2 .THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. 1 SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, 1910. I rNw 7) It' ' v V If. ' - -lI.ftfr. I I ' , v " ' nut Hi ' AM Ilk 'i.r-. ill Warren E. Thome. Mrs. Erncnt F. I I, . 'f J - , - f '? VIII F. 1 . " WW , , v'l l Id M. ; Mi . . : HII8 week la to be an exceptionally buay one In the very heart of Lent There "will not be any more entertaining than ueual In ' truth there would be little time and .opportunity for it. If one le to avail neaelf of all the publlo feature that Will b here thla week. The Maud I'owell concert la acheduied for tomor row night and Madame Powell who la lira Godfrey Turner In private life. 1 I . favorite, both aoclally and musically, this will be a well attended event. Fol lowing her la tha grand opera aeason for tha remainder of tha week, and o itiany good offerings are scheduled that oma have planned to go every nlRht. The Alf Kllngenberg recital will inter est Ha aubscribera next 8aturduy after noon. Tha women who stand sponsors for this are Mr. Richard Nunn. Mrs. r'arren E. Thomas, Mrs. Ernest F. pucker, Wrs Zera Snow, Mrs. William If Brewster. Mrs. Lee Hoffman. Mrs iVilllam 8. Biddle, Mrs. Charles MrCul- lough, Mrs. 8anderson Beed and Miss Eusan Clarke. ; Incidentally the aviation meet through out tha week ia going to be an attrac tion of no small moment. w it I A Charming tea was given by Miss ' tlvelyn Wilson Thursday afternoon com plimentary to Miss Eva Jones. The af fair waa a linen shower s well and everything waa delightfully arranged With pink making the predominating note. Pink carnations were used in tasea about the .receiving rooms, and en tha tea table was a mass of pink carnations lighted' by pink shaded can dles. The shower of linen presented a- Jovely . collection of dollies, napkins. handkerchief and varlbus daintily em broldered articles. Miss Wilson was most fetching in a Parisian frock of lingerie hand embroidered and worn ith pink ribbons; saucy pink bows and a pink, chiffon scarf. Miss Jones was handsome In pale yellow crepe over yel fow silk, ornamented with fine white lace, ' Abaut 60 of the real young set -njye4 Miss Wilson's hospitality. I A feature of the afternoon was the presence of four charming brides-elect, all of whom were schoolmates at Port land academy. Miss Eva Jones, whose marriage will be celebrated Thursday; Mis Ruth Honeyman who will be mar fled after Easter; Miss Rebecca Biddle and Miss Celeste Moore whose engage- numta were the Chief topic of conversa tion because the newest The guests were Miss Lisa Wood, Miss Marjorie Barrows, Miss Muriel W'illlams, Miss Lesley Smith, Miss. Becky Biddle, Miss Leslie Weldler, Miss Malda Hart, Miss Alt a Rush, Miss Meta Buehner, Miss Marguerite Buehner, Miss Celeste Moore, JUss Helen Moore, Miss Marguerite Hume, Miss Louise Emmons, Miss Kath erlne Emmons, Miss Alice Carey, Miss Shannah Cummlng, Miss Mllla Wess-' tnger, Miss Hazleton Williams, Miss IHive Failing. : Mies Ada Burke. Miss Ruth Honeyman, Miss Haxel Robb, Miss liary Adair, Miss Virginia Wilson, Miss Clementine Wilson. Miss Vida Nichols, Miss Mildred Nichols and Miss Mary Livingstone. (' V i Mr, and Mrs. Henry J. Biddle last week announced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Rebecca Ealrd Biddle, to Erskine Wood, eldest son of Mr. and Mr. C. E. S. Wood. The news came as a great surprise even to their most In timate friends as the secret had been : well kept, Miss Biddle is one of the iiost attractive girls of the younger wt. a handsome blonde who has trav eled extensively. She has recently re turned from a winter spent in New York and Philadelphia. She is a niece of Captain and Mrs. William S. Biddle. Her ; parents have a beautiful country home on the Columbia near Vancouver and spend their winters In a town hotel. Mr. Wood until the past few years, spent most of his time abroad, and for three years, was in the famous Black Forest in Germany for his health. In later, years he has been engaged In business1 Miss Helen Batea of Smith college, who has recently been honored. Miss Dorothy Josselyn, who has gone to southern California. . with William MacMaster. He Is a grad uate of Harvard. No arrangements have been made for the time of the wedding. Dan J. Moore lias announced the en gagement of his attractive daughter, Miss Celeste Moore, to Frank Lester Stokes, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Stokes. Miss Moore made known her betrothal at Miss Evelyn Wilson's tea Thursday and was the recipient of many good wishes. She is an attractive girl of the reddish blonde type, a graduate of Portland Academy and a planlste of exceptional ability. The past year she has made her home with her father at Hotel Moore at Seaside. She has a large circle of friends in the younger set. Mr. Stokes is engaged in the lum ber business and Is now living in Port land with his parents. They were for merly a prominent Astoria family. Both he and Miss Moore were 190? graduates from Portland Academy. Miss Moore Is making an extended visit with Mrs. T. T. Strain on Willamette Heights. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Brien returned Friday night from six weeks In Chi cago, New Tork, Washington, St. Paul and WInsted, Conn. In Connecticut, the O'Briens visited their old home In Win sted, and renewed old acquaintances. Many Portland peoplt. were seen In the east. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Lamont (Miss Maud Hahn) and little daughter are at the New Wrlllard in Washington and will remain" there until the first of April. Dr. J. N. Coghlan and Dr. George Ainslle are In New York at tending leqtures and will not return until late this month. Miss Kate Bald, Spring Millinery at 145-147 SECOND ST., BET. ALDER AND MORRISON Styles OSS For Early Wear Now on Display 3 In opening our first spring display we have prepared a showing that will demonstrate our efficiency to provide styles that are essentially appropriate and at the same time becoming and original, and vet reveal the authentic interore- Si:; i, tation of modes approved by fashion for spring noaerate rnces of Course PORTLAND AGENTS FOR PICTORJL REVIEW PAT TERNS AND PUBLICATIONS. Special club offer, consist ing of Pictorial Review. Housekeeper andMother all three for 1.V .cents per month. ; Get full particularsVat Pattern Counter; win of Ottawa, Can., who was made much of when she was the guest here of her uncle, Robert Smith, three years ago, Is studying with Frank Pamrosch for the concert stage with promise of a very brilliant future. Miss Louise Baldwin, who has been with her hister in New York until this year, is at home in Ottawa. The Misses Baldwin are at tractive girls, who made many friends when they visited In Portland. w Southern California Is the mecca for Portlanders Just at firesent. The Len ten season Is quite the popular time to go south and spend the time in outdoor sports Just at tfie period when the travelers will miss little of social gaiety here. Among the colony of Portland people down there now are Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox and their son Teddy, Mr. and Mrn. Walter J. Burns, Miss Caroline and Miss Anita Burns, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Page, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Josselyn and Miss Dor othy Josselyn, Mr. and Mrs. J. D Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Smith and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerr and children. Mr. ancf Mrs. 3. W. Cook and Miss Cornelia Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Vin cent Cook, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lea Barnes, Who have gone firt to New Orleans but will return to visit in California, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ayer and Mrs. E. H. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koehler and Miss Use Koehler, Mrs. C. . E. Curry, Mrs. N. J. Levinson and Peggy Levinson, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Harris and two sons, Carl Spuhn, Rev. and Mrs. J. Bloch, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Clafke. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Holbrook ! and Miss Dorothy Holbrook, Mrb. W. j T. Pangle and Florence Pansle, Mr, and Mrs. Albert T.. Smith, Mrs. Hugh Hume, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Metzger, Mrs. l). '. Thompson, Mr. and Mr Kussell Sewall and children. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Whitney, Mrs. Henry E Jones, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thompson, ana Edward Thompson, Mrs. H. V, Kamsdell and Miss Dorothy Ramsdell, Mrs. Samuel Elmore and Miss Elmore, Mrs. Greenleaf and Miss Frances Wil son, who are also doing Mexico, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. u. Walter Gates and son, Mrs. Frank Branch Riley, Mrs. Isam White, Mrs. Solomon Rosenfeld and Miss 'Ruth Rosenfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Her mann, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Neustadter, Mrs. E. B. Coman, Mrs. Samuel Lock wood and children, Mrs. George C. Flavel, and the Misses Kate and Nellie Havel, Mr. and. Mrs. Martin Winch. Mr. and Mrs. S. B.' Huston and Miss Blanche Huston, Mrs. Edwin Caswell,. Mrs. Louis Burke, Mrs. Fred M&Idss and son, Mrs. Ralph Hoyt and children. The wedding of Miss Florence Ham mond of San Franclaeo to Norman N. Whiteside of New York, Thursday of this week came as a great surprise to the Portland friends of the bride. Miss Hammond is the second daughter of A. B. Hammond, a San Francisco capitalist with Vast lumber Interests on the Pa cific coast. While Mr. Hammond was president of the Astoria and Columbia railroad, the Hammonds lived in Astoria, i Miss 'Hammond was formerly a frequent visitor here, and was always much en tertained. She was educated abroad and spends much time in Paris and New York. Tha groom is a well known writer of short stories, who has been ! In San Franclsoo for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside will spend their honeymoon at Del Monte. . Mra. Henry Damson Zander enter tained Wednesday afternoon at cards and a shower in honor of Miss Ahlma Hallock whose marriage to Vyvian Dent will taka place March 31. The rooms were prettily lighted with pink and' green shaded candles. A huge wedding bell covered with pink roses and large bows of white satin, made a pretty and novel receptable for the beautiful gifte. A dainty luncheon was served. The guests were Miss Ahlma, Hallock, Miss Lillian Routre, Miss Dent, Miss Lillian Spencer, Mrs. James Welch, Mrs. Sef,h Catlln, Mrs. Harry. Thompson. Mrs. Harry Johnson, Mrs. Haldane Dickson, Mrs. Morrow aid Mrs. 'Mets chan. . . " Mr. and Mra, Benage S. Josselyn and thilr daughter, Miss Dorothy Josselyn, left Thursday night for southern, Cali fornia to be gone, three weeks or a month. Most of the time will be passed at- Coronado beach , and the other re sorts of the southland will come in for their share of attention. Miss Josselyn whose picture is shown today is an. at tractive member of the younger set who iiaa many friends. S!i,g spends much time riding about In her electrlo brougham. Miss Josselyn la a graduate from the Prlnclpla achool Jn, St. Louis where her brother and slater are still In attendance. She has lately been auf ferlng from 111 health and It la chiefly for her auka that thla trip la taken. . ,. ' ' One of the quiet home weddlnga ar ranged for immediately after Eaater it that of Miss Ruth Honeyman,. ' only daughter of Mra. W. J. Honeyman and Lieutenant Frederick A. Barker, V.' S. A. Mr. Barker, who ia ' atatloned at Fort Aaslnabone, Mont., la a aon of William Barker of Vancouver, B. C, ana a Drotner or wuiism Barker, a recent graduate and Sigma Nu of t'ae University of. Oregon. Thla la bla second year out of West Point Miss Hocmyman 1 -a. pretty - brunette- very- popular witn the younger set, with a charming, girlish personality. Society is much interested In tha com ing of Miss Maude Adams -In kr latest play, "What Every Woman Knows," to the .Bungalow theatre In June. . It haa been five yesrs since Miss Adama visited Portland, and her forthcoming visit will no doubt be a social aa well as a dra matic triumph, j MIsa Adama recently closed a month's engagement in Boston, when she broke the record for business at the Hollls Street theatre, which waa established by Richard Mansfield. w Mrs. Henry W. Qoddard leaves thla morning for Baltimore to visit her daughter; Mra. Hortoe.B. Fen ton. Mra. Uoddard will go via Seattle and the Canadian Pacific, atopplng en route to visit friends at .Minneapolis and Chi cago, as well as Monroe, Wis. Mrs. Uoddard and Mra. Fenton will visit New York. Philadelphia, Washington and Atlantlo City and will return to Portland about the middle of, May. w Mra. George F. Cartwrlght, who haa been the recipient of many pretty com-, pliments socially during her visit with! her sister. Mrs. Herbert Holman, has started for ber home In England. Mrs. Cartwrlght went via the- North Bank road, and aside from a tew hours' delay In Spokano rm account of the snow slldV her Journey to St. Paul was marked by no unusual features. Miss Helen Moors gve a mntlnee party at the Orpheum. followed by tea t the Tull and Olbbs Wistaria tea room yesterday afternoon, complimentary to Miss Eva Jones. Miss Moore's guests were MIkb Eva Jones, Miss Hazelton Williams, Mlos Mary Livingstone, Miss Slmnnah Cummlng. Miss Evelyn Wil son, 'MfttB Dorothy Moore and Mrs. James M. Moore. w - Mrs. C. Dunlap and Mls lone Dunlap left yesterday morning for a six months' tour of Europe. They will go to Wash ington, I). C, for a brief visit, and will sail from New York on the 19th on the Saxonin via the Mediterranean route. They have no definite plans as to their tour, but will go from place to place as their fancy dictates. Miss Beatrice Wilson continues to be shown attentions In Washington. Last week Mrs. Fred Dennett, wife of the commissioner of the land office, gave a smart luncheon, after which Miss Wil son entertained the .guests with musical selections, and came In for much com mendation and prHlse. w Miss Hattle Wise of Astoria has re turned home after a couple of weeks' visit here as the house guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. Tllzer. While here she apr peared In a solo piano recital. Dr. and Mra. Tllser only recently returned from their 'trip- to San Francisco, where they .were guests at tha Palace hotel. Mlsa Vivian Marshall, who with her mother, Mra, Rudolph A. Marshall, leave Thursday on a European trip, enter- tained tier friends at "five hundred Friday evening.- V '.- ' The decorations and tha score cards Were suggestive of Germany. The prises presented to the winners at cards were a brass bowl and a Harrison' Fisher picture. Mlsa Marshall's guests were Mr, and Mrs. Harold Johnson, Mr. -and Mra. J. William Belcher, Mr, and. Mra, C. F. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hoffman, Mr. and Mra. Frank Tomllnson, Miss Blanche fichott, Miss Mabel Weed. Miss Zola' Httchcockrmiss Gladys Donahue, Miss Ora epencer, Miss Mary Jennings, Miss Esther Schumaker, Mlsa Bell Sargent, Mlsa .Beatrice Hidden, 'Mlsa Josephine - Stapleton, Miss Mary Jen nings, Martin Duffy, Ed Norria, Harry Fisher, J. F. Mulder, George Tobhi, Harry Gardner, Charles E. Buaby, E. Hilton, Roy Field, Arthur Murphy, Ed Faulkner, and A. Parke. The Woman' Club benefit for the support of the bed at tbe Open Air san atorium, to be given Monday week, is keeping a number of matrons and maids busy. During the Intermission can dles will be sold in the aisles under the Bupervlslon of Mrs. George IV.- McMil lan. The women assisting her are Mra Frank Vapduyn,. Mra. Frederick Harlow, Mrs. Nathan Harris, Mrs. Grace Watt Ross, Mrs. Ralph Nlckum, Mra. F. D. Kuettner, Mrs. McLpdghlln, Mra. Marlon Verstlg, Mra. Howard Plttlngef, Mra. Abe Tlchener, Mra. AmoS and Mra. Hen ry Western Ira, The girle who will assist la selling are Mlsa Marguerite Boschke, Miss Nona Lawler, Miss Helen Coblenti. Miss Lottie Banfleld, Mlsa Saldee Knspp, Miss Blanche Sehott, Miss Nancy Heals, Miss Mabel Beck, Miss Mae 8!lcok, Miss Moore, Miss Lucille Dunnlcant and Miss Eleanor. Cannon. w Colonel G. M. McGunnegle. command ant of the post at Vancouver barracks, returned from on extended visit east last week, accompanied by his attrac tive daughter, Mixs Isabella McGunne gle. Miss McGunnegle, a handHoino blonde, will be welcomed back gladly, for she Is a prominent, figure in Port land social affairs. Besides spendlug a good deal of time In Washington they visited the colonel's old home in Annap olis. w A prettv wedding wns celebrated at the Vancouver post Inst Monday when Miss Winifred, Palmer and Lieutenant Harold H. Bateman were married. About 0 guests were present, numbering many of the army set. Rev. II. S. Templeton read the service. Mr. and Mrs. Bate man have gone to southern California for tbelr honeymoon, and from there will sail presently for their new station in the Fhillrplncs. w The Ebell club of Los Angeles, which does so much entertaining for visiting celebrities, did a good deal for the Rob ert Mantclls who were here a little while ago. A very elaborate reception wns given for Mrs. Mantell, known as Marie Booth Russell on the tsage, who Is handsome and Is pronounced a charming and accomplished gucpt. The Mantclls are returning soon to play In repertoire. Mrs. Gertrude Atherton, who spends much of her time on the Pacific coast, will sail for Europe In March with Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Eddy. She was guest pf honor at a dinner jtiven at Dcl monico's. in New York, last week by Miss Elisabeth Jordan, tha wrlter. Other we'll known Jlterary people present were William Dean Howella, Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer. David Graham Phillips, Hlalmar Hiorth Bovesen. Mr. ana .Mrs, Casa Gilbert and Mr. and Mra. Henry M. -Alden. ' - Mr. and Mra. Frederick It. Paga en tertained Informally at bridge Wednea day in thoir Portland Helghta home. E. C. Shevlln and Mra. Morton II. Ins ley were tha fortunata contendera' for prisea. The guests wera Mr. and Mra. John Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Inaley. Maior and. Mra. James Canby Mr; and Mra. Ralph Wilbur, Mr, and Mra., J3.isjQeYilo Mr- and. Mra. Daniel X Shlndler, Mr. and Mra.' E. C Mcars, arid Mr. and Mra, Gordon Voorhles. ' . . ' ' w xrri. Harold Blake haa been tha rueat of her sister, Mra. Frank Fields, In Irv Ington, for several daya. Mra. Blake was formerly Mlsa Grace Llndeey of Sa lem, but is now the wife of Harold Blake, a tenor with "The Merry Widow," which was playing at the Bungalow thea tre last week. When the company Jeft Seattle for Victoria, Mra. Blake came directly lo Portland. She waa Jrtoed here by ner husband. w , Mr. Harry Whitney Treat and chH' dre- Mra. John D. Farrell a.nd Mlaa Emma Collins, passed through Portland last week In Mr. FarreH'e private car for Arrow Head Springs and Coronado, Cel.. where they will spend aeveral weeks. Mra. Farrell and Mlaa Helen Farrell were conspicuous visitors from Seattle at tha Horee Show her last fall. w Mr. and Mra. Charlea Coons Carpenter (Miss Ella O'Connor) are now In Cin cinnati, where they have raoently taken a charming apartment In tha Walnut Illlla "district. They will leave early in Slay for Europe. Mra. Carpenter haa been much fetad since her arrival In Cincinnati, having been the guest of honor at any number of smart functions. . Mr and Mr C. M. Clark left Sun day for their ftiyne in Philadelphia, after spending 10 days at the Hotel Portland. Both. Mr. and Mrs. Clark were motif for several entertainments. Mlsa Hen rietta Falling, Mrs. William MacMas ter, Mrs. Zera Snow, Mrs. C. 13. S. Wood, James A. Cranston and B. 8. Josselyn were among their hosts and hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Huston and Miss Blanche Huston left last week for a several weeks' tour of southern Cali fornia. Their automobile waa shipped to Han Francisco, and they will motor from there, through the southland, and on their return will utilize the car as far north as the Oregon border line. w Mrs. Edward Adams of Seattle, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ernest F. Tucker, has returned to her home. Mrs. Adams was formerly Miss Oretchen Beck of Portland. Mrs. Charles Lovett is, a bouse guest of the Tuckers, California ror aoma time, waa tna guest of honor 'recently at 'an Informal entertainment given by her sitter-in-law, Mrs, Ernest Lock wood in Pass . dena. Cat. ''. 1 ,1' .....--. . ; JL ' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H. Bauer left New Tork on the Wth for . Loa 'Angeles, where they Joined the , parenta of Mra. Bauer, Mr- and Mra, a. Bloch. Tlx Bauera-ar expected home Thursday of this week, and will be accompanied by Mr. and Mra. Bloch. , , , Mr init Mri. Tm ITT Powers are1 ex-. peoted noma soon from' a three mohtha trip through tha east and south. New York, New Orleans, Loa Angclea aud Ban Franclsoo war all included lo their Itinerary. Mrs. Peter Martin of San Francisco will spend a portion of the summer as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Leonard Thomas (Blanche Oelrlchs), who has taken the beautiful residence of Mrs. Woodbury Kane at Newport for the season. Mrs". Samuel C. LorKwoBd, who with j her children, has been in southern Mr. and Mra. Guy Howell and Mr. and Mra. David T. Jordan are tha guests of Mr. and Mra.. Lawrence Hol man at fit- Helena for tha week-end. Mra. Holman waa Mlsa Grace Nichol son before her marriage. - Mlsa Alice Forbes, who waa recently operated On for blood 'poisoning, la reported.-to be' out of -danger. Mini. Forbes is tha daughter of Rev. W. D, Forbea and a sister of Mra. Lulu Dahl Miller, Major and Mra. F. w.-Kendall and two children, who have spent the win. ter In San . Antonio, Tex., returned home Wednesday and are domiolled at Tha Hilt . .4 ' t Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Alneworth of Paisley, Or are guests at tha home of . Mr. Georra 3. Alnaworta a Haw thorne avenu. . Mra AJnsworth waa formerly Mlaa Katharine Blttoa. Mlsa Hannah Connall left Mendar morning for SL'Loul and Baltimore.' While gone aha, will attend tb . Pan-. Hellenic conclave of American ool lege aororltie.. Prank Dekura la -In randartll. H appeared at the Crystal theatre In Mil waukee last week In A Wild Rom" with Gertrude Dean Forbe and George Alexander. Mra. C H. Lewlaand Mlsa Bally Lewla left Tuesday for New - York, where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fairbanks (Mlsa Fran ces Lewis). . Mrs. Adrian McCalm&n and Mlsa Sjo gren left Friday morning for New York. They will Spend five weeks vis iting Chicago, New York and Philadel phia. 4F Mrs. Sol Shapirer and Miss FMitb Shapirer will leave today for an east ern trip. They will visit relatives In New York, where Miss Edith will pur sue her studies. A flattering tribute to her executive ability Is tbe recent election of Miss Helen Bates, a i-ortland girl, as mana ger of the Smith college sonlor dr- (Contlnued on Follow:ng page.) Plant Sibson's Roses. Grown in the open ground, well ripened, full of fibrous roots and true to name, Gibson's Roses are attaining national reputation. Orders arc promptly filled. Twenty acres devoteJ to roses. lant now for next summer s bloom. Catalog free. No aurents. THE STBSON ROSE NURSERIES. 1180 Mllwaukle ave., Portland, Or. The Home Furnished Complete Toll Gibbs9 Inc. Morrison at Seventh Housefurnishing Goods Sold on Easy Payments ' Portland Agents for Modart Corsets, Lily of France Corsets, Madeleine Corsets There's Charm and Diversity intheNewSpring Tailored Suits A choice of the season's smart est creations styles that meet with the instant approval of women of good taste beautiful fabrics in all the colors and shad ings that have received the sanc tion of fashion models made up exclusively for us. Even to the smallest detail there's that care and individuality that every wom--an appreciates, no matter what (WasEKsaprice the garment may be. J(A Homespuns and shepherd rrxhecks will be more popular in fwCM C Tai!ored Suits than any other jfM Our line of the popular-priced j MjTailored Suits will show greater variety tnan ever with an indi viduality in each that is seldom It' 'found anywhere. At $29.50, $35, 937-.DO and to $50. Handsome Tailored Suits of imported cheviots the new rough weaves in fancy mixtures. Also the beautiful homespuns, mixtures and tweeds of Irish, Scotch and English manufacture. The many different color linings, so cleverly contrasted, is to be noted in the styles for this season. At $50 and $90. mmmm m illfll I Ni i , rVAwvM i r ll' I II fi H I II I W'7M VA i III) Refinement of Style and Fit in Lily of France Corsets Perfect in model, faultless in finish, tin excelled in quality it's these features that place the Lily of France Corsets in popular favor with women of fashion. All that is de sirable in corsets, all that is new and requi site to fthe present mode of dress, is repre sented in this superb line. A great many people follow the beaten path buying' the same articles to which they have long been accustomed because it is easier to adhere to habit than to' ipvesti gate improved ideas. . Modern research has effectively dis-" proved of nearly every time-worn tradition. Once tried,, the "Lily of France" will firmly convert you to the idea of perfect corr " seting. Thev are made of a vafiety of ma terials to meet the modest purse or to match the daintiest lingerie. Models, for every type of figure1. ' Prices ranging, frohi $5.00 to $25.00; ' , ' .' Actual Tittings best .illustrate the modl adapted to your figure. ' Our expert corsetieres will be pleased fo advise with you. Spnng Qpeoiipf i i 1 i i -a Tuesday, March Stli Just to announce in good time that we have set apart this day in which to present our selections in spring apparel for women to invite your inspection of what genius and skill at home and abroad has conceived and contributed to the realm of fash ion an exhibit of the modes , that have been accepted by fashion critics of the world's fash jon centers. And this day is to mark also the open ing of our new section of Neckwear and. Veilings and such charming collection of artistic and ex clusive handiwork it will fascinate and dtlight all who attend this event. All through the store, in the departments of Fur niture, Carpets, Draperies, etc., we're preparing for this occasion. From 2 o'clock to 6 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon pleasing musical programs wjll be rendered on first, third and sixth floors. See Monday's announce ment. We extend a special invitation t6 our out-of-town friends to enjoy tjiis exhibition. New Sprang Qresse s It's a most interesting and fascinating collection, this remartcably fine showing of beautiful new Spring and Summer Dresses all the new things that Port land women will like. .Those who have had a glimpse of them have been charmed with their beauty. Never in the his tory of ready-made gar ments for women have dress creations attracted so 4nuth attentiort. In European fashion centers, in Paris, in Berlin, in Lon don and in America' is their popularity-for this season proclaimed. F rom the very plainest of house and street dresses to the most elaborate creations of imported fabrics, the variety is equally interesting jn our showing. Lingerie dresses and.those in linen, linene and cotton fabrics of every description. Dresses of fancy silk, wool challies, marquisette, and foulard. Alsd the Imported Surrah, Crepe Meteor, Crepe tie Chine and Crepe Cashmere.