11 NEW TODAY NEW TODAY NEW TODAY NEW TODAY' NEW TODAX1 NEW TODAY XEW TODAY THE OREGON" SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, , SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 6, 1910. :forsalby Mall & Yon Borste 4 a FACTORY SITE - t EAST ALDER STREET, .f-" ' 60x200 ' : Price 913,000 " ." - ' Imt 60x2OA,- situated on north alda of Kast Alder st. between to. 10th ts.. having' a frontage of 100 feet on K. Alder st, 60 feet on Jfl. ntn, mu a no 50 feet on E. loth at It la one of the hest factory kite In this part or. n city, and th price U right. Wa make terms. . , , '' E. ASH ST. APARTME Price $0500 ; UH BftxlOO and two J0"m ninii eltuated mt N. C46 K. As h.iwMn K. 17th and K. Ifith t. good investment Sea It Can arr&ng term. .. . " t A GOOD HOME i '. Price $4000 'Corner lot 80x100 and good room n. AnnAitinn: situated on me southwest corner B. 2Tth and Oregon mtm Trm nooo down, balanoa to ault purchaser. , EAST ANKENY ST. HOME Price S4150 lAt SOyiOO and room house, alt ...TVV ... .t- in iiik.ii, at- and be tt. itth ini vl nth ata. A bar- gain, i EAST ANKENY ST. HOME Price 83150 ' Lot 4xl00 and I modern .W".4,6J: tago. situated No. 84 B. Ankeny at .It u h.rffa n. If vou wain a home, see It Terms. part ASH STREET HOME Price 83000 it irinn and new modern 8 room cottage. Can arrange terms. RUSSELL STREET Price $8500 Meell st.. near Mia slsslppl. This property has an income at this time of 160 per month, and Is utttidted Nos. 98-100-10J Jussell street Terms. WASCO STREET Price 87000 Lot BOxlOO, situated on the woutneasi tamer for a flat or store building. .UM-nnr U'. . lslt Attn VVIHCtl Bl". Terms. DAVIS ST. BRICK APART MENTS Price 862,500 Income $500 Per Month . We have a 4 story new brick apart mpnt house. consisting of 16 apart ments, with all the latest Improve ments. Including automatic elevator. This Is one of the finest built buildings on Davis st. It .has a not income of $5nt per month. See us about It. It Is a fine investment. PLACE YOUR FIRE INSUR ANCE WITH US Agents for Etna, Laurelhurst, York, Broadway Additions Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St. (Lumber Exchange Bldff.) SS ACBE3, 20 acres of which are un der cultivation and planted to stand ard varieties of apples, mostly Yel low Nowtowns. Spltzenbergs, one third of which la in full bearing, bal ance of the place,-i3 acres, is partly ilcarod. Improvements consist of an R room house, large stone appie nouse, 5 room tenant house and good barn; a new pumping plant, which cost $"nu. Located 4 H mile from Hood River, on county road. This place will sell for 140,000 within a year, and is a big snap at 330.OOO; terms. AVill accept Portland property as part payment. 10 ACRES, clay loam soil, 3 miles from town, on enst side; main county road; 9V2 acres in commercial orchard, most of which is 4 and t years old; 2 acres in strawberries In prime condition; 8 Inches of water stock, improvements consist of ?ood house, large barn and all outbuilding's, telephone and elec tric lights. Good driving horae, bug ,gy, wagon.' harness, fine cow, ohlck 'ens and complete equipment of tools and Implements included at the ex tremely low price of 810 500 terms. 40 ACRES, unimproved land, 8 miles from Hood RlVer on the east side; a acres of thla tract Is perfect orchard land, with good drainage and is the biggest bargain in the valley at the price, only $4500. 1 610-611-613 SWETtAWD BX.DGK 100X200 Feet Near Sixth and Washington Streets for Less than $300,000 Confidential information furnished by J. A. TAYLOR 420 WORCESTER BUILDING Phone Marshall 478 A Country Home HIGH. BIGHTLY. flan 80 Hh 7 miles from the postoffice; good black and red loam: 10 acres, 30 acres, 70 acres; 800 feet above sea level; rea nnnnhle: E cent carfare. can i Hood River Bargain DEVLIN rlREBAUGH HALF jfif E. BLOOM ft CO., 409 Conch bldg-. A Fine Investment . Fine corner, near Portland hotel; In come $400 per month. $26,000 will han dle it. ' ' cowAirr UEAtnr co., , Room 6, 250 ft. Alder C . " 5-Aere Farm Chicken land "berry farm tnat wil net yqu from $300 to $500 per acre if you work. AH cultivated; ex celelnt;' well-drained soil; 14 miles from Portland, .with f both river and electric line transportation, v 8750EASY TERMS ' Apples, peaches and-berries on ithis slightly rolling, well-drained fruit land will make you indepe,nd ent. Rich, deep soil, with every condition right for fruit. All cul tivated. Transportation facilities excellent. Within 15 miles of Portland. . . $1590 EASY TERMS 20-Acre Farm On Willamette river, withbeauti ful view of two miles of riven A beautiful site for a country dome. Unexcelled for grapes and peaches. Have your launch, your horse, and be within reach of .the city. - The place will pay for your pleasures. . $3000 TERMS 30-Acre Farm On a fine crushed rock road,, near electric line and railroad transpor tation. House, barn and chicken houses, horse, cow, cart, harness. chickens. Qne cre berries; 23 acres cultivated, balance timber. A SNAP AT ?3000 41-Acre Farm Excellent place on fine road, near good market, 18 miles from Port land. Nearly all cultivated ; creek on place; near school, churches and store ; telephone and R. F. D. route. Price $4100 TERMS Cann, Hellborn & McBride 336 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. rourtn and MarK bts. Apartment House Site ON TWELFTH STREET CORNER LOT $1G,000 races norm and east, and now has a modern 9 room house on the premises. LOUIS SALOMOIS CO. 233 Stark St., Near Second TXB 8TBHrOTH OP FORTLAWB KE1L ESTATE AS A SAFE INVESTMENT. When all other securities auffered a de cline in values, real estate held Its own, and is stronger, and firmer than ever, as a sound, sensible, safe and paying investment. Those who have In the past discouraged tl$ buying of real es tate are now realizing as never before that it is the most conservative form of security. With over 60,000 new people arriving in Portland every year, does it not seem reasonable and real to vou that the values of real estate are bound to Increase very materially? These are cold facts. We are still doing business at the old stand, ana will be pleased to nave you call and talk it over with us. KA&TMAIT fcTHOMPSOlT, Chamber of Commerce. No. 1109 East Taylor St. Good 5-room house, good iQt 50x100 feet, and a good bargain WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 85 FOURTH STREET $7500 Oyer one and & half lota at the head of Tovejoy st: splendid view. OEOB.OE D. BCHALK, 328 Stark St 393, A-3393. 10-Acre Farm rOB 8AXE. It acre farm, highly Improved, good 8 room house and barn, good water, all kinds of fruit; 9 miles from Portland, 2 miles 1 from1 station, good roads, good terms given. , $2400 buys 50x100 corner, new "B room cottage, cement basement, all modern; 3 blocks from good car service $1200 will handle this. i WADE XfiAXi ESTATE, 14 Bwetland Bldg., 6t& and Wash. St. s s S S S SS S SS s s wCHIRI he in tfi " in ciOnly 9, miles from Port-ryj flland, 2Yi miles north- cWest of Metzger sta-ryj tion on . Salem electric, in lYi miles south of Bea-ryi verton station on Hills- to 11 boro electric . and miles from S. P. R. R.w JThis soU is the very best, g . mrAr rw rrf otrl tribal f)for fruit, berries and m truck gardening. With c)the excellent shipping w c facilities and a clamor- Wing market easily andco quickly reached, a com-co fortable living canty) 00 be made from one of in m these 10 acre tracts. OurC) to in to in to to to to to in to Per Acre to to in J. H. SHIELDS to to to to 205 Gerlinger Bldg. to oa am.. Tr-,; QA'in to K iJi aitu niuki iiaxii utjv. to in S S S S S S S S S S S S Irvington S5000 Irvington, 15th Bt., 8 rooms, modern: hard nurface pave ment: all Improvements In and paid. Tills Is priced to aell. ft4500 Kast Ankeny and 24th. neven rooms, modern. Not a house, but a home, and a good buy. Lots 1150 Full lot on 10th, near Knott, lacing east. $525 Full lot. Woodlawn Heights; also corner at J650; street im provements and cement side walks. S500 50x100 lots, high and sightly; basements excavated In three of these; on 67th st., 8 blocks to M. V. car; 10 per cent cash, balance easy. 8125 Each, just east of Monticello; about 16 of these to choose from; 10 per cent cash.. Fifteen lots In Glen Haven Park. Want an offer on these; must be sold. Laurelhurst Let us show you this beautiful addition before prices go up March 15. Haas & Ringler an rawzs block FHOHB KaBSBAU 047 Will secure 80 acres fine land, 6 mllea rrora tno courtnouse; ror subdivision TRACKAGE Easy terms on half block, feet trackage, on 16 th street with 100 GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY 722-723 SZ.ECTXXO BLDO. BEAUTIFUL WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS 4 SOxlOO choicest view lots In the heart of this most exclusive- residence dis trict; north, and east view; on carllna; best service- in the city; water, sewer, gas, electricity, cement side walk all in; hard surface streets from these lots all the way down town. $2750 each If sold by the 15th, which is J750 below present market price. OVBXB, J2R ASX2TQTOH BU0. Office Main 22a. residence Main im. SLAUGHTER SALE Owner of 19 of the choicest lots In me paved district or Irvington sees' cnance to swing big deal and has in structed us to slaughter 'the lots from $125 to $400 under value.. One Invest or Immediately bought six, leaving five inside and four quarters. This offer Is good only till the 10th, lots then un sold will not be sold under1 regular prices. This is a golden opportunity; one fourth cash. dOSEFHHJOimSTOH I in 33-3 Lafaytt bldg., WMtlngtoa ft 9th. 1 A. in ipARiVlS . I Name Your Own Terms w poo Deal With "Owner Beautiful home, lovely surround ing, unexcelled view; 10 rooms, modern; shrubbery, lawn, flower beds, bearing fruit trees, chickerrj yards. , Close in on east side Leaving city and must sell. challenge you to beat this for a beautiful scenic home. Good car service. Will take only $4000 down and give easy terms on bal ance. J-449, JOURNAL. The most attractive addition anywhere. For some' time we have advised yau to buy AR DENWALD LOTS NOW. This was a suggestion to you tnat something was to happen soon. ... ... We are going to tell you why we advised you to buy ARDEN- WALD lots NOW. BECAUSE the price advances on each and every lot $50, be ginning with MARCH 22, 1910 We have been selling the best lots for the least money (all things considered) of any on the market, and are still going to con tinue to sell the best lots for the least money even after we raise the price $50 per lot ; but you might as well save that $50 by purchasing within the next two weeks. Sidewalks built, streets graded, water pipes laid to each lot. We pay for these improvements and will sell you lots from $350 to $550 on easy terms of payment. Five-cent car fare and 15 minutes from the east end of Morrison street bridge. Call or write for booklet. Knapp & Mackey 212-213 Board of Trade Bldg. OOVITFBT SOITEBL One acrb five ackks or more On or near carlines: some on Willam ette river; work in twn and live out; have your own launch, garden, orchard. cow ana cincxens. Some Improved and stocked. $100 AN ACRE UP. Easy terms. TTTB ACRE CKIOKElf KA ITCHES. We have several; with all Imnrovc- ments; some I,OSE TO PORTLAND. $100 AN ACRE UP. Easy terms. TTLVJT T.tirna ROGUtf RIVER, HOOD RIVER, WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Rome with houses and improvements raw and in Bearing. TWO ACRES OR LARGER. 125 AN ACRE UP. Easy terms. , DAIRY AJTD HAT KAJTOXES. 40 ACRES, or as many as you can nsei all districts of OREGON and WASH INGTON. $40 AN ACRE UP. Easy terms. TIMBER. Several exceptional srood loeefna cron- osltions. 60,000.000 FEET OR MORE. at special prices. FOB PLATTIirO ASS COLOlfTZrWO. Heveral attractive SUHDIVIDING 8 ROPOSITIONS INSIDE THE LIMITS PORTLAND and OTHER OREGON CITIES, at prices and terms that will pay big returns on the investment. Tracts in WASHINGTON, IDAHO and EASTERN and WESTERN ORE GON. Some aie excellent FRUIT LANDS. Two hundred five hundred, or thousands of acres. $10 AN ACRE UP. Easy terms. It will pay you to see our list HARTMAJT ft THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce bldg. 700 ACRES Within 80 miles of Portland, In Wash ington county; 2 miles from R. R., 4 miles from (cood, thriving town. The land lies well on 2 good county roads making it aa Ideal tract for sub-dlvls ion. This Is Excellent Fruit Land The soil being of the best shot soli, very deep, without rock or gravel. Also fine for a dairy ranch. No waste land; 50 acres cleared. 10 acres In orchard. .Some buildings and fences. Good springs and ever running scream, a snap at ?15 Per Acre For particulars apply to KAUFFMANN & MOORE 335 &TTMBEB EXCHANGE. $3600 -A Modern Residence-A Bargain Owners wanting to leave town . r Offering their home at this Jow price in order to make quick sale. A beautiful 6 room bungalow style residence. Pan. eled dining-room and plate rails, built in china, closet, pillars between recep tion hall .and living room, sliding doors bfitween dining-room and living room, woodlift, basement, gas and electrlo lights; 1 block Hawthorne car and 5 blocks Sunnyslde car $1000 cash will handle this. TEE D0Kir-ULWH.EKCB 48 Alder St. CO., Cottage Snap Good 6 room modern, cottage, com- pletely furnished, on 2 full lots. Set out fruit and berries. Fine location on W-W carline. Big bargain -at $2276. Terms. CaU between if find 1 inrl.v G. TE27E, 414 Henry bid. V NEW WHEAl-LANDS 250,000 Acres $12 to $18 An Acre One tenth cash, 9 years' time on the balance. The Canadian Pacific Railway is offering these fertile Bow river valley wheat lands for the first time. They are the choicest wheat lands on the Ameri can continent. Land all cleared and ready for the plow. Crops pay for your farm here in two to five years. The immigration to Alberta this year is gr.eater than ever before. Lands are being rapidly taken up. Avail yourself now of the opportunity of securing a piece of choice land at these prices. Write once for free very low or call at illustrated literature fully describing these lands. Our next ex cursion leaves March 14. We will furnish you with reduced rates. Ide-McCarthy Land Company Colonization Agents Ca nadian Pacific Railway. 425-426 LUMBERMENS BUILDING A Fine List of Homes 87000 A beautiful 10 room residence In Holladay addition, with furnace, fireplace, everything strictly modern and convenient, close to cars and walking distance of business center. 86250 A swell . new shingled resi dence of 6 rooms, den and attic, fur nace, sightly corner lot on K. Taylor st., close in. Terms. 440O A modern 7 room house on the corner, with hard surfaced street, ce ment walks, lawn and roses. A beau tiful home, with furnace and all con veniences. East side. S4380 Are you looking for some thing with all the latest features in a modern home? This will have them all in. furnace, fireplace, clothes chute, hardwood polished floors, and on easy terms. Corner zsth and Belmont. S80O New and modern 7 room ave., and nouse. close se. close xo Mississippi near new High school. t.asy terms, $3250 This is a new and modern 6 room nome, weu liiusuru, wim iur nace, and close In, convenient to "W. W. or W. R. cars; high and sightly lot. In Wwverly. 83000 Something different. A beau- tllUI mouel"U o iuujii uuugciiuw, wiui fireplace, Dutch kitchen, woodltfts, and all beautifully finished in a style exclusive to Itself; $500 cash will handle. 82600 A practically now 8 room mouern coiunim residence, purm a sides, all nicely tinted and painted, 2 full lots on corner, fenced, and large barn. '2 blocks car. Terms. 8250O Choice of 2 fine modern homt'S. the one 2 blocks Sell wood car, all modern; basement, woodlifts, etc., the other near Skidmore st. and Wil liams ave. Terms on either. THE SVmr-ZJLWBENOE CO, 848 Alder Bt OpijngPaslj Because no portion of the city offers better in ducements to the home builder than Ladd's Addition It is a highly improved, close in, restricted resi dence district and offers Better Value FortheMoney Than any other portion of the city. Lots $1900 and Up Including all improve ments made and paid for. TERMS 10 per cent down, 1 per cent month, interest 6 per cent. F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Bldg. Also agents on ground. G. & H. G. & H. G. & Hi P INVESTMENTS $21,000 Salmon Street O o d P rP' 60x100 near Wfest Park Some Income cash. d x d $33,000 First Street ' 26x100 3 story brick Income $3600, near Yamhill Street X o3 d d x 66 P ft0 1 To Lease 25 to 30 years X. O An apartment site on X p 9P a Morrison Street c2 d 3 And a large list of ground Jeases too numerous to men tion.' Call to see them. Gibson & HoIIiday 804-8 OEBUNOEB BI.DO. X p X G. & H. G. & H. G. & Hi Rose City Park Bull Run Water. Cement Sidewalks. Building Restrictions. Electric Lights. ilartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. Fine for Platting 15 ACSES adjoining Capital Hill; a fine home or suitable for subdivision; lays good, has fair house and barn; all .kinds or rrult. apples, peaches, pears, cherries and all kinds of small fruit. Owner must raise $6000 cash. Price Is $16, OttO. CRUSSI & ZADOW 317 Bord of Trad bldg., 4th and Oak. $10,000 HALF CASH AND TERMS, HEAD OF LOVKJOr STREET. SUPERB VIEW' ; . 411 Henry bids. p 8 3 W1ASI AC1: 1800 Acres of fruit Land IN 10, 20 and 30 Acre Tracts AT $300 to $500 Per Tract Only an hour's ride by rail or automoDiie irom i-oix-land. Soil, elevation and trans- . mm m U . portation facilities justny horticultural experts in pro nouncing these tracts second to none in Oregon for com mercial fruit growing. Go with us, make your selection and we will ar- range terms to suit. 311 Corbett Building MAIN, 4967. McP ARLAND INVESTMENT CO. PORTLAND, OREGON MERRITT & PALMER Agenb. eautifu iyfaficl On Portland Heights, the most exclusive resi dent district in the Rose City. One whole block at 16th, Davenport and Eliz abeth streets. . . . , Will sell in lots or as. a whole. A beautiful pano ramic view of Portland, Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams,1 Mt. St. Helens and the Cascade mountain range. Every lot has a view; must be seen to be apprec iated. See it Sunday. Prices 2000 to $7000 Per Lot Or $40,000 for the whole. Easy terms,. We also have a superb 54 block, with fair 10 room house, on the Portland Heights carline at a price which will surprise you. CORHAM-PERRY CO. 808 Lewis Bldg., Marshall 499 Warehouse Site FOR SALE One of the choicest locations In cttn Has 300 feet fronting on O. R, & N'. 2 acres in all. Can be Handled X'ir little money and on very ensy urmx, if taken, at once. Phono Main ask for manager Division No. S, ?27 CORBKTT BUVQ. - $7500Good Income Property In , north Portend: lc"iin 1 ever $; pr year; in district with b:r future. M. E. LEG 4U,Coibctt Mdar.