The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 06, 1910, Page 33, Image 33

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. ' v lO PAGES
' - ' ' 1 1 V v ' 4: rv . PORTLAND, OREGONSUNDA ; ;
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:'. :
Stamped Shirt Waists at 79c
Fine India lawn, or.. Le Anglafs, Wal
Jachian,,'French and eyelet, braiding and
hadow embroidery.' Regular" value $1.25.'
Turban Hair Caps for 35c
Made, of best quajity 'selected! French
floss, oyer a net-covered wireframe. . An
excellent shape, . verjN light and 'airy
Victor Talking
:r Switches Spec 1 $ 1 .69
Machines $1
Down-41 Wk.
Extra wavybest quality switches, 13
inches long. NC'M in all shades.' .These
are imported
J Yfctches and have, strong
- J
Exquisite Scarfs and Neckwear Miss M Virgiriia White Demonstrates W. B. and La Vida Corsets
Latest arrivals from the, OTH
ER SIDE m No'veltv Scarfs,, irl
cluding, the handicraft of the different-continents
and Oriental
Scarfs.;..-. V - ...''
Spanish Lace Scarfs . in an im
mense; variety. Du Barry Scarfs
in Persian and Dresden! styles.
Egyptian Metallic Scarfs in black
and white, worked in either gold
or silver. Chiffon and Crepe
Scarfs in all the delicate iridescent
tints. .Lace Silk Run Scarfs in
champagne shades. Prices rang
ing from' 91.50 to $25.00.
LARETTES,' yard long. Col
ors pink, blue, gray, black and
natural, with ribbon' bow fasten-,
ing at side of neck. Very new and
fetching. Valued at $8.75.
.3 jt
Newest Model Rajah Suits $22.75
. ; ., tor is..rir-'.:Y 1
V " lilt. i'K : j,t"i.i ,-J 1
Fresh, bright, new Suits
make their bow to the pub
lie tomorrow morning. No
dressmaker could attempt
to fit you, to model your
suit as these are modeled
line and finish them as
these are lined with peau de
cygne, for anywhere near
the price these suits are
marked at.
Read over the range of
colors natural, tan, navy,
light blue, violet and rose
The leading spring shades
The jacket is made 32
Inches long,; single-breast
ed, semi-fitting back. ,Tho
skirt is made in the .new
plaited model. There is an
air of distinction about
these suits that will at once
appeal to all good dress
ers. Suits of this charac
ter sell readily in most
stores at $30 and $35. -
Infants Hats
Fine Tuscan, lace
straws 'Milan and Pon
gee hats, in mushroom
and poke styles. Dain
tily, trimmed in, finest
ribbons and flowers.
Every one a novelty.
Prices $1 to $5.
Easter Ribbons Are in Abundance
F rom the
1 - inch ; narrow
Hair Ribbon to
the widest rib
bons used for
sash and belt
i he ever-popular, Dresden
Ribbon is shown in new
color combinations. Scotch
and French plaids bid strong
ly' for favor. Persian novel
ties; in gilt designs are in
ever - increasing popularity.
Checked and striped crea
tions in beautiful color com
binations. You will find at our Rib
bon Department a very com
plete assortment of both Fancy and Staple Ribbons, at
tractively priced from 25 A YARD UPWARD.
Display of Smart Spring Millinery
Tomorrow, we. make an immense' display. The smart
est, choicest 'hats ever seen in this city. By that we mean
hats that.bear the mark of refinement, qualitycand expert
trimming. ' The majority of them are examples from our
own workroom. . .
-The prices range, frorn, $4.75 to $10,00.
In the, display will be found hats or ladies, misses and
children. In order to properly display these hats we have
usurped the major part of our Needlecraft Department.
At Our Store Tomorrow, March 7 to 19
It'Is with the greatest pleasure that we announce the ar
rival of Miss . M. Vurginia White, expert corsetiere and
This is Miss White's first visit to the Pacific coast, hav
ing demonstrated exclusively in New York, Boston and Chi-'
, cago, also on the continent, where La Vida and W. B. Cor
sets enjoy a reputation attained by no other American corset.
The new Spring La Vida is the product of master minds,
who have produced in this Corset a mold over which to 'fit
gowns of the latest fashions.
La Vida Corsets are built of everything best. The crafts
men, who make them, are skilled costume tailors, who produce
each pair entirely by hand labor.
-rWc invite you to come and have a trial fitting.
Properly selected and fitted by Miss White, your La Vida
will give you the figure of a sylph. It will round out the sud
den bulges into fading curves, build out sunken lines, flatten
the abdomen and lend to the bust just the effect that the
new style in waists demand. Each pair is masterly wrought
from the finest imported materials.
'Portland Agents
Tailored Waists
SPRING .1910
Exclusive Models
Tailored Suits
Portland Agents
Tailored Lingerie IVaisb
New Braid Pins
P' ' ifi'l mJhJLJI
-Coronet Braid Pins in amber
and. shell, plain tops, cut tops,
filigree and rhinestone set.
Straight-cut, sculptured and
diagonal-shaped pins.
Excellent styles in a varie.ty
of sizes at 25, 35, 45 and
50 each. "x
Elaborate styles m gold
filled, rhinestone ' and , inlaid
setting' from $1.25 .to $4.00
Gaining in Popularity Daily
Ladies' Pajamas in blue
chambray, trimmed with white
pique, black and white figured
madras trimmed with froe
fasteners, soisette material
made with Japanese neck Prices
range from $1.75 to $2.25.
Easter Gloves
With the arrival of our spring
importations of Fine Kid Gloves
we are now able to present the
best selection of kid gloves in
every desirable and fashionable
Every pair fitted at our counter
by experts.
Maggioni Gloves $2.00 a pair.
Consulo Gloves $1.75 a pair.
Carlyle Gloves $1.50 a pair.
Rigo Gloves $1.25 a pair.
Plain and Fancy Elastic Belts,
fitted with jet, oxidized or gilt
buckles. Special at 60.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.'s"
Drug Department.
'Lowest. Prices in Town.
One Pound
Hydrogen Peroxide
Reg. Price 65c
Monday 22 a Bottle.
Regular $35 Axminster Rugs, 9x1 2, Special $23.83
100 New Axminster Rugs of superior quality in handsome patterns in soft, rich
colorings. We have an especially large variety of new patterns in tan and brown
colorings, so much in demand for the new artistic home. Quality compared you
will find these rugs the best values in our city.
Reg. $35 Body Brussels Rugs, 9x1 2, Special $25.85
We are now showing all our new patterns in Body Brussels Rugs for this season,
at prices that, will interest you. We have exceptionally well selected stock of "fujl
five frame Body Brussels Rugs in small, neat patterns. "This rug is especially adapted
for the dinmer room or liviner room, as it is the rue to buv for service and dnrahilirv.
Robinson and Wells Spring Hats
q INDIVIDUALITY is distinction
without exaggeration. The expression
of refinement and good taste is found
in Robinson & Wells Hats.
are the very essence of character and
They find their expression in the cony
hination of exquisite materials, with
imported shapes of highest qualities.
New Side Ruff Waists Spec'l $1.95
A new model waist in great
favor at present. As can be seen
by the. illustration, is entirely dif t
ferent from waists sold last sea-
Made of fine white wash mate
rials in lingerie fabric, with col
ored stripes of either black, navy,
light blue or lavender. It is
strictly tailored, with crushed col
lar and bow.
Marked very special at $1.95.
Rich Brilliant American Gut Glass
W onderfully
fine quality. No acio
polished glass in this
lot. Every piece, after
being cut, is wheel
polished with boxwood,
insuring a lasting bril
liancy. 500 5-inch brilliantly
cut Nappies, in round
and handled styles,
beautiful designs, many
Very special 98.
200 6-inch Nappies
in deep, rich cut, elab
orate patterns, with or
without handles.
Very special- $1.23.
25 Sugar and. Cream
bets in new patterns,
attractively cut.
Special, set, $2.69.
Shepherd Checks Gaining in Favor
Th ere is no -let-up in the demand for this 'black and
white fashion. Heavy inroads have been, made upon
our stock, but our assortment is still complete in every
price, vve maae preparations, .vve toresaw tne dc
mand and prepared accordingly.
We offer the following:- ......
SHEPHERD CHECKS, 36 inches to 40 inches ;vide 50
bhttifllkKU UriKCKb, black and white
only. $1.00 quality, at, a yard .85
54-liNLH ijHrifHU.KIJ 'CtihGKb, extra quality for
suits, quality, at, a yard S1.00
wool, black and navy, in all size checks, at, yard. .$1.00
New Novelty Suitings in Great Assortment
-Diagonal Serges and Homespuns, 50 inches and 54
inches wide, in medium and wide wale, in every new color,
also in cream and black $1.00, $1.35. $1.75, $2.25
54-inch Imported .English Worsteds, tailor suiting in
monotone sinpes, lancy stripes m quiet lanor ciiects.
The shadings in this line are all new and include the lat
est colors, at w.....$i;50, $1.75 and $2.00