THE OREGON. SUNDAY JOURNAli, PORTLAND, SUNDAY ' MORNING, MARCH 6, '1910. FOR SALEPAItMS 17 FOR ftALB FARMS , 17 FOR 6ALE FARMS 17 -n- . -uin.,1 L L 1 L- L. n "1 ll i FOR BALE FARMS FOIl SALE FARMS ,17 FOR SALE FARMS 17 5 10 ACRES of flit oil, rnl!i from Vancouver; all ean be easily cleared; price for 4 few daya only H2B0 1700 a own. for 35 acre. 1 mil from Sher wood, running water and food well; omo beaverdam; 6 room houaa, Urge barn, 2 horaea, I acta and a buggy bar rens, I wagona, plow, barrow, ii , cowa, 1 heifer -H cash, balance S per cent 3 yours.. $86 per acre for 104 .acrea In Douglae county, 1-mile rrom H- K. ; loo acres in cultivation, moat nf the balance anally cleared; rood apple orchard, i room huuee, 40x60 barn, running water, board and wire fence; terms. $2200 for It aorea of fin land close to Oregon Electric; about acrea bea verdam; 4 acrea In cultivation; $800 down, balance .1 years 6 per cent. We have client waiting for farms and city property. If you have any thing to aell or- trade, flat It with us ror quioK sale &pepeb 620 fnlon Ave. North. Phone Ewst 428. mwim II serfs 2 miles from city limits of Oregon City, room house, bam and othor outbuilding. 2 acres In bearing orchard (160 trees In good condition). Has enough wood on place to make 400 cords of wood. Spring and well; 1 horse, 1 cow, wagon, harness, some chickens and farm toola. Price, com plete, $2600. Terms. $1800 cash down. 20 acres 4 miles from Oregon City, all good land. Price $1100. For all kinds of farms In Clackmaa county call on OORBETT & HTSOM. P. O. Building, Oregon City, Or. 13 I1T11T PES' TME BIESTJIW IMTME-. WOMITV-fllF MTIUW- 15 acres adjoining a thrifty little town; also a block: of lota, inside of the I corporation. The property la Improved J as follows) 10 acres under cultivation, "j 'lly cleared, now used for pasture. Tha ;ana i level ana the very tet or sou, and will produce anything that will mature In this climate. A running creek forms one line of tha place. All bo has a good well on the rear norch. There Is a fairly good 7 room house, 2 barna. 1 new, and all the necessary outbuildings; has a good family or chard of. variety of fruits; almost 44 acre of stra wherries. The personal property constats of 1 good young horse, hack and good harness; 2 cows, I heifer, 6 dnsnn chickens; all necessary Imple ments; all the wood now In woodshed. All for $5100; $2000 cash, balance In years, 6 per cent. Pronertv Is located about 2 block from depot, with cle- ?ant train service. Smooth, level road rom Portland, 19 miles. ITT a IMSWdH REALTV CO. 133 Mi First st. G&H G&H G&H.G&HQ&H 80 ACRE FARM ' ONLY $2000, INDEPENDENT homo farm near Orenro and Reedvllle, of 43 acres, 25 acres cleared, good hoiiHe of 8 rooms, good barn, poultry house, good team of 7 year-old horses, 4 cows, 2 goata, about 40 chickens, clilnery, surrey, wagons, etc. per acre, on easy terms. Also B0 acres, all cleared, near Reed vllle, on railroad. Price $225 per acre. J. L. WELLS CO ea 4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. heifurs. 10 farm mi Price $2250 160 ACRES BATTLEGROUND, WASH, 16 miles from Portland, best of soil. nearly all level, 17 acres In cultivation and seeded, 120 acres seeded to pasture, Jij acres in rine aecond growth rir tim ber, watered by creek and aprlngs, will throw In trout, 8 room modern bouse, with telephone, 2 barns, 2 hen houses, good family orchard, 9 head of cattle, 3 horses, 2 nogs, 60 chickens, wagons, buggy, harness, cultivators, harrows ami all other tools, 1H miles from Crawford school and church; a bargain at $35 per acre. JOHN DICK, 626 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak. This Is located IH miles from Pilley, $ miles to school and on R F. D.; 26 acres under cultivation, IS acres sUnhcd and In posture, 40 acres In heavy timber which will cut $000 cords of wood and $1000 worth of piling; good 6 room house, barn and out buildings; family orchard of 250 treos, and watered wltn aprlngs; land la rolling and fine fruit land: price, only $SO00, cash, balance to suit. Figure It out. Your timber Will bring $4000 on the stump, which gives you $150 per acre land for $15; or, market your timber yourself and you have your land for nothing and money beside. 3 CD 90 ACRES. o ZZ CD zn o ZZ cd zn CD ZJZ CD zn CD 3 CD zn zn CD ZTL 3 CD CD Here's a good farm of 90 acres, 42 in cultivation, bal ance timber, all fenced, good spring, large new bann, old house, good orchard, land lays well, no rock, good soil; every thing goea, including 2 teams, harness, wagon, hack, mower, binder, plows, harrows, culti vators and all farm toola; 4 cows, some bogs, chickens, hay and some grain and potatoes; only 6 miles from Oregon City on good gravel road, R. F. D.. cream routo and phone In the liouse. Price for quick sale. $8000. K cash, balance termH, or win tae difference In residence unincumbered. mo nr m 184 acres with 80 acres In cultivation, all good rich mellow noil, has Home good timber and fine spring of water, all lies well, good buildings and good roads, all kinds of new Implements. 4 good horses, 2 cows, 25 hogs, chickens and everything goes with place Price only $55 per acre. Will sell 60 acres, 14 In cultivation with the buildings for $.1000. or 40 acres of 80 acres at $55 per acre, will cut tip nice on good road Place is only 12 miles from Oregon City. R. E. WOODWARD. Box 45, over Bnnk of Oregon City, Or. ill TfUlfl J LnJ L FARM LANDS On the main line of the transcontinen tal G. T. P. H'v. now building. Four othor ran roads to build. The Last of the West Rich, fertile valleys, excellent soil, mild climate; gtmo plentiful, cheap land, easy terms. Full information free. T. H PHILLIPS. 08 McKay Bldg., Portland, Or. SEE THIS. SO acres fine fruit land 3H miles from Hosier, 4 room houne, 2 acres set to fruit, on county road; $2000, H cash. 8000 acres of land for rale or trade; $1 per acre. 100 acies 2 miles from Oregon City. 10 acicB cleared, small house bam, etc.; about 8500 cords wood; a bargain at $56 per acre. 12 acres 2 miles from Oregon City. 2 seres orchard, 6 room house, barn and good outbuildings, some stock, tools and j machinery. Price $2700; $1600 cash I hanlles it. ! 4C1 BWHTLAXD BLDQ. STOCK or hog ranch, corn or wheat I ranch, best land In Oregon for apples or prunes; 210 aores, without any, rocks or gravel, black loam soil; 70 in cultl- vatlon, 7 In orchard, 2 In berries, bal- 1 ance In oak timber and pasture; 7 mileB nf wire and board fence, all farm tools, ! wagon, buggy, horses, new harness, cat- tie and everything on here goes for ' $r00. This farm is 221 miles south of I Portland, H-4 miles south of Myrtle Creek depot. Got to be sold at once Pee owner at 1194 Ivon St., city. Terms ensy. 80 abres with 20 In cultivation, all fine spring and timber for wood, good orchard and smsll fruit; fair bulldlnga, land is all nlowed ready to seed and there Is no waste land, all kinds of Im plements, team and stock, grain and hay, potatoes, and everything complet goes with the place; Is onlv 6 miles from Oregon Cltv; price $3500. R. E. WOODWARD, Box 46, Over Hank of Oregon City. Oregon City, Or. t CD CD zn CD zrz CD city 10 acres. 2 miles east of Montavllla on Barr road, fine 'soli, no rock, very easily Hen red; price onlv $"frOO, $1000 cash, balance easy terms. Noth ing else around for less than $300 per acre. CD zn (2 zn o zn CD zn. CD zn A NICE SUBURBAN home, 7 room house and 9 acres at Multnomah station on Oregon Electric, all Improved, good soil, very cheap at $7600, nbout 4 cash. W have 635 ncres. Jon under cultlvaticn, well watered, n"flr Hroadmead. for subdivision. $.10 per n-re, rush, balance R years 5 per cent, and lotn of farms at nil prices. Pee us GIBSON & H0LLIDAY. 304-5 Gerllnger Bldg. I CD (? zn CD in C75 zn CD zn CD Stock ranch, all tinder fence, hog tight, under Irrigation ditch, a good 10 room farm house, 2 good barns, plenty of outbuildings, orchard for family use, can cut 260 tons of hay; following stock and tools go with place; 16 bead of horses, 8 head of cattle, 2 mowers, hay rake, I heavy wagons, I plows, 1 har row, top buggy, 6 sets harness, black smith shop and toola, full set carpenter's tools, 4 ton wagon scales, and many other things that go with the place; the owner will turn over 400 acre lease, all fenced for pasture, by paying taxes; If you want to go Into the stock business la your chance; price i'ii per acre, terms. Highly Improved; this tract of land Is on Salem Electric, 20 miles from Port land, 24 acres la of the finest beaver dam land that Is worth $1000 per acre, the finest onions In the state are grown here, you can clear net per year $5000 from this place; tiie accessibility to the Portland market makos It a bargain; there Is a good 7 room house, well built. barn that will hold 76 tons hay, good onion house, place all fenced, all tools, horses, cows and chickens; price $15,000 on' terms. 1H miles from Reedvllle. on Southern Pacific. 40 acres in cultivation, house. barn, outbuildings, 60 acres beaverdam land uncleared; this Is a fine proposi tion to subdivide and more than double your money In 6 months; being close to Portland It Is a snap; price $110 por acre, on terms. $H miles from Salem. 100 acres In cultivation, 40 acres beaverdnm land, 20 acres timber, Oregon Electrlo has sur vey through place, good house, barn. outbuildings, there Is 3 cows, 8 pigs, chickens, all of farm tools and plenty of thi'tn. a good live aprlng ami run ning stream through the pluce; this Is an ideal place; price $100 per acre, $5000 will handle. RAND READ A CO SIR Board of Trade bldg. G&H G&H G&H G&H G&H m mi mm in 80 acres, 8 acres $2500. Terms. cultivation. Price 40 acres. 20 acres In Price $K0 per acre. Terms. cultivation. 36 acres. Price $3500. 30 acres In cultivation. 400 ACRES, 8 miles from Oregon City, 140 cleared, balance timber, rich soil, land, lays beautifully, on good public road, running water on place, fair or chard irood mnniv hnlutc Inrira nnw burn, new hoo houso 10 acres of good place, 4 miles R. nops one-nair or an can De rind at a bargain price; 200 acres at $70 per acre and 200 acres at $60 per acre; good terms may be had on this. 320 acres within one mile of Beaver ton on good publlo road and in the very choicest location for a subdivision proposition. This can be had, if taken I ti,a k'e 170 Price acres, 36 acres $22 per acre. In cultivation. All these good farms are from S to 4 miles from town. On good roads and near schools. If you are Interested write me. and 1 will write and give you a full description of any one of them or all If wauled. nine miles northwest of very choice location for small tracts. This Is In of the development down had at It 2 1) X 617 o UU a Main -st. IB Si Oregon City, Oregon. LOOK HERE! 50-acre farm for sale, 5 room house and good barn, four Jersey cows, 5 heifers, team, wagon and all fann ma chinery, pig, chickens, 25 acres of land cultivated, 10 acres timber, balance pas ture, pood soli: place lies well, near crushed rock road, school and church; 6 miles southeast of Oregon City, near Beaver t ieeK store. write ror K. L. Badger, owner, R. F. D. Oregon City. Or. Home phone Beaver Creek Mutual. price. No. 3. CHEAPEST land on Oregon Elec tric, near Orenco, .14 miles to Portland; 3 2 acres, 9 cultivated, 3 pasture and tlmbervxreel running through place; on county road. Ts a bargain at $2550. Easy terms. OOLDMBU TRUST CO.. 84 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. BARGAINS FOR SETTLERS, SHERIDAN FOOT HILL LANDS. 200 acres, or parts thereof, fine vir gin fruit and agricultural soil, partly clear and ready for cultivation, no waste, all good tillable rolling land; 8 miles from good railroad town; price, $80 per acre. ROLLING SLOPES FRUIT LAND. 160 acres rich, black, loam soli, about 40 per cent cleared ready for plowing; no stumps, no roots, no gravel or stone; good fir timber; no waste land; excel lent for all agricultural crops and -for dairying, as well as fruit growing. Price $60 per acre. Being the owners of above tracts we can arrange satisfactory term. OREGON LAND & COLONIZATION CO 414 Rothchild bldg. 26 ACRES At Garden Home. All under culti vation. 7 room house. Good barn, family orchard. All fenced. It lays at Intersection of two graveled county roads. 4 miles from the court house. 38 electric cars stop there daily. Price, itj,ouo. ftjooo cash, balance to suit. 626 john Dick Henry bldg.. 4 th I and Aak. IDEAL IMPROVED FARM. DAIRY, FRUIT OR SUBDIVISION. Advertised bit-Owner. 206 acres in Willamette valley, 36 miles from Portland, adjoining good railroad town; 86 acres rich bottom, balance rolling upland; 170 acres under plow; first class drainage; finest soil. Full equipment and all stock- go with place. For further details see john G. Wilson, 730 Chamber of Commerce. ASK US. A GOOD Hi Y. 15 acres, near Garden Home, J minute walk to Oregon Electrlo ulation; all under cultivation; ex tra good buy, with all personal ef fects. Splendid neighborhood. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 4th St. Board of Trade Bid 111 MB ON EAGLE CREEK. 24 miles from Portland, close to O. W. P. carline; good house, barn 40x60, chicken house, other buildings; 1H acres j bearing orchard, 0 acres ready for i cultivation, no stumps; 20 acres under j plow; one 40 acres has 2,500,000 feet I yellow fir, worth at least $2600, being wo near Portland, the Improvements and 160 acres of land less the timber are surely worth more than $3000. The price of all is $3500; one-half cash, bal ance 6 per cent for a number of vears. AMERICAN INVESTMENT C6.. Owners. East 24th and Alberta Sts. Phone C-1110. at once, at $200 per acre and double Jour money. 160 acres the city in cutting into direct line the river and can now be per acre with good terms 100 acres within oue-hulf mile of the Oregon Electric and one mile of the Southern Pacific on two good roads; running water and a great bargain buy at $160 per acre; good terms 40 acres M: mile from Oregon Elec tric and mile from the Southern Pa cific Railway; 10 acres cleared, balance timber; running water, and now offered at only $150 per acre; good terms. I 40 acres 1 miles from Ilea vert on, ! on good public road, light brush, easv ' to clear, in the midst of good community j development and now to be had at $125 ' per acre. j 44 acres 8 miles northwest of Port land and near the proposed route of the I United Railway, with enough wood on i the place to pay out. This can be han dled on good terms and offers a chance I for money-making, at $125 per acre. 10 acres on Reedvllle prairie, 9 acres I clear, 1 In timber; never falling stream land located on good public road; price ! $250 per acre, with terms. ; 5 acres located 40 minutes ride west of the city and within K mile of the station, all cleared and In high state of cultivation and offered at $250 per acre wun J" per cent casn unit balance monthly. Mi acre, 1. 2, 6 and 10 aero tracts, some adjoining the railroad and some quite a little distance back from sta tion at prices ranging all the way from $125 to $500 "cr acre, also small tracts with buildings; all this property is con venient to school, church and store with all community advantages, such as free delivery of malls and merchandise and an excellent telephone service. We are pleased to show this property THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 221 acres, fine pasture and bay land, I the best of bottom land. Vi mile to boat landing on Columbia river, I i miles to goo,) business town, with bent of R. R. service to Portland, 2 good bouses, good barn for both cows and horses, mower, rake and all haying tools, separator and all dairying neces sities, 66 head stock, 40 of them fln milch cows; price $111,000; somo terms. An Exceptional Bargain 83 acres, all under fence, hog tight, 60 aires under cultivation, balance In pasture, seeded, running water through place good orchard, 2 story bouse 28 by ;!2, frame barn 30x40, chicken house and other outbuildings, 2 horses, one 2 year obi colt, 11 head of cattle, n hogs, a lot of chickens, gasoline engine and woodsaw, blacksmith outfit, binder, mower, rake, potato planter, cultivator, plow, harrow, farm wagon, truck wagon, hack, top buggy, pulverizer, cream sep arator, milk cans and all the small tools used on a farm; oats, wheat, hay and potatoes; also a lot of clover seed, al falfa, "imothy, rape, peas, lawn grass and flax seed, household furniture, piano, sewing machine, steel range, everything complete, will go with the H. station, telephone in bouse, on K. 1-. D., and good county road; price juoo, suitable terms can given. Tillamook Snap 160 acres, 45 In cultivation, orchard, loam soil, on good road and route, close to school and cream ery; this route will make a very fine dairy ranch, has living water, good 7 room house, 2 barns and full set of outbuildings, full set of farm Imple ments goes with place at $4000, cash, balance easy terms. Clackamas Bargain Cannot be duplicated. 70 acres, 40 In cultivation, 6 room cottage, barn, granary and ether out buildings, good orchard, hest of sandy loam, bottom soil, with stream through which will Irrigate it nicely. 4 miles to electric and only H mile from mill, stores, school, church, creamery, etc., 20 miles from Portland; price 15000. family FOR SALE FAlTtMS 17 Farms for Everybody 2680 ACREH. On O. R. N. and close to a good town. All highly Improved; 8 sets of buildings; all well fenced; all under Irtexation by tbree ditches and water to sell. Tho ownors of this property are absolute owners of ditches and water fright, and title to same goea with property. This la one of the best grain and alfalfa farms in Oregon.! crop on this farm last year averaged, per acre, oats N!; barley 75; wheat 42 li bu., wild alfalfa tons per acre. This place all under one management pays a n -t profit of 10 per cent on toe price asked, and can be cut up In small farms and sold at a profit of at least $1 25,000. Mr. Investor, come to my office and see plat of this place or write for par'lculnrs. It's I ho best money making" 'farm (proposition In eastern Oregon. Price $i5 per acre. 160 ACRES , In Yamhill county, s miles from mil road and good town. This is hill ranch, best of soli and no rock. 36 acres cultivated, 40 acres slashed and seeded; Mi of this could easily be put lu cultivation: balance Is fir and cedar timber cruld at 6. ,100,000 feet; Joins -i body of l-o, 000 acres timber owned by 'parties who will soon erect mill on premises; also adjacent to thousands of acres of out range; running water all the year, gravity system to house and burn, county road runs through place; school ',4 mile; telephone In nouse; good 8-room house, pantry anil closets, two-story woodshed; milk room and cellar; fine large barn, giannry. all outbuildings u-nnd. A fine voting bear ing orchard; l:t acres In win:. 1' oats and vetch; & cows. 2 heifers. 1 bull. 3 brood sows, 1 boar team young mures, 100 chickens; all kinds harness, wugon, hack, light buggy, new surrey, mower, rake, plows, narrows, cable and pulleys, fanning mill, seeder, Junior planter, cream separator, milk cans and all small tools. It's a money maker and a barsaln for some one. Price Includ ing stock and Implements, JTooo. Termi on part. 402 ACRES. An Al wheat rnneh In Gilliam county, all in cultivation, well fenced and well watered, water piped to cor ral; 250 acres sud Plowed and ready for seeding; good buildings, family orchard, h work horses, harness; all farm implements for handling the place In good repair and ready to hltci to, blacksmith shop and full se4 tools. Prlco including everything. $3S per uric. Would take home In Portland up to $1000 VACUUM. FRF IT FARM 80 aires .1' miles from rullroad and good low 11; finest soil and well adapted in (run, 211 aiTrs In cultivation. 20 acres in pasture, some timber, good, lurn and otlxr outbuildings; first class fruit dryer wltn warehouse. It. F. D. and pllone; 1500 bearing prune trees, 100 bearing apple trees, (10 bear ing cherry trees, pears, peaches, plums, and all kinds of small fruit. Last year s crop of pi lines 411.000 lbs. dried. This Is a mom y maker and cheap ut $5600. Can make terms on part. 4' ACHES. In Yamhill count v. dnlrv or 1 :ed fruit ranch, If. acres improved, 20 slashed and seeded, all good soil, well fenced,! good well and spring, buildings new; young orchard and small fruit; on! county road; 1 mile to school: . V D. and phone I horse, 6 cows. 2 heifers, I 1 bog, 3 doz. hens, 2 wagons, 1 buggy. I 1 double and 1 single harness, 2 plows, ; 1 harrow, 6 milk cans, some furniture. I All go for $2501). Can make terms. 30 At'RFS This Is a fine place only 7 miles from Portland Pnstofflce, on Oregon I Flectrlc. 10 m'res In cultivation, good J 5-rootn cottage, fine well, some young j orchard, and lots of small fruit: F mall I befbarn. It's a beautiful home ami close. to car. Price $350 per acre, ethers ask; us much for unimproved. ACItyAOF AND SMALL HOMES. I have some very goid bargains In ! acreage and small homes close In on different car lines. Come In and look over my list us I can surely fled you Just wlmt you want and at prices that are right. I turn down many chance to list property because the price Is high, and 1 have a list of actual bar gains. Neal llrown. 70! Sw'etland Kldg., 6th and Wusiiiiigtun sts. $3500 WILL HANDLE THE BEST 52 ACRE EARM NEAR PORTLAND. ALL IX CULTIVA TION HFT FOCR ACRES. VFRV H K S T O F I M PRi t KM ENTH. 62 acres, all In cul tivation except four acres, nice grove, very best 8 room house with cement cellar; splendid barn, BOxKO, large granary with cement cellar, flue machine shed 40 xtiO; large chicken bouse, lathed and plnstered. hog house with plank run with cement cook vat; all 1 in pron men is. prac -tlcally new and in tirst class condition; splerdld 2 acre ore-hard. The land lleg perfectly and is (ho vei y choicest nnd richest ef dHrk mel low loam Not a foot of waste bind or piav-cl on entire tract. This Is decidedly one ' of the In st farms we have ever seen. Your Verdict Will be the s a me when v 011 see It. Splendid for dairy, spuds, fruit, hav or grain. 1'lne springs with water piped to bouse !i n il b a r n. PEKSoXAI. PltOP KRTY. Two cows, 2 heifers, 2 calves, 2 plows, 2 harrows, mower. r.ike culti vator, all Implements. 2 slovi-s. .linoleum h n d Hfi me o t b e r bouse ll o 1 d goods, steam feed grinder. All for J1500 lu cash, balance easy nt ti per cent inter est. (July S miles cast of c ity limits of Portland. " '5 mile school, churches ami HARGROVE L SONS, 6th St. North, Cor. 6th and Olls.m. iilfflT'' BUY 1 1D ACRES Near Byciunori) slat Inn. 0 acres clears ,- - -4IOCSK IMUN FLACK ALL FENCED ISO Cords v of wood on the property: also nice snrln Best of Soil ALL FOR The woo-1 amount. TI 1 tlcally given pays for nearly e 10 acres are away. the etitlr then pnio I-nts stat I F Hi Mount s i m. war on, or HKlOlfT ott car hone H-fil 1 1 a,i tsv REALTY CO. to Lents station. SOW E1TEI acre farm. aU rrdar port; 15 ready to plow: Farmer will sell ion fenced, board, wire and acres cropped. 30 more ciee. young orchard, just begin ning to bear; fnlr buildings, largo spring with sufl'ii lent wnt-T to Irri gate; near school, J2.r,00, but must go quirk. 40 acres, all fenced, 10 vat rd, a good start for a $30 per acre. acres small culM-farm; so crop acres, fenced; 30 can be put Into this season; a good place, with buildings, orchard and creek; all tools. Including mower, plows, harrow, rak.-, stump puller, cream separator and all ther utensils, for $2500. This snap la open for 11 few days only. ONLY 4 MILES FROM FOREST OKuVl ;. 19 1-2 ACRES, CHITTENDEN, OTTO & NEILL Roth Phones, I 310 Oak. Main 35: 245 1;, Stark A" St., 3 500. Portland. 50 ACRES, MY FINE 124 ACRK FARM In Molalla valley, close to Portland, is for sale; good bulldlnga, and Boil the richest. No better farm for dairying ar.vwhere. Funniture, Including piano goes $5000 cash $5000 worth of good Portland property and balance terms. See my ag-nt about this If you arc in terested Mr. S. T. Walker, at 604 Cor- bett bldg. 2000 acres, croam of Rogue river valley; a large pencentago of this tract has ample water for irrigation; finest or , chard, alfalfa and garden lands in south ern Oregon, some of the best paying commercial orchards are t be fonnd in this. For particulars address H. L. White &- Co., Ashland, Or.. P.- O. box 237 10 OR 20 ACRES SNAP, Section Line road, near Rockwood road, 4 mJles from city limits, under cultivation, balance easy to clear, 2 acres in strawberries, small house and land that will grow anything; will cut up nicely into 0110 or two acre tracts; one third mile from electric car. Price $300 per acre, part cash;'' will sell 10 or 20 acres. THE OWNER 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. wui msi wesi 14 mile from Rroadacres station, 30 miles rrom Portland. On electric car line. All under cultivation. A good 8 room house and barn and all necessary outbuildings. Good family orchard. Apples, plums, prunes, pears and a;l varieties of berries. All horses, cows, sheep, cattle, turkeys, chickens, wagons and tools and all Implements necessary for fanning purposes. All household furniture which is practically new. Par ties must leave stafe. Come in and let me make a price and show this to you -t's right in the heart of the Willam ette Valley. Never again will you buv in this valley, a 'place as cheap anil good as -this one is. Will give good lerms. $600 40 acres, 5 room house and barn, good orchurd, fine water,, fine creek runs through place; all could be fenced; z miles from town and good market; 20 ucres easily cleared. This would make a fine chlckun ranch; some timber. 320 acres, good house and barn; all fenced, good orchard; 00 acres in culti vation; fine water; good roads; $13 per acre. 168 acres, good house and outbuild ings, spring water, good orchard. 40 acres In cultivation, some fine bottom land, 1,000.00(1 feet timber, 23 head of stock and some chickens, and all U-ols; some household goods, hay nnd feed. Take house in part pay; good for dairy, on creamery route; $30 per acre. 24 acres; all in cultivation; fine house and outbuildings; good orchard, good water. 2' miles from town; good for chickens. School and phone on place. We have some fine relinquishments, $90 up. "Advantages of Oregon." a hook of 32 pages, explaining what each of the 34 counties is best adapted for, also the amount of government land open to homestead on u nifi; attached, 212S, showing all new towns, including east ern and central Oregon and counties in different colors drawn down to January 1, 1910; latest map in V. S. A., price 25c starpps or coin. Nlmmo A Runey, 13 Hamilton b" 100 ACRES, valley farm, on railroad, all clear and level; 20 acres In grain, balance in pasture; good farm land; two small houses, barn: good water and windmill; R. R. stution Just across road. Price. $6:1 an acre. (137) 50 acres, near Albany on main trav eled road, all fine land and in cultiva tion; fi room house, barn and some oth er buildings; nice little place and one of the best on the market. Price. $5oik. half cash, balance at i per cent. (Iu5 1 4X0 acres. Willamette Valley, near railroad, nbout midway between Al bany and Kugene; fine farm, all fenced and cross fenced! good portion now In crop; fine large house, well built, well finished and modern; two large barns; buildings are superior and In first-class condition. Photos In office. Price, $t;o an acre. Can be subdivided to ad vantage. H3 W. H. LANOr CO.. 414 Aolngton bldg, 1064 Third St. 100 ACRE FARM . of a mile from Sholes on the Tuala tin river, nnd lti miles from Portland: SO ncres in cultivation; river bottom land; fair house, barn, orchard of lino fruit; horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, farm tools, mostly new; bay, grain, all go with the place for $115 per acre. You will be pleased to see the quality of this soli and we might take some Port land propert v as part pa v. HENRY F. COVER, t4 Cnion ave. ARSOLT'TK sacrifice of K50 acres dairy farm, 25 miles from Portland, with all stock and implements; estate must be settled this week. OH A PIN & HKRLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. 320 ACRES JOHN DICK 626 Henry bldf?., 4th and Oak. 2 miles east of Ooldendale, Wash., All under fence, liu acres under cultivation, the rest in pasture, between 60 and 70 acres in growing wheat. 30 acres In alfalfa. Good 6 room house. A big barn. Good orchard. Everlasting spring of water. 1-3 of crop goes to purchaser. Price, $25 per acre. This is a snap. JOHN DICK, . G2(i Henry bldg., 4(h and Oak. u vivs, for .sou0: -f ' acres, in acres under nigii siaie or. cent, cultivation, ti acres of pure beaver dam, (Jet our list farm house and barn, good well, living - Clark County water on place, on a goon graveled road, '4 mile from school, 1 mile from R R. sir, lion, 7 mib's from Vancouver; this pliH-e must be sold at a sacrifice re gardless of value. Phone Main 733 or vviite Columbia Investment Co., 319 Main St.. Vancouver. Wash. 1G acres under cultivation, olack poll; lies level, all fenced; nice younR 01- chard; fine berry patch; , acr-s it; pas ture land, 4-ruom house, uaru 50x40; land well drained, li. 1'. D. ; 1 mile to 1 biircn and school; best location. Price $3000. 20 ACRE EARM, lfi acres under cuitl .'.u I 1.1 , 4 acres in pasture, 2 ucres of orchard, 25 nice cherry trees balance assorted fr:iils; all fenced, nnd land level, ood bla.k sell; small house; barn 1Hx2S. en'keii house; 1 mile from electrlo 1 ne ami cout try town, 4 miles from railroad, 6 mlua from Vancouver; good team worth $3'J0, harness, wagon, cow, ull farm machin ery and small tools. Price J3200; $j!00 cash, balance to suit. $2000 CASH, Buys this beautiful homo, consisting of 40 ucres black loam soil, 2f. ucres fine state of cultivation. S acres In greon fir timber, 114 acres of walnuts; family orchard of assorted fruits in l-X-cellent condition; uli fenced nnd cross tenced with good fencing; a new barn ti0x75, with fine basement for eatt.'d; 1 good 7 room house and excellent out buildings, water piped to nouae and barn from spring; lrilo to school , and church 1 mile to stor-; rural free delivery; phono in the iiojkj; location 5 '-s miles from Forest 'irove, on j.ood loud, and is a good buy ; t $5500, $2000 cash, balance to sin', li per -. m. ! t ' I'LTI VATFD FARM GOOD LOCA- TION. I 75 acres, all good level land, GO acies In good cultivation, v a ;res gr- 11 tim ber, balance easily cleared; good 5 room story and half house, barn Cux60, gran ary, 2 chicken houses nnd parks, place fenced and cross fenced, good orchard in full bearing; well, trout stream through place; 1 mile from school and 'electric carline, 5 miles from Vancou- v er. on level graded road. Personal 1 properly: Team, wagon, new top buggy, 1 new double and single harness, plows, , j harrow, cultivator, mower, rake, cream separator and all small tools; 10 milch cows, fine Jersey bull, some bay, grain. 5 and 10 acre tracts. Improved ar.d unlmpro'v .-il, at many "points on the car linen, o. W. p. Land Co., 1st and Alder, rooms 4 5. "DO YOlTWANT A GOOD WHEAT EARM? 480 acres In Sin rnian county. flood new room house, plastered and piped for hot uud cold water, fair barn, with good machine shed; good well, never goes dry; windmill, cistern that holds 30.000 gallons of water; hulf mile f rom . school; half mile from church; on main traveled road; all In cultivation. Price $4'i per ucre. Half cash, balance to suit -purchaser. This is a fine wheat farm. Don't Miss This, 400 acres, three miles from live town and station in Morrow county, one mile ' from siding; 200 acres seeded In wheat; 4 horses. 2 wagons, cow, calf, chickens and implements. Only $22 per acre; $5000 cash, balance easy payments. Selected wheat farms in the Deschutes : valley. Crook county, from 40 acres up. Improved or unimproved, from $20 per , acre up. We have a few excellent home stead locations. ( ome and see us. .We will treat right. Foreign Department. UNION BANK & TRUST CO, 236 Stark St. you HERE'S YOUR CHANCE, 100 acres or more. $10 per acre, one I mile from railroad. 12 miles from big I city, on good roads, on river, no clear j ing to be done, no water rights to buy, no need for Irrigation, anything can bfl grown. ! ONE THIRD CASH . The remainder In one or two years at ! 8 per cent. The best buy of farm land 1 for the farmer or investor. Come to our office and see samples of soil and products from this tract WORRELL-M'CULLEY CO,, 206 Henry bldg, 4th and Oak. $75, mm valli v Oil y, before money. !U V cash, balanco ti pet of ranch bargains in Wash., also Willamette buying. We can save llo nS!PTirt PifQlUiiNl S TOP I'd st . . Port land. or.. Citizens Hank bldg., Vancouver, Wash, 120 ACRES, $1700. 120 acres, handy to Portland; cleared, 100 fruit trees, barn creek and spring water. DEMENT &KRIDER 248 Madison St. 40 acres 60x100; "For Sale by Owner Fine valley farm, ,97 acres, 94 In cul tivation, all stock, machinery, hay and grain, 12 miles south of Oregon City, at Liberal. Call at farm. P; O. ad dress D. A. Hart. Aurora. Or. No agents. BY OWNER 300 acres In Clarke coun ty, black sandy loam soli, 4.0OQ.O0O ft. timber, will sell timber separate or will sell In 80 acre tracts; some Im provements, A-l dairy proposition; for particulars, H-431, Journal. 0 uuvjvya Have for sale two farms hard to beat on the Willamete river, boat landing on both. Both mostly cultivated and high ly improved. Within 30 miles from Portland. The finest corn grows on these places and alfalfa. We have a large list of dairy and stock farms. Get our list. ROSK CITY REALTY A JNV. CO., BIS I, umber Exchange Bdg. 150 ACRKS .located 35 miles from S. P. station, $100 per acre; all In cultivation; good building; 24 acres 10-year-old A-l orchard, all fenced. See us Monday morning. Columbia Trust Co., 84 4th st EIOHT acres' garden land, all clear, y, grubbed and hi in' cul tivation, running stream through place, all fenced, a, good 4 room house, a chicken yard, some fruit trees, at forks of 2 county roads, milk route and R. F. D. mail, 2 miles from center of town of Plillsboro. U mile from R. R. sta tion. This land can't be beat for fertility or location or price; $1500; $300 time. Room 31! Com mercial bldg., 2d and Washington sts., Portland, Or. SOUTHERN Oregon farming lands $20 per acre. Irrigated fruit and alfalfa land $30 to $50 per acre; 160 and 320 acre homesteads. W. F. Paine & Co, Lakevlew. Or. WILL sell 20 acre irrigated land miles from Lakevlew, Or,, $600, half cash. B-442, Journal. . " .- . - . 20 ACRES thirteen miles rrom Port land and one mile from station on the Kalein Electric road and right on the Tualatin river; the Newberg-McMlnn-vllle Electric R. R. is surveyed through the place. There is a small shack and barn and eight acres cleared; one and one-half acres beaver dam and no bet ter land In the state for onions or any thing else. This can be bought now at $200 per acre but is subject to a raise ana wui go up soon J, W,. D0ANE, 3 Lewis building. 0 ACKl-.s good soil near Grtsham; 20 1 acres cultivated, balanco timber. $40 j an ace; terms. $02 Swetland bld. ISO acres. 40 acres cleared and under cultivation, 40 acres very easilv cleared, balance good cordwood land with about 2000 cords of wood on It; this has 7 room new house, large barn, stone dairy bouse and other outbuild ings, 8 cows. 2 horses, colt, wagon, harness, harrow plows, cultivator and other farm Implements; only IS miles from Portland on main county road; only V-t! miles from Electric Varlinc; this place Is a snap and we can make terms to suit you all for $ti0 per acre. 100 acres or unimproved land, most good bottom, with some timber, on good county road, only 11 miles from Van couver: this can be had for. $40 per jgcre, who wants it at that price? Will make vou good terms. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO 319 Main st. Phono 733. Vancouver, Wah 53 acres only 1 14 miles from court house. In one of the finest Willamette Valley towns. 2S acres in 14-year old winter apple trees. 175 young trees coming on. .Small fruits in abundance. Good house and barn; on good roads. This is a fortune for a fruit man. Can trade for Portland property worth $10,000. Balance, $5',00. payable within S years, 6 per cent interest. BUOflSKITEIL &-KE9S&0S 360 B. Morrison 90 ACRES In Folk R R. ; $50 per acre tlvatloti. 44 school nnd rich black tills week. 84 4th st. county, on 4tj In cul- in pasture; close to church; the soil Is loam: must be sold Columbia Trust Co., OREGON'S PERFECT FARM IS FOR SALE 4 0 acres. 27 acres level, 13 acres roll ; ing, 16 in cultivation, balance good. I pasture, pood 7 room house, fair barn, j good outhouses, family orchard, spring ! water piped into house; place 80 rods of Estncada carline, 2 miles from Bor ing station; for two weeks only price is J3000; i cash, balance 3 years at 6 ji-r cent. This place is easily worth $4ul0, but owner must sell at once, aa he needs the money to Invest In hia other business, ' T. P. ELLIOTT & SON, "th and Main, end Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Or. FRF IT LAND! ALSO FINE FOR TRI CK FARMING. 3000 acres, Willamette valley. New electric will pass through this section: fine land ancl all In cultivation; good barns and houses. This Isn't a great distance from Portland, and you well know what this will mean In a few ' short Just the thing for sub dividing Into small tracts. - We could sell them now at a big profit to the buyers of this body of land. The price nnd terms aro low now. Let us tell yen about It at once. The spring rush will soon be on, and then It's too late. MOBSMAN & M'NAIR, 408 Commercial Club Bldg. A MONEY mnkiriur place, handy to Ore gon City and Portland carline. all in cult I vatlon, leys level, all planted to choice young fruit trees, apples, p.-a.-h.-f. cherries, walnuts, strawberries and loganberries between trees; in-arlv 3 jcrcs. A good trn-ge house, almost ne w. : good well; price, $2300; terms. Addrc.-s I owner, box 55. route li, iregon City. Or. 1 1000 ACRES, in cultivation, with building improv i-ini-THs. .it s'5 per acre, this propi i t r Is located on the R. It, In Sherman county, near Columbia river. This offer is good for a short time onlv. Columbia Trust Co., St 4th st. ARE FILLY, from McMinnvllle, j Yamhill county, a ell watered and all j need, good buildings, j lunate for fruits and : nuts. Would make the finest dairy or stock fann in the Willamette valley, and; we have it for sale. Come and see us. 1 READ THIS C 1 1 6 S acres. 5 milt s tiie county seat of perfect location; vvel ('need and cross-fi The Ideal soil and WELLS &DUFUR, SPLENDID COUNTRY HOME. ; mile to graded school and stores; 5 minutes to Oregon Elec tric station: county road: 21'4 ncres, good house, barns, orchard, berries. gardens, fenced and crossed: plenty of water; land and personal property for much less than value. See us Monday. Wants quick sale. "OLE. VI MIA TRUST CO.. 84 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. 30:1 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 6VJ. SACRIFICE. 'Cat NORTH YAMHILL the place; 31 to I.- acres, located oil and at a tract of land st ATTENTION BUYER AND HOME SEEK ER We have any size or kind of farm yi want m Or. 01 Wash... largo tracts a specialty, descriptions, prices on uppll cat ion. OREGON LANDS 1 N FORMATION HC RF.AU, 6"6 HOARD OF TRAD!-: III. IX;. g.'il. vei y fine rv low price. This :i positive bargain. (ilO acres, ! miles trom stump land.' 250 acres improved farm Ington county to exchange, 4 0 acres very fine land. proved, in Clarke county. C.'j'i n-cres. the best dairy proposi tion nc;:r Port bind, cheap. Must soil. ALFRED A. BAKER 12 AbH'gton Rldg Va neou vor, In Wash well lm- 90 acres, 50 acres In English wal nuts and winter apples: 30 acres 3 years old. 20 acres 1 year old. 20 acre in cultivation. 15 acres in pasture, 5 acres ' in timber: house, barn and all kinds of outbuildings, new fences, 3 live springs, nice prove around hotiiJ. This is locate-' close to R. R. and good' town. The owner has authorised us to pell this and sell piick. So If you want a monev maker, come and eeo J. M. Kerr & Co.. 311 H"'irv bldg. FRUIT LAND A SNAP. 9 aires. 5 cleared, acre in orchard, balance in pasture and timber. Now :, room house; barn and chicken house. 1 cow. 1 horse, 25 chickens, buggy, hack and harness. Also garden tools. Pi ice, $ 1650. Cbambeis & Dugan. 307 Lumber Kie liaii ge- bldg. 2nd : 1 n d S I a r k . TaNTA GOOD FARM in" the" WlflanT etie Valley of Oregon? Of course you do. Write or Call AT ONCE for our lists. STARR FOSTER. 1022 Board of Trade bldg. DO you want a farm? Call or write fot my new list. It is a 32 page pamphlet, giving description, location, price and terms of a great many genuine bargains in fruit, dairy and grain, (arms in the valley, stock and grain ranches in east ern Oregon. W. J, Smith. 438 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. suburbanFomeT 20 a i re.s first class land, 6 acres 3 year old orchard, fine house, largo barn. richt at vvitcti lizei station. J8000 terms. Owner, box 34, Reedvllle, Or., or ;'hone East 5974. IF YOU WANT a farm VOU prlt c.s. bri y . On I have nil A. Houck. see me before sixes at rlfeh 227 Vt Was,b, 84S seres, 170 acres cleared, consdd erablo islly cleared. 4 sets of build--logs. Some stock. 'horses ami Ciirnilnp; tools. First class soil and on county road, IV miles from store, postofl'lce and school Price $35 per acre. JIT. HOOD LAND COM PA-NT. 711 Rothchild Pd'ig. 120 ACRES orchard -land. U platted, at $150 per acre,, all in cultivation; 8 Mile- tram lem; 2 macadam roads; for -either farm or orchard purpose thla can't be beat. See us Mondwv niornlns. Columbia Trut Co., li 4th st.