" I SECTION THREE I , J "A 1' Wli St 1 I CLASSIFIED I - 12 PAGES ' ( I ADVERTISING J PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAV MORNING, MARCH 6,. 1910. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 FOR SALE HOUSES HOLD UP ''ARMS 17 128 ACffi wmai 01 $300 m ins (of HOUSEHOLD NEEDS CLOSSET & PORTLAND. PEVER3. OREGON If we had built our large new on the West Side, where land values are so very high, our interest and tax account. would actually be $25,000 greater each year, and this would have been an extra tax on our customers. Did you ever think about that? Who can sell the cheapest? , ' MORGMSATBIHILEV . FMISTME CfDL Northwest Corner Grand Avenue and E. Stark. ifllEffl IEITI 253 ALDER STREET. ' CORNER THIRD. MLDEi WEST MIFFEE mm mmwm STORE $.60 TO, Carry a complete linn of both new and fine second hand housefurnlshings and we sell on the Installment plan. too. Terms are 4 down and small mrtnthly payments. Ve exchange old for new vor vice versa making a reasonable dif ference. 1 Give us a trial. 627. 629. 6S1. 633 and 635 WASHING- , , - TON St. , ' ' Main 1108 (or : A-379. . , nOT'SEHOLD XEEDS 4fl HOLE IYER8 HAS MOVED HIS HANDSOME TO i AT BETWEEN OAK AND PINE. MJEfELWOfflllEl KOR NEW WATCHES. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT What Gives tion More Satisfac Than LAUNDERED TO PERFECTION We Make This Class of Work OUR SPECIAL For Furnace or Range POTLATCH, per ton ....$6.50 SUPERIOR, per ton $8.50 GIBRALTAR, ton $10.50 FUEL DEALERS 363 Washington Street Star Theatre Bldg. WILLAMETTE fUG 00. MANUFACTURERS OF IF From old Ingrain and Brussels carpets. Have your old frayed and faded carpets made over into a beautiful new rug. Particulars and prices on application. TABOR 1078. B-2244. FACTODSV 426 'EAST 4SW Samples sent for your approval upon request. von SALE ROUSES 61 $400 BUI'S $800 equity In new modern home, restricted district. Reception hall 9x10 feet Living room 16x16 with fireplace, paneled dining room 13x17. three bedrooms, flv closets, bathroom 7x9, gas' and electricity. . See this to day. 1053 Tillamook. 1 ' WALKING distance, fractional lot and 6-room house, ceiled, papareJ, good plumbing. Terms." $H'0 down anl $10 month. Batter hurry. Edwards, Luru-, bey Exchange., room A. . ,1- , EI StmE I0LE MYERS IP 0 AT A HOUSEHOLD XEEDS 46 Are these today Room-Size Rubs of high grades floor coverings which will give I ho very best service and please most by their artistic and handsome pat terns. We handle the celebrated WHIT TALL Rl'GS. the best made because only the finest Persian wool Is used in their manufacture and the colors are tested hy experts before they leave the factory. Mention of a few numbers of this noted rug line - Best wearing: Ru:, size, 9 x!2".. . . .$28.60 Chlldonia Rody Brussels Rug. the heav iest and best wearing Rug of Its kind, size 8x12 $J0.75 Fine Wilton Rurh. strictly all wool, in higti grade design, size 0x12. .. $35.00 "U'e are closing out our entire line of Brussels or Axminster Carpets in rolls and it ' will pay you to come here be fore you buy elsewhere. fusm & DUE FURNITURE. CARPETS. 386 KAST MORRISON STREET. TTE HAVE SOME FINE VALUES I N SLIGHTLY USED riANOS. WHICH HAVE BERN TAKEN IN EXCHANGE T O W A R D OUR PLAYER PIANOS. WK ALSO HAVE A SPLENDID NEW PIANO AT $10 DOWN AND ONLY $fi PER MONTH. WHY BE WITHOUT MUSIC? SIMM SIXTH AND MORRISON, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. FOR SALE HOtSES BARGAIN. "Beautiful corner lot, 6 large rooms, reception hall, den, pantry, bath. ' toilets, 2 lavatories, sleeping porch, large attic, 4 closets, linen closet, hijlt in bookcase, fireplace, full cement base ment, cement floor, furnace, gas, elec tricity, gs range ana plate, neater, tubs, Brussels carpets, shades, mattings, fuel for rest of season. Double walls and f-loors. Street improvements paid. A bargain at 15000. J2000 cash. Call 40 Montana ave., Mon. or Tucs., 9 to 12 a.m. I WANT eight peopl to' go In with me and buv SO acres or fine rrult land; each taking, ten acre or multiple. Will cost ua $150 per acre. Will be set tp apples and delleverd to us at the end r rour years. k.au oe Dougni ou lerms. f-440, Journal. FOR SALB 7 room modern house, 2 lots j 1 oux 1 00. 1 block from car. By Owner, 4-4J Journal. Dili SEE MAN HW KKSS BIDDY BRUSSELS MOS SUfflTOf USED) Files CENT A WORD To run an ad on these pages, because the advertiser gets results, and plenty of them. For example, a business man said yesterday that he adver tised for a house in a restrict ed district and received from The Journal classified ad, 25 replies, while the most he could get with the same ad from the best of other med iums was two answers. In fact, the steady increase of the classified ads of The Journal the past year, indi cates that the advertisers get the desired results. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 46 KITTED BATHTUBS LAVATORIES SINKS BOILERS AND PIPE PIPE PIPE PIPE PIPE PIPE AT IP rILll .Is BBEATIY MO Elf II InJ npnjrr J3 Lot We quote only trust bust ing, prices on everything of fered in our mammoth line of ffl mm Dfl "flfllMirO) (MP SEE IX THEIR SECIALTY SAVING illEf FOR T Salesroom 244-50 FRONT ST. Special cut rate prices fur nished on application by phone or mail. - . FOR SALE HOUSES ei SEVEN room house, modern, new, lot 100x100, fenced, nice lawn, R0 rose bushes, lots of berries and fruit. Am leaving cltv. For" a short time. $2000 H cash. Owner. 418 S.wetla&d bldg. III 1011 LOT 50 I on. somci hliiK un wind would he rerel , ; 6 room bungalow, with n width of Hi.- house anil S The ree. pi Ion hall I 7x1u Her In planned to It In a porch full fret wide. with a window and a hull! in seat Un dorneath that makes It n real little coBy corner. There Is also a coat clos et, a door opens from this Into the liv ing room and another opens Into the dining room. The living room. 12x14. has floor var nished for rug. a large 4 foot window with mela! glass window above looks onto the porch; another window on the other side of the room opens on the lawn; an arch open Into the dining room. The dining room. 14x14. has a triple window (he full width of the room It also has a vciv neat built-in china buf- f( t. A door opens from this room Into the front bedroom and another Into the kite pen. The front bedroom, 11x12. has closets with shelves ami hooks and a laige window. The kitchen has a work table with flour and sugar bins; there Is also n sink with double drain hoard, pot. ket tle cupboard, drawers and dish closet with doors above, wood lift, boiler handy to the stove; from this room a door opens Into the rear bedroom. The rear bedroom Is 12x12, with a larpe window and closet; a door opens Into the bathroom. The bnthronni Is onlte roomy, with toilet, bath, wn-shstand. linoleum on toe floor; there Is n window and a door opens onto the back porch. The basement Is 7 feet high, full length, half cement; has four larce windows, well braced all around, 2x8 Joists. 81. d Is very dry. This house In double walled and pa pered with heavy tur paper, double flooied. hand finished and done In golden oak. Kb ss finished. There 1s a fine lawn, roses ami flow ers, with L'O (rood-sized fir trees, so dis tributed as to make a nice cool place In ninm.fr. This Is ore of the most elassv neiKh borhoods In Portland, being opposite a new J11.000 home and on the carllne. Street Improvements In and paid for. This Is a flue home for anyone and the term In reach of all. and I will sell to any desirable party who can make the' terms If you have desirable lots or a home and wish to (jet n larger or better one, we will tuke your place as part payment down. Open Sundays. Phone Main 5338. 425 Henry Hide. JJaD 00 WILL BUY a beautiful new bungalow; suburban; about 1 '4 sens of grounJ. fruit trees and small "ruiL, easv terms. ;i nice lots In Falrport addition for $1000; a bargain. Nine room concrete block residence, 1 block from car trie, lot 100x200. Eight room frame iesl- denc.e. lot 100x200, 4 blocks tr"m nr (heap. We have a number of other bargains. Sleyster & Kendall, tiO Lewis Bldg. A BARGAIN? Yes! An R-roorn house on 100x100 foot lot, 1 block from car line; $2800. BROWN. Couch Bldg. 411 HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 40 An abundance of them Just arrived from the East. All col ors. Trice We beat them all $8.00 to $20.00. And they are the celebrated Some second-hand Carts $1.00 to $.i.on. We still continue our closing out sales of New furniture, and exchanging it for second-hand. if. win like. We will sales April begin 1st. our auction oil. Fll East Third and Morrison. BEST DRY CORD WOOD. ALL WOOD SOLI) AND MEASURED IN LONG LENGTHS. CUT TO ORDER. PROMPT DELIVERY. 151 HAWTHORNE AVE.. PHONE EAST 202. B-2020. D. IfU Guaranteed Steel Range. .$ 17.50; small Cook Stove, $-5; Folding Red. $4; Dress ers. $5: Couches, $:!; Gas Ranges, Chairs. 5'ic and up; Rockers. 75c and up. Mattress, nil and up; Springs, $1 and up. All kinds of the best new goods or second hand nt lowest prices. It will pay you to call. Liberal terms and hon est treatment. FKllTUi 351-353 First mm TO 9 1MB USELESS CABT fill won 1E1 FUEL M iSEMK Bt. Main 3S0. IDwini l have a six room house that Is fine of the b'xl built homes in Horll.nid and an architectural b'.uily Unit I inn sell to uny desirable parly on almost his own terms This In a two story house, with a porch full width or the house, the roof supoitcil by massive columns set on concrete hut t resst-s. A beveled plate gliiss door opens Into the r'Tcpt ton hull, which Is from which stalls rihe In the hull above; n door opens Into the kitchen, and nn arch separates the lHln room Irom this hull. The living loom Is 15xt5 ami has a very laru tilpic window, the rImss of which Is triple stfetiKth. opetilna on the porch: a piano window Is on the opposite side of the room. The diniiiK toom Is ir.xld. and also has s large tripl- box hay window with metal Klass above the birder win dow. There is a beautiful built in buffet with metal lss doors, plate glass mirror below An arch separates this room from the den; a double actlnj; do. r opens Into the phss pantrv. The pass pantrv Is 710. ami has V built In woik tabic beneath, which has many drawers, sugar, flour bins, pot and kettle cupboards. Above this work table ate the china closets. , broad window In tills room ulves plenty of liKhl for the work tabic and sink; a double acting door opens into the kitohen. The kitthen is llxKl, and hns a woodllfl. 2 huge windows, holler closet with a door opening Into the basement and also Into the Hunt hall and buck poi ch. which Is latticed. The upper hall of this house Is quite large, off fiom which are thtee bed rooms and a bath; there Is also a linen closet In the hull. The two front bedrooms have box bay windows with built In seats, and are K'xl4. each has a large closet. The rem bedroom Is 12x1.'. with a large window and door opening onto a large sleeping porch. Tlier Is a large bathroom, with a low down flush toilet and heavy rolled rim bathtub; a six Inch aproned wash siand; built In medicine closet; clothes chute to the basement. Tim roof of this house has a wide swejp, the dormers being In proportion to trie rest, and gives the house u beau tiful architectural appearance The house Is piped for gas and elec tric, and fixtures can be selected by the pun baser. The house Is piped for furnace, and furnace installed; cement floor in the basement, also wash trays. The house Is braced from corners to center, making It exceptionally strong. I will be glad to show tills place to any one. And If any one should Ilk. to get the place, I am In a position to sell at almost their own terms. Open Sundays. If you have desirable lots or a home and "wish to get a larger or be1, ter one. we will take your place as part payment down. I'hone Mam 5;i;is nenry mug ALtvTMI'ROVED SMALL HOI'SE COOP) BARN 6 ACRES IN EXTRA FINE PRUNE ORCHARD 8 A OR EH IN WINTER APPLES BALANCE IN (T l.T I V ATION VERY FINE WATER V. M ILK TO OARLINE FINE FOR PLATTINU IN ACRE TRACTS ALSO OTHER IMPROVED FINE ACREAGE TRACTS. INCLUDING ONE FINE FIVE ACRE PIECE We have a snap In a fine modern bun- gs low NEAT BARN. CHICKEN HOUSE TWO LOTS 50x100 EACH ONE-HALF BLOCK FROM STATION In Portland's most beautiful suburb. Another Fine ti room house Hath and toilet Ground 100 feet square One-half block from station Also Other Bargains For the choicest bargains in acreage apply to Wiley Lents Or., Stops Phono Or Allen & Co. Mount Scott car. at our door. :. Tabor 14 IS Tabor 1 425. .:im E TIE F( Wbv not buy and money ? Do you know that we are In a position to .sell you a home or a place to build on at a very rea sonable price, on sour own terms,? Olf'iee open Sundnvs. MTM WBl ESTATE U 14 Kenton Flank Rids. Phono Wooillawn 308. A BARGAIN, irood house, six rooms, batn and fireplace, one acre ground, fruit tr.es. small truHs, good .well, barn, chicken house, l.0 feet from car line. 11000' cash, balance on easy rnonthlv payments.. Sleyster .4 Ken dall. 410 l.t.wis 111. lsT. EOK SALE OR RENT. 4 -room liouse, aore garden land, W-W oar tck 37th St., first house- youth. Bargain. MEIE ANDMIES hot ran GMDERATiOM PER ACRE PiOE $2250 wm FJSV TEiS Sot mi-mi w We have IL'il acres of the flru st of bench land with tile IiIi-hI soil and drain age lor fruit, for FIFTEEN DOLLARS an a(.'i:e. It Ins half a mile from u navigable ru. i. within '." tulles of Portland. Dally boats M..p ni a landing half a mll ' may This Is not rough hill land every acre of it Is suitable for cultiva tion. At present it Is covered with s.itne go. k an.l som. burned timber. Three a ns cb-nted The good timber may hi; cut into railroad ties snd d(W II ere .1 til. tler bank at a good, Tile i ntl re t I H. cheaph cUaie.l. can be easily and The cnuntrj round about this place is all settled up with productive farms, some of thetn dairy ranches and quit a number of fruit farms. The land planted to fruit Is bringing $100 and up an acre. It Is watered with a fine trout stream, lies on a county toad, has unlimited, out runge which would make this a fina duiiy layout. Home of the burned over land bus been seeded to white clover and It grows luxuriously. A railroad survey runs close to thi tract. Several thriving Inland towns have been Humoring for transportation and positive assurance has been given that construction work will beglit on. the rullroad during the summer of 1910. This place Is not on top of a moun tain or clear out of tho country wher no one can live, but Is connected with, a rich river valley. We have no hes itation In guaranteeing this place to b as described. Lumber camps all around It will lake all the farm produce one can raise, an.i st the best price. The 3 acres' of cleared land Is sufficient upon wfiTch to start to make money. This Is the last piece of $15 land with in IT. miles of Portland, every foot of which ran be cultivated when cleared. You can double your money on It within a year. Price. JIS00, $500 down. Time to ult on balance. BALPffl AGKLEV H05 Corbett Bldg. IN TWO mam lEMEMfflM TBA LAND MMPi We have 42 acres, TWENTY-FIVE AOKLJS FINE BEAVERDAM LAND, lying right tin against a thrivina- town of 800 people, within 12. miles of Port land. This tract Is on the main line : of a steam road, and has an hourly trolley schedule In operation between it aiid Portland. This place lays unus ually favorable for cutting into small garden tracts buildings on each tract would be unnecessary with the town Just across the road. The beaverdam, land Is all In the high est state of cultivation, equipped with irrigating ditches, although irrigating has not been necessary. The balance of the tract is bench land without a roclc or gravel on it. 7 acres have been planted toa young orchard. One of the : finest springs in Multnomah count on this place. It has m acres of good timber, 3 small houses, good burn, 3 cows. 1 wagon, 3 harrows, l buggy, 1 cultivator, set of harness, rakes, plows, small tools, etc. A railroad siding runs Into the place. We will take $4000 worth of rltv nron- eny ln Portland as a first payment. a first payment. Price. $12,000. 60; Corbett building. ' FIE TOUEf HIT LAND TI TRADE P rorcruwD dw This 205 acre farm .lays in the rfch rsl part of the Willamette valley, 2 V j miles from the railroad, 80 acres Is in a high state of cultivation and is tha finest kind of bottom land. A comity road divides the place, making this a, line proposition for cutting into small tracts. The balance of the place is well adapted for fruit, slightly rolling antl wlthofit a rock or gravel on it. This iiii all be easily cleared. 'There art 111) acres cleared. 17 acres of good fir timber and some of it is A-l saw timber. There is a fine strong spring. The improvements consist of a good 4 room house. It years old, barn 40x40 feet, and another barn 30x40 feet. An other barn ,'IOjfO feet. There is a bear ing orchard of 3 acres. mm We will take crty in trade, mortgage. $4000 in Portland prop llalance may be left a mum i;o.' Corbett building. 30 AG IKIMTf fflW Tills is a wants to go scale. There dandy buy for one who into farming on it smalt are 12 acres under culti vatlon, 15 ai res of good timber, a J roonl house, small barn with itwiimiuw datlons for live bead of stock. Plan is slightly rolling with good drain- . age 300 yuids to jpiod school; on milk route; telephone; goi1 deep noil. A gmul strong spritiR supplies an abumjarictt of water. Land all around this plat U selling at from $125 to $.'00 all acre. This is a fniap. r Will take a Portland bustneo lot In trade. . " . $Jo00. $N00 down, balance $ ye4r. 1 605 Corbett buildlr jf. 41 AGUES MUfflfflS" HI IE FBDR MST RE FARM IEJm S.