THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 22, 1910 NOTICES. -.iE-'aJ ..!.,.! , HU 21 -'houses fou kes't. ; ' .-FUKXITURK -VOll SALE 8? FOR SALE Almost new Mission hard wood furniture of 6 rooms, complete for housekeeping; includes sewing ma .chlne.; house for rent; (join cast; mut liell before Wednesday. 1086 Gladstone. ave, Take, W-W car to gBth ft. MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE. Fin locality, sent $2ft;,tw6 rooms rent for $22; A-l furniture. For quick SHlo will sacrifice. Terms or trade. , EKE OWNER, US 10th St. : BAItaAlNFurnituie '14 rooms, house keeping, largo yard, trees, cheap rent, lease, walking distance, good location. Main 9053. after 1." Owner, $.376 cash, 'furniture of 7 room. Rood condition, paying business, rent 130; wish to .move to own residence. 64 9 Vi . Morrison. . i . - FURNITURE of 6-rooro fiat private boarding douse, modern in every re spect. 188,4 .12th. 6 block from Port- land hotel. . .' FURNITURE of 11 roonia, excellent con dition, rent $60; 9rooms. rent', f of 1111: $600 cash, balance terms. F-403. journal, :' ' FURNITURE of five rooms: Rugs. curtains, picture's. dishes,'' wood, etc. Rent $10. paid to March. Going east; mian, 1150, I486 E. Everett st FURNITURE of S rootji cottage "for sale; rent $22.60, Call 90 lOtti st Cottage c lose, in, near 12th and Wash ington sts. , '-. ; ' FURNITURE-J-Must be sold for stor age. Now Holman'-, corner Front and Burnside. owner, 11 12th St., suite 2. TFURNlTt'RE of modern 5 room flaf for sale: in first-class Montgomery Flat A. condition. Main 7668. 804 j HOr.SES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 Ho r se s, Ha me s s. a nd Wagon ' For' Sale . - We have eeveraV good farm horses, both large and email, also some .good young;- stock from to 10 years old, wt, U00 to 1606; 2 small-farm Wagons. 10 buggies, 9 delivery wagons, 3 coun try hacks', t carta, 3 set double harness, one 4 ton furnilura wagon, 2 canopy top surreys. Hawthorne Stables, 420 Haw? tliornn sve. ... ALL. kinds of borst-s for sale. Empire Stables, 12th -and Jefferson sts LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY S3 TWO fresh Durham cows, very largo, " rich milkers. 666 B. Main, " Ktirt 6306. MONLlf TO LOAJT TUB CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchild bldg., corner 4th and Washington The recognised bank of the waste eirner., A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist - Jnirtnat nr ..mnlove can ob tain money o? us on hii note without CO security. $15 return to us.- $30 return 1B0 return confidential; no unpleasant inquiries, Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc. to us..,.,;, $ 4.00 month to us...,; . .$ 8.00 a month to us.. ....$18.86 a month IS fresh dairy cows for sale. Apply W, M. Helton. La (Renter, yvaali. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 T Chas. ., E. York. Cand ' Instruments and Muslo House, Repairing, exchange. 88H Sd st. .: FOR SAL UTOMOBILKS 44 KNbX. the -faatesfr stock car In the world! Mollne, the best car made for" the money. We' also1 have a number of four cylinder cRrs slightly used but In first class, condition left here for. us to sell at real bargain prices. WESTERN AUTO CO., 631 Alder st SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. 810 . . TO $ 1 09 - CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACP TO .' BORROW MONET. ' : . 'ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL i HOURS 8 A M. TO P. M. ' , VWED. AND SAT. TO 8 P. M. V ,-' STATE SECURITY CO., ' .' 808 FAILING BLDG. - J FOR PALE frU&CELLAftEOL'S 19 FURXISIIED HOUSES 88 COTTAGE-Well furnished. 7 rooms, $27.60 month: or lower floor, 4 large rooms, $20. ; West side river. ' Apply 864 N. 26th.; W car from depot. Sd-or Morrison to 86th, block north. tyOULD rent furnished 6 room house to party without children. Willing te board coupler.' Sunnyslde carllne, A-439. Journal, FlVE room house, well furnished; large ' yard, lawn, fruit trees, bath and elec tric lights: on carllne; $26. Including waterf Woodlawn ?49T7 '"" Wl:LL furnished cottage, 4 rooms, $2 month. Apply 864 N, 2th; W. car from depot on Sd. or Morrison to 26th, piocK north. steel ln- ,. PLEASURE LAUNCH FOR SALE. 2734 ft. hull, hardwood decks, 8 h. p., 2 cylinder 4 evele Palmer engine, speed 10 miles. Complete equipment. Includr Jng chairs, life preservers, tools of axil kinds, chain blocks lights, etc. Fine boathouse. Outfit invoices $966. Will sell tor $676 cash. No trades consid ered. This is an excellent buy for someone wanting a pleasure boa t for the coming season. East 1062, or ad dress C-428, Jeurnal. , HUTTON CREDIT CO. 618 Dekiim Bldg. ARE YOU IN NEED OF MONBYT We loan on' household goods, ' pianos, Salaries or any good - SWURITT, " ; Our rates, are ns LOW as it is possible to make them with a fair remuneration for our . . - , . ' . I v'i . SERVICES. , . Call at our office. An interview costs Nothing. ' Acquaintance encourages Dum ness and creaks . , - - J t CONFIDENCE. 612 Veikum Bldg. - Phone Main 286. , ; t BUY for cash either first or second mortgages or seller's equity In con tracts of sale on real estate In Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble. Lumber- rhen s bldg. r . ' FURNISHED cottage; gas and range; no children, $21; water eluded, 1014 Orand ave.. North. SEVERAL -nicely furnished flata and houses on Ooddard Co. sides of river for rent. so several unfurnished. FOR RENT FLATS 18 $22 60 MODERN 6 room flat, large. light rooms. 207 McMillen St., 8 blocks north Steel bridge. FOUR room flat, bath, modern, Van couver ave. and Cherry, walking dis tance. Phone A-3376. 'OR RENT 4 room modern flat, 1 clock from steel bridge; fine river ew. 284 Margin st. MOTORS FOR SALE. 1 General Electric motor, 60 cycles, 8 horsepower, Sao vol ts, alternating car rent, speed 1R00. Price $76. 2 General Electrlo motors, 60 cycles. 4 h.p.. 410 volts, alternating 'current. Price $35 each: ell. In first class con dition, phone Main 7172, or box H-414. Journal. -j FOR SALE First class portrait out fit, 11x14 camera, extra long bellows for copying and enlarging; all neces sary accessories. Will sell very cheap If taken in a few days. D. ' B., care The Journal. Oregon City. Or. NEW modern flat, gene st. NUMBER of articles I want to dispose - of; . Bedroom furniture, carpets, cook stove, extension tablo and chairs, sani tary couch, gas range, machine, bath tub, linoleum, wardrobe, 40-qt. ice cream freegor. S85 E. Alder st. tOR SALE High grade Weber grand square piano in first class condition at your own price: maka me an offer, as I have no place for it; cash or terms. W. Ij. ISaSil, 288, K.v 3Bth-St. B-2813. LOANS WANTED 80 WANTED $3000 on a farm worth 87000. S years time, straight 7 per cent, lio commission.-fnene rJeiiwooa bzb. ,XOST AND FOUND 21 WE will pay one Dollar Reward for . the business addresses of each of the following: Mrs.' Edward . LittlepSge, Lillian Bauman, Mrs. J. D. Hlckox, John Henderson. Clara. A. Berg. .Anton Cloud, Lottie Segur, as It will be to their advantage. Mercantile Protective Association, 301-802 Commercial block. STOLEN One bay buggy horse, white star in forehead, hind feet white, brand F on left shoulder. Taken to gether with buggv from 147 7th st, botween - Alder and Morrison. Finder will please return to Portland Gas jfc. coKe co., Btn yamnui. rlyf full i) 1 and ndlfeet, to name VUot Scotch Collie dog, near crown: color. Sable (brown white, long nose, white collar and long hair, bushy tail; answers to name of ' Mascot." - Liberal . reward Phone Main 6956, Home A-3811. or return tC) LADY'S gold walch and gold fob, Sun day evening between 7 p. m. and 8:30 n. m. on Morrison st. between St. Charles I hnteJ and Grand ave. Liberal reward If I returned to S7fli4 E. Morrison, room 88. Inquire 314 Vi Eu- FOR RENT 6 room modern flat, quire 48 Park st. In- APARTMENTS 43 KENTUCKY apartments, furnished or unfurnished, nice 4 room corner, apart ment, steam heat, both phones. B-2616 nnd East 387. Take East Ankeny car. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 TWO unfurnished housekeeping room for rent; all conveniences, children; rent $10. Main 742. 334 Sherman. BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS, only standard machines for travelers, $40, $50. We are the only authorized dealers In northwest N. iS'. Hayter Co., 90 6th St., Portland. Main 6528. Phone LOST lady's gold watch, Initials "F. L. C." on case, "I nivcrslty of Oregon jiz' rob. f lnaer can wooaiawn Reward. MOTORCYCLES and bicycles, new and second hand, bur, sell, exchange, ' re pair. Agencies for Tnor and Yale M6tor cycles. Apex Bicycle Cc--. 12s 12th.-A-8806. FOR SALi; Genuine Spitx pup, 44 months old, trained. Room 69, Gayosa Apartments, Grand ave. and East Stark st. R. S. MOTORCYCLE, "America s Best Recycle bicycles; motorcycles and bi cycles repaired. Rydman Bros., 308 Oak. STORES AND OFFICES 11 FIRST class outside office rooms for rent In new building; steam heat, electric and gas light, with Janitor eerv. Ice. N. B. cor. 8d and Madison. FOR REHT. half store, close in. cheap rerft, iwe of phone. .. Suitable for dressmaking- or some clean business. Phone East 1040. CORNER store, Fifth and Flandeis,8ts., suitable for saloon. Will lease. Parrlsh, Watklns & Co.. 260 Alder st. LARGE front window In store, fine lo cation for Jeweler or optician; rent reasonable. 409 East Burnside. STORES in brick building on Fifth and Flanders sts. Will lease. Parrlsh. Watklns & Co., 250 Alder st. STORE, 593 Washington st., i.r.x40, reasonable rent, good for various puslnes. Knqulre 450 6th. ... Travis & Gleason Fuel Co. 451 Hawthorne. East 202, B-2020. FACTORY rebuilt typewriters $20 to $60, rental terms. Main 8670. North west Typewriter Co., 222 Ablngton bldg. SEE our drag saws; get our prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. Phone East 1525. M. Snider. SNAP 8 acres. West Oregon City, ,clo8iJ to car,- all Improved, $4000; part cash. A-436, Journal. FOR SALE 2 'Fit sob. Yerrets; cannot be beat for raw. 625 Killingsworth ave. Phone Woodlawn 829. . vviiLL known family -will sell at hai? price, swell baby cab. Phone A-10S6.' NOTICEDALLES CITY IMPROVE- xl , MENT .BONDS. . Notice Is hereby given that a council meeting of the common council of Dalles city, which will be held in the council chambers In ' the city hall at Dalles City Wasco county. Or., on the 16lh day of March, 1910, at 8 o'clock, p. m., sealed bids wilDbe considered for the purchase of an issue of $21,600 of Dalles City Improvement bonds, said is" sue. to consist of forty-three coupon bonds of the par 'alue of $500 each, and said bonds are dqe and payable in 10 years from the date thereof in gold coin of the United States and bears in terest at the 'rate of 9 per cent per annum, due semi-annually, said inter est being evidenced by cupons attached to said bonds and said bonds to provide further that Dalles City shall have the right to take up and cancel each, any and all of them on payment, at any an nual cupon period at or after one year from the date of such bond or bonds. Bids will be received by the under Signed, treasurer of Dalles City, for the Whole or any pa-t of said issue of said bonds, but no bid will be accepted for any of said bonds for less than the face value and accrued Interest from the date thereof to the date of payment therefor by such nuchaser. The com mon council of Dalles City reserves the right to reject any and all bids for said bonds or any "part thereof. Each bid submitted for said bords or any part thereof shall be accompanied by certified check for 6 per cent of the amount of the bid so submitted, the ssme to be forfeited in case the bid of said bonds or any part thereof shall no accented, ir tne person making such bid shall fall to pay' for or receive said bonds for which said bid is accepted. Said cheTk should be mode payable to the treasurer of Dalles City and all bids accompanied by check, as afore said, should be submitted to treasurer of Dalles City prior to meeting of the common council as above stated and set fortti. .-. Dated at Dalles. City On, this 11th day of February, 1910. KL KURTZ, .. - - - Treasurer of Dalles City. PUBLIC DANCING MR. '. MRS. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL (formerly Bertha Becketts). Allsky Mrig., 3d and Morrison sts. Class every Saturday evening; private lessons daily; waltz and two step guar anteed In FOUR lessons. " A-K18B. ' '. 0 DETECTIVE AGENCY P.OOM3 804-6 Merchants' ' Trust bldg. Phone Main 8911. All classes detec tive work guaranteed. Chas. A. Ten nant, manager. A-7173. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY - Alphabetically Arranged for the Convergence ef journal Readers. A dollar wisely Invested In Portland real estate today means dollars 0 the Investor In the near future. I'ortlsnd Is, yet In Its Infahey. No city on the Pscif to coast hss a brighter future. Extensive developments are now In progress. Valuable Information cud be obtained from any of the be low named realty dealers. ' - . ' . ELECTRICAL SLTI'LIES PACIFIC Electrlo Engineering Co. Motors, for rent er rl. XI i 2d St. ELECTRO! fSlS isfc.SM MOLFB. wrinkles, supvrfluout hair re moveo. airs. AJ. d. Hill, 4ZS flieanvr. FURNITURE REPAIRING REPAIRING, reflnlnhlng,, polishing yniim, i" yrars in cny. r-iasi GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and marina; electric equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and recall; engine repairing, ftelorson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. XEATRKR & FINDINGS Bikers A. A. i ......... .V,'.1.". . ........ . . Blior I. v.. City r.rm Property.. t ii UnmpilBr.,. AliDnKSS .. . , TEI.EVFIONB .212 Ablngtoa RMg .'. , . . . . . . M it I n !!; AJtf .80:) forbflt Bids..... A-4AUU Mla 7101 ..110 hrrond Ht , .M-ls and A-2.. 'l Bp.hMkpr Brnmllct. ..'. V.. ...... .602 Uvtitf Wlf . . . . . WJnrtnof Hi'lgbt. Mils Butturwartb-atPiibMMoa Compaar, Inc.. ......... tsS Ufuettt; Bldg ....BtU sod W.ufc. Mais Hy;'l took Co. B. ...MS torbett Bid .,Wlo K A-Sw,. Chopin Brlow...t , a:U Cbaniber ol Commerce. M.ln Irt a nd YokoB ..BeltwniHl Bvl ....... w r n. ri v r -. . w, .... kai, i nonairoes). .....nocntw.. -no iukoh Hirt A Kursbiill. Farm. rt Proomt......Roin T. 2ft014 Aid" ;'"' u-rK a. (tuionicnnou).. v l.uii mug aims u Kniipp Marky T Cbumber ..f Commerce.,... Mull end Ji'ii i ,.'fn 00 ! H AblHftoo Bldg r VWIa 8 Mill Voo Boml.)! 104 Srtoud 6t ,.Mla and A-14 ; Oregon rtenl R.tite Co., The ,, Orand At, and Mult3omB....Kt e7. C-I7n B. , 204 Hlsrk Bt Mala 8Pi. A-2WJ gh fld. J. If...... , aiS Oerllimtr' Bids.... .....Ml S4X 8lln, D. C , Corner 7ih and fi. Belmont ....Tabar 14 Tbmnpaon. M. m. C0....1 Henrr Bldg., 4lb-0k .Hals SOW. A-Sa'-T w""r. T. M04 Corbett Bids MataSfttt BANKS CHAS. L. MASTICK 4k CO.. 14 Front. leather of every description, tap mfrs. flndlnsa Sale... blacksmith . shoo at Pleasant Hom.-4)re. 8W miles enmt of. Anderson. sta, ' Saturday, February 26. beginning, at 10 a. m. ' I will sell at pirtillc sale the following described property: team driving horses, harness and "buggy ;jr ftnclf- f armr wBgnn;- oldr nearly new bu)tgyj light spring wag on; new .light spring, wagon; low farm wagon; nearly new 8-ln. farm wagon: new -'2Hln. farm wagon; stpel harrow, 60 te,th; John Deere tecl plow, 14-incli, new; 8 Oliver steel plows, new: loV of different sled tlliver chilled plows: a lot of Oliver chilled nlow re- Tpittrs; steam engine, portable; new set Victor scales; Buckeye pump for 60-ft. well; pump with 60 feet of pipe; a lot of rough and dressed lumber, flooring, rustic, frame, etc.: many unmcntlontd articles. Terms of sale. .cash. Edward Tluin, owner. W. S. Wend, Auctioneer. MUSIC TEACHERS WEBBER Academy of Muslo, violin. mandolin, piano, guitar, banjo. 489 hi Washington. M. C. SAJITH, teacher or planoy, 463 Sal mon. Main 7M0. Conservatory course. K. THIEJilORN violin teacher, pupil nevciK, suo-i Marauam bldg. A-4itu LOUIS A. CREITZ. violin teacber. 211 Sherman st, Phone Main J8. PIANO, violin, cornet, mandolin. K. A. Smith. 22 12th st. Prof. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe- llls- nerves, aoutcand cbronlo diseases. 217 Fenton Mdir. Main 81. BUSINESS DIEECTOEr ASSAYEim WELLS PROEBSTEL, assay ers. ana- iyiica.1 cnemtsts. io' waan. M.- 7sos, FOUND Hartness, cleaner . and dyer, now .located at 271 Taylor st Im perial Dye Works, A-7S32 (formerly of Willamette Bye Worna). DOST-'-Stiturday night, by poor widow woman, small black purse containing gold. Kewarn. hnone wooaiawn l'Jtv. LOST Lady s gunmetal watch and gold fob with elk' tooth. Reward. Phone Tabor 101. FOUNJJ Locket containing two photos of babies. 303 1st St. - PERSONAL 22 ' o " PI ill's- Sanatorium Russian, Turkish and tub baths, fine swimmtng plunge In connection, first class lady -and gentleman masseur in attendance; rheumatism. Skin and pri vate diseases, etc., treated; a guarantee to cure rheumatism or mortey refunded; physicians in attendance. Phone Main 451, 595 Front St., cor. Sherman; Port land, Or. , 500. BUSINESS cards. $1. Mention ad. Rose City Prlntery. 192 y, 3d st. MANURE for rale. Phone East 1775. STORES In brick building on Fifth and Flanders sts. Will lease. ParrlHh. Watklns & Co.. 260 Alder st. 661 MORRISON ST. Low stand for cookery; DKSKROOM to rent Board of Trade. FEW rent, sood Key upstairs. Hickok. nice offices Chambers bldgs. In the Coucn 601 Couch bide 625 and WANTED TO RENT WE want to rent a house on the west side, 4 to 10 rooms. Mala 4557. God- dard Co.. 616 Board of Trade. WANTED To rent 6 or 6 room house with fruit and garden. A-431, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 FOR SALE. t901l8IE8'' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 8 GET our price on your furniture, as It will pay you. we want the- goods. Savage and Pennell, 351-8- 1st st Main 360. . CALL up the People's Auction House to sell your household goods. Prompt attention and highest prices. 167 Front st. Phone Main 6670. , DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children ex clusively. Women are often saved se vere surgical operations by consulting me. Nervous dineases of children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor respondence solicited. No charge for con8U,'tation. Phones, Main 8928. A-6607. Office rooms 10, Grand Theatre bldg., Washington and Park. 884 Yamhtll. We do the moat successful derma tologist work In cltv bv exnert foreign operator: the removing of warts, moles I and superfluous hair; we also give elec- iroiosis tacial massage, beautifying me complexion; expert French hait dyeing, defying detect ion; your own natural shade guaranteed. PROMPT attention and highest prices paid for furniture. Hawthorne Fur. Co.. 162 Grand ave., near Mor. E. 6204. BE WISE; get more Tor your Second hand furniture by selling It to Ford Auction Co.. 211 1st. M. 8961. A--'446. THE East Side Furniture and Bargain House pays the highest price for sec- . i . i . Y,i.- i ' . ten BATHS., TOE MM l!LY1ti& rtT.SK Russian and electric baths; expert lady attendant; toupees and wigs; all kinds of hair goods; expert wig man In at tendance. ' Portland analytical laboratory, 622 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. M6980. MONTANA assay office, laboratory and ore testing work. 186 Morrison. ATTORNEY'S CHRISTOPHERSON & MATTHEWS, General practice. 411-12 Buchanan hn. BUSINESS CARDS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 10 2d st Blank books m'fg; agts. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Bureka leaf. A-I1S8. Main 188. DR. SMITH, grad. Kirkville, Mo.. 1898: oost-grad. 1907. Swetland bldg. M. 1987 DR F. 3. BARR, A. S. O.. 207 Mohawk bldg.. 2d and Morrison. Main 2S26. PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR best work, prices right call P. A Doane. 104 Union. Both ph on ea F1K8T NATIONAL BANK, Portland. Or. ' CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,800,000. UNITED 8TATLJ NATIONAL BANK Of roRTrJUD, OREGON.' . NorthitMt Corner Third and Oak Streets.,, i-i uvnwrai nanainff nuaiocaa. imAiia ir,"UP,i' avaiianie Inff rnltrd stataa and Eumie. Uiisk.ic andManlla AinttnuKTn UaatUef Prwtdent. Vice frerldtnt. .j. d. R. LKA BAKNtd Aaalatant abl T. to All CHUm ef CoHectlooa made oa famrahla term. .R. W. 8CHMSEB AaaUtant Caahlr W. A. HOUt A. H. WRIGHT f EUMAN-AMERICAN BANS Portland, Or. Corner SlJtb and Waablnatoo flhk VI Tranaaeta a general banking bualneaa. Drafta laauad arallable In all the Cltlra ot th Y.niXrA Hlals. and knrooaL ac-oonta. Baft depoaft Taulta. four par cent Interest paid cm pflttetpal MTlag BONDS AND INVESTMENTS M ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commarca Building. M'lnlrlpal. Railroad and Pun lip Sirrlee Corpomrlna Bond. ' TAOWNINa-HOPKINS CO. Stock and Grain Brokers. Established U9S. II Portland, Seattle. Tacoma. Spokane. 201-2'l"-4 Coueh Bldg. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD PAINT, OIL AND GLASS RASMUSSEN ft CO., "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. 2d ft Taylor. M. A-1T71. LKA VINO PORTLAND. Ashland Paaanper CittBe Grrn Paaaenge: Shaata IJ Jilted .. SIlTHrton Paeaenger California Exprema 8ao Francisco Expme WEST BIDE. Corrallls Pasaenirer . Sherldnn Passeucer Forpat OroTa l'Haaenser rnreat QanT Panenger. Forest OroT Paaaneer SOUTHERN PACIFICr PATENT ATTORNEYS A HOME OFFICE offering superior fa cilities to OREGON INVENTORS, NORTH PACIFIC PATENT BUREAU. Lumbermen's Bldg., Portland. , Phones Main 2362; A-2364. , ROBEHT A. KELLON'D. President. Attorney and expert. 30 years' practice. FANIv S. BENNETT, Vlce-Pres. GET.) RGB TAZWELL, Sec.-Trtas. I'reitmlnary advice free. HANDBOOKS for Inventors free; tells how to obtain and value of patents, trademarks registered. Beeler ft Robb, 177-181 McGIU bldg., Washington, D. C. , ... 6:60 a. m. .... 4:15 p. m. ..... 6:00 p. m. v.. 6:20 p. m. .... T:45 p. m. .... 1:30 a. m. , . . T:ZO a. m. . 4:00 p. m. .... 8: ftO a. m. 1K p. m, 6:40 p. m. ARRITINO PORTLAND T:B0 a, Bk . 0 a. aw .10:00 p. m. , J SO p. m. ..6:XO p. BV. ,11:00 a. St. Oreron rinreaa Rllrerton Paasenger Portland Passenger n Kbastn Limited ..." Roseborg Psaaanger Portland Expraaa v WESS SIJVB. CnrTRllls Passenger ....... V 6:20 s, at, - MQennan i-aaacngpr in:o a. at. Foreat Grore Psssencer.. 6:00 a. BV, s Forest Orore Pasapngnr.,.. 11 :IM) a. 8s. Forest CroTo Passenger t., 4:40 p. Wu CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAT COMPANT. . Sno-SnoksnoJ'nrtlnnd 8:00 a. ts. Via VnnrotiTPr. Vfptnrla A 8arfle.';t pi Via Suiuna and Seattle TrOO a. at. fX)-Spokane-Pnrtland T:on p. m. Via Seattle, Victoria A Vnnponrer.. 8:30 p, tn. Via Sumns . 12:18 a. m. R. C WRIGHT. U. B. and foreign pat ents: Infringement cases 04 Dekum. PRINTINO BTA.NIJAKI BK1LK. TILiHi CO., Suc cessors to Randies, Kinney & Co., 406 Mohawk bldg. Flione Main 611. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street pavlag, sidewalks and cross ings. 317 Beck bldg. TIN roofing, .guttering, repairing and general lobbing. J, Losli. 211 Jeffer son st. Main 1424. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO Portland office. 404 Worcester bldg. JAa Mcl. WOOD ft Co.. all kinds of In eu ranee, surety bonds. McKay bldg. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY, manicuring. Mrs. Dunton, Tliford bldg., room 204, 10th and Mor. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. COMMISSION MKKCHANT8 VHSi pay the highest spot cash prices for dressed veaL hoes, hides, eara-a. butter, cheese, furs wool, cascavra, bay. rain, writ wnat you wisn to seu, uby Co.. 284 Couch st, Portland. Or. COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected. Wells Mercantile Aarency. 703 Board of Trade bldg.. 44h and Oak sts. CAJRPET CLEANING . . DR. LEWlSi t-iiysician and surgeon; treats women Mr. French of Hardnian, Or., has a carload of No. 1 horses at the Haw thorne stables ranKinsr in weiirht from k,1100 lbs. to 1600 lbs., all under 8 years of age and sound. 420 HAWTHORNE AVE. ONE Spfln of dapple gray horses, Weight 3000. 5 and 6 years old; 1 grav horse, weight 1550; 6-year-old pair of tiay chunks, 2500; 1 gray horso, 1400 lbs. 1 black mare with foalr 1300, and some other good liorees, all young and sound. 1 85 Vi Madison, rienr bridge, west side. end hand furniture. Phone East 463. land children exclusively: private hos "ti-uiiiiiiuuauuns; examinuuuui free. Main 4047. A-2411. 606 Common wealth bldg,, 6th and Ankeny. A LADY wishes one baby to care for. reasona.ble, good home. Mrs. Neun hers, 110 Grover efe ' IONE CARPET CLE NINO WORKS. Work guaranteed. Tela. East 268; B-2236. CARPET WEAVING WEM f rimtiihiis mmhw i-ioei s ot clever things wt type and ink on paper." 141 1st. THE EAGLE PRINTING CO. not In trust; close figures, good work. 603 Goodjioughbyg.Phone Main 4121. OQILBEE BROS., printers Cards, blll headw, etc. Main 1868. 145H 1st at LEAVE PORTT.AND. North Coart Limited, rla Poset Sonnd NnrjhCoait Limited, 1 North Atlantic El press, rla Pllget Sonnd Atlantic Exnress. via North Bank.. Twin City Express tin Pnirt Sonnd 8:) p. m, Twin CWf Express, rla North Bank 7:00 p. Eastern Fxpress. Ia rnret Bound. . .lt:15 a. m intern Expresa Tla North Bank., tlasourl Rtrer Eipresa Tla Pneat Sound Mlaronrl Rler Express, la North P.ank , Portland. Taooma ft Seattle Ex press. Dray- flarhnr. Olympla and floutb Bend branrhea Portlsnd-Vsnronyer sinrial Panet Sonnd Limited, firays Har bor and Smith Bend branch... Taeolt Pasae-icer NORTHERN PACIFIC ARRIVING PORTLASO. North Coast Limited. Ia Nortl Bank .., .North Conat Limited, via Paget Sonnd Northern Pacific Express, via North Bank Northern Partfle Express. la Pa ret Sonnd Paptfl- Express, via North Bank... Pifrlfle Etnresa. t!s Pnret Sonnd... Western Einrees, Tla North Bank. . 8:15 p. m. etern Eipreas. Tla Pnret Sonnd. .10:80 s. bj. Missouri KlTer Express, Tla Marts Bank .-. Ulssonrl Rrror. Express, Tla Pngat Sound Portland, Tarn ma A Seattle Ex press, snd from Olympla. Sooth Bend and Grays Harbor Pnget Sonnd Limited...... VanponTer-Portland Special Yaeolt Passenger .10:00 a. m. . T:00 p. m. .lS'lfl a. ra. :on a. . 8:00 a. a. .10:00 a. m. . T:00 p. m. . 4":O0 a. .10:00 a. 8:30 p. n. . . 4 :00 p. m. 8:18 . st. T:30 S. sv. 8:O0s. te. 8:8(1 p. as. 8:15 p. SI. T:so a. 8:00 a. at. 4:00 p. Sk .. :0 p. m. , .. 8:s6 p. m. ..10:0 p. m. .. 9:00 a. m. OREGON RAILROAD ft NAVIGATION COMPANY. LEAVING PORTLAND. Pendleton Loral ...v.., T:40 a. m. Soo-Spokne-Portland . 7:00 p. m. OrpRon-Washlnirton Limited 10:00 a. m. The Dalles Loral 4:O0 p. m. Orerrm Waehlnaton Express. . . 8:00 p. m. ARRIVINa PORTLAND. Soo-Sooksne-Portland 9:00 a. as. The Dalles Local 10:15 . SI. Portlnnd Limited 8:0 W m. Pendleton Pasaenirer '. 8: 80 p. IS- OrpRon-Waahlnrton Express 10:80 S. w. REAL ESTATE J. W. OGILBEE, real estate and loans; estab. 1888. 146 M, 1st st. room 11. RL'BUKR STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun nlngham Co.. 231 Stnrk. Main 1407. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co.. 168 2d st 8afes at factory orlcee: renal r lnoicm.ta opened: bargains In second hand safes. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER . LEAVING PORTLAND. I ARRIVING PORTLAND. , Seaside Express 8:00 a. m, PonUand A Rslnler Paaaenger 10:28 a. , Rainier Passenger 1:16 p. m. I Pr..Tknd Express 19:18 p. , Astoria Express 8:80 p. m. Portrand ft Rainier Passenger 8:20 p. sa. Rainier Passenrer 6:10 p. m. 1 Portland Express 10:00 p. m. OREGON AND WASHINGTON RAILROAD COMPANY. LEAVE PORTT.AND. I ARRIVING PORTLAND Seattle Psssenaer 90 a. m. I Owl ..... , T:16 a. DJ. Shasta Limited S:f0 p. m. Shasta Limited 8:20 p. m. Owl 11:48 p. m. 1 Portland Passenger 8:00 p. as. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway rr,EVENTn AND BOTT STr-ni FASSENOER STATTof, SEWING MACHINES A. S. DICKINSON repairs all kinds of nt-wing niacnines. jy. uth, M. 6939. SEWING machines repaired, all klrfds. Machine Repairing Co as 1st M.?10 SHINGLE CONTRACTOR WANTED Room repairing, also reshin- niing. u. yj. 1'urnee. i aoor SHOWCASES AND ITATLRLS NORTH WE8 Rug Works Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, silk portiere. 158 Union near E. Morrison. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. E. 1067 HIGHEST prices paid for all second hand clothes. Phone East 1809. FINANCIAx. SI $ QUICK LOANS. $ $ on furniture and Dianos (without $ I $ removal), storage receipts, life in- $ I su ranee policies, livestocks, Jew $ elry, diamonds, real estate and all $ kinds of securities. Room 12, Ham- $ llton bldg.. 181 3d st. , Main 2084. 6 FOR SALE Fine young chunky 2750 lb. team work horSes; true pullers, frood travelers, harness, $250; also 2500 b. team horses, suitable for farm work,. $160. All must go, owner leaving" city. Corner Mill and Park sts, MUST sell fine young chunky team of marcs in foal"" by Percheron: also true 2550 lb. team horses, right out of, uik; irmi anu Kunramee given; )t bakery wagons. Parisian Bakery Co., 290 Harrison, near 6th st... ONE sorrel team and harness weighing 2400,-$185:v also one team and harness weighing 2100, $135; one sorrel, 1200 lbs., $C5. and one 6-year-old mule for sale cheap. 350 Burnside st. MUST sell one , 2200 Ili. farm team, i teani 2450 lbs., and 1 cheap horse, a wagon, and hack, will take 1 or 2 good cows In exchange. 809 E. 28th st," .Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. MONET TO LOAN 27 A FINE young team of well broke po nies, cheap, or will exchange for larger horso. Mount 8cott car to Kern Park, then go north 7 " blocks and east 2 blocks. 181 Hazel st. ONE span of 4 year old colts, 1000 lbs.; halter broke; for-sale cheap; 4.1so 1 good working 'hoist, 1100 lbs. Inquire H. E. Werner. Willamette. Or. . HORSES end bungles tor rent ty day. week and month;- epeoial rates to business nouses, f th and Hawthorne. G&H G&H G&H G&H G&H JJ3 MORTGAGE lpans on Portland Q vl real estate for borrower or or) 2 lender. Gibson & Holliday, 304 L O 6th, Gerlinger Bldg? H G&H G&H G&H G&H G&H 'CHATTEL, LOANS. ' Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, Insurance policies, and all kinds of securities; real estate and loans from $3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN ft ftTC. CO.. 416 Ablngton bldg. Men Cured Quickly Modern electrlo treatment for diseases of theprostato. nervous debility, piles, etc. W. L Howard, M. D.. 804-6 Both chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. LADIES Ask your druggist ror Chichesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as best, safest Always reliable. Take no other. Chichesters Diamond Brana Pills are com oy qruggists everywhere. GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc.: German, English, . Frenoh. 'Spanish, Rw.dlnh anil It.Hoi. . eign books of all kinds. Scbmals Co, 229 Tst st. ' DR. SANDERSON CO., Bavin and Cot ton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods. $2 per box or 3 boxes for $5. T. JT Pierce. 311 Allskv bldsr.. or cor. 1 6th and Belmont, east side. MONEJ advanced salaried pople, bouse keepers and others upon their own Barnes without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 66 princi pal cities; save money by getting our terms. Tolman, 317 Lumber Exchange. MONEY loaned on real estate; building loans; mortgages and contracts pur chased. Cowllshaw, 615 Commercial block. ' DR. VVALKER, specialist; quickly eures diseases of men., blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid nry. bladder and. 'piles. 181 1st St., Portland. DR. T. J. PIERCE, Specialist Diseases of women- all irregularities corrected; no exposure. Call or writ 811' Allsky bldg. ' COAL AND WOOD NOTICE SLAB WOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD, per' load GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load. . . .$3.60 ALL DET,,rVERIE8 MADE PROMPTLY. The Peruana Slabwcod Co. Main $112. A-7001. , SHOWCASES of every description; hank. bar and store fixtures made to order. The'LntKc Mfg. -Co. Til CI T A ILt V Q T f. A U O l r . r . ...... . , new and old showcases, cabinets, store and Office fixtures. 2f Conch M. 2708. lOWKL SUPPLY Fulton Wood Co. Dealers In lab wood; thoroughly dry slab wood a specialty. Prompt delivery. Phone Main 7890. A-2899. COAL. ' PROMPT DELIVERY. 1 sack,- 60c; 3 sacks, $1.60; 6 sacks,"; sieam, o, range, r; lump 88 Phone East 62.1. MEN When weaK. nervous or despond end, use Sexoid Pills as a bracer; re stores lost vigor; price $1 per box, 8 boxes for SS. T. J. Pierce, ill Allsky, LOST vitality restored by Dr. Lnrania' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c box. 6 boxes $1.25: Stipe, Tavlor Drug Co., 288 Mor rlson. Mail orders promptly filled. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jew elry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. ft M. Dolovage. Jewelers. 269 Washington sf , ' SALARY LOANS Confidential easy to get and easy to pay. F. A.' Newton. 616 Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak. . THREE head horses, 1600 lbs. each. 6 and 7 years' old; heavy wagon and harness. Oiiand Zeek. Greshain, R, F. D. No. 3. . ' . FOR SALE -Bay horse, weight 1600 Ik. r. ,-1 'J 1 C,t,a1,al.. Inaulre for IL. Look. Faxon Park, near Lents. FOR SALE or trade, two carloads of buggies, carriages and light "wagons, at bankrupt prices, 351 East Oak st.' WA'NTEii Team. 2400 or better west end of Alberta st. , Marten Brand- strup. .FORSALE Team of Bay mares, har nes, wagon, good gentle work team, 6. years old. 614 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE Young horse, 1600 Ibs.L two 3H inch wagons, double set haifnuss. A XTIerMonS Arista. -' LAY MARE. 120 lbs., will work sinela f' OT double. Just suit a larmer fop breefling purposes, call 9 j. 4th EQUITIEtS bought, or exchange houses, Jots, timber claims, mortgages; money loaned. . Boggess, 221 Morrison. $100,000 ' on mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKensle ft Co.. uernnger. oidg,. zq ana Aider. WOMEN Opaline, Mrs. Summer's Home treatment, cures while' vou work; 10 days' free triaL Call forenoon. Mrs. N. Junger. 667 2d st. Main 9470. MEN Dr. Ketchum will promptly cure an your private aliments; arivice free. Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Yamhill. Main 8770. no 3d, near LA FRANCE hairdressing parlor, 842 H Wash.; manicuring, facial massage, scalp treatment, electric vibration. WILLAMETTE Social Circle for sober people, runy or age; 10c and 2oc. 129 10th st. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO., coal and wood. Dry wood, blockwood, slab-, wood, cordwood. Prompt delivery. Phone C-1773. E-424. ' Wood, L.oai ana ury blab WESTERN LUMBER ft FUEL CO. 287 East Morrison. East 26, B-1028. Ciiarcoai PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Male 6767. Foot of Curry st CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap $1 per month. Portland Laundry ft Towel Supply Co., 6th and Coucb sta Phone Main 410. A-4410. f.KAVING PORTLAND. Inland Empire Express 8:00 a. m Eor Chicago. St. Patrt. Omaha. Kamiaa City. 8t. Louis. Walla Walls. Paapo. Rooserelt, Oranddr.llea. Ooldendale. White Rarmno, Stexen son VonroHTer and Intermediate stations. North Rsnk Limited 7:00 p. i. For Chlearo. 8t. Panl. Omahs Ksnsai City. St. Louis. Snoksne. Spratrne. RibjvVlle. Llnd. Pasco. RooapTplt. Granddallff. Wblta Salmon, Steve-inn snd Vanconver.' Columbia RItr Local for Vancoover and Ca mas 4:80 p. m. White Relmon. Lyle. Granddalles. Cliffs and all Intermediate stntlnns. ARRIVISO PORTf.AN. From Chlcsiro. 8t Psnl. Omaha. Kansas Pltv, St. r,onls Walla Walla, Psee. Roosevelt. Orsnddallbs, White Salmon. Stavenaoa. Van wiit't and Intermediate stations. North Bank Limited 8KN) a. as. From Chlcnco. St. Past. Omaha. Kansas Cltr. St. Louis, Spokane. Snrsrne. rtlrlue. Llnd. Pasco, Rooserelt,' Granddalles, White Salmon, Sterenson, Vanconrer. Inland Emrdre Express 8:15 p. IB, From Cliffs, Granddalles. Ooldendale. Ll. White Salmon. Camas, Vaneanrer and all inter, mediate stations. ColiimMa RlTer Lopsl 1t:28 9. m. Pnrtland to Pnllaa. Portland tn Dallas Jefferson Street Depot T:40 a. m. I PalUs to Portland . 4:30 p. m. I Dallas to Portland. . 6:30. -and p. Portland twego Hnbiirbanlsrlne Portion d a. m., 3:30. j p. m.. 12:60. gjOJIjO- 4:8n- B:2- fl;23- 7:45- 1O.I0. J1:30' Portland Ry., Ltglit & Tower Co. Ticket office and waiting room First and AI 10:18 a. isj. 8:68. p. s. 7:80. T:40, 8:60. 10:25 THANStKii AND HTOHAGiii Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. Htoraa-e. free trackasra. Officer 810 Hbyt st.. bet 6 th and 6th. Phones: Main 69, A-l 168. All snbnrhan trains exrept VsncotiTer lesxe Pat" Morris snd Water streets . Instead of First snd Alder streets, as formerly. ,lr,x ami LEAVB FOR . Oreaon Olty 4 :, 9:30 s. m. and exerj 30 mlnnte. to snd Inching P- m.. then 10:00. 11(10' D. m.! isai f"r C. O. PICK Transfer's Storage Co.. of flee and commodious 4 story briek warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof -valuta for valuables; north, west corner 2d and Pine sta Pianos and furniture moved and sacked for shln ment Main 696: A-1966, . OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO U General transfer and storage, safes, pianos, and furniture -moved, packed and shipped. 209 Oak st. Main 847; A-3247 INDEPENDENT Baggage ft Tranafe? Co. Storage. 224 Stark. Main 407. A-4169. SIGN AND SHOW CAKD3 YAMATO Wood ft Coal Co. All- kinds of fir wood and nice coal by sack or ton. Phones E. 818, B-1167. E. 6tb and Main sta FOSTER ft KLEISER, signs; the larg est sign makers in the northwest; Rib. and Everett sta Phone Prlv. Kx. s Home A -1166. "e" "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland" Blgn Co.. 207 Stark PaetTle 1896. SOUTH Portland SlabWood Co. Main 21E3. A-2842. Dry inside wood, arroan slabwood, clean sawdust for bedding. cut fuel; cordwood. , A. H. Edlefsen, the fuel -man Ch. of Com merce, sells anthracite and cannel; also cheaper grades of coal and dry wood. NEER & FARR. dealers in all kinds fir and hardwoods: prompt delivery. poo vrsuwr sii. matin, ssgp. .ei-sotf. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty! f.,.lllnie lwans lnwait rat- eir tn. i 11 ranee,. W O. Reek. 918 Fal'llnsr. I SELECT manlcurln LADIES Use Duraont's Sanitary regu-1 iators; coiresponuence aesirea. J-130, Journal? scalp massage. MONEY to loan on Improved city prop- I room 4 erty, Wm. MacMaster, 302 Worcester rrb block. - I OMEN u g perlor; facial ana 34H4 Morrison, st. LO BAN teL for the asking, satary or chB,i- xne Loan co. i xwaum Diag. MONEY to loan on all kinds of security. W; Holl. room I. gyashlngton'bldg. MONEY to loan, ay amount, 8 to 8 per cent. Goodnough & Beltz. 132 6th st. QUICK loans on all securities. B. W. King. o wasnington max. Main siso. WILL loan .$5000 or less, real estate. Fsrrington, 416 commercial club bldg. FOR SALE Some second hand dellyery wagons. Cor. E. 6th and Belmont. w;T Keller's Guaranteed Harness. , r 'ORTH SIXTH ST. ISAAC L WHITE, money to loan, fire Insurance. 331 Sherlock bldg. estate, BUMS , of $2000 upwardon real i Goddard Weldrlfck. 243 fltark. LOANS on wheat Ifends. LK. Moore, . 617 Board of Trade. Portland, Or. m i. EmnljS r ror sans oy uie Auspiuna Lr Ug CO 106 N. 6th st. Main 8106. PHONE Main .8431 for good liquors. Brown Mercantile Co., 7th and Burn- side. . ' - - HCLDA MARIA JOHNSON, please wrtte Anton Johnson. A-437. Journal. BALM of figs, remedy for diseases of women. 629 Belmont st. East 2418. NOTICES. 26 DRY wood $2 per load. Yard foot of E. Stark st Tabor 1977. CONTKACTOKS AN1 BUILDERS CEMENT and concrete work; cement , plastering a specialty; cesspools and septic, tanks. Woodlawn 2443. 876 Pippin st. C. A. Dayton. CONCRETE, brickwork, excavating, etc. Drop poBtal, J. Wempe, 187 E. S2d St. J. H. BURTON, general contractor and builder. H8 1st st. Both phones 1817. CLEANING AND DYEING SPRAYING MACHINES flresham and mtermeainie s ak a-4H. 10:4S a. m.: ia:o, 5:45.' 6:48. 11.R5 p. m. 2:45. 3:45, 4:45, 8:45, Caaadero snd Intermediate polnbfl:ra to:45 a. m.: ' ' "' Pnlrvlew and Trontdale M, T:4S. 8:48, 8:4, 10 48 a. m..- 12:45. 2:43, 8:43, 4:45. 6:45, 8:41 p. m. . FOR TANCOnVER. " Tlrket office and waiting room Second as Washington streets. A. M. 8:15, 6:50, 7:25. 8:00, 8:35. 6:18, 10:30. 11:50. P. M 12:30. 1:10. 1:50, 2:80. 8: 8:88, 4:80. 8:10; 5:50, 8:30, 7 KB, 7:40, 8:18. 9:28. 10:36. 11:45. , "" ' On third Monday ta every month last eas leaves at T:05 p. m. 'Dall.r fxcept Sunday. nal1y expent Monday. Oregon Electric, Railway' Company DEPOT FRONT Aa JEFFERSON. LEAVING PORTLAND. Salem Int. " l"0"1-." Hlllaboro-Forest Groye local Salem Int. t. ioc.. iVOT.l.Sr. limited-. milaboro-Korest Grove local. . Salem Int. StaJ. local . ..... -. s-nreat Grot kical.. Salem lilt Btas. local, ....... . HHIsboro-Forest Grove local.... Hlllsboro -Forest Grove, local... Salem Int. Stas. -local. WifsonTllle !.! HUlslwro-Forest Grove local.... Salem Int. Bta. local- : tllllKboro-Forrst Grove locnl.... llnfiSoro Forest O ve local (Sat only)ll:30 p. m. Hlllaboro-Forest G've local (Bat enly)ll:00 p. as. av ,i-m. Fslls City western Kauwar poiuia via tueu n:au a. so., a p. au Salty 8:3" a. m. 7:05 a. m. 7:60 a. m. 8:80 a. m. 9:15 a. tn. 10:20 a. m. ll:0O a. ta. ......12:10 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 2:10 p. m. 8:30 p. m. 3:50 p. m. 8:10 p. m. B:.'I0 p. m. 6::i0 p. in. :25 p. m. 8 :40 p.. in ARRIVING PORTT.sitn Wllsnnvllls Int. Stas. local. .8:40 and T:8S t. SW IIIllsboro-Forpst Grove local. Salem Int. Stas. local...'. HlllMbdrooreat Grove local... Salem Int. Stas. local Hlllaboro-Forest Grovo local... Snlem Int. Stas. local HIIlsboro-ForeRt Grove local... Blllaboro-Forest Grove loal... , Salem lot. Stas. local..'. : nillahoro-Forest G've local (Son only! 4:40 p. Sslem-Tnalntln only, limited 4:50 p.. am. 8:00 a. sa. .. 8:40 a. aa. .. 8:50 a. BL. ..11:00 a. bu ..11:40 s. a. ., 1 :1S p. d. .. 1:80 p. m. 1:80 p. m. . :uo p. m. Hillaboro-Forest Grove local. ...... 6:20 p.. m. Int. Stas. local 8:00 n. Hillsboro-Forpst Grove local. 8:10 p. as. Salem Int. Stas. local 8 20 p, m. Miif.n mi. Bias, local ..,.i(i((H p. For. Salem etneut Sunday: 11:00 m. Sunday only. Time Card United Railways Co. Leaving Portland for Burlington and Inter relate stations. 8:15. 7:15. 8:16. :15. 10:15. ?L" . i i-lK O ir, a:15. 4:15 P. M- For 'innWand Intermediate stations. 5:15, 8:15 . M. For Llnnton and 1 n t or hismI 1 a te - THE HARDIE MANUFACTURING Ca Manufacturers of hand and power sprayers, nozzles, rods, etc 28 Front St.. Portland. Or. SURVEYORS WALTER M. OBER, platting, subdivid ing ana iujjoKr)uicai maps a clalty. 160 E. 28th st. N. B-2099. spe- XIPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cuu nlngham Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. VETKlilNAlUAl? DR. A. G. SMITH. V. 8.. U. S. stables HSJFtont. Main 4156. Res.Main 180;. BUMA NE VETErtiN AR Y "HVUSPI TaIT Dr. Johnson. 131 15th. M. 6841. A-4287. WELL DRILLING. mcdl 11:15 A I p tinns. Patoray 11:45 PiM and Sunday only, 8:10, 10:00. Arriving Portland from Burlliurtoti and . In termediate stations, 7:50, 8:00. 10:00, 11:00 A. M : 12:00 noon; 2:00. 3:00. 4 Ms), . 5 :00, 6:00 P. M. From Llnnton and Intermediate stations, (dally except Sunday. T:0O A. M. From Llnnton. and Intermediate stations. Sat urdiiy and Sunday only. 7:20, 9:50. 11 :S5' P. if. XRAN8POUIATION OPEN RIVER CO. H. W. TURNER, Dyer Carpets dyed a specialty, lot Jefferson sl- Main 8618. A-2618. IJANCLNO TO whom it may concern: On and after date 1 will no longer he responsible ing, afternoon and eve., guarantee iyr Hitj- urui vomracieu uy my son, ucorge r.asinian. (Signed) A. F. EAStMAN. FOUR DANCING LESSONS, $1 Professor Wal Wilson's. Dancing school, 25c perlesson. including teach ers, music with, each lesson every morn- sn and eve., a-uarantee- to teach any one to dance or refund money. Selllng-Hlrsch hall. 3864 Washington, near loth st. Phones. . JAMES W. GREEN, contractor, well maenines tor saie. ivy Vancouver ave. WHOLESALE JOiitiERS ' WADHAMS ft COl, wholesale grocers. manufacturers and coffee roaster a. 4tb and Oak sta EVERDING ft FaRRELL produce ana 'commission merchants. 140 Front at. Portland, or. Phone Main 179, M. A. GUNST ft CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND.. ORE. . 1 ALLEN "&LEWI8 3ROCERlEa Oak St. Doch 52F"' Phones Main 2960, A-3527 . STEAMER J. N. TFAL Leaves Portland 7 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for White Salmon. Hood River, Underwood,. The Dalles, Big Eddy and all way points. Passenger fare between Portland and The Dalles. $1.00. 1 IJ) 1 TRANSPORTATION San Francisco & rrfrnand S. 8. Co. Only direct steamer, daylight sailings. From Ainswoi'th dock. Portland, 4 p. in. S. S. mose City, Feb. S3, March l. S.S. Kansas City, March 4, 18. From Pier 40; San Francisco, It a. m. ' S. S. Kansas City, Feb. 86, Karoh 12. S- S. Koae City, March, S. 19, etc. J. W. Ransom... dock .agent. Main 268. Alnsworth dock; M. J. Roche, city ticket ForTillamook and Bay City Str. Sue H. Elmore Schooner Erie. Steamer Oshkogli Schooner Gerald O. Freight received dally, Sailing every Tuesday and Friday evening. Passen ger rati-s, -from Portland $7.60. from Astoria, $5.00. Charles G. Stimpson, agent. Couch street dock. Telephone MainS61, ' . . - NORTH PACI FIC S. S. Co. Steamship Santa C'ara sails for Bu reka and han Francisco Februarsc i'6: Murt-h 12. 28. -at 4 . m. . - Steamship Elder sails for Eureka. -San Fraricisco and Los Angeles. February IS: 1, , .. ft 1 K H 1 A. c i ' . i mo ' ! t . i " w, nr o p. m. - .: Steamship Roanoke sails for San Francisco and l.os Angelt-s, Ferunry 2s; Ticket office 133 3d t. Tslepbues, Slala 1314. A-1314. a. ronng. Agent. COOS BAXj UIINB The steamer Ramona leaves il'orttiind -Wednesday at 8 p. in., from .Alnswonn dock tor North Bend, MrshfieM and Coos Say points.. Freight received iint.1 6 p. m. on day of sailing, pass-nger fare, first class,' $Ij- second eU. including berth snd meals.' Inquire mi " ticket -ot flea. Third an't Wash I ' agent, 142 Third at.. lain 402; A-1402. or Ainsworth dock, Phi;ii Wa'-J ft. t : i A- t