JO ' L-- "xntai wuuvwn ounoAY t JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 6, 1910. SEW TODAY STOCK RANCH $1 0 Per Acre This ranch is splendidly JimDroved with a 10 room modern house, barns and stable to accommodate 50 head of horses, carriage and implement sheds, cor rals, windmill, 35 miles of fencing. An ideal ranching proposition with 80 per cent of the land suitable ' for raising finest quality of wheat. The main line of the Canadian Pacific rail way runs through this ranch and it also adjoins the townsite. Every acre covered with a heavy growth of luxuriant native grass. Numerous springs and a, fine stream of run- ning water through the place. For further, partic ulars, inquire Ide-McCarthy Land Company 425-426 LUMBERMENS BUILDING Des Moines Addition Large lots, 50x106 feet, in this beautiful tract, which lies just south of Brentwood and adjoining that 300-acre tract recently pur chased from the Strowbridge es tate. These lots are selling now from $150 and up, on easy pay ments. The Gresham and Caza dero car within one fourth mile, one mile from Woodstock car, one mile south from Tremont Sta tion, on Mount Scott car line. J. W. OOILBEE Room 11, 145 First St cres 10,795 ACRES 60 A it miles from Portland. mile from Station on the Salera Klertrlo road and ,J1 fine black soil; no better land In the Willamette valley It is all und.r , cultivation except about 12 or 13 a'j-es. Which Is good timber There is an old liouse and barn, other outbuildings and All the farming Implements, a running Btream. two good springs and a good well. This would make some family a ; nice home and a good easy living; close to good market. All land around there ! Belling; for $160 and $200. You can I buy thi now for f 125. and get terms. 18 Lwls bldg. On SEW TODAY BEAVER TRUST Yamhill County' Tracts BEST ON EARTH to be cut up in ORCHARD TRACTS We have tracts to subdivide from 300 acres to 3000 acres 310 C0RBETT 6LDG. ROSE CITY PARK 8700 tot 11, block 83 60O lot 1, oc 60O Xt 8, block 108 ftlSOO Lot 8 and 9, block 141 S130O It 13 and 14, block 80 2250 -All of block 108 ELMHURST SI 400 tot 8 and 4, block 18 S160O toti 1, 8 and 3, block 3 S650 tot 8, block 19 BEtXJB CM ST 8550 tot 4, block 13 S170O Xrfita 17, 18, block 18. Waverleigh Heights S750 tot 10. blook 33 Terms on above lota, all food bays. fRILinJUUDs .- COM PANT-. 310 tEWjS BLDO., 4TK 1X9 OAK WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR TIMBER LANDS FARMS ORCHARDS TRACTS FOR PLATTING AND SUBDIVIDING ONE ACRE OR THOUSANDS 'IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE OUR LIST." HARTMAN & THOMPSON, CHAMBER COMMERCE BLDG. Place Your Fire Insurance WITH Jno. P. Sharkey Co. Agents For GLENS FALLS INS. CO.. Glens Falls, N. Y. SECURITY INSURANCE CO., New Haven, Conn. WANTED FARMS We Iiava a number of buyers for farms, also ga ardon lands, located witli stance from Portland, nnd In a ehort distance from Portland. Invito owners having such properties ror saie located in Clarke county. Wash., Multnomah or Washing-ton counties. Or., to communicate with us, euner Dy letter or can in person. TOOKER-READ LAND CO. OFFICES, HEITOY BUILD HTO. From 2 to 10 Acre Tracts Adjoining Rose City Park 30 UNDER MARKET PRICE Easy Terms OREGON & WASHINGTON REALTY CO. 527 Chamber of Commerce Main 803 Mortgage Loans Lowest rates and terms to suit. Special rates for busipess properties. Funds loaned for private Investors. M. E. Thompson Co. Bl Estate and Firs Insurance, cor. 4th' and Oak. Main 6084. A-3327. Place Your Fire Insurance With us. Mortgage L,onr city property at reasonable rates CULBX-OOX COMYAJTY. Soard ox Trade Building. ACREAGE : : '... . SEW TODAY ' " ' , ' 1 Stop ' Dancing-, TO TM KAOTXMB MTTBIO OT A LAKDLOKD BT BSOUKIH0 Otf FLABT, AJTD YOU CAW XKEH KEST OONTEWTBD I TXI FAMILIAJI TTJVB or Home, Sweet Home We will aid you In burin or building VOIir Own hnmA hv ttllnwlnr vrtll in nlll I tor II In small monthly installments. J Our return payments are only 11.25 per month on each 1100 borrowed, which will pay up the entire amount of loan nnd interest In 108 months. The Drlvll- ge, howover, Is given of paying up at any time. Interest only being charged for the number of years that loan Is re al neu. Wo will allow you I per cent Interest on all advanced payments you make while aylng ua your loan. We also give you to days of grace on your mommy payments without a rine. Can you ask anything fairer? The ract that we have been able to qualify In all the southern and western states Is certainly an evidence of strength and reliability. We are rated with Brad streets, in Portland, and refer you to the Jackson bank, or any other bank In jacHson. Mississippi, where our head or flee Is located. We have other moneys to loan on city and farm property from 6 to 8 per ceni; also real estate ror sale in Port land and Koseburg. Call or write. WALKER & AGEE Agents for the Jackson Ioan ft Trust Oo. SiiU OT TUDI SX.DO. INVESTIGATE ME Before buying elsewhere it costs you nothing. Streets graded and graveled, cement sidewalks and curbs, Bull Run water in front of every lot, and ALL PAID FOR. No property bonded for im provements here. Building re strictions of $1500 and $2000. New houses constantly being built. Splendid car service. When desiring to build we will help you. Clark Cook Co. Room 6 Board of Trade Building Mam 04U7. A-3Z5Z Wanted, Money to Loan We have a number of applicants for very desirable mortgage loans ranging from 8500 up. We can place your niuucy up wen securea mortgages at B, 7 and 8 per cent net. Our 22 years' ex perience in mortgage loans Is at your PCI V no. H. E. THOMPSON CO., Seal Estate and Fire Insurance. 4th and Oak. Main 6084; A-3S27. REAL ESTATE S1350 50x100, facing south on Clinton St.. near E. 19th. S3750 95X100, corner in Irving ton, on Thompson at, all Improvements paid for. S42 00 100x100, corner, ffi. lth ( and Knott streets. 42 50 100x100, B. W. corner B. 17th and Knott sts. S8750 Comer, 100 ft. on E. 21st st., 150 ft on Han cock 6t.; all Improvement paid for. 45 00 72x285, with E room cot tage, on Clinton at, near E. 19th. 8425050x100, new 7 room house, on B. 71at at, 1 block to carllne. Geo. D. Schalk Main 892; A-2392. 228 Stark st AT ST. JOHNS 200 feet on O. R. & N. R. R. opposite St. Johns Lumber Co. plant, $7000; half cash, balance two years. D. C. ROGERS 214-215 Board of Trade. GET TOGETHER Two or three of your frlendw and se cure a fine 20 acre tract at Tents for piaiting into Duuamg lots. There'll be money In it if you are smart enough to look ahead and estimate the activity RE i -uiiipieiion or itie Madison street bridge Is guing to create in that section. Are you long headed enough to appreciate this -or are you going to yawn and stretch and let some one else get -ahead of you? It will take about 110,000 first payment S. T w AJLKER, 604 Corbett bldg. ' 1 SEW TODAF TP I. E Z SsssBBjaii SAGINAW M1IGMTS LOTS $125 UP Easy Payments This beautiful addi tion overlooking the sub urb of LENTS Will be placed on the market in a few days. For the person with moderate means want ing to build a little home of his own SAGIKAW HEIGHTS Is just the place. Graded streets. Sidewalks. Water piped to every lot. Moderate building re strictions. Close to large school. Watch the papers for date of opening sale For full information, please call at our offices. GEO. T. MOORE COMPANY 517-518 Abingtdn Bldg. Or Take a ride out to Lents and see our agents. The Mount Scott Real Estate Co. Office close to car station. I NEW TODAY .W1XLBE' 1 d APRIL 1st IN lent AT LENTS Buy now and get the advance. You will never get an opportunity to buy so cheaply again. Lots are 50x100, all cleared and stumps out; water in front of each lot; 5c car fare. PRICE NOW $200 $3 Cash, $3 a Month Cowperthwait & Christensen AGENTS AT , LENTS Western Oregon Trust Company, Owners Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce JONESMORE Lots are 50x100 $500 to $700 Easy Payments. Complete Abstract. Warranty Deed. On Montavilla Carline. GEO. D. SCHALK Main 392, A-2392. 228 Stark St. BARGAIN From Owner Modern 6 room house, bath and toilet, Wired for elec.trlclt v. nlnpri for n. everything in good shape; close In onl Mississippi ave., corner of Monroe et) If you are looklne for a Dlar vnn .on't beat this. Price. $3000 $1000 down, balance easy terms. See this today, &i It will not last For owner, apply ADVANG Independent Printing Co. 843 ASK ST. If. NEWTOPAY GOT 'EM ALL BEAT OPALCITV fs Giving Unmistakable Evidence it becoming the metropolis pi the DESCHUTES YALLEY . OPAX. CITT la the new town lits situated on the level table land, where both Hill and Harri man railroads come together on the same grade after leaving the Deschutes Canyon. OFAX, CITT lota will more than treble in value by early summer. OFAIi CITY will be the junc tion point between the electric road from Prlnevllle and the Hill and Hsrriman roads. OPAi, CITT will have a gray- tty wster system. ofai, vitt win be electric lighted by Dower generated at Ddln Falls In the Deschutes river. OFAX. CITT will be the ter minus of the railroads and the aistrltxutlnff Dolnt for the entire central Oregon for at least six months ahead of any other city ' In that' district OFAI, CITT will be the ahtrj- plng point for all that vast itnount of timber In central Ore gon. ., OFAX, CITT property Js the best investment you can make. Buy now, buy all you can and hold on to it, it's the best invest ment in the world. Inform your- telf of this opportunity to buy now at the first prices. $100 to $250 10 PER CENT CASH Balance Small Monthly Payments CALL OR WRITE , For Plat and Folder ' American Trust Co. Selling Agents. 800 Chamber of Commerce. OLiS ED IDAI0 THE HOME OF THE GENUINE VIEW LOT. Don't dodge the fact that Olmsted Park is close in to the business center of the city it is - it is entirely j within the three mile line. Greater natural beauty cannot be found a more perfect homesite property is not possible. Olmsted Park is 260 feet above the city It's high andj it s sightly. Columbia Trust Company Board of Trade Building Cedar Parlt Invest now In this tract at St. Johns, located on the carllne, near the business center and on direct line with the great manufacturing district of the northwest; $250 to $350 per lot; $10 down, 10 per cent per month. W. H. Morehouse Investment Co. 233 ALDER STREET An Opportunity With $8000 you can handle a quarter block on Glisan near 16thr price $27,000 is be low present values and will increase. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Holladay's Addition The one best place in Portland (to buy. Geographical center and most, desirable residence property in tne city. Seeing Is believing. Better go and see the many choice residences under construction and the improvements go- Intr on. The Oregon Real Estate Company 354 GBAJT9 AVE, FOST&A2TD. OK. ARE you looking for an Investment re quiring extremely, small capital, one that will bring good returns from the start and rhuch greater as the business rrows? iMot a scneme. ,out an A-l ,bus ness nroros!tion. Let ma hnw vnn NEW TODAY UNION BANK & TRUST CO. 33 STJJUC IT COX. 8J, business 'r';:::: Corner lt nnd AMor; improved. Corner, tll Improved and int- ed; on Washington, near 6th. . Corner Hh. near Couch. 200 feet. JBurnalde eU. Improved, , crnirai. , , Corner 6th and Clay. , ' Corner Sd and Bherman. . Quarter block, E. Oak and Grund. Quarter block, E. 7 th and llbl-l moni. . . Corner of 4th and Gllean t. 4 improved; gopd Income. FOR LEASE Several good locations for long I ur gnvri perioaa. TERMINAL SITES jwuxtuu, itBC ana York; corner. 100x200, corner Blackstone and none , . - 80x200. corner 221 and Reed. 100x100. . corner 4th nA VnrV 100x200, between 22d and 23d, on I i. xorn. ( APARTMENT HOUSE SITES 80x100, corner 7th and Columbia. 60x100, corner 6th and Harrison. ouxiuu, corner otrr and Clay. 60x100, corner 3d and Sherman, 60x76, corner llth and Mill. 69100, llth and Market. WEST SIDE HOMES 109x160, on King aft, with 14 room houae. 60x100, new, modern room bun- galow, on West Park. I Four of the beat houeea on Port-1 tana iieignts. 60x100, on the corner of 14th and Market ata. 60x100, on 24th at, near Thur- man, with a new 6 room home. 60x100, new house, Kearney, near! ISI Bl. 60x100, new house, on Willam ette Heights. 60x100, corner 6th and Harrison; best buy south of Morrison. 60x100. corner 6th and Clav. 60x100, corner 7th and Columbia. FLATS Four new modern flata on E. Z4tn, near Ankeoy, paying 11 per cent net. Two modern flats on lJth, near juaaison, paye 10 per cent. 60x100, between Clay and Mar ket 24 4-room apartmenta. EAST SIDE HOUSES 60x100, on Clinton st. carllne, 8 toom house; near 36th st. 60x100, new bungalow, on Going I hi., Aioeria. 60x100, 8 room house, on Morri son, near Russell. 60x100, 6 room bur. . i low, corner I ' zza ana rX Ua Is. 100x100, two bungalows on E. 22d, near Knott. HAWTHORNE AVE. BARGAINS 86x120, cor. 16th and Hawthorns 100x100, cor. 13th and Hawthorne. VACANT 60x100, on Lucretla. 60x100, on Johnson, near 26th. 100x100. cor. Siskiyou and E. 18th. 60x100, cor. E. 27th and Weldler. 60x100, on Broadway, near E. 29th at 70x200, on Weidler and Halsey, near a. itTtn. 100x100, cor. E. 7th and Belmont. 16 lots at Mt. Tabor, weat slope. 29 lots, near Laurelnurst cheap. Be sure and come and see our list of Hood River apple land. Also Inquire about our fruit land I at Medford, Or., and North Yak-I lma, wash. FORESIGHT In the purchase of property means money in your pocket. Let us show you a quarter block that will increase in value and that as a present investment will yield a good income. Call on us and get the facts and judge for your self. Chapin Herlovv 332 Chamber of Commerce. 50x100 Union Ave. CLOSE IN $5500 Cash Balance Terms. Chapin Sb Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. A SNAP A 7 room modern Jiome, 1 block from Williams ave., y2 block from Broadway. AH improvements m, A splendid location. Property has a good future value on account of Broadway bridge going in. $2250 CASH BAL. ON EASY TERMS Cann, Heilborn &ftMcBride 336 Chamber of Commerce " mk A A-47, Journal. ' , t I- A