8 THE FUR-VISIIER ROOMS -VAST SIDE 62 for summer, with 90 R 8th st, cor. ELEGANTLY furnHhed rooms, an mon--,. .-onv..nlenceS wih beAUUfnl trowels. IdnJ place or without hoard. if WawMngJon ... TW, 'thrc or fo ur light housekeepln- rooms, or room with lieat gas. bulb I 'ion block from St.I NU'JCLYTiirii'sl.'. .1 ro,.n four or kix hii'm, a i good tinm; c'osc In 1 NEWLY f.ll l.lsl.c.t HOUSEKEEPING! HOOMS WEST SIDE OREGON, ili.ii I.,, in.... l" SUNDAY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, - SUNDAY KfTiiKnr.AKii Nawiv hoi ana ooia hoard; furnace nfi'.i Ifetiton st, Iirlrll'.'. I or a club or i nvcnlenoes, ( 'ht-rry ft. u. all modern ( :i ! 1 ' 3 1 n1 n av. THE housekeeping room, tr wtrli ii.hta. aaa baths end nhorie. 16th or "W" carllne. corner i7th and Thurmati. Phone A-4174, furnished wa- ranga. free TWO news rooms; Jive Phone A-tJ38. furnished housekeeping lights, bath and phone. Cull t Montgomery. HOUSEKEEPING HOOMS east sum 4 convenlcm N., IM'Hr pro. ninny. r"r?Yri.- V,,, mJ ,1 fi.mt' r.-onis.. "11 ein mm i ti l.-i! 1 lUm. ?:& o-oshv wTnteT" i..vifv K.-ti'U-ri ' t. rival" family, n . ': s.d.-. distance from ear n lOMi. Iklnn Jrt.OO - Fariilsh.-d linlf hasemtnt and hull; waier. phone, laundry; loveljr location; rHrllne; walking distance. Phone t-VII'.voM,) 1109. furnished 'honsV-Keepiriir room in untitle I, nine fin rent to neat reliable inn it lev u. lulls onlv; no dogs. "8 ! got: , 1 1 HOUSES FOR RENT FURXITURE FOlt SALE n 32 MORNING, MARCH 6,. 1910, I1' I : Mi , for rent n " all cor vetih'n '. f phot's East l!,:'4 . tJ'KU. fTl'illsi:. ! gent), ins n j r. tvj CUM 1 1 single room , per w- tK. ft ' 1. MOLT.RN" equip; j-ent,' iiii i i . :i ' rhone, I'rn.'if femtlv "thi S92 K. Ftnrk. IIItllM.I (1 P'OUIH, nn.l JIu ( )re- lu.-i'M 1 nlon ami (ii'rtml avj I .' no '(-fk, rian furnlahed 11' I I iiuxi kci i'liig room; lnumlry, bath, lir-.ct tun Vancouver av Phona Kaat hit I r. ,iti h.m. v t,-:n:oi.t. ill.'ti'U:. fl Mi 'v I 111 II v i :ilt;il.; f'r i:. t t s n Knit i:i:m tioui'i ki'ii lor. Phoni- TTgbt Tuv- 1 :t I .-i t l :ih Vi IS A ilrnnd Kast B 1 6 S . I'M'l HMSIiri) ROOMS 10 6IX unfurr.lNh.-il houkceplnd: ronnm. Including bath, on i-nxi il: rbH In. rhon V.KHt tiO: c-ll'U. on Hunday rnll Woodlnwn JSJ4. ... tTilfil:"!! JnfiirnlKr'd '" rooins, two for houfldrcPrhiK, connpcti'd; rnl acp arate or all, rhenn. now, oluu, up-to-dat. 444,i l'ii.it Iturtislda Dliint.Ul-ii furnlf lied, also niched roomtL lncl. and an I 1 'I )". of S lioust k'dnr rooniK, itroiind , nor. tin tn . laundry, ftc. If. rnlniitoa to I' o ( nil aftrr 3 exropt Sunday. i.'6 I: 11th. 2 1'n rn ihf-l rooina nir lnoulre H't'3 K. lulior 10 i u 1 1 - ;it. cf hoiiHi kM'pln rooms, hro'k I.iiIMIi-.k; ?; 6n per week. 114 I'lllon lf Tlll:i;!: nl.ih furnlshi'd hoiisekednK i .in.' . n 1 ; iuodi ii ImproM-nients. ".'all :u i: Mi'lTf.V f uri'T'-lK'd housekeeping roomn; nio.h'rn, roll i n ten 1 . prlvatw family. i-n. .6T, h Wllllania ave. nil fur h u 1 1 e , aeiitla-f-l'ln.v ttulet: verv suitable for fIiibIo man: rfaM-nablf. Kamni bid?, 1 SO unfurnlFbed loukccplnK rooina for rent, all convenience; no children. - rent fid. Main 7 4 2 3 3J h e rm mi. yiVE pleasant rooniK. upstairs, unfur ' tilshed. lare Rrounds, Tent $k month. ' 127 Kast 4Mb St. Phone Tabor MS. ras, bath. !lfl. 190 3 room flat, 1J. J4i. rooina. large BIX new Market; Front. US'FURNISI 1 KI liouaekiitpinjc modern. 1 1th. THRKK month. unfurnished 1!3 Oihlis rooms, ft. 10 per no ch I I i.. iSHIm rioniid floor, liriuict Knst :'til". To TtKNf Moiiickeeptng room and up. alvn sl-'eplnj rooma. 47'': 1M- I". Ttli et. ho 1 1 se Keep! n rooma. yard, (fas, bath. 4 20 $10 Eact HOTELS 64 HOTKL I'OKTLAXP European onlv; J1 jr. day plan IU- I . i: ! I ;R K, Kuropi an. 4th and Aldan I KK.VT IlOl'SES 12 ROOMS AM) BOARD 15 TWO larco sunny rooma, euperli board and freedom strictly private finme. Thirtieth street; convenient Hawthom-t!unnysld8 earn. Telephone: -Tabor I0S4. COMFOKTABLY furnished front room for youn nentlernen- private resi dence: home cooklnir; prlcea reasonable. J Kverett Alain 7972. TWO newlv furnlbhed rooms, with or without board. In private family, everv convenience, nice location, walk- In i5dls Iuikjv3 3" K. fth Pt. N. WKIX furnished room, wiiri, iiKlit, mod ern, private home, .wit board. 662 Morrison between 17th and Chapman. . Mala SZZi. J'lUVATK room andboard; bath; eteam - heat: ftas light and phone. 232 N. 15th t. lJhone Alarshall l"ti4. ilL'ST sill nl om-e; cabin, stove, etc. am St., Fulton. bout 28x7 Uelow 1664 18 foot Macad- ItOOMS with board, modern conven ience, reasonable rates. 573 E. Sai nton." cor. 14. I'hune East 2901. WANTED Bojirdnrs In private board ing: house, with or without rooms; a-ood board, N. Sth Ft. tiOOM and board, private residence, for 1 or 1; Rood home cooking. J76 Van couver ave. Kast 132ft. Hotel Idaho A -631 HOOD BOAHD AND ROOM. Beds $1 per week; meal tloket t3 50 NICKIjY FUH NISPKD ROOMS 7i west mm WITH HOARD. LKtlClOL'S U'HK.V vim mn vn you'll need new fur niture." Buy Judiciously and your saving will r xi eed moving expenses. Our N( i-RKNT l'KICES made us one of the lurse.st furniture houses in the city--In leas tlmn two -ears. Lookers ahowu same courtesy as buy- mAroax-atciu.icy FURNITURE CO., ilvnii.l nve cor K. Stiirk St. Kast Aiikeny and Kussell-Shaver Cars piim our door. H jn KKNf '-Twti 6 room houses, 7th and K. (lav. $lf. one C room house, mod ern, electric and b;.h. 912 Cleveland ave., J'-'a per mo. Inquire of McKlnley Mitch ell. L'('2Vt Stark st. Phones Malh 2131: A-2131 Foil KKKT. .March 15. G room, modern flat, lirepluue, gas range, laundry trays. Heart of Sunnynide. $17 per niu Key at iU 1 K. Morrison St., phone H1!I7J NIN'K rooms and bath. Union ave. and F.. Kverett, $25. 1.IM1.S SALOMON & CO., ",'! Stark St., near 2d. Fl'RNITURR of 8 room modern hon, Brood condition, cheap rent, cle.arin. $27; $460; winter's wood Included. 402 4th t. KT'AT 5-room cottage close in for rent. furniture for sale; part cash, bal ance In monthly payments. For fur ther call Main 6S70. FUKNITUKK of 1 1 rooms, excellent con dition, rent 10; V rooms, rent for till: $(00 oash, balance terms. F-401. Join niu I I RNITI-RF, of five rooms: Rum, curtains, pictures, dishes, wood. etc. Rent $10 paid to March, (loin east; miar. 145 K. Everett St. l URNIf UUl: uvu-room nuxUirn-ilaL lu flood condition: two rooms pays the rent. Flat A. S04 Montaomery. Main 765 S 11 ROOMS furnished, house, garage. tiarn Rent, 135. A snsp. See own. er. 3 4 f Salmon St. $325 BUYS furniture of new modern flat. Wist Side, rent $25; must be pnld at unco. Call 420 Swetlnnd bide;. FOK S A LF. Furniture (Troorn house for rent, upstairs pays rent; Snap. 268 Mill St. MOOKHN s room house, rent 135; cen Iral; i.-w furniture, must sell tJVitck price, f,r,0 'nll at 305 3d sf. l-'oll SAM; Furniture of 6 rooms, m cludlripi piano, or separate. X-430. Journal. I'TIIM I I 111: of 6 rooms, (food condl tlon. $1.5; 3 upper rooms pay rent ho Mie tor rent 412 lajlst. 5 1 ( I )( i.M " M Til K UN Y' T T A G i f. Worth I4H0; must sell; will Kiirrlflce for $200, half cash, $10 monthly. 74 I'jiwt 7i h North, cor. Kverl t. 10 Room V rent rea.ionable. Rood Income, regulars and transient; leaving; city; will sacrifice. HI Tth at. I'honn A-7402. STORKS AXI) OFFiraS II WlLl rent by month or lease store. unrner Union ave. and Knott. This Is an excellent eland for butoher. ;ro. cor, delicatessen or loe cream parlor. Joseph H. Johnston 32 Ijtfayette bldff., Wasnlnajton and ttn. WAXTED TO RENT RF.SI'ONSIBLK party would like to rent a dwelling; house, west side witn small out yard for term, of years, In soon locality near Wash. st. B-44J, Journal. VANTHD- Unfurnished 8 room house. either west side or north end of city; must be modern; will pay about 50 month Main 11 IB. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 1 BLACK HORBK I ycami old, sound fchd HfTitlo; rulitiiir tired runabout: 1 $i. Hawthorne Park cottage. Kast 13th St Madison St. . FOR BALK CHEAP Work? mare, sin Rio or double, weight 1300. Call be' tween 10 and 12 At 240 Rimsoll at. 4 MLSICAL IXSTRVMKNTS 84 W.N'l'i:i Room, furnished for liouHekeepliiB, near Mississippi ave.. must be clean and modern. B-443, Journal. . Chas.'E. York Hand Instruments and Music House. Repairing, exchange. 8H 3d St. 400 Klitiba41 upsUht piano, price $105 on terms; piano in excellentx conut .tlon; snap. 44(? 3d 'St. Main 37SS, A-1725 TT-T-i h'LHH piano taken on mortgage, for I ial. cheap. Call uu Brown, l'hone WANTKD Carpentering and cement work exchange for dentistry. 402 .Bu chanan block. 2tlto vVashlngton. ADULTS want small iisrtly furnished cott.igo, with yard, West Bide, near car. K-440, Journal. W A K'T !( To" rent heavy Teams and wagons. Call at 717 Corbet t bldg. sTlAl1. furnished cottage? Main 74S4. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 Tabor 15K8 on- Monday $500 CHICKKKINU upright piano $125, another piano 119: organ $16; pianola isii, ;o jst wt. Mai n sQ4, I 1IAVK a first class Yorke slido trom bone that must be sold; only 130. Call up Aialn 5ti7. FlNK guitar for sale cheap. Call be- twoen 6 and 7 p. in., at room 17, 204 to wawningion st. COM I'LKTKLY furnished modem S room apartment, steam, heat, hot and cold water. 40ilto K. Burnslde, Ft RMSHED HOI SES FOR RFNT Furnished house, fK6 Kast 6th St.; 6 rooms fur nished and 1 unfurnished; rent 130. BUCHTEL & KERNS, 3 CO Kast Morrison. KIUHT room house, Last Jlst and I'lne, modern plumbing. Uath ana launary travs. largi) basement, porcnes, rent l'elepliolie I ) - LjrMaltl 3S04. :tf, uu - NKU'l.Y furnished 7 room house, new and modern; Sunnyslile aismci, immediate possession. A. Mlderdahl, room A, Lumber Kxcnnnge. COTTAGE -Well furnished, 7 rooms. $27.50 month, or lower floor, i large rooms, $20 West side river. Apply 364 N. 26th. ; W car from depot, 3d or Morrison to 2dth, block north WKL1. furnished cottage, f rooms, full basement. 20 month. Apply 3ii4 North 26th. W cur from dopot, 3d or Morrison. to 26th, block north. SIX room modern house, good condition, completely furnished, west side, $35 to rlfc-ht party. W If Morehouse In vestment Co., 233 Alder. rooms and bath. (Irv- 4ll Alallorv ave, $20. lxiul Sahomon St., near 2nd GOOD 7 room house, furnished. 1043 Hawthorne ave., cor. 35th st. Apply Union Hank & irust o., 2.15 (jtark, cor ner 2d. 13 head good mules, 1 span of mub a 2 and 3 years' old. $250 : black horse, wt. 1150 lbs., well broke, slnglo and double, make fine deliver? horse; mare, wt. 1000 His., for liiii, 1'lnto Shetland pony In foal, good young saddle ponv, Id. u k mare, 4 years' old, well bok. wt. 1250 'lbs.; sorrel horse, 6 year' old, wt. 1260 lbs; take the pair for $325; well matched pair of colts. Wt. 900; we will sell these for $175. Fine goose neck furniture wag-on, camel back wag on, 5 farm wagons, prartlcally new de livery and express wagons, single and 30 I double harness and "baddies. Herbert A- null. 3S0 Front st , cor. Montgomery. i HORSES, HARNESSlND WA GON FOR SALE We have sevenil good farm horses. both large and small, also some good oung stock from 4 to 10 years old. wt 1100 to 1600, 2 small farm wagonH, lu buggies 9 delivery wagons, 2 coun try hacks, 2 carts, i sets double harness, one 4 ton furniture wagon, 2 canopy top sin rev s Haw thorne stables. 420 Haw thorne ave. KS I K organ, 6 octave, tlon, very cheap. Call best of condl- 394 K. Clay. LIVESTOCK AXD POI LTRV 83 RHODK ISLAND Red and Black Mlnor I ca cockerels and eggs for hatching. 'Dell Klllott, mile east of Mt. TnboV res j ervoir, corner li. 82d and Division sts. Routej. Alontavllhv THorutUtlHliRKb prize Buff Dear borns; trios, $4. BO and up; some nice pullets In lots to suit. $1 each; eggs, $1 60 and 2.60 for IS. 1L R. Bluce, lOH'j Concord st.. Portland, Or. 440 K. 14th N. 7 lngton); $10. rooms and bath, Co., 233 Stark ON1-; pair chunky gray mares, 7 years Id. sound, 1225. 1 pair 4 and b year ttttyttt olilsi uulirhf 'if.il .oiir,.l tlnll 1 i,nlr rul hunks, weight 1360 and 1 450, Mice $30o. 1 black mare, 6 years, sound. $100. 1 sorrel horse, 3 years, weight 1300 lbs., J160. 1 Iron gray. 6 years old. 14U0 lbs. price $2u0. All these horses are well broke and guaranteed as rep- resen ted. STAR STABLES. SOS FRONT ST. I'K.NH of choice Barred Rocks, winter layers; also eggs for hatching. Br nest K Hatter. Kstella street, riorth j west of school house, Lents. jKKVTINU hens wanted"! Will pay lib etally Fancy eggs for sale. R. Green. Montavllla. Phone Tabor 805. While Leghorn cockerels. $1. ILAYING hens and table fowls, thor I oughbred and mixed; also Incubator. So Alberta st.. cor. 2th. Phone VVood j lawn 1695 A cur. KGGS I'nim prixoV Inning poultry $125 per setting. Jtidlsn runner ducks, I white Minorca. Anconas, Buff Otplng , tons Kl Alodelo Place. Mllwaukle. Or. ndld fresh cows, very heavy one gives 6 gallons; dry In exchange. Tubercular FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 lSU UUUCilU U U U U NJ' FOR IH A THE MAN WHO KNOWS AND J11IH3K OB OfH VALUES. W'C tlAVK IN OITR HALKHROOM A FKW KXCF.lTIONAbLY OOOJJ MAtJHHVf.fi OK HTANDARD MARK AND LATt MOl iF.LS THAT WK OFFER AT REAL GENUINE BARGAINS WHILE TMttl LAST. "Cadillac" 0, 1909. fully equipped. "Maxwell ', 30 h. p., 1909, 6 passenger. "Overland! 80 h. u.. 1909. 4 passenger, "Chalmers Detroit, 1909. fully equipped "Alaxwell" Jr. runabout, new. "Jlulck." model 10. passenger. Bulck." model 10, runabout, like now 'Oldsmoblle." 1909. baby tonnnau, new. "Ford runabout, .model "fl". "Brush" runabuut, new equipped. "P'rankltn." 6 nasaenaer. model "ii. 'Stoddard Dayton" roadster, euulpped. Everyone of the above cars are fully guaranteed mechanically. , ' DEUVEDuY WMMQS nrush." 10 li. p., capacity 1000, $560. "Cadillac," one cylinder, 1325. "orient," 2 cylinder, $300. "Mclntlre," 1909 model, 2 cyl. $700. Runabouts and touring cars from $260 to $2000, We are sum to have the ear you want at price to suit; we lire the largest dealers of almost new and slightly used cars In the city. Call and e . If 'fu live out of the city send for a descrip tive list of the cars we have on hand. PACIFIC AUTO CO., 268-268 Eleventh st. ' Portland, Or. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS. 1909 Harley Davidson, 4 h. p., $160. 1908 Imllnn Twin. 5 h. p.. $150. -1 907 Indian, 2 4 h. p., $90. 1907 Indian. 24 h. p., $80. 1908 Emblem. 24 h. p., $76. 1907 Armac, 3 h. p., $76. 1907 Yale, 2 h. p., $75. 19"8 Thor, 3 h. p., $100. 190fl Thor. 24 h. p., $116. 1909 Thor, 2V4 h. P., $100 APEX BICYCLE CO.. 126 12th st. A-830S. FOR BALK MISCELLANEOUS lft e . r ' OR - Plumbincr Supplies AT Lowest Possible Prices G E T" v Our Prices We Can Save You Money J. Simon & Bro. 244-50 Front St. Main 2002 A -2002 CHEAP. Altman A FOR SALE, ttne soda fountain. One threshing iuchln i syior. 149 waslilng machines. These goods aie all new. Apply at room 701 WUs-Fargo bids.. or at warehouse, font nf Pr.i.imhi. .r aftemoons, except Baturdav. FINE 4 room house boat, row boat. 22 foot launch and larar scow final n In first class condition: cost over lifnnn Must have money, will sacriri $360. Imiulre white house, foot of v.. Madison St. FOR SALE Library case 42x60 inches. flat top desk, wardrobe, tent Ixl wall 3 foot, all new, never been used: also Winchester 32-20. aood as new. win sell very cheap. Phone A-7254. sol milkers; cows taken 'tested Woodluwn 260S COMPLETELY furnished 8 room mod ern home; reasonable to right party; corner. 320 Tillamook c 1 222 8 A RARE BARGAIN $150 cash will purchase driving out fit complete, consisting of bay mure, age h. weight l't'iit lbs., can step a 2:40 gait and fearless, custom made hsrness In good condition ami rubber tired top rnnaoout, as good as new. 606 Wash ington st. WE have Just WANTED Purebred White Leghorn eggs in Hio lots. Send address. 71' 449. Journal. FO iT"sTvLE- Nine good dairy cows. K C. Lyons, 8 miles northeast of Hllls boro, ur. MODERN nished. room house Call B-1019 . neatly fur- choice horses left; good saddlers and team, geldings weight 29kO. 6 ROOM collage, furnished. $20, 467 E. Couch st. Call Punday. 12 to ,V WELL furnished bouse of 6 rooms on E Stark; modern. Phone E.vt 649. lu RENT Neatly furnished 5 room ottage. bath. gns. full basement; rent reasonable to steady tenant. Apply from 10 to 2. 8S3 K. Irving. E. 29th. -SEVEN room bouse, 315 Russell near Rodney ave., $18 per month. Collins. Commercial flams nve. block, 64 9 to t.. S. W tl- be had at home cooked ISSto 12th st. meals can WASTED ROOM AXI) BOARD 33 MAN and wife wunts comfortable home with private family, where there are no other' outsiders; references given. N-445, Journal. MIDDLE AGED lady would like to as slst with housework for room and board and small wages, Call at 231 6th. Mrs. Fore OFFICE man wants room and board v between Taylor and Montgomery-. 6th nd 12th; state terms. 8-445, Journal. WANTED Board with congenial sur roundings by osteopath; give phone nd terms. F-440, Journal. WANTED Place for good boy of 14 to earn his board and go to school. A-446, Journal. HOUSEKEEPIXG ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE ;WELL furnished housekeeping rooms. 2 $8 month. S for $12; furnished eot ; tags, $20; lower 4 room flat, $16. 364 26th North. "W" cor from depot, 3d or Morrison to 2i'ith, block north. furnished suite two rooms, gas, bath, phone; no children. 300 tth, corner Columbia. 1 block from cltv $:0-7 room house, all modern con venience, porcelain plumbing, gooa neighborhood. fc61 Front St., Boutn Portland. Main 632$. $nTo(T 6-ROOA1 house", also bath, base ment, hot and cold water, gas, gainen. East 29th st. and Hawthorne ave. Bur- rell Investment Co., 250U Third st. HOUSES In all pans both furnished and sure and see us first. Hoard of Trade. MODERN 7 room house. Union ave. and Knott st.. moderate rent. Joseph II. Johnston, 32-3 Lafayette' bldg.. Wash ington and 6th of oity for rent, unfurnished. Be Goddard Co., 615 FOR REaT FLATS 13 FOR RENT 2 new, strictly modern 6 room flats: also combination offices for doctor and dentist or lawyer and real estate, cor E. lfitn and Alberta sts. 5 Ri )7vT FLAT, new an d u i -tTT-d a t e, , l n Rose City Park. Price $10 for the first 2 mouths See EVerett In the Brick Store, Phone Tabor 1HS0. NEW modern upper flat of 5 rooms on curllne, beautiful location and sur roundings, rent $20. Fred Wolf, 573 Milli PGR" aide. FOR RENT Modern 7 room house; sightly; Slst and Ellsworth sts.; cse olock from Richmond car. Inquire nxt door. 927 Ellsworth. $11 AIODERN cottage. 227 Millard ave nue. One block to Mt. Scott car. Key at store. $2ii MODERN 6 room house, half block H-S car. 146 East 80th St. Open Sun day, 2 to 5.' STORE, with living rooms upstairs; modern, walking distance. Cherry & Vancouver. Phone A-3376. avenue. RENT. 5 room flat on west HENKLK At HARRISON. 511 Gerllnger Bldg. FOR RENT Foifrrooin modern flat. 1 block from steel bridge; line river view. 284 Margin street. I ROOM u pper flat. 3 92 Ross st Plume East 851 or C-1831 FURNISHED FliATS no CLKAN, sunny 3 room furnished flat, good location, walking distance, adults. 695 Front st. Afternoons. FOR RENT New modern 4 room fur nished flat. West ave. and E. Burn side st. l'hone Tabor 1871. APARTMENTS 43 EIGHT room house, corner E. 16th and Everett. No. 75. Apply 333 Worces ter bldg. TEN room house, corner 21st and John son sts. Apply 670 Johnson. Phone Main 9on6. hall , 6UITE of housekeeping rooms to rent : to desirable parties; every modern convenience; convenient to 2 carlines ; 67TN. 19th. ' i NICE front housekeeping rooms7siTlt able for two. 203 10th tt near Oolum- . Ma, 184 Shrman, South Portland: $1.60 per : . Week up, large, clean, furnished house- keeping rooms; parior, laundry, bath. SPLENDIDLY furnished" rooms with kitchenette. West Park St.. $14 - 7245. KEWLY furnished iieuf-keeplng rooms" also single rooms. f..r rent :n private in-roily. 646 Ynnmlll t-t. jFURNlSllED rooms tor hous'ekee'pli'.g. r central and xi-ry deiirable, c a lij Lr.(l bldg., 3d and Morrison st ; applv rm. 3ii Hilt KLJS 1 Hons, keeping rootnu, also 1 small sleeping ri FURNISHED 3 room bungalow, with i.sc of jilano, In Woodstock. $15 to re sponsible people. T-441, Journal. Mol.iERN six room house, nice yard. ::i East 2sth st. 1 block E. Ankeny. Phone E 3749. Ft 1 1 : O car. RENT, 5-room house; $8 per mo. Lovegreen, Archer place, Mt. Scott 2 houses east of Anabele church. COSY 4 room apartment, up to date in every detail, phone end Janitor serv ice, fine location; this place nus changed hands and thoroughly renovated. Wel lington Court, 15th and Everett sts. C. L. Williams and wife. ST1..-1M heated, up-to-date, cleviftor and laundry service; large windows; no children;' 8 and 4 room suites; close in; no car fare. Corner 14th and 473 Salmon, "The Ruble " A SNAP. 3 room apartment, furniture the best; walking distance: 4 room cottage on E 32d; fine furniture. $27. Zu a mouth. 615 Board of Trade jbffer'sonTan APARTM KNTS Kith and Jefferson St.. furnished 2 a few umong them some iirst class drivers; one 4 and 6, sound and true mare and horse, suitable for farm, fat and true, weight 2700, with new heavy breeching harness, cheap at $266; one gentle family mare, age 8, and others not mentioned. 294 Montgomery. AUCTION SALE ofgradTng outfit of- K. A. Herman, bankrupt., consisting : of horses, mules, harness. wagons. wheel Beesrpers. slip scrapers. etc.. I Wednesday, February 9, 3 p. m., at I Howitt's barns. Montavllla For further information see John Guv Wilson. Trustee, 730 Chamber of Cornmer'e. , MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. I 3 Studcbaker farm wagons, two sets i of double harness and two rubber tired runabout buggies, three stock saddles, ' one English saddle and one 3 spring i truck at Exposition Storage. 606 AVash Ingtnn si. No reasonable offer refused. $265 RANCH OUTFIT $265 ! Consisting of team of bays, ages 6 and 7, Weight 2100 lbs., set of sewed trace I harness and Studcbaker farm wagon, as good as new; a liargaln, ask for G. F. Bixby s lejtm at 606 Washington st Foil S ALE - ATedTuirT sTzIkI horse, sound. Can be driven single or dou ble; work or saddle use; juice reason able Also 2 seated buggy and driving harness. Williams Bros., Gravs Cross lng. Mt. Scott car. ONE MARE guaranteed to work fiingl or double; gentle for ladlos or chil dren; weight 1000 lbs.; 8 years old, rat, no blemlshesr cheap If taken at once, parties having city; 14 Union av.; ln quire for Green's mar.-. S. C RHODE ISLAND REDS, healthy. ! vigorous stock; eggs for hatching I $1.60 per 13 W Dyer, Hillsdale, Or. ' T liG'm lUGIlHRi: V barre"(r'j'iymiuTh7 rock eggs for setting, H. Wi Krupke. i Pml of Richmond carllne. REGISTERED Angora goats, high class animals, at low prices. A. R. Fanno, Mllwauk le. 1 1 r ,R o i te 2. holce fresh cows; 1 extra heavy THREE Jersey. 80th St., near Stark. fine family milkers. 9o E. -S cm . AUTOMOBILES to trade for real es tate, stocks, bonds, mortgages, equi ties We have what you want. Auto mobile Brokerage Co., 218 Board of Trade M d g A-7707. WANTED, '09 Cadillac SO; $1000 equity In 1 00x100 in Park and pay cash Journal. will give University difference. H-447, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 FOR SALE Wood. 8000 cords or more, 25 cents per cord, stumpage. 300 cords now cut, close to spur on Vaeolt branch N. P.. no better timber to be had, i baraain if taken at once. Call or ad dress Henry Blystone, Battle Ground Wash. RHODE ISLAND RED and Black Min orca cockerels and eggs. Dell Elli ott, corner East hd and Division sts. WANTED -A (food milker. Good wages. First wlndiiMll east of Kelly Butte, Powell alley road. THREE fresh cows for sale; Durham and Jersey; good, rich milkers. 666 F. Main st Fust 539 5 FOR SALE--Cow going to ' lie fresh soon. N Madison, Stanley Sta., Cai- adero earnn,, mng away. l'OR SALE Four fresh cows, giving 4- 6 gallons of rich milk a day. See Mr. Mast, crner r rult store, Lents. THOROUGH BRED lloudan cockerel and pullets C-I002. JERSEY cow for eule; 6 gallons milk day. Phone rubor 213,. ONE DOSiEN Brown Leghorn hens ur sale, t Timer Woodlnwn and Garfield. SOMkl household furniture at sacrifice carpets, bedroom furniture, extension tables, chairs, sanitary couch, gas range, lath tub, wardrobe, linoleum, office desk, 40 quart Ice cream freezer. V'all at 385 E. Alder St.. at ono. FOR SALE Old building on corner E. 8th and E. Couch sts., suitable for stable or garage; bids for sale and re moval considered up to March 10. Mall & Von Borstel. 104 2d st. 892 E. Burn- side. v . AlOTORS FOR SALE. 2 General Electric motors. 60 cycles. li. p.. no volts, alternating current. Price $35 esch; all In first class con dition Phone Malh 7173, or box H-414 Journal. PARTY formerly in Jewelry business has on hand 15 solid gold lockets. Set with diamonds; also about 15 diamond rings. Will sell cheap. Need the nioiii y . 1 ' -4 4 Jourpa U I WILL SKLL for one-third less than cost un elegant solid gold watch. 14 karat rase, very heuvy, and very fine Howard movement, for $50; cost over $150, P-446. Journal. RHODE Island Red "ggs for sale 770 Macadam St., near O rover. FINE Jersey cow for sale; price N 14 6, Journal. at $55. CANOES Order a famous "Morris" ca noe now. Model, size, color as de sired. Carload coming later. L. V. Woodward. factory representative. Phone Sell wood 1015. MANURE for sale, Woodlawn 8K3. HOUSEBOATS Some houseboats at Oregon Phone" Portland College, ward, Sellwood 1015. bargains In Yacht club. L. V. Wood- FOR SAL; AUTOMOBILES 44 MORTGAGE SALK Iron safe. Reming ton typewriter. 2 electric motors. printers' wire stitcher. Prudhomme, 63G Chamber of Commerce. rooms, $20 mid $22 RENT Six room modern house full lot, 3 blocks Union ave. 81 8 E. 7th f-1 r net North, $15 00. Box 60 2, city, FOR RENT Modern 8 room house, 221 Morris St., east side. Phone A-4662; M'ln 1 747. ' near city hall. LARGE fin"':! root; " fas, hath and phoi. - Clay st. ; Lovely 2"-room "hi keeping rooms, ru vte family. Very r PLEASANT ke, ping, cei.ti uu. 268 Jefferson, VERY ; huus North 1 1 1 '. ln 'MAIN ST -f" furnished Ihim . floor of cottage, , l'LEASAN 1 !:.:.' "" rooms, nice var-l. . SSii 3K7 First, $: Tv"o"desira!i.- niif- housekeeping, o'liv cnii.uiceh. 11! " to NICELY furnished 8 room house with piano; modern, close in, east side, fl to- (list rlct. H all. 380 Front St. M 2208. ALL modern 5 room cottage. 1 block ast of Ivanhoe station on W-W car- ii"(. Phone Sellwood 16. I '1 S'F. modern 5 room flat, with porch, $22.50. 20'J McAllllen st., across steel biidge. NEW modern 6 room house, bath, elec tric a rid gas. 774 2(1 St. Apply 770to 2d si. FOR" KKNt'-T room house, Vlth"bath t:tid gas. 614 Petty grove. 6 ROOM cottage, close s. East r.29. !"oH IM..NT An S room house, -i North. Inquire next door. .-: I X ii Call 30 1 Hal- 51 9th he Mi: 11: blslpji MAUN all modern. Call 777 ;Lll' l'iine Woodlawn X5 .! rent, 529 E. l 'Kl:N 'llS'S. ..' Ulili; 16th st. S. heap rent. Inquire HOUSES FOR RENT, 1 I KMTI IIK FOR SALE 32 ll;g lOOOT Motitgonie s. wit u bi.t' fun .03 ' cl!! I 1 ;;2 Nil KLV raniiis, Pbf.rte ience. p, . n ';,'f J4R"k'e"" c.'..,n'" i rooms: tubs, o t-?!t Thttr-vin. ! h'HK C OLLI NS."": rils.lled hoi,.-;, ke f en nil pb-n." 1 . Tu t" f .::- of' i tefpliig rooi.iy. 'f55 Fifm, K I .iCFl.V' f oi ois;:. ; SUfiFi'- ' M . . TllLUK "; '.! -o'o. d " ' with pi:'"'.. 2' o in "Y4th. . ''i ' : i venJeot '- m o'c si. ! FaNDY "hiV.' r:.'. 'i; - .faVilly. mi , on vi ;i "iTfi'CJiLLl.- fious", I gas.; modern 7 1 ' . O'Rtfi-r'irs'bri'i-oi.t tor liousekc-eplna. S!KHfftmic k pl: .. 4rHon st ban SA l,i i .'-roa ! IOj : : -i ." l n sacrifice, furnifurc apartment, in sirieily mod iit house. Evcrj thing first w-: soap for coup!. . I'luiii.' M't 2 7. lose, well 1'uriiished, mat with a goud income; brings STORES AND OFFICES 11 l'cm kc.m -a store i'oxho rent m new diock at hront ana Gihtis sts,, n new retail business center; owner will place partitions and shelving; rent reason able; good location for small hardware business. Apply at drug store, corner Front and Oibbs ets. Np.'llNe IV "of : I fill li r I o43 -449. Journal small cottage; to. 188 Bland. -na ' of 7 rooms. Sacramento . I : f . r -ale of nts for f. rooru house JO. 2MI Hal- t. hock Lid a l-'F : vrn'MK 1 V h of 12 room xiotis to scli house at bar Call 10R p ..in i.' rooms 2 s N pnvali 24 J ; i : 1 fo s. iigbt. A- 4 075. .lef !- i I'' house, fine eni . musl sell quick; ' 175 J Tth si. neatly furnished sab cheap. m Ny-TWO' raoms, gas and light; $'l j" , , trionth. 4fi! ( ;n Ida si ,: III' X iltiN'TH 4 i(j in, ii t. piTT7leei rin. gsrt in Hi STI!H;S1CKEW" iconis;ya"ra:i3 ttaur; $15.' J '"...-" :!.' ' KFI'.XiTFliK l'lTvNI'l I : u. I'.... re for "'1 fiat, furnit t. 1Kb st. sale, house for r riT 4i st. room flat for d.j"ar Belmont. '-.( i"i:t. fi 1 1 v. r sale, f or I r,, u ; E. Yamhill. IF you are a butcher here is a place for you; new market, toe box. racks and counter all in, rent only $5 per month for 6 months. Take Wuvoriy-Kichmond car to 41st St., then go 2 blocks north Ask the grocery man on corner 41st and i ilvislon st. Also a, room for a barber F i ir en r o r Lease"" Store 40x20 feet, in new bib k build ing, on Washington st, near 14th, changes chii lie made to suit tenant 11. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial club bldg. FOR KKNT New store bunding, almost completed, in the heart of Vernon, cor. itn nod Ainerta sts.; very desir able for millinery, stationery, con fee tlonery or drug store, fine location. Ap plyjtt10:i3 E. 19thst. N. FOlt R ENT--I n Al lo.-Htion, a huge light business room, suitable for plio- lograpn gallery, miinncrv or tailor. In quire Knitting Factory, Third near Mor rison. FOR "RENT"- - Desk-ro'iTm "in n ishi d suite of rooms. Swetl.tnd bldg.. corner 6th lngton. FIRST class outside office rooms for rent In new building; sP-am beat, electric and gas light with janitor ser- lee. v. E. cor. S.I and Madison. NEW. modern. steam heated. brick stores, good location, con I , -etioner v, bakery, milliner, piilnto-r. East 849. C-2788. nicely fur Room lilS and Wash- ' i Ht N HiH si ore. Fifth suitable for saloon. Vh yv 1 s h 'tiUtlns A 1 l'l 0 for offlce"or i L price $12 n month. 201 Stark. and Flanders sts., Will lease. Co., 250 Alder st ht iiKtnufaei.irinc; Inquire at Leattie llnlniaiui. i.AROF. front window In store, fine lo cation for jeweler or optician; rent isonable. 409 - East Burn! s-ToItES in brick building on Fifth and Flanders sts. WIU base Parrlsh. Watklns ,t- '... Jr,ii Alder St. Two" fine store rooms, rent reasonable Cor. E. 1'itli and Alberta sts. Take Alberta chv. S TO UK. "Mt i W s h 1 iigti i ii st 25xTn reM.'.oimble rent, good fur. various buslnes. Enquire 450 5th.' STORES In brick building on Fifth and Flanders sts. Will lease. Parrlsh. Wr.tklns ,v- Co.. 250 Alder st. PA HT on .f six ground p to i floor. nt, also Inquire office, both 20V 4th st. 551 MORRISON ST.--Low rent, good siand for cookery: key upstairs. ALL y-cond floor, 6 rooms, bath, barr Hi, Soul h Portland. Sii7 t.iiiu.iiuw. FEW niie offices in the Couch and Chambers bldgs. 5C1 Couch bldg. II 10. EGLER, manufacturer and deal er In harness, blankets, laprobes and horse furnishings; harness washing, oil ing, repairing a specialty. Ockley Green, St Johns carllne, $225 buys 2500 lb. team and harness, ages 7 and 8, color black, sound and true, chunky built and closely mated, trial allowed. 606 Washington St. $175 BUYS PAIR MARES $175 Ages 6 and 7. weight 2200 lbs., true to work anywhere, a more reliable team could not be found in this state, guar anteed In every way. 606 Washington. 1 NICE 4 year old mare with coft only 2 days old; gentle to work, single or double; good home more than the value of horse; no dealers need to apply; 14 Union nve. and Asli street YOUR choice of six horses, ages from ti to JO, weighing from JU00 to 15U0 lbs, prices from $40 to $100. Can be seji until sold at 606 Washington st. $sf. buys mare, sore In front feet, age 6. weighs about 1200 lbs., will work uuywlmre, worth $150 to anyone in oiintrv. 606 Washington St. Vol NG horse, driver; take Killingsworth, houses. ONE matched weight 105S; drivers; price 101 Marguerite 1000 lbs., good rider and Alberta car to 30th and one mile east at green- team of bay horses; ! good double and single i reasonable; by owner, j ave. I HORSES and buggies ror rent by day, I w..k and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne. East 72. I $L00" MONTH, fine, new barn stalls, eic. ;virs. won, hi Warner street Stewarts station, Mt. Scott car. TEAM, harness and wagon; $160. East l'Jth st, Madison, Hawthorne Park' cottage. Runabout MODEL 1909, BRUSH RUNABOUT! FIRST CLASS RUNNING ORDER. USED ONLY 3 MONTHS. COMPLETELY EuUIPPED, HAV ING GOOD TOP, TWO SETS TIRES AND OTHER ACCESSORIES. I THIS IS AN ALL AROUND GOOD MACHINE FOR CITY OR COUNTRY TRAVEL. I WILL DEMONSTRATE THIS MT- I LK CAR FOR YOl -. I SEE ME. I OWN THE CAR. I MR. FISHER. 29 HAMILTON BLDG. ' FOR SALE. TRADE OR EXCHANGE. One 7 passenger Studebaker '09 mod- : el, fully equipped with electric limits; ;a;so one Haynes, one Lambert, one I Wayne, one Franklin, one Royal Tour- : 1st, one Pope 1 rluune, one fllaxwell. one I Pierce Arrow, one Cadillac 30, and also ' one little Brownie. PORTLAND AUTO COMMISSION I HOUSE, IA-4455, Marshall 864. 60-52 N. 7th. TWO bungalows, strictly modern. In Portland high class residence district, one cottage, lot 60x100. close In. Tim ber land, Portland lots, property of all I descriptions, stocks, bonds, mortgages land diamonds. We trade automobiles for real estate or what you have. Give us a trial. Satisfaction and a quick deal our motto. See us for bargains. AUTO KKXtKEKAGE CO.. A-7707. 218 Board of Trade. KNOX, the fastest stock car In the world; Mollne, the best car made for the money. We also have a number of four cylinder cars, slightly used, but In first clas condition, left here for us to sell at real barnln prices. WESTERN All TO CO., 631 Alder St. MOTORCYCLES and bicycles new and second nana, ouy. sen, exchange, re pair. Agencies for Thor and Yale Motor cycles. Apex Bicycle Co.. 128 12th. A-3306 PURE biui -white diamond, weighing 1 'i karats, absolutely perfect; cost $300. Will sell for $150. Owner needs money. P-443, Journal. 40 HOKSE boiler, locomotive type, dome. H6 ft. stack; guarantee 140 lbs. cold water pressure. Call 21$ Oregonian diqx. GOLD DOLLAR strawberry ulants. r.Oc per 00: also new disc hiLrrow- vL-m trade for cow. End Woodstock car. Beetm ave., between Harvey and Hood st. C Wood. NEW and second hand pool and bTH Hard tables bought and sold on easy terms. Bowling alleys. refrigerators for Immediate delivery. Address tho Brunswlck-Balke-Cullender Co., 46 6tli wasted Miscellaneous 5 (JET our price on your furniture, a It will pay you. We want the goods. Savage and Pennell, 361-3 1st st Main 360. CALL up the People s Auction House to sell your household goods. Prompt attention and highest prices. 167 Front at Phono Main 6670. WANT 6 or 8 foot disc or Must be In good condition State ririce. Address Albert son, Wash. shoe drill, and cheap. Ost, Hels- WANTED Second hand boiler, 20 to 30 horsepower; must be In good condi tion: will nav cash Peurl I ,,,., i,-,. i Phone East 220. WANTED--a child to care for: sonable terms: tu-iir cltv Mm p box 45A. R. F. I). No. 2. Hillsdiile rea D., Or WANTED Good horn saddle cheat) for cash. E. E. Fulton. Jon Ing rworn. PROMPT attention and highest n'rl ces paid for furniture. Hawthorn, For Co., 152 Grand ave.. near Mor. E. 5204. BE WISE; get more for your second hand furniture by selllns- It to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st . Main 8951. A-2445. WANTED Second-hand roll-ton desk In KOod condition. Reasonshle nrl... 0-449. Journal. WILL buy a diamond; blue white and large size preferred: must be cheim and perfect. 8-4 4 9. Journal. WANTED Butchers second hand icn box und caldron. 843 East Relmont H-23, East 467. THE EasTside Furniture and Bargain House pays the highest nrlce for sec ond hand .furniture. Phone East 458. WANTED to have 20 to 100 acres land cleared east of citv. 61& Chamber of Commerce. SPO"T cash paid for your furnliuTe"; prompt attention always given. E. 1067 WANT good launch for cash. Full par ticulars answering. Y-442 Journal. WANTED? second-hand candy cheap. J-445. Journal. eKoi HIGHEST prices paid for all second hand clothes. Phone East is09. WA NTED -viasollne wood snw. McCoy . 364 N. 26th, 6 to 7:30 evenings. W car. FIX ASCI A L 51 WANTED Heavy team, wagon and harness In exchange for good lot. McOoy. 364 N. 26th, 6 to 7:30 evenings. W car. WE buy, sell and exchange bicycles and motorcycles; bring In your olu ones. Young at ,lton, lii loth st, near Abler. Phone M-7068. SEWING machine, one New Home drop head, with attachments, 115. 360 Mor rison st. Call Monday or Tuesday. FOR SALE Indies Inquire Janitor. Phone Main 8251. nice suits cheap. 648 Flanders st R. 8. MOTORCYCLE, "America's Best,!' Racycle bicycles; motorcycles and bl- cycles repaired. Rydman Brog.. 308 Oak. THREE good teams and one 6-year-olu mule and harness for sale, cheap, 360 Burnable. THREE horse power Farbanks and Mor ris gasoline engine. Good as new. Selwod 1348; 1184 Holgate St., city. WH ARE digging a ditch in Alaska that carries 4000 inches of water, which will eurn about $400,000 dividends per year. I his stock has advanced within one year from 10c per share to 60c per snare ana mere win ne another advance soot. Isn't this worth Investigating. ALASKA INVESTMENT A DEVEL OPING COMPANY", 162 2d st. room 100. $ QUlCk LCANS $ On furniture and pianos (without $ removal), storage teceipts, life In $ surauce policies, livestock, Jew $ elry, diamonds, real estate and all $ kinds of securities. Room 12, Ham $ llton bldg.. 131 Sd st. Main 2084. $ $ $ $ you want in per cent interest on your money? An absolutely A-l note, $500 due August 1 next, with 2 respon sible Inrtomers. T-447. Journal. BOND Sellers', Attention For an ex perlenced broker who can SELL. A fine line of industrials, with an at tractive selling feature. M-447, Journal Travis & Gleason Fuel Co 451 Hawthorne. East 202. B-2020, GOLDEN yellow white color neck Scotch collie female and two pups. l6 Ulan dena, corner Commercial. FOR SALE, or will trade as first Dav- ment on acreage, a Mannsreldt & Notrlc piano. Address 637 to Montgomery HO US 10 and light spring rig; t borne Park cottage; E. Madison. $60. Haw 12th et. NOTICE, light farm double harness wanted for ponies, apply to 8. Manz, 2i:s Columbia st. GoTipT-pony train, express wagon and harness, $130. Ask H. Baumer, 14 Union ave. SALE--Dorse cheap. K J. Lovegreen. Archer Place, ah. Scott car, second houoe , -ist Ann cm 1 church. 2,0 head of first class horses and ma res from lino to 1 700 lbs. U. H. Stables! 2 4M Front st. W NTED- A team for i'is'keop for S weeks; good care, light work. J. Lan. phcr, Phone East.2!V!1 5. ONE very good 2d band wagon: also harness, wry cheap, if taken at once Inquire 73 Tacoma st., Sellwood. GOOD I WANT an automobile awfully, aw fully bad, but haven't got tho money. But talk about property, I have it here, there, everywhere, all over Port land. Will trade any of it for good r. .. .m.l.t' , '.,11 L- .1.,.. T , ttuu.iiii.u.it'. crtii ouuuav. joe. iusil, Millard ave. Take Ait. Scott car. FOR SALE High grade Kimball piano and fine on paintings, casn or terms 11066 East Washington. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOL scholarship lor t-ala cheap. Terms. Don Acker, 1191 Front. FOR SALH; Genuine Spitz sup, trained $5. 69 Gayosa Apartments, Grand ave. and rc. Htara. WE SELL EVERYTHING I If you nave an automobile to trade for real estate, stocks, bonds, mortgnges, etc., call on us; If you have real estate to trade for an auto see us. OREGON AUTOAIOBJLE EXCHANGE 417 Merchants Trust bldg., 326 Wash. j Phones. Main 5381 ; A-5381, CADILLAC '09 model, 30 horsepower. In nrsi class condition, rully equipped. $1175. Sec us for bargains. Oregon auioimiBiic (.jtcuanap, azh ya washing- ton wt. a-i),ii, ivmin nasi. FOR SALE 150 Homer pigeons cheap. If taken immediately. xvenaiem ave. Sellwood i'ji. enwooa. fiEIl'lAN hares. Paul Roth. 271 Ar gyle st, peninsular station, est Johns car. BL1CKENSDERFER typewriters and supplies; bargains in used machines Ross, Buchanan bide;. J6-Standaid make sewing machine; good condition; aiso r;aison pnono graph. 350to Morrison, room 42. fnrm wagon and nnir n'i learn, $'u yea rs, price weight $106. at 2 inch storm covers 10. !Hh st. FOR SALE Horse, 8 pinO. buggy harness", 1 4 Unl.ui avo FOR SALE--Gentle saddle for children; price $22.50, once. j l i nion ave. FOR SALE Team, weight 2000 lbs.. '7 and 8. harness and wagon; price I24R 14 Union nve. WE HAVE 8 modern houses and lots to trade ror automobiles. PRICES ARE RIGHT. Call and see us. Room 417. 326 to Washington St. Main 6381, A-5381. SNAP. tnilu" 9.C I l men traira, oevyiy paillieo ana OVer- j -i"" . Imuled runabout, double cylinder, with top. and full equipment; good tires; $450 cash. t o. Jiox i.x. CHOWDER oak -range; good as new also NtW Home machine, at a bar gain. Call 394 East Clay. pony, eafe If taken at jioKSr. tor sail 2H6 1 ay lor st FOR SALE-- 505 Alblna BUY 1 250 M n i ri 1 bunch ave. lbs., 79M. price $50. of young horsea. if hmsrs for sale. Empire th and Jefferson sts. Keller's Guaranteed Harness 49 NORTH SIXTH ST.' GOOD span of mares, young. Cheap for sh. i55 Alberta st. ALL kinds Slnblcs.U FOR SALE Sorrte second hand delivery wa ns. Cor. E. 6th and Belmont PAIR ponies. 80(1 each, set double har ness, the whiue outfit. $60. 227 Salmon 16 FT. racing launch for sale; make me an offer. Frank o. jones, sin st QUICK sale, 19 ft. Lanncn 5 h. p. en. glne, I'none . LADIES' and gentlemen's wheel for sale, reasonable price, 610 E. Ash st. GOOD 4 passenger auto wanted In ex change for real estate securities or l liiamooK i-teacn iois at price of acre age. Will pay soma cash if necessary S-446, Journal. PUNCHING plete, new CAN'ARIK Call bag and A-2172. platform, corn- Fine mornings. singers E-4543. and females. 328 Crosby. WE HAVE a new, large list on this week, anything you want. AUTOMOBILE BROKERAGE CO. A-7707. Suite 21 S. Board of Trade bldg. $3000 SAWMILL to trade for a good 6 passenger car; must he fn good shape AUTOMOBILE BROKERAGE CO.. " Sultia21S,Board of Trade, A-7707. I .WANT a T0 9 Cadillac SO H. P.:""wTli trade 40 acres fruit land, cheap at $1200. Phone Marshall 295. Call at 206 Cuolu FR SALE By owner, 190s model i-...hi nina,rjout, newly painted and in good Condition. 1084 Albina ave. Phone Wood lnwn 298. SECOND hand library cotull'ion, ana cneap. table, N-448, In good Journal. NEWL Y furnished 393 East ramniii, cooking rooms at FOR SALE Hicycie ana general re pair shop, i it. inquire gH ijranq ave. HEAL ESTATE to exchange for auto mobile. A. A. Hatton, 411 Corbett bid- 6'66" BUSINESS cards, SI. Rose City Prlntery, 192 straWRERRY plants, the Gold Dollar. rnons vvooaiawn 1763. Mention ad. to 3d st. 50 cts. per 100 FOR SA dog. E Very small black and Address C-44Q, journal, r-. Trornrm3 tan MASSIVE oitk sldehoard. heavy plated mirror, $18. can zss fine-st PIANO, good condition. N. lth st. Cheap. No. 187 $12. bo DROP head sewing machine. 383 East Morrison st Call FOR BALE Globe Incubator and 2 brooders; also White Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching. A. J. Volgt, 695 Com mercial st. LOANS negotiated, on good securities. Grny-Cunningiiam-Gray, 722-723 E!cc- trtc Bldg. r 1X3 ASS WASTED 0 $1500 for security: nal. 3 years at 7 per cent; good private party. L-431, Jour- WANTED $2000 for 1 year ut 10 per cent; security the best. Call Monduv. Nichols, 616 Board of Trade WANTED To borrow $8000 for 6 years on good Inside improved property"; pri vate party preferred. T-440, Journal. WILL pay private party 8 per cent for $3000 on Portland income property value $8000. No bonus. S-444, Journal. WANTED A loan of $2000; best of se curlty. Phone Woodlawn 308. ? MOSEY TO JX3AS 27 WE LOAN money on diamonds and jew elry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. & At. Delovage. jewelers, 269 Washington st. PRIVATE money to loan on Improved real estate. A. L. Uundas, 224 Lum ber Exchange. SALARY "LOANS Confidential. ea"sy"To" get ana easy 10 pay. v . a. iNewton, 61, Henry bldg., 4th and Oak, $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, me insurance. MCtvenzle Sc Co.. Gerllnger bldg., 2- and Alder. $50,000 to loan at 6 and 7 and 8 per cent nee us oeioi-e going elsewhere. Godjjard Co.. 615 Board o f JT rn aj e MONEY to loan on improved city prop erty. vm. naaciuasier. avi Worcester block. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty. building iomub; lowrn lire in sure n ce. W. Q- hpck. 3iz raiun g. MONEY to loan, any amount, (j to a per cent, uuouiiiiusii k oeiiz, us tsoard of Trade . MONEY loaned on timber claims, con tracts, inonsKe null equities OOUgtll. 2 2 1 to M o rji cm, room a. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel, i ne Liwan v-o.. ti ueicum Dlog. money lo loan on all kinds of secur ity. W. Hon. room , vvasiungton tildg. OU1CK loans on all securities. S. W. . , . - 11-. .. 1 . . ,1 11.1. ir.r. MHI, Q w apuiiift tun uiun. .wmn Q1UU, ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, Insurance, aat anenoca Diog. Tflre" SUMS of $2000 upward on real estate. Goddard & tveiartcK. ms stark. $500 to loan on good real estate security, ror i year. xt-iK, journal ,4 1 - a.