THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, SUNDAY- MORNING,, MARCH 6, 1910. ' f? c .PEOPLE If,1 BUY PfflffllYTOlD; FRY SPECULATE 1 , IB Indications ; Are That Hcnce- , fortlr Purchasers o.f Real Es-i : tate Will Be More Conserva-! tive Some Lose Money. M1cellanou(i biminosa in 'food' vol ume 'win reported from tho realty brokera1 offices during the punt week, the main feature being purchniM of prominent properties In the upper Mor rlion street dletrlct by Individuals whlrh roreshsdow arly and substantial Jm provemnt. Tension of the realty market Is undo niaoiy tJghtenlnir. The effect Is beln felt noticeably on the west side and I the east side business sertbrn and as result purely speculative buying Is prnc tlclly at a standstill. On Mite other hand. Investment buying Is more tiumer ous in Portland today than at any Urn auring the past two years ujr Property to Uoli. Tne day when -the speculator cast bout In any direction for a bargain on which to make a aulck turn Is fas receding In Portland and his place being taken severs! times over by men with means who want to buy something to hold for all time to come and from which they can bo reasonably certain Of receiving a good -and satisfactory 'In come. - Expressed differently, realty buying In Portland Js fast getting down to i solid and Substantial basis. This condl tlon is to be 1 expected when a, city reaches that stage In Its development were Its future Is assurml. The fact tfcat Portland has reached this metro- jxitltan state means that In future prop erty buying here wljl le done along conservative lines. Speculation Bayer Inactive. This does not mean of course that those who bought wildly snd recklessly In the past lout money, for It Is known of all men that they are the very people Who made money, but It does mean that property has reached that point In value and will become so much more valuable that holders are loath to turn loose ex cept mat they get more than its pres ent value and for this reason the specn latlve buyer cannot be so active as in the past. It Is now next to Impossible to ac quire anything In the business center. Holders simply refuse' to quote prices. One connequence of this attitude on the part of owners of Inside property Is that there is going to be la the near future, In fact It Is tjow on. a move , mJnt to Improve sites," removed several blocks from the business center of the city and to convert, the extreme ends of the business thoroughfares tnto new business centers. This movement may be seen In the whole upper Washington street district, on Alder, above Seventh, and on Morrison as far out as Four teenth street. Movement '.n Orand Avenue. Among the transactions of the week affecting the east side business district was the unusual movement In Grand avenue property. Throughout the past two months there has been a steady movement In property on this thorough fare between East Morrison and Kast Burnslde, and with every sale reported came the announcement that the buyer was an investment purchaser and would Immediately Improve his newly acquired holding. Tv.'o pieces of Grand avenue property changed hRnds last week, one In the vi cinity of Kast Ankeny and another far ther soutn. In both Instances the broker making the saJe declined for the present to give the name of the pur chaser or the location of the piece. But enough Is known to make the assertion safe that both buyers will Improve their holdings within the year. During the previous week Woodard & A v- . . .' r.7.- - V-xA,. , . 11 i mm v.:-;' i t . v .. " - - - , , - t i ii;, i-Bii , m i nn la : 4 !" mW , . v . ' ' wWi1WrfW:,W" . r-,, lea I ' fl '" y ' t 'I T II 1i i iiii iiiiihiiiit1"i ir' x -"iV- Yl himmiii iimumiipmi mi iAbum bimih ill i ' l i' 1' "A Jv.-AS v, V .x-: y ' I HBIHHHHHMBHaHHMHHHaHP4HaMMswaswaMsaaBPI9k. ii i ii I t 1 n 1 III CATHEDRA L Will Be Held to Raise Funds for Construction of New House of Worship. Elegant new residence of Eugene Blaster, recently completed Seventeenth Wasco streets. Clarke, the. west aids druggists, took ti tle to a larre Grand avenue corner and Immediately announced that they will huiUWhe largest business house on the east side on the property, uuring ino same period the owner of a Oram! ava- nuo business corner commissioned a lo cal architect to get up a dcslgri for four story business house. Three weeks ago an east side hardware establishment acquired a business site with a front on both Grand avenue and Kast Washington street and announced that the property would be Improved within the next few months. These together with the three buildings re cently erected on Grand avenue by W, Morgan and two structures, plans for which are now helng drawn that ere b erected In the vicinity of Fast Pine and East Anken streets, inase UD a volume -or new rnnnuurunn inm hai not been eouallod on any other Port and street except two or three of the w.Bt aide main thoroughfares, since the remendnus unbuilding of the city set n four years ago. West Bide Deals. On. the west side two Important deals n upper Morrison sireei property wrm losed during the week and It Is known that both sites will shortly be Improved with expensive, high class buildings. The larger of these deals Involved the full lot at the northwest corner of Hlx- eenth and Morrison, which was pur- hased by the Park Investment company from I. N. Fleisohner and associates ror 55.000. This .lot waa taken over by Mr.Flelschner and co-owners, less than months ago for a consideration or but $32,600. The increase in vanre shown In that time by the sale is nearly 0 per cent, which, however, ts no great- gain than property tn su tne upper alHe d strlcts nas maae in me same ncrlod. Th Phi-It Investment company Is com posed by the following local capitalists: W 1 Krewster. Robert Strong, Freder ick H. Strong and F. G. Sykes. Will Build This Tear. While making no definite statement as to the character of the Improvement m ho rn on the. DroDerty. one of the new owners stated that it will be un doubtedly built upon some time during the present year. Aether tmnortant sale In the same district reported last week was that of the lot at the northwest corner of Flf tnih and Morrison which was pur chased by H. H. Jones and W. II. trina- staff for 140.000. This lot was optioned Just JI0 days sen to J. O. Elrod for $37,600,' Mr. Klrod transferring his op tlon to the new owners and taking the proni. The property has a frontage on Mor rison street of 100 ' feet, and Is known as the De Penning homestead. As an Indication of the esteem In which tipper Morrison street holdings is held by prospective buyers Messrs. Jones A Grlndstaff refused an offec of J3000 profit on their transaction before the sale wax closed..- TRACT TO BE NAMED LAWNDALE ADDITION The Associated Development com pany closed a deal last Tuesday with the Columbia Trust company for the purchase of the ;fi-acre holding for merly belonging to the SamueJ D. Smith heirs and located in the Rose City Park district adjoining the Country club. The consideration Involved was 141,000, or $1600 an acre. O. I-. Ferris, vice-president of the Columbia Trust company, purchased the property in February for $1400 an acre. It is announced that the acrenm will be platted and named Iawndale addition. It Is estimated thst It will make about 175 lots. Arrangements have been made with the Columbia Trust company to act as selling agents. KB DOING 1 N 1 G. W. Priest Alone Invests $50,000 in Buildings in the Suburb. Rossmere and the residence additions In the Immediate vicinity aro experienc ing a remarkable building development at this time. There are under conatriic- tlon and contracted for no lean tlmn 50 up to date attractive cottages In the district north of Sandy Kond and be tween Kast Thirtieth and Fast Fortieth streets. Many of these houses aro of the most modern type and would be a distinct credit to the nearer In sections where ordinarily the handsomest homes are found. G. W. Priest, who recently purchased a large number of lots In Rossmere, has already begun a series of houses there which when completed will bring Ills, Investments In that district clone to $50,000. Last week Mr. Priest took out permits for four buildings which he will erect on his Rossmere property. Two of the buildings will occupy lots on East Thirty-seventh between. Thomp- j son and Tillamook and two others on Kast Forty-fifth between Thompson snd Tillamook. These homes, ready for oc cupancy, will cost about $2500 each. A permit was Issued to A. A. Rose buck for a one story frame, cottage which he will erect on East Forty-ninth street between Hraxee and Alameda. The completed building will cost about $L'ono. The same general type of dwelling Is being ltii lit by C. F. (Mbler on Oregon street between Kast Thirtieth and Kast Thirty-first. Ground was broken earlv In the week for a one and a half story frame cot tage on Fast Twenty-fourth street be tween Flanders anil Kast Gllsan. The house Is being put up for K. G. Worth, snd will cost In the neighborhood of J275". Legislative Ieadlock Costly. (Tnlted Pi-em Leaned Wire.) Ijondnu, MhtcIi 6. -An unprecedented deficit In time of peaje faces the gov ernment nt the end or the fiscal year, March 31. It Is estimated that through the failure of parliament to pass the udgct there will be a deficit of $150,- 000,00(1 In the funds necessary for the operation of the government. Revenues from taxes on tobacco, whiskey, land and Income, together with revenues from saloon licenses, automobile licenses, death duties and revenue stamps, will be lost to the government. There ap pears to be no Indication that the budget will bo passed at the present session of parliament, owing to the legislative deadlock. Journal Want Ads bring results During the week following Easter a church fair, the most pretentious thing of the kind ever held In Portland, will take place In the auditorium of the uncompleted Bt. Francis cathedral at Kast Twelfth and East Pine streets. The object of holding the fair at this season of the year Is to raise money to be devoted to carrying on the con struction of the stately edifice. Nearly all of the parishes In' the city and vicinity will assist In making the fair a memorable financial suc cess More than $26,000 has already been expended on the building, and It la estimated that fully $50,000 addi tional will be required to finish It. When completed St. Francis church will be the finest and most tmposbig Catholic church In Oregon. on Torn liUUHIULL MILL dill mm m Opens Office on Third Street After Dissolving Partnership With Mackie. James O. Rountree, secretary of tha Portland realty board and until recently Junior member of the firm of Mackie A Rountree, has opened an off lea at tl . a bird street, having dissolved partner ship with Mr. Mackie. Mr. Rountree has taken tha selling ' agency , for a large traot of Wlllametta valley frolt lands, whlcn wag reoanUy ' acquired by a local syndicate. It la tha Intention of Mr. Rountree and bla asso ciates to plant the entire tract In a com merclal fruit orihard, . cultivate It until the trees reach the bearing stage and then sell It out hi small traots, V. B. Mackie will retain the former offices of Mackie Rountrea In tha Lumber Exchange budding. Journal Want Ada bring result. SALESMANSHIP CONTEST OPEN TO EVERYBODY THERE IS MONEY IN IT A nihit inns men and women, Krvuc and p-irLs HERE IS A c A m C K FOR YOU TO MAKK SOME MONEY. Fvcrvhodv has heard of beau tiful Alameda Tark, situated ad- . i 1 . r T e-i rr joining ana ovctkx'mnk n.nfe ton. Many people nave aircauy purchased lots there, aiui many homes are to start this spring. Have vou some friends who be ieve in the WONDERFUL FU TURE OF PORTLAND, and whom vou can interest in the probable purchase of lots in ALA MEDA PARK? If so, call at the offices of the Alameda Land Company, 322 Corbett building, and receive lit erature in regard to Aiamecia Park and detailed instructions as to how to proceed in the contest Prizes, will be awarded as fol ows: First prize, $100 in gold coin; second prize, in goio coin; fhird prize, $25 in KolftcoJn, and a long list of $5 prizes in gold coin. There should not be a bright person in the Pacific northwest who will not be able to at lea& draw a $5 prize. Remember, it is positively nec essary for each contestant who resides in Portland to first call at the Alameda Land Company of fices, 322 Corbett building, for lit erature and instructions. Letters will not be answered, excepting those from persons living outside of the city who desire to enter the,' contest. The contest is named Sales manship Contest, because, frank ly, the purpose of the contest is to further boost the sales of Ala meda Park. However, no con testant is asked to sell a lot. Now, let everybody get busy! HA IS 10RT0JN A BEAUTIFUL ADDITION ON THE WILLAMETTE RIVER AND UNITED RAILWAYS CHARMING VIEW, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, BOTH TELEPHONES STREETS GRADED AND WATERNPIPED TO EVERY LOT, AND EVERY LOT A BEAUTY Residence Lots 50x100 to 50x150 $175 and Up. Acre Tracts $300 Per Acre TERMS TEN PER CENT CASH BAL. 3 PER CENT PER MONTH HARBORTON is most magnificently located, overlooking the Willamette River on the WEST SIDE, where there will be no draws to interfere with traffic. Affords a most beau tiful and charming view of all the surrounding country. WHEN YOU SEE IT YOU WILL BELIEVE IT D. C. ROGERS, 214-215 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. IT 0 ... .L..E..j..j(.) WIMfflS We herewith publish a list of the thirteen names and addresses of the Othello contestants, with the composi tions of the three first prize winners; the compositions of the others to be published later. Owing to the many hundreds received, it was a difficult task for the judges to decide the winners, but have done so to the best of their judgment. Space will not permit honorable mention of all the contestants, as much as we would like to do so, but it has proven to us beyond a doubt, the great interest manifested in Othello by the great number who contributed to this contest and we wish to thank all those who sent in compositions while some were not successful in winning prizes, it is altogether likely that we will use some of the copy sent us for which we will be glad to send them some consideration. LOOK ft PRIZE NO. 1 "WHY SHOULD I INVEST IN OTHELLO?" In the first place because it is not a speculation, and in the second place because it is a speculation. But it is.the best, surest and safest speculation in the world, because it is backed up by the EARTH. A piece of real estate rapidly increasing in value as Othello will is certainly the best investment one could make. The educational, social and financial advantages here are all that could be desired. And as for health-giving conditions, there are none bet ter in the state. A home is indispensable, a home all must have somewhere; an opportunity does not present itself every day, month or year and not often in a lifetime. Therefore I feel it a duty I owe to myself, wife and babies, for our future welfare and happiness, to gtt a home in OTHELLO. Friends and relation may forget and forsake us, banks may and often do fail, but an investment in a choice bit of real estate in OTHELLO cannot and will not FAIL US. For it is always in de mand. Always worth the-price paid and more. It is always wprking for us. Even while we are sleep ing it is increasing in value, and when we are sick or otherwis.e in trouble it keeps on working in creasing in Value, piling up the cash to help us out and pay the doctor bills WHILE YOU WAIT. WATCH OTHELLO GROW. Woodville, Oregon. THOS. H. B. TAYLOR. PRIZE NO 2. WHY I SHOULD INVEST IN OTHELLO. Every man shall sit under his own Vine and Fig Tree. Because, as I have something to in vest, I want to invest in that which will hring me the best returns, and thereby improve that which I already have, and, the land being the best fruit land and suitable for other purposes as well, and as every man, woman and child shall sit under his own Vine and Fig Tree, T shall be able to sell my investment if I see fit. Therefore, I should invest in Othello and get ahead of the other felloXv.. MRS. MARY EASTMAN CJatskanie, Columbia Countv, Or. PRIZE NO. 3. The most important reason I have for investing in Othello is: The lack of capital to invest in a larger city, and the assurances that my little investment will not prove a failure, but will bring me returns equalling that of a larger investment elsewhere. T know of no other city in the west with the advantage of splendid location, resourceful surrounding country, rail road facilities and the prospects of as brilliant a future as Othello. MRS. MOLLY TIDD SLATER 430 Columbia St., Portland Or. OVER PRICES WILL RAISE SOON The sales in OVERLOOK are nearing the $150,000 mark for this year so far, and every day brings better returns. New homes are starting all over the tract, and everything is moving 4ively. You should visit the tract today and see for yourself. The only way to prove what we say is to DO IT TODAY. Transfer to Russell Shaver car and . look OVERLOOK 0VER OVERLOOK LAND COMPANY 207 BURNSIDE ST. , PORTLAND, OR. FIRST PRIZE One acre land at Othello, to Thos. II. B. Taylor, Woodville, Or. SECOND PRIZE One $250 lot in Othello, to Mrs. Mary Eastman, Clatskanie, Or. THIRD PRIZE $100 check to apply on purchase of lot in Othello, Mrs. Molly Tidd Slater, Portland. The Ten Following Each $50 lo Apply on Purchase of Lot In Othello Mrs. George R. Clark 711 Milwaukie St. Mrs. C. H. Mulldorfer 328 Fourteenth St. lIiss Cecil Ritter 711 Michigan Ave. H. C. Egan , American Can Company Fred Lockley 1738 Base Line Road Nathan A. Boody 996 First St. N. J. Belt ' Gresham, Or. Miss Jessie Loman Waldorf Hotel Miss Rae Crawford 414 College St. Lena Ayres 724 E. Madison St. TlELLdD IMPROVEMENT Cm F. B. NEWKIRK, IVIanaoing Director 219-220 Commercial Club Building Corner Filth and Oak Streets Phone Marshall 727 A. v-V'-v-i , ' 4 V