THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING,, FEBRUARY 22, 1910. TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS Bungalow . . . . iV. A Mrs, ZtiU Carter Kaker "The Great Divine - "A Mirin iht Marrlaut: Grand 7 .......... Vaudev Pantagea VartdevlllJ 8tr W... Moving Picture ' It. Vincent's X4n Snowar. The poo pie of FortUncf who expect to help In ' the lineft shower for the "benefit of 8t. A'lncenfe hospital annexmuHt not wait for .personal ollcitetlon, as the time limit in March 20. and It will be Impossible to .make a houaeto houee canvass lrt that time. Ttie pnnan.coni mitteea have not all been appointed and Jie names which appear from time to time are the new members.' It Is Im portant to have the linen In as soon as possible so that the quantity can be as certained and reports made on It The name of the sender should accompany every gift and those who , prefer can iwnd money to the treasurer, Miss Ann, Cremen. 40 Twelfth street..'. . Caught After ZAng Search- .Wllber H. Bailey, wanted In Pendlton on the charge of obtaining money on false pre tenses, was arrested at second ana Grant streets this morning Jy Deputy Sheriffs Archie Leonard and II. P Hunter, bringing to a close a search that has lasted for over, a year. Bailey la also charred with pausing a baa check In Walla Walla. Wash., before he left the Inland country. He told the ' officers that he has been to San Vran elsco and Salt Lake. Sheriff T. D. Tay lor of Umatilla county has been noti fied end will come as soon as. he can break through the snowdrifts. Wants $160 Damages. -Mrs. Virginia Multhauf has begun suit In the elroult court against the Canadian Pacific rail way for $1950 damages for lories re ceived In stepping from a train at Slca moui, British Columbia, on August H. She was on her wsy to Kalamazoo. Mich., and says that while able to com plete her Journey, she was severely hurt by a fall between the platform and car steps. She blames the company for failure to have lights on the platform. Since returning to her home In Port land she has been unable to give proper attention to household duties, sheays. toes Ordinance Mayor Simon yes terday afternoon vetoed trie ordinance prescribing "Clan C" lamp posts for the east side. The mayor's action Is iregarded as a victory for the Kast'Slde "Business Men s club, Which took up the cudgel against Councilman Lombard. This councilman and the city engineer wanted the same kind of light posts adopted for the east side as have bPn adopted for ttie west side. The east !ders. however, took the view that they should be allowed to choose what they pay for themselves. ml a few years ago returned as far as 1jlse,' Idaho. , Tlifee weeks ago theycon- Hided to conie . back" to ' Oregon, and fnade the. trip. b.V wagon. 1 On 'thV way tramps robbed them of their money. Mrs. H.-vtca -has been under the care -of a physician, since ' .-;,', y V" . . . ; . ' Arrives rhls Afternoon. Dr. M. A. fatthews. evangelist pastor from Seat Ic, will reach Portland this afternoon jo lead ft series ff special meetings of Portland Presbyterians. Dr. Matthews' application of old time truth to modern Pfoblems has made him a leading fig ure among the Presbyterian of this wintry.; The meeting this afternoon will be hHd In the First Presbyterian -hurrh and addressed by Dr. W. H. Fouikea. i',f.c.;-- ' : 'y : :': t- , Sues for $30,000 Collision between a Mount Scott and a Waverly-Woodstock car at Grand and Hawthorne avenues On tipptember Z, is responsible for $50, 000 damage suit against the Portland Uallway, vLlght, Power company by Anna een in the circuit court She was on the Woodstock car. and says sne sustained severe Internal Injuries, as well as a sprained knee. Her doc tors bill was 1400, she states. AT THE THEATRES Cannot Oat Money The Judiciary com mittee of the city council yesterday af tarnoon refused to allow, the claim t J. A. Arment. right-of-way agent In the cty engineer's office, for H for taking notarial acknowledgments. The com mlttee held that a city employe can not, under the charter, receive money In ad dltton to his salary except for necessary expenses incurred-while, in the perform ance of his duty? Store Sobbed of Jewelry The second hand store of L. Schneider'. 10?4 .Third street, was entered last night and a small quantity of Jewelry taken. John Day, rooming In the Hood hotel, saw the burglar running from the place, and notified the police, who awoke the pro prletor and wife. They were sleeping in tue rear of the store, but did not hear the night prowler. Mining Congress Meeting. A meeting or true Oregon branch, American Mining congress, will be held In Convention hall. Commercial Club building, on Wednesday, February- ti, at 4 p. m. Business of importance will be trans acted. , Mussnm Open Today The Museum of Art Is open, admission free, today from until 5 o'clock. Water coW paintings by Harold B. Warren are on exhibition. MonUrilla Xose Entertainment There wllPlie a free entertainment "given under the auspices of the Monta vllla Rose sssociatlon, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in the big new hall st the end of the Montavllla canine. The entertainment Is given In honor of AVsshlngton's birthday. The subject of discission Is "Rose Planting" and the speaker of the evening are Judge E. C. Hronaugh, Tom Richardson and Rev. James E. Fitipatrtek. There will also he good music and a hearty Invitation is extended to all. Madonna Groceries and family liquors.- ics, delivered. Reasonable price. Phone your order. Main 3424. 694 Fourth street. 8c Gerard. ' Gerard, the strongW man who ever appeared on a stage In Portland, Is the headllner'cn the -new -bill st the Orand. Gerard tosses heavy weights around as though they were paper bags. As a cli max to his act lie catches a miniature torpedo-boat, which is shot at him from a springboard. , : . . ' '.I, . ' .. Raker The Great Divide." Henry Miller's splendid success "The Great Divide" is the- attraction at' the Baker th!s week, and it Is being pre sented by a strong. New -Vork company sent out under the special direction of Mr. Miller. The role of Stephen Ghent Is most ably played by Edward Jones, as Is that of Ruth Jordan, the woman, by Ina Brooks. Mm. Carter Tonight Tomorrow. Tonight and tomorrow night at 8;15 o'clock, with 'a special price matinee tomorrow, the attraction at the. Bunga low theatre, will be the famous Amer ican emotional actress, Mrs. Leslie Car ter In Edward Peple drama of modern lire, "Vasta Herns." "Virginian" Seats Selling, Bungalow. Seats are now selling at the Bungalow theatre for "The Virginian." ' This bril liant western drama of Owen WlsUr will be the attraction at the above the atre for three nights, beginning next 1 Thursday, February 2. "A Midnight Marriage" at Portland. After proving Itself to be a magnifi cent acting company in, Its previous bills the Portland Theatre Stock com pany is more than sustaining Its repu tation this week in Hal Reld s new thrlling melodrama, "A Midnight Mar riage," which Is being, seen in Portland for the first time at the Portland the atre this week. All Enjoy Good Bill at Orphenm. J. Francis Dooley, assisted by Miss Corinne Sayles, dished out an assort ment of. entertaining patter that pleased the two packed houses at the Orpheuni yesterday. The Charles Ahearn cycling comedians offered much that' was orig inal and contributed much to the gaiety of the occasion. We Spoifgt and Press Tour Clothes, al! for $1.60 month. Main 614. A-4S14 Wagons run everywhere. Unlue Tailor ing Co.. 109 Stark. Steamer Jessie Harklns, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at t p. m. Willamette Puel Co. has the best old growth dry fir wood In the city. Call Main 1225, A-1225. Cheeks round on Ploor Three checks aggregating $10ob and a bill of lading for household goods belonging to C. K Barber, Oakland, Or., were found yes terday evening In the Kantong restau rant at 450 M Washington street. The checks are Upon the Commercial bank at Oakland. It is believed the papers fell from the man's pockets. The bills of lading show he la a . homeseeker, and came from South Norwood, Ohio. Treasury Stock Is Higher At a meet ing of the board of directors of the Eastern Oregon OH & Gas company, held In the company's office In this city yes terday. It . was voted to increase the price of the treasury stock from 30 to 60 cents a share, to take effect March 1. The directors took this action because of the Increased flow of oil In their wells in the Vale oil fields in Malheur county. Laborer Attempts Buioide Carl Han sen, a laborer living in a rooming house at First and Market streete, attempted to cut his throat yesterday afternoon but was prevented from doing so Policemen Hoseley and Welch. Ue was despondent The man was arrested and locked up In the city Jail. Dr. Oeorge T. Xoehler moved to Elec tric building. Diseases of the stomach and Intestines. Dr. M. M. Bettman, removed to eighth floor new Electric building. Diseases of the gums. Jefferson High School Books at Cas tleman's pharmacy. 126 KiUlngsworth. W. A. Wis nd associates, "painless dentists. Third and Washington. Plant Sibson's Roses. Take advantage of. every fln soell to plant Sibson's roses. Grown In the open ground, well ripened. full of fibrous roots and true to name. Sibson's roses are attaining a national reputa tion. Ordors are promptly filled. No agents. Twenty acres devoted to roses. THE SIP.SON ROSE NUR8KRIE8, 1180 Mllwaukle Ave., Portland, Or. Catalogue free. Hear . Dr. Matthews! Swiss Watch Repairing C. Christen sen, Corbett bldg., 2d fir. Take elevator. A Beiner, designer and furrier, has moved to 129 11th street, near Wash. Sr. James H. Carrlpo, Electric Bldg. Dr. Baynea, optlolan. Marquam bldg. Sr. B. O. Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam. Dr. B. A. Marshall, Electric Bldg. ftlei Cured in t ts 14 Day. Pssn Ointment It cuarmteed tn rnra anr pim of Itefalnc Hllnd, Bleeding or Protrudlnc PU in s to i oar, er money remndpa. 50c. of Seattle. PREACH THE GOSPEL TONIGHT 7:45 O'CLOCK (Doors open at 7:15.) First Presbyterian Church TWELFTH AND ALDER LARGE CHORUS CHOIR Death of Pioneer Mrs. C. A. Pates 87 Seventeenth street, 63 years old, died yesterday afternoon from cerebral hem Orrhage. She and her husband came to Oregon in' 1862 by the "overland trail Si Companp Mute pom inquiries for rintm : Telephones: Main 165, A 1165 'MERITS United States and foreign fi-hll Promised. Defended and 9LV1U rAcxno coabt rATBxrr aoebct. m Itockton. Caj. A spralhed ankle will usually disable the injured person for three or four weeks. This is due to lack of proper treatment . When Chamberlain's Lini ment Is applied a cure may be effected in three or four days. This liniment is one .of the best and most remarkable preparations in use. OBBOOB LAW SCHOOL S.T. fclch- ardson, dean. A thorough, . practical course In law; no time lost from regu lar occupation; reeltatlona evenings. Terms low. Business office 815 Com monwealth bldg. M. Morehead, Secretary Always Genuine Bargains Here! ji J 1 1 J" ' 11111 x - . -ii COR. FIFTH AND ALDER. mm. Coats? Coats? Giving Them Away for Less Than the Cost of the Material The balance of our stock of Long Coats, consisting of about 60 garments, will be. sold at slaughter prices. They are all practical for spring wear and what you will want for next fall, making a double saving. Materials are Serges, Novelty Mixtures and plain colored Broad cloths. Semi and tight-fitting backs, 50 to' 54-inch lengths. Only 60 on hand, and for quick selling we have divided them into three lots : 1 LOT 1 Former sellinzfj A af prices to $15.00 tbfiwD LOT 2 Former selling df nj prices to $25.00 Oe7e7t) LOT 3 Former sell- tf t A Ar ing prices to $35.00. . &Lit,ijQ MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED, AND AS ' THEY'LL GO FAST, BE ON HAND" EARLY. III i$& M EXECUTORS CLAIM ' $62,658 ACCOUNT : " .v ; John F. O'Shea aiu James B. O'Bhea, executors of tne estate of William O'Donnell, have presented to the county court a claim on their own account for 2.58.9S for money advanced to thi 1 ; deceased 1n his "lifetime for the pur chAse of lots 1 and I, tn block 174. The widow, executrix 'of the estate and sis ter of, the O'Sheaa, has .approved the claim. - 1 ' ' ' Perhaps Bellinger can plead that he reformed' after the disclosures were made. ' Painless Dentistry How Much Do You Pay "ASA JSP Tor Your Favorite Toilet Articles and Medicine? NOTE, OUR EVERYDAY PRICES: $1 Coke's Dandruff Cure....85 SOc Coke's Dandruff Cure..45 $1 Graham's Hair Restorer 85f $1.00 Ayer's Hair Vigor. .. .T3t $1.00 Scheffler'i Colorine. . .65 SOc Robertine, the package, 40 50c Camelline, package 40 50c Charles' Flesh I-od...45 50c Pompeiian Cream 39 75c Pompeiian Cream at... TO $1.00 Pompeiian Cream at 85 50rr Sr-mpre Giovine, sale at 45 50c Cream Rhea, our price 40 50c Cream Simon, our price 40 50c Ingrahm'a Milk Weed Cream, our price now 45 $1.00 Ingrahm's Milk Weed Lream. our price now....f 50c La Blache Face Powder 40 50c Pozzoni's Face Powder 39 25c Swandown Powder at 15 50c Graham's Kosmeo Pow der, on sale at this price, 45 25c Cuticura Soap, cake at 20 10c Williams Miaving ooap, cake, now on sale for 5 25c Williams" ShaVg Stick 20 10c Colgate's Shaving Soap 5 25c Colgate's Shav'g Stick 20 10c Bon Ami, on sale, 3 for 25 10c Sapolio, on sale, 3 for 25 50 Hazeline Snow, sale at 35 75c Murray & Lanman's Florida Water, now at... 59 50c Hind's Honey and Al mond Cream, price now.. 42 $1.00 Hind's Honey and Al mond Cream, on sale at 85 25c Frostilla, Homes', for 14 25c Espey's Cream, sale at 16 50c Espey's Cream, sale at 40 50c Pinaud's Brilliantine 33 Regular 25c Woodbury's Pa cial Cream, sale now at 22& 25c Woodbury's Fad Soap 19 $1.00 Hall's Hair Renewer 85 50c Caoiliaris. now on sale. 45 $1.00 Crani Tonic, our price 85 25c Lyon's Toth Powderat 19 25c Colgate's Tooth Powder 20 25c Sanitol Tooth Powder 20 25c Listerine Tooth Powder 20 25c Colgate's Tooth Paste 20 25c .Imperial Tooth Paste 20 25c Mennen's Talcum, now 15 25c Colgate's Talcum, now 20 $1.00 Ayer's Hair Renewer 73 $1.00 Hall's Hair Renewer 85 $1 Parker's Hair Balsam ...85 SOc, St. Jacob's Oil, sale at 41 25c St. Jacob's Oil, sale at 21 $1 Stearns' Wine Cod Liver. Oil, on sale at this price, 83 $1.00 Kodol Dyspepsia at 90 50c Kodol Dyspepsia now 45 $1.00 Borolyptol, sale now.. 90 50c Borolyptol, saje now at 45 25c Borolyptol, sale now at 22 50c Glover's Vermifuge at 45 50c Glover's Mange Cure at 45 50c Hanford's Balsam Myrrh 45 25c Hanford's Balsam Myrrh 22 $1 Kendall Spavin Cure, lb. 90 50c Kendall Spavin Cure, small, now on sale for.... 45 50c Hay's Hair Health at 40 50c Parker's Hair Balsam, : small, now on sale for.... 45 $1.00 Seven Sutherland Hair Grower, now on sale at 85 50c Seven Sutherland Hair Grower, no won sale for 45 50c Hoff's German T.inim't 45 25c Hoff's German Linim't 22 $1 Sloan's Liniment, now 90 50c Sloan's Liniment now 45 25c Sloan's Liniment now 22 50c Mexican Mustang Lini ment, now on sale for. . . .45 25c Mexican Mustang Lini ment, now on sale for.... 22 50c Cudahy's Beef Extract, 2-ounce, now on sale at 40 $1.00 Cudahy Beef Extract, 4-otince. now on sale at. 75 50c Lavoris Tooth Wash at 45 $1 Russell Emulsion at 90 50c Syrup of Figs, Calif., at 32 35c Castoria, now on sale at 20 $1 Carlsbad Sprudel Salts 83 35c Jaynes Vermifuge for 30 50c Jaynes Vermifuge for 45 25c Laxolour price is now 22 $1 Gude's Pepto Mangan at 88 SOc Chamberlain's Diarrhea 45 25c Chamberlain's Diarrhea 22 $2 Succus Alterans now 81.69 $1.50 Kennedy's Medical Dic- covery no won sale at 81.29 $1.00 Shoop's Restorative 90 $1.00 Shoop's Rheumatism 90 $1.00 Shoop's Scrofula at 90 $1.00 Wizard Oil, sale at 90 SOc Wizard Oil, our price.. 45 75c Green August Flower 65 "Wodak,. Clarke &.. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Extensive Alterations Error in Newspaper Rumor has been circulated that The Wonder Millinery Is Going to Move We wish , to positively state that The Wonder Millinery Is Not Going to Move and will be found at their old location, corner First and Morrison streets. For the past ten days our establishment has been in the hands of decorators and painters, remodeling the entire interior, and will be in a better position than ever to serve thepublic, with one of the larg est lines of Upto-Date Millinery that has ever been brought to this coast, at their Old Popular Prices. WATCH FOR OUR ADS Oot ef town pcepla ma bar thrtr pint mai brlilworll fin. 2 UhM la on 3i ,w. a. wist, I It tmm nun nntm ill im voa I 22k ee Mrci.ii ermfw $3.50 thrCrwns 5.00 22kBrH.Ttk3.50 Goij nuinr ICO Eatmtl rmint 109 SiWriUime.60 InLrFlllinw 2.60 put 5.C9 krPttM 7.50 iIMh Citr'ttM .50 WORK aUARANTKKD FOR IS YEARS FitnlcM utraotioa res wha Plata or brldM wf Ibordarad. OonmlUtion Viae. Tna cannot (tat bMtne ' aalnlm worn anna any wnara. jtuworK luurrwiH auteU lioderaalarUioaqulpntaat. BaatmnUxxa, Wise Dental Co; rj.rr.Txa DmLonn ' J? C."T?"1. ' bidwh.8i. PORTLAND, OREGON omoi " -u. tt it. n. luttri, $ui. A NEW DEPARTURE Tha cost of tntarments hv bean sremtly reduced by the Holman Undertaking company. Heretofore It haa been th cuatom of funeral director to make chargea for all Incidental! connected with a fu neral. The Edward Holman Undertaking- company, the leading funeral di rectors of Portland, have departed from that cuatom. When caaket Is furnlahed by ua we make no extra chargea for embalming, hearae to cemetery, outside box or any aervlcea that may be re quired of ua, except clothing, cemetery and carriages, thu effecting a saving of $28 to 171 on each funapsL THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. t30 TKHUD IT. COB. OAXACOH. CATALOGUES, BOOKLETS AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT REASONABLE PRICES - Independent Printing Co. 243 Ash Strwf PHONES: MAIN OR A 2382 Tj) . ; AMUSEMENTS SEATS SELLING Sherman-Clay MME. SCHUMANN-HEINK TOMORROW EVE. 8:15 ARMORY PRICES $1.0091.50 92.0092.50 BUNGALOW Phone THEATRE lath as Morrison Main 117 and A-4224. Tonight 8:16 Tomorrow Night Special Price Mat. Tomorrow America's Greatest Emotional Actress UBS. X.S8I4E OAJtTEB In Erlward Ptiple'a Drama "VASTA KERXrai" Kvenlngs. $2 to 75c; Matinee. 11. 80 to 80c SEATSALEOPENSTODAY b rnra A ik) w tssatbb NIGHTS. BeKlnnlng NEXT THURS DAY, ftpwlal price Mntlnee Saturday, Kirk La Shelle Co. Presents Owen Wla- ter'a Great Western prama. the vutonriAJr" Evenings $1.80 to 60c. Matinee, $1 to 28o Portland Theatre Russell Drew, Managers. Xnaaell as Drew Offer Their Own PORTLAND THKATRB STOCK CO.! Preentlng for the rirat time In Port land the Great Spectacular Melo dramatic Sucr-esa bv Hal Reld, "A MXD1TX0HT HABBIA.OZ" Popular price Matlneea, adults, 28c to to all parts of the houae; ehlldren 10c Night, sue, oc, 80c and 20c. nslTD rnCSTDC Mais 2. A-6J80 Uanift lULHISb Geo. I Baker, Mgr. Tonight. AH Week. Bargain Matinee Wednesday. 28e. Henry Miller's Select Company in TEX OUAT DmDE The aueress of two rontlnenta: 600 nlghta In New York. Evenlnga, 25e, 60c, 75c, $1; Saturday Maiineo, 26c, ouc. Next Week The Lion and the Mouse. The Addition With Character LOTS YESTERDAY O FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11. $60,000 o Total Salei for Febrnary Will Ron Over 9300.000 O Most of the sales in Laurel hurst are to people who now own their own home else where in Portland. They plan to build their permanent nomes in lauremuisi. we can furnish you a large, list of these. o Building operation in Lau- relhurst will start on a tre mendous scale with the open ing of Spring. Plans for at least 60 homes are at present under way. o Contracts for every im provement to be made in Laurelhurst have been award ed and all improvements will be finished by August 1st. ASPHALT STREETS , 9-FOOT PARKWAYS CLUSTER LIGHTS CEMENT WALKS SHADE TREES WATER SEWER GAS ETC. o Montavilla or Rose City Park cars; both lines run to and through the property. Prices will positively be ad vanced March IS. Lois Now Selling From $1000 Up 10 PER CENT CASH 2 PER CENT MONTHLY 522-526 Corbett Building. Phones Main 1503, A-1515. alCi(ft ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE. "THE THBIE YOSOAAYS," i Europe's Most Sensational Acrobatic ! Comiquen. Bern Brandt, Dave and Parol Martin, In white, Davis ft WAlker, Don Pablo, : pantag-eaoope. FOUB SUtLXVAir BSOTHEBS. America's Greatest Singers and Dancers. KAXir 8, A-1030 MAT. ETSBY DAI 15-35-600 Wighta 16-86-50- WEZK i irur i rnn T8o rEB. 31. 1I1CA1KE ADVANCED VATTDEVTI.I.E tottia Wllllama and Company, Preaent- ! ing- "On Strong; aronod," Headliner. QRhD week peb. at." ! llerrtilran Idol, ! OEBASD In stn-r'-ling and ; sensr tionnl feats. Hon-. and Alice I Taylor. .viatlnee every day, 2:30; any seat, 15c. Evening performances, 7:.10. 9:15; bal cony, lac: lower floor, 25c; box seats, ! SOc. KM Xa7 Dolph and Susie Levino. Hathaway tc Selffel. Abble MltcnalL Browning- Sj Itrb. uranaoacopa. The Wonder Millinery COR. MORRISON AND FIRST STS. Boston Dentists The beat la the cheap est no students. Our methods safe and reli able. We work for half the charge made by other high class den tists. Examination free, extracting free, and painless: Come to day." see ua. save money. The BOSTON ... nnnnaKa U.U. JOl IP, nlr - 3 . office. Open evenings until 9 and Sun-J days untlb!2:30 for people who woricT 1 lrmMmmmmm . n1 it- II 1 T. ' ' fil lip I L4W ijIWrst LAUlMlllST i fliinciWuiincT LMUntLynUiiJI n