HIE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, ; PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 0, 1910. 4 MONEY TO " LOAN 27 HUTTON CREDIT CO. - 511 Dokum Hid. ARB TOU IN NEED OF MONBTt W loan on household sooda. ntanoa aiunee or any good . , BH ritt. Our rates art as LOW at it la possible io mae tnem vun lair remuneration ur vur , SERVICES. Call at bur offloe. An Interview eoata nothing. Acquaintance encourages busl- neii ana create ' '. . CONFIDENCE. . . 812 Dskum Bid. Phone Main 2869. SaLarY L6anTo njplaW .Notfil 310- -TO- -1100 LOWEST FtATK.H TM PORTLAND, 10 repaid In lnatallmenta of.. .48 iu repaid in installments or . I6U repaid in ins tallments of rger amount a in proportion. .0Q All wa require Is your no mortgage, no lndorsar everything strictly confidential. Hi A TBI BKCUiUlTY .308 Falling bldg, P. in. CO., ? "Wed'a and Hours: 8 a. m. to 6 Bat s until 8 p. m. THE CRESCENT .LOAN AGENCY. ' ' 408 Rothchlld bldg., corner 4th and Waahlngton. - Tha recognized bank of the wage earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employ can ob tain money of us on Ma not without Security. 116 return to us, . ...', . .$ 4.00 a month $30 return to ua ,.8 8.00 a month 180 return to ua. ..... . . . f 13.86 a month Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. ypeciai rates on pianos, furniture, etc, PERSONAL 22 MARRIAGE LICENSES REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS k mm . ".'Tlf3E..: : PffltAGTDIBAM BIFHK AHD'DESDGOSEE OF FINE -FUSS DECS sr. r VKDDING cards. W. G. Smith A Co.. Washington, bldg., .corner 4th and Wash I rig ton sts. - 1 DRESS suits for rent, all slzea." "Unique Tal 1 oring Co., 809 St a rk t CLARKE . BROS., florisTs: fine flowsra and floral designs. 29 Morrison St. BIRTHS To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Second and J looker, January .' FORMERLY OK 148 1 5TH BT. Has inov,i m ir nth mt near Wash ington, You ass cordially Invited to call and see my new store and stock - In which I have soma great valuta In sU lines of fine furs. ' - ' . personal not;!-., I ouuwwfc n BritWIIHU. " r or security! Tf ,rf modeling, repairing and redyelng entiaL " M''"kln garments, .mink, blended and uiou to iook line new. Havlns h bo .vrt.ri.nni as a furrier am capable of handling and re turning ail garments left at toy place for - renlfl rs or oiHor work. . cerfaotly uiini aoiory. NOTKi f na Vl.h..f r.rtr,m tor MW furs. A; mm 129 MTH ST., NEAR WASmNflTON. G&H G&H G&H G&H G&H JJ MORTGAGE loans on Portland Q .j real estate for borrower or ro ?2 lender, Gibson & Hoiltday, 804 U 6th, QerUnger Bldg. ffi G&H G&H G&H G&H G&H CHATTEL LOANS. " Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses. Insurance policies, and till kinds of securities; real estate and loans from 83000 up. NEW ERA LOAN MTG. CO., 416 Ablngtqn bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 66 princi pal cities: save monev by getting: our terms, j oinian, ai7 jumper axctians. i YOU Can makic monioY, Learn dress nuttlnir. trnaamakina'' ds- igning. This sjiould Interest young women, and girls who want to Become self supporting; two dressmakers' help ers and seamstresses who want to rise to higher positions; thre wefnen who want to make their own gone at home. All fees are reduced during, month of March, thus giving you the opportunity to learn the best dress cutlng system for very little money. - Individual In struction. Call for particulars. Port land College of Ladies' Tailoring, Dress Cutting and Designing, 846 Vi washlng ton at., at 7th. second floor. i BUY for cah either first or secon3 mortgages or seller's equity In con tracts of sale on real estate In Oregon or Washington. II. E. Noble, Lumber men's bldg. - ' CABH LOANS Amounts 8100 up. reaU ty and other good seourity; reasona ble terms. . Henry C. Prudhomrae Co., 636 Chamber of Commerce. LOST AND FOUITD SI WB will pay One Dollar Reward for the business sddresses of each of the following: Mrs. Edward 'Littlepage, Lillian r.auman. Mrs. 'J. D. Hlckox, John Henderson, Clara A. Berg. Anton Cloud, Lottie Segur. as It will be to their advantage. Mercantile Protective Association, 301-302 Commercial block. . LOST The party who picked up br)n dle bull pup with white blaze on Un ion ave. and Tillamook sts pleaae re turn to 415 RroHdway; no questions aakftd; llhpral r-warl. ' Lo.ST February 25 between E. Tavlor and K. Stark on 14th, lady's gold Watch, Initials 8. A. 8. Return to 694 L. Taylor. Pbone East 2228; liberal re ward. Hill's Sanatorium Russian, 'Turkish and tub baths, fine swimming plunge hi connection, first class ladv and rentleman masseur In attendance; rheumatism, skin and pri vate diseases, etc., treated; a guarantee to cure rheumatism or money refunded; physicians In attendance, phone Main 4&i, 6as Front st, oxr. fiherman, Jfort land, Cr. BROWN Brown, 7 . K, gmA To' Mr. and Mrs. -Angels Glma, 887 Fifth street, February 28, a girl. FREDKHICK To Mr. and Mrs. Noah 'rUericlc 881H "th street, March 2, a boy. . . , WENDLBEUGim To Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph. Wondlberger, 468 East Grant Street. January 80, a boy. ; . ALBERT To Mr. and Mrs. Adam Al bert, 840 East. Twelfth street. March 2 a girl - . W1LKON To Mr. and Mrs. Charles "Wil son. 669 Conrmercittl street, Fobruary 26, a boy.. . ; BRYANT To Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bry ant, 486 Nehalera avenue, ; February ifl: a hov. WRIGHT T Mr. and Mrs. ,W. J. h Wright," 660 Nehalem avenue,' Febru- sry Z4: a gin, . PILOER To Mr. and Mrs, O, H. Pil ger, 671 Tacom avenue, February 26; a gin. 1 -FANNO To Mr. and Mrs. N. B. mono, Kt. Vincent's hosnltal. FeDruary an: irL. : - .. ... NOMURA to Mr. ena Mrs. r-rmns. Nomura, 4 North Eighth street, Feb msry 2; a boy. ' DEATHS MAX M. SJflTII. florist. 160 6th St.. op . posits Meier A Frank's. Main 7818. CARD OP THANKS MR. AND MRS. 8. K. ENTR1KEN and family wish to express their sincere: thanks to their many lrienar during ine sickness and loss of their daughter and sister. PERSONAL For more than 20 years my husband was a hard drinker. Over sight years ago I stopped bis drinking by a simple method which anyone ran use quietly at home. To everyone who truly wishes to save a dear one 'from drink this method will be fully ex plained without charge. Aa soon as you reud this, write me with confidence. Mrs. .Margaret Anderson, 67 7 Oak st, Hillburn. N. Y. , DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children ex clusively; Women are often saved ae vers surgical operations by consulting me. Nervous inpaKta nt rhilrirnn a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor respondence solicited. No chanr for consultation. Phones, Main 392S, A-5607 Office poo ma 10. Orand Thpatre bldir.. Knannmjion ana park, LA1)1ES FTNERAL NOTICES THE FUNERAL of A. M. Bustard, member of Bellwdod Lodge No. 181, A. F. and A. M will take place tomor row at 2:80 p. m. at crematory. All members of fiellwood lodge are request ed to meet at their hall at Bellwood, 1 p. m., sharp. Visiting brethren coraiai ly invited. By order of W. M. &. J. &L1H.LN, Decreiary, Earns to same, lot 21, 22, 23 and r 24, block 8, First Electrlo add. L. O. Cottel and husband to F. A. ., Douty, lots 8 and 4, block 162," Caruther's addftlou University Land Co. to C. E. Itls tlg. lots 17 and Ur bloclt 67, -University Park S. C. Priestley and wife to John D. McCallum, lot 4. block , Blumauer'a addition Same to M. Gale, lots I and 4, block 48, and south H of lot 2, block. 48, Caruthers to Ca ruthers ... i. Central Trust St investment com pany to John Gannlelien, lot 9, , block 1, Colonial Height P. P. Dahney et al to William F- Martin, north M of lot 26, Madison Villa . . . . A. Deeming to , William Irwin, , lots 80, 21, 22 and 83. block 82. Peninsular Addition, No. 2... George W. Seward et al to Anna , M. Firestone, lot 6, block 1, Roosevelt . Emma W. Blaney and husband to Thomas T. Fox et al, north H . of lot . block, 18. Carter's Ad dition to Portland Arleta Land company to Louise Owre. lot 16. block 13. Elbert. E; R. Thompson to J. T. Thomp son, land commencing at northwest corner of - lot 13, block 1. Abend addition M. M. - Hugarman and wife to Julia Beers, lots 7 and 8, block 10, Iaurelwood Park John pulUm to P. J. Vander Kel- en, lot e, Dlock 14, TlDDetl s aa dltlon O. K John to AUgusta A. CUm mings, lot 6. block 4, Myrtle... Laiirelhurat, company to Rosa M. T. Hester, lots 13 and 14, bloclt 7. Laurelhurst John Dudley, guardian to John U. McDonald, . undivided 1-6 lots 8 and 4, block 48, Caruth ers to Caruthers...... Topas Land company to Arthur E. Hendryx st al, lots 84, 36, 36, 87 and 88, block 6, Madrona - Hill CERTIFICATES of till. Title 4th and Oak LAWYERS Abstract A Trust Co, 1.000 ,000 00 836 8,000 'X.S00 428 80 800 2,000 178 1,000 1,800 860 1,880 100 1.100 made by ft Trust company, Lewis bldg.. the of room Trade bldg.; abstracts a 6 Board specialty. W. R. HAIZLIP CO. Una), abstractors. First class work. ARSTRACTB of title. stract office, 418 Corbett 827-8 Corbett bldg. exander ab- Main 66 D. Ale"xi ett Wdg. CAJIPET WEAVINO WE WEVE rag carpets, also bed and bathroom rugs. HI 3 Patton ave. Phone Woodlswn 26H6, - ' ' N6rTH'WEST ltug WorUs Uugs from old carpets, colonial rng rugs, silk portiere. 183 union near H. Morrison. CLEANttQ AND DUEINQ II. W. Turne. ,Dyer Carpets dyed a specialty. . (08 Jefferson st Main 2B13, A-2613. . ELECTRICAL BUITtlLS PACIFIC Electrlo Engineering Motors for rent Or Sule. 21s Co. 2d st. XEV TODAY DETECTIVE AGENCY fhnt Acreage MEW 'TODAY WINDSOR HEIGHTS ON CAR LINE -" ' 47th, 48th. 49th and Division St 1, . LOTS 50x100 . ROOMS S04-6 Merchants' Trust bldg. Phona Main 8916. All classes detec tive work guaranteed. Chaa. A. Ten- nant. uinnnger. A-7178. DANCXNO - , 4. fc UAllV111tI LirPUVlli as I Professor Wnl Wilson's Dancing you? school. 26c perleason. Including teach ers, musla with each lesson every morn lng, afternoon and eve., guarantee to teach any one to dance or refund money 8elllng-lhrsch hall. S86U Washington, near 10th st. Phones. lead Please take into account that our READY TO PLANT ACREAGE IS within the 5c car limit, no stone nor gravel, no stumps nor brush. READY TO PLANT. Do you know- what that means and what It Is worth to CEMENT WALKS, BULL RUN Ana oave you ever iigureu WATER T Ti. rJ MTMTTTVC $450 and Up EASY TERMS Prices Advance April 1st flanc lis lng school. Grand structlon daily. the and E. Morrison; ln- the difference you would pay the car company in a year, between the 6c carfare and 10c carfare? Do you know yon can reach our READY TO PLANT acreage within 26 min utes from the east end of Morrison street bridge? ELECTROL f SIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous tiair re moved. Mrs. M. 1). IIIIl. 429 meaner. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and marine; electrlo equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail: engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.LlJI6 Morrison. LEATHER & riNMNGS CIIAS. L. MABTICK & CO., 74 Front leather of every description; tap maufHcturers, findings. FROM GRAND AND HAW- THORNE AVES. WITHIN THE THREE-MILE CIRCLE April 1 will see the last of these low prices. . By buying now you get the benefit of the low figures ,.ui:. L . j S. n minutes' ride and 10 minutes' .llu".u "c v-wn.ee walk win do it. Prices $900 per men trie value ot surrounding acre; 10 per cent cash, balance easy acreage has increased 100. Make mommy instalments. you reany your selection earlv. A few choic should see this READY TO PLANT f.; ."S . ly ' .,,1 CnACe ntw mi iciu wc wlu De on me grounds Sunday. Brubaker & Benedict 502 McKay Bldg.,Third and Stark ACREAGE before purchasing else where. KINAPP & HACKEY 212-213 Board of Trade bld. Phone Main 549 MUSIC TEACHERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS BUSINESS DIJRECTOEY eller-Brynes Co. phones; lady assistant establishment In city. 694 William a v a . , both Most mcdern ARCHITECTS Dunning & McEntee"!'" every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430. A - 4558. Lady assistant. TCUfM The east side undertaker, J-JUiliVyil Ladv assistant. D. B. FLICKINGER, designer of ideal homes. 322 Mohawk bldg. Phones A-723R, B-1833, Main 1902. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS 781. E. 6th and Alder. LOST Lady's solitaire diamond ring, Monduy evening, foyer Bungalow the atre. Return to Graham Glass, cnri of Glass & Prudliomme Co., 66 7th St., and rectlve reward. 57i ) S T Gold watch in shopping district. Initials "L. K. 8." engraved on case; laiiy's picture in case; return 39014 Morrison, room 86: reward. LOST, female white and Ask vour Ajua-trlKt for Chic -tiesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as best, safest Always reliable. Take no other. Chichasters Diamond Brand Pills are fsold by druggists everywhere. WOULD you marry If suited? Each Is sue of my matrimonial paper contains about 40 columns advertisements of la dies and gentlemen from all sections of the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe; rich, poor, young, old, Protest--ants, Catholics, etc. Sample copy mniled sealed, free. D. K. Gunnels, Toledo. Uhlo brown fox twltchinsr of Phone B 2296 torrler doc:. Has muscles. New collar, or A 6612. Reward. LOST Tocker Bpanlel, answers to nam suitable reward. Address Main 6841. A-4287. of Duffy. 131 15th st. WANTED The address of Mrs." S. d. Bradford and her daughter. Answer L. S. Clark, 1019 K. 12th St. N. dr. lewis. Physician and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively; private hos pital accommodations; examinations free. Main 4047. A-2411. 606 Common wealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. B-1888, East nT- B. C. LINSTROM & CO, 493 Wash. Artificial limbs, trusses and bracks. WEBBER Academy of Music, mandolin. i la.no. guitar, banjo. Washington. PIANO and French; recitals in French violin, 4S9V4 music, pupils. afternoon teas for The EllswortSi. A-333 M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 463 Pal mon. Main 7340. Conservatory coursf E. TI II KLHORN. violin teacher, riupll Sevclk, 900-1 M a r i u a m bldg. A-416 PIANO, violin, cornet, mandolin. Trof. E. A. Smith. 292 12th st. Farms and Orchard Tracts HflMF RARfiAINS 10 ACB.B COMMSKCZAZi OSCHABD, 7 HlflsU Wrlll Vlrll I 0 In Piedmont Irvington mllAS from Koseburg; 6 acres In trees Newtowns and Spitsenbergs; no waste land. For quick sale own er's price Is S2500 hi cash, bal ance easy terms, which Is consider ably less than price asked for adja cent properiy, same tract. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS T 1Q C5,1at f? ew Third J. IT, rUUCJT 4 tSVU Madison Lady attendant. Main 9, A-1699. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO., Main 6133, A-2236; lady assistant. ASSAYERS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acuto and chronic diseases. 217 Kenton birtit. Mnln K'J61 ROSE CITY CEMETERY. Phones C-211j and A-4444. BAST SIDE funeral usructors, success ors to F. S. Dunning, Inc. E. 62, B-2525 WELLS & PROEBS7EL, assayers. ana lytloal chemists. 204 H Wash. M. 7508, PORTLAND analytical laboratory, 625 Worcester lildg., 3d and Oak. MSO. MONTANA assay office, laboratory and ore testlne work. 186 Morrison. EDWARD DOLMAN, undertaker. 220 8d st. Lady assistant. Main 607. ATTORNEYS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CHRISTOPHERSON A MATTHEWS. General practice. 411-12 Buchanan hld PACIFIC Title & Trust Co., the leading I Abstractors. 204-&-6-7 railing OHlg. COLLECTIONS DR. SMITH, irn.d Kirkville. Mo., 198; nost-srrad. l'JUT. Swetland bldg. M. 1 9k7 DR. F. J BARR, A. S. O., 207 Mohawk bldg., Sd a!id Morrison. Main 222ft. 10 ACXH OOICMBmOXAXi OBOHABD, 1 mile rrom Hood river; 8 acres In trees, 2 acres of trees In bearing, balance varying from 1 to 4 years OKI ; l acre or strawberries between trees; extra gobd soil, running water, and u Inches water for Irrigation- 7500 part cash terms on bal ance. Woodstock $2000 $6200 $2500 PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR beat work nrlces iltht. rail P. A. Duane, 104 Union. Both pliontts. SAZXT AJTD 8TOCX TARM, located 3 nines rrom waiaport, Lincoln county; ZO!" acres, 0 acres bottom land, bal an low bench land; 8 room house, 20 head of cattle, lots Of fruit, also farming Implements. Best ranch on Alwca Bay H lOOO H cash, bal ance easy terms if taken at once. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS RASMUSSEN & CO.. "High Standard' paint, ne. cor. 2d & Taylor. M. A-1 771. PRINTINO FOl.'ND A watch; owner can have same by givihg full description. M- 44H, Journnl. LOST Purse containing note and change. Phone East 739. Frank Tay- lor. 33d and Thompson stg. LOST Spits dog on east side, Saturday evening; license and name "Carlo" on collar. Phone Main 3734. Reward. LOST Women of Woodcraft pin, on 6th t. Return 466 Vi 6th st. A-8583. LOST Spits dog. license No." 2954 on 44. THE Phoenix Social club invites you to Its box social Tuesday evening, March 8, at 652 East Morrison, south west cornpr 18th. Ladies bring box luncheon for two. Strangers doubly welcome. Men Cured QuicMy Modern electric treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous debility, piles, etc. W. I. Howard, M. D., 304-6 Roth chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED Everybody to know we have moved to 133 10th St.. near Aider collar. Main 44, NOTICES. 20 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. You are cordially invited to be pres ent at the annual meeting of tha stock holders of the National Copper Mines company, hall 300 Alisky bldg., March 7, 1910. at 8 p. m., and It Is very im portant that you attend. After the elec tion of the board of directors ther vin be very important business to come be fore tne meeting, In which each and every stockholder will be Interested, and we urge you to be present. Very truly, WILLIAM TRBVOR. Vice President a full line of new and second hand bicycles and motorcycles. St., with We do an kinds or repairing satisfactorily, Hummer bicycles. Young & Elton, DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cot ton Root Pills, sure Remedy for de layed periods, 32 per box or 8 boxes for 36. T. J. xPlerce, 311 Alisky bldg., 266 Morrison st. WANTED Every housekeeper in the city using rugs on floor to see our fibre pulp lloor borders. Can't tell It from hard wood floor. 417 Rothchlld bldg. NOTICE Solly's Billiard rooms, 107H Sixth St. has this day dissolved partnership.- J. Hochfeld retiring, the business will be continued and all debts assumed by MICHAEL BOLOMAN. DAVID SOLOMAN. THIS is to certify that the firm known as Fred & Dan's, restaurant has been dissolved. I will not be responsible for any obligations contracted after this date, March 4, 1910. FRED HOLLER. J PERSONAL 22 CALL and try baths of herbs and roots, wonderfully, It has cured many suf ferers of nervousness, rheumatism, goedlie asthma.- Call or write, C. II. H.. 393 East Yamhill. GERMAN books, magazines,. novels, etc., German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for eign books of all kinds. Schmale Co.. 229 1st st. J CHISHOLM & SHERMAN, specialists" hair, scalp and face. Manlcurjng. Painless chiropody. Formerly 219 Drexei notei. nemovea aou Morrison st. 4th rioor. suiie tv. NEW hair dressing parlor; select neigh borhood, 61i Everett. Main 8880, A 4072. Teaches halrdressing 35. Scalp treatment, manicuring, , face treatment taught In one week; positions secured. DR. WALKER, specialist: ouicklvwcnres diseases of mera blood and skin dis- i eases, sores, uicers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 1st, Port land. . YOUNG MAN of 23, refined and edu cated, would like the acquaintance of iaay wno is tnorougniy respectable and would be a congenial companion anrt would marry If suited. P-447, Journa'. EDWARD GARRICK Have your letter in answer to C-4J.4; can't locate you by phone; give better address. 0-447, Journal. GENTLEMAN, 24, would like acquaint ance of sincere working girl about 23 strictly confidential object matrimony Y-439, Journal, . , DR. T. J. PIERCE, Specialist Diseases of women; all irregularities corrected; no exposure. Call or write 811 Alisky bldg. . ' MEN Dr; Ke.tchum will promptly cure all your private ailments; advice free. Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 170i4 3d, near Yamhill. Main 8770. , LADIES When delayed or Irregular, use Triumph Pills; always depend able. "Relief and particulars free. AVrite National Medical Institute, Mil waukee, Wis. MARRIAGE paper, highest character, ln corporated, 14th year, 6000 members, faper sealed, send 10c, L. L. Love, box 600 Denver, Colo. MEN When weak, nervous or despond ent, use Sexoid Pills as a bracer; re stores lost vigor; prlco $1 per box, 6 boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce, 311 Allskv DR. MARY KRAEMER, specialist for women, home for patients, blood raodl ctnes, examination free. 861 Mississippi ave. phone Woodlawn 1673. GENTLEMAN with best references wants lady with 11000 or more, under 48, good appearance; matrimony; no sport. N-447, Journal. WIDOW lady, honest working woman, would like to meet gentleman who would help her financially; no triflers. M ra. M. E. Canon, gert. del. MEETING NOTICES "600" 31 CASH each for two highest scores lauies ana gents. vvntst 81 cash each for two hlKhest scores, ladlas and gents. Free admission for the two lowest in eacn. Wednesday evening:. mtticii a, nan ivi Aiisicy DUUaing. Dancing. Admission 15 cents. Oregon Rose Camp, Royal Neighbors. WOMEN ofWoodcraft and their friends Melchoir Tannbsr and wife to Edla M. Randolph, lot 18, block 1. Cloverdale tract 3 8,000 Bessie Howard and husband to William Deponning, 100x34 feet commencing 71 feet south of Brookland street la Brookland Heights 1,628 Casper Kehrll et al to A. L. Stover et al, southeast quarter of section 13, township 2 north, range 2 west 7,200 Margaret Jane Darrah and hus band to Fred E. Ames, 9 acres In the E. B. Davidson D. L. C section 31, township 1 north, range 2 east 18,000 Arthur W. Ulese to Mallnria A. Mitchell, lots 8, 10, block 8. fJlese's addition 2,850 Carl Nau to Augusta Nau, lots 6. 8, block 2, Oakhurst 2,000 Ladd Estate company to M. R. Kettlemler et dl. lots 7. 8. block 233, East Portland. 8,000 James W. Cook and wife to Sam- uel Wilson, lot 7. block . ooks Second addition Sarah I. Parrlsh to Loren C. Parrlifh, east half of lot 9., block 3, Buckman's addition... ChnrleH stout and wife to R. S. McFarland et al, lot 4, First ad- ' dition to Cherrydale 1,250 Nelson C. Eldridge and wife .to J. V. Tamlesie et al, lots 3, 6, block 26. Multnomah 6.150 John Borgh and wife to Simon Henson, lots d, d, i nun o, block ' 1, second plat of North Fairlawn LB30 Willamette Valley Stock & Lnnd company to A. S. Benson, lots 4, 19 nd ZO, OIOCK 14, uunaso Tract T G & Tr. company to Sarah Rol'fe, lots 7, 8, 21 and 22, block 84, Berkeley Dan J. Malarkey et al to Park Investment company, lots a ana 4, block 823, city Alice H. Dodd to A. Young et al, lots 8 to 17, diock io, uooa Morning addition 8,000 August Wesenberg and wife to Truman ueiano, lot uiuc jv, CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 70S Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak sts. BABBITT METAL BABBITT metal, solder, lino, stereo and monotype metal. W. W. Blaney, man ufacturer, 43 4 Goldsmith St., Alblna. All orders promptly attended to. Drosses bought and refined. Phone East 912. ULSlNKSh CARD9 HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d st Blank books m'f'g; agts. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-3183, Main 183. STANDARD BRICK & TILE CO.. suc cessors to Randies, Kinsey & Co.. 408 Mohawk bldg. Phone Main 611. 'Doers of clever things with type and ink on paper. 141 1 a 1st THE EAGLE PRINTING CO.. not In trust: close figures, good work. 603 Ooodnongh bldg. I'hone Main 4121. OG1LBEE BBC'S., pi Inters Cards, bill heads, etc. Main 186k. HBVi 1st st DOUOZJtS COTTZfTT flBM, near Glen- dale 160 acres, 40 under cultivation; good" 8 room house and) large new barn; 80 acres good timber; a fine farm anj a bargain 825 Per acre. acre. Tooker-Read Land Co. OFFICES HSNBT BLOtf, . Also some choice ac rears below T. Inn- ton, and a few cltv lots. Onnrl Irana. portation to all. if you have a little roll that ShOUld be at Work for vnn don't fall to see some of these. Owner neeas money. Wells H. Hurlbutt Wo. 1 Commercial Club Bids-., rifth and Oak Bts. Mala 6931, A-4927 WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross ings. 317 Beck bldg. 376 4.000 TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. Losll. 212 Jeffer son st. Main 1424. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland office, 4e4 Worcester bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD & CO.. all kinds of in surance, surety bonds. McKay bldg.' OWN YOUR OWN HOME $5500 it.. With $500 Cash 13 acres on Estacada carline, close You Can take possession of inventors of Oregon may obtain free in; nearly all cleared; level; good a beautiful 6 room mnrtern advice and best professional service b et UCdUUlUl U X UUXZ1 II1UUC1T1 running water and spring; family home and what yQU nQW paying for rent will pay the -1 $200 PER ACRE 100 acres west of Gresham, over half cleared. Splendid tract to subdivide. PATENT ATTORNEYS from their home offiee, NORTH PACI FIC PATENT BUREAU, Lumbermen bldg.. Portland. Pres. R. A. KELLOND, export 30 years' practice; V. Pres., F, 8. BENNETT: Sec. Treas., GEO TAZ- W EL1 HANDBOOKS for Inventors free; tells how to obtain and value of paterKs, trademarks registered. Beeler fo Robb 177-181 ' McGlIl bldg, Washington, D. C orchard. R. C. WRIGHT, U. 8. and foreign pat ents; Inf ringeinent cases. 604 Dekum REAL ESTATE balance. Don't delay. Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY, manicuring. Mrs. Dunton. 649 Washington st. Marshall 1S29. CHIROPODY AND PED1CURTNG Mrs. M. D- Hill, 429 Flledner bldg. COALULiMON UKUCUAMK 2,500 400 65,000 WE PAY the highest spot caBh prices for dressed veal, hogs, hides, eggs, butter, cheese, furs, wool, cascara, hay, grain. Write what you wish to sell. Ruby. Co'., 284 Couch St., Portland, Or. CARPET CLEANING J W. OGILBEE. real estate and loans; estab. 1883. 145 1st st, , room 11. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery, ningiiam Co., 231 Stark. Main Cun- 1407. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d St. Safes at factory prices; rep.ilrs, lockouts opened; bargains In second hand safes. SEWING MACHINES A. S. DICKINSON repairs all kinds of sewing machines. 22 N. 11th, M 6999. IONE CARPET CLEANING WORKS; work guaranteed. Tels.-East 860. B-2236 COAL AND WOOD SW?&S; - NOTICB-SSLABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load.. . .33.50 ALL DELIVERIES MADE PROMPTLY. Tiie Portland Slabwcod Co. Main 3119. A-7001. coT 5,100 I 8,600 LOST vitality restored by- Dr. Lorenzs"'' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25o box, 6 boxes 31.25. Stipe, Taylor Drug, Co., 2SB Mor rison. Mall orders promptly filled. WOMEN Opaline, Mrs. Summer's Home treatment, cures while you work; io days' free trial. Call forenoon, Mrs. N jingei. got jtn el. jHHin ttvfu. MSLES, warts and suDernuous hair re moved; goiter cured, 249 Holladay ave. Phone E. 6066. . ' reserve the evening of 2Sth of March for the whist, 600 and dance to be giv en at ine auanorium oi tne neaaquar- ucra uuiiuios, iuin iu xayior streets, oy tne lnineentn Anniversary cam paign, committee. Admission 26c. Eight SCIENTIFIC vibratory scalp and facial massage- baldness positively cured. 842 yi TvasmiiBWH. PHONE Main 8431 tor. good liquors. Brown Mercantile Co., 7th and Burn side. ' '-. ' MACCABEE dance next Thursday even ing, March 1. at it. f. haH, nth and Alder streets, given by the Uniform Rank, Portland Division No. 1. Stiles orcnestra wiu iurnisn tne music. An enjoyable time for all.- Friends ln- vlted. P. C- Anderson, captain. - M. W. A., Rose City camp 6466; meets Monday evenings, Selling-Hirsch bldg.. West Park . and Washington. F J. Darlington, clerk, 228 Alisky bldg. Phone Main 6028. SELECT manicuring parlor; facial ana scalp masaagai 341 Morrison St., room 4. - WOMEN, use Femolds when others fall; for sale by the Ausplund Drugr Co., 106 N. 6th Bt Main 8106. LEAVE orders for Landwehr's Cherry wine with Carlson Bros., 20th and UKT-XAnuwenr a . iuerrjr wine lor J-ia Grippe. BALM of figs, remedy ifor diseases of women. 629 Belmont st , East 2498. ! QUEEN ELIZABETH Hive, No. 24, will give a 600 party Tuesday evening March 8 In the new Odd Fellows hafl, corner East Sixth and Alder. Refr'esh- ments wijt be seryea. WHIST and dance party by Portlanl team, 107, Wednesday, March 9, In W. O. -W. hall, 128 11th st. Refreshments and dancing. Admission 20c. OAK LEAF CLUB. DancB- every Tuesday' eya. E. B. Hall, 3 7th and Hawthorne. Invitations can be secured at hall, or phone Tabor 1147. It N. A., Oregon Rose camp, meets Wednesday evenings, Alisky hall. 8d and Morrison. ' R. N. A.. Marguerite camp, meets every Thursday evening at 109 2d ft, bet Wash, and Stark; ' . Jockumsen. lots 2 and 3, block 11, Portsmouth Villa Annex, D.Mahoney andVife to Philip L, Nearne, lot 4, block 3, Mer- low Frederick Moscley to Jane Ed trvf l. block 1. Mosoley addition 736 N M. Davis and husband to James C. Hayes, lot 8, block 15, Central Alblna 1,650 John H. Cleland to Joseph J. TTihor east H of lots 3 and 4 block 3-, Park View , 3,260 Jennie McMullen and husband to F B. Holbrook company, lots 23 and 25, block 23, Irving-ton 800 S Fairburn and wife to G. W. Holcomb, lots 41, 43, 45 and 47, -i i- ai trvinurfon Park Iftfl uiiua ----- 41 Portland University jana corn- I tt oat T. T,nv lnta 1 7 . ia io and 20. block 162. Uni- - verslty Park ................ 800 Seid Back and wife to J. R. Ca ples, lots 7 and 8. block 24. McMlllen's addition 7,600 A L Peterson and wife to Min nie M. Shelly, lot 16, block 1, Manlewood addition 200 Samuel W. Ramseyer and wife to Captain J. ' O. Church, 35x92 feet beginning at southeast cor ner of lot 12, block 12, Park View Extension 2,900 C T ZLrkle to Tim Mahopev, 'lots 7and 8, block 18, Falrport 600 David Baughman et at to Ber tha Wertheimer et- al., west hair of lots 1 and -2. block 6. West Piedmont addition .... S.000 , Max Klegman et ai. to Napoleon Monroe, lot o. diock s, vernon addition 400 Samuel H. Smith and wife to Charles G. sonroeaer et ai., lot 12. block 2, Crosiers addition. 1,356 Ladd Estate Co. to Harvey W. Kelley, lot 4, block 24. West moreland . 486 Same to Charles H. Kelley, lot 6. .block 34, Westmoreland .... 485 Park Inv. Co. to Fred A. Ja cobs, lot 6, biocK 2ii, city... 45.0001 Komuius is. carey. to juvm ij. Baxter, lot 35 and 36, block 88 Peninsular addition No. 8.... 400 Fannie M. wiinur to v. J. cas- well et al, lots J, 2, s and 4, block 74. Portland 15.000 Dexsey A. Baylor and husband to OvK. steward et ai. lots 24 and ' 25. block 1. Multnomah Park . . son Moore Inv, Co. to Arne K. Berger, lot 6, block 68, Vernon 7w R. O. Qtiensnelle and wife to Timothy C. Burgess, lot 14, block 96. Rose Cfty Park ... too R. W. Schmeor et al to William A. Hall et al, lots 25, 26. 27 zk. block 9, ilrst Electrlo add! PACIFIC SLAB WOOD Dry Inside wood, per load..., Small dry Inside wood, per load Planer trimmings, per load .... Rlockwood, 34; slabwood 32.60. Phones Main 3709 A 7356. 8.60 2.50 3.00 SHINGLE CONTRACTOR WANTED Room repairing, also reshln- gllng. u. t . I mrkee. Tanor 8B3. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES LAMBERT-WHITMER COMPANY 70 Fourth Street, Lewis Building 404 East Alder Street ssooo BIX BOOM KOTSES OK lot 50x100. This Is a snap and must be all cash. Apply 667 TLANJ)ES ST. between 20th and 21st sts. WHOLESALE JOBBERS WAREHOUSE FOR SALE Excellent location for manufuctnrin'' .plant; ground space W acres; has. 300 reet rronting on o. K. & N.warehouse Is 200 feet long, 60 feet wide and in ex cellent conditions Will sell at bargain, and on easy terms If taken at once. Phone Main 1503 and ask for Manager Division No. 6. 627 Corbett bldg. SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The JL,utne wrg. uo. WADHAMS & CO., wholesale grocers. $750 Lot 8, block 9, Lovelelgh add! manuiaciurers ana corree roasters. th t,on oeautnui comer. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.', new and old showcase, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2703. SPRAYIXO AND WHITEWASHING Fulton Wood Co. Dealers in slab wood; thoroughly dry slab wood a specialty. Prompt delivery. Phone Mam ag, A-aa?, Qarcoal Wood STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO.. Coal and wood. Dry wood, blockwood, slab wood, cordwood. Prompt delivery. Phone C-1773. E-424. Wood, Coal and Dry Slab WESTERN FUEL COMPANY, 287 E. Morrison. East 226, B-1028. PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st YAMATO Wood & coal Co. All kinds of fir wood and nice coal by sack or ton. Phones E. 818, B-1S67. E. 6th and Main sts. SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO.. Main 2163, A-3842. Dry Inside wood, green slabwood, clean sawdust for bed- dlng, cut fuel; cordwood. A. H. Edlefsen, the fuel man dh. of Com- merce, sells anthracite and cannel; also cheaper graoes oi com ana ary wood. W. T. ALFORD. Estimates and references cheerfully given. Phone Main 6754, 610 Brooklyn st. lOWfcL btPPLX CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, $1 per month. Portland Laundry $ Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sts. Phone Main 410, A-4410. and Oak sts. EVERDING & FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Front st, fortiana, r. rnone mn its. " M, A. GUNST & dO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND, OR. . ALLEN & LEWIS GROCERIES. TRANSPORTATION TRANSFER AND RTORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. 'Storage, free trackage. Office, 810 Hoyt St., bet. 6th and 6th. Phones: Main 69, A-1169. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., of flce and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireoroof vaults for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ship ment, ftiain oso, A-wn. For Tillamook and BayCity Str. Sue H. Elmore Schooner Erie. Steamer Oshkosh Schooner Gterald C. Freight received dally. Sailing every Tuesday ana t riaay evening. i"assen- ger rates, rrom Portland 87.60, from Astoria, $5.00. Charles G. Stlmpson. agent. Couch street dock. Telephone main bdi. OLSON-ROE 'TRANSFER CO. General transfer and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed- and Shipped . ihk st. main oi, A-z 4 7 DON'T burn money burn wood. Large team load of sawed, dry planks and timbers, $3.60 per load. East 1625. NEKR & FARR, dealers In all kinds of fir and hard woods; prompt delivery. 306 Water st. Main 4596, A-4647. DRY wood 32 per load. E. Stark st Tabor 1977. LO00 CONTItACTORS AND BUILDERS R. Morgan, Contractor and Builder Estimates furnished on all kinds of building work, foundations, etc. Plans and specifications furnished. Houses and lots listed, rentals, etc. Telephone East 3893. BRICK and eonerute work; we can save you money, time and worry on work of all kinds; walks, curbs, floors, steps, walls and. excavations our' specialty; give us a call; satisfaction guaranteed. Olsen & Suedden, M. 6771, A-4020 INDEPENDENT Baggage & Transfer Co. Storage. 824 Stark. Main 407, A-41S9. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER & KLEISER, nlgns; the larg est Riffn mast-ra in me norenwest; 6th and ijveren sib. rnons -nv. iix. 65, Home a-uoo. "SI GNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland SLIiVKlOliS WALTER M Ins: and dalty. 160 E. OBER. nlattlnir. subdtirt. topograpnicai 28th st. N. maps a spe-B-2099. CONCRETE, brickwork, excavating, eto. Drop postal, J. Wempe, 187 E. 32d st TYPEWIilTERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun nlngham Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. VETKKIN ARIAIt DR. A. G. SMITH, V. S., U. S. Stables. 248 Front. Main 4166. Res. Main 1802. HUMANE VETERINARY HOSPITAL Dp. Johnson, 131 15th, M. 6841, A-4281. COOS BAY UIINB The steamer Ramona leaves Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m., from Alnsworth dock for North Bend, Marshfleld and coos Bay points. Freight received until 6 p. m. on day of sailing. Passenger rare, rirst ciass, jm; second class, J7, Including berth and meals. Inquire city ,1-1 X - Gl , 1 I . - n, , . 7 - mnei uinco, inira ana wasnington Sts, tr Alnsworth dock. Phone Main 258. OPEN RIVER CO. Oak St. Dock- "iSS."'' Phones Mala 2960, A-3527 STEAMER J. N. TEAL Leaves Portland 7 a. m Tuaariava. Thursdays and Saturdays for White Salmon, Hood River, Underwood, The utuivm. dik r-au v ana i wxv nmni. Passenger fare between PortUnd and The Dalles. 11.00. S2800 60x100, Holladay addition. hard surface streets, .Improvements all paid. 3800100x108, corner 25th and Bra see. See It. x 84400 Corner, 100x100, on Thompson i., near canine. 3-1750 100x100, corner, on Hancock St.. near carline. 50QO Beautiful corner 100x100, on 24 th and Hancock st S7250 Modern 8 room house on Broadway, lot 76x100. navert at. Sll.OOO Very modern 9 room house. .nonaaay addition, nard surfaced street, imrjrovemanta all nntrl 3604V 7 room house on W, '6th it walking distance. 827.5OO70 foot frontage on Wash ington st. Some Income. E. r. HITCHCOCK, 614 Bothchlld Bldg , KNOB HILL POBTXAITD'S ABISTOCBATIC RES1DEWCE ROHSS. UNCALLED FOR ANSWERS sajt rBAHcrsoo pobtxastj STEAMSHIP CO. Only direct steamer, dftyllsrht salllnra From Ainsworth Dock, Portland, 4. p. m. S. S. osa City, March U 85, S. S. Hansaa City. March la. From Pier 40, San FiranciSco. 11 a. m. S..S. Kansas City, .Mama IS. 98. B. S. Boss City, Maroa 19, Apru 8. i W. Ransom, dock a (rent Main s8. Alnsworth dock: M. J. Roche, cltv ticket agent, 142 Third ,81, Main 402; A-14Q3. The following uncalled for answers to advertisements await owners at Tha Journal office: A 341. 358. 362. 86S. S9 871. 1S1 383, 893, 387. 397. 412, 1218. B 358. 365 ata 373 S7S 90 1 898. C 356. 357. .164 DftS. S0 S71 382, 383, 374, 3S8, 2635. V 819, 330, 870, 876, 378, 883, 886. E 836. 345. 358. 366. 269. 360. l?x , 3i9, a t i, 37s. asa. F 817. 363. 364 865. 870. 37.1. aay, as. ta, 404. G 342, 354, 363, 868. 367. 370, 372. 373. 385. 388. 390. 395. 896. 8431. ' J 812. 330. 364. 365. 371. 273. 279. 385. 388, 397. K 878. 390. L 363. 371. 377. S86. 289. 394. M 361. 861 263. 364. 371. 377. 3J. 043. N 329. 839. 867 861. 882. 347. 269. 376, .379. 382. 385. 387., 389. 891. . O 36i, 870, 871, ili, 378, -3TT, I7. P 850. J57 865. 171. tSt. 388. flSL et, 36, . ? R 336. 3S5, 363. 868, 384. 883. 887. 8 324r 827, 830. 3B6. 868, JJ7, 978. (, 7B, 37 c. . 90. TS53, 361.- 369, 17 384 V 860, 1J4, 1 Si, ISO. 871 380. ,1 X 327, 1, 367, 170, 877, 37, . Y 859, 860. 86L 877, 8l, in. 185. s. , : 3o0, 173. 175, iU, tit. :V. 17, 571. 981. S6i,; n, m. 161, S8J, SSI, 6, 384. til, 0. t61, 163. .... , 1