THE OREGON ' SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, 'MARCH ' 6. 1910. V MIXING STOCKS fiS FOB SALE AND EXCHANGE. W1LUAM H. DAVIDSON & COMPANY IJ-R-O-K-E-U-S. Mining Oil and Wireless. Industrial. STOCKS AND BONDS. 2t)9 Lewis bldg. We ofter for sale: 2000 Alaska Pet. a Coal ..$ .18ty 500 Almeda Con. (Transferable) .37 6000 II. C. Amalg. Coal 02 Vi 100 Durllngumo Tel. Typ 1.35 500 Eastern Oregon Oil & Gas .31'H 4000 Gold. Creek M. M 03 '.4 13 Port. Concrete Pile. & En... 12.00 looo Tacoma Company 10 I 'id tod Wireless (trans.).. . Ijoo 1'nltcd Copper-Gold . , 2 ti 1-i We will nay cash for: 100 American Telegraphono $ 1.S5 looo Alaska P. tk O .14 Moo Almeda Con. (transferable) .28 StitlO B. C. Atnalg. Coal 01 V 100 Campbell's Auto Ous Br... Offer loo Marconi AVIreless U'an.).. 1.35 10 Marconi Wireless (Amor.) 12.00 20ou Tacoma Company 07 V4 We want a bid on 25 shares of Mexi can Rubber Culture stock. The above are only a few of the many stocks we trade 'In. Don't buy or 11 any until you fret our quotations. Wo hayo correspondents In all principal cities of the continent. List your stocks with us. ; BUSINESS CHANCES 20 -in H i -i -ur-. 1 1. i. i ilj"'U""- irn r iiirir-r KO h. p. water power, 26 bbl. capacity roller process, feed chopper, largo bulld-Inir.- store and nock of srocirles' worth. $2600r 2 large barns, blaeknmlih shop, fruit house, potato house, hog house, machinery house, nlco residence and 7S acres of land, 10 acres la fins cul tivation and irrigated. 20 .acres fine timber; horses, cows, sheep, hogs, chlck en. orchard; som . JBeaverdam land. Owner going .away. A snap. Price $9590. Terms. FREYTAG A 8 AV AFFORD, Near B, I', depot, Oregon City. BUSINESS CHANCES 0 NOW Is your chance If you want to keep a boardfnr house. 1 have a roornlnK housn that has been accustomed to tuf nlsh board and room; I would like to leaiie my dining- room and kitchen, which Is nearly furnished, to wood, reliable parties who will keep boarders. tor Information call at Hotel Clay, 320 2d St. Phone Main Ml 96. THIRD Interest In woodworking" mfg. business, including property, machin ery, stock of lumber, horse ana iwp wagons, (lood location. Chonce for me chanic to get Into business for small Investment, l'ool room, cigar and con fectionery store for sale at a bargain. Good location. Cheap rent. J. 11. Stone, No. 206, Alisky bldg. TO Rood carocnter If you want to buy a tiair interest In a atfinp mat is ooing fine business, more than one can aiienit to; low rent, with Well established oust ness. here Is vour chance; only 1 0 re quired. It Is a real snap. Call 613 Chamber of Commerce. KINK PLATTING TRACT. 370 acres In YAMHILL. MIT and FRUIT BELT; gently rolling land, about one third ready for plow, without stumps, roots, gravel or stone; good fir timber and all fine rich loam soil; near to it. R. town; will make, a nice little platting proposition. Call at 414 Rothchlld bldg. TALK WITH FLKTCHE I'J.'.O Alaska IM. & Coal treas. i'i ii. i) A Imcda On I nun Almeda Con l'Min Automatic lias Light .... ''' Black Engle i Santlani) . . Ii ('. Amal. Coal Buiiinguir.e T. T 4a Buiiinguir.e I . I 1 1 f i Campbell's Ant. S. Ous i. 1 o OaiHnfll Mottle 1 H(i(i Cascadla M. .v.- I) L'fci i .it-It WlreTi ss r.i on ( oeur d' Alene Con 1 ".(., r.dllns Wireless Tel . (mi I o le Con :;enii Kid. lity ( 'epi'er li'iia Ko.xsil Oil (terms) : I 1 1 1 1 1 (" land i 'on r.lMH) (Jold Creek in i (ec, t. s:,in.lar(t Vowder H. (i Peel; Am. Wheel . . . I 'iai Mammoth Ah taline L T. .Mareoni ( Kim liinil i .". ' Morning MetaMno ! Ton National Copper i i Nv ;sa Oil. Or : otiolc M R . .market . .. .Of.5 40 tilg snai bid . bargain . . . .sun p bid SO . . .22 Vie . . . . SIM" (IS $133 10 . . market 25 Of) .... 4 4 c bid . hid $;.") .... 3 c H7 DELIGATE5SEN Delicatessen, fine west side location, Well established trade, good leane and cheap rent: doing more than $30 per day. Fine place for 2 ladles, only 1750. Call 613 Chamber of Commerce. l''TN"Klji;srNKSS "PROPOSITIONS. Furnished houses. 10, 12, 14, 18. 22, 3 4 and 70 rooms; good locations; leases, etc. DRUG STORK, Meat Market. Barber Hhop, Grocery Restaurant, Delica tessen, many ot tiers. Hen, wo trade. EAST, NKVISoN 319 Hd. Trade llldg. WANT party with $100 to aid me in developing paying proposition soon. Wanted, party with capital to help own er plat, plant and sell ''00 acres now partly In bearing fruit. We understand find recommend these opportunities to any Investor. 430 Worcester bldg. PAKTNKR waiited to Hhow business chance and other property; good chance to the right party on ground floor; pav ground rent nlv, owns build ing; will" sell 1;, interest for $150. Peo 1. 1 -j Realty Co., 14 N. Hi wJntkd me in wood THE GLOBE BR0KAGE CO,. 211 4t St., bet Taylor and Salmon. Fhonea Main 6216, A-2J47. Io you want a rooming house or gro cery store, or confeotlonery store, or cigar store, or drv goods store, or a first class hotel? Then you bettfr sea us, we nave anything in this line you may desire. 1 . A Few Good Rooming Houses. tJ rooms, fine transient flat; 14200. 36 rooms, good money maker: $3000. 40 rooms, clears $200 a month; $2800. 34 rooms, swell; all brass beds; $9000. 19 rooms, good location, on Wash ington st; $160. 76 rooms, extra fine, nil new; $12,600. "28 rdom flat, a dandy; $2660. .12 rooms, very, good house; $950. 11 rooms, good buy for price; $860. 10 rooms; It's a bargain; $760, 9 rooms; a pickup; $475. 8 rooms, good location; fine; $500. 6 rooms, extra good location; $150. Cigars, candy, fruits, soda fountain. This is a dandy store, clone In loca tion; 2 living rooms; rent only $15 per month, and you can have this st the great bargain of $35o If you take It at once. Kxtra fine suburban store; fine soda; fountain, Ice cream parlor, confection ery, cigars, stationery, school supplies, groceries, bakery goods, etc.; S fino liv ing rooms; modern; burn, hen house, .lust think of It, you rent nil of this for only $25 a month and you get all the fixtures and stock for $100(1 cash. Beat it If you'ean. Dry goods and notions und onu of the finest locations on the east side; doing an excellent business, but must sell Jin acconnt of health; worth $800 but for a uulck sale take it at $500. GLOFSK HKOKAOK CO. 211 4th st BUSINESS CHANCES 20 U HAVK THIS WEKK 7 HIGH CLASS HOTKLS, FROM 25 TO 7 ROOMS, STRICTLY MODERN. LONO LEASES, AND TERMS TO SUIT THE PUR CHASER. FOR DESCRIPTION, PARTICULARS AND TO SEE THE OWNER. CALL AT S4 6T1I ST., 207 FENTON MLDCt. SAWMILL. 1 0.OOO capacity, with planer and 1.000.000 feet timber; price $2600. W. & Co., Scotts Mills. Or., or 319 Lum ber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark els., Portland. HELP WANTED -MALE HELP WANTEli -FEMALE 2 HANSEN'S t. ANTED Honest anilindustrlous man to take Interest In and manatre offico of established mfg. plant; small Invest ment. 221 H Morrison, room 5. I SALOON in fine location, clearing $40 dally. Rent $70. lease 4 years, no water expense. Will sell for $1200 cash. Room 25 It i issel 1 Bl d k. Majn 9327. WILL trade 10 good beach lots for rooming house or confectionery stand. I Mfltiitmd Investment Co., Tib 6th st. chairs. HAP.MKP. shop Water tower. for sale. Lents. $1 Two 00. BUSINESS INVESTMENTS. JEWELRY STORE, Fine now stock and fixtures at In voice on account of sickness, about $.8000, $350u cash required; A-l location. In a fine vallev town. POOL HALL 4 fine tables, cigars and confectionery, flno location; lease; price $1200; plenty of profits, little work; a business any one can handle. , ' GROCERY STORE, Best West Side location; rent $50; A-l stock and fixtures, at Invoice about $2200; a rare chance to pick up an old esrTlhllBhed paying business right; in vestigate this. LUNCH COUNTERS, One for only $90, rent $12; another one for $226; rnt $25, doln business, and well located. OKEGON ADJUSTMENT CO., S4',4j 6th st. HELP WANTED MALE 1 FIREMEN and brakemen for 'positions on. nearby railroads, experience un necessary, good vision, age 20-30, $75 to $100 monthly; no KtrlKe, permanent em ployment; promotion, 300 men a month nelnr sent to positions, state age, weight, height; send stump. Railway Association, care Journal. SALESMAN . WANTED One who has proven himself successful with proprie tary medicine line, in thnt section, to naiirno our line. state age. past ex perlonce and give reference In first tcr. Hond reuulred. M. M. Kenner Fredonla, N. V. EMPLOYMENT Oi'EN TODAY. Second cook, first class, out of town hotel grill, $65. Bread baker, $60. Country hotel night porter and cars of heating boiler, $35 to $40. room and beard. Jnnltor rooming house, city, $35. Walter $10 a week; kitchen help. Man and wife, cook and helper, road house, . Man and wife, cook nnd helper, work Ingmen's boarding house, $60. Man and wife on farm. $40 and found. Gasoline engineer. $60 and found. Donkey fireman. $.25; spool tender, $2.50; 3 raftmen $3; boom man, $2.60; cut-off man, $2.50; edgerman, $3; saw mill hands snd yardmen, $2.25. 6 section men logging road. $2.25. board $4.20. City laborers and teamsters. 60 acres to clear at $70 to $S5 an I sere; H. It. station, clearlnir $35 to $45. Seo boss here. Steam shovel dump foreman. $3.75. 2 granite cutters, $5 day. Ditcher and tiler on farm, $2 and board. HEADQUARTERS FOR R R. WORK. California Dally free Fare. Construction laborers of all kinds on the new big S. P. R. It. Job. Nalron-Klaninth Falls lob, via Eu gene. ' Free fare, dallv fur tuimelinen and construction laborers, for the H. I. It. R. Utah Con. Co.. contractors. East on the Deschutes work for the O. it. N., construction laborers, ship dally. East to The Dalles, teamsters, fare. 200 AustrlunH, Greeks, Italians; a day, board themselves. 60 Austrians. Greeks, Italians section work; $1.60 to $3 a day; Hriven. j ret. iare. NEW WORK DAILY. C. R HANSEN Ai Co KM I'LOYMENT, 26 N. 2d St.. Portland. Or. 424 Front ave.. Spokane, Wash. 87-89 4th st.. Han Francisco. Established lKT'i. OFFICE. WANTED A good girl housework. 309 Russell. for general East 1930. "WANTEDAGENTS 6 ' -Li L X'"-'"W-" "I " I AOENTS Look! Listen! $30 a week agents make selling: our new hook, "War on the White Slavs Traffic." iWnko up. get busy, send 25c for outfit 'and he first In your territory. Credit. big outfit, circulars free. McClananan Flsher Co.. jU. Units. MO. ' IMPROVED table article; easy seller; beautifully boxed; purity guaranteed; regularly reordered; largo profits; per manent agents wanted: we are sole malt- i ers. Shepard's, 67 West Houston St. New York. 1 SITUATIONS noltH 4 MUNICIPAL; FP.KK EMPLOYMENT 2.0 Madison, brt 84 snl 4th Horns A.Kiivir,. .,-, vni, ... 1 "PPiy you with any Cv M nwdon vry short nolle, nave the following ftniu K.o.r AGENTS wasted who will call at mar ket places snd livery barns to eel! every fertiier and horBe owner sn article ; thnt win make you $50 per week. Wil-j son Advertising & Specialty Co.. In-1 (imnapolls, Ind. AGENTS wanted for a high class, beau tifully printed and illustrated dollar-a-year woman's magazine; commission, 3 Chambermaids. 3 camp cooks. , j women for ta housekeepers, cashiers, office Rirla. collector. bookkeepsrs. stenographers. waitresses (restaurant). jeoccnangeoperalors. h'lp Wll'l 50 cunts, on each dollar subscription. ; nai. Write for agent's free outfiL American ! GET 1 fnme Monthly. 27 Spruce stork. ""MAKE" Rice. Crisp"" Now confection; sells like wildfire: enormous profits; machines $10 to $20; literature free; samples 10c. Shaw Co., 9o7 Laguna, San Francisco. PUPILS to coach in grade work or ap plicants to prepare for teachers -amlnatlon. by teacher of long exprl erne In Portland public schools. Eat YOUNG woman anc' little girl 7 years would like position as cook on-stock .,.... .iioutjrtt! e waives. C.JIR .In.,.. your BlirillK .,tllnr hlKh class work. Mr. Alder St. dons now; Frost, ill freo $2.25 for board WAN'IKI), four first class piano sales men by high grade piano concern, who will establish branch store snort iy. City and road positions open. Good salary, with opportunity for advance ment. J-419. Journal. WANTED Salesman: manv make $100 1 " -ANTE! $3)00 to $10,000 yearly easily made In real estate business; no capital re quired; WO will teach vno th Ihih!tii let- by mall, appoint you special representa- Co.. i tlve or leading real estate company, list J w'lth you readily salable properties, eo- oi"-iuih wun and assist you to a per manent success; a tnorough commer cial law coins,! frrd to each representa tive. Write, for : page book, free; it will be sure to Interest you. The Cross t o. Dept. ;L'8, Chicago. SALESMEN wanted to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock. Outfit free. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, or AT,KNTSSeTl our"" No-Nicotine smoking pipe to cigar stores; big profit; sam ple 10c. Barrett. 204 E. llSth St., Now York. LACK curtains neatly done, J.'.c a pair. .KMier. jjs 1-airbanK city. ave.. SEWING don.. Plume Main 5 day, reasonable. WANTED Agents; legitimate substi tute for slot machines; patented; slls on sight for $1. Particulars, Glsha Com pany, Anderson. Ind. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 to $150 per month; some even more; j S. marine corps, betwe. Yment Bonds. 'oncrete Pile 1 1 "mil :.0(l fi I 1 (Pll '(' pottland ;u I'ortland (lav I '( 'i t la ml Concrete pile . Potl'le ; Portland Coal & Dev.. . . Prince Extension Radio Tel. (Parent Co.) ., Rose Citv L'5 Rose City (i United Wireless 5 United Wireless All other stocks and bonds Ik r'ore bus ing; mav be able to do better. I WANT Alaska Pet. & Coal National Copper Almeda Con. H. O. Peck Auto Wheel H C. Atnal. Coal Plekel Adv. Math. . . .10 . . .3 V: market Miiii- $11.50 $13.00 74c 60 1'-, c $7.50 . . . burgnin $3.25 $17. L'5 $1S.5() Bee me Responsible parties to help the manufacture of large hard- veneer panels and Interior finish; also to heLp get the patent on some labor-saving machines. I can easily dem onstrate to interested parties an oppor tunity to make iiKiney. R-44S. Journal. Foir SALE-by owner, at invoice, about $tinO. confectionery, clgnrs. wid to baeeos; fine locution at waiting room on cflrllne; five-cent fare; cheap rent, long lease; living rooms in connection; no commissions paid Call Main 1010. OP PolH' UNITY A man with smali means will find a good opening for some kind of business in new business block Just completed at Front and Glbbs sts Take "S" or "F" car. See drug gist it corner. A PARTY with two businesses wishes to dispose of one earning $3000 a rear; $1200 cash will handle it. or will trade equity for real estate. What have yon? Address the owner, V-441, Jour nal. , GENERAL auctioneer. S. Ma.uroosky, conducts auction sales anywhere, any kind of merchandise: good r. -suits guar anteed. Merchandise broker, 242 Burn- slde st. Main 1599. GROCERY for sale. One of the beBt imvinir modern crocervs. doinir hie 'business; 6 fine living rooms in con Inection. Will consider some trade. Y-423, Journal. lIEl 1 we Able bodied men for the U. ' 111. M M at stock clean, grown on reservation, far , 19 and 35. Must be native born or have1 from old orchards, cash advance week- I Ilrtit papers. Montly pay $15 to $ii'.. I ly; Choice of territory. Address Wash- ' Additional compensation possible. Food,! 'ngton Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. 1 1 lotliing, quarters and medical attend-' earner examination. March I ;,.V 7.. -Vt"r 3U ',nr service can ..e mm ,n NT ceni or pay and al lowances. Service on board s(iip anl i ashor,. In all parts of the wor ld. ,p- !" ui .New oranii t.:entr.Ll hotel. I'ort- 10.000 POSITIONS For graduates last year; men snd wo men learn barber traoe In R weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn $15 to $25 weekly, expert Instructor: tools free; write for catalog Moler System of Colleges. 35 NL4th Rt Portland. WaNTTTd' -Ac. tor"-iiu t lior or manager to ciitielse and revise a play; excel lent store new and novel. nM written; half InteVest to right party. 0-44S. Journai. EM PIXJ YMENT AGENCIES 53 C. R. HANSEN & CO, CLERK and carrier examination. Mar 26th. special coachlnir and instruf tlon. Appiir atloiiB must no In nt once, so quick action on your part is neces sary, call, write or phono now. Pacific States School. McKay building, city. see Marnett He will put you one of the best moneymaklng in the city. Not a c-nt till fully convinced. This amount nau interest in a sure If so, next to schemes you are gives you moneymaker. DIAMOND REALTY CO. Room 1 4, 303 Vi Washington St. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat appearance to call on all mer chants In their territory; elegant side line; convenient to carry; good commis sions; prompt remittance. Belmont MfK Co, Cincinnati. O. WANTED- .Man: must be willing to learn and willing to sot as our repre sentative; no canvassing or soliciting; good income assured. Addrss National o-operatlve Realty Co., HO'J Warden lddgWnshliigton, D. O. M E N WAN t E I r"fo"rAl"aska ; t ransporta tion and board furnished; good wages; small Investment required. Alaska In vestment S Development company, 162 Second st.. Room 100, near Morrison. I land, ( r. i WANT a better place'.' Government sal I urles are high, steady and sure: work ; Is pleasant and promotion casv; liberal I vocations; ikj pull needed; hundreds of vacancies ev ery week, in all parts of I ' S. ; our paper tells you Just how you can get one of these fine positions; 'only 1 1) .cents lor ij months' trial, money bMe'k on reiiuest; SCI1(I dime or stamps to.lav to DeiOi civil Service. Record Wash ington, I ). ( ' GFNERXL EMPLf'YMENT AGENCTF.S. Main office. 2(1 N. 2d st.. Portland. Ladles' department, 7th nnd Wash. St.., upstairs, Portland. 421 Front ave., Spokane. 87-N'.) 4th st.. San Francisco. Established J S76. II" AN LEY" A- TAPI.EY KM PL-' YMENT Co., headquarters for R. It. work. 2t'p N. 2d st. 1 lloROl l.HLV experienced ladv wishes to take charge of rooming or transent lio .se, not afraldof work, fllaln 6104. Sit t ATIbN WANTED 'by mlddiealed buiy as housekeeper. Country ore ferr-(i H-441. JjTiirnal lU;SPElTf AMLE widow wishes a posi tion as housekeeper, thoroughly ex perlenced. E-44H, Journal. FIRST CLASS dressmaking wanted in" exchange for piano lessons. Phone ' W oodlawn 941. EX PERTi-lNljED piano teacher gives lessons. 50 cents, special attention to -beginners; references. Main 5415. H R I A INS carefully laundered at home, 40c pair; special prices to hotels; will call Phmie Sell wood 134. LADY stenographer wishes position; s ems experience. J-4 4 7, J ou rnal. t LAD Yintjlay work. Phone East 2324. SITUATIONS W.VNTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 WANTED. By middle ago man and wife, taking of good apartment house; city reference. A-44X, Journal. cars good DRESSMAKING 40 EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes sewing of anv kind to tnlre hn Will go out for fitting. Box 72, Lents, SITUATIONS MALE I ir. SHIRTWAISTS cess $5 and Main 8776. 1. up; skirts work $2.50, prln-guaranteed,- PLAIN sewing st reef. neatly done. 270 Going MUNICIPAL For any one that wants to engage a lirst class real estate and business op portunltles; business well established; f'ne office fixtures; Al location; doing fine business. I am going out of this on account of other business. Will sign contract not to open anothT office. In the same business in this city. Will consider any reasonable offer. E-4 17, Journal. MARRIED man. small fumily, to work inj 0,1 "IT1'13 ranch. Hood River valley; I must be uood with horses. Personal In- iterview necessary. Call room 5, 4 10 Morrison, JMnnday and Tuesday, 10 to 2. ! WANTED Man "to call on architects, j contractors and builders and sell our I Hue of Interior decorations; commission I basts. Hartman, Malcom Co.. 153 Jef- lerson St., Chicago. 111. WA NTED- Salesmen who can sell some thing today, 'not next summer We are willing- to pav most anything fnr a real salesman of this kind, and will give him a contract for a terin of jears I' he wishes. We have a fine opening for such, a man, vouiik or middle-aged right : "ust g I el .on ii. X-t3i). .1 u ' 1 1 a I CI VIL service enqdov csai T-"- paid "w".dl for easy work; examinations every month; expert advl-e. saniide iiuestlon's and booklet 16S di scribing positions and telling easiest and way to se cure them tree. Write now i'hi. Civil Service School. Washlinin,, i 'ampbell's Aut. G. Cascadia M 1 . Fidelity Copper Portland Concrete Ruse City United Wireless tVashougal G. & C. OIL STOCKS Lew capitalization; proven ground; get some. Company Capitalization Price. Best Yet $150,000 $ .X0 cash. Big Ten 150.0110 .27 terms. Coalinga Crude. 400,000 .25 terms. Coall. So. Pole. 250,000 .25 terms. Six Acres (Sc. CI lOO.OOit .40 cash. FORT GEORGE, B. C. Corner lot at one-half company price. 225 Ablnglon bldg. ON account of oiher business will sell one of the best paying saloons in Vancouver. Stock will invoice about $3500; can reduce stock some; part cash. 308 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE, or trade, 34 room hotel, pay ing over $100 a month; long lease, low rent; answer quick, this is a bargain. R. E. WEST, 2!)3 Union ave., S. B-1052. CALUMET ItUENA VISTA MINES. MILLING A SMELTING CO. 2n Alisky building, are now offering our copper stock at 10 cents per share, par value $1, fully paid and non-assess-Blde. We have nine, of the highest grade copper mines ami claims in the Seven Devils district. Idaho. We have installed a complete steam and air com pressor plant, with machine drill. For Hie last 60 feet we have been Inking out rich copper ores that assay from $150 to $225 per ton copper, gold, sil mt and lead. We have built a wagon rond to the mines, and expect to be shipping soon. A few dollars invested in this company may return to you thousands. This stock Is sold in 100 shares ($10) and 'up. We have just re ceived samples of ore and Invite your inspection. NICEST little grocery store in Port land; slckti"ss compels selling; sell at actual cost or Invoice. Come, see me, and' be convinced. 418 Swetland bldg. B U SI N ESS O PPORT U NITIES. Delicatessen and lunch room, situat ed in good location, no competition; will pell at reasonable price; other business tho reason. V-140. Journal. NEWS PROM THE SWASTIKA MINE (Taken from Idaho News.) News from the Swastika mine. $400 gold ore has been found in No. 3 tun nel on the Swastika mine. This ore is Wing sacked for shipment as fast as pi ssible and is creating a good deal of excitement around lskeview. The Swastika property also contains a 10 fuot ledge of silver lead ore, which can be traced for 4000 feet on the surface. The Swastika company is working 10 miners on this monster ore body min ing and sacking the ore. MINING and Industrial stocks; tele phone and other bonds bought and sold. C S. Fletcher, 125'n bldg. is CIGAR STORE. Best location in the. city, clearing $S daily, laundry commissions make free rent. Price $650; $250 will handle this. Peters, 15 N. fith st. I HAVE a 110 room Hpartment house, rent $125: good lease; clearing $350 a month; will tiAl half interest for al most nothing, or will . trade for any thing. Call Main 6377. , ROOMING HOUSE. IS rooms, near depot. This place Is always full; (dealing $135 month. If sold at once $550. Peters, 4 5 N. Bth St. RESTAURANT. With 5 furnished living rooms, depot location; dent $30; A-l lease. Price $350: terms. Peteis. 15 N. 6th st. GROCERY STORE. With 5 furnished rooms, clearing $230 a month. This Is an A-l buy. Price $600; terms. Peters, 15 N. 5th st, you stocks. wish to buy or sell mining call on J. B. Purcell. 310 Oak. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 TO PROMOTERS I have a good thing. Von will say so when you see it. Qnly s few thousands needed to push it. Bear closest Investigation. .T-44I. Journal. WORTH INVESTIGATION Manufac turers' agent will sell an account cov ering one of the best staple lines in the northwest handled by dealers every where. Business done entirely through jobbers. The line Is good for $3j0 or bet ter per month; $125(1 takes It, with stock. A regulars established trade and well advertised. Must have spot cash and act quick to get this buslnes. No agents. Q-443, Journal. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. For sale, Interest in well estab lished real estate and fire insurance business in live country town; price $30(1. Fine opportunity for live young man. One with some office experience preferred, but right man need not have had any experience, as present owner will take care of details. Single man preferred. References given and re quired. S-44,'!, Journal. Do YOU WANT a moneymaklng busi ness'.' Something sure? Ill health! MEN 6r women) forces me to sell my retail candy dusi- . ness. absolutely netting me over $45! per week, exclusive right in splendid locality, cheap rnt. long lease; will teach buyer trade of candy making while Investigating. B-445, Journal. j AN ACT I'VE-"birsiness man with $1500; in cash, can now purchase Vj Interest ' in profitable, clean, legitimate business, affording good income to both part-i ners and the $1500 poes into the busi- ' ness. 1 his Is an exceptionally good open ing nnd worthy of Investigation. For in terview address P. O. Box 35 6. OWNER of several good small tracts, nnd some good business and residence properties, $500 up, will sell for cash, or half cash, at much less than actual value, for a few days. This is a rare opportunity to secure a bargain. Room 26, Vi2Vi 2nd street. SECOND hand saw mill fflr sale. As good as new. Capacity 15,000. Com plete with edger-cutoff saw. slab car rier and log turner. Take Oregon Elec tric car to Donald station. P. O. ad dress, Hubbard. Or.. A. Ii. Feller. i TWO hustling young men of character ' , r I, a -(,1. I :.. , iv. nuininu lilil'Ill III ill! OKI established realty firm. For full par ticulars, call 320 SWETLAND BLDG MEN wanted, to prepare for railway mull examinations Commencement salary $S0o Preparation free. Frank lin Institute. Dept.. 01 M, Rochester, ny BE your own boss; make $4 daily sil vering mirrors; anyone can do the work at home In spare time; booklet and sample free. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 261.. Boston. Mass. i CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon I with staple line, high commissions, j with $101) monthly advance: permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., I Detroit:, Mich. FEW Men "WantedfK'h-weokly made ! attending to our advertising material! ror your locality; no canvassing. Dept. 361, Pandora Mfg. Co. London. ( int. $4 ton 1 1. ( : W AXTEl.i A hustling young man about to take a working Interest in an old established realty office 31S Alisky bldg! HELP WANTED FEMA LE HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY Wants Monday Cook, Institution, $lu. Chambermaid yr,t pantry girl coun try, $25. Waitresses, country hotels, $25. Family cooks, $::.',, "city and country Two kitchen girls, $25. Housekeeper, $25. All kinds of household help. Some fine places out of the city NEW ORDERS DAILY HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 345 13 "Wash, st., cor. 7th, -upstairs. lav sure all vear raising mushrooms m cellars, sheds, boxes, etc.; big market; free illustrated hookb-t. etc, Hiram Barton, W. 4Mb St.. New York. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED MILLINERY SALESLADIES AND MAKERS WANTED. WE aid our members to secure em ployment. Constant demand for young men of ability and Integrity. Special Employment Membr rslilp. Y M. C. A. W A N T ED Men to buy $.T00 sain plj hats, now $1.50. Low rent in base ment is the reason. Hats cleaned and I 45s. The 11.,,,,.,. o . r - - reblocked. 5fle 1'he DANDY little meat market, reasonable rent, rooms for family, $125; must be sold this week: going to Idaho. Own er. 4JK Swetland bldg. RESTAURANT Morrison St., every thing new, neat nnd clean, long lease; going to California; sacrifice, $1200. 418 Swetland bldg. ELECTRICAL fixture and supply busi ness at invoice; splendid east side lo cation: 3 vear lease at a verv low rental. W. J. Smith. 438 Chamber of Commerce. T.OOK AT THIS. Coffee house; close In; doing business. Must sell; $1100, terms. Swetland bldg. good 401 GOOD PAYING rooming house 12 rooms, $500; clears $50, including living rooms. 271 Salmon st. No agents. Best bargain In town. F7TAVE the "best investment there is in the northwest for a man with $100. L--145, Journal. SEVEN apartment flats, all outside rooms. Income $150 per month; new; better than 10 per cent interest. 103 Fourth st. FOR RENT, worklngroen's hotel. The right party can make big money in this locution. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett Bldg. REAL ESTATE. Is respectfully called to 1. Bulletin. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE. Vour attention is respectfully called in Oregon I .ar.d Co, Bulletin. FuRNTtURE of 5 room house for sale. no r'-ason.'ible offer refused. Call 353 12th st. J.laln S643. WANTED Your at tent ion Oregon Land C Vim SALE Cigar and confectionery, corner loustion; will invoice $600.00. price' $450. terms. 375 East Morrison. i7"(iR SALE Or liade, general store at invoice, br owner; agents ned not ppply. r-4--44V,Joiirnal. FOR SALE FARMS. Your attention is pcspeettully culled to Oiegon Land to. Bulletin STEAM dyeing and WANT TO LEASE with option of buy ing, a small printing plant. Give name and address. T-442. Journal. CAPITAL furnished in promoting high (lass inventions. 215 Commercial Bldg: GOOD PAYING tairor shop for sale or trade for lots on account sickness. T-413, Journal. RESTAUHjNT doing from $20 to $30 per day: owner leaving Portland; $450 cash if taken at once. P-441, Journal. KOR SALE Tailor shop, good location and good business. 565 Washington si. n-423, Journal. CONFECTIONERY, cigar and ice parlor doing a good business, this. Owner. 227 First St. cream See A-431 dyeing Journal. FOR SA LE one chair 550 H Jefferson. cleaning works. barber shop; $75. 10" business enrds $2; 500. S1.2S- 200, 7Sc. Rose City Prlntery. 192 3d t FOR SALE First class dye works. Ap ply 325 -Fn 1 nont St. j YOUR attention is respectfully called to Oregon Land Co. Bulletin. Look it up. $2000, p. nt cash.. 1 8 rooms; right down town: money maker: pirty cannot at tend to it 226 Lumber Exchange. $15 PER MONTH ""hiindles"""Yfe'anlnR works; n-ood location; ready for busi ness; Investigate. Horton, 213 3rd. GOOD poolroom, 3 tables, cigais and confections, on east side; quick sale; price $750. 14 N. 6th. OWING to lack of good sales force. I will give young man with ability in terest in the business. This is no real estate or graft of any kind, but a straight, legitimate business; $150 re- (Hiired. Room 417 Rot hehlhl bid g. 2 REAL estate offices, furniture, etc.. doing good business, for sale ut half actual value. Will sell one or In terest in one or both. Good locations, reasonable rents. Room 26, 142 ',6 2nd street. A" REAL BARGAIN in confectionery and elar store; fine location; no competition. For particu lars and price see G. A. IIIBBARD. 601 Board of Tra d e. RESTAURANT, on WasiiTngton st., $1000; cheap rent, long lease; fine trade; must sell. BROWN, 411 Couch bldg. FURNITURE and undertaKing, well established and paying business, it good valley town. Will invoice about $4500. For particulars see B. S. Cook A Co.. 503 Co rbett bldg. SHOE repair shop; good Fleming ma chine, motor, tools, stock; cheap rent; 5750 terms, or trade for lots or acreage; sickness. Edwards. Lumber Exchange, room B. AIOIION picture operators earn $"35 weelfiy; learn business In short time; easy inside work; lessons reasonable. School 526 Wash. st. LARGE bowl of rice, 5c; coffee or c coa with snails. 5c; bi 11ns. fie; best bean soup. 5c.; clam chowder1 with i-rack-L5iiil!l(i2?'LL'ti!l'Li(ii!'rli!n- ''''H' 4th WANTED Energetic young "iiTan 10 show property, experience not re quired, small capital needed. Call 7:30 evening. ,'!26U Washington, room 417. CARPENTERS and builders to kiiow th:it 1 will help to build on 50x100 (uu iois nought rrran me on easy t.-rms. Phone East 1312. TIME SAVINGS BANK. Correspondence Schools. Jos McKay bide. Main OSTRICH PLUME CO., 30Vashlngton. WANTED An elderly woman wlthoTit liicuniberancc to keep house for an old man on his farm; only thosf used ... r ., ..... 1: 1 , ... Hit- oecil auiilV. A. hlrctw -(,. Dalles. Or. 00 Indies to buy sainpie ds, all colors. 50e bundle; iiowers; straw hats WANT El .' straw lira wire frames moucled. Tho i lattery. 315 Alder ror i iir....sith. o-IWANT to keep boarders? NiTarfv fi,r" nished restaurant, in hotel; board one ior rent; sleeping room no uded soma North THE SPARE In ternatioual Scraiiton, pa. 7187. Marshall. 597. WANTED 2 young men to leirn auto mobile repairing and driving. Call 5(1-52 N. 7th st. Phone .Marshall S64. A - 4 155. THREE experienced solicitors, take or ders and deliver for family liquors Brown Mnrcai'iile Co., 7th and Uurnsido. Phone Main 843 1. WANTED Stucco work ef sea f f o I d . builder!-. To let labor on metal lath. lo.iiOe yawls. To let. labor on 5a fidO feet 1x4 sheathing. East P!iiejtnd 11th. ASK ME how you can .start" profitable mail order business at home even ings. Heacock, Lockport. N. Y hoarders to start with. Apply 364 Jhtli; w car to 26th, block north. WANTED--Housekeeper. Must be good! cook and used to preparing first "class i food; gentleman and son of 1J. T-444, i Journal. j Y AN'I ED- - Young girl to assist with light housework mornings and even ings for room and board. Phono B-1082 or call TCI E.35th. WANTED at onc. lTrTt-clTiss folder" good wages; steady work. Annlv In ternational laundry. Also other "i,,.ir. FREE EMPLOYMENT , BUREAU. I 270 Madison, bet. 3d nnd 4th. Home A -562 1 -Phones -Main .'(555. ! AVe will supply you with any help '1111 may need on very short notice. AVe have the following male help who want w o 1 k . 1 baker. 1 assistant baker. 6 bookkeepers. I 6 carpenters. ! 3 grocery clerks. ; 1 hardware clerk. 2 offhe clerks. 4 cooks, hotel, restaurant and camp, j 3 flrene-n ' 1 engineer. ; 1 eh-ctrielan. 1 1 electrical Instrument maker. I 1 waiter. 1 hot.-l porter. 1 hold runner. 8 housemen. 2 machinists. 3 painters. 3 janitors. 6 night watchmen. 1 stenographer and bookkeeper. 2 t'amsters. 1 plumber. 1 idunilier's helper. I 1 pipefitters' helper. I 1 steam and electric hoist man. 1 brickyard man. 2 blacksmiths. 1 collector. 1 core maker. 1 eablm t maker. 4 chainmen. 3 rodrnen. 1 In ad driver. 4 elevator operators. 1 enlist ruction foreman. 1 furniture polisher. 1 glazier. gardener. 1 hardwood finisher. 1 harness .maker. 1 lineman. 1 millwright. 1 meet cutter. 1 marker. 1 nurse. 1 orchardlst. 1 photographer. 2 shoemakers. 1 stone block cutter. 1 stone mason. 1 st ickeruiau. 1 surveyor. 1 trimmcrman. 1 transit or level man. 1 tallyman. 1 rivet heater. 2 window washers. 6 cement finishers. Common laborers, farm hand, mill loir,-Mrs concrete men. etc., can I be furnished promptly at all times. A Good seamstress will go out by day. Phono Enst 3i.6:!. DI I E S S M A K I NG and plain sewing; prices reasonable. 171 AV. Park st. NIBSES CO FOR INVALID, private room, best care. healthy location; laundry; trained nurse. Tabor 951. A settled nursing colored lady desires a children. phone Mailt place X237. FUBMSIIFI) BOOMS WEST SIDE AUDITORIUM HOTEL. 208 ;sd. near Taylor; clean, warm rooms; $a.50 week up; 76c day up; transient solicited; convenient aud com- fortible. THE GARLAND. 621 Washington St. Nice, sUnny housekeeping suites, also three unfurnished rooms, some single rooms. , Free phone, baths, steam heat. t H E" EL Wot )i ) A N 1 "GO LD EN C, A T E-. New management: nice, comfortable rooms fur nice people; rates reasonable. 343 'i Morrison. buEEpTNCpROOM wltli kitchen privi leges; also single room for gentlemen; clean, quiet, modern icsldence. i2S Mor rison, near 1 6th. a nd Tel. 6!) E. Was wTnte'd."" Ironing the Week. .1 oil ma 1. LADIES ST IRE'S. SOMETHING 14 2 1-1. 2D ST WAN"! ED. share inly, 13 0 2. St. Al woman for washing-, (leaning three (lavs of Tabor il)7 or add. o-445. MUNICIPAL mm, Eimmm ffqcse 270 MADISON. BET. 3D AND 4 Til. MALE AND FEMALE HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR EMPLOYE. MAIN 3555, A-5624. TO MAN wanted 13. Journal for cnuntrv heme r.. wages to right party. Annlv box V st size Jewel grif ring-. Jin. 1 ' r, y iiehnt c. m, M EN to clear land and nlant orchard Tabor ear. vet off it 4 d al llor,,( rH,-.- A(..e ., r::: .- '- " ' ..... , ..1.1 l. V . ..It. I . 1 I ,1 I I l , ,. . 1 . : evenings. AV car. I . , "1, BOOKKEEPING, private" tuition by an I plv to Itos- Fleming. 250 1st si. hccoum 1. ,1111 Merchants Trust w vi 1. TAKE ORDERS ON NOTHING TO SELL, NEAV. . R M 26, DESK " " 1.IO.V Willi re ereli, noilscKeeli I)g room family, west aide, walking A GIRL to copy names and addresses Must writ., plain aud rapid. Salary $2.1 pi r month. R-I4I, .Huirn il. FOR SALE -La 1 RETAIL merchandiser. T.i years dry goods depurtniieiit experience, ! years manager; age 3-1: familiar eastern markets- efficient help trainer: now earning i-'mi.v desires better position as man ager or sup. Tin tembmt FINELY furnished room, private fam ily, exclusive neighborhood; all con veniences, reasonable rates. 46 N. 21st b t .. off AV ashington. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia." steanihc-sted rooms, electric lights, newly renovated, $2.50 week up; tran sients 50c to $1. 1 FINELY furnished single and doubio rooms; private family; good neigh borhood; all conveniences; reasonable rates. 195 11th st. LIGHT, outside rooms, fine location; 7 blocks from P. ().; also front parlor, 2 beds, bath, phone electric light. 211 12t)i M. NlCET choke front room, private fam ily, for 2 gentlemen, first class labia board. 42 tila, near Washington. Phone Main 3843. NICE warm furnished rooms, suitable for two, if desired; 10 minutes', walk: from P. 0.; bath, phone and heat. 22S 12th. Jiear Salmon. NICE warm furnished alcove room with pi;mo, bath, plume and heat; 10 inln utes' from P. O. 226 12th, near Salmon. LARGE furnished room, private family, walking distance, reasonable. A-434S. 54" l.ovejoy at NEATLY furnished large front room,' suitable for 1 or 2, men preferred. 47S Taylor. MODERN furnished room, private fam ily, west side, walking distance, $4 per month. A-1392, 190 N. 14ih St. LARGE furnished room, with board; home cooking, all conveniences, rea sonable, 107 16th St.. near Flanders. NEWLY furnished 3-room suite, pri-. vate bath, heat, light. 1st floor. -299 12th st. , B-41H. Journal. 10 pri vfl to distance. COMPETENT school teacher; ago. 33; university diplomas, warns work any where in high grade, rural or private school Address today or Monday. Teacher" H'J East Ash. Phone East V vr us meat cutter shop; leisure after March 15. 8 Healey bldg . E. Morrison and Grand ave. Ed Collard. : carpe'nte'r FURNISHED rooms from $6 to $25 mo. Nob Hill district, 154 N. 18th St A-4705. country aliery Ap- G ROC ERA', $850; rent $16; rooms; clean stock; good Must sell. BROAVN, 411 Couch bldg. 4 living business. WANTED IO BUY Delicatessen Ure. or light luncn and lee creum parlors, good location and reasonable; no r.-al estate agent need answer. K-112. Journal. WOULD sell reasonable, a cash butcher shop, with a grocery line doing a nice business; part cash, rest real estate. Alt, i-cott car. James Cunningham. FOR SALE" V"i"' trade "for real estate i n good business w. II established. Want to retire. For particulars inquire F- 445. Journal. Iddg WANTED A house work ('all mornings. .s'rcT'ESSI'i'L, man, best stock ev land; see us at one :d I. refined Japanese bov i'or and assist with cooking. 321 6th, corner Clay. ;etic stock sales r offered In I'ori- ady en 11 vassor.s m-wf le st s. ilcr. good pay. H.ii'in 33 Hotel laightou. 1 hi, and Washington. WANTED -Good CM CHEF heiifhiu.-H-tcrs fornia AVIne Deoot to Journal. jTi'ii PAINT I NG labor on lot or and bur 112. '. N-lll and hip J 011 2S5 rs Yiimhill, as first, p.ivu lot. Owner, Tin I. Call- ; next - lent ! Ta Hotel Rosamond, 6 Pln. LADIES' to t ra"v.T$; I'ell.-es. Oily $2...0 lio'hi lay. room :e T ), l'MnilNTb'sh"s hamhermuid for 1 2d st., corner da y with and ex Call 2-1:11. t" woik tor root I Ci ION j .leu 1 high s, and boar hoid girl 1. Tabor foreman desires position u-it h Kome company erecting suuur- !ian bungalows, references. O-4-il, Journal. V V NTI'lii - Posi tlon In cerv, by young man of Two "years' experience. Journal. EXli-Rl EN( 'ED bookki eper. age 37, "wants position of trust, and respon sibility Strictiv honest. Ability chH'-actiT good- H--1I-. Journal. CAR '"ENTER and'hullder, new work ilnv or contract. 2S7 Main 4:!pi " i ENERGETIC boy. age is, vv-uius work. A-l reference rurr.lsneu. r-no, joui wholesale gro- ;ood character. Apply R-4 13, and A NICE small pleasnt room, with alt conveniences, gas and phoner $7 per rS'IiL 255 llth St., near Main. ; NICELY S furnished front room, also sleeping room; free bath, gas and P hon ,1. 11S 13th st.. nea r Washington. NICE, bright front room, comfortably furnished, furnace heat, desirable for two. 448 Taylor, near 12th. Main 7461. : ,508 ALDER ST. Well furnished sleeping room, mod ern. well heated, light: $10 per month. , : T . , Free 247 uth at., rooms $1.50 up per week. phone and bath. Main 7754. FURNISHED rooms, private family, walking distance. 634 Flanders, cor ner 20th. Phone Marshal! 1S20. or repair 13th st. PARTY with $2000 or more, with or " without services; find good opening' by calling phone E-26S7. IF you wish a good paying restaurant at a low price, call 14 N. 6th. ON ACCOUNT of making some changes I will sell a part or all of mv furni ture ver;' reasonable. 3!i5 E Ynrmiill. ROOM"l"-GlToTSE SNAP 23 rooms, good location, $750, terms, 88 10th St. $300 buys inters! In business easily clearing $150 monthly. Owner is tired of hired help. 225 5th St. WANTED To buy ft restaurant, or one half Interest, with some good party; not exceeding $1250. R-446, Journal. FOR SALE. Cigar stand on Morrison. Address F-449, Journal. CAPITAL to enlarge two manufacturing , businesses; popular goods. Or will j 611. P. O. box 159. AV A N T ED- Experienced washer, good wages. Call International Kaundrv 1 '" 3 0!E. Washington st. WANTED- -Plumbing, in V-itTiaiTge i'or firsf class carpenter work. ' Phone Ta'"T .3!i:.. or J-443. Journul. A.NTi;D, logger to put " in "Tho"utS (.1)0.0(10 ft fir timber. Oood -hUnce f'r rig l.t Party. F-i 1.4, Jon ma 1. 4 KIR.vr CLASS ca riia girpTinlers'wiuTt" ed. N. P. Paint Shops. 4 1 !i and Hovt WANTED Roy IX Call 45X Leo ave w.u t r-s : helpers. ' Wa-hingt- ses. ehambi rmaliN. kit hih:':; nurse. St. Louis, 11. .Main L'c.-J'.h A 47 75 books ill or af ter-write.. AN'-'.i l.OUS-ke d t e.i.. '"x IH 1 illg .'ll HII Is' siiar. rencc; ex e -riencd Call morniu st. girl AY If to work in factory" HOYS wanted with wilt, 1. Wonder Mil IIik ry Co.. Morrison and 1st sts. Is. 273 4 s-eliool. BOYS WANTED with whee Salmon st. Also boys after NT,;i 1 - A (St cti'llial mil WANT!-: I 1 . per Week uANTKIe"! V. 23,1. P Gil: iHI.SltlOU. iris to Phone la be East or family of '. 71s Schuy- ' lady agents. P- 440, Jour- Lot 1 1. T; $2 16 4. WILL kei ) snuUl set of 1 noons and e , ning. (, I 70.". Board of Trade I VI "1' KNTION Carpenter work neatly j " done, new or repair work my specialty, i t0., .Mallorv ave. i ii'ine C 1 7S1. EXPERIENCED, accurate ami reliable bookkeeper, best of references. K-445, .Ili'TTKI 1. FOR excavating, lawn clearing, plowing, etc., i a w n 2 16 7 lirl to work lone Main s in bakery. 2 4 0. 229 shoes WANTED Men to half soled for 5 fie. AVE want two real estate salesmen. So ber mere 212 Alisky, 3d-Morrlson. bave their 222 2d st. ;L 'o OJ-IC1TORS wanted. 233 Market St. or general housework, S:30 to 3D 2 Jiv kson. .Main 678" WANTED Girl for general housework. Call al 715 Weidler, or phone C-1209. AVAN'i'EI -!-Pri vate w ashwometi to ro palr and Wash clothes. K-442, Joufnal. (HRl.ri wanted to work in tailor shop" and learn to make trousers. 62 6th St. grading- lot phone vood- f: EST el: in .it;.;, ureal. is hotel best of .link wishes position references. M-444, BOY. Ii V. 439. . wains Journel. work of any kind. SITUATIONS FEMALE WANTED Day and cleaning, ANYONE dren work washing. Phone E. 859. Ironing wanting good all Main 5672. care for chll- VVA N'TED Curtains 4191. 343 N. l'Jth: do up. Main NICELY furnished room suitable for 2, private family, close in, west aldo. Address 225 Failing Bldg". K TWO nicely furnished rooms, private itiinny, cnoice location, js ana $10, 527 Johnson st. Tel. M. 3690. . ''.,; THE HOTEL ROmTU NlT2l S econd st. Steam heat, running water in aH rooms. L.VRGE front room with alcove, sultablo for 2 or more; 10 minutes from post office. Main 1762. 455 6th, Nit'ELYfurnished rooms, walking li tanco. bath, phone, gas, reasonably, 491 Everett St. TRANSIENT rooms for traveling poc Tde, 7 blocks from postofi'ice: rnodor.n; p.lso other rooms. 211 12th sttewt. NICELY' furnished rooms, bath, hot und cold water, gns and electric light. 208 South 17th st. Tel. Main 792$. . MAXWELL HALL. 20V 14 ,f5T" S'JT" Modern rooms, running water, reason- able rent. S1NGI43 room, clean, newly fu- ixlicd" -bath, phone, gas; reasonabis. 29414tlt, A GOOD" comfortable "roViri"fl'l bns . mcnt very cheap. lS8'y 12th TAVO single furnished rooms wltftlwith, $7 monthly each. 650 Tsylor st. FEW nice, clean,' well ven'Uist. I N. Front 4 rA FEW nice, clean. rooms ior men. 12 i A 1st AVEEK Light, st. bath, phoiis. ,3iv WARM comfortabiw room, clean homelike. Sf- 12th st. Phon A-J')iJ, Targe fuinLy rooms to lex.t. TWO 175 fine. 12th it A.