THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. ' SUNDAY HORNING, MARCH 6 1910. 5 TOWTOPPl TOMUIIT'S AMUSEMENTS - ...... ."Tha Lion and the Mouse' .i..... vauuovin Urmia I-antagee. ,, , J.'j . . . .... . ... , Vandsville mar ................. Moving picture Xvta pleads Quiltr Aamuel Lavin pleaded gujlty yesterday afternoon to ine marge of stealing over 11000 worth of Jewelry from Meyer Htmmalfarb.and was aantetioed to one yoar Jn tha pent' tentlary by Presiding Judge Morrow of tha circuit court. - His case excited much attention because Detectives Day and Hyde, who went 'to : Philadelphia, with warranta for Levin and' Minnie Keater, alleged to have been Implicated with Mm, failed to aeoura tha extradition of tha woman. Levin baa made partial res tltutlon of tha jewelry and cash haa been posted with an attorney in his be balf to cover the remaining valua of the pilfered jewels. Hlramelfarb, who lost the property, appeared In court and de clared he waa aatlsfled with the ar rangement Snea O. X. Henry Circuit Judge Ga tena, who waa occupied five days with tha Groat divorce' case within the last week, haa drawn another 'lone ease In the suit of Francis J. Berndt against Charles K. Henry for' a balanoa alleged to be due for architect s plans and so perlntendence in the construction of the Henry building. ' Henry has a counter claim for damages against Berndt for delay "In completion of the building and consequent logs of rents, for which ra blames Berndt. The trial seem likely to last several' daya. Berndt haa fn on the stand since Friday morning and has not finished hla testimony. Organist Branch Here For the pur pose of organising a local branch of tha order of the Bona of Norway, a meeting will be held In Alisky hall Thursday evening. A preliminary meeting was held about two weeks ago, when William Jensen, president of the branch at San Francisco, was present and explained the success with which the order has met there and at other places. A com mittee, composed of Einar Krlttaon chairman: Harald Lange, F. A. Tomte and L. M. Lasson, was appointed at that time to arrange for the next meeting. The order Is social and fraternal. A Well Tailored Mvdi We make them so thev will be a credit to us and a credit to our customers. "We know the vimni'i fancies and are able to put into each ault tha very best Ideas of the creatora of fashion.' Remember our specialty is making the best suit in the city for II6.&0. We advertise It. we do it. Imported gooda priced to 145.00. Easter Is enly three weeks away. Call tomorrow and leave your measure. Unique Tailoring company tailors snd haberdashers, 809 Stark be tween Fifth and Sixth. Construction Company .Defendant Peter JIagstrom & Co. have begun suit in the circuit court against the J. w. Kweenev Construction company for St,- 263. The case grows out of a contract for the excavation of the roadbed !n Washington county for the defendant company. The plaintirr says us mm were discharged on February Z8 by bu pertntendent Burley Welch without be in riven the required "notice of 5 daya. The sum claimed Includes $1000 for damages alleged to have been sua tained. Wight School to .Close Trlda-r 1kt The night senooi wmc.i n . aa hv the board of education dur ing the past five months will close for the year Friday nignt. marc. n. jx program, consisting of readings and music, vocal and instrumental. Includ ing national aire of tne nations repre sented! la being prerared, and will be given in the assembly nan or me .ui mn high school on the last night. Former students and their frlenfla are invited to be present. Building a Hama We've' hen work' lng a long time on making this reputa tion of ours and we've accomplished a great deal in that time. Every year wa add to. our store. This spring we have put in a line of up to date gents' fur nishings. Bit by bit we've increased our standing and are anxious to show you to what extent we have succeeded. Unique Tailoring company, tailors and haberdashers, 309 -Btaric between mn and Sixth. Bar Association to Give Tha Oregon Bar association will give a ban ouet to Judge George H. Williams and members of the supreme court at the Commercial club rooms Tuesaay, .Marcn IB. Tha banquet will be an elaborate affair and 200 guests are expected to attend. All members of the Stat Bar sssoclatlon are invited and a large dele gation of out of town attorneya will at tend. The banquet will commence at 7 p. m. There will ba a short serving course given at the Young Women's Christian Association domestic science depart ment, beginning Wednesday, March 9, at 10 a. m. The course consists of six lessons, two hours eaclu and covers the following subjects: Care of dining room and pantry, care of silver, washing of dishes, serving of breakfast, lunoheon and dinner preparation of beverages, sandwiches and fruits. Tuition, 5. Sues for Bent Suit for $450 rent, said to be due for space in the public market from M. Abrams, has been begun in the circuit court by the City Publlo Market M. Meniel and H. L. Nelson They're Sailing in the Air When they try to beat our Diamond prices, quality con sidered. Our business meth ods and diamond values are 'unassailable. Diamonds Vary widely in grade, in fine ness, color and brilliancy, so quoted prices must be mis leading. .We don't waste good advertising space to misleadbut to convince1 that There's a REASON for our Diamond Reputation HEITKEMPER'S 286 MORRISON STREET hav since bacoma owners of tha mar kef, but their, portion cf the claim bas been 'assigned ' to tha plaintiff. It is alleged only $250 haa been paid on a rent bill of jOOf ' . ' Water Question Comas Up A meeting of the Mount Tabor. Push club will be held In tha elubrooms Monday night. Discussion of street Improvements and, tha water question wilt be taken up. Tha Mount Tabor people have Joined with other push clubs on the east side In' circulating petitions for tha closing of tha 'draw bridges during tha "rush" hours. Several special committees will ba appointed at meeting. , , T. W. C. A. Today The T. W7 C A. wishes to extend a cordial Invitation tt all gtrla to be present at tha fireside hour program this afternoon at p. m. R. R. Perkins of tha Toung Men's Chris tian Association will speak. The music for tha afternoon will ba Violin solo by Miss Elisabeth Stanley and vocal duet by Mlaa Louisa Heilman and Miss Llnehan. , , , ,. .Jonas Withdraws Deputy Sheriff Joa H. Jones, who has been an aspirant for the Republican nomination-for Justice of tha peace in the.Portland district, has drawn out of the race. . He says he is out of it for personal reasons. Others regarded aa candidates ara S. 8. Gil lespie, Jean E. Craib and tha present in cumbents, J. W. Ball and Fred L. Olson. Woman's Club The current events department of tha Woman's club win meet Monday. March 7, at 2 p. m. In Women of Woodcraft ball. Miss Eleanor. Baldwin will .address the department on governmental matters and Mrs. J. W. LaUmer will lead tha discussion op V1V1U IUU DUUM A Truss for Huprore In tha mechan ical treatment for hernia It Is absolutely necessary to usa a truss to bold the weakened parts In place. Tba truss must hold tha hernia In place with no unneceasary pressure - and fitted for comfort Wa are expert truss fitters and can cure you. B. C. Llnstrom, 491 Waihlntrffln aftrK TVlrtlAnil. Or. People's Forum The People's Forum will bear a radical talk by J. D. Stevens in opposition to the proposed one maa government aa advocated bv w. B. U'Ren, at Alisky hall, Third and Morri son atreets, at S o'clock tonight Bate War Steamer Noma City sails direct ror Ban -trrancisco ana uom An geles Monday. Cabin $10 and $1$; steerage, $5 and $12, berth and meals included. Frank Bollam, agent, izb Third street. President P. I . Oamp osll to Speak "Tha State University and. Clttxenshtp" will be the subject of an addresa by President Campbell at tha' Unitarian church. Seventh and Tamhlll, this eve ning' at 7:45. Public Invited. Howe to Speak Professor' Hearberd Crombie Howe of the University of Oregon will speak on tha "Growth of Social Consciousness In English Litera ture" in Marxian hall, 208 Stark street, tonight All are welcome. "Story of a Book" "The Story of a Book" will be told In the children's department of the public library Satur day morning. March 12, at 10:10 o'clock. Steamer Jessie Harklns. for Camas. Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at $ p. m. Old Jewelry Wanted Will exchange new watches, diamonds and Jewelry for old Jewelry. Uncle Myers, 71 Sixth, be tween Oak and rine. . Wild Pigeon - acinars! Water The genuine "Tor stomach trouble. For sale by agents, Skldmora Drug Co., 151 Third street 3r. Preesa has resumed office prsc- tlce, .808 Merchant's Trust building, 10 to 4. Eye, nervous and chronlo dis eases. BO Hot Bead "Twin Books" ad and then forget about It. Follow the ad vice given or you will regret it later. Hatlonal Hospital Association has moved from 328-9 Mohawk building to 417-18-18 same building. Xallroad Bursary General nursery stock for sale. A big lot of Spltxen- Reliable Merchandise CORNER FIFTH AND ALDER Only TEirec Weclcs Till Easfler NOW is the proper time to prepare for your Easter Wearing Apparel. Oat stock of Coats, Suits, Waists, Petticoats is complete in every detail. Nothing lack ing to fitt your wants. Beautiful New Spring Tailored Coal Snils Values to $35.00, Special at S18.T-5 A doifcn beautiful Spring Styles to select from; a vast range of materials for selection. The correct shades in navy, gray, wistaria, bessemer blue, etc., Short Coat Suits made in the semi-fitted, single breasted effects, cut with new long roll revers; as well as the notched coat collar, plain and silk facing; two, three and many fancy buttoned styles. Skirts made in the latest side plaited and panel plaited effect. Fash ion's most attractive, practical tailor (J O 7C made styles; extra special at D 1 0 I 0 Most Complete Lines of Tailored and Lingerie Waists , In Portland at prices fully one quarter, less than else . - ( where. Special for Monday $6.00 Waists for $2.95 ; r 2500 hand embroidered pure linen , Waists; all new spring designs; regular $6.00 values 95 "v " - , .. MOFFlinilG MI. Members of .Street Cleaning Committee Pleased Wi . 7 . the Result. : ; Two new street flushing, machines. recently purchased 8y the city from a St Louis company, were tried out yesterday afternoon on tha Belgian block pavement between . Ninth and Eleventh, atreets on Hoyt Present at tha test wars Chairman 8am .Connell of the street cleaning committee of tha executive board, L. O. Clarke of tha same committee. and. "" Superintendent Alex Donaldson, of tha street cleaning department 4 Tha machine worked to' tha satis faction of Uia committee and the sup erintendent, who will report favorably upon them to tha executive board. The machines, cost $1126 and were ordered by tha committee subject to a teat Tha fluahera art manufactured by tha St Louis Street Flushing Machine company. . Their capacity la 800 gal lone and the water la thrown upon tha tret-t by compressed air. the . compres or ' being automatics and maintaining Ui same pressure ss that of the wat jr at tba hydrant from which It happens to ba taken. berg and Tallow Newtown apple trees. If interested, call or address letters to Joseph Howett oc Son, 108 ' Meridian street MontavlUa, Or. Sr. Jennie Bowen, Flledner building, agent for 6pear-Marahall Leucodescent Therapeutic Lamp and Osona Gener ator. T. B. Beach tro., the Pioneer Paint company, 185 first street Phones M. 1884, A-1884. A. Belner, designer and furrier, baa moved to 129 11th street, near Wash. W. A. Wise and associates, painless dentists, Third and Washington. Swiss Watch Xepalrlng C. Chris ten sen, Corbett bldg., 2d fir. Take elevator. S. Sybeldon, real estate, removed to 821 Board of Trade buUdlng. Sr. Allan Welch Smith moved to SHac- trio building. Sr. Haynea, optician. Marquam bldg. .Where to Dine. Turkey and chicken dinner at Peer less Cafeteria. 104 Firth, between Washington and Stark streets. Turkey and chicken dinner at Peer less Cafeteria, 104 Fifth St. A special 60o chicken dinner today. HaU's restaurant $80 Washington' st The Use of High Explosives Are so universal one never stops to consider the enormous earning capacity of their manufacture and sale. Five hundred million pounds of powder was manufactured In America last year; not withstanding which fact large quanti ties were Imported. That an Investment of $100 could earn $50,000 shows the value of such an Industry. Pennsyl vania's 2$ powder works demonstrate fully the possibilities of such an enter prise for Oregon, where over 4,000,000 pounds are consumed annually in stump blowing alone. Read About Salesmanship Con test. Read in thla paper large announce ment of great salesmanship contest. A railroad In Pennsylvania is experi menting with ties made of old raila, cut to the right length and anchored with the broadest side upward in rock bal last. The new rails are clamped on them by steel fastenings. at Reliable Prices gr21i.ll.urr r. INTEREST GROWS iiirasn Persons Working for Benefit of ' Hospital Annex Increasing " In Number. ' Persona working in. tha Interest of ths linen shower for tha benefit of the nsw annex of St. Vincent's hospltal arv pleased with the way In which the work la growing. It la understood that a number of persons will furnish rooms. Among those who iave signified their Intention of aiding In this way are Ed ward Holman, the Catholio Knights of Columbus, and the St Vincent da Paul society. As March 20, tho closing date of the shower, falls on Passion Sunday, it will be impossible to hold tha linen shower tea and exhibition on that date, ao It has been postponed until Easter Wednesday. 1'p to the present date mora money than linen has been re ceived, and all those who would prefer making money donations may send them to the treasurer. Miss Anna Cremen, 408 Twelfth street Linen should be sent to the hospital marked "linen shower and accompanied by the glver'a card. - Ust of Committees. Following Is the list of parish com mittees sctlvely engaged in the work of making tha shower a suocess: Cathedral Parish Mrs. J. P. O'Brien, Mrs. M. Zan, Mrs. John Barrett. Mrs. F. J. A. Mayer, Mrs. W. A. Elvirs, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Kalcight Stott, Mra. J E. Cronan, Mrs. John Manning. Mrs. W. E. Prudhomme, Mrs. Katharine Daly, Mrs. T. J. Patterson, Mrs. P. H. Flynn. Genuine Iskender Bey Collection Constantinople, Turkey, v. Jan. 25. 1110 Mr. George Baker, Auctioneer. Portland, tT. P. A. Pear Sir: I have shipped a fine collection of Oriental Rugs direct to Portland, but I hare been pre vented to attend the sale, ao I herewith enclosed s'nd you the bill of lading and Invoice and authorize you to sell them by auction for my account. You will please deduct from the amount of gain all advances for duty, freight and sale expenses, and send me a draft for the balance. Trusting you will be able to sell all at prices that will not cause me any loss, as I hnve taken great pains in making this collection. Respectfully yours, ISKENDER BET. Auction Sale Starts GEO. BAKER. No More FEAR Of THE 2; r5'""jW' " We Can Save i it t Full Set, that fit -Gold Growns, 22k -Bridge Teeth, 22k -Gold Fillings - Silver Fillings - - Call and have us give your teeth a free examination, and get our esti mate on your dental work. If you are nervous or have heart trouble, the Electro Painless System will do the work when others fail. All work warranted for ten years. Electro Painless Dentists E. G. AUSPLUND. D. D. S.. Manager 303 WASHINGTON STREET, CORNER FIFTH Bank Reference. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Lady Attendant. Miss M. It. Burke, Miss Springer. fit. ratrlck'a Parish Mrs. . TIT. , J, Blake, Mrs. E.. R. Clay. Mrs. P. .Doug lass. Mrs. Dnrkln, Miss C. Sherlock. St. Lawrence Parish Mrs. Frank Klernsn. St. Stephen's Parish Mrs. J. W. Kel ly, Mrs. N. J. Drew. , St Andrew's Psrlsh Mrs. R. Kirk, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Howard. Mrs. Kopert Holy Redeemer Partsh Mrs; F. M. Barrett, Mrs. Stapleton. St. Ignatius Parish Mrs. William A. Munley, Mrs. W. L. Llghtner. Mrs. Mc Elroy. Holy Cross Parish Mrs. W. C. Steele, Mrs. E. B. Osnbee, Mrs. J. F. McCarthy. St. Clement's Parish Mrs. James T. Murphy, Mrs. Thomas Mahoney, Miss ; Anna Ryan. . Sacred Heart Parish Mrs. E. Krai lech. Mrs. D. J. McOlll. St Joseph's Tarlsh Mrs. Joseph Webber, Mrs, Schwartxbeck, Mrs. Eder. Holy Rosary Parish Mrs. James; Laidlaw, Mrs. Ban v ie, Mra. John Ma ginnla, Mrs. C. -THagtnnis, Mrs. J. A. Hughes. St Francis Psrlsh Mrs. T. J. Mc Namee, Mrs. Walter Slnnott. Mrs. E. 8. Routledge, Mrs. T. Clltes. Immaculate Heart Parish Mrs. Wil liam Bailey, Mrs. Thomas Shea. Mrs. Joseph Noonnn. Mrs. F. W. Wsscher, I Mis. C. T. Smith. WOULD WEAR OVERALLS ALL LIFE TO BE HAPPY "I would wear overalls the rest of my life for happiness,'' said William Wright yesterday afternoon In the Jus tice court when charged by his wife with nonsupport. The greater part of their 24 years of married life has been unhappy, further testified the man. who ssid his wife forced him from home. He Is assistant millwright for the St. Johna mill com pany, and was found guilty of the charge. He was ordered to ray $25 to his family. Further evidence Introduced was to the effect thet Wright had taken Miss Christina Olson out to theatres and cafea. He said they had been out to- i Announcement Tt will be remembered that three years ago this month I had the pleasure of conducting an auction for Isltender Bey In my sales rooms and the collection of Hand some Oriental Rugs then submit ted was quickly bought up by some of the best families of Portland and now adorn their costly homes. I am Informed by consignor that this shipment Is equal If not better than former consignment. I hope to be hon ored oy the presence at this sale of connoisseurs and those who are admirers of the ancient weaver'a art. Exhibition at my salesrooms, 1S2 Park street tnear Morrison street), on Wednesday next, 2 to 5 p. m. Thursday at 2 P. M. Auctioneer You Money - 35.00 - $3.50 - $3.50 - $1.00 .50 Corner Fifth and Washing ton, Across From Per kins Hotel. Dentist ! gether about 10 times, and that he had not spent mors than $t on each occasion. Mrs. Wright lives at Vlveralty Park, and said she had worked all the 24 years, except alx months. She is a seamstresa They separated laat July. I I. I ! . Much Lumber From Kalama. Iltwclnl TMiMtcB te The ioorsat I Kalama, Wash., March I. Tha port of Kalama Is turning out nearly 2,000,. 000 feet of lumber per month at pres ent This amount would be Increased some If ships could ba had regularly. The Wlllard Case mill Is preparing to WHAT THE DIAMOND MEANS TO YOU The roan or woman who wears a diamond also wears an air of prosperity that is far reaching in its influence. .. These are commercial times, and to RE successful you must LOOK it. People are always judged at first by their appear ance. . As an investment, the dia mond is in a class by itself, be cause, outside of its intrinsic value, it has the added value as an adornment. When you are ready to buy a diamond, at whatever price, there are plenty of reasons why you should come here. JAEGER BROS. JEWELERS. 266 Morrison St, Welt of Third Ik y mm Sherman Bay & Co. Sixth and Morrison Business Integrity A good name is a great commercial asset. Confi dence is the basis of the world's business. When confidence is disturbed confusion, panic and disas ter follow. There are great commercial houses, banks and other business concerns in every community, who, by long years of fair and honorable business deal ings, have become known as reliable; concerns whose business integrity is established; concerns whoseword is as good as a "gold bond." Sherman, Clay & Co. are dealers in reliable Pi anos. For nearly half a century they have been selling Pianos on the Pacific Coast and their sell ing methods are well known. Every Piano is just as represented, and fully guaranteed. One price to . everyone everywhere: makes certain that you get full value for your money. We make no pretense of giving you something for nothing, but we do assure you "an honest Piano at an honest price." Why buy a Piano of indiffer ent quality, when you might just as well have one of worth? We sell a new Piano as low as $265 and fully guarantee it. We sell the Steinway, A. B. Chase, Everett, Con over, Packard, Ludwig, .Estey, Emerson, Kurtz- iML-JSi Boston Dentists The best Is ths cheap est no students. Our methods safe and reli able. We worR for half the charge made by other high class den t i s t s. Examination free, extracting free, and painless. Come to day, see us, save money. Ths B08TOH DENTISTS. 291 U Mor rison, opposite Meier & Frank and post office. Open evening's until 9 and Sun days until 1J.-J0 for people who work. Pure Beantifiil Jade Jewelry ooia Bracelets and sig net Rings of all descrip tions made to order. American names en graved with the three ... MM 'I.Spsj if cardinal Chinese charac ters, vis., Glory. Pros- Serlty and Longevity, harges reasonable and orders of any design promptly executed .and seni prepaid to any part of the V. 8. xne -Skilled cuinese jeweler, rug avaaru vu. jay th oaomg, jaogr rmm b. Portland Marble Works Sstatillaaed 1885 We carry tha largest and best stock on the coast. Tall and get our pYlces be fore purchasing elsewhere. 964 aad 888 Fourth SW ' Opposite, City Hall. Mala 8S64--A-1BH double Its output a soon as tim '!. er settles. At present they (ire turri out about 75,000 f ut , par day. Th Mountain Timber company Is inskltits: preparations to put in a IokhImk ros.i from tha WllUrd Case Billla .to their holdlnga. ; , , ,; Journal Want Ada bring results. f n 111 if UK; QUALITY Choice, Large Stock The kind that the City Buyer likes to plant. Call at our City, Tree Yard, corner Second and , Main, and see them. We hare a complete stock of ROSE BUSHES, PERENNJAL FLOWERING PLANTS, SHRUBS. ROOTS and BULBS, GARDEN SEEDS AND SUPPLIES. L, J&9SD Si.J?Bet Marraos I lastf wtbad, Opposite Postoffice mann, Cable, Kings bury and Wellington Piano. . The "Business In tegrity" of the house of Sherman, Clay & Co. makes it certain you will be satisfied with your dealings here. CATALOGUES. BOOKLETS AND COMMEROAL PRINTING NEATLY AD PKOMPTLY EXECUTED AT REASONABLE PRICES Independent Printing Co. 243 Ash Street PHONES: MAIN OB A 2383 PATENTS Tatted .states and rorelga E3-f '! Froonred, Defeaded and k ' tACixio coast rATsmr AQXJVGrr. u ' ' ajtoektoa. CaL DRESS UP TOR EASTCR rniinin ladies and entUmn. ruuitu .an huv r w Kartf rrm.f ? at this store of giod values on tii. , payment plan. Tog no! if w.i) i you. Remember your rKKPlT 13 t''" . j row tox ooTxiTTiara co. . 163-K First Street. nar Mznuutt. IE Qrtgas i 4 i -c . .