I ' 1 - , -.,.'.'. ' ' . , - 1 ...-.. 1 " w THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH .6, ' 1910. WlVlUIUWUlkUVI . for sale Lots a ii aSS8SBSBB888888SS8fl MMTffliI Foil feALK IiOTS 16 I, block S, Frettyman' near- wast Hmmont VILL HEAD THIS ADVERTISEMENT - . TJIUOl I My friend says not two out of a lum- 1 drcd mho read this paper. I say a many more than that Ho says Oidt mt more than one out of that number will answer It an.l th.it not 60 per cent of the lust number will brt Women Who really want to own it, Jiic little home of their own or have the mouey on hand to make th first pavment . There ia a present tn it for m.-. If ! I ant rlRht; will not, you wo . .en t ho want to buy a homo on oaay terms help me to prova that I am right, and also , win tt box of (-loves? , , ! it is a dandy 6-room Uwngftlow, lo cated In one of our healthiest suburb, 1 on tt 6c carllne, 20 minutes rliic from 1 Sni and Washington sts I The Reception Mall. Living. Dining. , and Two Bedroo.ns down stairs nr.- nl . tittlk ataln weather oak. T he Hnth Room and Hutch Kitchen arc while mi- I ameled. Full Basement. Thro n-om ; can bo partitioned off In 1 i AT Tit. : . n.L - . . 4. ..11 ,(,. KftvlOil ' j 110 lot is i.i' Tha property will incrt-asu In vmuo ftt least $5'"' lii the next few month" THE FIRST woman who telephones to the address below. Bay she wants to buy a house and will promise to 10 to my friend's office with an l.ba of going to see thlg property, will receive a pound box of the best candy aititin abfa in the city, and the woman who buvs It will receive something better SVill you help ma to prove I nm right nd win my bet? If " Phone (illicitly to WOODLAWN 2635. And "-give your nameand p.! dress 722-723 Electrlo Bldg, f Near Piedmont Car Barns 100x100 corner on Klllingsworth ave.-. hest buy on street at $3760 for a few daya. Owner needs tha money, InguirS ij niiiing Bwurin ave. All r.intls. All Sizes, All Lengths. Mack or Galvanized, New or Second Hand LOTS wk have SOME NEAR PIED MONT AUDITION THAT ARE A SNAP. TERMS TO SLIT. STEWART &ZIRBEL, 604-6 Ictwia Bldg., 4th and fak QUIMBT STREET. 60x100 ' 1 BETWEEN 22D AND !SD. 0NLY-$5000 ONLY 'THIS "IS A nVT THAT "vVTLL PAY YOU. FOR PLUM 13 1 NY, OR DRAINAGE PRICES Chea)cr than have ever been quoted to you by anyone. LOTS I and anbdivlaorw barnaln. Klrat at.' South, 3 tiouaea Income, half cash, tmianca tarma; gooa ouy. Union ave.. 80x100; houae modern for bualneaa purpoaea, - corner alona n . , . si trii .1 -1 I. k .. , n 1 j 11 in mail 11 1 u . ton lull ill at hi !g . . 11 s huietj your oholca In either ona, two or : 1400 100 aorea, 1 mil from 8 1 more Iota to ault. at leas than thoae to rBincaaa eiectno oar. i milea rrom 8 adjoininir.- S l'ortland. HO acrea In fine state of 8 v GRAY-CtTNNINOHAM-flRAY, o cultivation, so acres very vastly 8 ; S clout ed, not to exceed $20 per acre. 8 8 3 acres bearing; orohajd, ' smalt 8 B fruits, rood it atory houae, 18x20, 8 w ..alii, tine B(innN -near nouRd n a and barn, l'eraonal property goes 8 8 with place: TeHm. new waiton and 8 8 harneaa, head of cows, 1 large 8 8 boKH. 3 dolten- chickens, 100 aarka 8 8 apuda, cream at-parntor,- binder, 8 H mower nnd rak. all kinda of fnrm 8 8 tools, 15il bushels grain and the 8 . ' H very beat of black aoil, no better 8 ! . - 5 .""'L.1"" n Oregon! give good B;ia,,.s on .,.-'. at.kng ,,ant ,Hu 8 V4,r,ll,.reBru mi., m 2.:'. rlct, 10 fr ctnt cash, balance 2 per u j....7... :, ... :J" r"J.r." cent per montn. inmer Kxcnange vi, ouinn Oiirt'tur, av m.Tfl in lino n , ;vr.. t : T- 1-r -s 8 alate of cultivation, IS acrta tlm- B80MIC aood baialna In lots in Alberta, 8 brr, 12 acres hope, family orchard, 81 nr Orand ave.. near Rose City Park 8 on main county road, nood H atorv 8 I ami in pwinron, pup ueroinyer tildir. 8 7 room houee, good large barn, all friWICLL furnished room houae, walk level, very beat of Mack soil, all M l ln distance, $36 to adults. 621 Ab- m wen Tencea, Tine location, mne n ingion Ding. 8 of aotiool and church. It F. JJ. and 8 I - - " S telephone: this is one of the beBt 8 , 3 buys in Oregon, guaranteed as ad- H I - -, 1 8 vcrtlxod; price only $100 per acre, 8- H If you re iii the market for a good 8 I .S Investment aee this before buying; 8 ; S will illvlile place; terms, 1-8 cash. 8 H balance long time. 8 .S "H Hcres, 1' miles from electric 8 S car, 9 miles from Portland, on level K 8 gravel road, Multnomah county, 8 M f. i t Kl.le. all in fine stnte of cul- 8 H tlvatlnn. good 1 4 atory 7 room 8 S liotise. good barn, family orchard, 8 s nil klndM. ftmall frulta, nil level, fine 8 S locution, very best of roil; tnia la H one of the bust buys on s tflve terms; price onl ACREAGE at X 10 ACRES, 2 miles east of Oresham, a acrea tinker cultivation, acre In strawberries, small houae, cellar, stable, hen 'house, wood shed, runnlnr water throus-h the ih mrk s'f1"''8 ,h0 whole rear round; price J1M0, , -X ; S ! rt0 balance to suit. ' $325 Per H irvl IM MtOiy JOHN DICK 411 HENRY. 0 Main E220. , YOU'LL BE SORRY If you overlook this, as it will sell this week; corner on 17th and Petty grove, carllne on Pettygrovo now and prospective terminal track for 17th; price $5500: $2000 will handle. Altto 100x100 on 25th, near Nlcolal, for $3000. There's something In this. THOS. M'CUSKKR. 828 Lumbermen's Hid. 2 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak. urn, investigate tnis uerore Duy- h S Ing. 8 S $1(!00 10 acres, on Cowllti river. 8 s ;; miles from R. R. station, 4 mile 8 S from boat landing, 15 aonta in cul- 8 S tlvHtlon, 5 acres orohard, sdmo tini- 8 S her, balance very easily cleared, S 8 fair 8 room house, old barn, fine 8 S spring ne.ar house, very lest of 8 H fruit land, fine for peaches, cash, 8 S balance long time. 8 S 600 acres In Clarke Co., Waah., 8 S 30 miles from Portland. R. R. ata- 8 S tlon on place, several acres cleared, 8 S f, room house. 1 000.000 feet of H 8 green timber, very beat of fruit 8 ! OF OUR land, 5000 acres, In fifty daya, K land, fine for platting In 10 acre 8 : and are offering 3000 acrea more. This Ke tracts; price onlv $15 per acre, 8: land is situated in the Southern Dea 8 rash, balance long- time 6 per cent; 8 j chutea Valley and carries perpetual 8 would divide tract. . 8 water rights. The aoll ta rich, deep, (mellow, wholly free from stone, and has : abundance of wootf and water for domes- a v u u UL3ti3iatsi i nc purposes. L,una sola in zu acre iota, i linger Illdg., Cor. 2d and 8 "l 6SU per lot Small payment down, Office Main 8430- real- 8 . tnrep years for balance: no interest. Wa Woodla'wn 2169. Portland. 8 raise the price to $600 March 16th, 1910. ft VALLEY, OREGON. WE pold the first. ALLOTMENT t ACHKAGK 571 ACREAGE 07 '; " 150 ACnriS, 140 acres In oultta. tlon, about 10 acres hardwood timber, creek ' through farm. 100 acres nice grain, hay or ootato . land, 40 acres fine black cbbng or onion land alnntr crenk. .about t acres family orchard, -ood I7 room houae, good hay and .stock barn, poultry and hog house, good well, large never-falling spring 600 feet from house, good county road along one aide. This plane will cut up fine Into 10. 20, 40, or 60 acre trad, giving each tract upland, creek bottom and hardwood: U, mile from proposed Oregon- Electric line: 1 mile from Cove Orchard and I miles ffora North Yamhill. Price $100 per acre; IKOOO caah, or $4000 cash and $4000 In Port land realdence; balance payable on or before 9 years at 6 per cent !and adjoining this farm la sel Ing for 1 1 SO per acre. $3600 for lflO-aoie farm. T miles from North Yamhill; 16 acres In cultivation. 36 acre more easily cultivated; only oak 'grubs; fin aoil; not a font of, waste land on place; good house, old barn and other oulbullclngs. Price Include team horsea, two rows, some chlckena, all farm Implements and household furniture. 80 acres 11 miles from Portland on electrlo line. 60 seres cleared, 85 r.crea genuine beaverdam, fair buildings; this is a snap .at price atked, $250 per acre. Tfac Washington and Oregon Realty Company tnwnfi r.avn cfl nTFLLSTlN, I FOR RENT 84 atrea. 8 miles aouinensi Oregon t.uy. '"' . .aliana and .running. 1125 - - , W hav ft full description, FOrt RKNTJ20. acres. fl'. , n.iioa i-iuiiilna. at station; ( in ao l: can ouy piuih. ' Come in for direction ' ' J10U0 per year. FOR RENT 16 acrea, in cultivation . ana rnm; nice oui."i invulT nlac.a. 'on electric; 1126 ner year. Must sea it ", to appreciate. I trrio neiiT-itu acres, all In cultlva- tlon:., mm. smau iu,uo, water, Electric, 10 miles $160; fine ncn soil. FOR RENT 46 acrea. lOo fare, 10 acrea . rrutt, an in guua aii"i practical ntn 1800 per year. 308-309 Merchants Portland. 6th and Phone Main. 1404, and 800 Main at, Vancouver, waan. Trust Bldg., Washington. FOR RENT 25 acres garden land: ei . he used lor smau aniry s minute walk from car nod road: 'A mil from city limits; fair box and t barn; $2a, icrms. wnn gAT.F 111 acres, f room house, No. 801 barns, orcnam, an lencen and under cultivation: miles to McMlnnvllle; $100 per acre; terma. FOR SALE 14 aores 2 miles from ; 302 Oregon uuy; unimprovea ' garden land; $125; terms. pnn nii.K-iilil acrea. 86 in cultivation 03 good room, nouse, bams; 6 milea to R. R.. near Salom; fcnly $80 per acre; terms. FOR BALE 182 acres; 8tt milea from $04 McCoy; 7 acres prunes, z acres orchard; 2 houses and 2 barns; a good buy at $U0; terms. FOR 8ALE 74 acres, flnkftoll.'at 20b Bherldan Junction; new hon houser all under cult! vatlon but IS acrea; fin for dairy or general farm Ing; $66 per acre; terma. B 206 G. Alder. S donee, 8 S 8 S 8S888S8S88SSS88 F WEST SIDE LOCATION 10 foot frontage, 10 minutes to center of city, fine view; Just the place to look over the city and mountains; no hlllfl to climb; walks and streets all In; $2600. We have good buys In all parts of the WAGGENER REAL ESTATE CO t ; 210-212 Ablngton Bldg. H ACRE WITH HOUSE, $1S50. Take W. W. car, get off at E. 34th and Gladstone, walk one block north to Francla. then about 300 feet east. Just 100 feet north of Francis ave. Small house, 2 chicken houses, 67 young fruit trees, black raspberry, logan and straw berry bushes. Asparagus beds. Make nn idoal chicken ranch. Ground rolling. Phone Bust or B lbH4 ftr particulars E 6 room bouse, 6 room CHOICE LOTS. 100x100 Woodstock; fine corner, goes for $800, $350 cash, bal. $10 per mo., 6 per cent 100x106 Flrland. restricted district, goes for $S0O, half cash. F. A. HEARD & CO., 336 H Washington at., room 215. IRVINGT0N SPECIAL A beautiful lot In Irvtngton, between Stanton and Siskiyou, on 19th St., 50x 100, and 1 foot above grade; $1360. This Is at least $150 below the market. BROOMLEY-CONSTANS REALTY CO. .. 32 Henry bldg. Phono Main ;i!U7. 150x100. A fine lot In Hancock addition, 36th and Broadway. ONLY $850. i All improvementa. ' 60S Board of Trade. Contracts taken for laying pipe in platted additions. n The Moneysavers. 244-50 FRONT ST. Portland, Or. VAGAMT UTS SPECULATION ON HOME SITES. Hawthorne ave., 60x100, east front, etreut improvements In and paid; 2 blocks Hawthorne ave., on 34th St.. restricted district; $1200, terms. Klllingsworth ave. Fine corner, 40x130; a fine buy; $1125, terms. Klllingsworth ave. 4, block, near car barns, street Improvements in and' 60x100 paid; $4r,00. terms. ! block to liuoeus si.: 00X110. corner, street !m- ; J165 cash. S15 cer mo proved and paid on one side; a dandy home site or speculation. I 100x100 corner on East JRMu-IMMfl LAND COMPANY, $550025x100, Ta. nma streets. $MI00 lOuxlOO, Tacoma streets. $fiO(iO 100x150, Leavlt streets. $600050x100, corner of Jersey and corner of Ivanhoe and corner of Hayes and Apply to THE DBSCHUTES LAND CO., 615-17 Henry bldg., Portland, Oregon. THIS WILL PAY Y0U- '9.ACRES, THIS 18 FOR YOU One acre, suitable for chicken ranch, good land, at sta tion or carllne, 25 minute- rldo from business center. $1000: easy terms. 100x330 feet, on e eotrio line, near sta tion, lust outside cltv limits, fare 6c. his also has running water and is worth S1000. on easv terms. 1 $600. on easy terma, for 60X300 root lota; room for fruit, garden and chlck ena. $900 for -3 large lots, 26 minutes' nae on electric cars, at station; tana ciearoa nn fpneen Two choice honfestaad reiinquian- ments cheap If takati at once. $700 smau houBeana one acr, nei oarllue, 30 minuteB from business een- tar VliA ylv nr tk'lv acres tllTCS' fourths mile from electric line for $100 FOR SALE 2 acres, right on the El e- per acre; liberal terms. Ham, my u 301 fjiepnams ao ax unaai St., room 2 Veil, for a summer horn; 1 I Plllaria tit Ilftrflllpfl In zoo AtKho, 12 mnes irom unrau.n, stone'B throw: spring wa 1V4 miles from ralirnaa; some open t. on ... ta mii. prairie, a snap at ij:iro-tit".Y view; U mile to station, 80 acres. 15 mnes rrom romana, bii Come In and a-et or Ices. FOR SALE H2 aores, 6H miles from 304 McMlnnvllle; all cultivat ed; 7 room house, fair barn, orchard, spring water piped; fine rich soil; cheap at $100; terms. new house and barn. $2000 $1200 cash. FQR gLE 7 room house, lot 45x100, RIGHT . corner of Hayes and ; John ets., with building 60x100, rents for $30 per month. I jtooo iooxzuo, 4 room nouse. close 1 irat THE CITY itreet improved, fine Improved, 4 modern. house, river to factories. $1100100x100, location. $1 600100x100, street room bouse, corner. $1200 100x100. street Improved, Port land boulevard and Richmond sts. $850 50x100, 8 room house, near school. $150060x100, on terms. $200050x200, view. $2600 On carllne. 6 room house, mod ern, terms. $875 50x126, close in, terms. $1 250 50x100. 2 4 room houses, river view. $1200 50x100, 6 room house, river view. $1600 100x100, near carllne, part cash. $2000 100x100, 6 room modern house, fine river view. We have 40 homes and fine lots In all parts of the city. River and railroad frontage. Two good paying hotels and husinesa chances, farms and acreage. L,ots 10 per cent cash, $10 per month. Phone Richmond 391. of Irvlngton Parft. where. If re- platted, it would make beautiful muneratlve lots. See me now. This is a snap $1600 an acre, part cash. 411 Henry Bldg. Want the finest 20 acres for, a country-home. 1700 feet river front, 1 mile to electrlo station and to R. R.. mile to Auto clubhouau?. . 5 acres In cultlva tlon. set to peaches, 4 years old. fine building rites; very scenic for country home; easy auto distance. See us. enTTEBEM, irra 33 acrcB, near lower Columbia river, fine anil, irood improvements. 83000. 480 acres on railroad, Yamhill coun ty; 100 In cultivation, 250 more easily ( eared: creek. $17.000 casn. 870 acres Yamhill county, 2 mllna from railroad; 100 In cultivation, creek. good buildings, dnndy place, only $60 peraacre; very easy terms. sMacros Benton county, 2 miles from railroad; 35 In cultivation; some beaverdam, good buildings, 9 cows, horses, hogs, goats, Implements $5600. ATLAS LAND 'CO., 420 Lumber Exchange; 308 street Improvements, fruit, shade and flowers; car; facing Ladd addition; $4, 000; terma. FOR SALE Lot 38. block , Lee Bow 309 Park, $600; easy payments. FOR 8ALE- 310 I 61 ACRES -Oregon City line. Queen with fruit; good buildings. Anne style, fenced, covered with fruit; good buildings; close to station, 25c; you must see this; $3600; $1. 000 down; a dandy; 1 acre. ' ACKEAG . 87 . 180 aores good bench land, en . tire tract has good elevation : and most of the land ran he cul- tivated; good railroad connec tions; l.OoO.OOO feet of mer chantable yellow fir - timber; can be contracted for now for $500 net. In excess of th to-,, . tal purchase, prlc. - . THIS CONTRACT WILL - tIB PIG NED AND DELIVERED WITH DEED IF DESIRED. WK WI1.L MAKE APPOINT MENT TO SHOW THI9 LAND SUNDAY. PRICE $2000, KASY TERMS. " THB VAN DER8AL COMPANT, , 618 Board of Trade. .. Phon Marshall 4. Y -; LnJ 10 ACRES 20 ACRES 40 ACRES 10, SO, or 40 acre tract for sale. Price from $1200 to $1600 in 10 acre tracts or will sell 40 acres at $4600; terms -on all this; Is located about 20 miles out on electrlo line: 14 milea f rem car Una and station ; house an barn, 10 or 1$ acres In cultivation. This is a real bargain. Call and sea ua. WELLS & DUFUB, Marshall g. AT.UCORD I acres of fine garden land, all clear and ready for business. No buildings. Will trad for house In city on cash basjs. iiti,iK.i.E; a lunmouft, . Uerllnger bldg. S3 ACRES, 4 MILES rROM CITY. On Sort Inn I.lna road runnlna throuah to Powell Valley road: fine for subdi vision; $878 per acre for a short time. STRONG A CO.. 606 CONCORD BLDfl. FOR SALE 40 acres, 80 timber, sums In cultivation, fine sou; west of II- gardvllle; $8000. 211 Mohawk bldg. 1 . i n 1 m T v. ,j T) A .... a. JL .a rnona iuutn vvii. un m. i ej ..w , v. v. 0 OR 20 ACRES, partly Improved with buildings, at a sacrifice; might trade for house and lot Owner, Mr. Chance, 23 H Union ave. East 6890. UA.VH HOMli acreage near Oregon City carllne. good aoil ana nne ror nome or in vestment; terms, uee. raorso, mei- drum mation. Near Tualatin station, all choice land, fronts on main county road. 21 acres cultivated. 10 acres In fine timber, bal ance wooda pasture land, lies beautiful ly, sightly home, nice house, nearly new, good porches, wood shed, frame barn of dressed lumber; all outbuild ings; if you want a cheats farm so near the city, see us about this one. HENKLE & HARRISON 611 Oerllnger Bldg. FOR SALE 2 acre chicken ranch, all 311 equipped; everything new and good; fruit; 10c fare; 2 acres; $1000 down, $600 ' In 2 years, $500 In 3 years. 'I FOR SALE 5 acre summer home In the woods; spring and stream.; house., garden; $700 down. OREGON LAND CO.. , 215-217 Henry Bldg. S ACRES, unimproved, chicken ranch. running water, on county roaa. oc car fare, $3200; terma ny Q-446, Journal. owner. FOR SALE FARM 17 & ELL Both phones. 310 Oak St FOR SALE 20 acres timber land, fine soil, on Oreeon electric. 4 Mocks from Tigard station, near the Junction ACREAGE! 60 acres, 4 miles N. E. of Camas, 20 acres tmrter cultivation, 10 acres cleared and ready for the plow; good 6 room house with bath, wood shed, fruit room, large barn; Implement shed 42x18, black smith shop and tools; plenty of good water from 2 creeks and spring; (rood stock consisting of 3 cows and 2 horses; harness, double and single; chickens, good equipment of farm tools in first class condition; 1 mile from school, on R. F. D.; good family orchard and small fruit of all kinds; price $6000, $4000 cash and balance In 2 years. 0 acres near town, mostly in orcnara. BARGAINS IN LOTS. corner on East 30th st, 1 car, goes at bargain at $675, of the Tew propos'ed T ga lie" an3 i ?n rT h,"'S' . "ryer ! McMlnnvllle electric line ! L..iS nJ?iieA .tro. KCamttB- ood Fine view and 1 block car, on 26th fenced, goes for $1276. 29th St.; $1650. E. R. MARKHAM, 205 Oerllnger Rltlif.. 2d and Alder. F. A. BEARD & 826 Washington St., OO., room 216. rv.n Mm MP CHEAP LOT j Corner, 60x114. at East 67th and East IBurnslde sts.: 5 blocks from carllne and I adjacent to Mount Hood Electric line right of way; a good location for a 5 acrea at "Multnomah station on Or egon electric, 20 minutes' ride. 4 good vacant lots in southern Port land. Joining Southport, all Improve ments In. 16 minutes' ride from Sec ond and Morrison. These lots are cheap er than the ones ' that are selling In south Portland without Improvements. These are all good bargains. Owner. MAGGETTI BROS.. Hillsdale, Oregon, Route 1. SOxyO, a corner for all practical pur-; store; price for Immediate sale, $600. KM 111 wateri price $1700. Vi cash. PATTON & M'ALLISTER, Camas, Wash. ACREAGE poses. Bet. Klllingsworth and Aliri- wortli; lil'.-i cash, bal. 2 or 3 years. 2 lots corner Holland and Union; $Hfl0; $600 cash bal. easy term.. 00x100 near Skldmore; $17i0 cash, bal 2 or 3 years. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. I A, VESTER 209 Oregotilun Bldg. 21 acres, unimproved, on Columbia riv-1 er; splendid sol), $1000; or trado -itvi property Corner, 55x100, 011 carli.n-, ! good location for 2 houses, only $1000; j wry choice. Corner, in Alameda Iark, 1 nil modern improvements inclinl.-.i : $1750; terms to suit J. J. McCarthy 1 l0xl00. 2H blocks north of Portland Abington bldg. ' I boulevard, $1250; $250 caah, balance HALF acre 'tracts on the w7sfShio I monthly Payments. for $600. $35 down and $10 n.-r 11,0 A SrJflP EWE m ML MORE building to be done In Waver leigh Heights than any other addition. VERY EASY TERMS OVERLOOKS REED INSTITUTE. Vvaverlelph Heights Improved; lots $600, 10 per cent. $10 per month. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 6th and Washington Sts. $1600. 1 iic- imtin nre uniy 10 ininut.es car , t ide, 6 cent fare; have good soil and 11 re ideal for a homesite, with pk-nl v ut ground for poultry, fruit and vegetables Price advances April 1. 1910, to $700 each. M. E. Lee, -111 Corbet t blda. ACRE tract on Harvey street, near; ALL prices raise $100 to $200 per lot Woodstock. Level; cultivated; $1000. ' when wood pipe factory, Monarch Terms. acre Mt. Scott carllne, $72".. mills and Swifts packing plant open nun; iniuiB. juuxiuu w esi ave., a cor- 1 .u.ncn 10. 60x100. between Laurelhurat and Vil lamead, $400; $50 cash, bal. $10 per mo. A, VESTER, 209 Orogonlan Bldg, tier, i.'UO. Terms. A snap. 6 new,1 modern houses for sale; easy term : ,. J. Day, 210 Henry building. ; S6 LOOK TODAY. Swein'oriTTTbTlfa" day Park, on Wasco St.. next east of No S04. npnr of Th. ...I macadam paved, cement sidewalk and curb in and paid. 1 foot above ur;i,le 1 Price. $1300. $660 cash, balance ",.nv ! 1 mi virt -AumKion uiog. New 4 rootp house and 2 lots. $900 6 lots, J210 per lot. ;: lots, $1x5 it lot. 2 lots. $:!5t per l"t. 6 lots, 225 per lot I. K. .s iDKES. Room 19 Hunk Ride.. Kenton. l iK room house, block to car. Full lot: rooms nice stze; bath, pantrv. closets. Ideal home with a dozen bear- NEAR WALNUT PARK. I hS $1100 for a fine lot. on Vancouver i 1Ik,i,s a"a fixtures; fine range, new ave.; best buy on the market- near the 'linoleum and blinds go with it. Price new high school. " ; S 1 650. cash takes it. 212 Allsky Bldg, - . BLANCHARD & ("LEMSON ; 3d nnd Morrison. Be first! 010-in .-we.iana Lot 50x100, E. 21st, near Bandy road; cemont walk, sewer und water main In and paid for; terms. J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. 160 acres in the new fruit district east of Estacada, 3 miles from elec tric line. Will trade for city property. 10 acres on the Oregon City line; 10c iaie, a jieaumui place ior a noma, itiful place for A. VESTER 209 Oregonlan Bldg. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS - IMPROVEMENTS. 2 carllnes; $600 up; terms. J. P. SHARKEY CO.. 6th and Washington Sts, STREET 1! CHEAP acreage In the best section of southern Oregon.' I . have a large amount of acreage that I will sell for only $22 per Rcre. Well adapted for fruit culture and the timber on the tract is morfc than sufficient to pay for the land alone. Ifcyou are on the market for fine, good rich land and at a better price than anywhere else In ioe (state, communicate witn me. Ja- ti", journal. 7 acres, nicely located; plank walks to the electric station; god house, brick basement, hot and cold water, double parlors, grand view, water piped through house and barn from spring; nlpe lawn, surrounded by grand oak trees, all outbuildings, fruit, berries, ornamental trees; handy to graded school, stores and churches; will take house and lot as part payment. HENKLE & HARRISON 611 Gerllnger Bldg. INVESTORS NOTICE! 5 full lots close to car, good district, $376 each; snap for quick sale. Howard Land Co., 420 Swntland bldg. SEE WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS BE FORE DECIDING. $10 per month: lots $600 and up. JNO. P. SHARKEY, 6th and Washington Sts. LAURELHURST. This week onlv. a Laurelhurat lot for $900. If you want it, take it NOW. BROWN. 411 Couch Bldg. I AM leaving the city and have acre I will sell cheap. Tremont Station, Mt. Scott careasy terms. J. W. Repp, 464 Wash. st. 6H acres, all In full bearing fruit that netted this year $800. This tract '.a all level and on the best road in the state; only mile from streetcar line; 6 miles from Vancouver. Price only $1250; easy terms. Phone 733, or call at 319 Main st, Vancouver, Wash. 14 IMPROVED acres, 9 room modern house and barn, orchard, near rail way; $6000; terms, 6 per cent; snap. . 10 acres, Boring, Or., fine fruit land partly cleared: well worth $1200. 20 acres, partly cleared, nice house. cottreli, ur., best sou for fruit 80 acres. Buell. Or.; 15 acres cleared swell home, good buildings: $3200, trade. our places run rrom these to thou sands or acres, all over west. CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO. 430 Worcester Dldg.. 3d and Oak Sts, SEE ? THIS IT. IS WHAT YOU WANT 23 acres. 15 acres In cultivation. 10 acres more beina cleared for plow, bal ance In good timber; a good house and barn, all fenced, small orcnara. plenty of water and level land; 8 miles from court house and i miles from Oswego station, on a good macadam road. Price $9900; $1600 will handle it, bal ance to suit buyer. 411 Henry. M. 6220. 179 ACRES, AND ONE OF THE BEST, - 60 acres of fine bottom land that does not overflow: boat landing on place: 40 -acres fir timber, estimated at 760.000 feet, small house and z Darns, x norses, 20 head of cattle, mostly milch cows; plenty of hay, lots of potatoes, 60 chick ens, mowing machine, rake, plows, wag on, potato planter, all small tools. 2 boats, cream separator, household fur niture. People are too old to run the place; 1 4 miles to good town. Price for all. $11,000. Can be bought without stock. . Small payment, balance long time. Large and small tracts to select WAGGENER REAL ESTATE CO 210-212 Abington Bldg. . ACREAGE You will want to got out soon. Some are already looking over the seed cata logue. We have some nice acreage only 4 miles from city limits, on good auto road, no hills, all clear, some bearing fruit; surrounded by churches, schools and stores; close io R. R. station; this is a nne place and only $3 50 por acre. HLNKLL & HARRISON, 611 Gerllnger Bldg. IDEAL FRUIT LAND. 1220 acres, $12 per acre. 6 miles from Oakland, Or. RUFF-KLETNSORGE LAND CO.. 418 Hoard of Trade Bldg. rner must sell repacdless of vl U U LTU U U ULI LTU U LialJl BIG lot. car. Ovr price.. Must sen at one 613 Chamber Commerc FOR sale at a bargain; 1 lot 40x100, at Tremont Station. Mt Scott car. ac- 1 count leaving city; terms to stilt, j .W. Repp. 4 64 Wash, St. Call at once. buy on this real bargain A BARGAIN. - Will sacrifice on one of the finest V, blocks on Willamette boulevard, 15 min utes' car ride from fteel bridge This Is a snap. Act quick. S-44S," Jom:.aI. . WEST Side lot, Thurtn;tn sf., only $"7vi G. W. GRIDLEY, ' 338 Chamber of Commerce. S n us if you wish to t noroUKl.fare. We have a for someone. MALL & VON B0RSTEL 104 2nd street. CORNER on 22d st. at fiooo under th." market BATRD & BROWN. ' . 312 Henry Bldg. Lot 50x100, on Jersey St., 10 room lioiiSB and plumbing shop; $4200. This is ircome property. Also a fine 6 room mod. rn house, close in; this is a snap for some one. See J. F. Gillman, 113 Jers.-v st. . graded 50x100 $196 ' Excellent location, waff r street. 318 Alisky bldg. IF you .ownTTot we will build for yo-.i you terms, or will build to suit on one of our own lots in Irvihgton. Easy trms. Phone 19 2687. WILL sell on easy terms or irade?o"r lots. One to five nrt s land, 25 min ute' title on car.. Phone E -2687. L0J8 near Swift townite. $3o $5. dovn, $6 per month. Room 19 Lank Mdq- - Kenton. - ' i Lot," plowing and grading done; small bwRi!nent;dug; most reasonable. Phone -:'.M. I6O1 and Savler. LAST CALL. Choice '4 block it. nts. Close In. nil. Tuesday. MALL & VON B0RSTEL 1 04 2nd street. for flats or apart East side. Monday $2000 2 LOTS, corner Patton ave. and Jarrett. East front. Both streets graded and cement walks in. This Is ;i snap. Ail improvements in will be !Pl fc PjUenger, 119 KUHngswc-jtli ave. I b'l W A"K RLKIG H HEIGHTS k FORE YOU BUY. Lots J.JOO. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO.,' Cth and Washington Sts. BE- I ONE lot, 43x1 42 E Tuylor and 41st 30 LOTS near Terrace Park, $100 each; ter and sewer an In. $1300; $450 cash tern,. Tabor XSi. "it. J. Phillips. 661 Irving st BKACH lot for sale on Tillamook Beach, 60x100, level, high and dry, fine loca tion; price $100; easy terms. J-446, Journal. IF YOU are going to build call on 'Hill & Slavlns." We furnish plans and specifications freo. Res., 889 Going t Phone C-2066. IN a direct line to Reed Institute, but only half as farsr-Waverlelgh Heights. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 6th and Washington Sts. $200 cash. $12 monthly buys 60x100 lot near Alberta car; price $550. Call 420 Swetland bl'dg. LOT 60x100 on E. 51st, near Hawthorne ave., $25 cash. $15 monthly. Phone Tabor 1303. GARIBALDI REACH lots for sale at a bargain, or will trade property. J-440 Journal. for Portland FOUR ifood corner lots for salo cheap. 50x100, on Peninsula. Apply Wool- lav.-n 2559. $4 2550x100 lot on E. 24th st, N?; snap for quick sale. 420 Swetland bldg. TEN IOfS$l80 each, if taken novt few days. Investigate for yourself. Owner, 709 Corbett lildg. ONE acre of highly improved land, all fenced and set out. to fine varieties of fruit and berries. Modern 6 room house, chicken hotisei basement; on car llne and block from station;, only $1000 down and balanco to suit An Ideal suburban home. Holt & Bracy, 27 Hamilton bldg. 33 ACRES rich black soil, 25 acres cleared, balance In good timber; 3 room house, new barn, well, etc.; 8 miles from Portland, 1 mile from sta tion; $320 per acre; $1S00 cash, balance 5 years, 6 per cent' Bromley-Constans Realty Co., 329 Henry bldg. BARGAINS 1 acre with 3. room house, fine soil, cnicKennouse, young rruit trees, etc. close 2 carllnes. 6c fare, Price $1650; uu casn, balance 110 per month. 4 acres with 3 room house, barn; soil good and set out In trees: mile rrom station, jfrice only $1350; terms on paxr.. F. J. 8TEINMETZ & COv 193 Morrison st. ACREAGE 8 acres at Tigard station, on the Sa lem Electric line; all in cultivation; rich black soil; all level; price $755, ioo casn win nanaie it HENKLE & HARRISON 611 Gerllnger Bldg. A WINNKB 267 acres, near Eugene; 268 acres fine farming land, good house find barn; R. ! it. station on tne place; price $52.50 per acre, $5000 cash. , RUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO, 418 Board of Trade bldg. $35 PER ACRE. 640 acres near Oakland. Or., 600 In cultivation, all fenced, good house and barn, livlnn stream of water, 6 springs, spring water niped to house and barn. RUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO., 418 Board of Trade Bldg. ' SPECIAL. 100 acres fine rich soil, no rock or grvivel; on corner, of 2 good roads; a bargain for seme one; must go, $150 per acre. Ward Realty Co., 809 Lewis hldg. Main 1975. 1RV1NGTON Park lot 50x100, 23d at, near Alnsworth ave., $426, half cash. J-44H. Journal. EQUITY in Waverlelgh lot for hale cheat by owner. ; Z-433. Journal. $10 DOWN,' $10 monthlv, $600 Int. 12 fruit trees. Owner. Tabor 1492, 800 acres, near Goldendale, Wash., most all clear, no stumps; finest fruit land, plenty water; only $12 per acre. Hurry! See or write to ' N. Legault, 2078 E. Wasjilngtonst WILXAMETTE RIVER ACREAGE '" 1200 feet frontage, natural groves, or chard, etc. 5 acres all cultivated. Good river frontage. 5 acres 'all clear. Some fruit. See Hagemann at, 266 Plne; st BIX ACRES om Clackamas river, near carline; price $600, easy terms; by owner. Z-438, journal. WEST SIDE 21 acres, on two county roads. 6 miles rrom court nouse, ail sin cultivation; 6 room nouse, num. cnicaen nouse, all fenced; half eSfih, balance 3 years. A. JT, GANTNER, 618 Board of Trade Bldg. Two to Twenty Acres On E. Gllsan, Just east of city limits, for sale by owner on premises. C. E. Parmenter. 6 AND 10 acre electric line, soil, only $150. BROWN. 411 Couch Bldg. tracts, near station, on 2 springs, black loam TEN acres-on Villa ave., 1 miles east of city limits, 2 acres In cultivation, excellent soil, no gravel, small house, fine well; price $4800; part cash. Owner. B-441. Journal. ACREAGI line. for subdivision on electrlo Now is the time to buy. iSAlKll fe BKOVViV, 312 Henry Bldg. V FOR SALE 5 acres near carllne and city, $760. . O. XV. GRIDLEY. . 838 Chamber of Commerce. - 20 ACRES or less for sale, close in, good soil, plentx water. 608 Haw4. tnorne ave. . CLACKAMAS county acreage at $10 per . acre; terms easy. E-446, Journal. "HITHER. HOOD" 160 acres, 8H miles south xt Fir wood, 10 acres cleared, on county road, 14 mile from school and church, some second growth timber, considerable open land, easily cleared. Price $25 per acre If taken soon. MT. HOOD LAND COMPANY. 711 Rothchjld Bldg. 5 ACRES On carllne. adjoining city limits, $1 750 CANN-HEILB0RN"& M'BRIDE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARMS $?5, 000 2000 acres, with tools, stock and buildings; Alberta, Canada; good terms. (35.) , MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON. $22.800 114 acres, near Greshtun, In cluues everything; good terms. (34.) LANE COUNTY, OREGON. $10.200 102 acres, 4 mile from Junc tion Cltv. f29.) $4000 160 acres, 7 miles from town. (31.) POLK COUNTY. OREGON. $4500102 acres, 1 mile from Btiena Vista. (.2.) $1600 17 acres, 1 mile from Independ ence. (5.) ...... $3600 28 acres Joining city limits. In dependence. (7.) , $9500 236 acres, mostly in cultlva- tl($000-75 acre4, 60 under plow, 10 in Umber. (10) ..,, r $18,650 277 acres. 260 under plow, 5 miles to town. (12) $3500 53 acres, 1 mil from Inde pendence. (14) , , , $2650 47 acres, 16 acres 1" hops, town 5 miles. (16) 13800 103 acres, 1 ftle to town. (18) $17,600 240 acrea, deep, black soil. 2$22,000 616 acres, $65 In cultivation. (22) $210020 acres, 3 miles from town. (24) $10,500 170 acres, bottom land. (26) HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON $22,800 800 acres and 250 head of stock. (37) $11,000 640 acres 8 miles from Mums. $2000 160 acres, (41) $6400640 acres, Burns. (48) rr.ARtf. COUNTY. $8500 0 acres, 65 under plow, very desirable. (48) , $2800 80 acres, dense timber growth, running water. (48) MARION COUNTY. OREGON. $12,000 160 acres, 100 cleared, good buildings, 1V4 miles from town. (50) $13,200 132 acres fine land, mostly under plow, 8 miles from town. (62) CARTER-DUG AN CO., 820 Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland. Oregon. heavy hay land, (38) 80 In cultivation. 26 miles WASHINGTON from 43 Mi ACRE WITH HOUSE, $1860. Take W.-W. car, get off at E. 84th and Gladstone, walk one block north to Francis, then about 300 feet east; Just 100 feet north of Francis ave.; small house, 2 chicken houses, 67 young fruit trees, black, rasp, logan and straw berry bushes; asparagas bed; make an Ideal chicken ranch, ground rolling. Phone East or B 1894 for particulars. VERYj FINE 4 aores. more or less, finest kind of nil nn bnildlnes; some voung frutt: all In cultivation; very sightly; 20-min- ute run on eiectrio line; ciose to sta tion... w ... HENKLE & HAnnlSUN, 611 Gerllnger Bldg. Beautifully situated on corner of cross roud, easy drive from center Portland, short walk from house to a new town and station on electrlo carllne; land nearly level; clean soli, free from stone and gravel; atream of water forms ona Dounaary line; uo acres nigniy tuiuva. ed; 8 acres timber, balance pasture; good house, bay windows; good frame barn, chtcken house and runs; I splendid team, 3 cows, 3 helfera, some hogs and chickens; wagon, hack, harness, all farm tools, hay In barn. If sold within next two weeks Wirf make price Including all personals, for less than you can buy such land for in.that neighborhood, without even the -buildings. This is a bargain. Call and let us show it to you, HENKLE & HARRISON, 611 Gerllnger bldg. ACRE tracts at Lent's Junction, on Mount Scott carllne and on Foster county road; all cleared, running water, $650 to $860 per acre; $60 cash, balance monthly. m . 809 Iewls bldg. M. J975 ACREAGE a ems. handv to electrlo line, on plank walk to station, fine soil, mosj-ly cleared; only $1100. HENKLE & HArimSUN 611 Gerllnger Bldg. One mile from city limits, near Bar road. Ideal fruit and chicken ranch. Price $600 per acre. RUFF-KLE1NHOKU1U UAMU UU., 418 Board of Trade Bldg. 675 ACRES. All good land. 400 acre of which lie's well to cultivate when cleared, 50 acrea now cultivated, 160 ; acres in grass, 3 acres in orchard, some fine river bottom, splendid stream of water flows through land, 7 room house, 4 barns and outbuildings, R. R. runs through tha land with station one mile distant; main country road, 32 head cattle, 1 mare, 2 colts, 16 sheep. 126 foats, 10 hogs, all far, mlmplements; Ine out range, good fishing, and 'hunt ing. . . ; ri, urnnt a. Btnj.tr farm to mnka . some money, 'better look this up. -hegokle &- mwmm 511 Gerllngor Bldg. ' 200 acre farm, in oil district. Polk coun ts to trade for cltsr property: will consider property from $10,000 to $50,- 000; farm zz,uou; win uu or pay (in ference. 418 Bwetiana Flag. TEN acres in Beaverton, 6 acres beaver- "62 acre farm, good buildings, only 12 miles from Portland, fine road, right close to station, only . $7500, fine place for country home, f ood to cut up Into 6 acre tracts, t is a snap. Call 513 Chamber of Commerce. . dam. 3 acres asparagus; 1 block from , M A. T I tn nnA miUlua..,. will sell or rent. Mrs. Purser, Beaver- KK K K..K. ton, or. IK K lj: K K K K K K K K tin mrrT-rTi i0 ACWSS near 5c car line, all good ' ' IVIn. UN VLO I Unl soil, some timber; small-house and k Do you want a farm. If so, K 1 .T n A tonnn ra.h rialannj. (Brna I . , - . 11, i , ia I.- or Portland Heights lot. 802 Swetland k excelled in Portland. We make a K Bldg. jK specialty of farms,' large and K 11800 buys a splendid 10 acre piece, . K small, J, tfi. iterr v;o., axi wenry k partly cleared, running water, 6 miles' t K building. nm KTrtnr ann nmrK bih. . r. ... DEMENT & KRIDER. 248 tfadUon St'K K K. K K K K K K K K K K K