J THE- OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORTJING,1 MARCH 0, 1010. ' 7 BUILIIGPEffilTS 1 ST. JOHNS 1 1 1 1 SHOW ic: 4 - 1 11 L if. '.(, ' x, v . " ; t : H , If-- ' . i. t -J , B - s . S . .. - " . 1 v -'II ' PROSPEROUS Construction to Value of $31, ..000 Authorized During Feb- : ruary; Milling Co. Purchases Quarter Block for Factory. building permits Issued during Febru ary at the St. John city hall reached tha satisfactory total of $81,000. which Is nearly three time the value of new construction authorlied In February, 1909. January permit In 8t. Johns amounted to $11,100, Dwelling house construction to the value of about $0,000,has been begun In. St. Johna alnce tha first? of tha year and tha Indication! ara mat 1910 wilt b a banner year In all clause of build ing construction In the peninsula city. JTair Vtlllng Company. The. Welflo Northwest Milling com pany, aiew corporation which recently too over tna -Pacific Coast Toasted I ornflake company, lias closed a dea for the purchase of a quarter block the corner of Bradford and Philadelphia streets where a new cereal factory Is 10 e erected by the company., The main building Is to be a $10,000 struc ture, and Ita erection will begin early In May. For the present tha company will operate the email plant at Northern Hill pending the completion of ' the larger mius on me nver front, where break fast foods and cereala of all kinds will be put up for the Portland and nearby martlets. Excavating for the foundation of the new church and school bulldlnas of Bt Clements parish on Portland boulevard begun last Monday. The building Is to be a fine frame structure and will cost $10,000 exclusive of the furnishings. On the adjoining lot a priest's houe will be ereeted at a cost of something like tooo. - - . - Hew Hospital Planned. oi. uiement s parish, which owns sbout two acres of sightly ground on Portland boulevard, will begin the ereo tion or a modern hospital on the site as soon aa the church, school and other buildings now under construction are completed. An up to date hospital Is one of the most needed Institutions In all the St. Johns district. Such a struo ture to meet the requirements of that section. Would have to te large enough to provide hospital accommodations for u population now of not less than 10,000, which Is Increasing as rapidly aa that of any other section of the ' Portland territory. 8t. Johns property holders and resl lents generally are excited over the report that the Chicago; St Paul Mil waukee is negotiating far a considerable tract of land In St. Johns, presumably to be used as peninsula terminals. St. Paul TTegotlatlng. , The rumor Is that the. Milwaukee's agents are trying to tie tip a portion of the Weyerhaeuser tract on the river front, although no confirmation af the reputed deal has been forthcoming. It In also rumored that the company Is arter a tract owned by M. u Holbrook, tout as the company's officials are un usually reticent and. Mr. Holbrook Is on his annual trip to California, this rumor cannot be confirmed. A mftvement Is on foot to connect Kast St. Johns with the Monarch Tim ber company's mills and the Swift plant by means 'of a wagon road. The Bt. Johns city council recently appointed s committee to take charge of the 'pro posed road. . This committee reports that all of the property holders along the route of the projected highway havej -, -' . ' ui -j i J i if- i w .'.-- . . . II! i1rK-1,.h1. ;!',; ; , : 'H i J- is:: l ' : p fl 1 , I JTiiJZj ) Fred Vale residence, West avenue and East TamhlU streets-. agreed to dodlcate art 10 foot strip through their holdings. Koad on Fllas. Practically all of the road will have to be on piles and It is estimated that It would cost between $40,000 and $50, 000 to build such a highway from the high ground at fiast St. Johns to tha big Industrial planta on Oregon slough. The only way In which wagon com munication Is now had between St. Johns and the Swift plant Is through Kenton, which means an extra drive of at least four miles. That twe first clasa highways should connect the high ground on the penin sula with the Immense Industrial plants on the south bank of the Columbia river. Is asserted by the people of St. Johns. One Of the most substantial pieces of roadway hi the state extends from Kenton across the overflow peninsula-lands to the Swift plant, and it la Just as essential that the resi dents of the lower peninsula be provided with a way to reach the industrial cen ter on the north side of the peninsula. say the residents of the large and popu lous territory In and around St. Johns. QUARTER BLOCK ON E UGENE CAPITAL IN LAURELHURST B L C One of the largest sales In high class residence property for March was made by the Laurelhurst company! own ers of Laurelhurat, to Eugene capital ists who purchased block 61, which Is one of the moat sightly blocks In the entire addition, at a cost of $30,000. Other residents of Kugene who were in the same party made individual pur chases to the extent of over $30,009 more. Another large sale was made to syndicate of Portland capitalists who took over an entire block for a consid eration of $24,000. While positive plans have not been made public. It Is un derstood that the purchasers of both these blocks hava under consideration the erection of a number of handsome homes fot- investment, and that work on them Is to be started in the next few weeks. WILL EXTEND GRAND AVENUE; PLAN IS TO MAKE NICE DRIVE ) TAgGEPT ar ' WW a . W 5 r vS ' I 5 WW bj , 5 l i i m V "? - m i i . !? I , . wn-uwtTtffl u V! I ' 1 ' ' I iy j i South along and overlooking the "Wil lamette river, from Ellsworth street to Mllwaukle street, making one of . the finest drives In the city. Grand ave nue is at last to be extended, after more than two years of strenuous work on the part of W. J. Clemens and others who own homes facing the proposed ex tension. The Woodward pavilion prop erty, on Ellsworth street, at the head of Grand avenue, has all along been the chief stumbling block In the way of 'the .movement to extend the avenue. This property and the strip along the river belong to the Portland. Railway, Light A Power company, and only re - cently has Mr. Clemens succeeded In Inducing the officials of that tompany to dedicate a 0 Joot atrip off the west end of the Woodward block, and a 10 foot strip from the' east side of Its river front holdings to where the ave nue extended will turn east to merge with Milwaukle street. Now, however, these details have all been arranged and a full 60 foot driveway has been dedi cated by the railway company and the other owners of property facing this avenue as extended. " A movement Is on foot to have the extension graded and a hard "surface pavement laid. The intention of the In terested property owners Is to petition the council to have this work done this summer. South from Hawthorne ave nue to Ellsworth street, Grand aventie Is to be hardsurfaced. The avenue is now paved from Hawthorne avenue north to Holladay with the exception of the three block fill from East Stark to East Ash street, which will- prob ably be paved this summer. s The . Grand avenue extension vrHI make one of the finest scenic drive in the city, and will prove an invaluable attraction to - that section of Portland. It will command ar magnificent outlook over a greater part of the west side and from It much of the east side look ing toward the north may be seen. I PARK STREET SOLD Operator Pays $65,000 for Corner Property at Salmon and Park Streets. M. W. Hunt, an extensive operator In Inside property, closed a deal late yes terday afternoon for the purchase of the quarter block at the northeast cor ner of Park and Salmon streets. The consideration' Involved In the transac tion waa .$66,000. The property fqr merly belonged to E. 8. Merrll. In buy ing the parcel Mr. Hunt was represented by Vanduyn A Walton. This quarter Is across Park street from the new Arlington, which Is Just being completed st a cost of nearly $200,000.' The Arlington club site, 100 by 100, with three street fronts, was purchaaed less than 12 months ago for 130,000. A quarter block one Mock far ther south on Park street, changed hands less than 10 days ago at a con sideration of $45,000. These and other sales made In the district In the past few months show the tremendous rise In values of property south of Morrison street. This Is the second large realty trans action made by Mr. Hunt wltfjln a year. The othferibuy was the Cake ' property at the northwest corner of Park and Morrison streets, for which he paid $160,000. STREETS GRADED AND CEMENT WALKS ALL TO BE PAVED WITH-HARD-SURFACE STREETS IN THE SPRING. TWO SCHOOLS. TWO CARLINES. SEWERS. BULL RUN WATER. BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. LOTS 0600 and Up 10 Per Cent Down $10 Per Month Read About alesmanship Con test. Read In this paper large announce ment of. great salesmanship contest. JIM. P. MAMEY CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR WAVERLEIGH 122 Sixth SL, Cor. Washington A-1550 Phones Main 550 BRANCH OFFICE EAST THIRTY-FIFTH AND CLINTON STREETS MMOffiANB EASTMORELAND'S SUCCESS OUR SALES RECORD TO DATE ABSOLUTELY PROVES IT IS SURE 1 A mighty unstemmed and unstemmable buying movement has started bi EASTMORELANDWARD mighty in its import, mighty in its effect. It's a buying movement that means that the faith of the Portland homesite buying element has been led up to a point of absolute, instant and unquestioned acceptance of our statements through the clean record of facts established at the conclusion of the sale of Westmoreland. EASTMORELAND investment has been rendered inevitable it's the natural consequence and sequence of a demand which has been founded upon a confidence molded by things done things accomplished. The people of Portland recognize and believe in the aim of the com pany behind EASTMORELAND. We have said that EASTMORELAND in three months will have greatly advanced in value. We have said that its own evident present worth will be the fundamental reason for that advance, and we place the responsibility for these statements upon your confidence in this great property that was injected into and has characterized the sale of West moreland, and has been carried up through and into the first two weeks of EASTMORELAND sales. Once again we say: EASTMORELAND will be a great selling success. It is a great selling success today now. Once again: It will be an incomparable homesite section. Stand on the property itself; observe its contours; observe its view; look to theast, west, north and south; mark its commanding, unob structed view of the business heart of Portland, of the thriving suburb of Sellwood, of the imposing heights of Willamette, of Council Crest, Mount Tabor, Mount Scott, the Willamette River for many miles, and many other points. Is it view property? . Isn't it distinctly the character of property you would select for your home? Let your own sane judgment dictate your answer. EASTMORELAND'S improvements will alone render it a home community apart from the common. Its hard-surface streets and grandly, magnificiently boulevarded drives place it in a class rivaled only by the best. EASTMORELAND'S homes will all be built back of a twenty-five-foot line, and its beautifully winding streets will add superlative beauty to an already favored spot. Watch EASTMORELAND if you don't believe in it strong enough to invest, watch it the closer it is going to surprise many people; it will surprise you. It's going to be the homesite of homesites tha investment Cjf investments. Its sale will be a record for speed for conservatism for profit for the investor. Watch it, and come to believe in it through sheer force of irrefutable facts. Reed Institute will be placed on the top of the hill above the lake. Its winding drives and walks will encircle and skirt the water. Reed Institute will be a mighty factor in the future building up of EAST MORELAND; its' influence will uplift and benefit; its name will be a name of greatness. EASTMORELAND'S streets will be from 28 to 48 feet wide from curb to curb and paved with hard-surface paving, concrete curbs and six-foot concrete walks, parking nine feet; shade trees will be planted; Bull Run water, sewers, gas and electricity will all be installed. All homes will be built back of a 25-foot building line. AND ALL IMPROVEMENTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE PUB CHASE PRICE WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SEWERS AND PAVING. Here is a real investment for the wise man, a beautiful homesite for the discriminating man. , SO GO OUT AND SEE EASTMORELAND TODAt. TAKE SELLWOOD CAR AND GET OFF AT TOLMAN AVE. COLUiVaiBIA. TRUST COM IP A NY BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING