(J THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 6, 1910.'- 'I (SILISAITIMCjS of tme ahjto world" IrthriT IMtllff-nA: I5d M aaoonda mada at 8t Pauli 10! . - i ' A1 ! ', AMERICANS ARE BEST DESIGNERS OF AUTOS American automobilo manufacturers kold an undisputed lead In at leant ' ona feat lira of their trade and that la in the building of bodies along frsre- lul, artistic and practical lines. At i thourh the Trench and ItnllBn manu facturers claim an equally clear title ta tha auprmacy of enKtne manufac tura. there la not a manufacturer In tha foreign countries who even dreama of manufacturing the pretty and uee- ful bodies made hy hla American brother. Portland present a rather poor place for tho comparison of the hodlea of th American and forelsrn inanufac- turera, largely b era us. there ti but one betdy of foreign manufacture In the elty, the Panhard limousine belonging to C. F. Hwlgert. president of the Pa- ; . clflo Drldire company. There are a number of foreign cara, yet the ma jority of them have American bodies. built on them before coming to the coast JTeeda Ho XmproYlnff. ' Tha American-made body needa no Improving". The different modela uaed brine out tha greatest grace of ap- passenrer type touring- car with the rear door for entrance. The rear door with its attendant hlg-h backed aeat took much away from the beauty of the car and the aide door car came soon after. Xslg-n Hew Oara. With the atandard five and seven passenger touring cars once established the designers next started In trying to bring about styles that would fit the needs of all. The first need to be met was that of the speed loving young man who desired a two passenger roadster for pleasure. This low hung, heavy car, with Its powerful engine reigned for n time. At first this car was manufactured only as a heavy speed car. Now It la made Into a light, easily handled car, usually of short wheal base and of ex cellent service for use In the crowde. city streets. Many business men use this two passenger car. The next creation was tha toy ton neau. probably the prettiest of them all. The toy tonneau Is a four pas anger model made with low seats eo other Stearns owner, with a battleship gray, has one of tha beat of them all, while C. D. Shanks, with the first of tha battleahip grays to oome out have, also has a classy car. Three blue toy tonneaua, of the Pierce Arrow manu facture, another fray, tha property of Harry U Corbalt, a brown with lighter brown upholstering, owned by Elliott R. Corbett, are all pretty cars. Several Locomobiles of neat dealgn are also owned here, Among the entailer cara tha toy ton neau la also popular. Tha Cadillac, Chalmers, white gasoline car, Pull man. Pope-Hartford. Molina, Regal and Bulck all build popular cars along this line. A Knox gray tonneauette ta an other pretty car of the toy tonneau model. Torpedo Modal latest. Tha latest creation to be seen In this section la the torpedo model, be ing manufactured by many builders, The first to ba aold In Portland was the White gasoline torpedo sold to Mrs E. M. iullls. II On EARLY Robertson and De Palma to Fight for Track Champion ship First of May. Of tha automobile, races scheduled for tne early spring, that which Is attract ing most attention Is Jhe ItOOO race track championship match between Ralph DePalma. with his Flat Cyclone, This car la to -Bn, Qore Robertaon, with hla epeotal Rip- The runabout & mode of the Mitchell 30-35 horsepower A. pearance and Is comfortable. America besides haa always led In the construc tion of new deaigna. The American de signers are two yeara ahead of the forelgnera and their latest creation, the torpedo body, is aa yet untouched by foreigners. American construction of bodies can be traced back to the days of the old ; two passenger, high wheeled type. These cars were crude in the utmost, the wheels being only counterparta of tha bicycle wheels. Since then these wheels have given away to short wooden spokes and a lower hanging car nas oeen constructed aa to give absolute comfort, yet re taining the prettiest and speediest lines of them all. The toy tonneau has oome to stay. Here In Portland there are a great many toy tonneaua, all of which are especially pretty. Xilpman Early Buyer. Will Llpman owned one of the first ones, a Pierce Arrow, 6 cylinder 38 horsepower. Since the advent of this one many more have come, among them the three Stearns gray 30-COa. Walter Geartn, whose natural gray car reached the city last week, owns one of the Tha next step was that of the four prettiest of them all. Cook, an- dellvared In a few days. Many fac tort. 'a are manufacturing thla model and several are expected here during the coming year. Tha .Wlnton com pany ahowed a model of Its torpedo roadster at the automobile show which attracted a great deal of attention. 'It carried but two passengers yet was of a distinctive model. The very lateat creation of them all la said to be the big enclosed touring car being built, by the Pierce Arrow factory. Thla car Is a huge affair and Is mada to tour In any and all kinds of weather. It carries several trunks and will carry seven people comfort ably. What will the next be? VANDERBILT RACE TO BE RUN OCTOBER FIRST The Vanderbilt cup race Is scheduled to be run earlier thla year than before. The promoters have selected October 1 as the date. Labor day. September 6. the date for the 1910 National stock assls race at Lowell, Mass., under the usplces of the Lowell Automobile club. The Cobe race, under the auspices of e Chicago Motor club. Is set for June Falrmount Park, Philadelphia, will the scene of a race this year on October 8. Savannah motorists are still anxious to hold a road race on the plan the grand prlx race held there two years ago. and the Savannah Auto- oblle club hna announced that It will hold a race this year, but no date has been mentioned. track racing Simplex. . This event, the outgrowth of tha lntenae rivalry be tween two drlvera. Is to take place the latter part of April or tha second weak In May and promises to ba tha most talked of match of tha year. . DePalma holds the present mlla track championship with his many world's records. Including that of a mile In mllesjn l:4 I-l, mads at Grand Rapids, and 21 mile' In 11:85. HII Cyclone has bean rebuilt and is faster than 'aver. Ha has entirely recovered from tha acci dent at Panbury, Conn.-, which -smsshed hla car and sent him to tha hospital for seven weeks. - And he Is going to defend his title against all comers. Robertaon Is king of tha American road and endurance, race drlvera Ha has long coveted tha sprint champion ship and to win It ha has had tha Sim plex company build him a car that ta almost a duplicate of tha Cyclone only with a larger angina and what ha con-, Idors a mora . perfect track driving frame. ' Tha angina develops 110 horse power, tha wheel base la Inches and it Is driven by double chains, with left Ida steering wheel. . It mada a mile over a rough track at New Orleans in 61 se-onda in morning trials. i i vAiiburn Motor Car Co, ffi ihT ' ROUT. SIMPSON, Mgr. (uJti Temporary -Address 264 Front Street 5 Beta Theta PI Reunion. Iowa City, Iowa, March 5. Tha eleventh district of the Beta Theta PI fraternity la holding Ita fourth annual reunion at the University of Iowa with delegates In .attendance from college and universities of Iowa, Mlnneaota and Nebraska. Tha reunion will conclude tonight with a banquet at Which Judge Emlin MeClaln of the Iowa supreme oourt will preside. HWW Northwest BuicK Co. U UVlA F. W. VOGLER. Gen. Manager -.'" : -: fth and Conch Su. A 3320 a M 4S53 BALLOU & WRIGHT AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES Morgan Wright and Goodrich Tires 66 SIXTH STREET Mat 1894, A-1834 Belmore, MacDouM Moores Co. AUTO REPAIRING ADD REBUILDING - CLASS FKONTS A SPECIALTY a aba as. oauna tm-narmrrn amv axdbb. i cha aui Th the 26. be of UNIVERSITY BANS GOLDMAN DOCTRINES trnlted Pren Leaced Wire.) Madison, Wis.. March R That Pro'. E. A. Ross of the sociological depart ment of the Wisconsin university will not tamely submit to the consuri of the board of regents for advertlslna: the ectures of Emma Goldman, Is predat ed here. Ross Is on his way to China nd the censure of the board ns b"en forwarded to him In the orient. It Is elleved the professor will resign from the university faculty. The rogonts have repudiated the anarchistic doc trines of Emma Goldman and therefore ave ordered Parker H. 8ercomb of Chicago to lecture no more at the university along thoae lines. Journal Want Ada bring results. MITCHELL s- v i: 4-CYLINDER $1500.00 61250 4-cylinder, 30-35 horsepower Roadster, 2 to 4 passenger's. 61500 4-cylinder, 30-35 horsepower Touring, 5 passengers. 62150 6 cylinder, 50 horsepower Touring, 5 or 7 passengers. Our prices quoted are what you pay for the cars on our floor, and are not factory prices. A car for man, woman or child simple, silent and powerful. Call or phone and have early demonstration. Barnes Automobile Co. MAIN 7022. 88 NORTH SIXTH STREET. Columbus Electric)UoydA and Fi resto ne Columbus utoCo.Jnc. 523 Alder St Mill 711 41(93 ri n Thomas Crowe Auto Co. Mamm lGth and Alder OldsmobllC Overland FORD FIVE PASSENGER Equipped With Top, Windshield, Speedometer S950 STANDARD MOTOR, CAR, CO. TENTH STRUT NEAR. STARK PORTLAND, our .at av PVaVBBsal mmm gaaWBssBBBBk. Vulcanizing & Retreading R. E. BLODGETT. 510 Alder St. Mala 70D5 A Business Proposition Day's Work in 4 Hours and 15 Minutes We took a salesman of one of Portland's leading wholesale and retail business houses over his entire day's trip in 4 hours and 15 minutes. Think of it! Work that always consumes a day qthis man's time with horse and bugey accomplished in less than half the time with a HUDSON CAR, Extra Stops Customers were called upon that ordinarily are seen only every other day, because he couldn't make it regularly and see the more irftportant customers. A Half Day to Spare The afternoon was spent looking for new great deal less trouble, cleaner and more sat isfactory, than a horse and buggy. Do you know of any firm which has discarded the automobile, after once used, for the old way? Demonstrate Let us demonstrate to you beyond a ques tion of doubt the ability of the Hudson to do the work. Let us give you the names of people WHO ARE USING THE HUDSON. Many Firms business, which in itself would Hudson in a very thort time. pay for a Less Trouble A Hudson can be operated as cheaply, ac complish three times as much, and with a We have sold cars to more than 50 business houses to be used by their salesmen. In every single instance, so far as we are able to find out, not one would think of going back to the horse. Hudson Roadster Light on tires, small gasoline consumption, no trouble, and guaranteed to the fullest extent PEERlESS POPE CHALMERS H.Tj. II SI If i ;V-r'jM A l il'Mk Ml a KWmll if B' Wf4ss g I f $: i tisj n ' Ft Ip'M-wr'. i hhi AUT(D) AND LAUNCH SUPPLIES The latest in Auto Hats, Caps, Coats, Gloves, Dusters, Robes; in fact every, thing your heart may desire in this line. We distribute these reliable lines: Monogram Oils and Greases; Rush more Lamps; Imperial Electric Lights; Rohrbacker Auto Pumps; Goodrich Tires; M. & W. Tires; Stewart and Jones Spedometers; Wind Shields; Spark Plugs, Etc.' BICYCLE SECTION NATIONAL, PIERCE, R.S. AND EMBLEM From $25 to ?60. 1000 wheels to select from. "No trouble to show you. First-class repair shop. All kinds of sundries. -It's All In the Tire" West Coast Supply Co. 326 Burnslde SL Gasoline Engines POWER FOR THE SHOP OR FARM -Large Stock and All Siies to Select FromABk for a Demonstration THE GEO. W. FOOTT MACHINERY HOUSE Cor. Union Ave, and E. Yamhill, Portland, Or. H ESS & O'BRI EN.Inc AUTOMOBILE MACHINISTS Cor. Unfon Avenue AUTOS REBUILT, PAINTED, and East Davis St. FOR HIRE PHONE EAST 78 MclNTYRE 633 Aldas St. BSaln B6O0 roll Una FSTXTTMATIO ' and SOLID BUBBEB Tlra PUssars and Oommsroial Oars WII.LAJIUTT11 AUTO k STFP1T CO., Distributors, Fortland, Or. VOXTKWBST OABBXAOS AUTO COMPANY Oaaaral Areata, Portland. Or., and Ssattla II MD)fi(D)ycDe THE INDIAN Is the recognized leader. Imitated by other makers, but unexcelled. It will pay you to investigate. Motor BARNESAUTO MOBILE CO. 88 North Sixth St. Phone Main 7022 AGENCY iosae ALDER ST. JB.E.C0HEN.1T6R. PEOXTJB M. 4337 (BW J) KM M85,$215,$24M265,$290,$399 BALLOU & WRIGHT 86 SIXTH STREET, OPPOSITE WELLS FARGO Hi .. " it A - ; Auto Co. SALESROOM. Flflecatk and Wstoiagua Su. OFFICES. J3f28Bwi,ls,)lit Gasoline, Electric 19th and Alder SuM Portland VXOin VUkXS 1883 308 First Avenue So., Seattle Archer, Combs & Company, Auto Supplies, 306 Oak Street Auto supply A. J. WINTERS CO. Vulca- & Hardware . 67 s,xth street fzing and DIAMOND I IKES ReireadlnS Keats Auto Co. Seventh and Burnside Portland, Oregon HUDSON BAKER ELECTRIC GRAMM-LOGAN Commercial Vehicles DEALERS Palmer-Singer Parry Car Clement-Bayard Aeroplanes HENRY FUNK AUTO CO., 335 Ankeny Street "The Ultimate Car Stearns Auto Company OUY 12. MOLMAN, Mgr. Tsntn Street, Near Stark PORTLAND WINTON MOTOR CO. OF OREGON SIXTEENTH AND AUTOMOBILE ROW Demonstration by Appointment. Phone Main 2583 Me Motor Car Co. C. A. EASTMAN. General Manaeer. O. S. BRACKRTT v Tenth St., Near Stark St. Phones: Main 692, A-223H JOURNAL WAtT ADS PAY BEST 1