SECTION TWO . U PAGES EDITORIAL AND LOCAL v ..'I. , ' . PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 6, 1910. ry rnoia's iniania wcar in o uompicie ftssonmcni-iinaics' jraomc uournai roiierns-' tvicroue" unurwcur lur vvunmu Sprlna Models "Howd" Lace Front CorsctsV Bon Ton, Royal Worcester Corsets Monorail" oriel "Derby" Kid Gloves " ' ' 1 ' ' 1 " 1 SpirMffl SSTOppMffl' sitt fie (Eiresiteg (D)Ms Woglliiiniae-Mninii Stoire Coinniplelte OSspflay s of Easter MercSiandfise in All Departnils Millinery Sieapqiiapiter Pre-Easter showing of new Ready- to-Wear Headgear! The surpassing beauty of this season' styles is Well demonstrated in the charming VV styles and effects which : are now $i jrcdy for your inspection. Plain, vi extreme and modest patterns that vv . . . r- J&iwfiS, will delight women in quest of hats V" " !T ; y for any occasion. Our first show "j VS" ing of tailored street or suit Hats, '7 also black "Holland" Hats, ready to put on and wear out New ready-to-trim shapes in English hemp, real - "-' " 'r "" ' " """"" hair, natural Lcghofrns, black chips, of etc., for those who wish something different, something exclusively their own made up to order. Rare assortment of trimmings, flowers, plumes, ribbons, braids, wings, feathers the most beau tiful plumage obtainable, rich and rare imported novelties in ornaments, etc. Then ' 1 11 " there are the less expensive materials for the, early season wear. Now is the op portune time to. bring in your plumes and materials and have your hat made up before the big Easter rush Look to your needs now and hus avoid the crowds. Etra Size TaSHor'dl Smiitts - ; ' . ; - : : : : : : ; This season ;we arc amply, prepared to meet the requirements of Portland's stout women. We will show tomorrow a line of .Black Taffeta SUk Tailored Suits, sizes 40 to. 49, and Black and Blue Serges, sizes 42 to 49, designed especially for stout women. No trouble to be fitted here. Pay the store a visit and see these suits. On display in' the Suit Department, Second Floor. In Lace Corttalns Two and 3-PaIr Uots to Close' 6 Values at $3.75 A11 two and three-pair lots of Lace Curtains, including Notting hams, Clunys, Arabians, Brussels, Irish Points, Renaissance and Novelty Styles, on sale at specially reduced prices, as lollows Regular toe values at. pair 50 Regular $3.00 vals., pair $1.95 Regular $6.00 vals.. pair $3.75 Regular $10 values, pair $6.65 Regular $21 vals.. pair $13.75 Regular $2.50 vals., pair $1.65 Regular $3.50 vals., pair $2.25 Regular $7.50 vals., pair $4.05 Reg. $12.50 values, pair $8.25 Reg. $35.00 vals., pair $23.00 All Single Pairs Rcdu All single pairs reduced as follows, other prices in propo )portion : Regular $1.25 single pair 75ft Reg. $6.00 single pair $3.50 Reg. $0.00 single pair $5.00 Reg. $2o.00 single pair $12,00 Reg., $5.00' single pair $2.85 Reg. $7.50 single pair $4.25 Reg. $15.00 single pair $7.50 . Reg. $75.00 single pair $37.50 Great Savings at Every Hand $1.25 Boilers on Sale at 85c $4.15 Wringers lor Here's a few specials from the Third. Floor Kitchen, Goods Store : Extra High-Grade Ball-Beiring Clothes Wringers, J A regular $4.15 values. Specially priced for this sale at O0DU Fine quality Whole Willow Oval flothes Baskets, size d OC 30 inches, regular $1.75 values, on special sale at only MD Extra large Copper-Bottom Wash Boilers, reg. $1.25 values 85 Heavv Galvanized Wash Tubs, 24-irich size, .reg. $1.10 vals. 75fi Qui Leader Wash Boards 20 j 23c Granite Sauce Pans at '15 Marble Busts, Pedestals and China ware Specials Special bargains for this week in every lection of the big third floor store. All Portland people who know agree tnat tms is tfte mosr complete Crockery, China, Glass and Kitchen. Goods Store in the Northwest. Returning buyers are bringing new in spirations in the shape of smart styles, for which this store has always been conspicuous. .Read the following list: Our Miss Bernard, buyer for the big .second floor Garment Store, returns from a six weeks' trip to market. She brings new Easter Gowns, ; Dresses, Suits, Coats, Capes, etc., in very exclusive styles.', Many of her pur chases have "preceded her and more will follow. These will please you. Our Mr. Edwards, millinery buyer, is home with his purchases of Paris Pat terns, Easter Dress Hats, high and ex clusive novelties in street hats, 'etc. Our Mr. Shipley brings hundreds of new novelties in Ladies' Neckwear, Laces, Trimmings, Gloves, Parisian novelties in Veilings, Dress Nets, Shadow Nets, Gold and Silver Nets, Malinc, Radium and Shadow Laces, Allovers, etc. Very fine. Our Mr. Grimm, manager and buyer for the Dress Goods and Silk Store, will leave in a few days for New York in search of foreign and do mestic novelties in . his line for the new store, and for immediate use. Our Mr. C. W. King will go to New York in a few days, where he will remain for some time to counsel with the buyers, care for imme diate needs for this Summer and buy for the new store, etc., etc. Our Mr. Chamberlain is en route to New York to buy clothing tor this additional department to the new store. He will make an extensive tour of all the important cities, visit the leading clothiers to get the lat est ideas for arranging Jiis department and procure th best lines of clothing made jn America, but none too good for Portlanders, who want the best. Our Mr. Wortmsn, who has been in New York for... jsome mmhs, closing contraota for tha equipment of our new atore, -reports buying tor. th coming,, season and for the Pw store, on an , enormouH cale. f JOur Mr. J. C. Olds is now in the mar ket placing import orders for chlnaware, cut glass, eilv.rware. .cutlery, Jcltchen goods, etc. for big new store. Exclusive' EASTER APPAREL For Worn en Our pre-Easter showing of Women's apparel is ready for j your criti cal inspection now New suits, coats, waists, gowns, skirts, fancy tea gowns. etc. Evening gowns are shown extreme and modified styles in chif fons, crepe meteor, messalines, over nets; etc. Critics have pronounced them correct, as the styles originated with the Parisian costumers who create the styles that women every where are glad to follow Afternoon dresses are shown in fine chiffon broadcloths styled right up to the minute Foulards are shown in all the very new patterns of material figured and self-bordered The very new tun ic effects predominate Tailored suits i &ti vA,3? i-CLy x in hundreds of new styles varying in price from $15.00 to $100.00 each Pongee Silk Tailored Suits Neatly made, three-button shawl-collar style coats, semi or tight-fitting, turn-back cuffs of pelf-material Skirts fit tight around the hips, flaring in graceful pleats belowCome in sizes 34 to 44 Special CJjMST) (Ct this sale at this low price )y Jf If lii i! F ;'Mvl h(' n 'limy: Monarch and Derby Gloves NEW GLOVES for Easter are shown in all styles and colors. : Special attention is directed to our large' stock of the famous Monarch and Derby Kid Gloves, which is most complete in every shade and size. Also Kayser Silk Gloves in the newest shades; all guaran teed and fitted by courteous and very expert fitters. You should not fail to see this splendid assortment. The New Colored Umbrellas A fresh, new 'showing of Colored Silk Umbrel las of good, dependable taffeta. Fitted on dou ble Paragon steel frames, mounted with all new ideas in La Tour handles. Colors are navy, brown, ereen, cardinal, wistaria, etc. They are specially priced at, each, $4.50 tp $6.00 Our Pre-Easter Showing of Exquisite MngjUm (Graidle VVaiSisfe Varying In Price from SS.OO to S2S.OO Women's $5.50 Waists $2.35 For Monday's selling we offer 275 Lingerie Waists, made of fine sheer lawn, in about IS different styles; all new Spring models, trim'd with lace or embroid ered in pleasing designs. A full line of sizes from 34 to 44. All made as good as you would have them made by your own dressmaker, and there is the ad vantage of putting them on and knowing d0 QC just how they, will look; values to $5.50 Pitt) agree Marble and Terra Cotta Busts and Figures, a rery beautiful assortment, copies of masterpiece HALF All $11.00 Marble Pedestals special, each, $5.50 All $15.50 Marble Pedestals, special, each, $ 7.75 AH $21.00 Marble Pedestals, special, each, f 10.50 China Teacups and Saucers, $6.75 dozen, at..f4.90 Custard Cups, regular $7 values, on sale at..f".90 Dinner Plates, $8.00 dozen values, special at..f25 iSale Hosiery, Underwear, Etc. Fine quality pure thread Silk Hose in colors, nile, navy, cardinal, Copenha gen, brown and butter cup; our regular ' stock values, to $1.50 a, QJ7p pair, special for Oil Ladies' fine quality Swiss ribbed Vests, nicely fin ished 'with white silk bead'g, low neck, sleeve less, pur new Spring line. Very exceptional values, for, each OOU Ladies' fine quality mer cerized Lisle Hose; col ors", fast black, navy, ma roon, Copenhagen, tan and brown f sizes 8' to 10; regular 50c values special ?,-39c Children's finest quality Ljsle Hose, fast black, mercerized finish; sizes Si to 9y; the best hose on the market for the price; special" AA at 3 pairs forPJLl F Women's Footwear That's Most Stylish For early Spring tan High Shoes are very much in favor, and are ideal for early Summer wear. Then the tan ox fords, ankle strap pumps and eclipse . tics, patents. gunmeHal and suedes. Our window and indoor showing of these new styles are a treat to those who love nice footwear. Inspect them. Style 1 1 5 J'a , woman's patent colt, instep strap pump, stage last, with 2,-inch Cu ban heel, very short vamp; (?l "fA the perfect style last, specl VxUl Style 1094, pat. colt seamless pump. I ankle strap, on sale at, the pair, f 3.00 ulap d We e M In Portland's Greatest SI1R Store SI Values on Sale for 87c $1.25 Values Nowfor $L09 ', . i , . '., : " 1 1 1 Portland's most important silk store greater ' in magnitude, ' stronger in values than any other store picks from its varied stock a most bewildering and extensive assortment of. foreign aridf domestic Foulards and offers a rare treat for the coming week. Foulards from the old world. Foulards from thp-mW world s (America), beautiful French creations, Cheney Bros." Shower- Proof Foulards, the celebrated Shedwater Foulards, the Foulards . with the "facione" designs anything and everything that's made mi mis uwmiiui sunioicr hiiK iaoric. ine, r mn .street annex .will,, look like an exclusive Foulard store, so extensive will be the dis- play. See Washington street window. Let the slogan be: T'Tou-V lards of beauty, l otilards that wear Foulards, Foulards 'every- where." To make the occasion more attractive.' we' make Off the following prices: $1.25 values ?l'.OO$l':00 values 'Of C New Maridlbaiis" S2 Values on Sale for Sl.lO 300 Women's Handbags, all genuine goat seal, in black,", tan, -red and green. All new spring styles.. with strap and round handles--' hull leather-lined, with extra coin' purses. Regular 1 ,ia $2.00 values. ' Specially priced for this sale at onlv. 2)1 11 i Belt Flos at 0e An entirely new line of novelties in oxidized ' and 'greet! Void fin- ' ish, with fancy stone settings, such as topaz, aiiiethyst', etc. Our 1,1 1 t ... . .. r ocst values selling regularly at prices up to $l..jir eacK OA ' Specially priced for this sale at this very low price,' each OtlC' Spring Embroideries 65c Values rat35c From the Alps direct to Olds. Wortnian & King's store comes this beautiful showing of Embroideries. What would those old-fash- ifmed people over there thinkdf they could see the stylish Amcri-'; can women scrainoling alter their rich productions: Aev show ing tomorrow of Skirt Flnuncihgswith galloons to match, Raby lrlouncings and Allovers, Aledajfions, Headings and fine Swiss flounces, suitaoic tor rnvgene gowns, also Embroidery Kobes in. verv handsome new (lesions. I,ct us show von the assortment SPECIAL A choice-line of Embroidery Edges, with insertions to match, and 18-in. Corset Cover Embroideries, in Swiss, f Cambric and Nainsook, reg. values to "c a yard, special at OtjC1 VVc invite your inspection of our pre-Easter showing ai new imported and domestic novelties in Dress Net-, Shadow Nets, Gold Nets. Silver .Nets, two-tone and novelty designs, two-toned Chiffons, Ba'by Irish Kami 4 and Allovers, in white, cream and ecru. Maline Laces, Shadow Laces, Radium Laces, in bauds, edges ami ' allovers. Vcnise and Rose V enise Bands ;uul Ldges, in white, cream and ecru. A.ll'the new French novel ty ( Veilings, in leading shades, for Spring; large, medium and small mesh designs. 25c to $3.00 a yard. New auto , mobile Veils, in plain chiffon and two-tone designs. 2'4 and 22 yards long. We will be pleased to "show them. High Grade Uiidermusliris, Etc. $7.50 Tailored Waists $3.45 Women's Tailored Waists a pre-Easter sale of 300 choice waists, made of guaranteed pure linens: good assortment of styles, tucked and pleated; some are hand-embroidered in many tasteful and pleasing de signs. The, full range of sizes, 34 to 44, makes it possible for us to fit all comers. Whether you wish to buy or not, we will be pleased to show jQ iP you these excellent values to $7.3$ forP5TcO Ladies' handmade French Chemise, many different combinations of embroid ery, conventional, spray and floral patterns val ues to $3.25. dJ -I Q Monday, each Vrf.JL A limited assortment of Gowns, Skirts. Chemise, Drawers, Comb'n Suits: Values to $ 6.50, $1.98 Values to $13.50, $4.98 Values to $35.00, $9.98 Mussed from displaying. Ladies' Italian silk vests, plain or cmbroid'd, lace edge or plain, with wash ribbon; good assortment of values from $3.75 u $18, priced, special, at less.... ONE FOURTH Elegant new styles fine lingerie Petticoat made of fine nainsook; kilted " flounce with fold of blue" or lavender ; alo mly flounce, dot ted ia pink or ' .blue $3.75 and lM-75