IS THE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2, 1910. A( RKAGE -57 IS 'acre 12 miles from courthouse, fall nt N. 3d at MAIN B74S; A-5096. ACREAGE SUBDIVISION. Under 80 acres, tHose to city limits, on larllne, Beat of soil, sightly nnd running wMrr; lota of fruit. Only $200 Ier acre. Terms. Vanduyn & Walton. oiS -Chamber of Commerce. G&H GMIG&rj G&H G&H o Bargain in Farm exchang:;---real estate ai -woodburn fur Portland , pitOPKRTY. 2400 S acres. 1 In cultivation; smal house; acres berries, balance good garden land, 'tis very fine poll. $400080 acres. 4 In cultivation. east , of Wontiburn; fair ct of buildings; 'tla very fine fruit land. 1300040 acres, fi in cultivation, in houRc and small ti.ii n; in belt, easL of . Woodburn. HO (tciea. 4; lri cultivation. balance .timli.u. fine spring water, land nil level, no rock. All f-nccd; fninlly orchard. Fine new lame burn: house and all (J good outbuilding. Kod well of water. Two teams of horses. 1 "!- f outtr 8-v-ar-ods worth $400, 4 head of rows, chickens, some Iihv and arnln, 300 bushels of wheal, about 75 bushels if po tatoes; harness, wagons, a new hack, binder, mower, hayrake, plows, harrows and nil farm fruit nn . '11 "it fii t vamm. i" house and barn; at liarksville. 4 miles snntheast of Woodbun, 4 ' ' mile to Oervals; very flue sol . 17000- 40 Hcroa. one mile f "ond- . " ,.'Jr. ir. i cltlvat 0.1. t.ilancal .: .. 1 limber and pasture I6000--K'O acres of very f,n fruit land in section near Wooiiburn. 14400 -.2'.: ac res nt ISnwlnrres. on ( n e gon Electric, all In cu It Ival.on good, new houac. This In a Rood : $1500-"2S aces, on- ml!- from 1('!,,;;r Woodburn; 12 In col t ivi.i Ion. b. 1 ' .'" erne mixture; ainal! buildings. cty ha , " ' j ' . cultivation: all JUU,r'"Ju i J,, n wire: b..lf mil- 1-. tn)i nil inirilriir worth IV ifnmii ' 15500 20 acres, right at Mat on. nil o.... nr.-cultivation: 1" AT Jr. to walnuts. small . 5. V ne-. from Port .' and , Will take In payment lots . ... hn..: n,1 lot. Tills Is a snap and won't Jast lonv;. "tlSOO-12 rooma. all furi,lsl,e,l comp t 11300 16-roOms. In heart of -lt. W HI urn1 nij I'-T'oj' f,,r aiOOU -n-rooni ii--,.. Portland property. 15000 On very easy terms, in ernon, new modern R-room I ''ncn'iw4 -f5dW TIio"Tce"rf alrTen. :e "loTfT trr pn kane for Portland propel -ty llSOO-ln terrna, 8-room linns-, . ioi. ' -5 blocka from ar. I5H0 S rooms. This is a sr,ap ' J000 Caali or trHde, !t rooma -ompiele. 2t00 20 aorea near Heaverton. lor a- cant lots In city. ,.,.. " INVESTMENT (O., 627 Henry Hldif. . "Main 445. . uli4 IUVK 20 acrea of cmin land to trde "for elty In K-d .nndo, house close In. iJind M sit 2 ser S",T. 2. N. I- W.. 1 mll H. . 'f KTrllfiton. 2 acres ch ar; on coin, y mad. Price 2"0 P?r acre. A' owner, 0-4 29. Journal. ' For Sale or Exchange 14 acre wheat ranch Gilliam conn ty. br,4 rnilea from , R. R. -ttlon. Room it jynjhojijdds. o o ft" o mil SAJyF FARMS 17jltOOSlIXO jiorst:8 Fon SALE 83;-. o X Cj 9? iniplenn-nts of all Minds too nil meroua to mention. Thla la a una! bargain. Have been all over tills farm and know It Hi b- In nfimi condition. Only alx nilli-s eaFt of Oregon City. On nood crushed rock road, near H-hool. ihoiK In houae; K. F. f. daily, also cream route. Will take limine and lot in exchanRe .. IO, nil llllll.l 11111 f. J 1 u...... v. 1 i..ii;,4,r MIMMIIl IV I lIMIIIIilV w .n.n:, Oci llnifer HhlpJ: G&U GSzU G&U GMt G&H D.ANIIV J.ITTI.K HAlt.M lAiH.i illKAP. To acres of pood deep black soil, t In fine stale of ciilllvatlon. balance all slashed and n-ert-d. place nil fenced and itiims fenced; Ko-d. comfortablo 7 room lioiiF-e. 2 (food burns with a quantity of I1.1v all iie.'iHsarv oiilhnlldliiKS. 7 fine cows, i (food horse. 2 dozen ebb kens. 111 heid of hogs, wagons, ha-k, huniesses, plows, liny rake, cultlvB.lnr, separator, milk ciqiH. several Iniaheln of Kraiii. l'otntoi .1 and apples; extra fine orchard of assorted fruit; ID nillea from Portland, .'! iiiIIcn from It ft. station: on li. 1'. I'., telephone and milk route; close to Kooii fi'ih'no and churches. Price Jf.Mio, $301111 cash, balance lonjf time. CIIAI IN flKRIiOW, ri:C Chamber of Commerce. - FARM IANDS .' On tha main line of the tranacontlnan tal O. T. V. R'r, now buffdlna;. Four otner railroads to bund. The Last of the West Rich, Terllle valleya. excellent aotl, mild Climate; game pientiruLf Full Information free. T. R. PHILT.IPS. ' SOS McKay JBldg., Portland. Or. Farms in Eastern Oregon From 80 crea to 1400; 110 per acre and up. Carter-Dugan Go. 820 Chember of Commerce. FOIl RENT FARMS 14 320 acres irbod wheab and atock farm. near Waplnltla. Waaco . county, 11 miles from railroad. Iraje outranffe. Rent for third of crop. McCoy, 8U N. 2th, W. carllne, 6:30 to 7:30 evenings, only F( U HKNT 10 aerea, part cleared, new House, conn ground, 2 blocka from carllne. Kstacada car -at (latea. Part rent can be paid by clearing land. B-420, Journal. ROOMINO house, any elze. at prleea to tilt; we buy. sell and' exchange. I'OKTLAND ROOMINO HOUSE CO 813 Henry Md g. . UEU WAXTEIWMALB W A MTTTri ihl n,An foe tha IT. 8. Me rfne corps, between the age of j ana aa; must be iactve porn or n Tlrst nil m-ft' niAntlilv nav lift to IDy I additional comnonsatlon ooaalhle; food, ' clot hin. Quarter anil medical attend nee free. After 80 yeara' service .can 1 rerira wirn 7h ne mwm ,r ; -e, v ina-ii UNLISTED STOCKS AND ROND& Be- 'w"c'"- .n8,..0",1? fnr wirvivn env MiviMc rn. """re In all parts of the world. APPiy WIRELESS or " JMbttHTRIAlT" --u. New Grand Central hotel, Portland, or. ' , MIXIXO STOCKS FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE pr bond, try us; MONEY SAVED, for OU. For QUICK sale, list vour nioenn wnn us. tjau or write wm. jiavioson co., Lewis bidg, MINING and Industrial stocks; tel Phone and other bonds bousht end old. C. 8. Fletcher. 12S'Ablnton bldr. tF you wish to buy or sell mining atocka. call on J. ,R Purcell. Il Oak. . RISINfcSS CILAACES 20 FOR SALE Old established bakery, including lot 60x160: 7-room houae. cement bakery 30x46 ft.: store, ware houae and barn on lot: two new fur nace ovens 10x13 Inside, mixer and' cake machine, electric light, hot and cold water: rented store in - best bualness part of city, with good pictures and furniture, doing good business In ce cream, aoda water, confectionery and bakery (roods: two horses and wagons. Price $7600. Address 208 E. 14th St., Eu- gene, ur. WANTED FARMS 1 38 WANTEIi A good dairy farm, stocked, from 16(1 to 250 acres. $1200 to 317. 000, splendid SHOO farm aa part pay ment. C. L. BAMBERGER. Main 6124. 60" Chamber of Commerce. F RUT JLAN'DS 45 114 ACHE FARM Near (rreshn'm: well Improved and rdiriTrriM t-prt-n J?2,ti0ft; "wilt take part cai-h. part Income city properly and bal ance can stand on place at 6 per cent. W hat have you? CARTEP.-DPOAN CO, S2a Chamber of Commerce. o..,i iitv in trt tlv modern Home to evehRnKe for good 7-pisseiiKer auto- ..f- n, i.L,m morning house to ex- ri''" Ar -Itv nronerty. J- H. Stone, ft Aliskv bldg. Phone A -71 12. 1 HAVE ome good Portland real es . flVL irA A-l 1st moptgagep to trade for some kind of business chance. K-.. my agent at 16 N. lith st. 2yTacrt of land. 6 room house; 4 aorta in orchard, good .spring on place, near Mars-hfield. Will trade ror any a mo of business. Bee Petera, 15 N: 6th at fEN acres Hood Klver apple land. 3300 casn, ramiii" mr,, , ..... - .. nd first or second mortgage or lota. W-421. Journal. ilo ACRES Lincoln county, partly im proved; 10 ecres Mosier to trade for rooming house or city property. Phone 463. Mllwaukle. A-453, . Journal. t" C H ANO E 3 4 ' room room 1 n g house. 2 lodge hails, reasonable rent, good lo cation, long- lease. li-4.ll. Journal STXff well, drill No. & to exchange for what you nave. jtn muihooi uoi. A-4321. 11450" FIRST mortfraue to exchange aa first payment on close-in residence. A Ctranaro 688 Preacott St. C-2664. IF vou want to sell, buy or trade, see Shoemaaer inv. u., si uwir uiur. .Main 44R5. ,a-. 6 ROOM modern bungalow In Oakland, - Cal for - I'ortland property. Jots or acreage, or will sell. A-422. Journal. TWO good housea, one new 7 room, one 6 room, to exchange for farm. Owner, fi!i8 Imrham ave. VILL trade lota for pood raw 'acreage, Koom 17 Swetiano oiog. WILL get you anything In trade for ' anything you have. 322 Henry Mdg. EXCHANtJE MISC. OR "SWAI- COLUMN 25 WILL trade A-l talking machine for plumbing or cement work. Vortland Phonograph Agency, 350 Alder. WILL trade A-1 talking machine for good organ or bicycle. I'ortland rhonograpli AgOncy. S50 Alder. WANTED REAL ESTATE :J1 IIST your houses and vacant property with me. I have a number of clients looking for good propetry. Give us n trial. E. R. Markham 205 Gerlingcr blug., 2d and Alder. !TWANT to huy n or 10 good lots in Willamette add. Jrvington or (lien htt, Pjirk Must be cheap for cash. iia in tinv othpr addition ma' v. lira i' 1 1 " .' ...... hn considered. Bought by non-rrsid;;nt for Bpeculation. Address K-42i. Jour nal SO acres with 45 In cultivation, the bHafice is slashed and Heeded to tame grass, soil Is all rich and li-a almost level; there is no rock, is on good road, new 7 room house and large barn, hay fork. etc.. all complete; the outbuild ings are all good: fine spring and 2 ood wells; stock, implements, team and furniture In the house, an go I'lace n only 6 miles from Oregon, City Price $760. R. K. WOODWARD, Box 45, Over Bank of Oregon City. Oregon City. Or. FRC1T LAND. THE DALLES, OREGON. 1 fio acres In .the famous Mill creek all.v; 75 acres bottom land under irri gation. 3 acres In apples. 2 acres In bearing peaches, 1 acge In cherries, 6 acres Jn. Italian prunes. 74 pear trees. 1 acrea strawberries nnd 1 acre in other berries. 4(4 aerea In alfalfa. Improvements New 10 room resi dence wllh bath, toilet, hot and cold water, large barn, fruit packing house, land fenced and cross fenced, public rond crosses the ranch. R. F. D. and telephone, short drive to The Dalles, ap ple orchards will yield from $S0O to $12110 ppr acre per year; prl-e of entire ranch onlv $12.0l0. Great bargain. D. L. Brace Co.. NOR Board of Trade bldg. fcriTZENRBRO S-appoose orchard lands In 10. 20 and 30 acre tracts are selling to many level headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only 25 miles from Portland, on railroad. Prioef$300. $400, $500 per tract. BETTER HURRY and go with us by appointment. Call or write for full particulars. Lib eral terms. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 310-311 Corbett bldg.. Portland. Or. Merrlt ft Palmer. Sales .Agents. GROCERY STOCK. ' Best of location, good trade, long lease- will sell for $3200, or at invoice, or will trade for city property; sickness compels neiung. uere la a Dargain. grocery man. IOWA -DAKOTA LAND CO.. 4 18 B wetland bldg". FOR HALE Livery stable, conalsting or run une or norsea ana venicies, 8 single bugglcH. 2 surreys, S Jight spring wagons, 13 horses. 2 acres of ground, hiilrdlng R0x40 feet, gasoline engine and tank Tor water purposes; only location in city; a good bargain. C-410, Journal. t0c on the duller for quick sale buys my nearly new i;fHoo stock of srioea and l-nts' furnlshlfigs. in good -payroll town, all cash trade. Cheap rent, big iroflt, stock not run down. Address iox 131. Newherg, Or. Motion Picture Theatre For sale on easy terras, fine estab lished motion ph-tura. theatre. For par ticular call Newman Motion Plclure K li!2!15!l M fg -, 8t iHw a 8 h IneTi" n ETeNTAL office and eijulptnent In good town; fine surrounding country, lota rich people, good business, long estab lished; splendid opening; owner leaving. For sale very reasonable. B-422, Journal. WANTED Man., b'onie selling ability rapaoic or orramz n a aeiung man to handle one of the beat advertised commodities. No expense to you n or Kanlxlng." Vou must have a. clear rec ord. I'oaltlon will pav salary and corn missions, $2000 to $300 per year. An swerlng. give full Particulars. All re plies wll pe treated confidential. F-427, .1 otirnn 1 - MEN . WANTED Experience unneces sary, for firemen or hrakemen on near by railroad: account lncreasinr business no siriKe; age zu-so; no-ioo montiuy; promotion; 1200 men acht to position! In last four months; send stamp: state age, weight, height . , Railway . Association. rare, journal. WANTEDHaleamen; many, malt 10tf tn 11 fia tll mnnth, mtm H mm mnrmi stock clean, grown, on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance week ly; choice or territory. Address Win Ington Nursery' Co.. Toppenlh. Wih, REAL ESTATE SAa.ESMAN"W ANTED. To sell iota ror $500 on easy terms; chwe In on- electric line; Improvements Including water end uewer in and paid for; good commleelon. Call at 432 Mo- hawk bhlg. . . - i can enow von. Linn county, Or.. SO miles south of Portland, offers bargains in real estate that cannot be beat. 40 acres. 3 miles fro-ri railroad, hause, barn and family orchard. Prl-e $16(n. 140 acres, good house and barn; 2'i iniieB from railroad. Price $26 per acre. 40'ncres, with house and barn. Price $1000. 240 acres bottom land, good house and barn, S a-rea bops, hop house, in fine shape. Price $65 per acre. :i:t acres Hantlnm bottom land, no im provements. Price $1500. Write or call upon C. W. TEBAVLT. 432 1st St., Albany, Or. BEAVER DAM. 3ft ncres fine heavy leaver dam, nil leared and in fln state of cultivation. nil level, pond bouse, 2 barns, chicken house, well and all outbuildings. Thla placp is located only 2 miles from Van couver on goon gravel roan; ironey une niHH through idai-e: land selling In 5 acre tracts adjoining for $500 per acre, with no imnrov-ments. This is without quewtlon the best buy near Portland: 8 miles from ftth una wasningion sis.; price $9000; $4000 cash; easy terms on balance. . STEWARD TIIU.VU 'MIL'S, . Lobbv Hotel St. Elmo. Vancouver, Wash. 606 Board of I raoe. I'ort biud, Or, - "Hither Hood" BEST Fruit Lands We have a fine offer for you. A beautiful piece of excellent apple land. Close to town, on good road, and electric line. In the heart of "Hither Hood's" best. MT. HOOD LAND CO.. Main 3510. 7.11 Rnthchild bldg. ROOMING HOC8E. 10 rooms on Washington St.; rooms always rented, clearing $85 monthly. Price $550. $300 cash, rest us you make It. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. GENERAL auctioneer, 8. Maxuroosky, conducts auction sales anywhere, any kind of merchandise; good results. guar anteed. Merchandise broker.' 242 Burn- side at. Main 1590. MEN WANTEl-To prepare for rail way man exaini nations, commence ment salary 1800. Preparation free, Franklin Institute. Dept. 308L, Roches ter, JN. I . MEN WHO CAN 8 ELL Successful gilt- edge residence real estate proposition. t;au 10-12 a. m 332 Corfielt bldg. . WE aid our members to secure em ployment. Constant demand for young men of ability and Integrity. Special Kmnioroent Membership. ,Y. M. C. A. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOLS, SCRANTON, PA RKED & PIERCY. 311 McKay Bldg. Phone Marshall 697. WANTED Men for Railway telegraph service, good positions, day and even ing' classes, wireless practice. Oregon Collego, 3 atlv atvr nearOnk-. A NO. 1 good paying saloon business, with 2 year lease, with privilege .of 3 more; cheap rent; receipts dally average $75 to $S0; located in center of business district. 103 4th St. NINE room. sweP location, furnace beat, rent only $30; 3 coom suite rents for $2. having ;-ou i room home only $2 per month. $360; terms or trade. See owner. 8X 4 0th St. MOSIER HILLS. 33 acres, 16 acres bearing orchard, balance all good apple land, partially cleared, 6 acres get out to young trees: $I5.non down will handle this deal. Act quick If vou want It. MOSELEY FARRELL, 205 Couch bldg. 50 ACRES Hood River orchard and small fruit land, good house, barn and other buildings; '4 mile from railroad. Sandy loam and red shot land; 2 '4 ncrs of strawberries netted $"00 last year. This must he sold at once. Price $6000 Terms. Owner. 518 Ablngton Bldg. OIL CLAIMS -For sale, 8 oil claims in midst of Vale oil fields, cheap if taken at once. THE WORRELL-MVULLEY COMPANY 206 Henry Bldg.. Fourth andOak WANT partner with some cash In real estate; have good proposition to of fer in cheap lots of my own. Can make big returns. Writ- or call evenings. 495 Union, corner I von. FOR SA I.E Reasonable cash grocery nnd meat market doing good busl ness;i will hear investigation. .lame? Cunningham. Phone Tabor 205, Arleta, Or. Take Mt. Scott car. WANTED Men to buy $3.00 sample hats, now' $1.60. Low rent in base ment is the reason. Hats cleaned and rehlncked, 60c. The Hattery. 316 Alder. MOTION picture operators earn $86 weekly: learn business in short time; easy inside work; lessons reasonable. School 526 M Wash. St. LARGE howl of rice, 6c; coffee or co - coa with snails. 5c: beans. -6c: best bean soup, 6(4 clam chowder with crack ers, inc. nwi lllca Kttcnen. (IBH 4th t $5 PER 'MONTH Telegraphy taught 1n practical rorms. jy and evening sessions. Address or t Myeas, 3z 11th st., Portland. Main R5J2. SITUATION WANTEDMAX 3 . MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT ; .: BUREAU " . .!s" - 2T0 Madison, bet. 3d ai.d 4th. Home- A-5624 Phones Main 6. . We will supply you vflth any 'if'P. yo,'J ouvu. v i. r v ho want work: may meed on very slip. the following mala help S bakers. ' . . 12 bookkeepers. ' 14 carpenters. - p ...,.. .. 5 grocery clerks. , - , y 1 hardware clerk. , . '-, ,..,' 1 Keneral merchandise clerk. , . 3 hotel clerks. . 4 office clerka. 15 carpenters. II cooks, hotel restaurant and .camp, 11. engineers ' . ,. , , 6 firemen. , .: ... . . 1 electricians. 1 electrician's helper. 2 hotel runners. , S waiter. . ... ' - 2 kitchen helper. -V -machinists. . ' ft. na-lntera. , , v , S janitors. . teamstera,. , 1 plumber: 1 plumber'a helper". ; 2 pipe, fitters. . 2 pipe fitter's helpers. $ blacksmiths. , I, chalnmen. 2 rod men. 1 chemlat. 2 collectors. 2 chaffeura. 1 dredger man. 1 elevator operator. 1 ditch work foreman." 1 marine fireman. 2 garage men. 8 gardeners. . 2, harness makers. 1 hook tender and rigging rustler. 1 -nurse. ' 1 circular sawyer. 1 clothing salesman , - ," 1 sheet metal worker. 1 atone mason. . 1 surveyor. 1 atlckerman. 3 tallymen. 2 window washers. 8 cement finishers. -Common laborers, farm .. handa. mill hands, los-a-ers. concrete men. etc., can be fnrnlshed promptly at all. times, FURNISHED R0030 EAST SIDE : 52 NK?ELY furnished rooms ood home, for glrla or hian and wife. 300 B. tQlh at. Tabor 899. - ROOMS AND ROARD; 15 OOMFORTABLYT furnished front room for young gentlemen- private ' resi dence: home cooking: prices reasonable. o Kverett. Main 7I7Z. WELL furnished room, batli, light, mod em, private home,- with board. 66J Morrison- between 17th and Chapman, Main 6222. - ' '. TTofr1 Tr1-J?in "-31 HOOD iioici juano board and room. Reds $.l'per week; meal ticket $3.80. ROOM and board, clean tirlvate boaru- inr -.houae: , home cooking; $4.60 per week. 283 N. lth at. , 7S WEST mi NISHEI BtMS WITH HOARD. NICELY furnished front room, . well suited ,-for - gentlemen: - fine table hoard. 609 Morrison. A-7528. , LARGE ' front, room, suitable: for' two, with board; M block to tar. 630 E. !f 1 6 1 h 8. ' " ' 1 , -- " i , 1 - -WEKi J. furnished afront room, modern home, atrlrtly, home cooking; prico ' reasonable, 440 Jefferson, cor. 12th, FIRST class room, and board for gen lie : men; $6 80 per week. 653 AVaahst. MUNICIPAL T" 270 MADISON, BET. 8D AND 4TH MALE AND FEMALE HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR EMPLOYE MAIN 3565. A-6624 MAN, care sltion. rt'ARPENTERS to join, in taking con tract to op carpenter work on house. Phone B-2187, 6:30 p. m. CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali fornia Wle Depot. 285 Yamhill, next to journal. - WANTED Boys over 16 after school and Saturdays. 16 3d st. BARBER wanted; take Mt. Scott car to Lents. Water Tower Shop, HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED Young Indies for telegraph scrvic; good positions; individual and class Instructions, day and evening. Ore- gun College, 83 6th. near Oak. W A NTiSi T-tflrif or general housework; 3 in family; references required. Tele phone Main 4i0. WANTF7D Woman for general house work. Call at 561 Alberta st. Phone Wood lawn 2398. $100 cash puts you in posfteslon of 10 acres of fruit land; 3 miles from R. R. ; 5 per cent Interest on balance. Geo. j A. iiourn, own-r, ijanoe oiog. CIGAR STORE. One that is clearing $6 daily; has nev er sold for less than 300; free rent. Yours for SI 25 If taken today. Good I -a sc. Peters. J 5 N. 5th St.' FOR SATE ViVU established Cash meat market nt Woodstock; only one In neighborhood; come quick If you want a bargain. Next door to P. O. Phone Sellwcod 68. HOMESTEADS 47 8il ACHES. $7000. 80 acre farm, about fio acres cleared. 10 acres in hops and good hophouse, house, barn and other buildings; nice stream runs through place; good, heavy. rich soil and land lies beautifully; con venient to markets; 25 miles from Port land; electric road surveyed along line of place; the owji-r of tlm- tarni is not a "poor man wflo needs the money," but is a man who does not want to be bothered Willi farm property and -will let It go cheap; terms, one half cash, balance 6 per cent. MAGINNIS LAND .- 1 NVESTM ENT CO., :tlti-:ll7 Lewis bldg., 4th and oaK HOMESTEADS. ' We can locate you on 320 acres of rich1 (government land In southeastern Ore gon, in the section about to be opened up hy the Hill and Harrimann lines and affording the best oportunlty left in the U. S. to get a homestead. Our agent has been living in the neighbor hood of these claims for the past four years, and is well posted on conditions nnd knows 1ho country well. For fur ther particulars call at our office. THE HART LAND CO.. 146 Second St. CENTRAL Oren homesteads that vou don't have toYlve on, located in beau tiful valley; no stumps or nocks; plenty wnter and wood; schools, churches, stores, P. O. and 2 railroada now being completed; price $1.25 per acre. A woman, whether married or single, can take one of these 320 acre claims. Write for descriptive book. Central Oregon Development Co., box 614. Portland. Or., or call 22ft Al Ington bldg. FOR SALE Grocery and confectionery .for $D50; lease and cheap rent; good location, on carllne; doing $25 dally! must sell on account of other business. Owner. Ptmne East 554. RESTAURANT. , One that Is well worth $350; A-l lo cation. Your for $150, $40 down, $15 a month. Peters. 15 N. Rth St. THHKB homesteads adjoining, 2 ad Jolning fine land as there is in Tilla mook county. THREE homesteads adjoining, near town of 1500. High school and fine lo cation. We can locate you 1n Lincoln, Kla math, Malheur, Harney. Lcke and Cook counties. DAVIS A BUETKAMP. 510 DEKUM BLDG. NOW' FOR SALE z Interest in good paying business; season Just opening, at a bargain if taken soon. Phone A-2947 or Main 5216. CaM 211 4th. . WANTED Young man with $300 cash and services as paruier in god, prof liable business. Room 618 Swetland bldg. WliOD working plant for sale, good pay ing proposition; electric power; good lease; deal with owner. Call 441 Haw thorne ave. INTEREST In real estate business; clears more per month than price asked; must sell; only. $200. K-405, Journal. . opportunity to get I level prairie land. LIST your properly witn us for quick Bate. , Carter-Dugan Co. Dealers and Brokers in-Real Estate. 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Wanted to bu 5 or a room bouse. lot not less than 40x100, west of ;(Sth between Hawthorn- and I.urnside-m-ould like to turn in 6 room house and 1 lot 50x10" and pay difference. C. S. Johnson. Yal-e Laundry. WANTED To buy from oxvncr, modern 8 or 9 room house, corner, 1 or 2 lots, east side; Give location and price for cash: no agents. E-424, Journal. WANTED Real estate. Will" "pay cash if offered "cheap. Now is the tint.- lo sell. T. J. Leonard. 920 Board if Trade. Valley Farm 320 Acres All in 'cultivation, good buildings, plenty ui '' "' NOW s your best pari can oe .irt...... ,""'" , Hcr of BOOfi r tract Vf tfiis' a.Vcan lie found In I 'r 2L?W .?.L the valley. XVr.fnnnn he'flJrm"'0!! n"w -"I'"- r next party leaves Hi- place. Station on the taim. Has nere Kebruarv ''4 good count;- road. We are In a posl- ijim i.-,ii,--icv tru a t avi tui lion to offer you this place at a price HOMj5 ( ' ,-n.d on terms that will Indue" you to, .1 JNo u n Ut-ht. buy if you are looKing ror goon vauey ; " mv-u nun iu farm. I ! EL. REGISTER CO., 201-202 Gerllug-r bliig. FIRST '11 Ml-: OFFICRED. 6S acre dairy farm with 15 cows, sep araior oilier fixtures, near Wood land, for $r,(Miii ; some terms. 12o imti's eliolce liill a'ple land, 2 acres set to apples. 2 'a miles to R. K. and river; choice water: near school. Sell ur trad- at $;!!) per acre. Several choice 40 acre tracts from $2.' to $4.1 per acre; easy terms. Some fine irnnroved acre tracts. g. b. voo:ahidge, Woodland. Wash. FOR SALE FARMS i: i ml - 8 miles 'front Portland, portation scrvi-e: bet :uy ket today and eawy terms. Gorham-LVrrv Co. Marshall 499. SO? Lewis fair trans on the mar- Bldg. parties to locate on 320 acre home steads in Crook and Lake counties.' W leave here Feb. 26. It will pay you to be one of the party Locations on the coast $100. Nimmo & Runey, 13 Hamil ton bldg. 31 ROOM hotel, always full, clearing $150 month. Price $1600; half cash, balance easy payments or real estate. F-423, Journal. POOLROOM, with cigars, tobacco and confectionery for sale at a bargain; good trade and' cheap rent. J. H. Stone, 206 Alisky bldg. Phone A-7112. RESTAURANT The best paying on th p4., sacrificed; $100 will handle it 14 N. 6th. ; RESTAURANT at Couoh and 4th sts.. 270. for sale; all furniture new; price reasonable. Call any time. GIRL for family. Broadway car general lioHs-work; small 41 E. 8th.. N. East 4669. WANTED--Girl to do wcrk; small family. Phone East 1361. general house 156 Knott st. APPRENTICES Bright, Intelligent girls to learn dressmaking. Madame Julia, 205 Wclls-Fargq bldg. Also other help. many years' experience taking frees and shrubbery, wants po- J. W. Heckard. 618 Henry bldg. Phone -7077, or C-1174. YOUNG chauffeur would like position as driver: speaks Kngusn ana French : Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE L, ., f ,, ..... - -L - THE SUTHERLAND Newly furnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold wa ter, electric lights, gas range, frea ' hatha and phone. 16th or "W" carllne. corner 27th and Thurman. Phone A-4174. WELL furnished housekeeping room, 2 $8 month. 3 for $12:' furnished cot tage, $27.50; lower floor, 4 large rooms, $20. 364 26th North. "W." car from depot, 3d or Morrison to 26th, block north. -,.' . CLEAN neat connecting suite of house. keeping rooms; bath, running water, gaa; Drivate home. 402 4th, near Har- rleon at- -- ' SUITE of 2. rooms furnished for house. keeping: free phone, light, bath and water: walking dlBtauce. 611 Mi Gllsan, cor. ISth. NICELY . furnlaheiL.julte. tworoornar- gas. bath, nhonel no children. 300 6th, corner Columbia, 1 block from city hall. SUITE of two rooms, well furnished for hotisekeeninar. 13 75 ner week. Cal) 294 11th. cor. Columbia. steady young" man. - Q-424. MOVING picture operator; can get best results, tinderstanns the picture snow business thoroughly; must nave situa tion at once. D-426, Journal. ATTENTION Carpenter work neatly done, new or repair work my special ty. 906 Mallery ave. Phone C-1781. CARPENTER and builder; new or re pair work: day or contract Phone Wnoglawn 123. FOR excavating, lawn grading, lot clearing, plowing, etc. Phone Wood lawn 247. CARPENTER, experienced, wants work In town or out. L-422, Jdurnal. NURSES eo EXPERIENCED, nurse, all kinds of cases; maternity a specialty; refer ence. B-2S92. . v DRESSMAKING 40 WANTEI, Plain sewing or dressmak ing, bv the dap; satisfaction guaran teed: prices reasonable. Main 6425. TWO newly furnished Housekeeping rooms; free lights, bath and phone. Phone A-7336. Call at 427 Montgomery. THE COLLINS, 603 H Alder, neatly fur nished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; phone, bath, central location. '. 1 $4 Sherman, South Portland. $1.44 week up. large, clean, furnished houae keeping rooms; parlor, laundry, bath. ' NEWJY furnished housekeeping suit reasonable; free phone ajid bath. oofc wasnington sr.. near 18tn. TWO front housekeeping rooms, also dne single room for housekeeping, hath, gas and phone- $Jff Clay. CAMBRIDGE huifdln'g. and Morrison St., furnished for housekeeping; very desirable. Apply room 36. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and en suite; steam heated; walking distance. The Newcastle, 8d and Harrison. $2.75 front room, suite for housekeep Ing, also large room for two, 12 week. 245 H N. 17th. Lm. TWO large rooms furnished complete for housekeeping, $13 per month. 324 4th st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms cheap. 414 6th st. A-1522. 3ia 14th,. corner Clay, large, light, con- venieni i room suite. DRESSMAKING and family sewing at home. Tahor 899. 300 E-. 5Qtn at. FIVE girls wanted; experienced band3, for Oregon Paper Box factory. 93 Front st WANTED Lady capable of managing a department of a good paying prop osition. 623 Board of Trade. WANTED Lady cook, one that Is irulck and thoroughly experienced in restaurant work. Call 162 Grand ave. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale houae, must be first class; state age, expe rience, references. G-428, Journal. TEACHERS for mission school. Apply 206K Second St.. at 7 o'clock n. in. WANTED Girt tfor general housework. Apply mprnuigs. i tog nurman; MAID and waitress ..wanted.. Phone Mllwaukle Red .430; , ''-' k1 (it '. GIRL' or woman oasstst wHl-ligKt nousework. IZ19 E. Lincoln.. . WANTED AGENTS Salem. Or. 11 ELI WANTED MALE AND FEMALE SO EQUITIES in several real estate titles; 15 minute car service; locatTons for sale from $50 to $1"0 11-420, Journal. WOOD and coal business,,, for sale, half interest for $450. Standard Invest ment Co.. 225 5th t. 1 HAVE $1500 to invest 10,000 POSITIONS For graduates last year; men. and wo men learn barber trade In 8 weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn $15 to $26 t cekly: expert instructor; tools free; wrjto for catalog. Moler System Of Colleges. 86 N. 4th st. Portland. WANTED -A working partner with $50; Investigation will convince. Phone East 1040. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 53 PLAIN sowing, children's clothes, under wear, price reasonanie. i nn m. i"o. SHIRTWAISTS $1. skirts $2.50, Prin- cess $5 nnd up. Main 87 0. lay. DRESSMAKING . East 1371. $2 per Phone MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms; light. gag; m operate, itn s planners. A-4J70. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, 340 H Front at, cheap rent, brick b 1 d g. F.OR RENT Light, clean housekeeping rooms. 268 Jefferson, near city hall. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 40 FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE ELEGANTLY furnished large room suit able for one or two gentlemen, every convenience, furnace heat, electric light, private bath and telephone, 15 minutes' walk. 60 King st, y block north of Washington, NEATLY furnished front alcove room with piano, $5.50 per week; also large front room suitable for 2 or more if de sired, $4.25 per week; bath, phono and heat. .226 12th near Salmon. AUDITORIUM HOTEL. 208 3d, near Taylor; clean, warm rooms; $3.60 week up; 75c day up; transient solicited; convenient and com lortablo. - . SALESMEN ' wanted to take our cash weekly' selling choice nursery stock. J Outfit free. Capital City. Nursery COiiLARGE newlyfumisiea front room. " THE GARLAND. ' 621 Washington St. Nice, sunny housekeeping suites, also three unfurnished rooms, some single rooms. Free phone, baths, steam neat. FOUR rooms for rent, $10; furniture complete, gas ranje, heater, fixtures, etc., for sale. $35; fine chance for 2 or 3 men to batch; 3 blocks from east end steel bridge, - 283 Benton. ' ' CONNECTING housekeeping suites, pantry, sink, hot, cold water, .gas stove, furnace heat, use of launory, bath, front and back porch. Phone East 1390. . $1.26 to $2.00 week, clean furnished housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, heat 406 Vancouver ave. Phone East 6039. FURNISHED two room suits, with ruh- iilng water, gas, phone and bath. $3.00 to $3.50 4er week. 38244 Hawthorne ave. Phone B 1196. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, phone; reasonabla rent. 361 Williams ave., corner Broad modern! hath and toilet, walking dis tance, $4 per week. Home Phone A-733. br call at 427 Montgomery st. KEEPING ROOM with kitchen privi leges; also single room for gentlemen; clean quiet, modern residence. 628 Mor rison, near 16th. FINELY furnished roont. private fam ily, exclusive neighborhood; all con veniences; reasonable rates. 46 N. 21st St., off Washington. NICE, cozy, . comfortably furnished rwmr"Strtcttv private home; fte-w furnisbings: every convenience. 646 lamhill, near 17th. business that will tlon. A-438, Journal. in stand any good investiga- HOMES TEAD relinquishment. Clatsop county, on good road, near railroad survey and postoffice; easily cleared, good soil, 80 acres can be cultivated, good grass land; $250 If taken this week. J. 1). Hayes & Co., 302 Swetland bldg. Alain 3960. WE ARE prepared- to locate vou on the best homesteads arid desert lands in crook county. Address Box Prlneville, . Or. A PARTNER wanted; $150 required: light work; good money- for right party. C-436, Journal. PARTNER In good paying business In fine town near Portland; sma'l capi tal and services. Call 328 Grant st. FOR SALE, cheap, account sickness, st.. Or-gon City, Or. snooting gallery, Inquire 419 Main FOR RENT Barber shop, In suburb, new tubs, heater, etc. 803 Rothchild 34, j hldg. . , ' . I'oRTLANO Trust company bank; 3 per C. R. Hansen & Co. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 26 N. 2d st.,- Portland. Ladies' department, 7th ard Wa8h. eta. upstairs, Portland. 424 Front ave.; Spokane. 87-89 4th st.. 8an Francisco. Established 1876. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, stenmheated rooms, electric lights, newly renovated, $2.50 week up; tran- slents 50c' to $1. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, all or part of weli furnished 7 room flat. Call at '269 Columbia st HANLEY & TAPLEY EMPLOYMENT CO.. headquarters for R. R. work. 28 N. 2d st . SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 45 acres. 12 acres in cultivation, bal ance mosi ali slasi'.td and seeded to rass. all good soil, good 0' room house, fan- barn and ,all good outbuildings, family orchard, good spring and living water, R. F. !'. phone In .house, cream route., mar school, only 4 miles from town. .Price $3250. Terms. Call on or write FOR SALE TIMBER 28 $$$ READ THE ADS .-$"$$ Can you find anything as good as this' S95,Ht-res. al! but 3 a n-s in cultivation, good house, barns and 1,1 miles from Salem, on good county rond; price $130 per acre. We uiil consider f platting and handling ti ls and if de- ! j;lret may put sonic luo.-i-y n- nuhl buver. j MAGINNISt LAND & INVFST.MHNT CO., ' 316-.117 Lewis bldg.. Itn and Dak. SCLI-.aDID M"i a, .- ca'ed. exchange fo stocked; valued- to $i' difference. C ,L- BAMBERGER. Mr. In 51 6ft8 'ha'rnber of Coicuu re FOR SALE--10 H'-i'-s, 4 mi R.; ' read i- to be plowi Bt $1200. i.i. v. ' i Kl LJl,r. 1 i 617 Main st. Oregon City, Or. 8500 ACRES In Dortglas, cruising 35,0fln per acre good timber. Price $20 per acre. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Building. 2000 cords wood. $1000; on Mt. Scott, I mile frcm O. W. P. Boggess, room 6, 22 1 Morrison St. cent Inter.egt paid on counts. .3d and Oak sts. savings ac- FOR SALE Restaurant on Sixth Bt., living rooms In connection, part cash. A. R. Hitter, 226 Lumber Exchange bldg. S." 0 Electric vacuum carpet cleaner, cheap for cash, goad as new. Call 280', Grand av ROOMING' HOUSES FOK ."ALE 63 talHI, well i. dairv farm Oiai. will pay I. fiom H. bargain d; Real Bargains Well Improved farm near lone; 1 r0 acres, house, barn, etc.; $2500; half cash. 24" acres, :in mihs from Portland, all iicd-r hleii slate of cultivation and on "i-etiie and swam lines; $125 per acre; terms'. S-e aioiit ibis. URO.MLEY-CONSTANS REALTY CO.. ::2 9 H-nry lildg. -CHAIR Barher Shop for sale. 700 wiinams ave:, east side, Portland,-Or. PORTLAND Trust Company bank; small check accounts received. 3d and Oak. 10C? business oeras $2; 500. $1.26: 200, 76c. Rose City Printery. 192 3d at HELP WANTED MA LE Xcwberg Is- this oportunity to littl- counirv home; onlv Ney, b-i g On West Side HOUSE. 14 ROOMS. One of the swellept places on west side, wi h furnace and n fireplaces, 5 'WANTED Cigar .Salesman ; experienced , toilets 2 private baths 2 publ c; baths. ma f preferred iood pay. Apply TuA witb law-n L.Ox.'iOO. with all kinds ofjdav 7a. m. rtoom .TO? Commercial blk ; trees and hedge runs around place, all ... . , , -ti Tt ; J r: j attended to bv owner; $3500 worth of I Gentleman capable of tnan- j furniture, bought 6 months ago; bil- aging a department of good paying ' liard room In basement and roomys f tn. 1 prop'.sj t ion. 623 Board of Trade. I ished off for help; will clear $3,10 per I WA - TEli Bench hand -on bread. Ao- I li run n ca-oll hnar,lln 1 .l nlv 1 l," Millar W sMnntnH 1 ... it- i rl ba : I!:. Roi i inontli; run as swell boarding house; I lease $(!;. per month, 3. years lease get a nice , w'orth 's price asked; everything com i mile from 1 nii.(c vixrio cash or isi-.nn i,r,na i ... in ...t- ,11 ,- an.. ...i ' . ..,..... " iimiiiiuii,.1(lc snow you. hi bearing fruits; good house., GEORGE N. KOKLES doZ, $3V00; n ' "chickens go with terms. This is a 338 Chamber FARMS. IN $26 per ! 'oiiim-rcc. POLK COUNTY. I'T? atnl up. lien K. HILL'. " bldg.. I'ortland. j 310 oak St. I ROOMING houses $500 up, terms. Gro I eery stores $600 to $2500. Houses and ! lots, fine ones. some. Samuel W. Moore, i.umoer r.xcnange, southeast cor 2d and Stark. nlv fore.. 7 .1. E. Miller, 360 Washington, be- VV'AN'IKD A small room furnished for natcjiing. in a respectable home. Ad dress C. 11. Oyler. City. General Deliverv MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 270 Madison, Bet. Third and B'curth. Home A-5624 Phones Main S555. We, will supply you yith any "nelp you may need on very short notice. We have the following want work: 4 chambermaiu's. 2 waitresses. 6 camp cooks. 19 women for -lay 2 housekeepers. 6 nurses. 2 nurse girls. 4 cashiers: . 3 office girls. clerks. 3 bookkeepers. s 3 stenographers. 2 seamstresses. 4 exchange operators. 2 Janltresses. 1 camp helper. fomale help tho wort. THE Temple, 343K Yamhill St.; oppo aite Hotel Portland; furnished rooms, 2 a weeK up.- transieni. NICELY- furnished houMckeeiiing rooms; mnrlorn nnnvntiiunt' r. r ( ti f q fatnjlv . ... V ...... ... , ,'...uvu AU.l... , no'chlldrcli. 658 Williams ave. TWO . nicely .furnished housekeeping rooms; water, gas,- wood?' phone, 69 E. 30th N. Phone East 4056. HOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTI AND. only: $3. $8 day. European plan BELVEDERE. European 4th and Alder. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 WHEN you more youH neei new fur nlture. Buy judiciously and your sav- mgs wiiuexceea moving expenses. . S3 winceAi.i:uii iiiu.jiiA cxpctiBca. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses In tha city in less than two year. Lookers shown si me courtesy as buy ers. MORO-AN-ATCHLBY FURNITURE CO.. Grand ave.. cor. E. Stark at East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars pass cut door. NICE, bright front room, comfortably furnished, furnace heat, desirable for two. 448 Taylor, near 12th. Main 7461. WANTED A small room furnished lor batching, in a respectable home. Ad dressC, H. Oyler, City, General Delivery ' 608 ALDER ST. " ' ' ..Well furnished Bleeping room, mod ern, weu neaieq. Jient; per morion rdirnvirren iMiAfRi!M 'lfr ath st. rooms WW U lU llUeWIKI P P" week. Free phone and hath. Main 7764. LARGE front room with alcove, suitable for 2 or more; 10 mlnutea from post office. Main 1762. - 455 6th. NICELY furnished rootrfs. bath, hot and cold water, gas ana electric ngnis. 208 South 17th st. Tel. Main 7923, THE BUTLER Nicely furnished rooms, centrally located, very 409 Wash. low rates. LADY capable of taking full charge, wishes position as housekeeper in widower's family, with elderly couple, or care for invalid; good cook; careful manager; reference. D-452, Journal. PUPILS to coaeh in grade work or ap plicants to prepare for teachers' ex amination. by teacher of long experi ence in Portland public schools. East 2669. ,- CARTER-Dl GAN CO 82ft Chamber of Commerce. fTiTii cash biiv iV"acri7;rof giill -7 Innd. Mist be sold before the DO Yiif WANT A FA RM ? I ill or send f..r trie new- lil- It la n V peg- pitmphl-l. giving description -r. room ann noaroing riat gen V arrsiitv Ijiud Co 'mi ng location. pric and terms of more ;;ne Unrams than can be shown bv anv other d tl-r: fruit, dairy ami erain farm's strictlv mooern. nest lorailoij, U minutes walk. Profit and living expenses Own er. I'ustoffice "Box 15S. ., Mr, l,i n-ior? ibVn1" V" w"a,T,pne vanry' sU,ck an1 n 'TEN room boanrlng houae. doit ;.. 4 i iIbu i 1!' Iff d .a.,eb. s !.; -as.-rn Oregon. W. J. Smith. bl.sitiess; rent only $25; k bar, .., 4.0 fcweiland liKls. i4j,s Uuimlier of t ommerce. Portland, Or. H. Stone, 206 Alisky bldg. Phone ing good gain. j. A-7112. GOOD .honest man. ood habits, clean ing, scrubbing, wash windows, tend furnace, good janitor.. A-6413. Fl RST CLASS shoemaker wanted, steady Job for-good man. 269 YamhllL WANTED have their 222 2d st. shoes Men to half soled for 50c. WANTED Boys over 16 With or with out wheels. 76 3d St. WANTED Fi is t class toolmaker. plv 84 N. 2d st. Ap- AVANTKD First r la ss job polisher and buffer. Oregon Brass Works-.. , LADY, from the east wishes position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor, bent of reference exchanged. - Call or write toiQ-426: Journal. ' $207 room Jiouse. ail modern con veniences, porcelain plumbing, good neighborhood. 861 Front St., South Portland. Main OS323. FIVE room modern cottage quarter block of ground, bath and electric light; one block from car. Apply agent Anabel station. NEW 5 room bunealow near carllne. In Irvlngton Park; rent $15. BALL & SMITH. Main 2726. 431 Lumber Exchange. FOR RENT Modern 7 toora house; sightly; 21st and Ellsworth sts.; one block from Richmond car. Inquire next door. 927 Ellsworth. FOR RENT House, stable, chicken house, 3 lots. R. A. Taylor, S. 49th and Hawthorne. B-1616. HOUSES for rent all parts of city; all sizes.1 Goddarrt Co., 616 Board of Trade. Main 4657. Independent Laundry Co. PHONE MAIN 6123. A-1023. NICELY furnished 8 room house with piano; modern, close In, east sld, fine district. Hall, 380 Front st. M. 2208. FURNISHED ' rooms, all conveniences, 634 ' Flanders, 2 blocks north of Washington. : SlCELY furnished room for one or two FOR - RENT Modern, new house,, 7 - rooms, loiiet ana Dam, ii montn. 615 Syencer St., Montavllla. '" ladlee, modern; private home, reason able. 333 Market st. CLEAN sunny room, bath, gas and phone; pice private home every con- venlence. $2.69 per week. 808 Mill. WARM comfortable room, clean and homelike.- 806 12th st. Phone A-3946. 423 Montgomery, eorner 11th, 3 room furnished apartment. ,' - $TAND $9, modem,. Main 228. 428 2nd, near Hall. ROOM with use of kitchenette and sit ting room, $10. Close In. A-7245. , xONlf 6 room, flat. In good order.-$15; 1 7 room house plenty fruit and barn. tits, yjfa .Mississippi ave. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, A ... II. I .1 1 u , ! n a tOK I I t-r ,i w irvi lie. ' . , , " - ili u n t. euti JL . , Tayror. B-2436. NEW 7 room modern, $16, phone Wocdlawn- 285. Owner, $10 BARN for A-4456. rent. 629 E. 15th at. S. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, cashier, fa miliar with wholesale and retail, wants position; beat city references. A-427, Journal. - EXPERIENCED, piano teaoher gives lessons, 60 cents; speciat attention beginners; references. Main 5415, FOUR room furnished apartment; King HH1 apartments. Jppiy janitor. 2 N. 17th Pleasant room, running wa ' ter, $3 per week. ' FURNISHED RdOM EAST SIDE NEW 6 room cottage, bath, shades, elec tric, lights, $16. Phone Sellwood 1335. 32 , FURNITURE FOR SALE S3 FURNITURE of S room modern home, ?ood ooiiditlorr, cheap rent, clearing ; $4'60; winter's wood included. - 402 4th at.- YOUNG Norwegian girl 16 wishes to do general housew'ork in private family. Call at 80 E. 28th at N. Jvft'SERVATORY graduate gives two piano lessons for-76 cents. Main 4521. CADY wants day work, East iZ1, $10 for a fine room. heat, electric light bath nhnlm. 101 U. Kl JQtta Wut years old j 4566..,.., - Morrison at.; nicely furnished 461 E. sleeping room;, light; baths. $2 a week. Electric THE GAYOSA. J92 E. .Stark, cor. Grand. East465. FURNITURE of 8 room house, fine con dition, rent $27.60; must sell quick; von can biiv this cheap. 175 17th st 1 FURNITURE of 12 room house at bar- gain; am anxious to sen. call 106 E. 6th at. y FURNITURE of. a 17 room roemipg houae for sale; good location., Ichg lease, all full; rent only $65. Call B-1395. s urn, ,4 " C " . A: ; i