7 ' 3 ; ) FOR SALE UOlfES ' 61 FOR SALE IIOI SES 61 FOB. SALE HOUSES 6i ' F.OR SALE HOUSES 61 FOB 8 A LI J LOTS 16 FOIt SALE LOTS THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNpAY MORNING, MARCH 6, 1810. . i. , FOlt SALEHOUSES 61 ' ' (nl ffh itTi ' ' ' !j vJ ViJ Hera Is a a-enulne atuan. where a per on with little capital an buy fine up-to-date new home at vrnis Just the ame rent :., V- . . This in a bix room house, with a : porch full width of the house and 6 foet 'Me; the front door open Into the re erilon hall. - Y.'a reception hall 11 10x10, and h bult-ln seat; stairs lead to the hall above; a door opens Into the kitchen; a columned arch open Into the' living room. ' . The living room, 14x14, hna triple window opening onto the front porch, a piano window la on the opposite aide . of the room; eliding doom separate the living room rrom the dining room. Tins room la tinted in light green, with, cream celling. , w The dlnlnir room. 14x18. line corner molding all around the celling, trlplo winaows open on the lawn, one or wmen la ao arranged for -a, buffet below, an other large window on the other aldo , of the room opena on the lawn; there la a plate mil, below which the tinting is light green: above it Is coifee-color, with a beautiful grapevine border 18 Inches wide; a door opena Into the aucnen. The kitchen la 11x12, with doora open ing Into tha reception hall, dining room, basement, wood lift, back porch and pantry. The pantry la one of those delight to a tidy housekeeper with Its many drawers, bins, cupboards and dish clos ets, the molding board below tha pan try window la covered with zinc, tne sink is at tha end, with drain board. Tha woodwork In these rooms Is in a beautiful natural wood finish. The btrbement is full length, with ce ment to floor Joist above, and cement floor; there Is a fruit closet, Cement wash trays and an up-to-date furnace. There are three large, bedrooms, one Of which la 10x14, another 14x14. an other 10x10; the woodwork la done In natural wood finish and tinted In pale blue, pal green and white; two have exceptionally large closets. The bathroom is quite large, with white tiling and white woodwork; pole blue tinting; there are a toilet and heavy rolled-rlmined bathtub and a G Inch aproned waahstaud; off from the bath Is a linen closet, with a French window all tinted and painted white. The halls are tinted In rich vermll llon; house la piped for gas and elec tricity, with fixtures Installed. The downstairs woodwork Is done in golden oak flat finish, which ia rich and beautiful. The back porch is large and latticed: cement walks and steps In front, off, to and around the house. The roof of house is painted .white. The roof of the house has a long sweep roof, with a G Inch beam running all around the nouse, supported by heavy DracKeis, making it an architectural beauty; there are also dormer windows In the roof that are in harmony with the rest of the roof. This house can be bought furnished or unfurnished; the furniture consists of birdseye maplo dresserSj silk floes mattresses, rugs, white enameled and gilt, etc.; all can be secured on the same terms. We will take desirable property as part payment. If you have a home and want a better one see us and we can make arrangements to take it over as part payment. Everything in this ad is exactly as represented, and don't fall to see It If for no other reason tnan to see If we tell the truth. Open Sundays. 4.'i henry building. Phone Main 6338. Lot 5uxl00, 2 blocks from car; cement retaining wall In, cement walks and aidewulks, cement curb and macadam street, good view and location, with 8 room house, with reception hall, pantry, bath room with porcelain tub, etc.; ce ment foundation and basement, chimney to basement floor; 3 clothes closets, woodshed, hot and eold water and elec tric lights in, , sewer In, wails all plas tered and tinted, linoleum on bathroom floor; everything In fine shape, for $2250; $300 cash, balance easy payments monthly. Thin Is within walking dis tance. Take lot as first payment. READ THIS Lot 50x100. about 3 feet above gradf. on improved street, sidewalk In, good 6 room house, with cement basement, electric lights, hot and cold water, bath room, with best of fixtures; half block from Union ave., for only $2300; $1000 cash, balance term to suit. SOMETHING NEW Lot 60x100, with extra well built and well planned house, 6 large rooms, with finely finished reception hall and bath room, with best of fixtures Installed; full cement basement, with furnace, double walls and .floors throughout house, fine fireplaces, plate glass win dows and doors, large built-in china closet, wall plaster"d and tinted, electric lights and piped for gas, large porches, fine lawn, street improved" and side walks in; only 1 block from good car service and Is an elegant place In a fine neighborhood. Price $3500; $1400 cash, balance easy terms. HOUSE AND LOT $1000 Lot 60x100, sewer In and connected Up, street improved and all Improve ments paid for; 3 room house and only 8 blocks to good car service; $675 cash, balance terms. iiraM, annroB & doeill Both phones. 310 Oak st. PROPOSITION. HERE ARE THE FIGURES FOR THE MAN THAT PAYS RENT. FOR THIS BEl'TIFUL win WELL FINISHED BUNGALOW, WITH FULL ATTIC. YOU CAN HANDLE THIS, AS WE HAVE MADE THE TERMS RIGHT. $: sii g rets YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE A BUY LIKE THIS. HAS BEAMED CEILING. PANELED DINING ROOM. ALL TINTED TO SUIT. PIPED FOR GAS. WIRED FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS. SEE THIS IS TO LIKE IT. COME OUT TO 11 12 Clinton, Cor. E. 87th st Phono B-lfilO, or Tabor 1321. Use Home Phone when possible. Take W-R Car. Notice Griffin,- the man that makes terms for the buyer. m If you want this swell home, see us at once; 6 room house, bath, toilet, elec tric light, furnace complete; fine view, for $3200; $500 down, balance terms. S. FEIGHNER & CO., 430 East Morrison St. .Sundays you'll find us at Ivanhoe Station, Woodstock carllne. Ell 250 CASH $260 CASH buys a great bargain In an 8 room house.' suitable for 2 families, large barn with 4 stalls, other out buildings; just the place for a teamster or expressman; prleo only $1550. paya ble $16 per month. Interest 6 per cent. It a No. 1507 East Pine st. Go and ee it. T. 3. STEINMETZ & CO., 19$ Morrison St. mir:': $2 120 per month handles any. one of .2 SWEU--BUWCAIJDIWS WELL LOCATED. AND INCLUDES CEMENT SIDEWALKS AND CUHB8. FIVE LARGE. ROOMS, WITH FULL ATTIC. ALL TINTED TO SUIT; DUTCH KITCHEN, WOOD HOIST; BEAM CEILING IN SOME OF THEM; FULL ' CEMENT BASEMENT; FULL SET PLUMBING, VERY BEST; WIN DOWS IN ALL THE ONSETS. These aame bungalow in good weath er In tho spring . , Why not look now and buy thont 1112 Clinton, Cor. E 37th st. Phono B-1610 or Tabor U21. Use Home phone when possible. Take W-R Car. Notice Griffin, the man that make terms for the buyer. $5600 NEW modern 7 room house, 1 block from Belmont St., on E. 28 st $2300. E room house, lot 50x100; lots of fruit; Just east of Ladds' addition; nice view, $000 cash; Will swing this. I 1 Will IIIUUI.III 1 1 " . thing flrat class, cement sidewalks; street improved. 4 new bungalows, nearly completed, on .easy terms. J. H. STONE, 206 Allsky Bldg. 8 ROOM modern home, Woodstock, $2500. 6 t room Vernon home, $1400, terms. 5 room modern horn'- best material, 6 room modern Vernon house. $2200; good terms, and well worth price. 6 room house Montavllla. $1500; $500 down. $20 monthly: full lot. $1600. terms, takes Deautltui noma East Portland. 8 rooms, but very neat. Wo have plenty or houses, so we can supply the dltricult requirements. CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO.. 430 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts. MAGNIFICENT RESIDENCE TOO , LARGE. Owner must have smaller home. Home Just finished, with elaborate style, swcllest nart of Irvinaton; new 4ieas. 3 large bedrooms with special attic for 01 II la ran. win sen at once enwaper man you can buy ground and build. Don't come to see about this unless you want something fine. Call room 618 Ablng ton bid. CHEAP HOMES CLOSE IN 6 room plastered house.l full base ment, lot 60x100, street improved, ce ment walks and sewer all In and paid. On E. 22d St., close in $1450, ft cash. DEMENT & KRIDER I 248 Madison St. HOLLADAY PARK. First class 2-STORY, 7-room house, close In, MODERN. 3 BLOCKS from car; can be had for $5000; $500 CASH, balance monthly payments. COLUMBIA TRUST CO, 84 4th st. Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE $$2000 will buy an 8 room modern house on Tillamook at., bal. on terms. New modern 7 room house. Broadway, corner. Price Is riarht. G. W. G RIDLEY, 838 Chamber of Commerce. 100x100. 2 good 6 room houses on E. 10th St., only 15 minutes from 3d and Morrison, facing west, bringing $40 per month, $5000 cash. This is the finest buy in city; look this up. A. J. GANTNER, 818 Board of Trade bldg. $1350 buys 4 fine corner lots, 40x100 each, ffood soil, fruit trees and ber ries, frame house of 2 rooms, painted white, completely furnished, basement 10x12, hen house. DEMEN I & KHIULH 248 Madison st. FINE RESIDENCE, WALKING DIS TANCE, HOLLIDAY'S ADDITION, E. 12TH., NEAR BROADWAY CAR EASY TERMS. PURSE. 818 Chamber of Commerce. ON EAST ASH ST. And 20th, 1 block from Ankeny car. Is a 7 room house, nearly modern; 60x100 lot, for $3250, on terms. This is a bar gain. HENRY F. COVER, 64 Union Ave. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW $3650. 6 looms, finished just like furniture. nicely tinted. lh diock irom Anaeny car; beautiful combination fixtures. Im possible for you to duplicate it for $4000. Owner must change his location. 60x100 lot, east facing. East or H-1894 $1700 Williams agte. north of Killlngs- wortn, modern nungaiow o rooms (not nuite finished), full concrete basement, full corner lot 50x100. A pretty and desirable home. Cheap. Owner leaving city. Photo in orrice. w. it. iang (jo 414 Abir.gton bldg. NINE room house, 100 feet car station everything good as new; 1 family could live upstairs independent pf the other. Concrete foundation, large base ment : cheaucst house in the city. $1850 S350 cash. Owner, 418 Hwetland bldg. CHOICE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW In Sell wood; FURNISHED COMPLETE pretty lawn; $3500; $600 CASH, baj- nnce can be arranged. , COLUMBIA TRUST CO., U 4th st. Board of Trad Uldg. $1700 New cottage 5 rooms, bath, nice dep lot (plenty space for garden), osly U block from car, 15 minutes out, fine location, high ground, faces south: half cash, balance on time. W. H. Lang Co., 414 Abington bldg. HOLLADAY ADDITION. 6 room modern house on Wrldler, near Union ave. ; gas and electricity; lot 33 1-3 front; $1000 cash, balance to suit. . A. J. GANTNKR. 818 Board of Trade bldg. 6 ROOM modern bungalow, full cement basement, gas and electricity, lot 50x 100, 50 feet from car; cash, balance to suit. A. J. Gantner, 618 Board of Trade bldg. A SPLENDID 8 room , modern home. east side, near Union ave. I his Is a rare bargain $4500; terms. Corner. 85 xlOO on Union ave., $12,600. J. J. Mc Carthy,. Abington bldg. I HAVE a very fine nmr'.er block on East 17th St., between Belmont and Hawthorne car lines. Flno at.ia'tment house site. Will make ircod ptlco if sold at once. K-441, Journal. THREE new 6 room houses. bath, shades and latest combination fix tures all in, these are within walking distance of city, near Williams ave. 243 and 241 Tillamook st. $1050 BUY'S a 4 room house and fur niture oh an unimifroverl lot In Ken nelworth. By the owner, 32d and Fran cis ave. Phone Sellwood 874 5 ROOM cottage, lot 50x100; good lawn. fruit trees, on carline; ,$1150. $65.0 cash.' balance to suit. This Is a snap. A. J. Gantner. 618 Board of Trade bldg. HOUSE AND LOT for sale or trade; small payment down and "small monthly payments. Call 65 Board of Trade. -' LEAVING city; $300 equity in modori 5 room cottage for $225, bal. $1600 at $15 per month. Ans. quick. , R-444, care Journal. 5 ROOM house, cement basement, gas - 1 . 1 1 , 3 1 T.' i. . Biiu rict-'ii icti), inuue.i ii. r.. . on, block from carline; terms. Main 4442. S29 Davis. Owing t tha had weather w had the first of last week and for no other reason we have not oid thin house which Is absolutely a good buy for any one with little capital: I have a modern, up-to-dnt S room California bungalow -that I can sell to any desirable party on practically their f There is a large gabled roof porcn. supported by massive columns, mo """ to the reception hall being a long bev eled plate glas which open Into the reception hall. a , , wm . a, hHvn a oev'l plate -i... miVVn-" nn orch onens into the living room. The living room la 15x18, with a front window 4 feet long; on the other sldo of the room is a very pretty fireplace, with bookcases on either side; above are French windows; an arch opens Into the dlnlnjr room; thla room Is tinted lh a beautiful color between a leather and coffee and cream color. , . The dining room I 16x18, has box bay window with two large windows 4 feet long; the walls are paneled with a plate rail above and beam ceilings: doors open from thla room Into the kitchen up stairs hall and pass hall. by mis ar rangement making it very convenient. There Is a built in china buffet, with a plate- glass mirror and metal glass doors, drawers and cupboards below; this room is tinted the same color as the living room with a cream ceiling. The front bedroom Is 12x16. and has u large, wide window and a closet; a door opens Into the pass hall;' this room i tinted in turquoise blue, while the wood work is done In white; the celling is The pes hall connects the two bed roomo, bathroom and dining room, and I tinted in canary yellow. The back bedroom Is 12x18 and has two largo windows and a closet with a window; this rooni' Is painted white and tinted a beautiful shade of pink. Tho bathroom Is 7x10, with a low down flush 'toilet, a heavy rolled white enameled bath tub, and a wash stand with a Ions 8-Inch apron; this room is tinted In pale green. The Dutch kitchen Is 10x12, with a work table, sugar and flour bins, pot and kettle closets, dish cabinets, draw ers, sink with double drains, woodllft, boiler closet; a door opens on tho back porch, which Is cellod. The basement Is full length with V cement floor; ce ment wash trays; there are also 4 large windows Stairs lead from the dining room to the floor above, which has A large bedrooms partitioned off, one of which Is screened for a sleeping porch; each room has a double window, with plenty of room left for store room. The walls are double and papered; double floors; cement walks to the front irch and around to the back porch. There Is a furnace in this house guaranteed to heat. Electric fixtures can be selected by the purchaser. There Is everything In this house that the most exacting housekeeper could wish. This house Is within the reach of all and a good buy, but must be seen to be appreciated, as It Is hand fin ished. If vou have desirable lots, or a home, and wish to get a larger or better one, we will take vour place as part pay ment down. Open Sundays. 425 Henry bldg. Phono Main 5338. $250 Cash, balance like rent, for this beauti ful, new and strictly modern a room bungalow, with beam celling, paneieu dining room, Dutch kitchen, full attic, best of plumbing. as and electricity, full basement, sidewalks, between 2 car- ir, You have to hurry ir you get mis snSP: OWMSK, KUOO, 01!) UfiniiBn u.uB. Second and Alder. Res. Phone Tabor 1467. Phone Main 2801. IRVINGTON SNAPS Vaw 5-STORY. 8-ROOM home; strictly first class; every modern con- venierec a l iir . ...... ... - - - - link on E. 19th at.; $6500; part cash, balance can be arranged. New 2-story, 6-ROO.M Honsf,; evsry- thing first class; on E. 18th st.; all Improvements paia; jdduo; i'ov su, balance monthly. Fine lot on E. 22nd St., facing EAST 60x100; $1900. Lot on E. 23rd St., facing west 50x 100; $1600. Lot on 14th between Thompson and Brazee; $1400. columblTtrust CO., 84 4th. Board of TraO Bldg. READ THIS CAREFULLY $8004 ROOM HOME. PORTSMOUTH. $1650 BUNGALOW 4 ROOM ATTRACTIVE. MODERN, BRAND NEW. FULL LOT ALLEY 407 GERLINGER BLDG. For an Improved lot 60x118 In - HAWTHORNE residence district. This must be sold Immediately; must hav& $250 by May 1. The entire price is $800; $100 down and balance only $10 PER MONTH Positively the last lot for that price In Hawthorne. A commanding view. Sewer assessments paid. All Improvements. 100 feet from Hawthorne ave. Faces north. For particulars call 1165 HAWTHORNE AVE. 8 ROOM new and 'modern house, east front, lot 1 block from Alber ta car, house just completed and Is ready to move right into. Beam ceiling, fireplace, wood lift, large fiantry; in fact, everything tp make t an Ideal-.home; seeing Is believ ing. Let us show you. Price $3500; $1000 cash, balance easy. 8 room new and strictly modern house on Broadway, neas 17th st. A beautiful home. Price $6500; $250u cash," balance long time. REPASS &W00DYARD, 300 Henry bldg. j $150 CASH for fine modern 5 room cottage., run lot, witn zu root alley monthly payments, $15; price $1960. $350 cash buys a 6 room modern bun galow, with fruit, nice neighborhood. This is exceptionally fine buy at $2300; both these homes are between 2 car lines. Have a few bargains left In low priced lota. . Call tip owner. Sellwood 1554. . lifl k mm DBUY HALF. -CASH Thla house I located on East 28th t, near Morrison at, ort a high level lot, with 8 bearing fruit trees, 7 cherry and one plum; the house ha gas and electricity: has an east front, with full basement; the first floor baa 6 large rooms, and large reception hall, witn larae front norch: the second floor has 4 bedrooms, with large closets, also bath and toilet. Thla house la well built and well finished, with double walls and floors. Price $4500. vacant lots In aame locality Belling for $3000. BUNGALOW SNAP Modern S room bungalow. Just com pleted, on level lot, M block from car; to see Is to buy; only $500 cash, bal ance like rent. Price $2700. Will handle this new' 6 room bungalow. herta car; If you want to see this Sun- I "ay, can on owner, 1019 K. 17th at- A 8 room, 2 story house, nice level lot. full basement, furnace, electric lights, a good place to keep boarders and room ers. $1000 will handle; furnished or unfurnished BUILDING INV, CO, 429 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak , LACEY & SCHLESSER, PHONE EAST 397. HOME, C-U81. E1S WILLIAMS-TkVE. Two 6 room, strictly modern, new cot tages, on Williams ave.; choice location, paying 8 per cent interest; $6600, $2000 cash, terms to suit; snap. Business property Union ave. and SiUrarnento St.; store building with 6 living rooms above, lot 50x125, rents for $40 per month: lease runs 2 years; price $7000. half cash. Two 6 room cottages on Morris, close to Union ave., lot 50x100; rents $28 per month; price $3200. half cash. Eight room modern house, on Wil liams, 100 feet from Broadwav; lot 5ox 126; price $ti00, don't overlook this. Eight room modern house, on Wil liams, close to Eugene, lot 60x125; price $6500, half cash. Choice piece of property on Wllllnms ave., close to Russell St., paying 9 per cent; price $13,000. $7000 cash; snap. Corner lot. Delay and Russell; $8000, half cash. price Iit 35x100. on Williams, between Shaver and Mason; price $1 800. BEAUTIFUL HOME Beautiful 6 room bungalow, situated near Hawthorne ave.; modern In every respect, ("nn he had for $2800. Terms. STEWART & ZIRBEL, 604-5 Lewis Bldg. 4th and Oak. FOR'SALE RlKht over here In Sunnyslde. mod ern 6 room house, with 3 large bed rooms, sewer and street Improvements, nice terraced lawn and fruit trees; all rig-ht up to date; price $3300, $1000 cash, balance on terms. It Is a good buy. Call and see us and let us show you. WELLS &DUFUR, 803 Chamber Commerce. Marshall 689. E, 19TH ANDE, ALDER HOUSE AND LOT. LOT 50x60. coiner c. i in and f, A der; large and imposing and one of the best In this fine neighborhood; I block from Sunnyslde car; improved : .c..... mi ii-m. ni. uaso- m..v.,h, j.,uiii,'.u UIIU wu-iiH mice mined; sleeping porch, trees and shrub bery; lots near by selling for $5000 alone. See this right away. It can't last. Inquire of owner at place. . 123 E. 19TH ST. Phone B-2082. fie wii Built in bungalow style, with 5 lnrge rooms, with large hall with bookcases (inil hnnlri'flKpn nn anon Ma ef firlnn.. rooms finished with closet, upstairs finished, floor all up stairs half cement nasement,. with furnace and all lin provements In and paid. Before you buy let me show you this place. Price $3500; $00 down. $3u per month. 310 .oak st. COZY HOME See this 7 room modern borne. In Hol- i Inday, lot 60100, concrete retaining j wull; $5500, part cash. others In good locations, from $900 up. E. BLOOM & CO., 409 Couch. ABIAUW Up-to-date 5 room bungalow, newly built, full basement, corner lot, 75x100, close to car line and school. Can be bought right. $1350 buys a R room house with fur niture. Lot 50x100, 2 blocks from school and 3 from car. Some cash, bal. terms. Corner lot lOOxloO. all In fruit. Fine building site. Price $850. Terms. E. L. HOWARD. TABOR 570. 7 room, new bungalow, 60x100 lot, in best part of Sunnyslde, especially well built of select material, by expert work men, for a permanent home, circum stances require that it be sold at once. hence $4500 will get this beautiful home. and it could not be duplicated for $5000; would rent so as to bring 12 per cent; it Is a genuine bargain. Call 613 Cham ber of Commerce. FACING LADDS TRACT. 7 room house, lot 45x100, No. 471 E. 12th 'st.. street macadam ized, sewer In, cement walks. Im provements paid for. fruit trees, roses, etc., 7 large rooms, bath, pantry, closets, hnll downstairs and up. and lartfe attic, on 2 car lines; $4500; half cash; terms. , 411 Henry bldg. A $3100 BUNGALOW FOR $1000. Cash, balance monthly payments. $600 new furniture thrown In gratis. Mod ern and new. five rooms and bath, pan eled dining room, beam ceiling, hand some electric fixtures, wash trays. In basement. Was taken on a debt, a sac rifice at this price. Owner at Calef Bros.. 366 E. Morrison st. Sacrifice, 4 lifts and 4 room house, close to car, owing to embarrassment of ownT, this an be had for $1100 cah, or $1600. half cash. Call at, once 613 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Corner 100x100, all fenced, 4 room bungalow, bath, toilet, etc., corner 75th and ' Clackamas. 1, block south of Barr road; price $1800, cash. . D. Ryan. Ono of the beet bargains yon ever saw in ny home.. A splendid new, modern, 6 room bungalow, large attic, very artistic; the woodwork Is the best rubbed down finish; 60x133 lot. very sightly. Bee this today. 4 room cottage, cement basement, 50 foot lot, good locality; near ?ar; terms. Cash, new 8 room house; modern, fur nace, double walla; splendid buy; very sightly location; only $3000. J. M. MIEKLEJOIIN, 380 E. Washington. East 1116, B-1437 FURN frillED HOUSES. 7 rooms at University Park, 2 lots, nice lawn; lots of roses; $20 month; all solid oak furniture. 7 rooms near steel bridge, A-l fur niture, $40 PETERS. 16 N 6th St. 6 ROOM modern house, V4 block to car, $1660, $300 cash, $16 per month. Ta bor, 670. Excellent buy. $850, 4-rootn house near Alberta car; $350 cash, balanco monthly, lti'jli Patton. 90 6th st. fiOOO 7-room modern, fine location, on Portland Heights. M. E. 411 Corhett lildg. FOH SILK LOTS 10 LOTS LOTS OF OF BARGAINS, $280060x100 on 29th st This I a snap. $4800 80x100, Hawthorne ave. $ 85046x96, In Redllghton ad dition. $ 660 50x100, Cleveland ave, $260090x100, Canfield ave. $116060x100, Rodney ave, Piedmont. We also have cheap lots In Montavllla and the Peninsula additions. ADAMS & APPERS0N, 261 Wasnlngton St. LOTS LOTS LOTS 12 lots In Sunnyslde, rnnirlng in price from C:.0 to $1060 at $100 down and balance monthly. We will help you build. 4 lots In Rossmere. corners, st $725 to $876; $100 cash, balance monthly. 3 lots on Sellwood carllne, close In. 42x100, for $900 each, on easy terms. 5 50x100 Irvlngton lots, $1250 each; $250 cash, balance monthly. KNAPP ROBERTS CO.. M 8263. 524 Henry Bldg. PORTLAND THESE LOTS ARE TRUST CHOICE IDEAL FOR CO. HOM ES. Profit makers for In vestors. $700 cash; full lot In Mer low; this Is below the mar ket. 100x100, cor. Broadway and East 47th St., $1500. Business lot in Villamead, $10(10; It's a money maker. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak sts. $3300 Modern bungalow In West moreland, furnished with new furni ture. This must be sold, and Is below cost; $1200 cash, bal. monthly pay ments. FARRELL. . 617 Oerllnger ' Near Jefferson High School Only two blocks to car, full block 8 lots, all streets Improved, good resi dence district, built up. Prioe $7800. Summit Investment Co. 129 Kllllngsworth. A SNAP INVESTMENT, consisting of 3 modern 2-story residen-je houses on 100x100 close in, on east side, renting at present for $107. Will sell $16,000 for the property complete or wouij dis pose of each house separate to anv one desiring a first class home. Terms may he had on same. o. & I. Keaity en room 25 Russel Bldg., 165 4th st M 9327. PORTLAND WEST SIDE LOTS TRUST On Overton St., near 26th; CO. fine location; $4500. Vaughn st . cor.; streets improved; $3000. PORTLAND TRUST CO., H. E. Cor. 3d and Oak sts. FOR FEW DAYS ONLY, Will sell 4 lots, 50x100, In choice resi dence district at $850 per lot. This is under the market value and Is close In with best car service. Will sell all or In oarts K-440. Journal. Choice quarter block, 100x100; walk ing distance; east side. For particu lars see J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. One Half Acre Fronting on 2 streets, 4 blocks from carline, and only $S50. So hurry up. Speer & Co. 1000H Belmont st $2000, Choice corner hit, 40x100, S. E. cor ner E. 2ith and Belmont. J. .1. OEDER. Cor. Grand nve. ;ind E. Ankeny. OVERLOOKS R E E l7fNs"TI TUT E. WaverlPlgh Heights; all Improvements;-lots $600 up; 10 per cent cash, 110 Der month. J'NO. P. SHARKEY CO.. 6th and Washington Sts. HOUSES, lots, acre tracts, for sale on easy payments. See Carl Hermes, manager Woodstock Realty company. Woodstock office 2 blocks east, V4 block south, from end of W. W. carllne. Open Sundays. MAKE ME AN OFFER for equity in 2 first class lots In Swtn ton addition. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. M. D HOBBS, f4 6th St. 207 Kenton Bldg. VERNON BARGAIN. $700 buys full lot on 16th st. near car; terms. 420 Swetland bldg. NINE out of 10 buy after they have seen Wavcrleigh Heights. Lots $600 and up. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO, Htlt and Washington Sts. VISIT Wavcrleigh Heights Sunday. Lots $600; 1 il per cent down; terms. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO. fitli and Washington. HALF block. 260 feet O. It. it N. track age. E. 20th St., for warehouse and barn. $10,000. Terms. From owner, F- 4 1 .Journal SNAP. In Broadway's addition, lot 100x80. all Improvements. Inquire 609 Board of Trade bldg. OUR lots on O. R. & N. right of way. close to Swift Packing Co.; good in vestment; owner will sell cheap. Wood lawn 2459. "WEST vy u The University Land t'om- fany has been In business for 8 years. We have all grown since we engaged In this bus iness. We now pioposo to clo.ie up the business. We will close out our Univer sity Piirk lots at prices and terms Unit will enable any llv person to m:ke a little for tune lr. a short time. University Park occupies the business center of the Penin sula Everybody knows about tlie Peninsula. If you desire to take advan tage of this opportunity come to see me without delay, nn we propose to close this valuable property out Immediately. If yuu can show that you earn enough to meet the month ly Installments and have not the ready cash for the first payment, we will help you to meet the cash payment re quired by the company to close a deal. Terms 10 per cent cash, balance $10 monthly, without Interest to those who pay each Installment when due or before due. 617 Commercial Blk., Second and Washington Sts. Portland. Or. .in rora Own Home It vmi nwn the lot W8 Will build YOU a home to suit your own plans and same rent payments. Estimates free SHOKMAKI'.K J. VM l ivir..- i y.. 627 Henry Bldg. A-7434. Main 4485 Near Tefferson High School Half block, east front, 60x260, im proved street. Price $450. Summit Investment L-o. 129 Kllllngsworth. If You Are Looking for Close in acreage, a wheBt ranch or small, well Improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, aee me; I handle my own properties. J. O. Elrod 620 Corbett Bldg 1- o LL lot, 17th and AInsworth, $450 cash. Choice lot, Waverlelgh Heights, $660; terms. 4 lots, bungalow. Central Alblna, "Tots. Virginia and Idaho, S. Portland. 212 Alisky Bldg , K1 .Morrison TFINET0T AT HIGHLAND" $850, 60x100. facing east, on E. 12th St., N. ; will give you good terms. A 8"aP' BLANC HARD & CLEM SON. 315-16 Swetland bldg. SNAP. 500 N E. corner E. 18th and Salmon sts. 36 'Axil 7. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, 4 Chamber of Commerce. See Us For acreage for platting; also cheap homes, vai-nnl lots, on easy terms. GRAYS CROSSING LAND CO., Take Ml. Scott car to Grays Crossing. WTTst.-. CITY PARK CORNER 100x100 with south and east front. high and sightly, street improvements ni.i " hlocks from car, cash price for 1 immediate sale. $1500 . ' H. 1. I'AI.Alr.K-.ioiir.n cv., 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a safe investment, see us about our call certificates. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. K corner 3d and Oak sis. Easv TermsPrice $70 Lot 6i5xlOO. Mt. Tabor carline. Speer ec Co. inOi'iu, Belmont st. ' GREAT BARGAIN 100x109 feet with alley, graded street, 100 feet of car line, :joO feet to public school. Price, $1050. . , ;',21 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SA LE. by owner, about S acres on 3.rth nnd llolgate s-ts., with house of 6 rooms: suitable for platting. H. S. Telephone Sell- uwen, ieo JiutuiL- i. wood 828. WESTMORELAND. Westmoreland lot. must be sold this week wav under juice; $150 cash. BROWN. 411 Couch Hide. - A REAL BARGAIN Fine large business corner, must be sold this week, option expires; price 25 per cent below market value. Phone Tabor 672. , - FIRST class location on Salem Electric line: 2 acres on coiner near Metzger's ddltion: price very reasonable: can get terms. tiU'J Uoaru oi t rade oiug. . ., TEMS maeis t IIE11I IT!3 Just a moment and Over what I have to offer v you, , Then you will certainly It's Krnal valuii The southwest corner of Second nnl Mill. 1 00x1 oo. Is on the market ta be sold. It Is a sightly corner; quits prom inent, right in the . .. , of Portland. If you wint It for specula tion, you'll find It can' b beat. If you want It for a buildiiiK site, you'll find none better lii the entire city., Party owning said property has left tne state. It has Ik en placed in my hands to sell and must be. Mold. Act quick. - rT3 1 r- For further particular s"e TH0S. MEIENBERG, 213 McKay Bldg. BUILDERS. ATTENTION! Irvinxton Is th place to build house for Immediate profit. Here Is y.our op portunity to secure 13 very cholco lots In the paved' district at a big discount. Owner wants to raise money beforw tha 10th and offers 11 insliies and 4 quar tern the best in the tract at a reduc tion of $3425 from prevailing prices. One quarter cash is all It takes to han dle. This is an unusual snap in high class property that is constantly ad vancing in value. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 33-3 Lafayette Bldg.. Washington & 8th Choice Residence Lots V Flee corner, 100x105, with alley, well located In Montavllla; these lots can ba had at a bargain if sold soon. Poitsmouth lots. I have some flna lots at Portsmouth close to car and out to fruit, ranging In price from $650 to $1000. Broadway snap. A fine lot on East 47th st., close to Broadway, up high, with fine view, fine homes building; All around It. This lot $760. Look this up, for It's a snap. ,lso 100x100 at Fulton Park for $1100. Nral Brown. 709 Swctland bldg. i w m mm We will sell you a lot and build you a Inuse for a small payment down, the balance JUST LIKE RENT. We have several houses readv. You can get one, BUT YOU'LL HAVE TO HUKRf. tn. are going so fast. Gut In the game early. DIAMOND REALTY CO. Room 14, 3034 Washington St SPECIAL. Go out and See OLMSTED PARK the PORTLAND HEIGHTS of the east side. today. Take Broadway car, get off at E. 24T1I and FREMONT. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY automobile will be there to meet you. You should certainly see this tract before purchasing. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. 84 4th St. SNAP FOR BUILDERS. Take "L" car to Blandena street, walk west on Montana and see the pride of north Alblna on your left; full block. 8 lots. 50x100; water, sewer, cement walks, close to high school, car barns, flour mill, O. R. & N. shops; franchise granted for carllne passing property. A sacrifice; contractors, speculators, note. C. H. Dexter, owner, 252 Wash ington St., or Hotel Rarmipo. QUARTER BLOCK, corner on E. 22d, near Ankeny St., for $3250. 100x100. on E. Hoyt St., $1150. Half acre H block to Gllsan st. car, cast of Laurelhurst. $1250. 60x100, E. 26th, near Oak, $1500. - DEMENT & KRIDER. 248 Madison 8t. $450 Will buy V4 block in Woodstock, near carllne, nice level ground, with small house on, balance easy. See CarJ Hermes, manager Woodstock Realty Co.. Woodstock. Phone Sellwood 1505. Office 2 blocks east, H block south from end of W. WT. carllne. , Open Sun days. 85x100 IRVINGTON $3000 Facing east, on 24th between, Thomp son and Tillamook streets, all improve- : merits In and paid for with exception of hard surface pavement, which will be laid this spring. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., ' 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. IRVINGTON LAURELHURST ROSE CITT PARK RUFF-KLEfNSORGE LAND CO.. 418 Board of Trade bldg. WE have several lots in Waverley that we can sell at a bargain on long time; also we have several lots at Park Place on the Mount Scott carline that we have authority to Bell at a low price. All well situated and must sacrifice. HOLT. & BRACY, 27 Hamilton bldg. IRVINGTON QUARTER 100x100 feet, at corner East 20th and Knott sts.; a beautiful resldenoe site; price $3750. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO, 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. CHOICE apartment1 house site on 25tri St., between Marshall and Northrup, can be had for $4750: $2750 will handle. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Board of Trade Bid. 84 4th St. ' HERE Is a good investment, near site of Reed Institute, lot 50x100, one block from Berkeley station, one block from Eastmoreland; $350 cash. Call at 451 Marguerite ave. FIVE beautifully located level lots, near proposed Reed Institute, Mr. Investor, see them quickly. Note price: $160K , Call Monday, 212 Alisky Bldg., Third , Morrison I WILL sell m.f equity In 4 lots in Kenmore, cheap ror cash; located lt feet off Patten ave., also 100 feet from Pippin st. Main 4379, room 202 Gerlin- ger bldg. : TEN minute ride from city hall; aewer! street work, sidewalks all in; $800 and UP' JNO. P. SHARKEY CO.. 6th and Washington Sts. TWO acres, cultivated and fenced with small house, 6 miles out, near depot; price $676; terms. The McCarthy Co 40-4 Rothchild bldg. Main 8 983. -2 LOTS in.' Rossmere for $200 less thai any corner as good in the earns dls trlct. Western Oregon Trust Co.. ground floor Chamber of Commerce. BOULEVARD to Reed Institute passes through Waverlelgh Heights., JNO. P. SHARKEY CO.. nth ndWashington Sts. ''',' LOTS SOxlOiFon Mt. Scott car line" for. $200. $3 cash, $3 per mo. All cleared and water In. Western Oregon Trust Co.. ground floor Cham, of Commercw. WILL SELL two r.ne m . m Ill'lrluiiu, ii'jm, v " ivm.i.w ....... car. .for loss than listed price. Phon Woodlawn 775. "' . . tltiiiO. cash. Beautiful Irving ton lot on 15th street, hetween Knott a'l.t Brazee. -Owner, 1190 Monttna. ave., Tuesday. II to 12 a. m. J . LOT 25x100. near Sandy Road. m"!!a this side Rose City. $350. fit down, $10 a montii K-449, Journal.? ' $850 CASH. Beau ti'fu Hot. KiuaTThoiT,, car. I Mon. or to 12 a m 60x100 ROSH'cYT Y PARK lot cash, today only. KJt Hit raiK MMM Weill 1 ,-v