1 0 ' . FOR SALE FARMS RPsT FARM BARGAIN EVER OFFERED BY ANYBODY THMILL AND WATl'R H lc ! 1 1 T ; IlONK AUK WORTH 1 .' READ CAREFULLY LET NO DETA1I ESCAPE VuClt NOTICE. This ideal Piece of property U lO- cated about'4 mile r"x il railroad miles from ana jirs in -1." in Wash threa of ths le ington county. miles from two general rrta d 1.; t " ' nllk route, with ,'rp'l.oi .lensed "' '' also delivery to a Vi K I route lartory It a on an U. ;: Ovation. '.'-'''";;,, ;''K30 Hi r,l paiuiB-. "" i, ,,, in if which contain good ".id . ... .lliAir if HSll. UHK -I 111 till)' IIIMI'I'' n-i ., i. -r. t.-d on the P"'Ill" J . " .... rl...,r in Of inri'P-nwi; ..... - ... barrel capacity, being '. ,, ami also contains a new Not water of irrlga t ion, operau-d h at i v 111 M I - re LUi: ' ' " ana " - " " Thl, ,.nit. , i and forbay. t. 1-. I...rtll the proper. v. two .. i-n mm Mon." uuiiuimk 'Wi s ta twolv" r"',.d. -uB?4 fret high; hogp by nl..,r hllllditlgs; one new piiu- form bay scales, Just 2500 foil of twelve Inch liistalh-d; flume, i'dh porposcs; ..rooted for irrigation vnnn fept of six-inch w oil pipe for tr- Hi rcf huniir rigauoi. i""-'; .' fr Irritation - Xoet or xwo-iim c. i - linnwuiM tin if hundred reel "i F"S'b'pl e for irrigation purpose.. With nVf .me and ,dpe and pnm,.s and the ditches now in opeiHtiou m " 60 acres la under "Rati.',, and with an expenditure of 40o,f ,500 feet of 10-lnrh wood pine to i attached to the pump, an ndd.tlonul ' The Vr.ter portion of the cultiva.,,. ne It' rr.iilnl Ml 1 iiiltll- rally well drained; neail f . u. fo.....l mid ti nt h!1 lli.' portion TraiaUo'contns i acres of g,,,u; ine beavcrdam which hnf- not b. L?rafH for cultivation, but which can be olearned at miill expcnw west The mill race runs K..ir.Harv nf tile rUIK Ol l' i-iiUI- uotQi.l. land. throURh the bnmyiird ' to the mill and auppll water for J.I ? !,.. with It all of ullvu trum of sufficient magnitude to turn the mill over and aupplv irrivuiinn nurroscs at all water times ThPwateTrlght han been established for over &0 wars and Is unas5.ilh.blc and perpetual. There are about 50 fruit trees, rip ples, cherries, pears and plii""" RICE FOK LAND. 130.000 V, CASH HALANCK SIXTHKD in WORTGAGK ON THK PKKM 1SKS. AT 7 PKR CENT, TIMK h PAY MENT OF BAI.ANCB TO PFIT : PITRCIIA8BR. INTEREST PAY ABLE SEMI-ANNI'AIXY. Upon 8 acres of the land Irrigated, of ,the above tract, during the year 1S07. the following was produced: .0 (mm of vetch hay, 100 tons of Rn rlovcr. iVt tons of clover hay, and S tona of clover sllaRe. In 1H0R the oarne tract was soiled for green feed, and produced, If re duced to drv weight, over !) tons of bay per acre, and in 1H0S. produced ' over 9 tons of dry matter per acre. Corn 12 feet high was grown in nine ty daya. The property above described la without a parallel In the Northwest. The bust of reasons can be given for aisposinn of this property. For further particulars and to ar range Interview with owner. Bee me. ESPEY, 819 Commercial block. 2nd and Wash inRton streets. Portland, Oregon. SIB Mi IF SI ACRE Near Tualatin utatlon: all choice land; fronts on main county road; 21 acres cultivated, 10 acres in fine tlni Iht, balance woods pasture land; lies lKautifuliy, sightly home, nice houtn, nearly new; good porches, woodehod, Jrame barn of dressed lumber, all out buildings. See tin about this one. Ad joining land same :is this In valued at S200 tier acre without buildings, land Is choice for mixed funning or orchard, thin is one of the best buys about Port land; only $125 per acre. mm & Ernmm oil CJerllngi-r lildg. $10 per acre. 32f. acr.s. pear The Pull, in Wa.S' i) Co. Good fruit or pastui' hind. A Snap. for a cheap speculation. Terms. :-ee Eapcy. Corninercial block. tid and 319 Wash. A SNAP One Of the best n.'ll acres of wheat land In Alberta, Canada. for Kale cheap on account of old hk- . So acres under -plow; can he ali phvc.. n brush. ni rocks, plenty of g.mil water, gum build ings, all fenced, 12 miles from R. K. : will sell all or half or will trade for Portland piopt-rty. Apply to M. Iioom-y, Arleta. . 26 acres, 17 mile A mile from s from Port land, about .station, on main ma- cadam road, extra good fruit land most- ly in cultivali.ui aliout 40 tr:iit trees, roek, l.utisc and barn; deep rich soli, no Oregon Kleotrh purvey ii'-ai. will cive 2 R. R. lines; land liearhv felling 12" '1 to $400 an acre; price or tins only 5: ."0 Iart cash, balance time H. '0 414 Abington hl.Jg. Lang I EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ! ! 60x100 lot to exchange for rooming house, 10 to 15 Kuans. List your exchanges with us. RITLD1NG INV 'o . 42S Henrv bldg. 4Ui an,', oak. , Phone Mar-! ail 1221. WANTED to tru.de. 7eoo m-u',-,' lerick hotel, lease, ch-ars $no iii'.nthh. 42 rooms; will take lu r..s of laud '!... in or house and lot, citv. ;:i i MeicUunis Trust Bldg. I HAVE a 110 room apart in. nt I. mis. -: rent $125: goo 1 l.-as. . . .1. a live ?.: Jl month: will sell hull' Interest for a. niORt nothing, or will ua.li' for nnvthing. Call M-6377. $200 PER ACRE Hi a-'ros for ' equity to Tal..r KOi;. "trad. for a runabout. Phon, TRADE 120 aorch land, Umatilla V... 1 for automobile, house, lots or room- ! . inp house. Ask for Courtois. 320 Sivet-t land bldg , ' 40 acres, good farm land, some splendid , timber, for sale cheap or would ex change for grocery store, o. A. Hatton. m Corbett bldg. ALL kinds of real estate, exchange for Mr voles. motorcycles nnd autos. Young Elton 133 loth St., near Alder. 7'rtqtia M. 701.8. . . J-'OK SALE OR KXCHANtiK so acres timber cruises. 1. 600,000 M. in Dou- rlaa county, what will you give or ex--hng? T-445. Journal. 2U ACHES of land near Bandoii. all level ' hind. 6 room- house to 1 radc for busl tieBK chance or automobile peters, 15 v Mh. t. i VS k S T kU ,G ki a u t flm o h i i e , have .good real estate 10 trade and part cash. Peters. IS N. ttl St., Main 637 7. KXCllAXfiK RKA1' EST AT K pTTrTi Anr nnm APT PA I ML ULUDL DnUrMUi oy., 211 4th- St.. Hetween Taylor and Salmon. We have great if for this week. r.,,..,v L'lillil tlMlleH to We' will quote few below ns follows: ma u tl.,a,ur lurtd: w II make fine !." . '... ii ii. her taken oil iii imni i .1 . i . i i 1 , i ,.n a.. -1 1 1 nod cord d; 1.000,000 feet u I saw timber, fine 'earn ol Iiois.-k. wa.on. harn. sa. i m limiHt. burn, etc . In Jackson eountv Oregon, 1 mile I., town and It. It-. w 1. 1 .di all for j :;:, o tit-Mi or easiern pi perty . Oivner only. modern bouses, benut- 2 fine fill lots, land. r must he n room in fine i ..sideiice pai i 01 i in. fci' nil e improved farm ; mi li.miellke. will take grind lock and Implciip nis vim i e i - rs of such pint e lock this up at once. 1 2 '.. a. res. 2 inMes In VaslHiigtoi). land lencal and needed. 4 v 1 1 stiO. mortgage $;lon. land. from R. I! town i all cleared and mai h'dise Made lor proa' 1 'ol I - I 1 HI n re cultivation a i. i a i ng I Kai larm. ' and I n J.' I en laud. I'm i i ; p. 4 in i . llml.er, 4 I"' nil i . be I l nit lul t u I '' l 'II till I inll.-s irci Ini; bouse i.r l;..i leu . 11 ... ; i a no Hi. i 'h . s:s 4 no ! i 4 1 . si sect ton in en. p. ;.... waited J.lacl Close l.l ll.ui IlS.Oiui in I'm a . i M ' a n h in f I n - r Way.. I Set I'clll.l .m tat I. land pi cmml S i lii II el f Imildmg I-'Iim gall . i.yri -of Will Hike P.alalice I ! i 'pt ft V. pel rnt mortgage. S.'l'.u i right at line. , s.ate rif -r H.'le I a I n iti rv fine i l'lltl. Ill Eight 12 in I It sol I on Wl I trade ten e t ract s. otii on 4tli st. ,11 uii.l.-r high I si II for small for good Toil- ;ia incut down, land prnpei t v. $3500. miles out. Will take land. a ncrs right at s'atlon 12 Ith st. line. Single house, oiise and lot or lots In I'm t- $:opo. Ilal.-llice ings. H S2 rood P la h r.o t .nil.. cultivation, l-'air Ini i l.l d ol oud- fir ct i:a; I. urn. Will take Jiiiion In Portl.iml proper! y JTiMne Fa I r bouse 1.1 Her. s Woodlni rn i.ii a and 1 1. Ii In i u 1 1 1 va t Ion. food timber. miti .son. bottom land. East of $2;:.0U". A fine proposl lion 2Sn acies. all 'n Iuki le ol cull 1 VI i tlon. Verv fine fruit from Portland Line Pac.lf Sib iEM AKER f2 7 Jlenrv Main 4 4 C.r land. V: miles , .f the S.i'Uli' in I I..V bldg A 7 I CO. I. 7 ACRES. AIiAPTh.l' FOR FRl'l '(l OARI'EN. OR CHICKENS. 5 ACRES FNI'ER NOW. PRICE $2200. ITETIVATION ti;i;i;e is A Nil E ROOM MI EES IHH'SK ON THIS IT IS ON"I,V 12 FROM PORTLAND ON 2 CARUNEH AND MAIN COIN'TY ROAD. WII.I. TAKE l'i iRTI.A Nl REALTY AS FIRST PAYMENT. BAGLEY, OWNER, 407 OEREINOER REDO. NEW MODERN 6 ROOM HOME UNIVERSITY PARK To exchange for lot. near llelmont, between 3.1th and f'Oth as pirt payment. Phones. M. 22o2, A-22'12. or call 407 GERLINGER BLDG. EXCHANCE. Want 5 passenger auto for house nnd lot In Portland or Spokane. Want brst farm we can get for $.10110 equity In $tiu00 plpdii:ont residence. KNAPP-Rt IRERTS ' ., M. 2268. C'24 Henry Bldg. WE have a farm of miles from Eugen. division and a larire lot 60x160 in the lie 6!)2 acres only 2 H . suitable for sub 10 room house and a rt of Fugene nnd 72 acres of fine land close In; we are ; offering this 011 a trad.- for Portland income property at a bargain. Here is an opporl i:i. v ,0 trade nnd make some morn-v. 27 Hamilton lildg. EXCHANGE FOR EQl.'AE VALE E.I J.'ISOO. 1 res. 20 In clover, 60 In cultiva- 160 tlon, balance timber, on county rood. I near live town; house, barn, running I water, fine stock ranch. Call 313 Met- j chants' Trust bldg. I FOR EXCHANGE. j 6i acres at Jennings Lodge, on Ore-; gon City Electric, to irane on cny resi dence properly tip to $3500. Phone ICast 41S7. O M4. Journal. TO EXCH AN1'. I-, Lots II and 12. block H2, A hh-rhrook, Astoria. AV1U trade for lots 111 Portland. Pay cash differ ence . II. Oilndstaf f. illo Comnier- ciai h'o-k. . 20 acr. s of land. 5 room bouse; 4 a.-ri s In orchard, good sprlnj; on place, near Marshfleld, Will trade for any kind ot business. See Peters. 15 N. 5th st... WTriir'tcTtrade? Then see us. We can exchange anything you have for what run want. We have a huge list. Pacific Realty Co.. 2, 20 Swetland bldg. M. 5972. Wff TlTis -Tlortr.-i.ie South Dakota. Alis s mil. Idaho and timber land. Other bargains. 1126 U Washington st. Room 1 WILL EXC HANG E for property 11 beautiful white and perfect diamond, weighing 1 kitrets. No agents. P-4i2. Journal, Lot JFl WANT 2't'-oo cords wood and 4 1. w. P.; trade my .-ipiliy houses and lot, value $M)0ii. East 274-1. WILE TRADE income resld. nee prop civ up to ssmoi.i for logging proposi tion i.r interest, by experienced logger. Address P-44!v,lournal. EXi'j rANGI-rcoritiei- lot. 1 block .off "one of the best thoroughfares our of the citv, value $3.10. for piano. Phono Main 4. 1711 or call 2'i'2 G.'-rlinger bldg. EXCHANGE. 160 a a. -res land in o'sl'-i'n Oregon for ! r.iige or vacant lots. Owner, 300 Henry bhlg I iinve ou 1o trade for modern .m lious. on 16th iivc, Seattle? : W HAT Yii'lmJI :. :i 1 Commercial .Jildg, . ! r. age nf $20 per aero to ex- ! for city properly. K-4 45, ' 1 GOOD ; eh, ,'inpe I Jon null 5 R00M bungalov. full lot, near Mt -: 1 'I'ltlio.': J350'1: will trade for vacant lots. :il!i Commercial bldg. I G A HI HA LD1 REACH lots bargain, or will trade for sale at a for Portland , prnp.-rty. .1-41". Journal ! DANDY lot. VVa verleigh Heights and ! in acres ii'-ar Salem Electric, to trade I'm- h-'i.s. . R-1 1'.'. Journal. ; : v'.NTE L" TOEX;"H". NGE -Vly home in ( ily for 5 ro les Improved, not over 1 12I niiies from Portland. F-444. Journah ! 1 ... (. i.M apai tinint house, brick, with! l.-.ise, will trade for house and lot 1 (i.- fa 1 :n own 4U At. RES in -i. H-440. Journal. 1 iieiitm, county to trade rcperty near school and . A. I louck, 227 t(j Wasii. to sell, buy or trade, see for cit railroad. II- vou VV.'II, t-1 Sioe:nakefInv. Co., 527 Henry bld. ; Mjdu4465 A-74 3 4. . T'j'ADE or EXCHANGE. Grocei'v. nittiy IncHied-; a money ue.ki r. Can be had at cost. 103 41h. I 12 ACRES with 4 rooin house. 2 mires' i fioin :;oo.j town. Will trade for room ing 1 1 i iu si; 1 1 r gsi e r- lost Ifh St. I V ILL s. l) or tiH.ie b-i'ooiii niodeMi cot j lage. value $3ouo. ltox ITJh city. I Vi ILL trade a good lot for i f urnltire' K4 4 7. JjO'-'rnal. piano LOIS W u vei niKli, for small home igli, for small ; $220(1. 'Tabor age or taii'i; ?22'0. 'Tabor 184. ! 7 RO iM hoi, 1 I or acreage; ! UOT to trade 1" i;. 74th st , for 00. Tabor 1S4. lots large? 1 iinu-ra. 4x,1 i 1-" H'-li vlii.i. .F1V1-7 acres at .Mo i piano. Phone T i- r to exeliange ibor 506. fur Owner. ' THE OREGON SUNDAV TOURNAEV .PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MACH 0 EXCllANfilJ REAL ESTATE 2f1 1100 acres in eastern Oregon, all in cul tivation and equipped, water, will consider Portland property to $5000 or I $7(i00, and the balance In very easy ' terms or crop payment. 1200 acres in the fertile Willamette Ivallev. nearly at In cultivation and will consider trade for city Income property or clo.so In platting proponitln. ' S00 acres In Wash., 4 miles froaa R. It. anil boat binding, exchange for any kind of Portland property, or Bell on I terms. .... . ' .120 acresrf logged off land, within fio ; miles of Portland, will sell or trado; this is trlbutiu v to Columbia river. 34 acres in Tualatin valley, one vm- ! table nd noiiion land when cleared, very liglit clearing, trade for Portland prop erty or rooming house. We have trading' propositions too numerous to mention, If you have any thing to trade call .and Interview the KU ' A I OKA I . (K.V ,1 1 i-W S4 tth st iil!t Iioiird of Trndi bhlg. Eft SALE (SBYMiE ii o-AGEiE ami About 12 miles from rl'ort bind, all under cultivation, nice Utile a room Iiim.liiIow. good barn, bb ken house and i.ic. r .(.ptbuildings, on main country i.md. 1 mile from Malion, In the very I..M 1,,,-atimi. the pile of tills ben lit I la, Intle home Is JI.M'0; this in worm ,11111 I n v est I hh t loii Call and fee us. WKl,I.S lil'l'i'U. M.n shall ..O't Chiiinb. I of Cmnmeicc. EXCHANGE CMK'AOO ritol'EKTY Ft i i'liKTI.AMi I'ROpliRTY Improved Iiicoium property, well on good Improved streets. If tired of jjils mlsernble Oregon and wanf to return to the sweet, tre.sh and Invigorating climate nan this Is vour opportunity. i ; ' I,,. -a fed ( V (Ml 111 climate I ., line, 'of Chi HENKLE'& HARRISON f.l I (iei hnger i'ldg. i 1 1 - V E $lmf euuTty in 11 a.-n a Hood j River apple iaiid at $210 p.-r acre,: for roomlnir hoiiso ( (Ills land Is wort h j;:ii" per n. re i. Kansas farm for real eMate or room- I In.' house. jsini A 1 mortgage for roomtiis' house. .'3 room hotel lor (lose In a.r. age. t-rootn modern cottage, will take sub- uil.an iol us tlrsl payment. $2..0 morlgage and lot for II. K. JAMES. .Marshall 12!'s nutomobi:,! kK Kith EXCHANGE lass restauiant mi High i Urn t fl r v a, a ul I'd lion auvtliiiii: of value For particulars call j 207 Feliton bhlg 4 SIXTH STREET. I HAVE a $1200 ,.intv In a 6 room, strl. tlv 1110 !. rn home In lrvlngton. .valued .1 J.;71". on a corner, foixilo. I with hard surface street. The balance I can be paid in monthly installments at If, p,r cut Int. r.st. House would easily I rent for ciitoi.-h to keep up the itistull- menls. Will trade my equity for frac- ' tlon of un acre of ground of the sarno i value In the .south Mount 'Tabor reser- I voir district. K-44S. Jounial. I . 1 IB room hotel at an old and well es j tabllsbcd ocean beach resold; 12 foot I French range, furniture, bedding, sil I vt-rware, dishes, etc.. well located. I 'Trade for Portland property. HhNKLL & HAKrilSON (.11 Oerlanger bldg. I For S.M.I-; OR EXCHANGE A good j fai 111. about 200 uereB, In Polk county, lone-half In cultivation, hahnic- good fir and oak timber; good house and ; barns, plenty of water, on good coun ity road, 10 minutes walk to it. R. sta tion, no rocks, or gravel; will exchange for merchandise or income property; tell me vvbitt you have. T-44S, Journal. I 1 1 A V E for sale 4 lots, house barn, chicken house, all kinds of berries and 'fruit, on Willamette boulevard, would exchange for small farm with good im provements near citv or carline. 1 G. W. GRIDI.EY. j nSS Chamber of Commerce. 1 $1 0.IMMi ,,'pii t v in good west side prop erty, will exchange for farm. T-4 40, 1 Journal. E.VCHAXfJE MISC. 225 OH "SWAP" COLUMN EXCHANGE for lo's or cottages, fiacres at OorviClis. 15 mln." walk 10 business center; nil ch-ared; splendid for truck farm: only one block from proposed Poi'thind to Salem Eelcotrle. Owner, 1 7 i R East Morrison st. TWO acr.-s, located on Salem Electric line and county road; 30 minute' ride; with creek; will sell or exchange for up to date rooming house. Owners only. Phone Woodlawn 16,10 j S7 romn Rnngalovv on Sellwood car line, 2 lots in Rose City Pork, Swinton equity, will trade for livestock or what ever y ouitive. 445 Hawthorne. K. fi4 0. FiiUAEE or trade, inculiator and brood.-r. Successful, for cow; 300 ,egg 1 si-.. . "red Krlews, ushougal, af;h., i R. F. D. 1 . 11 NIT! RE of a good hotel for sale trad- for vacant lots: good clcap rent. Price $1100Ap t st. Mrs. Woolley. or will lease and ply .is 7 U EX PERI E.vCEl ) carpenter will exchange work for good sewlni hoiisef urn is hi tigs. J-4 43, machine or Journal. '!'() EXCIIANGE ft Wisconsin Peerless refrigerator for ladies' bicycle. Phono Wood la wn I 56 1. $ 1 00 -Calclmlning work as first pay ment on lot or house and lot. Owner. Tabor 14SI2. WTT.L trade lot for good visible type writer. Standard Investment Co., 225 5th. WE hove a client who wants a house-j and lot, or vacant bit, McMillen's ad- dition or vicinity. Atlas Lund Co., 420 Lumber Exchange.. . cXsll for property, any kind, anywhere. If you want to buy or well, address! Northwestern Ruslness Agency, Minne-i upolis. j LIST YOl'R FARMS WITH OA RTER-Dl 'G A N Co., R20 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. WAN'TED -A 4 or 5 room modern cot tage in Hawthorne or Sunnyside dis tricts. Sk-vsttr & Kendall, 410 Leitis bhlg. S OR Si room house, not too far out. Corner lot. Give full description am location, with price. Address buyer, R 4 8 8, Journal. W XT a good residence somewhere ! in the viclnl'y of Irvmgton; must be not over $3500 cash; owners 1 a sun p. ' onl Phone Woodlawn 30S. I AM In the market for bin or two j will worth rood pay the ' lots In Sunnyside district spot cash, but they must be money. K-143, Journal. homes .Main WE WANT several suburban under tloOO. owners or agents 2107. 212 Ailsky bldg., cor. Third audi ! Morrison. ; REAL ESTATE or equities In saine! bought and sold. List with us. i OR A Y -C l .'NNI NG H A M-GRA Y 1 722-723 Electric Building. ! TELEGRAPHER wants to come west. I get position, buy small tract or home- j st tad. Tabor Suit. Pox 473. Arleta. : WVVTED Two or more lots some : where on tin- Peninsula." -No agents. I Phone W110dl1uv.11 308 WA NTE'D- Real estate Will pay cash, j i if offered cheap. Now is the time to, is.li. T. J- Leojuird. S20 Board of Trade.; W"f"VAN'P a connie of suburban busi- i nets places. 212 Alisky. Third and , 1 Mm. isoo. ; LIST "vour property with us for quick results. Building Investment Co.,1 : 4 2 8 Hen rybld g.. Marshal 1221. i i , WANTED 5 or 6 room cottage or flat. 1 on West Side. Owners only. Call j 615 Board of Trade. ! 1 WANT Two lots in Tremont Place; ! wl!! pay fash. K-44b, .louiuai. , WANTED -To buy 1 or 2 lots, cheap .- a i ' '- ' c. J ou : iial. j WANTED Auto real estate; must be cilcap. 415 Henry blJjj. ! in VTL'll. ..ni.' II I'UTITI? HI hi IKl un 1 l .x .1 t J a. w j. i WANTKl HEAL ESTATE 31 WANTED INVESTMENT INCOME. $11,000. MuM pay at least 10 per cent. Hnwi,iuiiv of property is llclent, mav consider per cent. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Board of Trade Hblg- X4 Fourth lOWNKRS of liousea, lots, a:reage and form nrnnertv will find It to their i advantage Ht with ub. tltrange ii , , inern la a dearth or as de- ' BlioblB homes offered, as ! better i known to the houae-huntfra. . i JOSE I'll If. JOHNSTON. 32.3 T.alnyette Bldg., Washingtoft A tn. I WANT some ftood vacant rrop- '. in,.imjinl I'rICA about week. $:ioo0. In town C-442. Journal. for one WE want J'nrina and small amounts of j acreage, both Improved and unim proved and city property, and the price must not bo Inflate,!. Only properties of merit considered, and must be from owners only. We have clients, and our list Is running low. llol.T HKACV. 27 Hamilton mag. N I' I :i Property In all customers, give parts "of price and cliv lor rins. O. W. OlUDl.EY. I'hainber of Commerce. 2.3S OU NKKrf of vacant property, let us i know the description or your priiru) and price; we iiinke a specialty or VII- otni unnrtment iiouao sites ana resl- deuce property. 1'CRSE A CO., ' - SIS Cliiunber ofJninnf IjziJi!i WANTED to buy 6 or 6 room house, lot urn less than 40x100, west of iMh i.,.itt..r. n.uthorne and Burnsld ni A..i, hi.. torn in A mnm house ant 1 lot Kiixldo and pay difference. C. a. Johi-.sf.n, Yule Laundry. WANTED, estnto map cheap. I. a i go Journal. real J-418. ANTEI) to purchase on payments of not more than $100 down, bulance $50 per month from i to 2 acres Improved win, eood house of or more rooms. nee r enrlin State location and price. SMAI.E furnished cottage on East Md. kIk. ut three or four rooms, oy ymms, coupie'wlth month old -Infant; no ob. ee ; tlon to some distance out If near canine. i PhnueH-2SX7. Washington i -N T Kl " - -Will purchnse from owner and lot, or i ,,,. cash. block suitable for ware. house vjith railroad facilities; location IllUSt be east Ol 12111 aim mum Kvi-rett Rts. M-415, Journal WAITED ii or f room cottage or bun galow between E. Morrison and Haw thorne unit 3th and 45th sts. Col.FMHlA TRl'ST CO.. rionr i of Trade Ride. M Fourth St. !WANTi:i' 1 or 2 good lots In Rose 1 citv Park. Elmliurst or Merlow; 1 I have 'the cash and mean business; state Mowst price, lot and block number; no i agents Y-4 12. Journal. WANTED Ilungalow or of Hawthorne betwei cottage, south n E. 32d and luth sts. COEIMRIA TRUST CO., Hoard of 'Trade Hldg. . H Fourth Ft. LOT WANTED. We want a lot In North East Portland; will pay cash. Howard Land Co., 420 Swetland bldg V, A HiRRARl) can handle your prop- ,.nv onlcklv and to vour best advan tage ' Ih-st terms. exc llent results gained quickly. See me now. TRADE. fins' ROARD OF LIST YOl'R HOI SE or lot with us. ; W.. alvvavs trv to rind nuycrs. ."now Is tho time lis tourist rates are bring 1 lug hue,-rs. 212 Alisky bldg., Third and I Morrison. Main 2407. i r V - NT o buy for cash. 1 or two va 1 cant lots, east side. If your lot Is ; cheap and you wanf tho caph, write mo. Don't call. . . C. D. AleCONAJlY J2L .--. LJSfv"our prolierty wltii us. We, have j plenty of customers but not enough property. 1 REPASS ft TVnnilTARD, I 2.00 Henry RUlg. 1 , v.-p.i-i . . T , t o Ir. Unci, Citv- Park dls- i 1 trict west of 1-7 54th St., near carline. ; Mall price, terms, location. Address W. I 1 Seal. erg, 265 14th st i i WANTED Four to t"ii acres land fori home, all or partly cleared; price must . be verv reasonable. -Yi! information first letter. R-445, Journal. ! WANTKD S lots" near Jefferson High school, east front; will pay cash for one; payment on tho other; must be cheap. J 1 85 Omaha live. FKUIT LANDS 45 mm 3 vJ In Yamhill county, half mile from North Yamhill .station; the Southern Pacific Ily. runs through one corner of tire propcrt v. Splendid soil, all under cultivation and ready for the trees; beautiful view, convenient to stores, churches and school. There fllno better fruit tracts in Oregon for DOURLE THE MONEY. 1 hose in the market for a FIRST CLASS 10-acre fruit tract convenient to Portland will do well to communicate with tins office and arrange to look over these tracts. Prices from $140 to $150 per acre; mcst convenient terms. Don't buy until vou see "Elrod Acres. ' Send address for ilcscilntive literature. J. o. ELROD, Owner. 520 Corbett bldg. TROPICAL FRUIT AGRICUL TURE, Fine timber and oil lands In OLD MEXICO in same deal, on easy terms, tracts ranging In size from town lot to 1,500,000 acres. 75 cents per acre and up. Call and get literature at room 6, Chambers bldg., Portland. Oregon. Corner 3rd and Alder Ktreets. TlfiVEK. flvaiid 10-acre tracts; the finest fruK and garden land; with 1, 2 iind 3-year-old cherry, peach and apri cot trees Railroad station and boat landing on the land. Price $100 per aero and up. One-third cash, balance from three to five years. Five and 10-acre vineyards ready for planting. Price $10n per acre. One fourth cash, balance $10 monthly. UNION BANK & TRUST CO 'M 23.1 Stark St. MOUNT HOOD DISTRICT APPLE LAND On western foothill slope of Mount Hood 30 miles southeast from Port land, on line of electric survey to Mount Hood; 110 better fruit land in Oregon i so considered by our best horticultural authority: get our illustrated booklet. VA.NOl i c. UALlOM. 615 I'll AM HER OF COMMERCE Mosier Apple Land Is second to none. Beautiful scenery. 1 best climate, perfect upplcs, best of soil, at low prices, i Y hnndle orchard land and acreage suit the In small tracts at terms that I average man. Write or call. MOSELEY .fi FARRELT. 25 Couch. MOSIER APPLE LAND Let me tell you about the best apple land to be had in Oregon, at '4 the price ask.-, I for other land; values same as. Hood River. Price $20 to $100; tauy terms. This is the place for the man with small means. THO". M OUSlvER, 320 Lumbermen's Bldg. HOOD R I A' E R V A LLKY land. 5 acre tracts, $200 per acre; $1 per acre per month: immediate possession; grand view Mt. Hood; half mile station. Al bert ToKier, Winans station, Hood River, Or. ; FOR SALE BY OWNER -fio acres of good orchard land t $100 per acre; for cash only. E 207, Journal. 45 it Stop ;;.;r;ijlVV."i BUI- Tt ' - 1 i ' at. Here AND OIVK MR YOUR CLOSEST ATTENTION. Mosier Orchards Mosier Hills Fairview Orchard Tracts Are deep thrusting worda that speak plainly to men looking for orchard lands. Ve can satisfy the small as well as the large purchaser. W can sell at wod cnito prices and with good tcrma. ve have Just what you want. Thev - Won't Last Reraufe tliey are soil, elininte and best production. idealrv located, where all facilities give the Before You Buv Any land se us and we can give you the details, no matter what land you want. It will pay you. See MOSET.EY & rhone .MatshnJl 295. FARRF.l.U 205 Couch bldg. LISTEfP IN 10 ACRE TRACTS 400 101 1 PER ACRE A EI. TO RE IN fruit trees apples exclusively Trees to be taken care of for four years for purchase price. MM U 1 E'-nts station, or phone R-6111 and ask ! FOR RRIGHT REALTY CO I Mount Scott car to Eents station. FRUIT LAND APPLES, SO acres. 1 a. ns in orchard. 5 years old and bearing. 2(1 acres cb-ared. ready for planting, suituble for 35 acres wood. 10 acres lu 111 tier. light timber. heavy timber, suitable for 60 acres tillable land. 20 acres grape land. Watered by Z springs. 7 room hoime. Plastered and piped for water. Cost $1500. Rani 20x30 feet. pvneed with 4 wire fence. To store, nostoffice. church school. R. R. station and landing. Va miles. I Price $10,000. Terms $6?00 cash. Ralance in 2 I years. SEE ESPEY, 319 Commercial Block, 2d and ington Sts., Portland, Or. Wash- "THE II YEANDS OF YAMHILL." 640 acres, 3S0 acres In cultivation, balance oak grub; every foot can be cultivated; $50 per acre, one-third cash. 650 acres, 400 acr.-s In cultivation, balance oak grubs, of which 60 acres unsulted for fruit; price $65 per acre, one-third cash: 1 '4 miles from town and electric line survey. These tracts are rare because of long, gentle unbroken slopes and unusual depth of soil. In center of best orchard district. Photographs and complete de scriptions furnished. GEO. E. WAGGONER, 23 Board of Trade. One of the Choicest Fruit Farms in Clarke County, Washington, ! Consisting of 61 acres, all smooth 'and nice, level land, there are 22 acres in prune orchard, all in a healthy con dition, and full bearing; a good t room house, 2 barns, one prune dryer, storo house und other necessary buildings; the place is ouly 1 mile from t lie street car 3A miles from town, prico $12,300, ; n, cash, and the balance on long 4 me tat 6 per cent interest; would consider I n trade for a borne in Portland not to I exceed $4000. Otto Harkson Realty Co 1331. 1st St. FRUIT LANDS ALSO FINE I" OR TRUCK FARMING. , 3000 acres'. Willamette valley. New electric will pass through this section; fine land nnd all in cultivation; good barns and houses. This isn't a great distance from Portland, and you well know what this will mean In a few short vears. Just the thing for sub dividing Into small tracts. WTo could sell them now at a big profit to the buvers of this body of land. The price and terms are low now. Let us tell you about it at once. The spring rush will soon be on, and then it's too late. MOBSMAN & M'NAIR. 40S Commercial Club Bldg. . Can double your money in snort time, in the Sandy River district. Call or write for'' my pamphlet and learn all about this choice farm and fruit land, only 20 miles from Portland, where ev erything is right. S, SYBELDON, 321 Board of Trade bldg. 50 ACRES Hood River orchard and small fruit land, good house, barn and other buildings; mile from railroad. Sandy loam and Ted shot land; acres of strawberries netted $500 last year. 'This must be sold at once. Price $6000 Terms. Owner, 518 Abington Bldg. 10 ACRE TRACT of best fruit land ready to plant, close to railroad, $150 ner acre, verv easy u'rnm, lor aie uy i owner. 226 Failing bldg. FOU KENT FARMS 11 FOR RENT OR EXCHANGE, flood 150 acre farm. 140 acres in cul tlvntion. Grain and cabbage land. Build ings, orchard, cree,k, spring, well water, hardwood. County rouU, 25 minutes' drive. North Yamhill, Oregon. Owner, 980 E. Stark St. 315-16 Swetland bldg. S20 acres good wh,eat and stock farm, near Wapinltla, Wasco county, 11 miles from railroad. Large outrange. Rent for third .of crop. McCoy, 364 N. 26th, W. carline, 6:30 to 7:30 evenings. only. WANTED Experienced farmer for "60 acre dairy, cattle, implements, fur nished, near Portland; terms, ient. In formation, 430 AVoreestfr bids. j $ RAIiANCE I $31 j $411 OPTO 1910., FOR RENT FA RM S ' J 20 ACRR fruit farm. I H ' wiUjix Montuvllla, 1 acres strawberries. Vt acres r berries. Five acre 01 eluird. Bulanea in cultivation. Ln qui 1S4 Kant 84th, between 7 nd 8 a m., or after 6 p. m. Phone B. nu Cash rent, . ' ' .., WANTED FARMS 38 WE fmve customers waiting for ood farma, not too far from PortUind. ir youn in a irood one and the price w right, we can soil it. Try u. KEPAS8 A WOODYAKD, 300 Henry Hldg. IRRIGATED LANDS 42 r-iirt.--l.-VIi ATTF'MTION. TlURRANK-ON-THE-COLUMllIA Of fers you exceptional advantage ' Tor your new liorne. Ix-ated in tho "Heart of tho Irrigated Northwest," it has vlJ. 000 acres of the highest irrado land. Ita .... . , , ., I i , 1 ih., wa- II II V. nil. 'II l.,Tairin in vv-.. i, - . . ter is ready- Its transportation faclll tls are unsuriiassod two railroads cross the project, a third Is building and steamers ply on two rivers. High priced fruit and vegetable crops will produce anunuanuy. i no wi ."'.,j'r of coast and Interior enn be reachel ....u..icrl. lrl...u nr low! 1. llllll 10 acre tracts On easy yearly terms at $150 to J2&0 per acre, wun perpeiu.u wmc. right. FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND MAP. BURBANK LAND COMPANY. MAIR & PRALL, DISTRICT HALES in.'-v"iv 2 LUMBERMEN'S RI.IiO., PORTLANH. OREGON. . HOMESTEADS 47 PARTY LEAVES PORTLAND THURSDAY, MARCH 10, TO LOCATE ON FINE CENTRAL ORI-JOON HOMESTEAD, IN SAME VALLEY WHERE I HAVE MY HOMESTEAD, ulong the new railroad , now building; near forest reserve, where government gives you your fuel supply, fence posts, etc.. free. We have a large, community of fine people, schools, sawmills stores, dally rural mail delivery NOW. Don't have to take chances on the future- we have these, things NOW.) Deep, rich soil, land level, no rock or stumps; plenty GOOD water 10 to 20 feet. " Call and arrange to go. ALVIN S. HAWK. Printer, SS Third. SPECIAL low rates for Crook and Lake countivs this week; 2 claims of 160 acres under Irrigation ditch, wortli $61 per acre. We have some fine home steads on the coast. Relinquishments from $00 up. 'Advantage of Oregon." a book of 22 pages, explaining what each ol the .11 counties is best adapted lor, also ine amount of government land open to homestead a map attached :i.v. show ing all "lew towns, including . Hst- n,,nl nr,.n n,l counties 111 different colors, drawn down to January 1. KHO; latest map in i . r. 'v. i . . 25c, stamps or coin. Niinino it Runey, 13 Hamilton bldg. HOMESTEAD. Will sell for cash or trade for Port land' pi. perty, or 1 will trade for a good t.aving business a fine homestead, con sisting of 160 ai res, all under good .1 wire fence, new house 24x.ti, oaiu la-.". outbuilding 12x14; team, wagon, harness, 3 plows, harrow and other tools. 1 here are 15 acres of good onion ground on the place; also 65 acres of sub-irrigated land You can raise most any kind f vegetables. Lying ! mlbs trm-.i ran rojid and about 157 miles frmn Port hind. TIHs will go at bargain. Phone 'labor 1S)7I or address 162 North tijst st. HOMESTEADS. We con locate you on 320 acres of rich government land In southeastern Oregon in the section about to re .pened up bv the Hill nnd nariiinnn lines und arronnng ine ih-m "i'i"""' nitv'left in the United States to get a homestead. Our agent has been living in the neighborhood of these chums for the past tour years, and is .well p.isted on conditions und known the country well. For further particulars call at our office. The Hart Land Co., 1 16 Second st CENTRAL Oregon homesttids that 'OU don't have to live on, located in beau tiful valley; no stumps or rocks; plenty water and wood; schools. churches, stores P O. find 2 railroads now being completed-, price $1.26 per acre. A woman, wneiuer mani.-o . .. . Iw, -l-ill nere eh. ms. Jo 11 uiive one ... me... u-., ..... -- our excursion party leaving city March 10. write ior iixnoi ip, . v o.on. " tral Oregon Development Co., box 614, Portland. Or,, or call 22S Abington bldg. THREE homesteads adjoining, 2 ad Joining fine land as there is in Tilla mook county. .... THREE homesteads adjoining, near town of 1500. High school and fine lo cation. , , We can locate you In Lincoln, Kla math. Malheur, Harney. Lcko and Cook counties. DAVIS A- BUETKAMP. 510 DEKUM BblJO. WOULD you like to have a homestead on fine prairie ninu, wneie u i.., can be made the first year, railroad, no sagebrush? If so, go this week. BEAVER TRUST CO. close to vou can 102 Second St OREGON LAND SURVEYING AND LOCATING HllMf.tiii'.AOo. Contral Oregon and Oregon, Washing ton Idaho. Free reports; no filing; no f e Our surveyors know their respect ive' districts. "Overland," 205 McKay hi 1g3d andlt a rk. . WE CAN locate 'parties on the best of government land in Tillamook, Lin coln, Crook, Klamath, Lake Harney and Malheur counties. Relinquishments and farms for sale at very moderate prices. DAVIS & BUITKAMP. 510 Pokum Bldg. WE - ARE prepared to locate you on the best homesteads and desert lands In Crook county. Address Box 34. Prinevllle. or RV.T.TNOKISHMENT Circumstances compel me to sell immediately, owner. lJLuLn- - 20ac.re claims, near Lakevicw, Or. See Hartley if you want a good home stead 411 Swetland bldg., Portland. FOR SALE TIMBER 28 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR TIMBER? 20 acres in Coos Co., cruising over 12,000,000. fine timber. Port orfcml cedar and yellow fir; price $8000. 3 acres cruising $3,500,000, flrr large yellow fir. 26.000 tics; price $750 per acre, good farming land, well W4o'eacreP, on Jennie creek, 3,500.000, sugar and yellow pine; price $20 per aC160 acres, cruising between 7.000 000 and 9,000,000. yellow fir and Port Oriord CeAout 3300b acres of fine yellow fir and Port Orford cedar, cruising 60,000 per acre, land level, near tide water; P,Hav$e8larger fra'ct- of timber that are desirable. y ZIMMERMAN. K21 Board of Trade bldg. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 10 000,000 feet of bastard -"fir; K K will extend R. R. through tract; K K close to Portland. If you are look- K K ing for a logging show, see this K bcforc - CO... K 311 Henry Bldg. K K K- K K KK K.KKKKKKKK vi-W- f.o',000 capacity sawmill, on r;-il-road pond at mill will hold 3.000.000 feet of logs: 1,000,000 now in'- pond.; about 25,000.000 feet of timber, 2 large donkev engines and complete logging equipment go with mill. The timber borders on the pond, tor saie for cash. Don't phone, W. J. Smith, 438 Chamber of Commerce or toiniuco , , , . OPERATING mill, on R. R. planing, ,2 donkeys, fi.000.000 feet - timber, sUl enuitv for $8000; $3000 down; bargain. Sawmill, Barton, Or.. O. W. P timber, rigging, donkeys; $9000; terms. Ust timber with us. 430 Worcester. 28 WE have tvro rellnqulkhment .'r f'" locality that wtU go auout 4;tm'" Hon to the claim. i'rice is all r Rnt. Holt and Hrarv, 27 Hamilton Bldg, ' WOOD 8f Cmpagr m About 000 cords. miles Portlatia, mile station. Apply 761 East Couch, Phone East 134U. v '..-, ' KOOMINQ HOUSES FOR BALK B3 PORTIjAND ROOMING JIOUBK CO, 313 Henry bldg;. . ... 6i rooms, central; pertnly transient, steam heat (toodleasu; low rent 1 his Is a dandv and will clear $300 per montn only $4600 cosh required. . 3 rooms; apartments and single, ex ceptional location; 6 year lease and low rent; golden oak furniture, Axmlnster carpets-brass bedsteads, alllc Hons .mat tresses; everything new; nothing better lu the city; $3(00 cash requipd. 42 rooms; apartmeuts und slnglo. on Morrison St., only ,4 block; from new 1,000,000 site; elegant down ton tra n Klent house, clearing $175 per month, lhcom- ean be doubled by good manage ment; only $1700 cosh required 8 rooms. ' housekeeping, only $560, terms. , , 10 room, downtown transient. B'0- 11 room east side, close lu, only $.u0. 5 room flat, elegant, new lurnlluie und carpets, complete, $385. Anything from K rooms up. PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO.; 3 1 3 Hi'liry no. K 50 rooms, beautiful furniture, fine lo cation, long lease, brick; close In, and you can buy on the most liberal bums, and some tiarte. . 40 rooms, right down town, can he bought on terms, and lias a fine lease, cheap trado but makes good money. SO rooms; best Rase in city; all furni ture Is first class and new : rtP rent, and vou can make a small fortune din ing the Hfo of this lease. V rooms, center of city and good lease; brick; bargain; cheap rent. 26 rooms, good bane; house aj-'aya full and can be handled with uM.00. IS rooms, close to Wash ngton st; cheap, -tent; lease; H. K. will conhld.-r 80 10 rooms, fine furniture-, up to date little place, and ran be handled w h jWo See this for a nlco homo with 'sQUAUK DUAL REALTY CO., 619 Board of Trade Mdg.. M Fourth st. 14 ROOMS. NICELY FUR NISHED FURNACE HEAT. BRINGS FINE INCOME. CLOSE TO BUSINESS CENTER; OMA $4.n DoWN. BALANCE $2o A M 207 FENTON BLDG. SI 6T1I ST. MAIN 76M. rilE FURNITURE OF 10 Itf n IMS WE HAVE In Nob Hill location i modern), quai ter saved oak. i-.-nt only $ Ul iiirnisoini-r. ...... - 0 and $900 cash t ikes u. T ..i. n. It -..wl If VI I IlilVU lie- v-.." J.'."l ... will buy. WP LSO If WE THE FOLLOWING: Niin romu ' i in bo.isckcejdn room.) clearing $.15 above rent. S6:.n cm li tak. . No work ,o handle this, mid he other felk.w pays ygr rent and lHlng. 20 rooms VTr;-n $.000 , ensh; a moiieviiu.ker, good location, r. .i t J- We have them all prices and tetiiK ron.e up and see us. We arc on tho S"UarC' DIAMOND REALTY CO. Room 14, 302 Washington St. ".n0 N'iCT PROFIT -$100. 64 rooms, elegantly Mrnlshod throuRh out. with best grade A xminste, ca pets, uold.-n oak an. mahogany turnltuie. cent Portland residence woith 1-,H" a; paVt payrnent. See this place at once, if you want a inotiey-maker DEVLIN A. FIREBAl 1,11, 510-611-512 s-e,Maiidbi1dii'K. roomTng houses 9 rooms sleeping, good location, rent $42. Prico $700; $00 cash, balance to Stilt. v.,,,.. rtth US. 1 ,.rt,i rnnniniK 11. in.-.. ...... . vour rnomiiis ii ";"-' BUILDING INV, CO, 4"S Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak. phone Marshall 12-1. 1 DANDi. 31 rcinms. rent $100. income $220. $1600; $500 easily gNAR 97 rooms, close 'in. S years' lease, rent $70, $3000. ArAIgY ' 13 rooms, rent $50 $750; terms. A HUMMER. 14 rooms, rent $0, $800. Income $1-5. 401 JWETLA JII " 50 room's. $4750. $5000 down. 39 rooms, $4000, $2000 down. 24 rooms, $1600, cash. 15 rooms,' $1SW, cash. 19 rooms, $2400, $1200 down. 1" rooms, $ K0. $400 down. Room 25, Kif,1 4th st "TOOMS, hous. keeping, lease, -rur-"nace clears $100 monthly; close In; $1000 cash handles; snap. SO room, workingman's hotel, B year lease ch.'ap rent. Rooms always full. Price $2800. $1400 cash, near WashtnK ton rt V11MrChants Trust bldg. "for RENT -Nicely furnished room, XVasv walking distance. Private home, hath'" eas light, phone, rent reasonable. V,f'I',oeS veniiired. 489 . East Couch st. Phone B-19G8. m r.r,A. .TTll.l.r llOUSe nicely fur- 1 ii'""u ? . .:: ..V ' nlshed. on Morrison m., 10 room house, furnace heat a good OI 1 H STONE. 208 Alisky Bldg " ROOMING HOUSES. 500 to choose from, easy terms. H. 10. JAMES, Marshall 1298. 88 10th. Fi'iR S'M.E cheap" furniture of 9-rooni .modern house, 331. Front St.; sickness. iPee owner; terms given. pnono m.u- 'shall 129Y. - iToOMING houses, any size, at prices to suit- we buv. sell Rnd exchange. por'tl .nd'roomino, HOUSE CO.. 313 Henry bldg. 7T"END11 T9-room house, central west side corner; monev maker. Price. $1 850? terms ' 212 -Alisky bldg.. 3rd and Morrison. , ffOOMING house of 12 rooms for sale by owi:er. Close to city hall. J-112, Journal. , FOR 1AI.E Boarding house, good loca tion ' excellent opportunity. 182 N. 14th St.. JUrs1Jv40eFHckej-. F VCEPTIONA L modern furnished flat, ten minutes' walk: pays living ex penses .and jrfJwnor,JaInJb42. T0ROOM'"S, swell location, fine furniture- clearing $75 per month; will oierlflce $600, half cash. 8; 1 0th. " WANT ED ROO MI NG HOUSE. Close in. for cash, Marshall 1298. MINING STOCK!! 3S FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE UNLISTED STOCKS AND BONDS. Be fore BUYING any MINING, OIL, WIRELESS or INDUSTRIAL , stock . or bond, try us; MONEY SAVE for YOU. For a QUICK sale, list your stocks with us. Call or write Wra. " Davidson & Co., Lewis bldg- TfMBrcn MDI1K MrTnOnf m UJJ UJj LE. A-