16 TItE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY .-1 j j -i , - :3, 191 f r o It t. ... . fi ir. 1 -' It I , HINT' 100 i M for one ACREAGE , $900 bargains (and or two). might take make fine chicken KIK8T--Small house and acre. FKCoXD 100x1 VS. 1 THIRD- 90x?t, rorncr. FOURTH 100x270. FIFTH 2 Vs an in . ranch. SIXTH Last, hut not least, 9 acres, running watei i.nd good for largo chick en ranch or more. . AH near carline ami worth $900 to $18110 hit we uaut t' cell one or two lor rash o- caii'l . ash payment, lvr-li-ftpn ymi cnld t. -. ll part and Iinve rest rk-ar if n hni r . 1 It M ES lN"VU..-i.TMENT CO.. 14:"- .'.1 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 0 pr5v d vv It Inn i i.lc in i 'It K,i. .,1 Inn t. 2 notes. 1 2 miles 20 seres clr.ircil. 2a i cleared, (food t; umin and other outbuilding on porch. This is 'n district, store .u.il h- a good profit i'Kii I " n In small lrct TMs i 175uo $35"" ush. balanc per ci lit Interest In'aniond Realty ( Room II. 308 'n WnM.ii. fct' 20 ACRES, about 12 a b.itt.'in l:i:nl. i nix' s i tallies. a r 1 1 ri ti ! 1 1 s'r the lard; f' T'id to s prl( r. If tns.cn wtlhli Ore the land simmd i.f courthouse; s rnnn' easily us.., hit; ham of writer tluihlv s'-t I led WILL. EXCHANGE- $60,000 equity 1p whole block north Portland ware house district, terminal switch. $20 000 cheaper than adjoining blocks; neat speculative buy on the market today; railroads now own across the street; prefer west side property cloaer In. Improve. or unimproved; assume some Incumbrance: it nod reasons for exchang ing In tnswerlng give location and price. AiMrt'sfi owners. .1-420, Journal. ROOMING lioi'SK. 23 rooms, clearing $.lu0 month, price $1200; for clone in acreage Kansas farm, price $1200; for city proper! v or rooming house. Several first mortgages for rooming house; clone In and cheap. H E. JAMKS X8 10th St. FOR ! SALE FARMS If Washington County Dairy JRanch Snap -. 128 Acres ' IMIA Tl A . EXCHANGE MISC. OK "SWAP" COLUMN t.lntk; I up lip . pri." I III ( tl st. res , ban ,. rich nl: kinds id vogn ani t lnws I hrmiffh II pnM "r all. the in dues. $4.".( per t selling lnr fsi'O land '. K. U 10 $ ! eini j i r a. n Xlllwankir, mi S. road. I'K H'LF'S REALTY 14 N 6th St lllHe (n from 1 1 u nt y WILL .xi tianRi' eijtilty In lot near Haw- tlinru- hud 0th st., for piano or dia- m . v i d . C4 34. Journal. . v II?L l"rvTe A-l talking machine for plumbing or cement work I'ortland Phonugrai h Agency. 360 Abler. WILL trade A-l talking good oi nan or hi. yd Phnnng i nob Agenrv. 350 . Finest dairy ranch proposition ever offered at audi a low figure near I'ortland. 1 y, MJLKR FHOM CAULINlC NOW BEING (.XJNSTHITCTEI); HAIfva VJIJ Bfc I-AID BY MAY 1. 25 minutes' ride from Chamber of Commerce. 70 ACKK.S i;ntmi GRASS. Al-t-CLKARKO AND RKADY Vm THK PJ-OW AT A MOMKNT'8 NOTH'H. Soil will grow anything that nature will produce in this Bone. 1-AND lays tieai ron aaxi TAHY DAIRY RANCH. Place Vrell Stocked FRUIT LAND8 Rio Vista'' Heights 45 IN A-l COMM AND SMOKE- machine for I'ortland Alder. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 LIST your property number "f Kimd liri'Dfl 205 j.n.pr i:. r. erl Inger houses and vacant with me. I have a clients looking for ry Give us a trial. Markham blcig.. 2d and Alder. '' I4S00 3" iu'7i s 2;iii ft from Dona'd. Or. elect lie line, 2 eels of buildings, IS jn res r.-ady for plow, balance will cut 2000 cords of wood, can be subdivided 1 fi acre tracts. owner vlll put up a Vash guarantee of $non that can be sold at a jiL'tiOii profit within K months. SI l KM A KICK 1NV. Cf.. M'al" 4 A-7434 . f27 1 1 n r y Mdg. K1VB AND TKN ACHE TRACTP. Oidv a few left; most desirable acre age buv on the market, located on rail road near station: close to Portland; Tunning water and fprlngs In abund ance; black loam soil; J10U per acre up; asy terms; particulars complete from BROWN, 411 Couch Bldg. from courthouse. A-B0!). 15 acres, 12 miles Call at 29 '4 N. r,d st. MAIN f74S. ACREAGK SL RDIVISK N. Under SO acres, close to city limits, n carllne. rKest of poll, sightly and running water; lota of fruit. Only $200 per acre. Terms. Vanduyn & Walton, ii Cnamber of tommerre. j TOR 8ALK 10 acres, 4 miles from R R. ; ready to be plowed; bargain at $i:to. G. VT. GRTMLKY. 33S Chamber of Commerce. H.U'K 320 fccrcB California rellmjuish ment. A-l land. :iear three railroads, on irrigation ditch: will sell for $1 per acre. Brown, 411 Couch bldg. EXCHANGE REA L ESTATE 24 TroODBURN FOR PORTLAND i PROPERTY. 12400 B acres, al in cultivation; small house; 4 acres berries, ba'ance good garden land; 'tis very fine soil. $4000 SO acres. 4 In cultivation, east of Woodburn; fail set of buildings; 'tis very fine fruit land. 3000 40 acres 6 in cultivation; new house and' small barn; in fruit belt, east of Woodhurn. $8000 120 acres, 70 in cultivation; fair house and bam, at llarksville, 4 miles southeast of Woodhurn, 4 miles to Gervals; very fine soil. $7000 40 acres, one mile from Wood burn; good house and barn, good orchard; 15 in cultivation, balance timber and pasture. $8100 100 acres of very fine fruit land Jn (section near Woodburn. , $4400 22 acres at Broadacres, on Ore gon Kleetrie. all In cultivation; good new house. This is a good buv. $4500 23 acres, one mile from center Woodhurn: 12 in cultivation, bal ance pasture; small buildings; very fine fruit land. ' $300016 acres, 4 in cultivation; all fenced with woven wire; half mile from Woodburn; balance very easi ly cleared; land adjoining worth $2S0 per acre. $6600-20 acres, right at station, all . . under high state of cultivation; 10. acres of it set to walnuts; small . , house; only 12 miles from I'ort land. Will take in payment lots or house and lot. This is a snap and won't last long. $1SOO 12 rooms, all furnished complete. $1300 16-rooms, in heart of city. Will take city property $1650 5-room house at Newberg for Portland property. $3000 On very easy terms, in Vernon, new modern 5-room bungalow. $2000 9 choice residence lots in Spo ; kann for Portland property. $1600 On terms. 8-room house, 2 lots; 5 blocks from car. $500 9 rooms. This Is a snap. $900 Cash or trade, 9 rooms complete. $2500 20 acres near Heaverton, for va cant lots in cltv. SHOEMAKKR INVESTMENT CO.. r27 Henry Bldg. Main 4465. A'7!34' $00 ACRES In Washington; will Jake part roriland property; price .n per business and residence prop yon have anything of this submit full particulars to Bates & Lively, Falling bldg.. A7n f C Hv March 1, f or ti room house. In goofl nelghboi hood, not too far from schbol; can pav cash, would prefer tfi buy on tern s; 'not over $4."i00; owners only. (' 4 : : T . Journal. WK have client seeking desirable In vestments In both Improved and un- i niitrov ed criy. If cha racter Met 'argar. city. LIST your properly with tis for quick sale. Cartcr-Diran Co. Dealers and Brokers In Real Estate. 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANT fill to buv 6 or 6 room house, lot not less than 40x100. west of :tMh between Hawthorne and Burnaide, would like to turn In fi room house and 1 lot 50x100 and pay difference. C. 8. Johnsom Yale Laundry. WANTF:i Real estate. Will pay cash if offered cheap. Now is the ilm 10 sell. T. J. Leonard. 92') Board if Trade, Wf ibnSTOH ' K the best buv in a va cant lot In this vklnltv. I'hone Sell wood 2s:s. r, ROOM HOUSE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS TION. LARGE WOODSHED HOUSE. R. F. D. MAIL ROUTE. ON GOOD COUNTY ROAD. 2 BARNS. 2lxti0; GOOD PIG TEN. 2 Houses, harness, good wagons. 13 hkad choice dairy stock, all necessary tools for a man to move on the place and get down to work. completely equipped to turn out a bumper 1910 crop of anything you would caric To GROW Enough hay. grain, etc., row on the place to last up Into the late Bum no r. WHEN THE 'ARLI NIC IS COM PLETED IN A FEW MONTHS' TIME THIS PROPERTY WILT, EASILY SELL FOR $2f.O PER ACRU, AND WILL BE A BARGAIN. Buy this If you have to borrow the money The present owner abso- ON THK COLUMBIA BEST FRUIT LAND PROPOSITION BECAl ;SB . It has the proper location. It has living water. It Is protected from winds. It bus boat landing. It has railroad connections with Port land, Tacnma, Seattle, Spokane. It has state road, now building:. It bus a climate and cenery unex celled. You get highest prlcea for peaches, apricots, cherries, poara, apples, grapes, walnuts, nlmondij, tomatoes, berries. Because the curliest strawberries average $4.50 per crate; tomatoes bring! ami per acre. For particulars see 4 WOLVERTON, Lumber Exchange. The Globe Brokage' Co. Phones' Main 5215, A-2947., 211 4th t., Portland, Or. 7 room rnnmlne' bona between "Wash- Ington and Morrison; bargain; fine fur nlturo, good carpet; only $250; investl I gate this. , i Restauiant 'in the heart nf the city; does $40 day badness; price $1100; of fered $2000 2 months ago. 8 room furnished tranalent flat; rent only $17; ftoi) takes this; fine furniture; snap t tills price. 10 room house; rent onlv $22.50. afld leaHo; net Income $0: handled for $300; price $400; housekeeping. "Hither Hood" BEST Fruit Lands We have a fine offer for you. A beautiful piece of excellent npple land. Close to town, on good road, and electric line. In the heart of 'Hither ijooile" best. Mi'. HOOD LAND CO., Main 310. 711 Rothchlld Kldg. A I OSIER ORCHARD TRACT. 15 acres, on graveled road; Nome bear ing trees, .small fruit. 4 room hnus. barn, shed, good well. Price $2000. Very small payment down, small monthly payments; excellent buy for man with small means. MOSELEY ; FARRELL. Phone Marshall 295. 20f, Couch P.ldg. Dry goods and notion store, estab lished 2 years, fine business; reasons for selling bad health; $550. Fine grocery and living room; $30 day business; prlce only $1600; worth $2500; Investigate this at once. ' HELP WANTED IAMS WANTEDAhls tiodierl men for tha IT.' '8. Mir'.ni carp, between theiage of 19 and 15; rnTJst ba native bom or nava flrat-papora; monthly pay $16 to $C; addition compensation possible; rood, clothing, quarter and medical attend ance free. After 30 years' service- can retire- with 76 per cent of pay and al lowance. Service on board alllp and aahore tn all part of the world. Apply at New Grand Central hotel. Portland. Of. WANTED District managera, aonl and solicitor for new wholg'liro ana 10 year 0 per cent debenture Bond, also best natural death and disability policy; no classification for occupation, race or aex; good pay. Mr. Meek, 1041 Drexel bldg., Philadelphia, tf'a. MEN WANTED -To prepare for rail way mall examination. Commence- FURNISHED ROOJIS riv i-WEST SIDE V ''!'. i NEATLT furnished front alcove room. wRh piano, $5.50 per week; also large fcont room suitable, for 2 or more If ide- Ired, $4.J!5 ner week; bath, phone and ZZK l!'th near Salmon AUDITORIUM HOTEL. 20$ 3d near Taylor; clean, warm rooms; $3.50 week up; 76o lay up; transient aoliclted; convenient and ooro fortable. ... THE GARLAND. ' J1 Washington St A -Nice, sunny housekeeping suites, also three unfurnished rooms, some lngle room a. Free phone, bath, steam heat. LAROK liew'ly fufniiedl" TronF room, modern; bath and toilet, walking dls. tance, $4 per week. Home Phone A-733. or call at 427 Montaomery st mi, it salary suu. . j'reparaiion iree. , i.vstvii r.' rrr Fraiklln tt,tti.t. Dent. 5o8L. Roche- bLLKPINO ROOM with ter. N. T. Cigar, candv. stationery, school sup ply. Ice cream, soda fountain, canned I GIKL goods, bakers' Roods; this Is a. fine busi ness; 5 nice living rooms; price $1000. HELP WANTED FEMALE I'i LADY, under 30. willing to travel to as sist gentleman demonstrating, solicit ing; expenses paid; good money. 221 Morrison t.. "room 22. kitchen nrlvi. iege; aieo single room ror gentlemen; clean, quiet, modern residence. 628 Mor rlMon, near 16th. t ttOOM with use pt kltclienette and lT ting room, $10. Close In. A-7245. IiOMEMTEADS 4T lnteb coin ; SI 9 rommi has hence tl I;or a $110 1 SEE iclnl llr.e a iilflce. "hunch'' o Vcw Da s . v. 1 v . or ESP EY. Bldg.. 2d and Wash. FOR SALE FARMS 17 FARM LANDS On the main line of the transcontinen tal G. T. P. Ry. now building Four other railroads to build. The Last of the West Rich, fertile valleys, excellent soil, mild climate; game plentiful. Pull information free. $03 T. R. PHILLIPS. McKay Bldg., Portland, Or. Near 114 ACRE FARM Gresham: well Improved fist mm mm mm tn sues ion acres under line stale of cultivation, 7n acres of wtileh Is fine bottom land. In acres of good timber land, lays fine and is first clai-s soil, 1 mile in store and school, living stream on place, wuler piped to house iind barn. R. 1". D. and telephone service, good room house, barn 4oxti with sheds, good outbuildings, all fenced and cross fenced. A I fam ily orchard, 1 mile fmm R K an 1 town and fi miles from Forest Grove; an Ideal grain and dairy ranch; price $12,000; half cash, balance to suit. HOMESTEADS. We can locale you on .'120 acres of rich ' government land In soulheastern Ore ! r.un. In the section about to le opened I rp by the Hill arul Harrlmanii lines and affording the best oportunlty left jln Mm U. S. to get a homestead. Our agent has liven living In the neighbor I hood of these claims for the past four: i years, and is W ell posted on cond 1 1 Ions j 'and knows llu country well. Fur fur- 'tln-r particular call a I nur office THE' ! HART LAND Co 14K Sc-.md st. ! CENTRAL Oregon homesti.tds that you i don t have to live on. located In beau tiful valley; no stumps or rocks; plenty water and wood. schools, churches, stores, P. O. and 2 railroads now being completed: mice $1.25 per acre. A unman, whether married or single, can talc oi f I hero Tljn acre claims. Write for descriptive book Central Oicgnii la cli'l'iiu nt c,i.. box M4 I'ortland Or. in call 22a Al innlon bldg THREE homesteads adjoining, 2 ad joining fine land as there is In Tilla mook county. THREE homesieads adjoining, near town of 15ud. lllyh school arid fine lo ta t ion. We can locate you In Lincoln. Kla- THE GLOBE BROKAGE CO.. Ml 4 Hi St., bet. Taylor and Salmon sts. Chance of Lifetime Sic page 12, Saturday's Grego rian, about GOULD RUSH in Ida bo Have 40 acres In the very la art of this region, with abun dant water and timber thHt own ers are unable to mine beyond the necessary assessment. Any i.i all of the three Interests can l... bought (or $15(i0 an Interest. Four miles ftoin Elk City. No ll'a about this. Have iu.irtz from claim in i.yr office. Terms. Said to he greatest strike ever made. ROSE CITY REALTY INV. CO., 515 Lumber Exchange bldg. for family. Broadway 4.f car eneial housework; small 12. th.. N. Kaat 45B3. WANTED Girl to do work: small family. Phone East 1361. general house 156 Knott t. AlTRE'NTH'ES Bl ight, intelligent girls lo learn dressmaking.. Madame Julia, 205 Wells-Fargo bldij. Also "therjielp. FINE girls wanted; experienced hands, foe Oregon Paper Box factory. 3 Front st. GIRL to assist in housework. Call 6S1 Schuyler st , or telephone East 4111 today. VY FURNISHED ROOM EAST SIDE 53 electric light Jth. East $10 for a fine room, heat, bath, phone. 101 U E. 4565. 4T Ei Morrison at.. nliVIv furnished a week. Electrlo. E7! Morrison sleeping room, light; hatha. St., $2 THK GAYOSA S93 H. Stark, cor. Grand. East 54C5. ROOMS AND BOARD 1ft 'ANTED -Ijidy capable a depurtnient oi a goon Board of of ttiariaeiniF paying prop-''! rraae. 1 14 IK ' KM acres of under fine (teles fine t im her. $5000 cash fine land, 9n stale of orchard bu v acres cultivation, 14 acres of good i ninth. Mnlhei: r Harney. Lr.ke and Cook counties. DAVIS BUETKAMP. I 510 DKKUM BLDG.' ; IK i.M KsTea i efimil'sl'iineiiL-'tTiirtsop I land lies fine and soil, all fenced and 6 room house, burn outbuildings, tlmbei past ore. If first class ross fenced, 4 0x 4 0, good land, good unt v, on good road. survey a nd post of flee f good soil, ha hit. s can good glass laud; $2iia week. ,. 1 1. laves Civ bldg. Main 39i'.n. WE ARE prepared to loca homesteads and d county. Address ( r. miles to R. R. small town and tOa miles to est 1 1 rove, mile t spring and well on $10,ari0; $6000 cash. 6 years 6 per cent. d. nd 1'or-flne ScllO place; price balance 3 to the best In Crook Prinevllle, liTirV''RlC i a 11 w a v. suRitr pine acres nllal ra 1 1 road asi ly cleared, be en Ii ivuted. If taken this 302 Svvetland mate von on ert lands Box 34, homestead. ' mile from remaining 2,000. OHO feet of and fir; living stream; 1011 C-Ut.r,. Journal FOR SALE--OM established bakery, j Including lot 60x1 60: 7-room horse, cement bakery 30x46 ft; store, ware ! house and barn on lot; two in w fur i nace ovens 10x12 Inside, mixer and cakfi i machine, electric light, hot and cold j water; reined store in best business part of city, with -good pictures and ! furnltur (ioiiia good business In 'ce I cream, Soda water, confci t lonery and, bakrv gomls two horses and wagons. I .Price $7500. Address 206 K. 14th St.. Eu- Krn.', Or. J FOR SALE -Livery stable, consisting. I of full line of horses -and vehicles,; I 8 single nuggics. 2 surreys, 3 light i I spring wagons, 13 horses, 2 acres of' g: mi t, building HOxlO feet, gasoline! I engine and tank for water purposes;' i only location in clly; a good bargain.! I C-4 10. Journal. ' FURNITURE "business for sale in good live Oregon town, surrounded by fine I farming cpuntrv. Good building, good location and low rent Sales average! I ooo per month. B S Cook & Co.. 503 (ViMielt bldg.. Portland. Or. : 60c mi The dollar for oi.'lok sale buys my marly new $360n stock of shoes and gents' furnishings. in good payroll' lovvu. all cash trade. Cheap rent, big profit, stock not run down. Address Box I ". 1 . Newberg. ( ir. j BAKERY for sale. fully eipiipped, L' boises. 2 iicvv wagons, thickly settled: nelghboi hood, fine business, reason for .veiling sickness, rent $10; price $11011; cash $511"'. ba limee $25 per month. Suite s. 3 6 2 Washington St. ositlon. I STENOGRAPHER, wholesale house, must lie flVst class; state age, expe rleiice, references. G-42.S, Journal. SHREWD milliner saleslady; nipst be an expert. IIS per week to start; must give rcferemesaiid h(irn1R.?,Joiinal. WA NTED Experienced denionstrator, 6 tii C p. m 302 Commercial blk WANTED Girl cook and general house work. Apply 795 Flanders st. COMFORTABLY furnished front room for youri? gentlemen- private resi dence; home cooking: prices reasonable. 569 Everett. Main 7972. WELL furnished room, bath, light, niod ern. private home, with board. 652 Morrison between 17th and Chapman. Main 6222. Hotel TrlnJin S27-631 hood noiei loaiio board and room. Beds-$1 per week: meal ticket $3 60. WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply morning. 10X9 Thurman. MAID and waitress wanted. Phone MlUaukle Red4J0 GIRL or woman to nsslut with light Housework 1315 E. Lincoln. WiCNI ED-?Girl for gere-ra I housework! family of 3 Call at 771 Everett st. WANTED AGENTS ROOM and board, clean private board ing house; home cooking; $4.50 per week. 2S3 N. 16th. St. WITH BOARD. LA RGE front room NICELY N1SHED FUR-ROOMS with itrr S. suitable for two. board; 4 block to car. . 64v E. 1 W ELL furnished front room, modern home, strictly homo cooking; price reasonable. 440 Jefferson cor. 12th. SALESMEN wanted to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock. Outfit free. Capital City Nursery Co, Salem. Or. . HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 10.000 POSITIONS For graduates last year; men ar.J wo men learn barber trade In 8 weeks; help to secure positions: graduatea earn $15 to $26 v cekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalog. Moler System of Colleges 35 N 4th st . Portland FOR SALE TIMBER CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Vancouver, Wash, and 110 2d st. Portland, Or. 8500 ACRES In Douglas, cruising per acre good timber. Price $ acre. ZIMMERMAN. 61 Board of Trade Building. 2H 35,000 !0 per equipped: price $22,SOO; will take part income city property cas ance can stand on place at 6 vv hat nave you .' ' CARTER-DUGAN CO., 820 Chamber of Commerce. and part and hel per cent. n ERE STOCKM EN, ATTENT I ON I 310 acresy ISO In cultivation find meadow, balance tiir,ber and open pas ture, 2V4 miles from S. P. R. R. town, 35 miles to Portland, on good count v' road, 70 acres river bottom, balance roll-in"- atld bench land; all can be cultivated when cleared, except about 4K acres; fine springs on place for stock use. also good well at house; mixed family nr. chant, pienry small fruits, school house on corner of place, land all fenced andi cross fenced, fine n room house, good large larn and other outbuildings; 2 horses 8 milch cows, 4 heifers, Jersey j pun, 40 Angora goats, 50 chickens, wagon, buggy, cart, binder, mower,! plows, harrow and other tools are In-1 eluded, at $52.50 per acre. ' NICE RANCH. j 70 acres, 2.1 In cultivation, balance open pasture and timber, which can lie, cultivated when cleared; good house,' barn and other buildings; 2 good I streams through nlnce nniv 1 v.nD i,M implement, icam iregon citv, on good county road nrice the house, nil go. x:;onO: half cash I CHITTENDEN. OTTO & NEILL Both Phones.. v 310 o., pt W A NT EI -TIMBER 37 so ACRES unimproved land, not over 20 J miles from Portland; must be a bar-j gain; will pay '-j cash, desire 3 years'; time on balance. O 423. Journal. ; 20 OR 411 acres unimproved hind, near I electric line; must be a bargain fori easli A. 421. Journal. I j Motion Picture Theatre j For sale on easy terms, fine estnb- 1 lished motion picture theatre. For par- f tlculars call Newman Motion Picture I ! Exchange (V Mfg. Co., 526'j Washington j j DKNT.vL office and equipment In good j 1 town; fine surrounding country, lots J rich people, good business, long estnb- ( lished; splendid opening; owner leaving. I 'For sale very reasonable. B-422, Jour-1 nal. I I FOR SALE -An up lo date meat mar ! Is"t. cheap. doing $90 a day; .good leash trade and plenty of cattle; partners j disagreed; 5 0 miles from Portland, i C- 4 "!:!, J ourna I. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 53 C. K. Hansen Si Co. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 9 N. 2d St., Portland. Ladles' department, 7th and Wash, st , upstairs, Portland. 424 Front ave.; Spokane. 87-89 4th st.. San Francisco. . Established 176. HANLEY & TAPLbY EMPLOYMENT CO., headquarters for R. R. work. N2d st SITUATION WANTEO MA:,E 3 MUNICIPAL 270 MADISON. BET. SD AND 4TH MALE AND FEMALE HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR EMPLOYE MAIN 3555. A-5624 WANTED ROOM AND HOARD ;19 WANTED Furnished room with hoard; must be warm room, private family. D-431. Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE . THE SUTHERLAND Newly furnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold wa ter, electric lights, gas range, free batlia nd phone. 16th or "W" carline, corner 7th and Thurman. Phone -4 17 4. WELL furnished "housekeeping rooms. 2 iiioiiin. .1 1111 i7 luinmneri ini- tage, $27.5(1; lower Jloor. 4 large rooms. 4t o . , np . 1. .l ....... .. f-v oni .1.111 ,oi in, vv . car 1 1 11m depot, 3d or Morrison to 26th, block noith CLEAN neat connecting suite of keeping rctoma; bath, running gas; private noine. 402 4th. rison St. house- water, near Har- SUITE of 2 rooms furnished for house keeping; free phone, light, bath and water: walking distance. 511 ',4 Olisan, cor 15th. NICELY furnished gas, bath, phone; 5th. lorner Columbia, hall. suite two roams, no children. 300 1 block from city TWO newly rooms; free Phone A-7336. furnished housekeeping lights, bath and phone. Call at 427 Montgomery. e 1 I'llMH STORE . One that is cleat lug $6 daily ; has nev- I MAN. many years' experience taking s..ld for b-ss ih.m $3i)o; .free rent. 1 care trees and shrubbery, wants po o;j i s lease. tor I'etl J.12.1 If taken tnifay. Good is. 1;, N. 51 h t' ON account of other business will sell one of the best paving saloons in Vancouver. Slock will invoice nhout $3500; cnn reduce slock some; part casb. a sh I ngt on nt :i os Vancouver, Wash. ; ROOMING HOUSES For. IIJC 53 1 i ! ROOMING houses $500 up, terms. Gro- 1 I eery stores $600 to $250i). Houses and; j lots, fine ijncs. Home. Samuel W. Moore, i 527 Lumber Exchange, southeast cor ,: i 2d and Stark. . . ! GENERAL auctioneer. S. Mazuroosky, I NEW room and boarding flat, strictly' conducts auction saies anywhere, any modern, best location, 10 minutes' I kind of merchandise; good results guar i walk. Profit and living expenses. Own- ' an teed. Merchandise broker, 242 Burn ; it, Pctoffice Box- L1V I yi.le st. Main 159H. ; NINE room, swell location, furnace ROOM I NiTlOUSE. j heat, rent only $30; :: room suite j 10 rooms on Washington st.; rooms- reins tor 2N. leaving you a mom always rented; clearing monthly sitlon. Phone J W. A-707 ckard. 518 C-1174. Henry bldg. WANTED--Position in real estate of fice as salesman, X years successful experience in eastern cities. Box 136, A i2,'!lbGr: MOVING picture operator; can get best results, understands the picture show business thoroughly; must hnve situa tion at once. ji-426. Journnl. THE COLLINS. 503 '.4 Alder, neatly fur nished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; phone, bain, central location. 184 Sherman South Portland. II. 60 week up, large, clean, furnished house keeplng room: parlor, laundry, bath. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $1.75 to $2.50 per week 627 Raleigh st. Also sleeping rooms, $1.25. NEWLY furnished housekeeping suite , reasonable; free phone and bath. 5 4 5 i Washington St.. near 16th. I CAMBRIDGE building. 3d" Ij'nd' Alorrison , st., furnished for housekeeping; very (feslrable. Apply room 36. $2.75 front room, suite for housekeep- Ing. also large room lor two. $2 week. i 245 t. N. 17th 410 JEFI L. ERSON Three unfurnished housekeeping rooms; walking distance, is. laih, phone. Adults only. ATTENTION Carpenter work neatly I LA RGE. light housekeeping rooms, fur done, new or repair work mv!'sperial- nished or unfurnished, reasonable. Cull tv. 905 Mallorv ave. Phone C-17.sl.tl7l i::ih. Main 4069. only $2 1 See owner month : JH.IO; Sx HUh st. terms or 80 OfTPH with 45 In cultivation, the balance is slashed and seeded to tame grass, soil is all rich and lies almost level; there is no rock. Is on good road, new 7 room house and large barn, hay fork, etc., all complete; the outbuild ings nre all good; fine Ppring and 2 good wells; stocK and furniture In Place Is only 6 miles from Oregon City Price $7500. R. E. WOODWARD, Box 45, Over Bank of Oregon City. Oregon City, Or. home trade SWELL hom7 modern, clost re: 1 1 ; f urn I turn Will sacrifice. ROOMING houses, any size, at prices salt; we buv sell and exchange. PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE (JO.. 313 Henry bldg. 5 room cottage. new. in: two rooms pay the almost new. Must sell. Terms or trade. SIX 10th. to . acre. 285 acres Joining county seat; want timber for Portland home. $4 acres, near Tualatin, 4 mile of car .Hne; will consider trade on Portland property; land lays fine, best of soil. 1 10 acres, H clear, 17 miles from city; Iio rock or gravel, lays level, fruits of all kinds; cheap house and barn. $1500; consider trade on this. "Up-to-date grocery store, doing busi ness $5000 to $6000 per month, new jnodern 9 room house and half block, IlR.000: want well improved dairy ranch Close to some good town. 640 acres. Willamette valley, highly Improved. 2 houses, 3 barns.. :' wells, big family orchuid. living water, hog tight fence, half mile to H. It: fine black soil, fine b-v-cl roads, telephone and R. F. D : 3 2" acres in crops: $60 per acre, will exchange for Portland property. 10 acres 10 miles from Portland, high class fruit (commercial) proposition; good buildings. $7000; will take part I'ortland propertv. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., 61 :i Bonn! of Trade Bldg. 1 Lor Sale or Lxc.hangc 1 224 acre wheat tv, Or., 4 miles fiovi K. I. L. 11. SMITH. Room 16 Hamilton K XCH AN i E 1 'u r fl .-1 u I "1 property or close in a-n-a land. Clatk'- coui.iv !"ti; preferred. 1 ivvm r loom .1;. 20 acrts of land. 5 ro. in 01 chard, good spi 1 Warsbfield. Will ti.-n Of bnslli-SF. S'-c Tele Yamhill Acreage miles from inch Gilliam coun- statlon. ' I' bldg or S-! for . 1 off land 14 2'.. 2d st: 4 acres I'lacc, fn-ar nnv, kim.; N 5th st l.in.j. J.inn iak" auto KC bona TEN acres Hood Rlv easli, lialai:. . and. first or second rmrt tragi- or V-M2-1, Jourm!. E XCH A N 1 K 34 r lodge halls, reasonable est Ion. long lease. B 43 1. BEAClT lots at" casi) v al merit on nindirn hours. bldg. IF you want to sell, bay or 'i.-nb IVoemak r Inv. c . 527 Henrv Main' 4465. A-7434. A 62 aero place, 6 Yamhill, on the Yamhill river nnd on county road; fenced on 2 sides, and joins another placo about 30 acres level, the balance benchv: 20 acres slashed, now grubbing out 6 acres; there Is 2 "ai;res ali ready for plow; a frame barn 30x40, al! for $ 1250, half price. ESPEY. 319 Commercial blk., 2d and Washington sts., Portland, Or. 87rAT'R ES7"$ 7000" ' 80 acre farm, about 60 acree cleared. 10 acres In hops and good hophotise, house, barn and other buildings; nice stream runs through place; good, heavy, rich soil and land lbs beautifully; con venient to markets; 25 miles from Port land, electric road surveyed along line of place; the owner of this farm Is not a "poor man who needs the money," but is a man who does not want to be bothered with farm property and will let it go cheap, terms, one half cash, balance 6 per cent. MAGINNIS LAND A- INVESTMENT CO.. 316-317 IewlR bldg., 4th and Oak. 45 acres, 12 acres in cultivation, bal ance most all slashed and seeded to grass, all good soli, good 6 mom house, fair barn and (ill good outbuildings, family orchard, good spring and living water, R. F. D.. phone In house, cream route, near school, only 4 miles from town. Price 3,! 250. terms. (all on or write n 1 7 Main st MINING STOCKS FOR SALE AM) EXCHANGE 58 EIGHT acres garden land, nil clear. V, grubbed and b In' cul tivation, running ajream through place, all fenced, a good 4 room house, a chicken yard, some fruit trees, at forks of 2 countv roads, milk route and R. F. D. "mall, 2 miles from center of town of Hillsboro, U mile from R. II sta tion. This land can't be beat for fertility or location or price $1600: $30(i time. Room 319 Com mercial bldg.. 2d and Washington sts., Portland, ( ir. UNLISTED STOCKS AND BONDS. Be fore BUYING anv MINING, OIL, WIRELESS or INDUSTRIAL stock or bond, try us; MONEY SAVE for YOU- For a QUICK sale, list your stocks with us. Call or write Wm. E. Davidson Co.. Lewis bldg. FOR SALE A $200 bond of Realty As sociates of Portland, Or., first series non -taxable, drawing 9 per cent Inherent. Address Box 33. Carlton. Or. Price $.150, ysno cash., rest as you make It. pelers, ljjN.1thKt. ! A TSTo f good paying saloon business, with 2 year lease, with privilege of 3 more; cheap rent; receipts dally average $75 to $S0; located in center o$ business district. 103 4th st. FOR SALE ReasonabFe. cash grocery and meat market doing good busi ness; will bear Investigation. James Cunningham. Phono Tabor 205, Arleta, Or. Take ML Scott car. FOR sXlllC Well established cash meat market at Woodstock: only one In neighborhood; come quick If you want a bargain. Next door to P. O. I'hone Sellwood 6S. 10T C business ends $2, 600, 31.25; 200. 76c. Rose City Prtntery. 192 3d st CARPENTER and pair work: day Woodlawn 1 236. builder; new or re or contract. Phone Sj. 14th, corner Clay, large, venlent 2 room sulto. light, con- grading, lot Phone Wood- HELP WANTED MALE MINING and Industrial stocks: tele phone and other bonds bought and sold C. 8. Fletcher. 125 Ablngton bldg. $$$ READ THE ADS. $$$ " Can youfind anything as good as tbto'' ,295 acres, all but 30 acres In cultivation good house, barns and hophouse, t miles from Salem, on good countv road; prire $130 per acre. We will consider platting ajid handling Gils and If de- ; sired may put some money In with I buyer. , MAGINNIS LAND fi INVESTMENT CO j 316 317 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. $2700. 301 acres between John Day and Co lumbia rivers, 2 miles from' railroad; fenced and now used for pasture; $500 cabh, balance easv terms M, E THOMPSON, Cor 4th and Oak sts. Main 6089, A-3327. FARMS IN POLK COUNT Y7 $25 per acre and up. CARTER-DUGAN CO., 820 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT FARMS 14 WANTED Salesmen; many mtti $100 to $150 per month; same even more; stock clean, grown on reservation. far from old orchards cash advance week ly; choice of territory. Address Wash ington Nursery Co.. Toppenish. Wash. buy small amount Unite I KEAL ESTATE SALESMAN "WANTED. stock. Give, name and To sell lots for $500 on easy terms; close in on electric line; improvements Including water and newer in and paid for; Rood commission. Call at 432 Mo hawk bldg. WANTED To Boy's mining address. D-42L Journal IF you wish to buy or sell raining stocks, call on J. B. Purcell. 310) Oak. FOR excavating, la?.'!: clearing, plowing, etc. lawn 2467. GOOD honest man, good habits, clean ing, scrubbing, wash windows, tend furnace, good Janitor. A-54 13. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 LADY" capable of taking, full charge, wishes position ns housekeeper in widower's family, Vlth elderly couple, or care for invalid; good cook: careful manager; reference. D-422, Journal. PUPILS to coach in grade work or ap plicants to prepare for teachers' ex amination, by teacher of long experi ence In I'ortland public schools. East 2669. LADY from the east wishes position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor, best of reference exchanged. Call or write to Q-425, Journal. 11'OUNG Norwegian girl 16 years old wishes to do general housework In private family. Call at 80 E. 2.Mh st. N. MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms; light. gas; moderate. 7th ft Flanders A-4076. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, 340 H Front St.. cheap rent, brick bldg. FOR R eNTT - Li g h tf'r lea n "h o u se k ee ping rooms. 268 Jefferson, near city hall. TWO nice furnished housekeeping rooms. 308 Columbia st. HOUSEKEEPING KOOMS EAST SIDE 43 LADY wants day work. East 23? I. NURSES 60 BUSINESS CHANCES 20 FOR SALE- Grocery and eonf eotjonery for $950; lease and cheap rent 2 good location, on carllne; doing $25 'dally; must sell on account of other business. Owner. Phone Enst 554. 14 ROOM rooming house, new, WaflhijiR ton St.. rent only $35; will clear $75 abovu expenses. If taken this weelt $460. 14 N. 61 h. Taitor Outfit Good established trade free; j owner leaving towiK 100 1st .St. WANTED Young man with $3130 cash arid services as partner in goo'f. prof itable business. Room 618 Shetland bldg. MEN WHO CAN SELL Successful gilt edge residence estate proposition. Call 10-12 a. 322 Corhett bldg. real m., WE aid our members to secure em ployment. Constant demand for young men of ability and integrity. Special Employment Membership. Y. M. C. A. VERY little money required for In terest In best and surest paying real estate office; must have Interested help. K-405, Journal. WANTED Men to buy $3.00 sample hats, now $1.50. Low rent In base ment Is the reason. Hats cleaned and reblorked, 60c. The Mattery. 315 Alder. EXPERIENCED nurse, all kinds of cases; maternity a specialty; refer ence. B-2892. FOUR rooms for rent, $10; furniture complete, gas ranffe, heater, fixtures, etc.. for sale, $35; fine chance for 2 or 3 men to batoli; 3 blocks from east rditeebrld('. 23V. Ben torn CONNECTING " housekeeping BuTte; pantry, sink, hot. cold water, ga stove, furnace lifat. use of laundry, bath, front and buck porch. Phone East 13 90. $1.25 to $2.00 housekeeping heat. 400, Vancouver 5039. week, clean furnished rooms; laundry, bath. ave. Phone East DRESSMAKING 40 WANTED Plain sewing or dressmak ing, by the day; satisfaction guaran teed; prices reasonable. Main 6426. WANTED Dressmaking by the day; tailored suits a specialty; give phone number. C-431, Journal. FEW more engagements by the day; expert dressmaker. Mrs. Vanetta, 060 Grand ave. N. lo- $15 Oregon City, Or. t nomine 1vmis de i'Pi, g-nod Ion i tin I. ue. Hint p 4 15 Uei 8 mile pn rf a 1 i on kct today ( it n" from Portland, service: best buy and easy terms. iam-J'erry fair trans on the mar- 320 acres good wheat and stock farm, near Wapinitia, Waaco county. ,11 miles from railroad. Large outrange. Rent for third of crop. McCoy, 364 N 26th, W. carline, 6:30 to 7:30 evenings, only. FOR RENT --10 aercn, part cleared, new house, Rood around. 2 blocks from carline. Estacada car at Gates. Part y clearing land. B-430, rent ran be paid Journal. Marshall 499. 808 Co. Lewis Bldg. E 3 ACRE truck farm close In, chean, cash rent. Hurry Meikletohn. .fAu Washington si. East 1115. B- 1 437. soe bldg. ill Oakland, nerty. !uis or 12':. Joufrial. room, farm. for 6 ROOM modern banzai Cab. for Portland pr acreage, or v.i'.l sell. A TWO g'Hid, houses, nl.c la one 5 room, to exchange Owner. o..8 Dun. am ave. TWO fl;u"lnts. t, 1. ai . first T-aymerit 7n" modern house, nut over f;'O00. 41.-, Henrv bldg. rr.-jge. WILL trajie lots f..r Room 617 S wet land VvTLL g,et a w anything you you C'd bldg. anything in trade for have. 322 Henry blijg. DO YOU WANT A FARM? CaM or semi for my new list; It Is a 32 nage pamphlet, giving description, locauon. price and terms of more gen-, nine bargains than can be shown by any other dealer; fruit, dairy and grain farms In the Wilamette valley, stock and grain ' ran. lies n eastern Oregon. W. J. Smith, i 43 ChamliVT of Commerce. Portland, Or. Larms ir. Eastern Oregon From SO a'-rcs to 1400; $10 per acre' and up. Carter-Dugan Co. 820 Chamber of Commerce. $30" cash bay SO acres of Sood fanning ,80 ACRE fruit T'.re the 26tn. Rogue river vallev yvarianty .-ed and abstract. Howard I per acre Terms. " jnu v.o .w avo-nund iildg. , Stone, 30 Lafav FRUIT LANDS 45 I HAVE a fruit farm of 200 acres, fourth bearing fruit; want to plant balance; sell in small tracts; I have no time; want man tn handle the busi ness with $3ii0ii tn $50uy; come in and ' frame up" a deal w.ith the owner. 430 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak sts. RESTAURANT, fine that is well worth $350; 2A-1 'cation. lours lor scin, J4u dotvn a month. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. i RESTAURANT at Couch and 4t.h sts., I 270, for sale: all furniture nee;; price reasonable. Call any time. II WILL sell my restaurant, doing good j buviness. on account of niy wife's I sickness. S'-e owner 70 N. 6th ft. WOOD and ival business for salie half 1 Interest for $150. Standard 'Irivest 1 m ut ( '.. 225 r.i h st. I HAVE $15u0 to invest in any good business that will stand investiga tion. A - i 3.8. Journal. LEST paying restaurant on 6tjR st. -'1 yi ar lease, low rent, $100 wilt handle 1J. 14 N. Hth. PARTNElt in good paying business In fine town near I'ortland; small capl- tal and services. Call 328 Grant st FOR RENT BaVber"shop, "in suburb, new tubs, heater, eyte. 303 Rbthchild bldg. MOTION picture operators earn $35 weekly: learn business in short time; easv inside work; lessons reasonable. School 5 26 V, Wash. st. THE SPARE TIME S.AV1NGS BANK. International Correspondence Schools. Scrantoii, Pa. 308 McKay bldg. Main 71V7, Marshal! 597. LARI roil 50 ACRES Hood River orchard and small fruit land, good house, barn an.) other buildings. H rnnn ' from, railroad. Sandy loam and red shot land; 2 a'cres of strawberries netted $500 last year. This must be sold at once. Price $6000 Terms. Owner, 618 Abingtbn Bldg. and chicken farm. ; ideal climate; J 10 Near town ; water. ette bldg. PORTLAND Trust company bart'k; 3 per cent interest paW on savings ac counts. 3d and Onk sts. 0 Electric vacuum carpet cleaner, cheap for cash, good as new. 'Call 2Vi)i -Grand ave. ' BAKERY f. business. portTanT rhck aec CASH ir sale cheap; doing good Apt. I y 545 Washington St. Trust Company bank; small units received. 3d a'nd Oak. H bowl of rice. 5c; coffee or co with snails, 5c; beans. 5c; best heap, soup, 6c; clam chowder with cracks ers, 10c. Owl Rice Kitchen, 66 V4 4th St. $5 PE lTM O N 'ITT feiegfa 1 y tau ghT i n practical forms. Day and evening sessions. Address or "C" Myers, 329 11th st., Portland. Maln8512. CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali fornia Wine Depot, 285 Yamhill, next to Journal. WA N T'E D-3-school bo vs " w ft h "wheels, 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. Apply 131 10th st; good wages. J PLAIN wea r. &T SHIP cess sewing, children's clothes, under- , price reasonable.. Call M. 8205. WATSTS $1. skirts $2.60, $5 and up. Main 8776. Prln- FLRNJSHED KOOMS WEST SIDE TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, phone; reasonable rent, 361 Williams ave., corner Broad way. SECOND floor front, modern, clean, con venient location, 1 block from Steel bridge, reasonable. 291 ( "rosbv. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; modern, convenient: private family; no ch14dren. 66S Williams ave. TWO nicely -furnished housekeeping rooms; water, gas, wood, phone. 69 E. 30th N. Phone East 4056. FOR RENT E. Pine st. -Housekeeping roomie JT6" HOTELS 04 HOTEL, PORTIiAND. only; $3. $5 day. European plan BELVEDERE, European 4fh and Alder. FOR RENT HOUSES ia FINELY furnished room, private fam ily, exclusive neighborhood; all con veniences; reasnna-ble rates. 46 N. 21st St., off Washington. THE RANDOLPH, 3d steamneated rooms, newly renovated,. $250 sifnt 50c to $1. and Columbia, electric lights, week up; tran- THE Temple, 343 U Yamhill st; oppo site Hotel Portland; furnished rooms, $2 a week up; transient NICE, bright front room, comfortably furnished, furnace heat, desirable for two. 448 Tavlor, near 12th. Main 7461. WANTED A small room furnished lor bat"hing, in a respectable home. Ad dress C. H. Oyler, City, General Delivery WANTED A good strong boy with bl cycle for delivery. Chicago Cle'anlng & Dye Works. 449 Washington st. WANTED Gentleman capable of man' aging a dciwrtment of good paying proposition. 623 Board of Trade. WANTED Bench hand on breud. Ap ply J. E. MlUer, 360 Washington, be fore 7 p. m. 60S ALDER ST. Well furnished sleeping room, mod ern, well heated, light; $10 per month. 1 MA! Free phone and 247 H 6th t. rooms $1.60 up per week. bath. Main 7754. WANTED A small room furnished for hatching In a respectable home. Ad dress C. H. Oyler, City, General Delivery ONE 1 7 $18. grocery store for sale; must sell: owner leaving town, ill 1st st . WANTED Men half soled for to 60c. have their 222 2d st. shoes WANTED First class Job polisher and buffer. Oregon Brass Works. BARBER Lents. wanted; take Mt. Scott car to Water Tower Shop. LARGE front room with alcove, suitable for 2 or more; 10 minutes from post- offlce. Main 1762. 456 6th. j NICELY furnished rooms, bath, hot and cold water, gas and electric lights. 208 South 17th st. Tel. Main 7923. ! NEW : THE BUTLER Nicely furnished rooms, I P'"1"' centrally located, very low rates. ; SIX 409V4 Wash. WARM comfortable room, clean and 1 5 ROOM homelike. 306 12th St. Phone A-394. 1 403. WE are In a position to give our un divided attention to the handling of rents. Try us. Hartman & Thompson, Re nt. Dept., Cham her of Commerce bldg. NEW 5 room hunealow near carllne. in Irvington I'ark; rent $15. I BALL & SMITH, j Main 2726. 431 Lumber Exchange. I NEW modern 5 room bungalow electrlo I lights, l'iretilace, corner lot. 2 blocks I to car, 53d and E. Everett. Call Tabor I 1667. FOR RENT Modern 7 room house; sightly. 31st and Ellsworth, sts.; one block from Richmond car. Inquire next door- 927 Ellsworth. i FOR RENT House, stable, chicken house, :j lots. It A. Taylor, E. 49th j and Hawthorne. B-1516. j Independent Laundrv Co. 1 PHONE MAIN 61g3. "a-1083. i NICELY furnished 8 room houseW'irh piano; modern, close In, east side fine district. Hall, 380 Front st. M. 2208! FOB. RENT Modern, new TioTTs" 7 rooms, toilet and oath. 114 month (615 Spencer St.. Montavllla. 6 room flat, in good order. $15 room house, plenty fruit and barn' 7j9 Mississippi ave. I room modern. I15l 0rnr Wocdlawn 2S5. . ' ; room cottage close In. Cult Halsey st. Phone East 5289. 801 423 Montgomery, corner furnished apartment. 11th, 3 room house, $5 per month. Main $10 BARN A-445R foe rent. 529 E. 15th stt "it'" '?-''' . I : . ;' ' -'V i-H-:, ;"