,,,, sentence of life -a thing unheard both sides, so that the railway officials '
as possible. Man Higher l'p " of f,lll0 capital punishment for robbery were embarrassed when they came to '
The first system of signals for tho was abolished long ago in Kngland. The the point of saying why tho men should
dispatching of trains was used in Kng- n Qld Roman. astounded miscreant was not yet out of not strike. These two labor decisions
land, and consisted of. a high pole and ' 'he courtroom when Judge Adams called showed the real nature of Judge Adams. ,
a large ball operated by the station If there is a judge in this country, or hjm hack a,j added a sentence of 20 He wants to get at ''The Man Higher '
agent. When a train left a station tho anywhere else, who has a thorough ap- years to that which he had already im- l'p" when that Individual is the right
hall was raised to the top of the pole, preeiauon oi me uouow iuFceiy posed : J.ire in the penitentiary and 20 game, but he has no respect for the man
where It could be seen by the agent at good deal or trie law inut is goinB m
From Small Beginning.
ars to hoot? Perhaps that would bo lower down when he. ton. Is nvsrlnnlln
nunc in ioi i"ni "on ..Mm c. . nead or Depratment or Journalism, neigtiDoring stations. vvnen the train mose oays, uno nu mo ui'ii considered nttie too Kornmi by sonic, a bet.
mentiert. 1 ftere tney worn in tne spe- T'nlvprsitv nt Wuchlncrfcn left station No. 2 the ball at that sta- cut under it with a sweeping snarp
elal nrnnortloo of tvle nnd fret n - ul W itBIHIl g LO , . ..,,! ,hc .. nf n-lileli .l.lltrhts the.
in fwniarj, is 1, tne rmersitj or KlImpso of the higher phases of Jour- and tnis was a BlKnai fnr tnp a.nt at tonmon man who knows nothing at all,
AVashington made tho modest announce- naBln. P". read copy and proof, make up fh(, oth(-r s(a(on to ,WPr to of ,aw but a whole lot about Justice,
ment that it would offer two short Advance courses are given in news- tlle rorms and work the presses. Stu- nalf ,naRt when the train left station Klmer I. Adams 'is that very man.
courses In journalism during the second paper cost snd accounting si-stems; cir- dents also solicit advertising and boom xo. 3 the ball was raised as before, Some of the things Judge Adams has
semester of the college year. These culation, advertising, managing, pro- the circulation. the ball at station No. 2 was lowered done are worthy of preservation In the
courses were assigned to Merle Thorpe, motlng and policy building. The libel In short, every activity known in to half mast and that at station No. 1 history books of American law, and will
a Stanford man who had been Washing' laws are carefully considered and pu- Journalism Is hero offered to the stu- was lowered to the eround. In this doubtless be taken care of in that way.
ton correspondent, war correspondent, plls are taught the somewhat difficult dents, ln practical applied form. From way information was passed along the Of this kind are the decisions in which
special writer and editor. The work c.s rules restricting the freedom of the 135 Issue a year the paper derives line. Stations were placed close together he has recently had a part concerning put
conducted by mm was immensely popu- press.
lar, and today it is but a small section
rrtoi'K is conquering the waste trolling torrents and reeulatlnz stream
land problem by planting trees, flow. Tho state each year buys uncnt-
Every year thousands of acres of tlvated lands, in the mountain regfoti,
land are being reclaimed in this and up to January'. 1907, It had acquired
way by the leading countries and 503.000 acres in this way. Communes,
in a condition preparatory to a associations, and private individuals are
about $4 000. News and advertising is to facilitate the movement of the few- the. Standard Oil company and the Har- profitable timber harvest ln the years also assisted ln reforestation work hV '
rigidly censored and questionable mat- trains which were necessarv to handle riman railroad cases. These were large, to come. grants of money, and by supplies of
of a four years' course In Journalism Regular Organization. tor at. once discarded. lectures bv the traffic. public matters in which everybody was .Not mm many previously roresten plants and seeds. Altogether ziv.oun,
carrj'lng a practical plant, worth $20.- ' ' well known Journalists lend variety at It is said that the term "High Ball " interested. Hut the judge himself has areas which have been cut over have acres have been planted through this
(100. " Twi) years ago the department 1 IaPr.has its editor-ln-ciiter, its whirn supplemented bv broad used by trainmen as the signal from handled a few cases of a more private been planted up. but a number of the public assistance. Complete exemption
boasted 22 students. Today there are managing fjditor, its rity editor, ex- courses in tho liberal arts. the conductor to the englneman to pro- kind in which he swung -his sword with countries are also devoting their ener- from taxation for a long period of r
100 taking journalism as s major study, change editor and telegraph editor, all Washington thinks its 3-year-old ceed, comes from the' early ball signal a vigor that was truly Roman. One nf gies to establishing a forest cover on is granted In the cass of plantation
The freshmen are! taken in hand by students. The university and sur- newspaper school is one of the best 1n- system in Knlgsnd Many of the other these was the Burton case, in which dunes and other waste lands, and in fact, made on the tops and slopes o.fl mouri'
Frank G. Kane. A. B., Michigan, 1908. roundings are their field. The depart- stltutions In the university. It cer- signals have come down more than half Judge Adams get at "The Man Higher on all land which is more valuable for tains, A reduction of three-fourths for
who went to Washington last October meats of the institution are mapped talnly is one of the most popular. More a century. I'n' with a vengeance when he sent a producing timber than for other pur- all land planted or sown, whatever Its
from the staff of the Detroit Nws. He off ln beats which students religiously than that. It Is the center toward As Intricate as is the Mock signal i'nited States senator to jail for having poses -1 ji . situation, is also' made,
teaches them the rudiments of news- cover every day. . Genera1 assignment which the eyes of .half a hundred other system, the most wonderful .mechaniral violated a federal statute France has been one of the foremost ... m .
paper writing;' how to tefl a story, tell men and special writers, wporting edi- schools are turned for inspiration In device in a great railroad's equipment. Not long ago when the notorious get- Kuropean countries In reforestation, es- ' An article about gecrefarv ' o( Ft'
it the right way, and stop when through, tor and cartoonist all, have their places similar courses now in process of or- is the slgnsl tower and switch system rich-quick Ryan ess., was before him hs penally in the mountains, where fclint-. Knox says he never gtre up.'-'.t.rt'
He endeavors to show them tho neces-, in the Journalism building. Students ganlzation all over the United States, ln the terminal yards. Except engineers had another chance to Bhow the Roman ing has been a powerful factor in con- government Iiave A tjifi-.r-. :,t wuiUiti,