THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, : PORTLAND, TUESDAY- EVENING, FEBRUARY 22,. 1910. GAHG OF ITALIAH . COUNTERFEITERS GCT LONG TERMS Steve Conneli, Secret Service Operative, fells of 'Trailing Them' and of How They Op- . erated in the East. Steve Conneli, superintendent of the north western dlvialon of 1 the United .State aerret service, with headquarters in Port land. In on Interview today brlnKn nrar home the conviction of iRnaolo I.upo, Guleejipe Morel and lx other Ilnllnn counterfeiters. In Mew York SHturduy, and tells of trailing the gang. .Federal Judge Ray, In United States circuit court, Saturday, sentenced Lupo to serve 30 years In the penitentiary and fined him, $1000. Morele. known as Morelle, was sentenced ta 25 years. Others got 'from- 16 to 18 years each. The sentences were the heaviest ever "Ijnposed on counterfeiters In the history of the country. ' ' - Lupo Was Z.dr. "Iupo was known as "The Hull' and ns The Wolf.1" said Mr. Connell. "He led the khi. which did not confine Its efforts to counterfeiting, but also en gfRed In Black Hand Oie ration a. Mo relle was known In the 'Italian quarter as 'The Fox' and among the officers ;is 'Three Fingered Jack." Two fingers of one hand were missing. "The gang oprrnted for years. First a $5 national hank note nf the Ismie of tli National Iron bank of Morristown, N. J., was put In circulation. The counter felt notes were made In Italy. Strange means of clrculHtlng the notes were taken. Members of the gang made fre quent tilps to Kurope. Rpturnlng by HteHmer, they would go among the steer-J age passengers and exchange their money for the counterfeit Morrlstown not' s, charging a rate of exchange lower tlian (lie banks. "Jn Gl.'ivonnl Agnonne was ar rested for circulating the counterfeit Morrlstown notes on shipboard, was Lfir convicted and Is now serving out a sen- sengera on one of the liners he got sev ernl thousand dollars In exchange for Morrlstown notes. Twelve of the notes were presented for payment at a Mul berry Bend saloon by passengers. Bad Votaa PleaflfuL The Influx of counterfeit notes vns reported by the saloonkeeper. Agnonne was arrested 'in the saloon In which the notes were passed. - "When he was searched we found 3700 lire which he had ohalned In exchange for the notes, and a number of pieces of the counterfeit currency. Agnonne was a steamship agent of New Haven, Conn. I knew Lupo and Morelle well. Lupo has been charged with being di rectly responsible for the assassination of Lieutenant Petrosino, the New York Italian detective. During the time he was charged with being implicated In the famous 'barrel mystery" In New Yqrk I was wltn. the New .vYork secret service.. ,"., ,. w . '"We had broken up the circulation of the Morrlstown note, but the counter feiters had got hold of a $2 and $5 note, also made In Italy. We were hot on their trail, and arrested Lupo and Morelle several times, but because of the fear felt for them by other Italians we were unable to convict. Feared Mafia, "It was while we were working hard to break up the gang that we arrested and convicted an Italian of the name of Kusso for passing the counterfeit notes. Later we discovered he had been forced to do so through fear of the Mufta. He was -sent to Sing Sing prison. His son, Gatlno Russo, was an Intelligent Italian and lived In Pitts burg, Pa. Hearing of the arrest and conviction of his rather he first visited him In prison. The father probably told him of the operations of the gang. "At any rate, Russo .Jr. went to New York ana interviewed Morelle and Lupo. We believed he threatened to expose them. Our men who were on watch during the day, noted that he was being wined and dined and feted. Toward midnight all retired. "About 5 o'clock the next morning, a woman walking dowr Avenue D saw a barrel, with a coat thrown over the top. standing In the roadway. When she pulled the coat from the barrel, she gasped at the head and trunk of a man, one severed from the other, crammed in the compartment. Identify Knsao. . "Later In the day the secret service operatives Identified the man as Russo, who had been drinking with I,upo, Mo relle and others of the gang the day be fore. The trunk was, filled with stiletto wounds. The barrel was traced to a grocery store where Lupo and his gang WRITES OF THE IDLE RICH '."'. -V ; jf1' ' ' 1 X. ' V - ,v - I : "W'V , , , , . " ; , 1 'w : x i .-." V J : 4. ' j : - ' 3 v ? ;.,'" t "v y f x i I Si ' i ' 1 r " sff ,f 'vJ i i rT,f f 'i 'V " ' fivi r Frederick Townsend Martin. (Publlaber' Prest Leased Wire.) New York, Feb. 22. Frederick Town send Martin, the well known society man of this city, who has Just made a tour of the country to learn the pre vailing sentiment In regard to the United States- buying Its embaswi s In the vari ous Kuropean capital. Is completing a remark.iJile book which soon will be published under the title of "The Paus ing of the Idle Rich" Mr Martin 1h well qualified to write on this subect. and his book Ik awaited with Interest QUEER DANCES ill 111 MAY BE BARRED However, License Committee Declines to Revoke License of Notorious Dancehall. The "moonlight glide,'" the "turkey walti" and the "rag step" may be barred from dance halls by ordinance as the result of the, refusal of the license com mittee of the city council yesterday af ternoon to revoke the license of the Ma ple Leaf, a notorious 5 cent dancing pa vilion on upper Washington street. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, head of the department of public safety for women, an auxiliary of the police department, asked Mayor Simon some weeks ago If he could not bring about the closing of the cheap dance halls of the city. The mayor, upon the perusal of reports from the police and from Mrs. Baldwin, prom ised to aid In suppressing the terpsl choreRn resorts. He gave orders for the .police to In spect there places carefully and report to him. They did and their reports were submitted to the license committee yes terday, but the proprietor of the Maple Tjeaf came down to the city hll and made a tearful plea. Councilman Wallace then asked Dep uty City Attorney Grunt to draft an or dinance proscribing the dances which were mentioned and which are Said to be immoral and shocking, even to the police. mm mi rnn in rioi a 6 YEARS OF AGE Tastes Good but Trade Mark Leads to Its Former Habi tation and Ownership. made their headquarters. A pawnticket for the dead man's watch, which had been pawned the morning following the murder, was found In the possession of one of the members of the gang. Not withstanding the preponderance of evl uence, none oi tne members or the sang were convicted by the police. Three members of the gang have since been killed by friends of the dead man. "With the conviction of Lupo, Morelle and the others the niosi dangerous Italian counterfeiting and Black Hand gang In the United States has been broken up." Fermentation of Food Causes Stomach Sickness Mi-o-na Relieve All Distress in a Few Minutes Cure Chronic' Indigestion. That lump of lead at pit of stomach will meit away, and all stomach dis tress will vanish in five minutes when Mi-o-na stomach tablets are taken. If you have stomach trouble, no mat ,ter from what cause,-always remember that Ml-o-na stomach tablets will cleanse and renovate your stomach, and put It in fine shape quicker than any thing else In the world. If you belch gas, have heartburn, or sour stomach, you need Ml-t-na. If your stomach feels rebellious after a night of sociability, two Mt-o-na tablets will hold it down where it belongs. V If you have shortness of breath, pain j In stotnach, waterbrash, or foul hreath, you need Ml-o-na, and the sooner you get it the sooner your stomach will be in "perfect condition. Ml-o-na is guaranteed to cure Indi gestion or any stomach .trouble, or money back. It Is not a makeshift rem edy, but is a stomach tonic and up bulldar that, taken regularly, will make the Btomach strong and healthy. It builds -tip th nerves, puts rich blood In the veins, and stops headaches and all nervousness. Try Ml-o-na stomach tablets for any stomJKh trouble; they wfll never disap point you they,, never fall. Price Is only 50 cents for a large box at drug gists everywhere, and at Woodani. Clarke & Co. Mall orders filled bv Booth's Mi-o'-na, Buffalo, X. Y. Booth's Plll for constipation, 25c. (Cntted Press Leased Wlre.l Seattle,. Feb, 22 EggB fl,!x years old re not usually accounted .delicacies, but William Wooley'of Green Iake ate such ai: egg and today declares it was as fresh as any he ever tasted. In purchasing a dozen "fresh ranch eggs'" from his grocer two; weeks -.egoV Mr. Wooley noticed one with a mbher stamp Impression rending, "Mary Beebe, Aber g ndie. Pa." He noticed part of the "M" In Mary was indistinct. Curious to know the early history of the hen nery product he- wrote to Pennsylvania ami received the following reply: "I have your letter about the eng. and I hardly know whether you are In earnest or not. I hnve not been' In the ee;g business for six years. I was a girl when I sold stamped eggs to the wholesaler Iictc and I have been mar ried and have five children since theij, wtilch aro keeping me busy, 1 can tell you. I supposejt miiKt have been treat ed by the methods of some enterpris ing produce dealer. I will thank you If you will notice that part of the "M" is mashed. If It is. It Is my stamp, and the egg is six or more years old. Please let me know about this and I will have it put in every home paper." SENTENCED TO PRISON FOR THREE YEARS Throe years In the penitentiary was the sentence Imposed on Costanzo Raf faelo by Judge IJronaugh Ui the circuit court yesterday afternoon, Raf faelo having pleaded guilty last week to the charge of assault with a danger ous weapon on l'asqunh- Serafino. Judge Rronaugh said he was unable to Kraut a parole because of the circum stances of the case. Serafino was .shot twice by Raffaelo on November lit, dur ing the progress of a quarrel. The court said that there-is po excuse for carrying a gun, especially In a city, and such a practice is to be discouraged Iff the courts when gun users come before them. . :.-' ' -jV- AFTER TWO YEARS, TOLEDO MILL RESUMES (Special DlKpnteh to The Journal.) Toledo, qr., Feb. 22. The Fir and Spruce Sawmill company resumed opera tions Monday morning, after an Idleness of two years. The capacity of the mill Is 60.000 feet a day. It employs 30 men. The logging railroad and camps em ploy about to men. The company has ordered a SO ton locomotive and two donkey engines. 5 to 10 limtlV closer in t5wptnci residence frddifrfoiy now oisaJe 7kAe ftoje QtyPark orMoutavilla carj to i, Prcperpr 07ce onroundf. . KnumoratOi'S for Albany Chosen. (Special Hlspntch to The Journal. ) Allianv Or.. Feb. 22. Actinir imon authority delegated by F. J. Hendricks, I'nlted States census director for the First district of Oregon, and choosing from a list of names of H persons who on February 3 passed the exRmJjintion for census enumerators, the board of directors of the Albany Commercial club on Saturday evening elected .1. Oolns, P. R. Conn, J. Powell and J. W. Fongcr as enumerators for Albany, Price and East and West .Albany. A SIMPLE HOME REMEDY Tba New Btmedy, Salgrana, for Khan- ' tnatlim and Kidney Trouble, . Dally J Growing- more Popular. Olive oil Is an old and tested, remedy i for almost all kinds and all classes of : diseases. Salgrene mixed with four i ounces of olive oil makes an invaluable remedy for lumbago, kidney trouble and ' rheumatism. It Is especially rs-com- I mended in rases of kidney trouble, as it contains absolutely no alcohol, alco hol being irritant to the ; kidney s. J-nil directfoiia will be ouiwj on tiulllu. Journal ai:t &tf bii.i iCouiUJ. iam.iyBu.uii m... PARIS GUESS AT COST OF LIVING ' . - .' V ' I I -. Attributes It to TariffDefeat of G.0. P. at Nexj Elec tion Predicted. Purls, Feb. 22. beading politicians here who have watched the trend of political cvepla In the I'nlted States de clare that they bellevo the present high coat of living; In America to be due to the recent . tariff law passed by the conpress of the I'nlted States., Incidentally Parisian dallies have predicted the def,.at of the Republican party at the next general election In the I'nlted States because of the enactment of the tariff. -Moreover, tile paper as sert' that In ease of a tariff war with the Fhlted States France will not be hluffed Into giving the minimum tariff rMes to America, as was (Jerniany. A prominent dally declares that a tariff war with France would serve to emphasize the Iniquities of thw Ameri can tariff and would change the com plexion of the house of representatives at the coming election." The declarations of the papers are assumed to represent the government's .attitude and indicate, that a settlement of the tariff difficulties between the na tions Is highly Improbable. - Don't Neglect Your V Kidneys and Bladder Symptoms Such as: These Al most Surely Mean Kidney and Bladder Disease. Painful, lame aiid aching back, rheu matic twinges and shooting, knlfe-Hke pains in the back and groin, dull dragr glng weariness. Inability to stoop over or trt lift anything, nausea, faint spells. heart palpitation and weakness, sedi ment In urine, scalding sensation, etc. When you observe any of these symp toms, as above, (ou may res'! assured that It Is very dangerous to neglect them. So dangeroim, In fact, are dis eases of the kidneys and bladder, that they frequently terminate In death with little warning to the victim. The extremely fatal character of hese maladies Is due to I he uric acid poison In the system which the weak and ailing Kidneys and bladder cannot xpel. And when uric acid is allowed to remain in the system It (cads, sooner or later, to Rrave conditions DeWltt's Kidney and Itladder pills have quickly and effectually removed all conditions which, lead to these alarm- f n r HUnoaa, in i h Oil (! II H Hm t , f rUfl, where these pills ha vo been given a trial. fhey are wonderfully prompt and ef ficacious In action thoroughly, attti- siptlc, soothing and heHJing, and contain no opiates or narcotics. ' K. C. DeWItt & Co.. Chicago, iy want every man and woman wno nave t,. least suspicion that they are afflicted with kidney and bladder dlseasea to at once write them, and a trial box of these Pills will be sent free by return mail postpaid. lib it today. Fashionable Spring Merchandise Now Shown in Every Department of the Store Spring Silks Newest Wool Fabrics Spring Corsets Spanish Scarfs Pellard Suits Forsythe Waists French Ueilings A rmenian Handkerchiefs Chinese Embroideries SILK ELEGANCE AND EXCELLENCE are expressed in every style shown in our great display. Exquisite Paris Fou-' lards. Only one dress pattern of a kind. Beautiful Shantungs, Indros, Diagonals and Cachemeres in all the shades of flowers and fruits. FOREIGN FABRICS TAKE THE LEAD THIS SEASON. Priestley's English Wide-Wale Diagonals, Men's Suitings from Holland, Whip Cloths and Woolen Shantungs from France, Bara thea Cloths, woolen materials that closely resemble silks in weaves. All in exquisite colorings. OF WHAT VALUE IS YOU$ GOWN WITHOUT THE PROPER FIGURE? Don't hesitate to select your corset now. Every new model demanded by fashion is shown in our store. Expert corsetieres to fit you properly in Nemo, Smart Set, W. B., La Vida and C. B. Corsets. SPANISH LACE SCARFS are very strong in public favorl In fact, the demand is greater now than it has been for years. To meet this demand we have received an entirely new stock of ex quisite scarfs in a great range of prices. THIS INGENIOUS FRENCHMAN SEEMS TO HAVE OUTDONE HIMSELF IN THIS SEASON'S SUITS. Every day for the past week we have received shipments. If the ex-f pressions of approval of our salespeople are echoed by the custom-.-ers, these garments should not rest here long. THE NAME ALONE IS NECESSARY. The name alone guarantees the acme of perfection in fit, style and cut. Year after year competition strives to wrest the laurels away from Forsythe. Year after year Forsythe Waists retain their eminence with women of refinement. NOTHING INSIPID - LOOKING IN VEILS FOR THIS SPRING. There is a dash of attractiveness to the veils that none other than a Frenchman could give them. The prettiest meshes yet conceived are now being shown in our Veiling Department. Black and colors. WE ARE SHOWING SOME NEW ARMENIAN HAND KERCHIEFS that have just arrived. We. supposed our former values could not be surpassed. This shipment comes from an other importer. To get our business he made us special induce ments. They are the best values we've ever seen for 35c and 50c FASCINATING ORIENTAL COLOR COMBINATIONS IN QUAINT CHINESE DESIGNS, in bands, squares and cir cles, embroidered on colored silks and satins. Beautiful gifts in dozens of novel articles. See our great display. Bound to be of intefest. zssc Our Policy In the Sale ot Meaii - kali - etc Mountain" Not a word will be allowed in an advertisement that in any way conveys a false impression. No salesman will be permitted to make statements that are untrue or promises that are unauthorized.. The natural beauty of Neah-kah-nie Mountain is so over whelmingly superior to any other on the Oregon coast that it would be difficult for any one to exaggerate it in advertis ing or conversation. In the illustrations that vll be used in advertising Neah-kah-nie Mountain, a feature will be observed that has been somewhat ignored by other companies not a picture will be shown, save those actually taken on the property or taken of it from another point. Neah-kah-nie is picturesque. Gifford spent two weeks on the. property, vowing that he could spend three times as long and still not be able to exhaust the subjects at hand. Gifford's pictures are on exhibition at our office daily. Many of them have been enlarged and show a portion of the Oregon coast that has been overlooked for many years. Call and see the pictures. J. W. Ferguson, Jr.. 209-210-211 Board of Trade Building 4 I' .1 - :